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Academic year: 2017



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By: Evi Sriwahyuni ID. Number 409312006

Bilingual Mathematics Education Program


Submitted to Eligible to Get Sarjana Pendidikan Degree






Give thanks to God should give me more spirit to finish my thesis. The

title of this thesis is “Implementation of Group Investigation (GI) to Know the

Student Achievement in Factorization Algebraic Topic in Grade VIII in the Year

2013/2014 “ . This thesis was arranged to satisfy the requirement to get the

Sarjana Pendidikan of Mathematics and Science Faculty in State University of


Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar, MS as head of State University of Medan and his

staff, Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc as dean of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Faculty, Drs. Syafari, M.pd for a Leader of Mathematics Department, Drs. Zul

Amry, M.Si for a Leader of mathematics education study program, Drs. Yasifati

Hia, M. Si to a secretary of Mathematics Department and then Prof. Dr. rer. Nat.

Binari Manurung, M.Pd as coordinator of Bilingual Program.

Special thanks to Drs. Yasifati Hia, M.Si because he always guide me in

preparing, doing, and finishing this thesis, and then thanks a lot for Dr. E. Elvis

Napitupulu, Ms, Prof. Dr. Mukhtar, M.Pd, Dr. Edi Syahputra, M.Pd, who’s the

personsible for my thesis.

Special thanks to my lovely father Lirman Sitorus and my lovely mother

Sabariah br. Siagian, who give me some motivation, pray and my needs until I can

finish this thesis. And then, thank you so much also to my lovely sisters, Rah

Maya Sari Sitorus, Siti Khairani Sitorus, Ayu Azhari Sitorus, my lovely brother,

Saiful Azhar Sitorus and Ridho Hamdani Sitorus. And then, thank you so much

also to my Aunt and Ucle, Arfan Rangkuti and Leny Nurminah br. Siagian.

Writer say thank to Drs. Ahmadi as the headmaster of MTs. Islamiyah

Londut and Mrs. Hernawati S.Pd for Mathematics teacher who help the writer in

the research activities.

Writer also say thank you so much for all my lovely friends in Bilingual

Class Mathematics Education 2009 (Enny Fiana (mentel), Iwan Prakasa

(muncung), Faradilla Bafaqih (Behel), Rizky Khusnaini (kicot), Rini Prautami


Qoriyanti, Siti Zulayfah (babo), Iin Suhartini, Nurhabibah Nst, Joy Juli G. S,

Widia Shopa, Dini Rahmadani, and Retni Triandini). Thank you so much, I love

you all. And for friends writer say thank to Roy Frans Saraan, Lasni Riama

Kristanti S.Pd, Desi Wahyuni and my kost friends, Etty rahmadani Panjaitan,

Andriani rahayu, kak Eviana, kak Leny, dek Ery, who always give motivation,

support and prayers to the writer.

Considering that this thesis has so many weaknesses, the writer needs

some suggestions to make it this thesis be better. The writer wishes that this thesis

can improve our knowledge.

Medan, 27 January 2014








YEAR 2013/2014

Evi Sriwahyuni (ID. 409312006)


This research aims to know the student achievement and response student in grade VIII by implementing Group Investigation (GI) in factorization algebraic topic. achievement test, observation sheet of teacher activity, questionnaire and documentation.




Table 3.1. Guideline of Class Score Average 40

Table 3.2. Score in Scale Five 40

Table 3.3. Criteria of Student’s responses 41 Table 4.1. Different of Actions in Cycle I and Cycle II 54

Table 4.2. Average of Class Score and Percentage 57

Table 4.3. Description of Mastery Level of Student in Diagnostic Test 58

Table 4.4. The average of score of Grade VIII-1 of cycle I 59

Table 4.5. Description of Mastery Level Student Outcome in Cycle I 59

Table 4.6. Percentage of Complete Student in Cycle I 60

Table 4.7. The average of score of Grade X-5 of Cycle II 61

Table 4.8. Description of Mastery Level Student Outcome in Cycle II 62

Table 4.9. Percentage of Complete Student in Cycle II 63

Table 4.10. Description of Teacher Ability in Cycle I 64

Table 4.11. Description of Teacher Ability in Cycle II 65

Table 4.12. Result of Student Response Questionnaire in Cycle I 67

Table 4.13. Student Response for each Indicator in Cycle I 68

Table 4.14. Result of Student Response Questionnaire in Cycle II 69

Table 4.15. Student Response for each Indicator in Cycle II 71





Figure 3.1. CAR Design 34

Figure 4.1. Student Mistake in SOT I item 1 48

Figure 4.2. Student Mistake in SOT I item 3 48

Figure 4.3. Student Mistake in SOT I item 2 49

Figure 4.4. Student Mistake in SOT I item 4 49

Figure 4.5. Student Mistake in SOT II item 5 50

Figure 4.6. Mastery Level of Diagnostic Test 50

Figure 4.7. Mastery Level of SAT of Cycle I 60

Figure 4.8. Percentage of Completeness of SAT in Cycle I 61

Figure 4.9. Mastery Level of SAT of Cycle II 62

Figure 4.10. Percentage of Completeness of SAT in Cycle II 63





Appendix 1. Lesson Plan 1 80

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan 2 87

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan 3 95

Appendix 4. Lesson Plan 4 102

Appendix 5.Student Activity Sheet-01 110

Appendix 6. Student Activity Sheet-02 115

Appendix 7. Student Activity Sheet-03 122

Appendix 8. Student Activity Sheet-04 127

Appendix 9. Diagnostic Test 132

Appendix 10.Student Outcome Test–I 133

Appendix 11. Student Outcome Test-II 134

Appendix 12. Blue Print of Diagnostic Test 135

Appendix 13. Blue Print of Student Outcome Test –I 136

Appendix 14. Blue Print of Student Outcome Test-II 137

Appendix 15. Solution Alternative of Diagnostic Test 138

Appendix 16. Solution Alternative of Student Outcome Test –I 141

Appendix 17. Solution Alternative of Student Outcome Test – II 143

Appendix 18. The Result of Diagnostic Test 147

Appendix 19. Result of Student Outcome in Cycle I 148

Appendix 20. Result of Student Outcome in Cycle II 149

Appendix 21. Blue Print of Student Response 150

Appendix 22. Questionnaire of Student Response 151

Appendix 23. Tabulation of Student Response of Questionnairein Cycle I 153

Appendix 24. Tabulation of Student Response of Questionnairein Cycle II 155


Appendix 26. Observation Sheet of Teacher Activity Meeting II 158

Appendix 27. Observation Sheet of Teacher Activity Meeting III 159

Appendix 28. Observation Sheet of Teacher Activity Meeting IV 160

Appendix 29. The Sheet Validation of Diagnostic Test 161

Appendix 30. The Sheet Validation of SOT-I 164

Appendix 31. The Sheet Validation of SOT-II 167

Appendix 32. Observation Result of Teacher Activity 170

Appendix 33. Scoring Rubric 171

Appendix 34. Name List of Research Subject 172

Appendix 35. List of Interview Question with Teacher 173




1.1. Background

One of the objectives of national development in the field of education is

the intellectual life of the nation and improves the quality of the Indonesian

people. Through improving the quality of education at all levels of education,

which allows citizens to develop themselves as whole Indonesian people. To

realize the national development in the field of education needed improvement

and improvement of education in accordance with the development of science and


Mathematics is universal science that underlies the development of

modern technology, has an important role in various disciplines and develops the

power of human thought. Mathematics is a major part of the elementary school

curriculum. The actual selesction of what mathematics to teach is likely to be

among your first major tasks (Ashlock, et al, 1983:22). Therefore, mathematics

courses should be given to all students start from primary education to higher

education to equip learners with the ability to think logically, analytical,

systematic, critical, and creative as well as the ability to work together to survive

in a state of ever-changing, uncertain, and competitively. And in this case the

government through the Department of Education continues to develop the

learning of mathematics in the school system through the development and reform

the learning of mathematics curriculum.

To realize this fact, required a high level of capability that is logical

thinking, creative and proactive collaboration capabilities. This way of thinking

can be developed through the study of mathematics. One subject that cut across all

the sciences is mathematics. Today, mathematical methods pervade literally every

field of human endeavour and play a fundamental role in economic development

of a country. In our match towards scientific and technological advancement, we


Unfortunately performance of students in mathematics at the end of secondary

education has not improved in the past decade (Umoinyang in Tella, 2007). As

stated by Sudrajat in the seminar of the role of mathematics in the development of

science and technology that mathematics is a basic science that is needed for the

foundation for modern technology and science. In addition, mathematics provides

the high skills on a person in terms of abstraction, problem analysis and logical

reasoning. This shows that math is needed also by other disciplines due to develop

the science of mathematics that is needed as the foundation. Given the importance

of the science of mathematics, it is expected that students can learn the science

well. By mastering mathematics, the students will also be easier to learn other

subjects especially in science and engineering.

Science education had emphasized the importance of mathematics in

science teaching and learning (Iroegbu, (1997). Abdullahi (1982) said, concerning

science and mathematics. Although mathematics and science are taught as

separate subjects in schools from instructional point of view, science activity in

the classroom has mathematical implications as working mathematical problems

has scientific imports (Adesoji & Ibraheem, 2009:15).

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that uses mathematical statements to

describe relationships between things that vary over time. These variables include

things like the relationship between supply of an object and its price. When we

use a mathematical statement to describe a relationship, we often use letters to

represent the quantity that varies, since it is not a fixed amount. These letters and

symbols are referred to as variables (MerriamWebster, 2002).

And the other definition of algebra namely algebra is a generalized form of

arithmetic, and for the purpose of generalization of arithmetic, letters and signs

are used. No doubt, the use of letters and signs that make an abstract subject.

Because of the nature of generalization and abstraction, algebra is considered to

be the mathematics subjects which is difficult to understand. Factorisation is the

process of using the distributive law to reverse the process of multiplying out



According to Gomez-Chacon (in Ignacio, et al, 2006:18) that:

“one of the variables with most influence on mathematics teaching and learning, related to the pupils' attitudes, their perspective on the world of mathematics, and their social identity. The most important elements of this construct are their subjective knowledge and emotions relative to the following aspects: interest in mathematics, efficiency in performing”

Quality of Indonesian mathematics education has not achieved the

expected results. So it is not surprising that mathematics achievement needs to get

the attention of various parties. Besides the student learning outcomes in mathematics are less exciting as stated by Suharyanto (2006), “math is still the main cause of students not graduating UAN. Of the participants who did not pass,

as much as 24.44% fall in the subjects of mathematics ".

Mathematicians from the Technology Institute of Bandung, Iwan

Pranoto, in a roundtable discussion organized Indonesian Teachers Association

states that, mathematical illiteracy condition has not changed even since 2003. For

seven years, from the scale of 6, Indonesian students' math skills are only at

level-2. Another study from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)

in 2010 showed a similar condition. The position of Indonesia was ranked third

from the bottom, better than Kyrgyzstan and Panama. However, Iwan explained

that it is not to worry about the position, but two other important facts. First, the

percentage of students in Indonesia are below the level of two very large (76.6 %),

and the percentage of students who are at level five and six are statistically

nothing. According to the definition of math proficiency level of the Organization

for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), student below the level

two will not be able to be function effectively in 21st century life (Nadia, 2011).

One cause of low mathematics learning outcomes this is because many

students who consider mathematics as a difficult subject to learn. From the

various fields of study that are taught in school, mathematics is a field of study

that is considered the most difficult by the students. Often, students with

mathematics learning difficulties due to their repeated experience of failure are

those who present the most maladapted attributional patterns. Doubting their own


their failures to their lack of ability. They also show low expectations of success,

and give up easily in the face of difficulties. When they are successful, they

attribute it to the easiness of the problem, to help from the teacher or their

classmates, or to luck. Continued failures are seen as confirmation of their low

level of ability. Their negative beliefs about themselves as learners prevent them

from improving their mathematics performance, since they believe that it is

beyond their possibilitiesto do well (Chapman in Ignacio, 2006:18)

One of the mathematical materials that considered difficult by students is

algebra that is taught of grade VIII. Based curriculum, intended target after

completion the learning process is students can completing a matter of algebra in

junior MTs Islamiyah, by giving 5 items to students, as analyzed by many

students that cannot be solve the problems algebra properly.

Thus, to achieve better learning outcome in the learning process to

choose appropriate teaching can help students gain information, ideas, skills,

values, ways of thinking and can make students participate in the learning process.

One solution is to implement cooperative learning model. There are several types

of cooperative learning model that can be developed in mathematics; one of them

is a cooperative learning model Group Investigation (GI). Group investigation is

cooperative learning strategies that put the students into groups to investigate a

topic. From these statements it can be concluded that the GI method has a major

focus for the investigation of a topic or a specific object (Eggen & Kauchak,


A much more effective form of cooperative learning that uses task

specialization is group investigation (Sharan & Sachan). In which students take on

subtasks within an overall group task. In contrast to jigsaw. Group investigation bases individuals evaluations on the group’s product or report, so this method may in actuality be an in stance of group goals and individual accountability (Slavin,


As stated Shran and Sharan (1989:17) the group investigation is as



“In group investigation, student take an active part in planning what they wiil study and how. They form cooperative groups according to common interest in a topic. All group members help plan how to research their topic. Then they divide the work among themselves, and each group member carries out his or her part of the investigation. Finally, the group synthesizes and summarizes its work and presents these finding to the class.”

As stated by Arends (2007:353) states that:

“Group investigation is perhaps the most complex of the cooperative learning approaches and the most difficult to implement. In contrast to STAD and Jigsaw, the GI approach involves students in planning both the topics for study and the ways to proceed with their investigation. This requires more sophisticated classroom norms and structures than do approaches that are more teacher-centered”.

Meanwhile, the main problem in learning in formal education (school)

today is the low absorptive capacity of learners. This is evident from the study of

students that is always very alarming. This is based on the interest and willingness

of students who lack in math. The definition of interest is the tendency of a person

to an object or something popular activity, which is accompanied by feelings of

pleasure, lack of attention, and the activity of doing. From this definition, we can

say that without any interest in math then it could not have liked math students, can’t be addressed by the student and no student activity therein. Besides interest, willingness also is the basic thing that is needed for students to learn because with

the willingness of students to learn without perforce from others that means that

he/she can learn from his own willingness. Student learning environments also

affect student learning outcomes. The learning environment is very important,


Effective learning begins from the student-centered learning.

Teaching should focus on how students use their new knowledge.

Learning strategies is more important than the result.

Feedback is very important for the students, who come from the


Develop a learning community in the form of group work is

Based on the analysis of research about the low of learning outcomes of

students due to the dominance of conventional learning process. In the

conventional learning environment tends to teacher-centered classroom so that

students become passive. In this case, students are not taught learning strategies to

understand how to learn think and motivate yourself (self-motivation), but these

aspects are key to success in a lesson. This problem is often found in the teaching

and learning activities in the classroom. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a

learning strategy that can help students to understand the teaching materials and

applications as well as its relevance in everyday life.

Based on the interview (September 3, 2013) with the mathematics teacher

in MTs. Islamiyah, Mrs. Hernawati, said that:

“Students are difficult to study mathematics and one of the topics that they can’t understand is factorization algebraic. Students think that algebraic factorization has many formula and they are difficult to remember and to apply that formula in the algebra problem. In learning process, the student also inactive to ask or answer the question from the teacher. The evident, in daily examination of algebra, all of students can’t reach the standard value and all the value is very concern, so the student achievement in the topic of algebraic factorization is low”.

From the some descriptions above researcher can conclude that many of

students are not able to understand the subject matter well. This can happen due to

lack of student interest in learning so that every student learning seems less active

and saturated in learning. In addition to the student, activity that is still lacking in

learning, things that affect students' learning is their ability in terms of completing

the given problem.

From the results of diagnostic test that is conducted, the researchers



questions. The result of survey that conducted by researcher (September 9, 2013)

by conducting diagnostic test to the students of grade VIII of MTs Islamiyah in

topic of algebraic factorization. From 32 students who take the test, the average

of test is 65.23 or in very low level. Total of students who complete in student

achievement is 12 students (37.5%) and the incomplete students in student

achievement is 20 student (62.5%). From the data, it can be concluded that student

achievement in the topic of algebraic factorization is low.

Seeing this situation, it should be the task of the teacher is not only

teaching science alone, but also plays a role in terms of helping students in each

solve existing problems. Teachers are also expected to master math learning

concepts well and able to think critically in terms of finding the solution of

problem. In this case, the teacher has the task of trying to improve the ability of

students to understand the material so well that with it, the results can also be

improved student learning. In addition to learning outcomes, things that should be

considered by the teacher are the activity of the students. Students are expected to

be more active in the learning process so that there is good feedback between

teachers and students so that students can be more interested in learning math

One way to enhance student learning outcomes is the adoption of

cooperative learning model. Learning is using small groups so that students work

together to achieve learning objectives. Students in cooperative learning group

discussions, help each other and work together to overcome learning problems.

Cooperative learning consists of several types that have the advantages of each.

One of them is the strategy of Group Investigation (GI). GI strategy is the learning

of investigation student work freely, individual or group. Teacher only acts as a

motivator and facilitator that given a boost to students to be able to express or

pouring of thoughts a new situation, so that with learning is expected to attract

more students, so that students can understand math concepts was learned and

ultimately improve comprehension and learning outcomes students. Thus,

students can be more active in following and learning can improve student


Based on explanation above, then research in interested to conduct a

research entitle “Implementation of Group Investigation (GI) To Know The

Student Achievement in Factorization Algebraic Topic in Grade VIII in the

Year 2013/2014”.

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background above, some problems can be identified as


1. Mathematics students outcome are still low.

2. Mathematics is a field of study that is considered difficult by students.

3. Students still dominant passive and tend to only receive information from

the teacher

4. The use of learning model that is chosen by teacher irrelevant.

1.3. Problem Limitation

Based on the problem identification, the problem that is exist limited on

the implementation of Group Investigation (GI) to know the student achievement

in the factorization algebraic topic in grade VIII of MTs Islamiyah in the year of


1.4. Problem Formula

Based on the problem limitation above, then the problem can be

formulated as follows.

1. How the student achievement in grade VIII in the topic of factorization

algebraic by implementing GI?

2. How does student respond to the implementation of GI in the topic of

factorization algebraic?

1.5. Research Objective

1. To know the student achievement in grade VIII in the topic of



2. To know student respond by implementing GI in the topic of

factorization algebraic.

1.6. Research Benefit

1. For student, to increase student achievement especially in the topic of

factorization algebraic.

2. For teacher, as information material, overview and consideration in

choosing learning model that can increase student achievement.

3. For school, can use the result of research as reference that can be used

by the other teachers.

4. Academicians gain an overview of cooperative learning model in type




5.1. Conclusion

1. Based on the student achievement test of cycle I and cycle II by

Implementation of group investigation, student achievement in cycle I is

72.18 (65.63%) and cycle II is 80.16 (90.63%) in class VIII-1 of MTs.

Islamiyah Londut in factorization algebraic topic.

2. The average score of student responses is 75.53 (83.92%) and it is

classified into good category. It means that student think that GI is good

and interesting learning strategy that can increase their student outcome in

learning process.

5.2. Suggestion

1. For teacher, expected to consider conducting GI strategy in learning

process with the suitable topic.

2. For student, expected to use GI strategy in learning that they are expected

to be able to think independent, to be able to discuss with friend and to be

able in sharing their opinion/idea in front of class.

3. For next researcher, expected to use the research result as comparison



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