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View of Discussion Rejection of Covid-19 Vaccination Kec. Duampanua Kab. Pinrang (Michel Foucault's Critical Discourse Analysis Study)


Academic year: 2023

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P-ISSN: ……-…….; E-ISSN: ……….-………..

Volume 1, Issue Volume: 1, Number: 1 Desember 2022, Page No. 12-19

Discussion Rejection of Covid-19 Vaccination Kec. Duampanua Kab.

Pinrang (Michel Foucault's Critical Discourse Analysis Study)

1Nurwinda,*2Kaharuddin, 3Lukman Ismail

1, 2, 3

University of Muhammadiyah Makassar

*Email : nurwinda139@gmail.com

Abstract. This research uses a qualitative research type with a phenomenological approach aiming to find out how the discourse on refusing to vaccinate Covid-19 occurs in the community in Duampanua District, Pinrang Regency, and why the discourse on refusing to vaccinate Covid-19 occurs in Duampanua District, Pinrang Regency. The location of this research is in Lampa Village, Duampanua District, Pinrang Regency. The informants in this study were RT, community leaders, task force officers and several other patients. Collecting data in this study using three ways, namely observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the presence of the Covid-19 vaccination in the midst of people's lives, especially in the people who are in the Duampanua sub- district, Pinrang district, seems to have not been able to become an antidote to community concerns regarding the transmission of Covid-19 because, there are still many people who take action against the presence of the Covid-19 vaccination. this, this was triggered by several factors, for example, the lack of public understanding of the Covid 19 vaccination, there are still many people who give rise to negative perceptions, that this vaccination activity is merely giving medicine from the government to the public and overriding understanding regarding the use of the vaccine. This happens due to a lack of education to the public about what vaccination is so that the benefits and uses of this vaccination are not reached and the negative effects dominate the community.

Keywords: Discourse on Rejection of Covid-19 Vaccination

Abstrak. Peneltian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi bertujuan untuk mengetahui Bagaimana wacana penolakan vaksinisasi Covid-19 yang terdapat pada masyarakat di Kecamatan Duampanua Kabupaten Pinrang, dan Mengapa wacana penolakan vaksinisasi Covid-19 terjadi di Kecamatan Duampanua Kabupaten Pinrang. Lokasi penelitian ini berada di desa lampa kecamatan duampanua kabupaten pinrang. Informan dalam penelitian ini yaitu RT, tokoh masyarakat, petugas satgas dan beberapa pasien lainnya. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tiga cara yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Dengan kehadiran Vaksinasi covid19 ditengah-tengah kehidupan masyarakat khususnya pada masyarakat yang berada di kecamatan Duampanua kabupaten pinrang seakan belum bisa menjadi penawar akan kekhawatiran masyarakat terkait penularan Covid-19 karena, masih banyak masyarakat yang melakukan aksi penolakan terhadap kehadiran Vaksinasi Covid19 ini, hal ini dipicu oleh beberapa faktor misalnya saja kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap vaksinasi Covid 19, masih banyak masyarakat yang memunculkan Persepsi negative, bahwa kegiatan vaksinasi ini hanya semata-mata pemberian obat dari pemerintah kepada masyarakat dan mengesampingkan pemahaman terkait kegunaan vaksin tersebut. Hal ini terjadi karena kurangnya edukasi kepada masyarakat mengenai apa itu vaksinasi sehingga manfaat dan kegunaan vaksinasi ini tidak sampai dan pengaruh negative lebih mendominasi ditengah-tengah masyarakat.

Kata Kunci: Wacana penolakan Vaksinisasi Covid-19



It is known that the stages in making a vaccine do go through several stages until the vaccine can be produced and accepted globally, as well as the development of the Covid-19 vaccine. Vaccines as the most effective and economical way to prevent infectious diseases make the development of vaccines to combat SARS-CoV-2 infection very necessary. So far more than 40 pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions around the world have launched their vaccine development program against SARS-CoV-2.5.

It is known that the Covid-19 vaccination in Indonesia has started on January 13, 2021. Currently, the implementation is using the Covid-19 vaccine produced by Sinovac and prioritized for health workers and public officials first . However, until now the development of the vaccine discourse has become a worrying specter for the community, especially the people in the Duampanua District.

Seeing and hearing the issues that are spread in the mass media related to this vaccine, it is doubtful to be accepted by the public even though in fact this vaccine is one solution to avoid the Covid-19 disease, it is undeniable that the reason people generally refuse vaccines is seeing what is happening.

in the midst of society there are those who fall ill and experience paralysis. This is the main factor that the Duampanua community does not want to receive this vaccination.

The government's various efforts to convince people to want to inject vaccines, one of which is (public education and no need to hesitate) the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizih, said that the government prioritizes persuasive methods to convince the public about vaccination . The Ministry of Health, said that discussions and socialization are currently being intensively carried out to health workers who are currently the priority group for early-stage vaccination . However, there are still many groups who refuse to participate in this program, adding to the long list of various government vaccine programs that are predicted to be completed in the next 10 years.

The rejection of the Covid-19 vaccination actually shows the still strong anti-vaccine phenomenon in Indonesia and also in the world in general. The background factors usually vary in each country because they are related to local socio-cultural conditions such as religion. Religion is one of the reasons for the rejection of vaccines in Indonesia, which has a Muslim majority population . One of the reasons for the rejection of vaccines in Indonesia is the concern about the halalness of the vaccine ingredients. However, structural problems that drive the emergence of this anti-vaccine movement. The lack of public confidence in global governance in vaccine development and distribution has contributed to the rejection of the COVID-19 vaccine. As stated by Michel Foulcault (1980) as a tactical element that operates in power relations and between discourse and power has a reciprocal relationship. It can also be said that discourse is a tool for the interests of power, hegemony, cultural dominance and science.

Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in conducting this research because the rejection incident also occurred in Lampa Village by raising the title of Discourse on Rejection of Covid-19 Vaccination in Duampanua Regency, Pinrang Regency (Michel Foucault's Critical Discourse Analysis Study). The formulation in this study is how is the discourse on the rejection of Covid-19 vaccination found in the community in Duampanua District, Pinrang Regency? and Why did the discourse on the rejection of Covid-19 vaccination occur in Duampanua District, Pinrang Regency? The purpose of this study is to describe the form of discourse on the rejection of Covid-19 vaccination in the community in Duampanua District, Pinrang Regency. and Analyzing the causes of the discourse on the rejection of Covid-19 vaccination in Duampanua District, Pinrang Regency.


The type of research used in this research is field research using qualitative research . Qualitative research method is a research method used to examine the condition of natural objects, (as opposed to experiments) where the researcher is the key instrument, sampling of data sources is carried out by collecting techniques with triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and the results of qualitative research emphasize meaning rather than generalizations (Sugiyono, 2015).

The approach of this research is a phenomenological approach . Therefore, the data collected in this study is in the form of information in the form of descriptions and not in the form of numbers.

However, the data is used and analyzed to get the meaning contained in the data itself. Qualitative analysis is considered more appropriate in this study in order to be able to understand and provide a clear picture of the problems associated with the discussion. According to its purpose, Qualitative


research is shown to understand social phenomena from the point of view or perspective of the participant. Participants are interviewees who are asked to provide data , opinions, thoughts and perceptions. Understanding is obtained through an analysis of the various interests of the participants and through the description of “ Socio-Cultural Adaptation ” about situations and events. Participants' meaning includes feelings, beliefs, ideas, thoughts and activities of participants. Qualitative research is directed beyond understanding phenomena but also developing theories.

Qualitative research also examines participant perspectives with multi-strategies, which are interactive, such as direct observation, participatory observation, in-depth interviews, documents, complementary techniques such as photographs, recordings, and others. In expressing all phenomena and meanings naturally, the writer uses the phenomenological method . Qualitative research has characteristics and describes a real situation. Describing something means describing what, why and how something happened , and the author will try to analyze, find out and describe the discourse on the rejection of Covid-19 vaccination in Kec. Duampanua Kab. Pinrang.

Research informant is someone who provides information . The technique used is Snowball Sampling , which is a sampling technique that is initially small in number and then this sample is asked by friends to become informants (Sugiono , 2013 : 125). And so on so that more samples. Like a rolling snowball, more and more. This research is also said to be a chain research which aims to obtain information from the first informant who has been determined and then from the informant moves on to the next informant, meaning that information is chosen widely based on the research objectives. The informants in this study were a sample of respondents who were selected by experts/experts or more knowledgeable in the discourse on the rejection of the Covid-19 vaccination in the Kec. Duampanua Kab. Pinrang until you get an answer.

Informants are experts who are very understanding and can provide explanations on various matters related to research (Discussion on Rejection of Covid-19 Vaccinations in Duampanua District, Pinrang District) and are not limited to the area of residence. Informants who will be interviewed include the head of the neighborhood, Mr. RT and Mr. Lurah. Expert informants are those who are directly involved in the social interactions under study. Informants who will be interviewed include several COVID-19 task force officers (3 medical personnel). And additional informants are those who can provide information even though they are not directly involved in the social interactions studied.

The informants who will be interviewed are several patients (3 people).

Data collection technique used in this research is to use the following methods: Observation is a research activity in order to collect data related to research problems through the process of direct observation in the field (Gulo, 2002: 116). The type of observation that will be carried out is direct observation in the field regarding the analysis of the discourse on the rejection of the COVID-19 vaccination and the focus of the research is the surrounding community who see this. Interview (Interview), is data collection by asking questions directly by interviewers (data collectors) to respondents recorded by means of researchers conducting direct interviews with resource persons and interviews are carried out by submitting a number of questions to informants, until the information is considered sufficient to complete information on study. This type of interview is in the form of questions and answers according to the interview guidelines that you want to ask the surrounding community and customers. and Documentation, is a technique of collecting data by collecting and analyzing documents . whether written documents, images, or electronically. This type of data is in the form of a sample to fulfill or complete the data to be studied.

Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and compiling data obtained from observations, interviews, field notes and documentation by organizing data into categories, describing them into units, synthesizing, compiling into patterns. Choose what is important and what will be studied and make conclusions so that they are easily understood by themselves and others. Where the preparation is directed to answer the formulation of the problem. Data analysis in qualitative research is inductive, namely the analysis based on the data obtained is then developed into more detail so that it is easy to understand, namely the Miles and Huberman model as quoted by Sugiyono (2008).

Activities carried out in data analysis techniques are grouped into 3 (three) categories, namely: Data Reduction ( Data Reduction) Data that has been analyzed by reducing the collected. Reducing means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on the important things, looking for themes and patterns. In this case, data that is not related to the characteristics or characteristics of the subject matter is clarified according to the needs and objectives of the research , Display Data is a systematic


presentation of data by providing chronological details and highlighting the main points so that they can be mastered clearly in the form of a brief description. , the relationship between categories, flow charts or pictures (the most frequently used to present data in qualitative research is narrative text).

The forms of this display can be in the form of graphs, matrices, networks or other forms. The purpose of data display is needed so that researchers can master the data carefully and not drown in piles of data and conclusions in qualitative research are new findings that have never existed before.

Findings can be in the form of a description or description of an object that was previously dim or dark so that after research it becomes clear it can be in the form of interactive relationships, hypotheses or theories, so that initial conclusions in qualitative research are still temporary and will change if there is new evidence. However, if the conclusion at the initial stage is supported by valid and consistent evidence when the researcher returns to the field, then the conclusion is a credible conclusion.


Regarding the form of discourse on the rejection of the COVID-19 vaccine in the village of Lampa, the community has not fully accepted the presence of this vaccination in their midst. This is caused by various factors from the community itself, namely because of their doubts about the halalness of the vaccine which is not fully trusted by the local community. They are not only worried about the halalness of the vaccine, but there are still many of them who doubt the presence of this vaccine as a drug to prevent Covid-19, these doubts arise due to the lack of information received by the local community which causes many people to be reluctant to do the vaccine, not only that, there is a special fear from the local community regarding this vaccine. With the presence of this vaccine, many local people are afraid to do this vaccine not without reason but this is again due to the lack of public information received. Because some people think that when they do vaccines, they only have a negative impact, this is triggered by the large number of death news received by the community itself through electronic media or print media.

From the results of the research conducted by the researchers, it was found that from the various responses given by the community, the rejection of vaccination has become commonplace for the community. From the answers attached, all of them are not much different. Starting to be afraid of getting sick, the spread of news that makes people increasingly wary of vaccinations and also various speculations about oblique issues related to the impact of vaccination after the vaccine.

Foucault describes the five stages of the process for analyzing discursive events or discourses, as follows: (1) understanding statements according to very typical events, here I can see that the people in this lampa village do not really understand or know in depth about the vaccination, this is because less information received. (2) determine the condition of its existence, while the condition of the existence of this vaccination is still very, very doubtful or the community is not fully willing to accept the vaccination (3) determine at least the limit, (4) make a correlation with other statements that may be related to it, and ( 5) shows what other forms of statements he issued (Ratna, 2011: 283).

Discourse in Foucault's view has relevance to all areas of life. Madness is closely related to power. Insanity is a mental disorder or a more human definition is people who behave differently from other people which results in them being considered as marginal individuals (Ratna, 2011: 284).

According to Foucault, the complex pattern of differential power relations to every aspect of social, cultural, and political life involves all forms of 'subject-position' and keeps us in agreement not by the threat of punitive sanctions but by persuading us to internalize the norms and values occurs in the social order. Foucault said that when the oppressed demand justice, the demands are just an excuse for the fact that they themselves want to be in power (Sarup, 2011:127).

Perception is the ability of the brain to translate a stimulus or the process of translating a stimulus that enters the human senses . In human perception, there are different points of view in sensing, there are those who perceive something to be good or a positive perception or a negative perception that will affect the affected or real action. Perception can be interpreted as the process of receiving stimuli through the five senses which is preceded by attention so that individuals are able to know, interpret and appreciate what is observed, both outside and inside the individual.

As happened in Lampa Village, Duampanua District located in Pinrang Regency, based on the results of the study, it turns out that the community still raises negative perceptions regarding the existence of vaccination activities. In addition, the form of doubt shown by the public about whether


this vaccine is halal and whether this vaccine is safe to use is still a big question mark among the people of the village of Lampa. The Covid-19 Vaccination Program carried out by the Indonesian government in order to suppress the spread of Covid-19 and as a form of effort to establish herd immunity turned out to be experiencing many obstacles and challenges. . This anxiety and fear will indirectly hinder the achievement of the target of the Vaccination program. This gave rise to various discourses of rejection given by the community regarding the emergence of the vaccination program.

As happened in Lampa Village, Duampanua District in Pinrang Regency, where there are still people who openly criticize and reject the presence of this vaccination, they assume that their mental and self-preparedness is not fully sufficient to take part in this activity and are afraid The effects of this vaccine will prevent them from attending vaccination activities. In addition, the age factor is also a separate consideration because they are afraid that the effects of this vaccine will have a negative impact, especially at their age who is not young anymore.

Various efforts have been made by the government by issuing various policies to cope with the Covid-19 outbreak, for example by implementing a lockdown which is usually known as Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) which refers to Law number 6 of 2018 concerning health quarantine. in conjunction with government regulation Number 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in the context of accelerating the handling of Covid-19 in addition to the policies issued by the government for social distancing, physical distancing that has been imposed for the people of Indonesia since March 2020, carried out by various appeals from the president, leadership state institutions, community leaders both through print and electronic media.

In addition, other efforts that have so far been carried out as a form of controlling the spread of Covid-19 are through research to produce vaccines. Various countries are competing to be able to produce vaccines, because in addition to tackling a pandemic, vaccines will become a commodity that will be sought after and will have high economic value.

However, not a few people reject the implementation of this vaccination so that the government must be extra patient and work to continue to protect the community and invite the community to take part in this vaccination, including what happened in Lampa Village, Duampanua District where the government continues to give its best efforts to invite the community starting from holding meetings.

openly by involving the community to discuss the vaccination activities that will be carried out, then providing information not only through social media but directly by going around the village to provide information every time a vaccination activity will be carried out, not only that, giving gifts is also a step taken and attracts the sympathy of the residents for come and don't forget to provide facilities, especially transportation facilities for those who have long distances from the vaccination location. All of this is done with the hope that this epidemic will be quickly resolved and we can live again as before.

The role of medical personnel in protecting the community, especially in the midst of the current pandemic, is something that is very much needed by the community, besides the government, health workers have an important role in providing information about the world of health so that people can live healthier and are not susceptible to disease. Based on the results of the study, it appears that the role of medical personnel is very important, as for the steps taken by medical personnel such as providing correct and clear information to all village communities, especially regarding this vaccination so that hoax issues are spread in the community and doubts. what appears can be brushed aside and removed, then by setting an example to the community where the previous vaccination process was given first to the village government, community leaders, religious leaders and most importantly medical personnel then it will be given to the community in the hope that the community will be more confident and brave to participate in vaccination , and don't forget the medical personnel also collaborate with the figures in the village so that vaccination information can be quickly spread to the local community.

The vaccination carried out by the government received a lot of opinions from the public. This vaccination was carried out for the first time by the government in January 2021. The vaccination was issued based on the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) permit from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) as well as a halal fatwa from Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). So that it has met the quality, safety, and effectiveness standards. (Covid-19 Vaccination Program Begins , President is the First Person to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine Injection | Directorate General of P2P, 2021). According to Aco, H. (2020) based on the Decree of the Minister of Health Number


HK01.07/Menkes/9860/2020 concerning the Determination of Vaccine Types for the Implementation of Corona Virus Disease (Covid 19) Vaccination in Indonesia, it has been determined to use six types of vaccines.

Of course, there are various opinions that arise about this vaccination. Some are proactive, some don't care, and there are also those who agree to vaccinate but there are still concerns. UNESCO data, only 0.001% of Indonesian people have an interest in reading, this is of course very worrying, meaning that only 1 in 1000 Indonesian people who like to read. In March 2016, a different research entitled "Most Littered Nation In the World" was conducted by Central Connecticut State University.

Indonesia is stated to be ranked 60th out of 61 countries regarding interest in reading. The low interest in reading by the Indonesian people causes the quality and quality of education in Indonesia to not work well and tends to retreat. (Husain and Anggraini 2020) This is what causes hoax news to spread a lot very quickly. From the results of a panel, it was found that hoax news about the Covid-19 vaccine related to the composition was that the Covid 19 vaccine contained hazardous materials such as borax, formalin, vero cells, vaccines made from male baby fetuses. and cause side effects such as death, infertility, enlarge the male genitalia, and modify human DNA. Another hoax is also the rejection of vaccines by the Indonesian Doctors Association as an organization of doctors who are not willing to be vaccinated for the first time ( Rahayu 2021). Social Media has disseminated information on vaccinations and procedures for preventing this virus. Social media is one of the most common sources used to communicate, share documents and data with a large number of communities.

Valuable information on Facebook is one of the policy-making tools with the largest number of opinions. Computer technology provides an extraordinary opportunity and role to fight the epidemic.

Especially in sentiment analysis for social media. Sentiment analysis is part of text mining that can classify the polarity of the text. This grouping analysis is done to find out how an opinion is positive or negative. Public opinion sentiments about COVID-19 vaccination in Indonesia tend to have slightly more negative responses than positive responses ( Harun and Ananda 2021).

As time goes by, the discourse of vaccine rejection is increasingly circulating in the community, as happened in Lampa Village, Duampanua District where the reason for the community being increasingly afraid to participate in the vaccination program. death, paralysis and blindness as well as other diseases which were allegedly caused after the vaccination, even though the news was not necessarily true. This gave a frightening impression related to vaccination activities for the community. Various efforts had been made by the government in dealing with this but some people seemed to be indifferent indifferent and prefer to believe every news that is presented without seeing the source.

If it is related to social action theory by Max Weber , he says that social action theory is a theory that is concerned with motives and goals. By using an approach with this theory we will be able to examine the behavior of a person or group in taking action. We certainly understand that all actions have different motives and goals and this is where the starting point is important to examine this theory. So this is also the action taken by the government with the aim of vaccinating covid 19 in order to minimize the transmission of covid 19 either for individuals or for many people, but the aim of this government is that not all of them can be well received by the local community, especially the people in the lampa village.

The policies issued by the government during the Covid-19 pandemic seem to change depending on the spread of the pandemic in the community. The community is framed in various recommendations to implement strict health protocols, limited mobility, reduced activities outside the home such as work, school, and worship at home, until the stage of implementing the new normal or IMR . In the midst of the community it seems that they are considered "ordinary" it can be seen that there are many people who are then lax in implementing health protocols, being involved in various inviting activities crowds and other activities that at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic were prohibited. In this context, it is seen how power works. As in Foucault's view, power is not related to the ownership of resources (power) or which in authority has a set of legal rules that accompany it.

Power is realized in the space of interaction between various elements that live in the space of social life. In this case there are some residents who disciplinedly carry out compliance with government policies, on the other hand there are also citizens who are resistant to these rules. For that it is important to look at the context of how discourse, knowledge is built, gives birth to body discipline as a form of citizen compliance as a positive response from Public. This response can be


seen through the negotiation process in the interaction space between elements, both from sources that give birth to discourses that want compliance and with elements of society who interpret the discourse and knowledge and then choose to act depending on their interests.

If you look at the context of the appeal to take part in the covid-19 vaccination, it is not surprising that the power relations given by the government will work, this is very clear, even though people desperately refuse to take vaccinations, they will be faced with several possibilities that might harm themselves later. For example, they will be difficult to serve in public services and will be difficult to travel because one of the conditions is to show a vaccination card. In addition, people who are reluctant to be vaccinated are not allowed to enter public places such as malls and other shopping places, and people who receive assistance from the government will be revoked if you don't follow the vaccination this illustrates to us all that power relations are very influential we will not be able to do anything if we don't obey the rules, no matter how hard we refuse then there is no other choice but to follow them.


The author can conclude from the results of the research in this chapter with research, namely with the presence of Covid-19 vaccination in the midst of people's lives, especially in people who are in the Duampanua sub-district, Pinrang district as if they have not been able to become an antidote to public concerns regarding the transmission of Covid-19 because, there are still many people who to take action against the presence of the Covid19 Vaccination, this was triggered by several factors, for example, the lack of public understanding of the Covid 19 vaccination, there were still many people who gave rise to negative perceptions, that this vaccination activity was merely giving drugs from the government to the public and overriding understanding regarding the use of the vaccine.

This happens because of the lack of education to the public about what vaccination is so that the benefits and uses of this vaccination do not reach and the negative influence dominates in the midst of society, people are still afraid of the side effects caused by the covid 19 vaccination and the most feared is the statement that says that the effects of this vaccination are different for each person so that doubts and fears still dominate.


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