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Jupiter Melody Ionized water at a moment s notice


Academic year: 2017

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Jupiter Melody - Ionized water at a moment’s notice Word Count:

699 Summary:

Speed and efficiency are the hallmarks of this water ionizer.


water ionizers, water ionizer, water, ionizer, water purification

Article Body:

The Jupiter Melody JP104 Water Ionizer is all that is needed for you to receive energized, healthy, antioxidant, alkaline water at a moments notice. This model has been outfitted with the ground breaking Biostone filter , which enhances the water which is dispensed to you by increasing its moisture level and increasing its capability to preserve negative ion charges.

The success of this process is due to the usage of the ceramic Tourmaline in the filtration process, as well as the built in coral calcium. During the progression of the ionization procedure the tourmaline releases infrared energy to make certain that the efficiency level of the water is increased. Additionally this procedure implies that all water that travels through the filter, including the water which does not go through the process of ionization, will be able to increase their rapidity of incorporation, hydration and energy transmission. The Jupiter Melody Water Ionizer has a wide range of positive attributes all of which contribute to the acknowledgement by its competition that this water ionizer is ground breaking in the area of water purification units. To add to that there is the knowledge that it is produced by Jupiter Science, which ensures that you have the safeguard of trading with Korea’s longest lasting and biggest reputable water ionizer producer.

An explanation of the Jupiter Melody Water Ionizer’s Features:

Your ionizer has a built in automatic reversed cleaning program. This makes sure that any particle that can find its way all the way through the filter is not caught inside the ionizing area. The magnetic field within the compartment is inverted to ensure that any minerals that have become actively attached to a Titanium plate are repulsed and expelled from the unit. This system helps to prolong the life of the ionizer and the Jupiter Melody only ever dispenses ionized water from the alkaline spout. There is no wait for your water even if your Jupiter Melody is in its cleaning phase.

You are provided with a choice of different pH levels for your water and therefore are afforded a greater amount of choice. This array of options lets you to get the beneficial effects of using higher pH levels when cooking, since high alkaline pH water helps to make greener greens, fluffier rice and more tasty coffee and tea. The availability of acidic water makes sure that you can benefits of acidic water. It can be an aid for your skin and your plants as well as a useful help with household hygiene and much more. Ionized water can also help with the digestion of copious amounts of different supplements and can perhaps reduce the dose amount that is necessary. The filtration process utilizes the 0.01 micron 3-stage method as well as the Biostone Infrared which guarantees that the water will be filtered of all contaminants and your water is also prepared by lessening of surface pressure for the utmost negative ion manufacture during the process of ionization. Coral calcium is inserted into the water mechanically.

The Jupiter Melody Water Ionizer also makes use of large 5-plate polymer ion plated, platinum coated, titanium ionizing plates . Jupiter Science and Toyo Water of Japan worked in partnership to bring into being the best arrangement of polymer bonded platinum coated Titanium plates that are available. This drastically improves the duration of the plates, which are at the core of the Jupiter Melody Water Ionizer structure. The use of incorporated computer circuitry in your water ionizer means that you have a far wider choice of what water you can have. Without that circuitry the pH of your water is limited by the pH of the water that is coming into your ionizer and you will be unable to correct the setting to get water of the optimal pH. This circuitry permits hot water and low pressure protection to be automatic utilities as well.

There is a liquid crystal display that shows filter usage even though it is not a definite gauge of filter life, it is a helpful indication of what endurance your ionizer. The Jupiter Melody Water Ionizer has a ¼˜ inlet pipe which is visually superior, to the 3/8" pipe used by other water ionization units.

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