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111736 AKJ 2010 02 11 News Reader


Academic year: 2017

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so.. Let us now concentrate on integral points. When the rank is one, the structure of the Mordell-Weil group is known, so we are using it to find integral points on C t. But, in


In [4, Theorem 2.1], G´omez Ayala gave a necessary and sufficient condi- tion for a tame Kummer extension of prime degree to have a NIB (in the usual sense).. In [8, Theorem 2],

To complete the “concrete” proof of the “al- gebraic implies automatic” direction of Theorem 4.1.3, we must explain why the field of p-quasi-automatic series is closed

This paper provides a complete catalog of the break numbers that occur in the ramification filtration of fully and thus wildly ramified quaternion extensions of dyadic number

 Class diagram menggambarkan struktur dan deskripsi class, package dan objek beserta hubungan satu sama lain seperti containment , pewarisan, asosiasi, dan lain-lain. 

Pada hari ini Selasa, tanggal dua belas bulan Agustus, tahun Dua ribu empat belas, Pokja Jasa Konsultansi Unit Layanan Pengadaan Pemerintah Kota Sibolga telah

In view of the above remarks it seems that if one would like to produce examples of elliptic curves with large p -Selmer groups, and an irreducible representation of the Galois group