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Become a Profitable Home Based Freelancer


Academic year: 2017

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Freelance writing can be one of the most rewarding home based businesses ever and the benefits are many.


home based, writer, home business, freelance, wealth, work from home

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Freelance writing can be one of the most rewarding home based businesses ever and the benefits are many.

You can stay at home with your kids, and even if you are homeschooling you can freelance part time and homeschool the other part of the day

Becoming a freelance writer does not have to be hard. It´s a matter of deciding what subject matter will be your specialty and keeping up to date on that topic with the latest information available whether that is a blog or forum or even subscribing to a particular print or trade magazine. For all practical purposes you have to become the expert in that field. Freelancing and specializing on a particular topic can make you well known in your community and you can get requests to speak at certain civic organizations, schools and other special events

You need to decide who you clients are going to be and whether you will farm your services out to newspapers and online publications, start your own publication, or do both.

The sky is truly the limit as freelance writing is one of the most flexible home based businesses you can undertake. Another option you may want to choose is to write advertising or pamphlets for local businesses as a copywriter.

Becoming familiar with the advertising field in addition to the writing professional would be helpful in that you will gain a better understanding of how advertising copy is worded and other little nuances that are indicative of that field.

If you think you need to bone up on your writing skills or you feel you did not do well in high school English. Don´t fear. There are plenty home and online correspondence courses that will have you writing like a pro in no time at all. Also you may want to checkout any extension courses offered at your local community college in your own town. There are a number of online opportunities available to freelance writers. New websites are popping up every day and if you have web designing skills in addition to writing skills, you can write you own ticket.

There are so many local businesses that do not have websites yet, nor do they have the expertise of a writer. You could offer them a valuable service by providing both a basic website and the written copy for the pages. Overall freelance writing can be a very profitable field and with a little imagination you can have a new career started from your very own kitchen in very little time at all.

Be sure to view our free ˆBe a Profitable Freelance Writer˜ video on our homepage then join our ˆWealthy Business" newsletter and receive a free gift to help you get started in business on the internet within 3 days.

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