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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to Fulfill the Partial Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number. 209321060





This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

First of all, the writer would like to express her deepest praise to Jesus Christ for the blessing, love, salvation, comfort and guidance to finish this thesis. This thesis could have been accomplished with guidance, suggestion, and comments from many people.

The write would like to say thanks for many special people around her who supported within the process of working on this thesis. They are:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik .M.Si the Rector of state University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati,M.Hum, the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts

and all the Vice Dean.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd the Head of the English Department and as

her thesis advisor who has consciously guided her in the entire process of the thesis writing with all of the constructive comments, which helped her makes this thesis more perfect. Rika, S.Pd, M. Hum, the Secretary of the English Department; and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar M.Ed. the Head of the English Education Study Program for all their valuable inputs and administrative assistance.

Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd, Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum, her academic


Sabarto, S.H the headmaster of SMP swasta PAB 10 who had given the

change to the writer for collecting the datas for her research , and all the teachers and staffs who helped her to collect the datas during the research.  Her special lovely my sister (Salsalina Barus) and my friends, (Evina,

Jelita, Evin, Shanie, Pebri, Royenika, kak Umami) give motivate, spirit,


 Her lovely friends of SMA Swasta HKPB Serbelawan Graduations.

 For all of those who supported the writer during her study and green table examination. Thank you for everything.

Finally, the writer admits that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Any constructive comments from the readers will make this writing can provide a valuable contribution and the writer invites all of the readers to give more suggestions.

Medan, Februari 2014 The writer,



Sibarani, Sriwahyuni Rosanna. Registration Number 209321060. Improving Students Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text by using STAD technique. A Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan 2014.

This study was focused on the improvement of Grade VIII students’ writing achievement in descriptive text by using application of STAD Technique. The objective of this study was to find out whether STAD Technique could improve Grade VIII students’ writing achievement in descriptive text. The study conducted by using Class Room Action Research ( CAR ). The subjects of this study were students of Grade VIII Class 2 of State Junior High School ( Sekolah Menengah Pertama) SMP PAB 10 Medan consisting of 23 students. The study was implemented in two cycle and each cycle consisted of three meeting. The instruments of data collection consisted of quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were taken from students written test and the qualitative were taken from the interview, diary notes, observation sheet and questionnaire. Based on the descriptive writing result, students score in the test of cycle I, the mean score was 68,4 and it the test of Cycle II was 76,9. Based on the observation sheet, it was found that the teaching-learning process well done. The students were active and curious in writing. In line with the data, it found that STAD ( Students Team Achievement Divisions) technique can improve Grade VIII students’ writing achievement in descriptive text.



E. The Significance of the Study ... 4


A. Theoretical Framework ... 5

a. The types of descriptive writing ... 10

b. Part of Descriprtive Text ... 11

5. STAD (Student Team Achievement Divisions) ... 11

a. Five major component of STAD ... 13

b. Advantages and Disadvantages of STAD Technique ... 15

c. The Procedure of STAD Technique...16

B. Conceptual Framework ... 17


A. Research Design ... 19

B. The Subject of the Study ... 20

C. The Instrument of Data Collection ... 20

D. The Procedure of Data Collection ... 21

E. Scoring of Writing Test ... 26

F. Technique of Data Analysis ... 31


A. Data and Data Analysis ... 32

1. The Quantitative Data ... 32

2. The Qualitative Data ... 37


A. Conclusion ... 40

B. Suggestion ... 40




Table 3.1 Teaching procedure...22

Table 3.2 Scoring Of Writing Test ... 25

Table 4.1 Students’ Writing Scores Of Pre-Test, Cycle I And Cycle II ... 35

Table 4.2 Range Of Score Improvements ... 38

Table 4.3 Comparison Score Of Students’ Writing Competence ... 41

Table 4.4 The Improvement Of Mean Scores Of Students’ Writing ... 43

Table 4.5 The Percentage Of Students’ Writing Competence ... 44



Appendix A Students’ Writing Scores ... 58

Appendix B Lesson Plan ... 61

Appendix C Diary Notes ... 82

Appendix D Observation Sheet ... 84

Appendix E Sample of Students’ Score ... 89




A.The Background of the study

Language is a universal language which is dominantly used as a tool of communication in the worldwide. It is a fact that vast knowledge of the universe have been demonstrated in this language for instance in commerce, sport, education and technology. For the achievement of that knowledge, it is essential to understand this international language. In Indonesia, English is used as a foreign. It is used junior high school as an object of study a compulsory subject in a pedagogical domain. It has been taught from kindergarten up to higher education.

In English, there are four skills that should be well mastered namely: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Langaan (2005:14) says that the final result of writing pedagogy focuses students on how to generate ideas, how to organize them coherently, how to edit discourse markers and rhetorical conventions to put them cohesively into a written text, how to resive text for a clearer meaning, how to edit text for apporiate grammar and how to produce final product which is a text. Writing has also become more important as principal of communication lanuage teaching.

Since writing is really important to learn, it can be a media to help the students to give ideas, views, and messages to the reader with certain purpose in a written text. The students are asked to aplly their grammar knowudeledge


sentence structure, idiom and vocabulary. Besides that, the students are asked to explore the language that they learn.Based on the standard competence in syllabus of the Second Year of Junior High School called Educational Unit

Through writing, one can share his or her knowledge which we have until now mostly we got by reading written information or text, whatever it is book, article, paper, etc. Which are written by those who share their information through writing.

Writing is a process of thinking, organizing, rethinking. The Level Currilum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan : KTSP ) the students are excpected to be able to write texts of narrative, report, spoof, hortatory exposition and analytical exposition. In this study, the only focus of the study is descriptive text.

Based on the observation done by the writer in State Junior High School : SMP 10 PAB Medan Estate in grade VIII, it was found that their English score in

the first semester was 67,81 and for the second semester was 68,51. The data showed that the students’ achievement in Learning English teacher was still.


The other reason why the writer choose the media for teaching writing is it trains the students memorizing the words. The writer also interested with the study about Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD)

STAD stands for student team achievement divisions, it is collaborative learning strain which small groups of learners with different levels of ability work together to occomplish a shared learning goal.

STAD is more effective in cooperative learning methods for improving students learning of clear objective in language rules and skills. In general, teachers create and use STAD in their classrooms to the development of reading, writing, and spelling skills. The writer hopes the students can be increase the achievement of their English writing, without depending on dictionary and the word meaning from the teacher. STAD are interactive media in the classroom to support studying listening, speaking, reading and writing.

By using Student Teams achievement Divisions in teaching descriptive, it is assumed that students’ skill in writing descriptive will be improved.

B. The Problem of the study

Based on the background above, it is necessary to formulate the problem of this research as: “Does the students’ achievement in descriptive writing

improve if it is taught by using Student’s Team Achievement Division ( STAD)

C. The Scope of the Study


Team Learning, Student Team Achievement Division (STAD), Teams-Games-Tournament(TGT), Team Accelareted Instruction (TAI), Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC), and so on. All of them have their own characteristics.

The scope of the study is improving student’s achievement in writing descriptive text which the focuses on describing of place by using STAD Technique. In addition, this study is intended to develop a model of teaching by STAD (Student Teams Active Divisions).

D. The Objective of the study

The objective of the study is to find out the improve the students’writing achievement by using STAD technique. STAD has been describe as of the simplest of a group of cooperative learning technique referred to as teams Learning Methods. In the STAD approach are students are assigned to four, five member reflecting a heterogeneous grouping of high, average, and low achieving students of diverse ethnic backgrounds and different genders.

E. The significance of the study

The finding of this study is expected to be useful:

a. For teachers, to be one of reference for teachers in teaching writing, especially in teaching descriptive text.

b. Students, to improve their knowledge of writing descriptive text




A. Conclusion

The analyzing of the result of this study was done by applying technique of data analysis which were students’ score interview, observation sheet,

questionnaire and diary notes. After analyzing the data from the students score, conclusion was drawn as following : (1) it was found that the students’ score

increased from the from the orientation test cycle I and cycle II.

It means that there was an improvement on the students achievement in writing descriptive text by using STAD technique. It was seen from the improvement of mean starting from orientation ( 56,7 %), cycle I ( 68,9%), cycle II ( 76,9 %) the students score was improved continuous from the first meeting until the test of cycle II. Thus STAD on students achievement in descriptive place worked well.

Besides that the discussion in STAD gave them opportunity to all the students . In each group to participate by giving their opinion in a case. More ever, students could construct more powerful identification of place on their side belonging. Briefly, this study of improving students writing achievement in descriptive text by using STAD technique is improve.

B. Suggestion

In relation to the conclusion , it is suggested that : (1) applying STAD technique in writing descriptive text is very helpful by STAD the students About



Bachman, Lyle & Alderson. 1996. Assessing Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Harmer, Jeremy.2004. How to teach writing. England Ida Maharani. 2007. How to write Effectively. Yogyakarta

Imadudin. 2011.The effectiveness Of Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD). Technique in Direct and Direct Speech Of Statement I (2) 21

Masters, J. (1995) 'The History of Action Research' in I. Hughes (ed Action Research Electronic Reader, The University of Sydney, Journal

Pardiyono. 2007. Pasti bisa! Teaching Genre- Based Writing. Yogyakarta. Rusman. 2012. Model – model pembelajaran. Jakarta.

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http://www.web.net/~robrien/papers/arfinal.html (accessed on March 6th2013) Webster. 1989. Dictionary of The English Language. Grey Loped Cambridge


Table 3.1 Teaching  procedure.......................................................................22


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