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The meaning of love as experienced by Queen Attolia, the main character of Megan's the Queen of Attolia.


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Satiti, Thekla R R. (2013)The Meaning of Love as Experienced by Queen Attolia, The Main Character of Megan’s The Queen of Attolia. Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This studydeals withThe Queen of Attolia, a novel written by Megan Whalen Turner. This novel tells about the love story of a queen named Attolia and a thief.Queen Attolia hangs people planning to betray and attack her. The queen does these things because she has a bad experience in her life before:she finds out that her former fiancé and father-in-law plan to deposethe King’s power, Queen Attolia’s father. Then, she gets the information that her father die, and she takes revenge on her fiancé by poisoning him, until he die. Since then,she never believes inanyone any more. She will do cruel things to everyonethat is planning to betray her.In the meantime, there isa thief named Eugenides who tries to steal something precious from Queen Attolia’s palace. The Queen arrests him. She almost hangs him on the wallwhere she usually hangs her prisoners, but she changes her mind and cutsoff his right hand instead. As time passed by, the Queen happens to fall in love with the thief.

The aim of the study is to find out the meaning of love as experienced by Queen Attolia. There are two questions to be answered in this study. The first question is “How is queen Attolia described in the novel?” The second one is “What is the meaning ofQueenAttolia’s love?”.

The theories used are theory of character and characterization, theory of personality, theory of love, theory of katresnanismand theory of motivation. The approach used is psychological approach. The primary data of this study is the novel itself, The Queen of Attolia, while the secondary ones are:literary books, psychology books, related books, and the internet.

Having analyzed the novel, it can be concluded that Queen Attolia isdescribed as cruel, smart, attentive, calm, beautiful, jealous, cautious, avengeful and confident. Secondly,QueenAttolia’s love istriggered by her feelingsof pity for Eugenides. This means thather love is to redeem and pay for her feeling guilty forcutting offEugenides’right hand.

It is recommended that future researchers explore and analyze more about love, which is experienced by the thief, Eugenides. It is also suggested that the novelbe used as the material to teach ProseII in English Department Study Program of Sanata Dharma University.




Satiti, Thekla R R. (2013)The Meaning of Love as Experienced by Queen Attolia, The Main Character of Megan’s The Queen of Attolia. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Studi ini berkaitan dengan novel The Queen of Attolia yang ditulis oleh Megan Whalen Turner. Novel ini menceritakan tentang cinta seorang ratu yang kejam, Attolia dan seorang pencuri. Ratu menggantung orang yang berencana akan mengkhianati dan menyerang dia. Dia melakukan ini karena pengalaman buruknya di masa lalu: dia megetahui mantan tunangan dan mertua nya berencana melengserkan kedudukan sang Raja, ayah ratu Attolia. Kemudian, dia mengetahui kabar bahwa ayahnya telah meninggal, dia membalas dendam dengan meracuni tunangannya. Sejak itu, sang ratu tidak pernah memepercayai siapapun. Dia melakukan kekejaman kepada siapapun yang berencana mengkhianati dia.Seorang pencuri yang bernama Eugenidesmencuri barang berharga dari istana Queen Attolia.Namun, sang ratu menangkapnya. Sang ratu hampir menggantungnya di tembok dimana sang ratu biasa menggantung tawanannya, namun sang ratu berubah pikiran dan memotong tangan kanan pencuri itu.Berjalannya waktu, sang ratu akhirnya jatuh cinta dengan pencuri itu, Eugenides.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui arti sebuah cinta yang dialami oleh Queen Attolia. Ada dua pertanyaan untuk dijawab dalamstudi ini, yang pertama adalah “Bagaimana ratu Attolia digambarkan dalam novel tersebut?” Pertanyaan yang kedua adalah “Apakah arti dari cinta seorang ratu Attolia?”.

Teori yang digunakan adalah teori karakter, metode perwatakan, teori kepribadian, teori katresnanism dan teori motivasi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan psikologi. Sumber utama yang digunakan adalah novel itu sendiri, The Queen of Attolia.Selain itu, sumber yang kedua adalah buku-buku literatur, buku-buku psikologi, buku-buku yang terkait, dan dari internet.

Setelah menganalisa, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ratu Attolia dideskripsikanbahwa dia kejam, perhatian, tenang, cantik, pencemburu, berhati-hati, pendendam dan percaya diri.Kedua adalah arti cinta seorang ratu Attolia yaitu cinta yang disebabkan oleh perasaan kasihan kepada Eugenides. Ini juga diartikan bahwa cinta ratu Attolia bermakna cinta yang terjadi karena ingin menebus perasaan bersalahnya karena telah memotong tangan kanan pencuri itu. Penulis dapatmenganalisa dan membahas lebih lanjut tentang cinta yang dialami oleh pencuri tersebut, Eugenides. Disarankan bahwa novel dapat digunakansebagai materi untuk mengajar Prose II jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inngris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Thekla Ragam Reko Satiti Student Number: 071214044










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Thekla Ragam Reko Satiti Student Number: 071214044





ASarjana PendidikanThesis






Thekla Ragam Reko Satiti Student Number: 071214044

Approved by




ASarjana PendidikanThesis on







Student Number: 071214044

Defended before the Board of Examiners on 10 December 2013

and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. _____________

Secretary : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. _____________

Member : Drs. Ant. Herujiyanto, M.A., Ph.D. _____________

Member : Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum. _____________

Member : Drs. Bambang Hendarto, M.Hum. _____________

Yogyakarta, 10 December 2013

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University







I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the works or part of the works of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 10 December 2013 The Writer



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Thekla Ragam Reko Satiti

Nomor Mahasiswa : 071214044

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Pada tanggal: 10 Desember 2013

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Satiti, Thekla R R. (2013)The Meaning of Love as Experienced by Queen Attolia, The Main Character of Megan’s The Queen of Attolia. Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This study deals with The Queen of Attolia, a novel written by Megan Whalen Turner. This novel tells about the love story of a queen named Attolia and a thief. Queen Attolia hangs people planning to betray and attack her. The queen does these things because she has a bad experience in her life before: she finds out that her former fiancé and father-in-law plan to depose the King’s power, Queen Attolia’s father. Then, she gets the information that her father die, and she takes revenge on her fiancé by poisoning him, until he die. Since then, she never believes in anyone any more. She will do cruel things to everyone that is planning to betray her. In the meantime, there is a thief named Eugenides who tries to steal something precious from Queen Attolia’s palace. The Queen arrests him. She almost hangs him on the wall where she usually hangs her prisoners, but she changes her mind and cuts off his right hand instead. As time passed by, the Queen happens to fall in love with the thief.

The aim of the study is to find out the meaning of love as experienced by Queen Attolia. There are two questions to be answered in this study. The first question is “How is queen Attolia described in the novel?” The second one is “What is the meaning of Queen Attolia’s love?”.

The theories used are theory of character and characterization, theory of personality, theory of love, theory of katresnanismand theory of motivation. The approach used is psychological approach. The primary data of this study is the novel itself, The Queen of Attolia, while the secondary ones are: literary books, psychology books, related books, and the internet.

Having analyzed the novel, it can be concluded that Queen Attolia is described as cruel, smart, attentive, calm, beautiful, jealous, cautious, avengeful and confident. Secondly, Queen Attolia’s love is triggered by her feelings of pity for Eugenides. This means that her love is to redeem and pay for her feeling guilty for cutting off Eugenides’ right hand.

It is recommended that future researchers explore and analyze more about love, which is experienced by the thief, Eugenides. It is also suggested that the novel be used as the material to teach Prose II in English Department Study Program of Sanata Dharma University.



Satiti, Thekla R R. (2013)The Meaning of Love as Experienced by Queen Attolia, The Main Character of Megan’s The Queen of Attolia. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Studi ini berkaitan dengan novel The Queen of Attolia yang ditulis oleh Megan Whalen Turner. Novel ini menceritakan tentang cinta seorang ratu yang kejam, Attolia dan seorang pencuri. Ratu menggantung orang yang berencana akan mengkhianati dan menyerang dia. Dia melakukan ini karena pengalaman buruknya di masa lalu: dia megetahui mantan tunangan dan mertua nya berencana melengserkan kedudukan sang Raja, ayah ratu Attolia. Kemudian, dia mengetahui kabar bahwa ayahnya telah meninggal, dia membalas dendam dengan meracuni tunangannya. Sejak itu, sang ratu tidak pernah memepercayai siapapun. Dia melakukan kekejaman kepada siapapun yang berencana mengkhianati dia. Seorang pencuri yang bernama Eugenides mencuri barang berharga dari istana Queen Attolia. Namun, sang ratu menangkapnya. Sang ratu hampir menggantungnya di tembok dimana sang ratu biasa menggantung tawanannya, namun sang ratu berubah pikiran dan memotong tangan kanan pencuri itu. Berjalannya waktu, sang ratu akhirnya jatuh cinta dengan pencuri itu, Eugenides.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui arti sebuah cinta yang dialami oleh Queen Attolia. Ada dua pertanyaan untuk dijawab dalam studi ini, yang pertama adalah “Bagaimana ratu Attolia digambarkan dalam novel tersebut?” Pertanyaan yang kedua adalah “Apakah arti dari cinta seorang ratu Attolia?”.

Teori yang digunakan adalah teori karakter, metode perwatakan, teori kepribadian, teori katresnanism dan teori motivasi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan psikologi. Sumber utama yang digunakan adalah novel itu sendiri, The Queen of Attolia. Selain itu, sumber yang kedua adalah buku-buku literatur, buku-buku psikologi, buku-buku yang terkait, dan dari internet.

Setelah menganalisa, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ratu Attolia dideskripsikan bahwa dia kejam, perhatian, tenang, cantik, pencemburu, berhati-hati, pendendam dan percaya diri. Kedua adalah arti cinta seorang ratu Attolia yaitu cinta yang disebabkan oleh perasaan kasihan kepada Eugenides. Ini juga diartikan bahwa cinta ratu Attolia bermakna cinta yang terjadi karena ingin menebus perasaan bersalahnya karena telah memotong tangan kanan pencuri itu. Penulis dapat menganalisa dan membahas lebih lanjut tentang cinta yang dialami oleh pencuri tersebut, Eugenides. Disarankan bahwa novel dapat digunakan sebagai materi untuk mengajar Prose II jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inngris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.




Firstly, I would like to say that this is a great relief for my family and I that I have finally finished this thesis. Therefore, my deepest gratitude goes to Jesus Christ and His Mother for their real love, guidance and blessing that always come to my life, especially in the hard times in finishing this thesis.

Grateful thanks go to Drs. Antonius Herujiyanto, M.A., Ph.D. my sponsor who has given much time and patience to help me finish my thesis. I really thank him for his support, motivation and energy in giving me feedback through the process of writing this thesis.

My sincere love goes to my beloved parents Stephanus Subijono and Martha Sri Utari for their love, prayers, patience, and motivation so that I could face all of those troubles in finishing my thesis. I also send my love to my sisters Kian and Nian, brothers Ikrar and Ajie, brothers-in-law Lidi and Santoso, sister-in-law Agnes, niece and nephew Koleta, Alodia, and Pandya for supporting and giving me motivation in many ways.

I would also like to give my deepest gratitude to Wiwit Hendra Asmara S.Pd., Krisna Septa Bernanda S.Pd., Adesti Komalasari S.Pd., and Sister Margareth as my language consultants who were willing to proofread this thesis.



Sasongko, Dwi, Bang Gondrong and all of PBI students whom I could not mention one by one, thank you for being nice friends through the wonderful time of studying in PBI; dek Vero, dek Ayu, Mita, Eka, Niea, Niar for being my loyal friends by coloring my life; Kost Yadara 516, Ijog, I’is, Moniq, Ucil, Widha, Sasa, Ika, Friska, Tika, Titin, Pika, Tina, Ima, Vanya, Rani, Dela, Olin, Indah, and Ditya for being my roomates who make my day.

I also would like to address my thanks to my beloved coworkers in PKBM Angon; Istoto, Yulia, Valen, Emi, Nana, Nugroho, Hana, Witri, Ping, Angga ‘06, Cahya, Haya, I’ik, Liliana, Mega, Vena, Vivin, Theo, Ginong, and Rini ‘06 for being there to share happiness, sadness, knowledge, teaching experience, and love with me. Next, I address my thanks to Phillipe De Kezel for giving me more motivation and jokes to make me alive.

Last but not least, I would like to say thanks to those whose names I could not mention one by one for their support and help. May the Lord always be with all of us.











ABSTRAK... viii





1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Objective of the Study ... 3

1.3 Problem Formulation... 4

1.4 Benefits of the Study ... 4

1.5 Definition of Terms ... 4


2.1 Review of Related Theories ... 7



2.1.2 Methods of Characterization... 8

2.1.3 Theory of Personality... 10

2.1.4 Psychological Approach ... 11

2.1.5 Theory of Love ... 15

2.1.6 Theory of Motivation... 17

2.1.7 Theory ofKatresnanism... 20

2.2 Theoretical Framework ... 22


3.1 Object of the Study... 23

3.2 Approach of the Study... 24

3.3 Method of the Study ... 24


4.1 The Characterics of Attolia ... 26

4.1.1 Cruel... 27

4.1.2 Smart... 33

4.1.3 Attentive... 37

4.1.4 Calm... 39

4.1.5 Beautiful... 40



4.1.8 Cautious ... 44

4.1.10 Avengeful... 45

4.1.11 Confident ... 46

4.2 The meaning of Queen Attolia’s love ... 47

4.2.1 Surface meaning of Queen Attolia’s love... 48

4.2.2 Deeper meaning of Queen Attolia’s love ... 50


5.1 Conclusions ... 55

5.2 Implications ... 56

5.3 Suggestions... 57





Appendix 1 : Summary ofThe Queen of Attolia... 61

Appendix 2 : The Biography of Megan Whalen Turner ... 63

Appendix 3 : Sylabus of Prose II ... 65

Appendix 4 : Lesson Plan ... 67




This chapter consists of five sections: The first is Background of the Study

which elaborates some reasons for choosing the topic discussed in this study. The

second is Objective of the Study which explicitly states the aim of this study. The

third is Problem Formulations which consists of two questions, describes the

problems that will be analyzed. The fourth is Benefits of the Study which is

dealing with the advantages and benefits of this study. The fifth is Definition of

Terms which deals with the meaning of certain words or expressions used in this


1.1 Background of the Study

There are many ways to express one’s thoughts and feelings. Literary

works are the examples of one’s expression, such as seen by poems, novels and

plays. According to Lombardi (2010), “Literature represents a language or

people’s culture and tradition. It introduces us to new worlds of experience.” By

reading literary work, people can get the author’s ideas and thoughts. Therefore,

by analyzing the intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of the literary work, the reader can

understand the work deeper. Literature is interesting for learners in learning

language because learners could learn about other cultures, easily express their


In this study, the writer chooses a novel, entitled The Queen of Attolia by

Megan Whalen Turner. This novel enables the writer to imagine the story well

while reading it because the author wrote the novel in detail. Shepard says that a

novel is considered to be good on having best stories should be a strong theme, a

fascinating plot, a fitting structure, unforgettable characters, a well-chosen setting,

and an appealing style.

There are three interesting things about the novel, The Queen of Attolia.

First, through this novel the author can drive the readers to think that Queen

Attolia is so cruel. Second, this novel can make the readers wonder why the thief,

Eugenides has to steal a man, a queen, and peace. Third, it also brings them into

the author’s imagination in how Eugenides faces a wild world and in how Queen

Attolia lives a complicated life, and she falls in love with the thief, Eugenides.

According to Murphy (1972), “Novel is the ideal practised and read form

of literature in the world today.”(p.127). Murphy has 15 varieties of novel; The

Early Novel, Adventure, Horor and The Macabre, Crime and Detection, Mystery,

Spy and Espionage, Historical, Humorous, War, Western, Satirical, Romance,

Saga, Science Fiction, andAnimal. In this novel, the writer can find two varieties

of the novel: adventure and romance.

First, Adventure: some central characters usually go through all sorts of

unusual and dangerous adventures, they are usually in search of hidden wealth.

While involving in some hazardous mission, they are caught up in some


as a part of his adventure in stealing. He has hidden but he is caught. Then he has

to face a ruthless life which is the Queen of Attolia cuts off his right arm.

Second, Romance: This type of novel is principally about the course of the

love between a man and a woman, and usually it can unite two lovers. (p.131).

Romance is the topic that the writer chose because it is the most varied that can be

found in the story of the novel The Queen of Attolia, which is the love between

the thief, Eugenides and Queen Attolia. Love which could make Queen Attolia

realize how cruel she is.

This study aims to find out the meaning of Queen Attolia’s love, the main

character in the novel. According to Duvall (1966), “Love does not simply spring

forth some moonlight night without warning” (p. 47). Love speaks with many

accents, so different as to be foreign one to another and also appears in many

ways, which is something that can happen between two people who are in love.

Duval (1966) states that “Love is a language that expresses everything from

poetry to profanity.” (p.25).The objective of the study is to find the meaning of

love as experienced by Queen Attolia, the main character of Megan’s The Queen

of Attolia.

1.2 Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find the meaning of love as experienced by


1.3 Problem Formulation

Based on the background, two problems can be formulated as follows:

1. How is Queen Attolia described in the novel?

2. What is the meaning of Queen Attolia’s love?

1.4 Benefits of the Study

The writer expects that this thesis will become one of the information

which is beneficial for others in understanding the extrinsic of the novel,

especially for the general readers, the students of English Language Education

Study Program. The writer also hopes that this study can be used as a material for

the lecturers of English Language Study Program of literature, to use this novel

The Queen of Attolia to teach Book Reports, Reading, Prose, Paragraph Writing,

and Introduction to Literature. Moreover, the writer hopes that this study can help

people who are interested in literature.

1.5 Definition of Terms

The following part is the meaning of certain words used in the study. The

purpose is to avoid misunderstanding, ambiguities, and vagueness in perceiving


1.5.1 Love

According to Anapol (2011) “Love is bigger than you are. You can invite

love, but you cannot dictate how, when, and where love expresses itself. You can

even find yourself loving people you do not like at all”.

Love happens between a queen and a thief. Especially, the writer wants to

tell about the Queen’s love, how the queen of Attolia could love the thief though

she really hates him and Eugenides’ queen. She even cuts the thief’s right hand. It

is said in the novel that Queen Attolia loves him and accepts his proposal to marry


1.5.1 Tradition

According to Shils (1981), tradition means something that is inherited

from the past to the present. If something lasts only for a short time then it cannot

be called a tradition. However, if it can last for three generations then it can be

called a tradition (pp. 12-15). In this study, the writer utilizes this definition to tell

the readers that in Eddis there is a tradition, thieves.

1.5.3 Motivation

According to Weber and Morris (1990), motivation means an inner

directing force – a need or want – that arouses the organism and directs toward a

goal (p.408). Furthermore, White et al. (1975) say that motivation refers to the


writer utilizes definition of motivation to tell the readers that there are some

reasons and desires behind Queen Attolia’s action in loving the thief, Eugenides.


Herujiyanto said that the idea of this theory is ‘giving is receiving’.

Positive thinking becomes the central of theory of katresnanism. When a lover has

a positive thinking along her/his relationship, it will guarantee such a long lasting

relationship. Positive thinking can be a tool to build such a divine love that means

yours and mine are one. In this study, the writer utilizes definition of

katresnanism to tell the readers that Queen Attolia can feel think positively of




This chapter deals with theories and approaches as well as contexts of the

primary data. This chapter consists of two sections. The first section provides a

review of related theories which are going to be used. The second section of this

chapter provides the theoritical framework which explains the steps in conducting

this research.

2.1 Review of Related Theories

This section deals with theories, which comprise the fundamentals of the

analysis of this study. They are theory of character, theory of characterization,

theory of personality, psychological approach, theory of motivation and theory of

love. According to Young (1945), a theory is an abstract and general statement of

fundamental principles designed to explain particular events or facts which we

know concretely (p. 276).

2.1.1 Theory of Character

Character is one of the most important elements in a work of literature to

see the main character in The Queen of Attolia deeper. It will help the readers to know the character. Stanton (1965) notes that character is one of the most


action in a story (p. 17). According to Abrams (1981), a character is “an

individual who exists in a dramatic or narrative work and he/she has moral

dispositional qualities that can be seen from his/her dialogue and action. Dialogue

and action have important roles in understanding the characters” (p. 21). There are

two kinds of character in the fictional story according to Milligan (1983). They

are called major character and minor character.

A major character is the most important character in a literary work. He

plays a very important role because everything he does becomes the content of the

story. A major character becomes the centre of the story because he endures

problems, conflict, happiness, sorrow, etc. Through his actions, the reader knows

the author’s message of the story. The minor characters are the characters that

plays less important role than the major characters. Their appearances support the

main character to develop the story so that they appear only in a certain setting.

They do not endure the problem of the story (p. 155). In this study, the writer

focuses on Queen Attolia’s characterizations, Queen Attolia whom the writer

wants to know about her process of falling in love with the thief, Eugenides.

2.1.2 Methods of Characterization

Rohrberger and Woods (1971) state that characterization is an author’s

creative process in creating a character. This process consists of describing the

character’s physical appearance, style, manner, thought, action and other’s


ways of the author to make his or her characters understandable, which are as


First is personal description. It means that the author can describe the

person’s appearance and clothes in the story. The author describes what the

characters are like and tells the reader the details of the characters’ appearance;

body/build, the face, skin colours, eyes, hair and clothing.

Second is character seen by the other characters. It means that the author

can describe a character through the eyes and opinions of other people in the

story. The reader gets as it were, a reflected image. In other words, the author

describes a character in the story by letting other people in the story make

opinions about the character him or herself.

Third is speech. It means that the author can give the reader an insight into

the character of one person in the story through what the person says. Whenever a

person speaks, whenever he is in the conversation with the others, whenever he

puts forward an opinion, he is giving his readers a clue to his character.

Fourth is past life. It means that the author lets the reader learn something

about a person’s past life, the author can give the readers a clue to events that have

helped to shape the person’s characters. This way can be seen through the direct

comment from the author, person’s thought, conversation or the medium of

another person.

Fifth is conversation of other characters. It means that the author can give


and the things they say about the character itself. The clues that the readers have,

comes from the characters’ conversation.

Sixth is reaction. It means that the author can give the readers a clue about

the person’s characters by letting the readers know how that person reacts to the

various situations and events. Therefore, through this reaction, the readers can

understand the mental and moral qualities of the person in the story.

Seventh is direct comment of the author. It means that the author can

describe or comment on a person’s character in the story directly. In this way, the

reader will understand more easily what kind of people are in the story.

Eight is thoughts. It means that the author can give the readers direct

knowledge of what a person in the story is thinking about. Here, the author is able

to do what the author his or herself cannot do in the real life. The author also can

tell the readers what different people are thinking.

Ninth is mannerism. It means that the author can describe a person’s

mannerisms, habits, or idiosyncrasies, which may also tell us something about his

character (p. 160-173).

2.1.3 Theory of Personality

Hurlock (1974) says that human life consists of two aspects, namely

individual and social aspects. The individual aspect concerns with the physical

changes and individual’s personality development. Individual’s personality


experience within his family and the important events that happened outside the

home or the social aspect (pp. 19-20).

Allport (1970), in Pattern and Growth in Personality, says that “cultural ways, social situation, and individual’s role within social systems plays role in

individual’s development personality” (pp. 194-195). He explains that a child

usually requires cultural ways. He grows to accept the roles, which appropriate to

his status within the family, but later, he finds himself playing many assigned

roles within many social systems. His behaviour is modified within limits by

every social situation he encounters.

In Personality Theory and Research,Pervin and John (1997) say that there are some environmental determinants that influence individual’s personality, such

as culture, social class, family, and peers. They also mention three ways in which

parents influence their children’s behaviour. They present situations that elicit

certain behaviour in children like frustration leads to aggression. Second is, that

parents serve as role models for identification. Third, is that parents selectively

reward behaviour (pp. 11-14).

2.1.4 Psychological Approach

An approach will guide us to understand the nature, function and the

possible value of literary work. According to Rohrberger and Woods, there are

five critical approaches which can be implemented in analyzing a literary work.

They are formalist approach, biographical approach, sociocultural-historical


approach applies psychology to explain human motivation, personality and

behavior pattern written in literary objects in analyzing the literary works (pp.

13-17). In this study, the psychological approach is chosen to help the writer

analyzing Queen Attolia’s personality development and motivation in loving


According to Lester Crow and Alice Crow, psychology is often said as the

study of human behavior and the progress of man’s self development. Human

behavior and development are influenced by the environment and the potential

that man have. That is why psychology can be said as the study of personality.

(pp. 228-231)

According to Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality that is written by Cherry, personality is composed of three elements. These three elements of

personality, known as the id, the ego and the superego, work together to create

complex human behaviours. The Id

The id is the only component of personality that is present from birth. This

aspect of personality is entirely unconscious and includes of the instinctive and

primitive behaviours. According to Freud, the id is the source of all psychic

energy, making it the primary component of personality. The id is driven by the

pleasure principle, which strives for immediate gratification of all desires, wants,

and needs. If these needs are not satisfied immediately, the result is a state of


However, immediately satisfying these needs is not always realistic or

even possible. If we were ruled entirely by the pleasure principle, we might find

ourselves grabbing things we want out of other people's hands to satisfy our own

cravings. This sort of behaviour would be both disruptive and socially

unacceptable. According to Freud, the id tries to resolve the tension created by the

pleasure principle through the primary process, which involves forming a mental

image of the desired object as a way of satisfying the need. The Ego

The ego is the component of personality that is responsible for dealing

with reality. According to Freud, the ego develops from the id and ensures that the

impulses of the id can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real world. The

ego functions in the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious mind. The ego

operates based on the reality principle, which strives to satisfy the id’s desires in

realistic and socially appropriate ways. The reality principle weighs the costs and

benefits of an action before deciding to act upon or abandon impulses.

In many cases, the id’s impulses can be satisfied through a process of

delayed gratification, the ego will eventually allow the behaviour, but only in the

appropriate time and place. The ego also discharges tension created by unmet

impulses through the secondary process, in which the ego tries to find an object in

(31) The Superego

The last component of personality to develop is the superego. The

superego is the aspect of personality that holds all of our internalized moral

standards and ideals that we acquire from both parents and society—our sense of

right and wrong. The superego provides guidelines for making judgments. The

superego acts to perfect and civilize our behaviour. It works to suppress all

unacceptable urges of the id and struggles to make the ego act upon idealistic

standards rather that upon realistic principles. The superego is present in the

conscious, preconscious and unconscious. According to Freud, the superego

begins to emerge at around age five. There are two parts of the superego:

1) The Ego Ideal

The ego ideal includes the rules and standards for good behaviours. These

behaviours include those, which are approved of by parental and other authority

figures. Obeying these rules leads to feelings of pride, value and accomplishment.

2) The Conscience

The conscience includes information about things that are viewed as bad

by parents and society. These behaviours are often forbidden and lead to bad

consequences, punishments or feelings of guilt and remorse.

3) The Interaction of the Id, Ego and Superego

With so many competing forces, it is easy to see how conflict might arise

between the id, ego and superego. Freud used the term ego strength to refer to the

ego's ability to function despite these duelling forces. A person with good ego


or too little ego strength can become too unyielding or too disrupting. According

to Freud, the key to a healthy personality is a balance between the id, the ego, and

the superego.

2.1.5 Theory of Love

Elkrief (2013) says that love is complete acceptance: When someone

comes to us and we allow him without any belief that they aren’t good enough,

without any belief that they would be “better” if they were different, this is love.

In Popova’s collection of Famous Definitions from 200 Years of Literary

History, she found in Stendhal’s fantastic (1822), which he notes that love is like a

fever which comes and goes quite independently of the will. There are no age

limits for love.

Sternberg (1986) comes up with a Triangular Theory of Love. The

underlying idea of this theory is that love can be dissected into three main parts:

intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment (pp. 119-135). Intimacy

This encompasses feelings of closeness, connectedness, and boundaries.

With passion, there is the initial infatuation, the strong emotions, and the

attraction. It involves a high level of trust between two individuals Passion

This encompasses drives that lead to romance, physical attraction, and

sexual consummation. With intimacy, the lovers become closer, inter-dependant,

(33) Commitment

This encompasses, in the short term, the decision to remain with another,

and in the long term, the shared achievements and plans made with that other.

Commitment is the most volitional of the three, the decision to take steps to

maintain the love and the relationship.

The table of combination of intimacy, passion, and commitment from

Stenberg will help the writer to analyze the problem formulations easily.

Table I. Types of love

and types of love are explained, as follows:

1) Liking or Friendship:It is intimacy, in which a person feels a bond, warmth, and a closeness with another but not passion or long-term commitment.

2) Infatuated Love:It is passion.

3) Empty Love:It is commitment without intimacy or passion.

4) Romantic Love: It bonds individuals emotionally through intimacy and physically through passionate arousal, but neither is sustained without


5) Companionate Love: It is intimacy and commitment. It is non-passionate type of love that is stronger than friendship because of the element of

long-term commitment. The love ideally shared between family members is a form

of companionate love, as is the love between close friends who have a

platonic but strong friendship.

6) Fatuous Love: It is commitment and passion, its commitment is motivated largely by passion without the stabilizing influence of intimacy.

7) Consummate Love: It is passion, intimacy, and commitment, which is the complete form of love. Consummate love is theorized to be that love

associated with the “perfect couple”. (Stenberg 1987; p. 341).

2.1.6 Theory of Motivation

The basis of Maslow’s motivation theory (1954) is that “human beings are

motivated by unsatisfied needs, and that certain lower factors need to be satisfied

before higher needs can be satisfied. According to Maslow, there are general types

of needs (physiological, survival, safety, love, and esteem) that must be satisfied

before a person can act unselfishly. He called these needs “deficiency needs”. As

long as we are motivated to satisfy these cravings, we are moving towards growth,

toward self-actualization. Satisfying needs is healthy, while preventing

gratification makes us sick or act evilly”. (pp. 80-122)

As a result, for adequate workplace motivation, it is important

that leadership understands the active needs active for individual employee


lower-order needs like safety and physiological requirements have to be satisfied in

order to pursue higher-level motivators along the lines of self-fulfilment. As

depicted in the following hierarchical diagram, sometimes called “Maslow’s

Needs Pyramid” or “Maslow’s Needs Triangle”, after a need is satisfied it stops

acting as a motivator and the next need one rank higher starts to motivate.

(pp. 123-154) Self-actualization

Self-actualization is the summit of Maslow’s motivation theory. It is about

the quest of reaching one’s full potential as a person. Unlike lower level needs,

this need is never fully satisfied; as one grows psychologically there are always

new opportunities to continue to grow. Self-actualized people tend to

have motivators such as truth, justice, wisdom, and meaning. Self-actualized

persons have frequent occurrences of peak experiences, which are energized moments of profound happiness and harmony. According to Maslow, only a small

percentage of the population reaches the level of self-actualization. Physiological Needs

(36) Esteem Needs

After a person feels that he “belongs”, the urge to attain a degree of

importance emerges. Esteem needs can be categorized as external motivators and

internal motivators. Internally motivating esteem needs are those such as

self-esteem, accomplishment, and self-respect. External esteem needs are those such

as reputation and recognition. Some examples of esteem needs are recognition

(external motivator), attention (external motivator), social status (external

motivator), accomplishment (internal motivator), self-respect (internal motivator),

and success. Maslow later improved his model to add a layer in between

self-actualization and esteem needs: the need for aesthetics and knowledge. Social Needs

Once a person has met the lower level physiological and safety needs,

higher level motivators awaken. The first level of higher level needs is social

needs. Social needs are those related to interaction with others and may include

friendship, acceptance, affection, belonging to a group, and giving and receiving

love. Safety Needs

They are security, shelter, freedom from fear and anxiety. Once

physiological needs are met, one’s attention turns to safety and security in order to

be free from the threat of physical and emotional harm. Living in a safe area,


According to the Maslow hierarchy, if a person feels threatened needs further up

the pyramid will not receive attention until that need has been resolved. Physiological Needs

Physiological needs are those required to sustain life, such as air, water,

food, sex, and sleep. According to this theory, if these fundamental needs are not

satisfied then one will surely be motivated to satisfy them. Higher needs such as

social needs and esteem are not recognized until one satisfies the needs basic to


2.1.7 Theory ofKatresnanism

According to Herujiyanto (2007), Theory of katresnanism (divine love) is a term which refers to the result of an inductive work functioning as a reminder

and invitation (éling-kèlingan) of one’s true self (jati diri) and one’s existence

which was granted due to katresnan (divine love) as soon as one was born, which

are mostly derived from Javanese philosophy—it is often referred to as

philosophical analysis.

The idea of this theory is ‘giving is receiving’.Positive thinking becomes

the central of theory ofkatresnanism. When a lover has a positive thinking along her/his relationship, it will guarantee such a long lasting relationship. Positive

thinking can be a tool to build such a divine love that means yours and mine are


Herujiyanto (2007) explains later about positive thinking that it makes

each spouse or couple understand that things such as one’s work (including one’s

own work). Katresnanism brings 99 principles but there are 33 which have been discussed. Those principles are the presentation of positive thinking. They are

applied to see the over or covert meaning of the literary work that is discussed.

Through these principles, the writer will analyze the possible meaning of Queen

Attolia’s love.

The Real Truth:Aos Katresnanism

1. andhap asor(being humble) 17.nalar(being logical)

2. andhom slamet(sharing protection) 18.ngugemi(holding commitment) 3. angon mangsa(being versatile) 19.nyamleng(creating enjoyment) 4. atur panuwun(feeling gratitude) 20.nyumangga(promoting after


5. banyu sinaring 21.rukun(promoting harmony) (becoming a purified model)

6. binerkahan(being blessed) 22.samanunggal(being the same boat)

7. cancuttaliwanda(being prepared) 23.sithik idhing(promoting win-win)

8. citra wicitra wicitra(meaningful 24.sumèlèh(being able to accept) covert-covert)

9. duga prayoga(calculated step) 25.tentram(promoting peace) 10.yatna yuwana 26.tulus(being sincere)

11.kasugengan(offering goodluck) 27.tuhu(celebrating faithfulness) 12.kraton ndalem(being spiritual) 28.teposliro(celebrating tolerance) 13.lothong kemayangan(feeling lucky) 29.sumarah(trusting-surrendering) 14.migunani(promoting benefit) 30.mranani(enthralling)

15.mrantasi(being reliable) 31.mbombong-mbimbing

(encouraging) 16.mulat sarira(being considerate) 32.pas(just right)


Like action research, theory of katresnanism may be considered as a strategy to help us live positively and in a way that we feel the very

enlightening-peaceful way.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

The writer uses the theories which have been explained in the previous

part. There are six theories which have been explained, those are the theory of

characters, methods of characterization, theory of personality, psychological

approach, theory of love, theory of motivation and theory ofkatresnanism.

Firstly, the writer uses the theory of character which helps the writer that

Queen Attolia is the main character of Megan. The writer also applies theory of

personality and methods of characterization in order to answer the first problem

formulation. By knowing Queen Attolia’s personality through using those three

theories, it will be easier for the writer to find out how Queen Attolia is described.

Secondly, the writer uses psychological approach to know the meaning of

Queen Attolia’s love from her process in having ego, id, and superego. Theory of

motivation helps the writer to find out what Queen Attolia’s motivation is in her

love experience. Moreover, Theory of love and theory of katresnanism are also useful for analysing the second problem formulations, in which the writer thinks

that the conditions which has happened to Queen Attolia and what she has done




This chapter consists of three parts. The first is Object of the Study which

elaborates the subject of the study. The second is Approach of the Study which

conveys the literature approach used in this study. The third is Method of the

Study which deals with the source that is used in this study and the processes of

conducting study.

3.1 Object of the Study

A novel, The Queen of Attolia is created by Megan Whalen Turner, the

author who was born in 1965. She graduated from The University of Chicago with

a BA in English Language and Literature with honors in 1987. She worked as a

bookseller for seven or eight years before she started writing. Her husband, Mark

Turner, is a professor of Cognitive Science at Case Western Reserve University.

They have been living in Oslo Norway, for a year, but now they are back in Ohio.

The author, Megan has three novels which are trilogy. The first one isThe

Thief which was awarded a Newbery Honor, and its sequels. Second one is The

Queen of Attolia and the last is The King of Attolia. Her stories are fiction and

nothing in those stories are historically accurate.

Her novel, The Queen of Attolia was published in 2000, April 26th, by


America. The text is divided into twenty-one chapters and it runs up to 360 pages.

The Queen of Attolia belongs to the genre fiction, not historically accurate. The

gods and the goddesses in her book do not belong to the Greek or any other

Pantheon, the author made them up. She also created her own imagination for The

Mede Empire.

3.2 Approach of the Study

The writer used psychological approach. Psychological approach is used to

answer the second formulated question as written in the chapter I. This approach

is aimed to help the writer to understand the Queen of Attolias’s personality

better. Her process being a cruel person who cannot believe anyone, but she can

believe Eugenides and fall in love with him. Through knowing the process, the

writer can get the meaning of Queen Attolia’s love.

3.3 Method of the Study

The writer used library research by compiling data from books and internet

source in order to complete this study. The sources are divided into two kinds; the

primary and the secondary source. The primary source is Megan’s The Queen of

Attolia. The secondary sources are literary books, psychological books, related

books, and internet.

There are several steps to conduct in this study. The first step was reading

the novel. The writer also wrote down the finding which the writer got from the


story, The Queen of Attolia. The second step was deciding the topic to be

discussed. Additionally, the writer concluded the analysis into two problem

formulations. The next step after formulating the problems related to the topic and

finding the appropriate approach employed in the analysis was finding the

secondary sources related to the topic or problems that would be analysed. In this

step, the writer found the secondary data from some books and online references

as stated above.

The third step was the writer answered or analyzed the problem

formulations. It means that the writer tried to answer the problem formulations by

using the primary and secondary data. The writer tried to apply the theories and

reviews from the secondary data to the story of the primary data. In the analysis,

the writer focused on Queen Attolia’s character by observing her speech, action,

behaviour, thought, author’s writing and other’s opinion about her. After that the

writer gave some clear explanations on her character. Afterwards, the theory of

motivation, theory of love, theory ofkatresnanismand psychological approach are

used to answer the meaning of Queen Attolia’s love.

The last step was to conclude the study of the novel. In this step, the writer

concluded the important points of the analysis as the result of the analysis and

gave some suggestions to the future researchers who want to analyse the novel,




This chapter aims to answer the questions formulated in Chapter I. This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part will discuss the Queen Attolia’s characteristics. The second part deals with the meaning of Queen Attolia’s love.

4.1 The Characteristics of Queen Attolia

By using theory of character, Stanton and Abrams, the writer finds out that character is one of the most important individual who exists in a dramatic or narrative work. He is a person who does the action and has the important roles in a story. In The Queen of Attolia, Queen Attolia is the important character who endures problems, conflict, happiness, etc. It is called the main character.

Queen Attolia possesses many characteristics, they are; cruel, smart, attentive, calm, beautiful, jealous, cautious, avengeful and confident. In this novel, Queen Attolia is described as a beautiful woman with cruel traits in her. It is found in many sentences of the novel about what she does and says. Queen Attolia becomes more cruel because she has people who cannot be trusted, so she gives a cruel punishment for those who want to try to attack and to betray her.


“Six weeks before she was supposed to prepare for her wedding, the news came that her father was dead. Her fiance stopped in her rooms with a face so full of mock solemnity it was an insult and told her that her father had been poisoned by some unknown assassin” (p. 202)

Therefore, the above incident makes her believe no one and causes her to be so cruel. She began to really hate queen Eddis and all that Queen Eddis has; loyal people around her, thieves, Eddis’s life, and more especially when Eddis did not want to take her advice.

The writer found nine characteristics of Queen Attolia. They are analyzed by methods of characterization to answer the first problem formulation in detail. The characteristics of the Queen which are explained in this chapter are:

4.1.1 Cruel

Queen Attolia is a cruelerson, because she hangs people and cuts off Eugenides’ right hand. She would do so to those things to people who plan to betray and attack her. This can be seen from the following incidents:

Queen Attolia molests Eguinedes, but the thief always tries to smile at the Queen. He is always ignored and rewarded with cruelty acts from the queen. It is because the Queen hates everything that belongs to Queen Eddis, that is why she also hates the thief, Eguinedes.

Attolia saw his smile, without any hint of self effacement of flattery or opportunism, a smile wholly unlike that of any member of her court, and she hit him across the face with her open hand. His head rocked on his shoulders. He made no sound but dropped to his knees, fighting nausea. (p. 22)


methods of characterization (1972). In this case, it is derived from the reaction (pp.168-170).

Queen Attolia always hangs her prisoners on her wall as she wants to do away with the thief, Eugenides. She says that after hanging him on the wall, she will send his body back to Eddis and then waits for the Aracthus to flow. She wants to stand against Queen Eddis by sending Eugenides’ body to Queen Eddis. She wants to make sure by sending Eugenides’ body if Queen Eddis will open the water of Aracthus or not.

“Hang him,” she said. “Take him out now and hang him. Send his body back to Eddis, and we’ll see if the Aracthus flows.” (p. 23). “Remember that your gods are not mine. Nor will they be,” she said. (p.23)

The incident above proves that Queen Attolia is cruel. It is because she uses Eugenides’ body as a weapon to stand against Queen Eddis while waiting for the water of Aracthus. It is analyzed through Murphy’s methods of characterization (1972). In this case, it is derived from the speech (pp.164-166).

Queen Attolia has a tradition which is hanging everyone who is brave enough to betray her. This also happens to Eugenides, Queen Attolia will have her guards hang him, but it is canceled. It is because she has another idea to give a great punishment for the thief. It is proved when the Mede said to Queen Attolia thinking twice before hanging the thief on her palace wall because Eddis prefers to let the thief die quickly than let the thief experience every level of pain.


The incident above proves that Queen Attolia is cruel because she really wants to hurt the thief and Queen Eddis more. It is analyzed through Murphy’s methods of characterization (1972). In this case, it is derived from the direct comment of the author (pp.170-171).

Queen Attolia wants Queen Eddis not to have her hope. This is why Queen Attolia thinks that if she hangs the thief and kills him quickly, it will make Queen Eddis feel better, so she changes her mind to do with Eugenides.

For Attolia, the death of the Thief was worth the loss of season’s harvest, but his death was the leat Attolia could accomplish and the best that Eddis could hope for. There was no reason to satisfy Eddis’s hopes, and she had every desire to confound them. (p. 24)

The incident above proves that Queen Attolia is cruel. It is because she will not let Queen Eddis be satisfied for her hope. It is analyzed through Murphy’s method of characterization (1972). In this case, it is derived from the direct comment of the author (pp.170-171).

Queen Attolia is cruel because she keeps changing her mind about what she will do with Eugenides. A thing which Queen Attolia will do what is best and good for her, but the worst for the thief and his queen.


As it is said before that Queen Attolia will have her guards hang the thief, Eguinedes, but it is cancelled. Then, the Queen decides to give a great punishment to the thief which she thinks that it will make Queen Eddis to open the River, Aracthus. Her decision is to cut the thief’s right hand because she wants to hurt him and his Queen more.

The man beside him lifted the sword it caught the firelight on its edge a moment before it swept down, biting deep into the wooden arm of the chair. His right hand disappeared behind the table. (p. 32)

The incident above proves that Queen Attolia is cruel because of her action in having her guards cut off Eugenides’ right hand. It is analyzed through Murphy’s method of characterization (1972). In this case, it is derived from reaction (pp.168-170).

Queen Attolia wants to hurt Eugenides and his Queen in every level. Moreover, she also wants him to cry out because she wants to know that it is successful to cause him so much pain.


Queen Attolia decides to cut the thief’s right hand because she wants to hurt him more, slowly. However, she does not want the wound to accelerate death, so she gets her guards find a doctor to check the wound. The cauterizing iron is ready, and she stands there to see if he will scream when it is applied. He jerks again for twice against the straps but he still makes no sound, he only takes a deep breath sharply and does not let the breath go.

Attolia watched as his lips flushed blue, and then he fainted, his head was dropping forward to his chest, his dark hair covering his face. She came closer to be sure that he breathed again, then she asked again to have a doctor checked the wound for infection and left. (pp. 32 - 33)

Attolia sighed in irritation. A familiar, not uncomfortable emotion. “If I didn’t want him dead of one infection, why would I want him dead from another?” (p. 35)

Queen Attolia gives another instruction while pointing at the swollen red skin that shows through the torn cloth by saying that the bites on the thief’s leg are infected. The prison keeper looks wary and says that the doctor already checked the burns at her orders. She gets angry and asks the keeper why it was only the burns which were checked. The keeper says that he perceives that those are her orders.


Queen Attolia is also defined as a cruel person from queen Eddis’ statement about her action of cutting off the thief’s right hand. Queen Eddis thinks that Queen Attolia hates her so much.

“Attolia could have had the same result by killing you, but she wanted something that would hurt you and me more.” She looked at him. “You know all this,” she said. (p. 90)

The incident above proves that Queen Attolia is cruel. It is known from Queen Eddis’ opinion about the cruelty of Queen Attolia. It is analyzed through Murphy’s methods of characterization (1972). In this case, it is derived from character as seen by the other characters (pp.162-164).

Queen Attolia has done so many cruel things toward people who are brave enough to betray her. The cruel things that she has done are aimed at defending her throne. She is cruel and barbaric. She will do anything, even the worst thing for her prisoners or whoever dares to betray and oppose her. It is all to make her satisfied and to defend her throne.

Eugenides turned to stare at her over his shoulder. “You are defending her,” he pointed out.

The queen of Eddis hissed in displeasure. “I don’t want to. She’s vicious, she’s barbaric, and I think by this time edging toward insane, but I’m forcing myself to be honest. She has not indulged in atrocities for personal pleasure,” she said firmly. “Or for personal revenge. She has used them as deterrents to defend her throne.” (p. 186)


4.1.2 Smart

Queen Attolia is smart because she always thinks carefully before doing something, and she always has a good plan to her benefit. This can be seen from the following incidents:

Queen Attolia is smart. It can be said because the Queen always considers what she will do and always has a good plan to do it. She cancels hanging the thief and she has her guards take him back to his cell and lets him wait, while she decides what is best to do with him. She is very smart in satisfying herself by hurting the thief and his queen more.

“That was hasty of me ,” she said. She continued to stare into Eugenides’s face but spoke to the guards. “Take him back to his cell and let him wait. I believe,” she said slowly, “I will think a little more before I decide what’s best to do with you.” (p. 25)

The incident above proves that Queen Attolia is smart as known from her speech that she wants to think twice for the best for herself and the worst for the thief. It is analyzed through Murphy’s methods of characterization (1972). In this case, it is derived from the speech (pp.164-166).

When the thief will be given a punishment, he offers himself to be at Queen Attolia’s service, but she refuses. She refuses because she has offered the same thing before, but the thief refused it for his queen, Queen Eddis. Queen Attolia refuses it because she does not want to be tricked again.

“Your Majesty.” He turned to her and said desperately, ”Let me serve you. Let me be your Thief.”


The incident above proves that Queen Attolia is smart because Eugenides offers to the Queen to be at her service, but she refuses it because she does not want to be tricked. It is analyzed through Murphy’s methods of characterization (1972). In this case, it is derived from the speech (pp.164-166).

Queen Attolia thinks that by using the thief as a weapon, a lovely thief of Queen Eddis, she can stand against her enemy. She wants to hurt Eddis more in every level by cutting Eugenides’s right hand. Queen Attolia says to Eugenides that his queen thinks she is safe by sending him to Attolia, but she is wrong because Queen Attolia is smart, so she can do anything to stand against her.

“Your queen thinks she is safe sending you to me because I cannot use you against her. I think I can. And what I want is not what Eddis chooses to give me. (p. 31)

The incident above proves that Queen Attolia is smart as known from her speech when she says to Eugenides that she can do anything with him to stand against his queen. It is analyzed through Murphy’s methods of characterization (1972). In this case, it is derived from the speech (164-166).

Queen Attolia says that his queen let the thief be hanged, but not to make it so painful in every level. Queen Attolia says that it will not happen with him, because she still thinks that there is a way to do the best for her and the worse for him. She is so unpredictable and smart to do her plan.

“Your ambassador says your queen has accepted my right to have you hanged,” said Attolia. “But not to have you flogged to death, nor to have you hung upside down from my palace walls, nor to have you starve to death in a cage in the courtyard.”


Table I. Types of love


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