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Learn From Centenarians About Longevity


Academic year: 2017

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535 Summary:

The secret to longevity is healthy eating, exercise, and positive attitude. The common theme noticed by centenarians on longevity was a positive attitude. No matter what they faced in life; cancer, illness, injuries, etc. they all accepted their challenges and moved on


Longevity, eating healthy, positive attitude

Article Body:

I attended a health conference by a retired physician, Jerome Kornfeld, M.D. from California. It´s so refreshing to hear the medical community endorsing how critical exercise and good nutrition is to health and longevity. More importantly, was the confirmation of how the mind and positive thoughts control health and longevity.

Dr. Kornfeld was speaking at a lecture where nine centenarians were in attendance. Eight of the nine were women. He asked each centenarian to share their secret to longevity. Then he asked the audience if they noticed a common thread to the centenarians´ secrets. No one seemed to notice a common thread. Dr. Kornfeld noticed one, but only one. The common theme he noticed was a positive attitude. No matter what they faced in life; cancer, illness, injuries, etc. they all accepted their challenges and moved on. Wow, that is powerful! But, it does not surprise me. We find the same thing in our fitness and weight loss businesses. The people who are positive and have a great outlook on life reach their goals, get best results, and are overall healthier. I´ve been teaching this over the last several years. I regularly speak to groups, corporations and individuals about their thoughts and mental attitudes. My primary message is having a healthy mindset; then I talk about exercise and eating healthy.

Iris is a 90 year young woman in our personal training studio who my husband trains two times a week. Her goal is for strength and balance so she doesn´t fall. She has such a positive outlook on life. She dresses in fine clothes to workout. We compliment her all the time how she looks so nice, and she said when she looks good she feels good. It´s all in her attitude. She loves that fact that she exercises with a personal trainer and it makes her feel important. She has also noticed a tremendous amount of benefits many she never expected to experience when all she wanted was a little strength and balance. Her family is very proud of her also. Iris hasn´t been the youngest client we´ve worked with. My husband also trains a 99 year young women. Molly is full of life and still dances. Her attitude affects her health and she doesn´t look a day over 80. Both of our 90 year old clients know the importance of eating health. They don´t skip breakfast and have a great attitude on life. They want to make the most of their time left on earth. Their secret to longevity is healthy eating, exercise and to be happy and positive.

From personal experience, I know how my attitude affects my life, health, business, and relationships. I´ve seen both sides from clinical depression to working diligently on my positive attitude. And guess what? It certainly is more fun and energizing to be positive rather than negative. It does take effort to maintain a positive attitude on a regular basis, but the effort is so worth the benefits! Ask the people around me. Keeping it positive will enhance your life and the people around you. For more information, motivation and tips on weight loss, go to http://www.womensweightlosscoach.com

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