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Topic12.ppt 446KB Jun 05 2011 09:29:56 PM


Academic year: 2017

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##########################�� ��# d#########d#########9#��##����##1#��####��#####�� #��d#########d#########~###The Systems Development Life Cycle Systems Planning Systems Analysis -Procedures and data gathering Systems Design -Procedures -Design Considerations -Design Methodologies -Factors affecting the selection of a vendor Systems Implementation -Performing preliminary actions -Executing activities leading to an operational system



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,### ##### # d#########d#############System Analysis Procedures


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Systems Survey Data Gathering#


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###2## ##Z� ���## #� ��####��#####�� ��# d#########d######### ###Once data about� the system is gathered, it must be analyzed.Work Measurement (including time-and-motion studies and throughput techniques) evaluates the efficiency of employees in performing repetitive jobs.A work distribution chart focuses on an employee s job �


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,### ##### # d#########d############System Design


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Economical feasibility - are the expected benefits expected to exceed the costs of the new system?Time feasibility - can the new system be designed and

implemented in the period scheduled?Technical feasibility - is proven technology available to implement the design?Legal feasibility - is there a conflict


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Detailed Systems Design#


###2## ##� ����V � ��# ####��#####�� ��# d#########d#########Z###Consultants

prepare a detailed system design for each feasible proposal.Outputs are designed first, followed by the processing steps and inputs.Tools that are available to consultants in preparing structured designs are Hierarchy Plus Input,


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management should review this report and give final approval.The report should contain all information needed by


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,### ##### # d#########d#############System Design Considerations


#################,##########################�� ��# d#########d#########2## ### M #� � � 3#��####��#####�� ��# d#########d######### ###Foster system objectives and �

incorporate reasonable tradeoffs Focus on functional requirementsServe multiple purposes or types of usersRelate to users concerns concerning work-load and � simplicityProvide a tailored product that fits the particular circumstances of a firmIntegrate system modules and componentsAvoid design excesses while


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vendors will receive the Request for Proposal (RFP) and answer specific questions that arise regarding aspects of the report.The major role of


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scheduling and tracking activities required in implementation.Gantt charts are straightforward, easy to understand, and best suited for projects that are not highly complex.A drawback of the Gantt chart is that it does not show


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Network Diagrams


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the sequence of activities that must be performed in the implementation of a new system.Two major project planning and control techniques incorporate network diagrams: PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method)Two basic steps involved in constructing a network diagram are 1)


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debugging because the objective is to

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hardware with the software, sample data, inputs, and outputs; final testing consists of acceptance testing, which involves users of the system.

Documentation - provides the basis for later system changes and aids new



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,### ##### # d#########d#############Systems Follow-up


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*### ##### # d#########d#############System Conversion Approaches


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system is immediately discontinued when the new system is implemented.Parallel conversion - both the new and old system operate simultaneously for a certain period of time.Modular conversion (or pilot) - consists of testing and

converting the new system at one location initially.Phased conversion - consists of converting segments of the new system until the entire system is


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,### ##### # d#########d#############OutsourcingK


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needing data processing services hires an outside organization to handle all or part of these services.The degree to which a company outsources may range from routine assistance with a single


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Advantages of Outsourcings


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,### ##### # d#########d#############Disadvantages of Outsourcing


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,### ##### # d#########d#########,###Outsourcing using Time-Sharing

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,### ##### # d#########d#########!###Outsourcing using Service

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Dokumen terkait


Pada hari ini selasa tanggal enam bulan september tahun dua ribu enam belas, kami Pokja ULP Pengadaan Barang Dan Jasa Pemerintah Politeknik Kesehatan



Oleh karena pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang kurang dari Tionghoa di Surabaya saat ini maka pengaruh tradisi pemujaan leluhur terhadap organisasi ruang rumah

Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Syarat Sidang Guna memperoleh Gelar Ahli Madya Program Studi Keuangan dan Perbankan.

PENATALAKSANAANPenatalaksanaan tumor ini adalah dengan pembedahan; dimana 6-24% rekuren, stereotactic radioterapi; digunakan jika ada perluasan ke intrakranial atau pada

Evidence for red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, production from artificial habitats has been difficult to obtain. The benefits of such habitats for red snapper were evaluated