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Games as a Means of Teaching English for the 4th Grade Students at SD N Gawanan 01 Colomadu adi boma


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Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

Sebelas Maret University


Adi Boma Reztrianjaya







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“People can reach their goal

when they put their effort on it”


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I dedicate this final project report to:

o My Beloved Parents

o My Beloved Brothers


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Alhamdulillahhirobbil’alamin, only because of Allah SWT finally the

writer has been able to finishing this final project report which is entitled Games

as a means of Teaching English for the 4th grade Students at SD N Gawanan

01, Colomadu. This final project was made as a partial requirement in obtaining

degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas

Maret University. This final project report discusses the use of games, the

effectiveness of using games, the problems and the solutions the problems in

teaching vocabulary for the 4th grade students in SD N Gawanan 01.

The writer would like to thank to every person who has given support,

help and encouragement during the process of writing this final project report.

The writer thought that their contribution was very helpful to finish this final

project report.

Surakarta, January 2011

The writer


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First of all, Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, All praise is to “ALLAH SWT”

for the wonderful blessing given to me. I realize that it imposible to finish the

final project without the contribution of some persons. On this opportunity, I

would like to express my sincere gratitude to:

1. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M. Ed, Ph.D. the Dean of Faculty of Lettes and Fine

Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

2. Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S, M.A. the Head of English Diploma Program of

Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University, for giving the

approval and permission to write this final project report.

3. Dr. Sri Marmanto, M.Hum. my Final Project Supervisor, thank you for

your guidance and advice in writing the final project.

4. Dra. Endang SA, M.S. my Academic Supervisor, thank you for kindness

and guidance.

5. All of the Lecturers of English Diploma Program, thank you for giving me

valuable knowledge and skill.

6. Drs. Suparwoto, the headmaster of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu, for

giving me the opportunity to have the job training in SD Negeri Gawanan

01 Colomadu.

7. Miss. Freti Hanna, the English teacher of SD Negeri Gawanan 01

Colomadu, for her help during the job training.

8. My beloved parents: Ibu and Bapak. Thank you for the whole thing that


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9. My beloved brother: Dimas. Thanks for being a good child at home.

10.All my friends in class B Diploma 3 Program, thank you for always

reminding me to finish this final project

11.My beloved friends: Intan and Tiara, thanks for always encouraging me to

finish this final project quickly. also Ellen and Happy, Thanks for your


12.Every person who gave help and support that I cannot mention one by one.

Surakarta, January 2012


perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id GAWANAN 01, COLOMADU. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project report was written based on the job training at SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu. The objectives were to describe the the process of using games in teaching vocabulary, to show the effectiveness of using games in teaching vocabulary, and to find out the problems and solutions of using games in teaching vocabulary.

Teaching English vocabulary consists of six steps. They are Greeting, Warming up, Explanation, Production, Assessment, and Closing the Lesson. Teaching English vocabulary using games was placed in the production. In the lesson, firstly the writer asked the students to make groups. After that, he gave the worksheet to the students and explained the rules of the games. After the students finished the games, he pointed some students and the students say the answer loudly. The games applied by by the writer were matching games, word puzzles and crossword puzzles.

Games in teaching vocabulary were effective. Games could help the students to memorize and understand the material or new vocabulary easily. It could make

the class more productive and used to assess the students’ ability. Games also

gave the students an opportunity to take part in teaching process. During the lesson, Games helped the students’ concentration.

In teaching vocabulary using games,the writer found two problems. They are linguistic problems and non-linguistic problems. The linguistic problems were the problem in writing English vocabulary and the problem in pronuncing English vocabulary. Non-linguistic problems were the students’ equipment, the lack motivation of the students in doing homework, and the outside factor including the disturbance from the other students in other classrooms.


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TITLE ... i



MOTTO ... iv


PREFACE ... vi





B. Objectives ... 4

C. Benefits ... 4


B. Vocabulary ... 6

C. Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners ... 7

D. Games ... 9


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A. SD Negeri Gawanan I Colomadu ... 13

1. Description of SD N Gawanan I Colomadu ... 13

2. Vision and Mission of SD N Gawanan I Colomadu ... 14

3. The Goals of SD N Gawanan I Colomadu ... 15

B. Job Training Activities ... 15

1. Class Observation ... 15

2. The Teaching Material ... 16

3. Making Lesson Plan ... 17

C. Using Games in Teaching English Vocabulary to the 4th Grade Students of SD N Gawanan I Colomadu ... 20

D. The Effectiveness of Using Games in Teaching English Vocabulary to the 4th Grade Students of SD N Gawanan I Colomadu ... 24

E. The Problems of Teaching English Vocabulary Using Games to the 4th Grade Students of SD N Gawanan I Colomadu ... 25

F. The Solutions of The Problems ... 27


B. Suggestion ...34



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A. Background

English is one of the important languages in the world. As an international

language, English has been spoken by all people in the world. They use it to

communicate with each other. English is important for people to use modern

technology. Today, most of our tools have English language for the manual. We

have to master English to know how to use it. In the work, English is also one of

the requirements for the people to seek for a job.

English is important for the globalization era. In order to face this era, we

should know about English language well. Because of that, English has to be

taught as early as possible. Children are more potential than adults for learning

English language. They are easier to comprehend the language. From that

statement, the government makes English as an obligatory subject in elementary


In elementary schools, the main focus of teaching English is to introduce

the English language to the students. The material should be simple to make the

students easier to understand. Teachers in the elementary school build the students

mind with teaching vocabulary. Vocabulary is the basic of English language. It is

important to know every single word before the students make a complex



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language acquisition is possible without understanding the vocabulary, either in

the first or the second language” (Kweldju, 2004:18).

The process and the way that we go through in learning and using the

target language usually takes hard effort especially in learning a foreign language.

This is because a foreign language is different from a mother language. The

differences can be in the rules of the sounds system (phonology), the word

formation (morphology), the word structures (syntax), the words’ meaning

(semantic), and the social context (sociolinguistic). These can cause problems in

learning a foreign language. However, teachers of a foreign language should

always motivate their students to keep practicing using the language. They should

use many methods which can interest their students in using the target language in

classroom communication.

Students of elementary students often find difficulties in using a foreign

language because they lack of vocabularies and they often forget easily new

vocabularies after they get the meaning from dictionaries and lesson. One of

children characteristics is easy to get bored. They get bored if they always have to

listen to their teacher. Basically, English is something new for them to learn. They

are usually excited to learn the language. To make a comfortable situation

between the students and the teacher, the teacher must create encouraging


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One of the techniques to encourage the students is using game. Children

usually love some fun activity such as game. They can take part actively by using

game. There are many games that can be used such as matching card game,

crossword game, guessing, word search, etc

The writer chooses SD N Gawanan 01 because it is one of the Government

Elementary School. This school has enough resources and it has comfortable

environment for teaching activity.

During the completion of job training, the writer chooses the fourth grade

class as an object to be observed. It is because the fourth grade students have

enough knowledge about English from the previous class. So, it will be easy for

them to understand the material. Besides, they are not noisy like the lower class.

Based on the job training, this final project discusses about the process of

teaching English vocabulary using games, the problems and solutions in teaching

English vocabulary using games and the effectiveness of teaching English

vocabulary using games. From the background description above, the writer

presents report entitled “Games as a means of Teaching English for the 4th


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B. Objectives

The objectives in making Final Project Report are:

1. To describe the process of using games in teaching vocabulary for the

4th grade students in SD N Gawanan 01

2. To show the effectiveness of using games in teaching vocabulary for

the 4th grade students in SD N Gawanan 01

3. To find out the problems and solutions of using games in teaching

vocabulary for the 4th grade students in SD N Gawanan 01

C. Benefit

The writer hopes that this final project will be beneficial for:

1. SD N Gawanan 01

The writer hopes that this final project could be useful for the

institution in improving the quality of English Teaching.

2. The English teacher in SD N Gawanan 01

This final project can be the additional reading to choose the

appropriate games in teaching vocabulary and the information to

improve the quality of English teaching in SD N Gawanan 01.

3. The English Diploma students

This final project can help the English Diploma students to get some


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In this chapter, the writer discusses literature review that related to the

topic of discussion. Here, the writer present five topics. There are about teaching,

vocabulary, teaching vocabulary to young learner, games and types of games. All

of that part of discussion will be explained below.

A. Teaching

Teaching has a lot of definitions. In general, according to Oxford Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary, teaching is to give somebody an information about a

particular subject; to help somebody learn something (Hornby, 1995: 1225). It

means that through teaching, the teacher will help the learner in learning some


Brown states that teaching is showing or helping someone how to learn

something, giving in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing

to know or to understand (2001: 7). In teaching, teacher should make students

know and understand the study.

While, according to James R. Davis “teaching is the interaction of students

and teacher over a subject.” (1997: 1). There should be an interaction between

students and teacher in teaching. It is required to deliver the subject successfully.


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In conclusion, teacher has a role to deliver an information to the students and

make the students understand the information. Teacher also has to make

interaction to the students.

B. Vocabulary

Vocabulary has an important role in teaching because vocabulary is the basic

of teaching English. Vocabulary has a lot of meanings. According to Oxford

Advanced Learner’s dictionary, the word of vocabulary is defined as “a list of

words with their meaning, especially one that accompanies a textbook in a foreign

language” (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary New Edition, 1995: 1331).

Vocabulary can help someone to understand a foreign language’s text book with

providing the meaning of it’s difficult words.

Meanwhile, James Coady and Thomas Huckin give an opinion “the

vocabulary is central to language and critical importance to the typical language

learner ” (Coady and Huckin, 1997: 5). In this case, someone needs to know

vocabulary if they want to learn a language. Without vocabulary, they can not

understand a language.

Beside that “Vocabulary is the total number of word you know in a particular

language ” (Sinclair, 2001:1747). When studying a language, learner must know

some of the words in the language. The amount of the words that learner know is


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From the statements above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is a list of

words that has some meaning which students know in a language. And also

vocabulary is a central of a language thay should be known by a learner.

C. Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners

Teaching vocabulary to young learner is not easy. They have their own

factors that different from each other. “Children differ in physical characteristic,

social skills, home site intellectual ability, learning capability, ideas attitudes,

needs, ambitions, hopes, and dream. It requires teacher to use teaching and

tactics.” (Jerolimeck, J. et. al. 2001:3)

Wendy A. Scott and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg mention that young learners have

certain characteristics that teacher should know. Some of the characteristic are:

1. They understand situations more quickly than they understand

the language used.

2. Their own understanding comes through hands, eyes, and ears.

3. They are very logical-what you say first happened first.

4. They are very short attention and concentration span.

5. Young children sometimes have difficulty knowing what fact is

and what fiction is.

6. Young children are often playing and working alone, but in the

accompany of others.


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8. Young children are enthusiastic about learning. (Scott and

Lisbeth, 1990: 2-3)

The characteristics of students are complex. In order to make good interaction

to them, teacher should know and understand the characteristics of the students.

Teachers not only have to understand the characteristis of the students but also

have to choose some techniques to teach. According to Allen, “Understanding the

meaning is not only the first steps in learning a word” there are many techniques

to teach vocabulary for young learners. They are:

1. The teacher can show the students the meanings of all the new

words in sample textbook lesson.

2. The meanings can be shown by pictures.

3. The teacher can ask the students by pointing something in the

classroom which is named by the English.

4. The students can hear and see each of the words and copy the

new vocabulary into their notebooks.

5. The students can use the words in communication activities

(Allen, 1983 : 21).

Based on the explanations above, a teacher should understand children’s

characterictics because each of them has their own characteristic. Teaching with

words does not enough for young learners. A teacher have to be more creative in


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D. Games

Games are one of the media that can be used in English teaching. Based on the

Longman Dictionary Contemporary English (2003: 663), Games are the system to

use rules or laws to get what you want in an unfair but legal way, a game is an

activity with rules, challenge and interactivity.

According to Brumfit, “Games are activities that children naturally and

universally are engaged in” (1995:143). Naturally, children love to spend their

times to play along. They get their own pleasure when playing a game.

Furthermore, Brumfit and Ray Tongue stated that there are some

characteristics of games: games are activities governed by rules, which set up

clearly defined goals, games involve a contest either between players or between

the players and the goal, and games should led to have fun (Brumfit and Ray

Tongue, 1995:142-143). Games are a competition between player, guiding by a

rules to achieves a goal. It has to be fun to do.

From the explanations above, it can be concluded that games are activities

with rules which played between the players. And the players have to compete in

or order to achieve the goals. Also, games must be fun.

E. Types of Games

Hadfield states that there are some varieties of games techniques. Here are the


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a. Information gap. In these activities, students A has access to some

information which is not held by students B. students B must

acquire the information to complete the task successfully.

b. Guessing games are a familiar variant on this principle. The player

with the information deliberately with holds it, while others guess

what it might be.

c. Search games are another variant involving the whole class. In

these games everyone in the class has one piece of information.

The player must obtain all or large amount of the information

available to fill in a questionnaire or to solve a problem.

d. Matching games are based on a different principle. However, also

involved a transfer of information. These games involve matching

corresponding pairs of cards on pictures, and may be played as a

whole class activity.

e. Matching up games are based on jigsaw or “fitting together”

principle. Each player in a group has a list of opinions, preferences,

wants or possibilities. Through discussion and compromise the

group must reach an agreement.

f. Exchanging games are based on the “barter” principle. Players

have certain articles, cards or ideas which they wish to exchange

for others. The aim of the games is to make an exchange which is


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g. Exchanging and collecting games are an extension of this;

players have certain articles or cards which they are willing to

exchange for others in order to complete a set.

h. Combining activities are those in which the players must act on

certain information in order to arrange themselves in groups such

as families or people spending holidays together.

i. Arranging games are games where the players must acquire

information and act on it in order to arrange items in a specific


j. Board games and card games are familiar game types, where the

aim is to be the first round a board or to collect the most cards or to

get rid of the cards first.

k. Puzzle-solving activities occur when participants in the game

share or pool information in order to solve a puzzle or a mystery.

(Hadfield, 1998;4-5)

From the types of games above, the writer only took three kinds of games

which is used to teach the fourth grade students at SD N Gawanan I Colomadu.


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1. Description of SD N Gawanan I Colomadu

SD N Gawanan I is one of the government elementary schools which is

located in Jl. Adisumarmo RT 01/IX No 69 DS. Gawanan. SD N Gawanan I

Colomadu was established in 1962 on the area of 2720 square meters. It faces

to the west. The building consists of many rooms. They are a headmaster and

teacher’s room, a guest room, seven classrooms, and others facilities such as a

worshiping room, a school health center, a library, a computer laboratory,

teacher’s parking area, student’s parking area, canteen, students toilet (teachers

toilet located in the guest room). All of the facilities are provided to support the

process of teaching and learning.

SD N Gawanan I Colomadu in 2010/2011 has one headmaster, 14 teachers

(some teachers also has a duty to manage the library), and a school guard. At

present, the headmaster of SD N Gawanan I is Drs. Suparwoto. The

headmaster has a duty to handle the school activity. The teachers are

responsible for teaching and learning activities and they are also responsible

for marking the student’s achievement. In the recent academic year, SD N

Gawanan I had 253 students consisting of 119 male students and 134 female



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They are classified into 6 grades in 7 classrooms. The second grade

divided into class A and class B. Each class has one teacher who leads the daily

activities of teaching and learning. However, there are some sucject that are

taught by special teachers, such as English, sport, religion and computer.

2. Vision and Mission of SDN Gawanan I Colomadu

Every school has its own vision and mission. The Vision of SDN

Gawanan I Colomadu is “High quality generation based on faith and piety”.

Meanwhile, the Mission of SDN Gawanan I Colomadu is “Create students

learning wtih ”PAKEM” system (Active, Creative and Fun learning)”. There

are five points that the school do to create the Vision and Mission. They are:

1) Construction of belief and behavior in accordance with the

philosophy of Indonesian.

2) Contribute intellectually with implementing “PAKEM”

learning process.

3) Develop the skills by conducting training as local content.

4) Seriously in a good learning activities with the “PAKEM” and

cooperate with other parties.

5) Ensuring that learners can receive the lesson well and obtain



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school, the goals of SD N I Gawanan Colomadu are:

1) Optimize the learning process through phenomenological learning

with the students as a center (Student Centered Learning). Such as

CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning), PAKEM, and guidance

and counseling service.

2) Raport result of 1st grade to 6th grade reach the average of 70.

3) School examination result for the 6th grade reach the average of

6) Increase the religious activity, scout and school discipline


B. Job Training Activities

1. Class observation

The writer focused on the fourth grade class as the main observation. In

SD N Gawanan I Colomadu, English language is given to first grade class until


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grade were respectful to the teacher. The students always shook the teachers’

hand when they met the teacher and said “Assalamualaikum” or “Selamat pagi

Pak/Bu” to the teacher.

The students in SD N Gawanan I Colomadu were also discipline enough;

they directly entered the class after the bells ringing although the teacher hasn’t

come yet. Before the class started, the leader of the class led his friends to pray


There are 35 students in fourth grade class aged 10-12 years old, 18 boys

and 17 girls. The class has enough facilities for conducting a lesson. There is a

whiteboard in front of the class. The marker and eraser are in the basket on the

teacher desk. Every students get chair and desk. Usually one desk is used by

two students. The class has a cupboard. It is used to store the teaching material

or the teachers’ books.

2. The teaching material

Teaching material is very important in teaching process. A good teaching

material determines the teaching process run successfully. Teaching materials

are used to support the teaching process and to organize the teaching activity.

Before doing the job training, the writer interviewed the English teacher of

SD N Gawanan I about the hand book which is used to teach the fourth grade

students. The hand book a entitled Fokus published by CV. Sindunata. There

are some topics that the writer should teach during the job training. They are

Calendar, Toys and Games, Shopping, School activities and Fruits and


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3. Making lesson plan

In teaching, teacher must have a lesson plan in order to make the material

given to the students able to be controlled and appropriate with the curriculum

concept. Usually, a teacher makes a lesson plan before presenting the material

to the student. It has a purpose to make the teacher easier in delivering the

material and the students to learn the English language. Besides, it gives

benefit to teacher and students in understanding the material. Teacher has to

make a lesson plan for each topic of the lesson. Making a lesson plan is an

important point for the teacher to be successful in teaching activities.

Making a lesson plan can help a teacher what the teacher must do when

teaching English language. Therefore, the lesson plan can help the teacher to

minimize their mistakes when delivering the material.


Topic : Fruits and Vegetables

Grade Level : 4th grade student of Elementary School

Alocated Time : 60 minutes


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Goals :

The students know many kinds of Fruits and Vegetables.

The students can pronounce the names of Fruits and Vegetables.

The students can differenciate the kind of Fruits and Vegetables.

1. BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field)

a. Greeting

T : Good morning students!

S : Good morning Sir!

T : How are you today?

S : I am fine, thank you, and you?

T : I am fine too

b. Teacher asked the students if there are students who absent.

c. Introduce through mentioning the name of fruits and vegetables in

English and the mean in Indonesian.

d. Asking the students to respond by answering questions about fruits

and vegetables.

2. Modeling

a. The teacher introduces some vocabulary of Fruits and Vegetables.

b. The teacher reads the vocabulary, and then the student repeat after

the teacher, then the teacher repeated the vocabulary several times.

c. The teacher ask some questions to the students related to the


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T : Didik, what vegetable do you like?

Didik : I like spinach

T : Linda, what fruit do you like?

Linda : I like Oranges

d. The teacher asks the students to practice the exercises in the


3. Joint Construction of Text

a. The teacher asks the students to make a group consist of two students.

b. The teacher gives a worksheet for each of the group. The worksheet is

a matching game.

c. The students should match the pictures with the correct vocabulary.

d. The representative of the group come forward and writes the answers

on the whiteboard.

e. The groups who answer with the most correct number will be the


4. Independent Construction of Text

a. The teacher gives the students the word puzzle games.

b. The students should fine the hidden words in the word puzzle.

c. After they find all the words, they should give a little explanation

about the word.

5. Closing activity

a. The teacher review the material generally


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C. Using Games in Teaching English Vocabulary to the 4th Grade

Students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu

In this session, the writer is going to discuss the use of games in teaching

English vocabulary to the 4th grade students of SD N Gawanan I Colomadu.

English language in SD N Gawanan I Colomadu was taught from the 1st grade to

the 6th grade. English language lesson in 4th grade is given once a week on

Monday, 70 minutes per meeting. The English class began at 07.25 a.m. until

08.35 a.m.. The use of games in teaching English vocabulary consists of six steps.

They are:

1. Greeting

Before starting the lesson, usually the writer asked the leader of the

class to come forward and lead his friend to pray. After praying, the

writer greeted the students. He greeted the students in purpose to make

the students ready for the lesson and to make the students get

accustomed to use greeting when they meet someone. The greeting

which is usually used by the writer are: “Good morning my students”,

“How are you today?”. After the greeting, the writer checked the

students’ attendance by asking if there are students who absent.

2. Warming up

Before starting the lesson, the writer began with discussing

homework that he gave to the students for the last meeting. After that,


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Warming up is the first step in teaching process. This step is very

important. It can prepare psychological readiness of the students. The

warming up began by asking some questions related to the topic, “Do

you know Fruits and Vegetables?”, “Do you like Fruits and

students. Explanation has big influence in determining whether the

students will successfully acquire the knowledge or not. In this

step, the writer began by asking the students to open their course

book and pay attention to the topic. After that the teacher

pronounces the vocabulary and the students repeat after the

teacher. The teacher repeated to pronounce the vocabulary several

times. After pronouncing the vocabulary, the teacher showed the

meaning of the vocabulary.

4. Production

a. Matching games

The writer gave the students a piece of paper containing of

some pictures and words. The pictures and words were put in two


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second column is the words of the vocabulary. The students gave

the answer by drawing an arrow from the picture to the correct

vocabulary. For example: for the topic of fruits and vegetables, the

teacher gave matching games with some pictures of fruits and

vegetables in the first column and the vocabulary of the fruits and

vegetables in the second column.

b. Crossword Games

The writer gave each student a piece of paper containing of a

crossword puzzle. The clues of the crossword puzzle were the

pictures of the topic vocabulary with some letters of the

vocabulary. For example: for the topic of fruits and vegetables, the

writer put some pictures of the fruits and vegetables vocabulary

and the consonant letters of the vocabulary. After write the answer

on the worksheet, the writer points some students and the students

say the answer loudly.

c. Word Puzzle

In this game, the writer writes many letters on a box. There

are some hidden vocabulary on the box. The goal of the game is

students can find the hidden vocabulary on the box. There are some

pictures of the vocabulary beside the word puzzle. The students

circle the vocabulary after they heard a short explanation of the


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say to the students “Rabbit likes this vegetables; it is good for your

eyes. What is it?”

This game cans the students’ listening skill. They have to

listen to the explanation of the vocabulary to answer the puzzle.

They could also train their concentration in listening to the


5. Assessment

In the end of the games, the writer points some students to come

forward in front of the class. The writer asks the student about the

material which has been given. If the student has some problems when

pronouncing some vocabulary, the writer helps the students to

pronounce the vocabulary. It is hoped that the students could

memorize the material which they have studied.

6. Closing the lesson

The last step of teaching is ending the lesson. The writer reviewed

the material which has been learned together with the students. The

students were very active. They always ask for homework, so that, the

writer gave homework to the students. It was purposes to let the


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D. The Effectiveness of Using Games in Teaching English Vocabulary to

the 4th Grade Students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu

Studying English language is a hard task which can be frustrating or boring.

Children were very active; they can’t just always sit and listen to the material

given by the teacher. They can easily be bored when listening to the teacher. In

this case, the writer used games as a way to attract the students for studying the

material. Games are always related to fun, enjoyable and encouraging. From that

reason, games are loved by the children.

Using games could help the students to memorize and understand the material

or new vocabulary easily. The games are usually easy to solve. It used simple

sentences in the explanation. The other factor that made the students easy to

memorize the vocabulary is the fun factor. When the students enjoy the lesson,

they could absorb the material optimally and understand the material well.

Games could make the class more productive. The students were always

active in participated the activity. Games included a competition between the

students. The student always tried to defeat their friend when doing the games. In

a group, they could cooperate with their friends to defeat the other groups.

Games could also used to assess the students’ ability. Games can measure the


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students work. The students usually get better result when doing the vocabulary


Games gave the students an opportunity to take part in teaching process. By

using games in teaching process, the writer gave an opportunity to the students to

show their ability in completing the games. The students not only listen to the

explanation, but they could also apply the material they have studied.

Games can help the students’ concentration in studying vocabulary. Children

could enjoy the lesson which is fun. By using games, the writer attracted the

students to have fun in studying. When they feel fun, they will pay attention to the

lesson. Therefore they could keep their concentration to the lesson.

From the explanation above, the writer can conclude that games is very

effective in teaching English vocabulary.

E. The Problems of Teaching English Vocabulary Using Games to the 4th

Grade Students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu

Teaching English vocabulary using games was a very fun activity. Besides

that, the writer also found some difficulties when teaching the fourth grade. The

problems divided into two categories. They are linguistic problems and

non-linguistic problems. The problems that the writer found will be detailed below.

1. Linguistic problems


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When writing the English vocabulary, the students often get

a mistake to write some letters of the vocabulary. For example:

the students wrote the word “ cabbage” with single “b”.

b. The problem in pronouncing the English vocabulary

Correct pronounciation is needed to make the meaning of

the vocabulary clear. the students in fourth grade class were

still influenced by javanesse. Therefore, they usually pronounce

the vocabulary incorectly. For example: they said the word

“carrot” by “karot”. The correct pronounciation is ฀ kær.ət

2. Non-linguistic problems

a. The students’ equipment.

Some student often forgot their textbook or didn’t bring

their dictionary when learning English. They took a long time

to find the meaning of difficult vocabulary in their textbook.

When doing the homework, they often used their notebook.

Because of that behavior, sometimes they lost their homework


b. The outside factor.

In this case, the factor was the students from the other class.

When the other class beside the fourth grade class finished the

lesson, the student of that class usually make a noise. They

often run in front of the classroom. They always talk loudly and


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windows. It made the students who studied in the classroom

couldn’t concentrate to the lesson.

c. The lack motivation of the students in doing homework.

The students in the fourth grade of SD N Gawanan I were

lack of motivation in doing homework. When the writer

checked the students’ homework, the writer found that there are

some students who didn’t fully do their homework. These

students left some questions without answer. It was influenced

to their homework mark. This problem also proved that the

students didn’t review the material after they were in home.

F. The Solutions of the Problems

In this part, the writer will discusses about the solution to the problem found

during the teaching process using games. The solutions of the problems will be

discusses below.

1. Linguistic problems

a. The problem in writing the English vocabulary

Writing is one of important thing in studying english. To solve the

problem in writing English vocabulary, the writer usually asked the

students to write the vocabulary on their textbook and pointed some

students to write simple sentence on the whiteboard based on the



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Pronunciation is the basic of speaking skill. To solve the problem

in pronouncing the English vocabulary, the writer pronounced the

correct vocabulary pronunciation first. Then, pronounced together

with the students several times to make them accostumed to the


2. Non-linguistic problems

a. The students’ equipment

The equipment such as dictionary and textbook is very important in

conducting lesson. The writer advised the students to complete

their equipment to support their studying activity. If the students

didn’t bring the equipment the writer gives them a punishment.

The punishment is writing the vocabulary of the topic that they

have learned and the meaning of the vocabulary in their notebook.

It is hoped that this punishment could also motivate them to

memorize the vocabulary.

b. The lack motivation of the students in doing homework

Students usually feel lazy to do much homework. When they go

home, they prefer playing with their friends to doing their

homework. To solve this problem, the writer avoided giving a lot

of homework to the students.

c. The outside factor

The disturbance of the other class students was annoyed. The


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students to not disturb. The writer also motivated the students in


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A. Conclusion

Based on the discussion in chapter III, there are some conclusions that can be

drawn from this final report. The conclusions are as follows

1. Using Games in Teachig English Vocabulary to the 4th Grade

Students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu.

English language in SD N Gawanan I Colomadu was taught from the

1st grade to the 6th grade. English language lesson in 4th grade is given

once a week in Monday, 70 minutes per meeting. The English class began

at 07.25 a.m. until 08.35 a.m.. The use of games in teaching English

vocabulary consists of six steps. They are:

a. Greeting

b. Warming up

c. Explanation

d. Production

e. Assessment

f. Closing the lesson


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The games was put in the Exercise step. There are some games which

is used by the writers. They are Matching Games, Word Puzzle and

Crossword Puzzle.

2. The Effectiveness of Using Games in Teaching English Vocabulary to

the 4th Grade Students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu

Studying English language is a hard task which can be frustrating or

boring. Children were very active; they can’t just always sit and listen to

the material given by the teacher. They can easily be bored when listening

to the teacher. In this case, the writer used games as a way to attract the

students for studying the material. From the training activity, the writer

found that games is very effective in teaching English vocabulary. The

effectiveness of games are:

a) Games could help the students to memorize and understand the

material or new vocabulary easily.

b) Games could make the class more productive.

c) Games could be used to assess the students’ ability.

d) Games gave the students an opportunity to take part in teaching



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3. 1. The Problems Teaching English Vocabulary Using Games to the 4th

Grade Students of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu

During the job training activity, the writer found some problems in

teaching the fourth grade. The problems are:

a. Linguistic problems

1. The problem in writing the English vocabulary

The students get a mistake to write some letters of the


2. The problem in pronouncing the English vocabulary

The students pronounce the vocabulary incorectly.

b. Non-linguistic problems

1. The students’ equipment.

The students often forgot their textbook or didn’t bring their

dictionary when learning English.

2. The lack motivation of the students in doing homework.

Some students didn’t fully do their homework.


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The students from other class often disturb the fourth class

when these students finished the class first.The students’


3. 2. The Solutions of the Problems

A. Linguistic problem

1. The problem in writing the English vocabulary

The writer asked the students to write the vocabulary on their

textbook and pointed some students to write simple sentence

on the whiteboard based on the vocabulary.

2. The problem in pronouncing the English vocabulary.

The writer pronounced the correct vocabulary pronunciation

first. Then, pronounced with the students several times to make

them accostumed to the pronunciation.

B. Non-linguistic problem

1. The students’ equipment.

To solve the problem of students’ equipment, The writer

advised the students to complete their equipment to support

their studying activity and gives a punishment to the students.


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To solve the problem, the writer avoided giving a lot of

homework to the students.

3. The outside factor

To solve this problem, The writer closed the classroom door and

motivated the student in the class to focus on the teaching


B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusions which has been drawn before, the writer wants to

give some suggestions as follows.

1. SD N Gawanan I Colomadu

SD N Gawanan I Colomadu should hold some improvements in teaching

activities. It would be better if the school supply the materials and

facilities to support the teaching activity. For example: Dictionary, games

tool such as vocabulary card, puzzle, etc

2. The English teacher in SD N Gawanan I Colomadu

The teacher should be more creative in attracting the students to enjoy the

material. The teacher could applies some fun activities like games

3. The students of English Diploma Program

Before doing job training, it is necessary to make a preparation for the

activity when doing the job training. It is better if they find as much as


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Allen, V. F. (1983). Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary. New York : Oxford University Press.

Brown, H. D. (2001). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New York: Longman.

Brumfit, C J Moon & Tongue, R. (1995). Teaching English to Children. New York: Longman Group Ltd.

Brumfit, C. (1995). Teaching English to Children from Practice to Principle.

Harlow: Longman Press.

Bullon, Stephen. (2003). Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English New Edition. Harlow: Pearson Education.

Coady, J & Huckin, T. (1997). Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A Rationale for Pedagogy. Melbourne. Cambridge University Press.

Davis, R J. (1997). Better Teaching More Learning. New York: Orxy Press.

Hadfield, J. (1998). A Collection of Vocabulary Games and Activities for Elementary Students of English. New York : Longman.

Hornby, A. S. (1995). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford


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