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Academic year: 2019



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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 07 4214 030









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 07 4214 030











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Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Robertus Widya Yudha Prawita

NIM : 07 4214 030

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:



beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Yogyakarta, 29 Juli 2011 Yang menyatakan,




First of all, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ, Holy Mother Mary, St. Robert and St. Polycarp for their blessing and strength so I am able to finish my undergraduate thesis. Their love and sacrifice have inspired me to be stronger in facing all difficulties and obstacles in the writing process.

I am particularly grateful to my Advisor, Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, S.S., M. Hum. and my Co-Advisor, Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd., M.Hum. who have given their precious time and energy in helping me to finish this thesis. Their patience, guidance, support, advices and criticism are very invaluable for me to make this thesis better. I thank them and hope that God will give the best return. I also would like to thank all of the lecturers and staffs in English Letters Department for their guidance.

My greatest gratitude also goes to my parents and family for their love, care, support and prayer. My biggest dream is to make both of you happy and proud of me. I also would like to thank some people who give great contribution in my life. The special one goes to Maria Danastri for her care and prayer. My biggest thank goes to Nicolaus Gogor, Brahma Putra, Adolphus Satria, Emeilya K.S, Herman M., Adhitiya Dicko, Sondang M., Yoseva Yona, Yovita S. and all my friends in English Letters Department for their friendship, then, to my friends in high school, Indra, Banu, Krisna and Windry for their craziness. Last, I would like to thank to the people that I can not mention one by one for their contribution in my life.






A. Review of Related Studies ... 10

B. Review of Related Theories ... 15

1. Theory of Character and Characterization ... 15

2. Theory of Mores... 19

3. Social Life in Norway in Nineteenth Century... 24

C. Theoretical Framework ... 29

A. The Presentation of Major Characters... 36

1. Manders... 36

2. Mrs. Alving ... 42

3. Oswald ... 48

B. The Mores Practiced Seen through the Presentation of Major Characters... 52

1. The Esteem of Religious Leader ... 53

2. The Importance of Public Opinion... 55

3. The Importance of Marriage Bond... 58



5. Women’s Position in the Society ... 63

6. Children and Parents Relationship ... 65

C. The Impact of Mores on the Major Characters’ Life ... 67

1. The Impact of the Mores on Manders’ Life ... 69

2. The Impact of the Mores on Mrs. Alving’s Life... 79

3. The Impact of the Mores on Oswald’ Life... 89





ROBERTUS WIDYA YUDHA PRAWITA. The Impact of Mores on the Major Characters’ Life in Ibsen’s Ghosts. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2011.

The object of analysis of this undergraduate thesis is a drama entitled Ghosts which was written by Henrik Ibsen. It is a drama about the life of family in dealing with demands and regulations exist in the society such as norms, mores, laws, and etc.

In regard to the story of Ghosts, three problems have been formulated to comprehend the drama. The first problem will be used to analyze the presentation of the major characters in the drama. The second point focuses on the mores practiced as the representation of social aspect found in the play. The last point is the impact that may occurs on one’s lives in their efforts to respond the presence of those matters.

To obtain the answer, the writer uses library research method. Through this method, the supporting data and theories such as theory character and characterization, theory on mores and review of Norwegian life will be obtained. Meanwhile, the approach that will be used in this undergraduate thesis is sociocultural-historical approach.




ROBERTUS WIDYA YUDHA PRAWITA. The Impact of Mores on the Major Characters’ Life in Ibsen’s Ghosts. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2011.

Objek dari skripsi ini adalah drama berjudul Ghosts karya Henrik Ibsen. Sebuah drama mengenai kehidupan keluarga ditengah berbagai tuntutan dan aturan seperti hukum, adat-kebiasaan yang ada di dalam masyarakat.

Dari drama ini telah dirumuskan tiga masalah untuk mendalami drama ini. Masalah pertama akan membahas presentasi dari para tokoh utama. Masalah kedua berfokus pada keberadaan adat-kebiasaan di masyarakat mewakili aspek sosial drama. Permasalahan terakhir adalah akibat yang dialami seseorang dalam usaha mereka merespon keberadaaan adat-kebiasaan tersebut.

Dalam memecahkan permasalahan, penulis menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Melalui metode ini, data dan teori pendukung seperti teori tokoh dan penokohan, teori adat-kebiasaan, dan ulasan mengenai kehidupan masyarakat Norwegia akan dikumpulkan dan dibahas dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosial-budaya-sejarah.





A. Background of the Study

Every person in this world was born differently between one another. Each of them has different physical features that can be seen clearly from their appearance. Besides, each person also possesses mental characteristics that is various from one and another. It means that even though each of them was born the same creature called human, each of them still has special or distinctive features that differentiate one and another. These distinctive features reflect how every person is unique.

Every person is also known for his power to manage himself as he likes it. It means that every person is the master of his own body and soul. A person has the authority to command his own body to move and he has capacity to let his own brain to think or to take decision independently. In other words, every person has full authority on himself. Each of them is the decision maker of their own life and each of them is the director as well the actor of their own life.


In this world of reality, every person was born to live side by side with other people. There is always another person in every occurrence of new life in this world and it means that there is always a point of contact between an individual with another individual even from the beginning of life. Later, this point of contact will be the seeds or the starting point of interaction between two different individuals that will lead them to the more complex situation in human life. When both of them start to realize the complexity and the uniqueness of their own self, they will find those characteristics in another individual as well. From this condition they will understand and see that both of them share similarities and differences or weakness and strength. Later, it will lead them to realize the need of others’ presence in their life to complete each other.

The overview above then can be strengthened with the common view on human which is widely known as social creature for his nature that can not live without the existence of other humans. A man needs the presence of other men so they will learn how to communicate and make relation in order to complete one and another in life. Through the illustration it can be said that even a new born baby needs and has to make contact with another human being, at least his mother, to sustain or even to develop the life of the person.


all of material needs alone without the help of others. The people need farmers and sellers to get food stock; they also need tailors to make their clothes and many more. That is one factor that can be drawn from the material need in human life.

Next, the need of interaction, communication, happiness, satisfaction, safety and comfort and also the need of acknowledgement and respect from others are some non material aspects that have significant influence in a person’s dependency toward the environment and the presence of others. When a person needs material need like food, it is still possible for him to get and fulfill it by himself but when the need of love occurs in one’s life then he will not be able to satisfy that feeling without the presence of another person. Then it can be concluded that at last human is social creature for their dependence toward the presence of others.


Then, to live in a society will also bring someone to the new responsibilities to know, to understand and to adapt with the way of living and the culture applied in the society. Not only that, based on the culture applied, each member in a society will also be expected to follow and to take part on the social system practiced. In every society, it is believed that there must be some rules, norms, or laws as the result of verbal or written agreement among the members of the society to give such kind of direction toward human behavior in their interaction and relation in the middle of society. “Nonetheless, in each society there are norms that govern this; that is to say there are definite patterns of behavior, deviation from which is disapproved” (Becker, 1992: 910).

The statement above shows a depiction about the importance of such patterns on the perpetuity of society and how the people are expected to follow and fulfill certain qualification to be considered as the part of social group or society. Then, it can be seen that the norms can give such kind of push or pressure toward every member of the society to follow them. The members of the society have to be aware of this condition in order to avoid all possible negative consequences that can happen as the result of violating the norms applied and believed in their own society. “Sanctions are the supporters of the norms, the punishment applied to those who do not conform and the rewards given to those who do” (Bierstedt, 1963: 229).


be divided into three sub divisions; folkways, mores and laws. Every person is supposed and expected to accept and stand in the same position with the norms used since it will be very difficult for a person to make an opposition individually for his dependencies toward society. “They (people) have not all arrived at the same formula for their common happiness, but each individual must live in a group, tribe, city, or nation to which he or she belongs, and must adapt to its way of living” (Gonsalves, 1986: 93). This quotation indirectly implies that to live as the part of the society require a courage to sacrifice one’s perspectives or even ideals to be considered as a good member of society and to avoid embarrassment and sanctions for breaking the norms.

The condition that requires one’s sincerity and obedience toward the norms has possibility to create an internal or even external conflict for those who become the member of certain society. The demand to adapt with the patterns applied may create a tendency whether norms are bundles of way of living which are static. This situation creates an image of norms as something that can not be compromised with the development of age and change of society’s characteristics based on the real condition in the field. As the consequence, it may result in deconstruction on the functions and purposes of norms and on the other hand it will just degenerate the society and create a fertile area for the growth of hypocrisy.


which is respected and seen as something noble and has relation to morality sometimes make many people mistreat the presence of the mores. Later, this condition may fail the real purpose of the mores that is to create the harmony in life. Ironically it may degenerate the society and lead to hypocrisy and fake.

Then, for the function of literary works that can be used as a media to express and represent about certain object or topic in certain era, the writer is going to use Ghosts which was written by Henrik Johan Ibsen in 1881 to make a research on this issue. The literary work will be the starting point of the research to see and to observe the application of the mores in the middle of the society and their influence toward the member of society seen from the presentation of the major characters.

Ghosts is chosen here because of its story about the life of a family as the smallest unit of society. Since family is a product of a society, then we can see how the life and situation in a certain family represents the mores applied in the society. Besides, the family is also well known as the first, closest, and most important community in one’s phase of life that can introduce to the culture as the product of a society. “Its (family) importance is especially great in the transmission of ideas and ideologies and, above all, of the mores; indeed, the family is the initial source of all of our moral ideas” (Bierstedt, 1963: 379).


Ibsen’s big name in writing about family, woman’s role and social life of his age also becomes the reason to use Ghosts as one of his works to be analyzed. “At the time, both (Ibsen and Zola) gained notoriety through plays that challenged prevailing notions of acceptable subject matter, social conventions, and moral values” (Brockett and Findlay, 1991: 15).

Through the play entitled Ghost, people may see implicitly the way Ibsen articulate his perception on the social condition through his writing style. Besides, people also can see Ibsen’s courage to move one step further, to see something clearer and more careful, to think little more critical and to break through normal border of common people at that time as seen from his masterpieces. “Of these, two-A Doll’s House and Ghosts-did more than any other plays of their era to call attention to innovations then underway, largely because both were viewed as attacks on the very foundation of society” (Brockett and Findlay, 1991: 17).

B. Problem Formulation

In conducting the research, the writer has formulated three problems to answer as the starting point of the analysis. Those problems are:

1. How are the major characters presented?

2. What are the mores practiced in the society as seen through the presentation of major characters?


C. Objectives of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to obtain the answer of the problems formulated in the previous section. This study is expected to produce accurate and reliable answers based on the qualified data. In order to accomplish the expectation, three objectives of this study have been formulated.

First, this study is aimed to see and observe precisely the author’s presentation on the major characters in his work through their utterances, body language, and the way of thinking. It is very important to understand a literary work deeper since the characterization of the characters will always be interrelated with other elements in the work.

Next, this study is aimed to find out the mores as one subdivision of the norms in the society in the play. Here, the mores which have significance in the daily life of the characters will be identified and listed. Last, this study also will see and understand how the presence of the mores applied show their influence or impact in major characters life.

D. Definition of Terms


and norms (Bierstedt, 1963: 157-158). Later, inside the norms as one subdivision of non material culture, the mores can be found. The position of the mores is equal to folkways and laws even each of them has different quality on the practice (1963: 224-225).





A. Review of Related Studies

Henrik Johan Ibsen, one of the most prominent figures in the world of literature from Scandinavia, is known as the one who has capability to promote social issues through the work of literature. His concern on the problems in the middle of society brings some of his works to be categorized as realistic dramas for their close relation with the fact in the society and one of them is Ghosts. Some subjects such as morality, ethics, and emancipation of individual and patriarchal system have been coloring many of his works. Those conditions then attract many researchers or analysts to work on particular aspect in Ibsen’s works.

One of the analyses is conducted by Francis Fergusson who also works on Ibsen’s Ghosts. In his research, Fergusson uses the work to study modern realism in the literary work. Besides, he also analyzes this play as a thesis in which can also be read as thriller and tragedy. Here, the plot of the story is also being examined in order to find some important points in that become the basic or the key in the story as a whole.


Meanwhile, as a thriller, Ghosts is presenting a story which is full of new development and it will always keep some surprise without breaking the suspense. “It may also be read as a perfect well-made thriller. The story is presented with immediate clarity, with mounting and controlled suspense; each act ends with an exciting curtain which reaffirms the issues and promises important new developments” (Fergusson,1962: 40)

Based on the quotation above, Ibsen’s ability to keep the rhythm in his story can be observed implicitly. He maintains the tension of story in a very good way, in line with the readers’ curiosity without making them losing the issues.

Next, as a tragedy, it can be seen from the story which portrays so many sadness and problems in the life of Mrs. Alving as one of woman major characters in the play.

“She (Mrs. Alving) is tragically seeking; she suffers a series of pathoses and new insights in the course of the play; and this rhythm of will, feeling, and insight underneath the machinery of the plot is the form of the life of the play, the soul of the tragedy” (Fergusson, 1962: 40)

In his analysis, Fergusson also sees and gives credit on the ability of Henrik Ibsen to pay special attention on the major character in his story especially on the reality of his characters’ live in his works (1962: 39).


In general, the research done by Elini is meant to reveal the criteria of ideal women at that time and the role performed by Mrs. Alving as an illustration of ideal women besides to obtain the message of the play (Elini, 1997: vi).

Again, through the analysis conducted by Elini, it is found that the center point of Ghosts is about the position of Mrs.Alving as a woman who is trapped in the patriarchal society and become the victim of society’s demands toward women.

Ibsen portrays the role of Mrs. Alving who is trying to be an ideal wife and not Mr.Alving as an ideal husband to expose the images of women that women are always the victim of the conventional ideals of the society (Elini, 1997: 38).

Indirectly, the quotation above states how Mrs. Alving is playing the central part in revealing the pressure given to women. Besides, it also shows how the position of women, especially in the family, is subordinated in comparison with men.

Elini, in her undergraduate thesis, also stated that Mrs.Alving, as one of woman character, represents the condition of women as the part of family at that time. The role of women tends to be no more than a complement which has a duty to fulfill what society expect, and there is no proper place for women at that time except house. Here, women live under the pressure and oppression to reach the ideal point set by the society.


Related to the quotation above, then it can be concluded here how Mrs.Alving’s suffering as the result of her position as one of the woman character becomes the focus in the discussion. Meanwhile the other characters, both major and minor, are functioned as the confirmation of Mrs.Alving‘s suffering and sorrow in facing the pressure in her society. One important point here is that women always suffer more than men and become the victim of the demand of patriarchal society.

Not only stopping there, through Ghosts, Ibsen also inserts the topic of hereditary venereal disease which is considered as a taboo topic at that time. Oswald, the son of Mrs. Alving, is the one who inherited the disease must be the victim of his father’s sin as written in Hoenig’s Congenital Neuroshypilis as Portrayed in Henrik Ibsen’s Ghosts.

Ibsen indicates that Oswald’s father, Captain Alving, was the source of the infection which he acquired through risky sexual behavior and then passed on to his son. Ibsen doesn’t specify exactly how this transmission occurred although the favored late 19th Century medical view held that congenital syphilis was passed on in a hereditary fashion directly by the father to the offspring at the time of conception. By contrast, current understanding of syphilis transmission would explain that Captain Alving first infected his wife, who then transmitted the spirochete to her unborn son, via the placenta, during pregnancy. (Hoenig, http://www.dermanities.com/detail.asp?article =282,)


deadly effect in the next generation and may cause to the destruction of the family.

In general, those previous studies have given rich opinion and analysis on Ibsen’s Ghosts which can be used as the consideration before the writer conducting a research on certain topic under the same work.

In regard to all of the analyses and comments about Ibsen’s Ghosts above, the writer concludes that society and all of its complexity plays an important role in the development of human life for our nature is social creature. Starting from the most basic thing such as the requirements for each individual to share the same world as the place to live till the sophisticated thing like norms, that limiting and conducting our live, are only two from many elements that play significance influence in this social life. Every person has to be ready to face that reality. At the first glance those conditions will only add more burdens and problems in human life. However, there must be awareness from the people that the function of society and all of its complexities inside, include the norms, are to help and ease the life of human in this world.

Related to the previous studies, this thesis is going to reveal how the society especially through its mores as the sub division from the norms can affect and give influence toward human’s behavior in their life. There must be certain impact when the various characteristics of a person meet with the mores which are usually already agreed and applied commonly in his or her society.


can be read as thesis, thriller, tragedy and also the topic of gender classification, duty’s classification or even the process of neuroshypilis transmition. Therefore to make the difference, this research will try to combine and develop the previous studies by focusing on the sociological aspect of the major characters in the play. Besides, in this research the writer is using different approach with those previous studies since the sociocultural-historical approach will be used as the fundamental on the analysis process.

In this research the analysis will not only stop on the way the major characters response the presence of the applied mores in their society but it will also reach on the effect or impact experienced by major characters in their life based on their response toward the mores. It can be said that based on the play; each of the major character in the play is presented with his own characteristics. Therefore, the process or condition when their characteristics meet with the mores applied will be the central of this research. How the presence of the mores bring the influence on the way of major characters behave and their life in general will be analyzed here. Last, based on what happen when the presentation of major characters meet with the mores applied, the impact that they may gain in their life will be the next point of analysis.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Character and Characterization


Character is one of the most important elements to build the story. Each character in literary works has role in creating and visualizing the run of the story starting from the beginning, rising action, conflict, climax, falling action, until conclusion. These facts were stated by M.H. Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms as quoted in the following.

Characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say -the dialogue- and by what they do –the action (Abrams, 1981:20)

Here Abrams based on E.M. Forster explanation on Aspect in the Novel also stated that a character may experience a physical and or psychological change in the middle of the story or remain just the same from the beginning until the end of the story which are known as round or flat characters (Abrams, 1981: 20).

From the definition above, then the existence of characters are very important since they are the soul of a literary work. From their appearance, people can see the purpose of literary works from the dialog, interaction and change experienced by the characters. Then, based on this theory, the characters’ contribution in a play can be analyzed whether they play significant role or depict a certain issue or not.


Similarly, based on A Handbook of Literature, characterization also has a purpose to introduce the characters, especially in the works of literature, to the reader. Then hopefully the presence of characters can be understood and the reader can feel the real atmosphere of the characters like in the real world. It can be analyzed from the author’s narration and character’s performance.

There are three fundamental methods of characterization in fiction: (1) the explicit presentation by the author of the character through direct exposition, either in an introductory block of the character or more often piecemeal throughout the work, illustrated by action; (2) the presentation of the character in action, with little or no explicit comment by the author, in the expectation that the reader will be able to deduce the attributes of the actor from the actions; and (3) the representation from within a character, without comment on the character by the author, of the impact of actions and emotions on the character’s inner self, with the expectation that the reader will come to a clear understanding of the attributes of the character. (Holman and William, 1986: 81)

Related to the way an author conveys the character on the work of literature, based on Murphy’s Understanding Unseens; An Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students, it is stated that there are several ways for an author to deliver what behind the characters (1972: 161-173) a. Personal Description

It is the way an author conveys the character based on his physical and external appearance or the way he dresses up.

b. Characters as Seen by Another


c. Speech

The way a person use a language and the way he speaks to other characters can give an understanding to a character since it can lead to social and cultural background of a character.

d. Past Life

The story of a character’s past life also can give a contribution in understanding what forms the background of character’s recent condition.

e. Conversation of Others

Others utterances in a literary work also can give addition to the information about a character.

f. Reactions

The way a character gives response to a certain situation or condition also can reveal a person’s characteristic.

g. Direct Comment

Direct comment is a comment given by the author directly toward a character so he can convey the character to the reader of a work of literature. It is usually written in direct quotation.

h. Thought

Quite different with direct quotation, an author also can convey a character through the thought of the character. It gives a special circumstance for the readers so they can see the whole context of what the character is thinking about. It is usually written in a form of narration.


The author can also give the depiction of a character through the habit in daily life. The character’s activity and manner also give significant contribution to the character.

2. Theory of Mores

In a society there are so many people with different characteristics. Each of them is a unique creature. With those attributes they live side by side. Starting from this condition they are required to make interaction between one another. Through this interaction, each person will realize that there are so many differences in their life. There are so many different needs and self interests in this world, and this condition may lead into conflict between one and another. Starting from this situation, the people will realize that to minimize the possibility of conflict they have create a system and pattern to reach the conformity. Besides, they also have to produce something to fulfill their need. Those two responses above basically can be summarized into what we call culture. “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” (Bierstedt, 1963: 129).


found together with folkways and laws. The interrelatedness of those concepts basically can be summarized in the flowchart below:

Based on the illustration above, it can be seen that there is an integrated system in human life. The position of culture is on the top of the flowchart. It means that culture is a big concept which covers all of the subdivision below. First, culture can be classified into two big classes. The first one is non-material culture which can be made more specific into ideas and norms while the second class is material culture.

As mentioned above, the non-material culture is classified into ideas and norms. Basically both ideas and norms still can be spelled out into more specific terms but the focus here is given to the norms. The norms here actually can be simply said as a conduct life for human to live in society.

A norm, then, is a rule or a standard that governs our conduct in the social situations in which we participate. It is a societal expectation. It is a standard to which we are expected to conform whether we actually do so


Non Material


Ideas Norms

Mores Laws


or not. It is a cultural specification that guides our conduct in society (Bierstedt, 1963: 222).

The norm here is explained as an instrument of the society to control its member. It is a big and complex concept which gives certain requirement for the people to live and it is applied for everyone. In other words, it can be said that society through norms also gives certain direction and limitation or even expectations for those who live inside.

This organization, society, liberates and limits the activities of men, sets up standards for them to follow and maintain; whatever the imperfections and tyrannies it has exhibited in human history, it is necessary condition of every fulfillment of life. Society is a system of usages and procedures, of authority and mutual aid, of many grouping and divisions, of controls of human behavior and of liberties (Maciver and Charles, 1950: 5).

The quotation above implicitly stated how a person will meet certain requirements in living as the part of society. There will be an agreement and demand from the society for each of its members in order to create regularity or certain purpose to be gained in the society. Though the norm is already defined as an standard and instrument for the people but the context of norm is still too wide.


The norms can be subsumed into folkways, mores and laws. There are some differences that creates the norms is spelled out into those three concepts. Folkways here are more about our customary conduct in daily life or habit.

Folkways, in short, are norms to which we conform because it is customary to do so in our society. Conformity to the folkways is neither required by law nor enforced by any special agency of society (Bierstedt, 1963: 226).

Based on the definition above, then it can be concluded that folkways are more about our daily life. Our habit to wear good clothes, our habit to always use right hand to eat are some examples of folkways. Being different from folkways, laws are norms which are more complex. It is usually only found in society with social-political organization like government while folkways and mores are found in every society (Bierstedt, 1963: 228).


Meanwhile, the term mores itself implies about the morality if we trace back to the origin of the word.

The term ‘mores’ is the plural of the Latin word mos which means custom. Mores form the root of the English word ‘moral’, thus literally referring to any act or belief in accord with customary group expectations (Merrill, 1965: 118).

From the quotation above it is seen that the presence of the mores are closely related to morality. Besides, they can also be used to represent the action which in accordance to the demand of the society.

To the more specific, the mores also can be defined as bundle of system in which the people in certain area believed and practiced because they have normative power. Besides they are also related with the social welfare.

Other expectations however are important to social welfare. Among them are those patterns relating to the family, the state, property and human life. These expectations called mores (Merrill, 1965:117)

Implicitly from the quotation above the presence of the mores are as important as folkways and laws. They have power and play significant role in creating and establishing the conformity and regularity in the middle of society. The power and influence of the mores are getting bigger for the negative sanctions for violating one of them is to be considered immoral (Bierstedt, 1963: 229)

As an addition, in the application of mores, the presence of public opinion also plays important role. They have power in insisting the people to take part in the application of the mores.


when we do or do not behave and think in certain ways. These patterns are called “mores”. (Bennet & Tumin, 1952: 236)

The public opinion here is functioned as one tool to control the behavior of the society. It means that the opinion of public may give the biggest pressure for the people. For those who do not take part, they will be commented by the public as a deviator or even immoral person as mentioned before.

3. Social Life in Norway in the Nineteenth Century

Norway is one of the countries in Northern Europe. It is also often considered as Scandinavia together with two other countries, Denmark and Sweden. Geographically, Norway is occupying the western and smaller part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. It is dominated with range of mountains and it is also known for the beauty of its fjords. Those physical conditions of Norway also have correlation with the character of Norwegian people. The hard condition of field in Norway shape Norwegian to be hardy and self-reliant which combine with their physical outdoor existence (Innes, 1963: 11).

In the Norwegian society, there are some common mores that become the fundamental for the people to behave in the middle of society in Norway. These common mores can be observed from some aspects in the life of Norway people such as their religious life.


for we know that majority of Norwegians is Christian. “The establishment of Christianity initially made bishops and abbots into allies and servants of royal power; yet Church-administered law and ecclesiastical property rights also had the effect of limiting secular authority” (McNeill, 1974: 82-83). It can be seen that the people from the church not only having authority in the religious life but also have such kind of influence in the aspects of social life in Norway.

Later, in the bigger context, nineteenth century was marked with the rebellion toward the church as the consequences of its too deep influence toward human life.

The two hostile groups were clerical, who supported the influence of the church in all phases of life and defended the principles of revealed religion, and the anti-clericals, who opposed the influence of the church. Between these two group there was a large and indifferent middle class whose support both sides sought win (Aspenleiter, 1960: 390).

It can be seen implicitly then, how the church holds and plays such important function in the society even later there would be waves of protest and opposition toward that domination. The power of church at that time is strengthened in the An Introduction to Western Civilization


and performance in front of the society though it may construct people’s mind not to allow any mistake done by them.

Still, related to the dominance of Christianity in Norway, some aspect of life like marriage is also under the influence of Christian values. In Christian, as written in gospel, the marriage is widely known as something everlasting. When a person is tied in the bond of marriage there will no way for the person to break this sacred bond.

Caused by mutual consent, consummated and sealed by spousal union, the bond of Marriage is indissoluble. This is the constant teaching of the Catholic Church. The Council of Trent taught infallibility that the Church is not in error in having taught and in teaching that the bond of Marriage can not be dissolved or that any partner may remarry while the other partner lives (Elliot, 1990: 162-163)

There, it is seen clearly that the marriage is really respected in Christian. The marriage is believed as sacred bond under the God’s blessing. So no one has right to divorce the union. Besides, the marriage is also treated as the sacrament to fight the sin caused by adultery (Elliot, 1990: 160).

Meanwhile in the daily life, Norwegian is known as hard worker and really has commitment in his job and duty. “(In Norway) Men and women work hard in both town and country and recreation is also strenuous” (Derry, T.K., 1970: 647). It shows that for Norwegian to do their duty is very important in order to get better life and achieve higher status. Then in family life many of them are having no much time to spend with their family for the higher demand to serve the society


mentioned above, indirectly it may lead the people to consider the importance of self image in front of the society.

In contrast to the less time of a Norwegian to spend his time with his family, many people still believe in the importance of a family. Family is considered as the first social group where a child involved in a community. It has functions to give basic education, fundamental understanding in facing the real life and also to infiltrate the culture of the society. A child will be introduced and accustomed with what common people do and believe in the region.

Just as basic and universal as the function of providing physical care is the family function of socialization, that is, of socializing the child; for it is through this process that the child is inducted to the culture in which he participated and is adjusted to the numerous demands that society lays upon him to conform to customary and traditional ways of social behavior (Hedger, 1949: 702).

In the context of familial relationship, male and female relationship in Norway is still influenced by the patriarchal system. It means that the position of male is considered as the dominator in family life.

…contemporary domestic relations in at least the following ways: (1) by emphasizing a highly respected even though subordinate position for women, (2) by defining woman’s proper place as in the home, and (3) by requiring that children respect and obey their parents (Hedger, 1949: 704-705).


above. The cliché conduct of life for children to respect their parents is considered as the common thing that people should apply in family life. Indirectly, based on the explanation above, it can be seen that in the relationship between male and female in family life, the higher right and respect is still given only for man while the position of woman is subordinated.

Then, based on the topic will be discussed in the analysis and related to the overview on social life in Norway in nineteenth century above, there are some aspects from the mores that can be used as the main source of the analysis process in this research. The first point is the matter of dominance of prominent institution. In other words, it can be said that in the formulation of the mores are usually influenced by the ruling or prominent power, in this case the church’s influence is more dominating. Later, this condition will create an unhealthy condition for the implementation of the mores since it will only be based on one dominant point of view and disregarding the fact in the field. It is not impossible that the self interest factor of the church will dominate the mores.

The second point is related to image projection. Related to the previous point on the domination of prominent institution in the formulation of the mores, later the people who become the representation of the prominent institution will be insisted to keep and maintain their image as the media to infiltrate the mores. Image projection will dominate the way they behave and it may lead them to imposture.


such as imprisonment but embarrassment and the immoral label for those who break the mores. Many of the people are afraid with that thing which can destroy their image.

C.Theoretical Framework

This research is meant to examine the impact of the mores seen from the presentation of major characters in Ghosts. Therefore, the first step to do is by finding and understanding the characteristics of major characters in the text. In every literary work, character is one of the most effective elements to deliver writer’s intention or idea. Here, the theory of character and characterization are employed to observe deeply the depiction of the characters in the play. The characters’ utterances, gestures, behavior and the way characters think will be examined in order to get deeper understanding on what characters want to represent and reveal.





A. Object of the Study

In conducting this research, the work of literature that will be used as the object of the study is Ghosts by Henrik Johan Ibsen. Based on its characteristics, this work of literature is classified into the genre of drama or play. In this research, the drama text that will be used is taken from Plays of Henrik Ibsen from page 169 until 231.

As mentioned before, Ghosts is one of Ibsen’s masterpieces in its era and it was written by Henrik Johan Ibsen, a Norwegian dramatist, in 1881. Even this play is not the most famous Ibsen’s work but Ghosts is known as one from three plays that established Ibsen status as a radical thinker (Brockett, 1995: 430).

Ghosts was first published in December 13th, 1881 by Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag in Copenhagen, Denmark in an edition of 10.000 copies. The content of the drama which contains some controversial issues at that time is believed as one reason why the selling rate of the book was not good. Even, the owners of bookshops were ashamed to have the book on their shelves, and it was not until 1894 that a fresh edition was needed (http://www.ibsen.net/index.gan?id=471&subid=0).


could not be produced for almost one year for the rejection of the people at that time. At last, the first production was presented in America in 1882 by a Dano-Norwegian company touring Midwestern states (Brockett & Findlay, 1991: 19-20).

Even many resistance and rejection shown toward Ibsen’s Ghosts, later Henrik Ibsen with his Ghosts is known as one kind of introduction to the establishment of Europe’s independent theater (Derry, 1970: 1036). On the other hand, through his works of literature, Ibsen has given influence that drama is a medium to deliver the serious ideas and the search of truth (Brockett & Findlay, 1991: 22).

Ghosts as one of Ibsen masterpiece also plays important role in showing his idea. The idea to reshape the social life and find the truth can be found in Ghosts with its background of the play that portrays the Norwegian family as basic element in the society. The setting of the play is concentrated in Mrs. Alving’s house, not far away from fjords as one of Norway characteristics. Generally the play is telling about the life of a family which is faced with the mores practiced.

B. Approach of the Study


content, significant form. It is a structure of words composed in such a way that there is a harmony of all related parts to the whole” (Rohrberger & Woods, 1971: 5). So, literature can be said simply as string of beautiful words based on author’s idea to give pleasure and entertainment for its reader.

Besides to give such joy and entertainment for the reader, it is also believed that by reading a work of literature, the reader may be able to find the link between the literature and the civilization that produced it (Rohrberger & Woods Jr., 1971: 9). Meanwhile civilization itself is a group of people with specific attitudes and actions which are observable and those can be inserted in a work of literature as the topic (1971: 9).

When there is a link or relation between the work of literature and civilization that produced it, the sociocultural-historical approach will be the main basis to use in the analysis. In using this approach, the observation and investigation on the social and cultural aspect of social group in which a work was created will be the main priority. It is done in order to know how the social condition gives its influence toward the work of literature and vice versa. “Literature is not created in a vacuum, and second that literature embodies ideas of significant to culture that produced it” (Rohrberger & Woods Jr., 1971: 9).


past life but it must be interrelated with the life of human in present time (Rohrberger & Woods Jr., 1971: 10-11). Then, the work of literature will have its contribution, not only to see the past condition but also to give new insight for today life.

Related to Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen, the sociocultural-hictorical approach will be very suitable to use. In Ghosts, the reader may see indirectly how the culture and social system applied in the society can influence the attitude, behavior and the way of thinking of the people who become the members of the society. It will see about the society that produced the work of literature. Then hopefully, based on the observation, it can give contribution for our contemporary life in behaving toward the presence of the mores.

C. Method of the Study

In analyzing Ghosts by Henrik Johan Ibsen, the method of the study that was used was library research. This method was used to obtain as many as credible and qualified data from primary and secondary sources. The data from those two sources then would be used as the ground and to support the process analysis.


Then after finishing the reading process of the play, the next step was reading books and sources about social science in order to understand some theories and explanations on the topics under that field. Besides, reading some books about the development of western society in 19th century also was done to get supporting data. Later, this process would discover not only about the possible social topics but also an overview about the social life in Norway in around 19th century.

Then the third step was to specifying the topic that would be discussed. In this undergraduate thesis, the topic that was chosen is about the presence of mores and their impact on one’s life.

Afterward, one of the most important steps was by finding relation between story in the play with the social condition in Norway in 19th century and also the social topic chosen. Then, the presentation of major characters in their social life was examined. After that the mores which were represented the Norway society in 19th century would be analyzed and listed as well.





In this chapter, the writer is going to examine and analyze the object of the study entitled Ghosts by Henrik Johan Ibsen based on the problem formulation written in the Chapter I. This section is divided into three main parts in which each part represents one problem.

In the first part, the presentation of major characters will be analyzed. Then in the second part, the mores applied in the society of the play will be observed and listed. Last, the impact shown based on the major characters’ response toward the presence of the mores will be discussed.

A. The Presentation of the Major Characters

In Ghosts by Henrik Johan Ibsen, there are three major characters in the story. Those characters are Manders, Mrs. Alving and Oswald. In the following part, the presentation of those characters will be explained.

1. Manders


Manders plays his role as the representative of the church in the heart of Norway society that was nearly 96 percent dominated by Christianity (Derry, 1970: 646). He is the one delegated by the church to live and to build a direct interaction among the members. It means that Manders has responsibilities to be their shepherd. He has to be the one who teaches and shows the way of life based on Christian teaching.

Regarding to this position, then Manders is considered as someone who has a special position in the society. He is not just an ordinary person in his society. His every action may attract public’s attention. The presence of the church as one of the most influential institution in Norway at that time may become one supporting factor of this condition. This is in line with the condition in Norway that the church with all of its structure indirectly also has the power in limiting and giving conduct in social life (McNeill, 1974: 82-83). Then, it simply can be said that Manders deserves a special position in the hierarchy of the society. Therefore, people will see him differently, not as an ordinary person but as the one to follow and respect.


First, Manders is presented as a respectable person in his society. As mentioned before, his position as a pastor of the parish may give big contribution for this condition.

Engstrand. Yes, because there will be a lot of fine folk here tomorrow. Parson Manders is expected from the town too.

Regina. What is more, he is coming today (p. 170).

Based on the conversation between Regina and Engstrand above, it can be seen how every movement of Manders attracts the attention of other people. Those two characters consider that the presence of Manders is important for them. They have to give special attention and make special preparation for his visit. In regard to Manders’ position as the Pastor, the people also have to behave in proper way. It is seen through Regina’s and Engstrand’s effort to give good impression in front of Manders. Indirectly, based on the attention shown by two minor characters above, the respectability of Manders is depicted clearly.

Next, Manders is also presented as a closed-minded person. This characteristic may correlates with his background of life as a pastor who lives in the circle of religious life. In his life as a pastor, Manders is accustomed to many dogmatic matters and this situation may lead his way of thinking as an obdurate and conservative person. The old and traditional views have been implanted in his mind and this condition alienated his mind from the change.


his belief. The evidence can be seen through his reaction in behaving on certain circumstance below:

Manders. Good. Then I will show you-. (He goes to the chair where his bag is lying and takes a packet of papers from it:then sits down at the opposite side of the table and looks for a clear space to put the papers down.) Now first of all, here is-(breaks off). Tell me Mrs. Alving, what are these books doing here?

Mrs. Alving. These books? I am reading them. Manders. Do you read this sort of thing? (p.178)

The quotation above depicts the scene when Mrs. Alving is being criticized by Manders for her choice to read certain sort of reading text. Based on that response, it can be seen that the reaction of Manders toward Mrs. Alving’s decision implies his closed-minded characteristic. He does not welcome a new idea if it is not suitable with his idea.

The evidence above is strengthened with the conversation of those two characters, still on the same topic:

Mrs. Alving. But what is the particular objection that you have to this book?

Manders. What objection? You surely don’t suppose that I take any particular interest in such productions?

Mrs. Alving. In fact, you don’t know anything about what you are denouncing?

Manders. I have read quite enough about these books to disapprove of them (p.178).


Manders’ obdurate and conservative characteristics can also be seen when he has a discussion with Mrs. Alving about the topic of relationship between parents and children.

Manders. Can you call it cowardice that you simply did your duty! Have you forgotten that a child should love and honor his father and mother? Mrs. Alving. Don’t let us talk in such general terms. Suppose we say:

“Ought Oswald to honor Mr. Alving?

Manders. You are a mother-isn’t there a voice in your heart that forbids you to shatter your son’s ideals? (p.198)

There, Manders is shown as the one who will always defend his opinion. He tries to ensure Mrs. Alving that there is no mistake in her decision to build a false perception of father in her son’s mind. It is caused by Manders’ belief that it is a child’s duty to love and honor his parents. Once again, the conversation above confirms the characteristic of Manders as an obdurate person.

Related to the view about the relationship in a family, Manders’ obdurate and closed-minded characteristic is also reflected in his belief about the ideal management of male and female relationship within marriage. He believes that everything should be done and arranged based on the regulation agreed. It is shown from his direct comment and reaction in responding the conversation about this topic.

Manders. But do you mean to say that it is possible for a man of any sort of bringing up, and a young woman, to reconcile themselves to such way of living-and to make no secret of it, either?

Oswald. What else are they to do? A poor artist,and a poor girl-it costs a good deal to get married. What else are they to do?


Implicitly, through the quotation above, the opposition of Manders toward those who do not respect marriage as the only initiation process to legalize the relationship between man and woman is shown. Indirectly, it also brings to the depiction of the respect shown by Manders toward marriage institution. It is hard for him to agree with different perspective which is in contradiction to his belief.

Not only shapes Manders as an obdurate and closed-minded person, his life as a pastor may have contributions for him to be the conservative one. As mentioned before, Manders tends to think in line with old view. He ignores the development and change around him. It can be seen through the conversation about the position of woman below.

Manders. To crave for happiness in this world is simply to be possessed by a spirit of revolt. What rights have we to happiness? No! We must do our duty, Mrs. Alving. And yourduty was to cleave to the man you had chosen and to whom you were bound by a sacred bond (p.189).

Indirectly through the quotation above, Manders is portrayed to think only based on the old view. He believes that a woman only has to obey her husband and does her duty without any complaints. In general, Manders’ statement above has subordinated the position of woman in a family. He puts the woman as an object in the family not the subject and this opinion strengthens his characteristic as a conservative person.


Ironically, this respectable position brings him to paranoia toward anything that may libel his name. It is seen when he tried to persuade Mrs. Alving not to insure the Orphanage to avoid any attack or misperception from the rest of the society (p.180-182). Then, in general, the presentation of Manders in the play can be made brief into a person with strong religious background with closed-minded, obdurate, timorous and conservative mind and characteristics.

2. Mrs. Alving

Based on the theory proposed by Hugh Holman and William Harmon in their book entitled A Handbook of Literature, in analyzing a character in literary work, we can see the characterization from the explicit presentation by the author of the character through direct exposition. Then, based on the information given in the play, it can be seen that Mrs. Alving is described as a widow. She is one of two women characters in the play. She lived in a house on one of the larger fjords of western Norway. She lived in her house only with her maid before her son came home. Her only son, named Oswald, was sent away to learn and study about art in France.

While, in Understanding Unseens by M.J. Murphy it is also mentioned that some aspects, such as conversation, thought and past life of a character may give contribution in understanding the presence of a character. In regard to this theory, Mrs. Alving in Ghosts also can be observed from those aspects, especially her past life.


and pressures. As a wife of Mr. Alving who has good reputation and impression in their society, Mrs. Alving is demanded to be more careful in her behavior. Unfortunately, this condition only brings her to live under pressure with no happiness. This condition later brings her to doubt and stand on the different side with the demand of the society.

As the consequence of her failure to deal with the demand in the society in her past life, Mrs. Alving becomes a critic toward the common view in her society. This condition is believed as the result of her disappointment and doubt on the common view in the society. In the past, she was taught about duty and she got nothing except problems and miseries from that. Now, after the death of her husband, Mrs. Alving transforms into a woman with a new mind set. She tries to free herself from the common view. She wants her opinion and perspective in seeing particular issues to be freed from the pressure from any side. She will not let her mind to be blunted by the common opinion. She learns from her mistake in the past and it creates her to always question many things before practices and accepts them.

The conversation below portrays evidence of Mrs. Alving’s critical mind. After the death of Mr. Alving, she tries to free her mind and reading books is one of the ways. By reading books, she wants to get the compensation for the shackles of life she has experienced in the past. She attempts to find the answer of her questions and hesitations toward the old ideas of life that surround her.

Manders. Do you feel any the better or happier for reading books of this kind?


Mrs. Alving. Well, they give me an explanation or a confirmation of lots different ideas that have come into my own mind. But what surprises me, Mr. Manders, is that, properly speaking, there is nothing at all new in these books. There is nothing more in them than what most people think and believe. The only thing is, that most people either take no account of it or won’t admit to themselves. (p. 178)

In her effort to find the answer for her questions and hesitations, Mrs. Alving finds no satisfying explanation. She criticizes that most of the contents of the books just stand in the same position as the common old views. None of them proposes the new concept that can accommodate Mrs. Alving’s revolutionary mind. None of them can adjust her desire to be the opposition or even the agent of change of the old views.

The characteristic of Mrs. Alving as a critical woman is strengthened by her courage to criticize and debate Manders’ opinion openly, as quoted below.

Manders. No one can be responsible for the result of it. Anyway, there is this to be said, that the match was made in complete conformity with law and order.

Mrs. Alving (going to the window). Oh, law and order! I often think that it is at the bottom of all the misery in the world (p.198).

Through this conversation, Mrs. Alving shows her own opinion about the presence of regulation in the society such as law, order, more and etc. which only make the people live under pressure. Based on Mrs. Alving’s perspective, every movement of a person is limited by those regulations and it is only make the people to live in misery. The life condition of the people becomes unnatural for the presence of those regulations.


means that she welcomes new idea to influence her mind. She does not want to be trapped by the common views in the society. Whenever she thinks a new idea is suitable for the recent condition, then she will agree with it. The experience of Mrs. Alving who has tasted the sweet and bitter of life makes her to think more rational and permissive with the change and new idea, even it might be controversial.

Then, starting from her critical and open-minded characteristics, Mrs. Alving can also be seen as a rebellious woman. Basically, those three characteristics are still related to one another. When a person has the courage to oppose the already agreed view, he is a critical person. Then for a person who opposes an idea and replaces it with a new idea is an open-minded person. Meanwhile, for a person who attacks an old idea, replaces it with a new idea and practices the new idea can be considered as a rebellious person. Here, in Ghosts, Mrs. Alving is portrayed with those three characteristics.

The evidence for her open-minded characteristic can be seen through the conversation below. Here, the open-minded characteristic of Mrs.Alving is strengthened by her view on the marriage in blood-tied relationship. Different from common people’s view and many teachings that oppose that practice, Mrs.Alving suggests her son to do that.

Mrs. Alving. If I were not such a miserable coward, I would say to him: “Marry her, or make any arrangement you like with her-only let there be no deceit in the matter.”

Manders. Heaven forgive you! Are you actually suggesting anything abominable, so unheardof, as a marriage between them!


Basically the suggestion proposed by Mrs. Alving above can be considered as the confirmation of her open-minded characteristic. Here, Mrs. Alving opposes the old view and she also supports the practice of incest. Though at last this she does not practice or apply it in the real life but it has shown the open-minded characteristic of Mrs. Alving.

Meanwhile, the rebellious characteristic of Mrs. Alving is shown through her decision to send Oswald away in his childhood.

Manders (looking sympathetically to him). You went out into the world very young, my dear Oswald.

Oswald. I did. Sometimes I wonder if I wasn’t too young.

Mrs. Alving. Not a bit of it. It is the best thing for an active boy, and especially for an only child. It’s a pity when they are kept at home with their parents and get spoilt (p.185-186).

In this part, Mrs. Alving argues that the decision to send Oswald away is right. She thinks that it will be good to give a boy a chance to develop and pursue his dreams and talents. From this argument, it is obviously seen how Mrs. Alving’s opinion is really different with the common views. She opposes the common views that believe the best place for seven-years old boy is in his true home under the guidance of his parents. Indirectly the argument proposed by Mrs. Alving above confirms her revolutionary mind and her characteristic as a rebellious woman who has the courage to oppose the common views.


Mrs. Alving. Well-now, Mr. Manders, now I am going to tell you the truth. I had sworn to myself that you should know it one day-you, and you only!

Manders. And what may the truth be?

Mrs. Alving. The truth is this, that my husband died just as great a profligate as he had been all his life (p. 191).

In this quote, it is seen clearly the mental quality of Mrs. Alving. In responding all of her miseries and problems in her past life, she can still keep her strength to conceal all of the condition from anyone for a long time. She does not want to show off her problems in the past for a long time before she finally finds the moment to speak up. She prefers to keep it, to feel it and to bear it alone.

This condition is strengthened with the quotation that portrays Mrs. Alving’s struggle and effort in facing all of the circumstances alone.

Manders (trembling). And you were able to endure all this!

Mrs. Alving. I had my little boy, and endured it for his sake. But when the crowning insult came-when my own servant-than I made up my mind that there should be an end of it. I took the upper hand in the house, absolutely-both with him and all the others. I had a weapon to use against him, you see; he didn’t dare to speak. It was then that Oswald was sent away. He was about seven then, and was beginning to notice things and ask questions as children will. I could endure all that, my friend. It seemed to me that the child would be poisoned if he breathed the air of this polluted house. That was why I sent him away. And now you understand too, why he never set foot here as long as his father was alive. No one knows what it meant to me (p.193).

Here, everything is explained clearly by Mrs. Alving. Her effort to handle and solve all the problems and misery in her life alone is shown here. This is a depiction of a mother’s struggle by her own self to give and to set the best thing for her son. This also can be said as the portrait of a self-reliant woman.


appears like a doubter and reckless woman. It is depicted from her inconsistency in protecting her son from the influence of his father. In one side, she tries to protect Oswald from his father but on the different side she keeps telling a false perception that Mr. Alving a perfect father (p. 194). Then, in short, Mrs. Alving can be explained as a self-reliant, critical, and rebellious woman though in some cases she appears like a doubter and reckless woman.

3. Oswald

The presentation of Oswald in Ghosts also can be seen through its introductory part as stated by Holman and William in A Handbook of Literature. Meanwhile, based Murphy in his Understanding Unseens, a character also can be observed through some aspects such as the conversation of others, his direct comment, or even reaction.

Here, Oswald is presented as the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Alving. He spends most of his time abroad. He was sent away from Norway by Mrs. Alving to develop his interest in art. Most of his life time which is spent in foreign country gives him a chance to learn different culture and way of life.


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