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Dediated to our friend and olleague Jim Lambek



ABSTRACT. Uniqueness for higher type termonstrutors in lambda aluli (e.g.


easilyexpressedusinguniversallyquantiedonditionalequations. Weuseatehniqueof

Lambek[18℄involvingMal'evoperatorstoequationallyexpressuniquenessof iteration

(more generally, higher-order primitive reursion) in a simply typed lambda alulus,

essentiallyGodel'sT[29,13℄. Weprovethefollowingfatsabouttypedlambdaalulus

with uniqueness for primitive reursors: (i) It is undeidable, (ii) Churh-Rosser fails,

although ground Churh-Rosser holds, (iii) strong normalization (termination) is still

valid. This entails the undeidability of the oherene problem for artesian losed




1. Introdution

Consider the usual primitive reursion equations of the addition funtion: x+0 = x,

x+(Sy)=S(x+y). How dowe know these uniquely speify addition? More generally,

onsider a possibly higher-order primitive reursor, Rahxy, where a : A ) B;h : A )

N)B )B, satisfying:

Rahx0 = ax

Rahx(Sy) = hxy(Rahxy)

Againwe may ask: how dowe know suh primitivereursive denitions uniquely speify

the intended funtion?

Suh uniqueness questions make sense in many ontexts: arithmeti theories [29℄,

rst-order term rewriting theories [9℄ , primitive reursive arithmetis [14℄, simply and

higher-order typed lambda aluli and related funtional languages[13, 20, 29℄,

ategor-ial programming languages [5, 15℄ and more generally wherever we dene a proedure

iteratively on an indutive data type[15 , 16℄. If mathematial indution is provided

ex-pliitly within the formal theory, the problem of uniqueness often beomes trivial (e.g.



and the OogataKenkyu Josei grant of Keio University 2

Researh supported byan operating grant

fromtheNaturalSienes andEngineeringResearhCounilofCanada



Key words and phrases: typed lambda alulus, rewriting theory, strong normalization, Mal'ev


M.Okada 1

andP.J.Sott 2


[20℄, p.192.) But usual funtional programming languages, term rewriting languages,

or ategorial languages do not expliitly have indution, hene the uniqueness issue is

more problemati. We shouldmentionthat similarproblems alsoappear inthetheory of

higher-order mathing [10℄.

The question of (provable) uniqueness of terms also arises quite naturally from the

viewpoint of ategory theory [20, 21℄. For example, whenever we demand that arrows

arise from anassoiated universal mapping property,then weare immediatelyled tothe

question of the (provable) uniqueness of terms in an appropriate language. Here we are


losed ategory,equivalently the problemofuniqueness ofiterationinGodel's T[29, 13℄.

For many equational aluli, a simple-minded solution to the uniqueness problem

involves adding a kind of extensionality or uniqueness rule. This rule says: \any term t

satisfyingthesame dening equationsasagiven term,must beequaltothat term." The


equation, possibly between terms of highertype [22℄ .

However, in many interesting ases (e.g. produt and oprodut types ) we an do

muhbetter: wean presentuniqueness equationallyandbuildaterminating(=strongly

normalizing) higher-typed rewrite system for the theory [20℄. 1

Here we use a tehnique

of Lambek[18℄involvingMal'ev operationstoequationallydeneuniqueness of iterators

(reursors) in Godel's T. We then prove this lambda theory is undeidable; thus it is

impossible to simultaneously have onuene (Churh Rosser) and termination. In fat,


prediate argument (Setion 4). This answers a question of J. Lambek. On the other

hand, the theory is ground-CR (=Churh-Rosser for losed terms of base type), thus it

formsanatural, undeidableomputationtheory. Thissuggests the existeneof natural,

strongly normalizing funtional languages whih are Turing omplete and ould serve as

the basis of interesting programminglanguages. Another onsequene of this workis the


numbers objets. We end with a brief disussion of some extensions of these results, for

example tothe data type of Brouwer ordinals.

2. Typed Lambda Caluli

We use the usual expliitly typed lambda alulus (with reursors) and its notational

onventions, f. [13, 20,29℄.





equation [20℄. For oproduttypes, thedual equation is obviousin a ategoriallanguage[20℄, Part I,



For eah type A, there is an innite set of variables x A


of type A, as well as speied

onstants for primitivereursion, typed as follows:

0:N S:N)N R


:(A)B))(A )N)B )B))A)N)B

Terms are freely generated from the variables and onstants by appliation and

-abstration,with the usual typing onstraints. In shorthand, terms have the form

variable j onstant j M`N j x:A:'

where M :A )B ; N :A. Weusually write MN for M`N.


Weidentifytermsuptohangeofboundvariables( -ongruene). Equalityisthesmallest

ongruene relationlosed under substitution,satisfying ;and



ahx0 = ax



ahx(Sy) = hxy(R

A;B ahxy)

for all a:A; h:A)N)B )B;x:A;y:N.

Lambda Theories


(a) Lambdaaluliwithproduttypesandsurjetivepairing[20,13℄. Suhsystemsare

losely onnetedtoartesian losedategories (='s). Howeverfor thepurposes

of onstruting free 's, produt types are unneessary ([25℄); f Setion 5 below.

In the presene of produt types with surjetive pairing, the reursor R may be

dened in terms of the simpler notion of iteratorI


: A)(A)A))N)A (f

[20℄, p. 259,[13℄, p. 90 ) The type N with iterators orresponds to the ategorial

notionof weak natural numbers objet in 's [20℄.

In this paperwe shall use reursors R sine (i)we do not neessarilyassume

prod-ut types, (ii) reursors are neessary for more generaltype theories (e.g. Girard's

system F) as well as for more general ategorial frameworks (e.g. Lambek's

mul-tiategories, [19℄).

(b) Wemay onsider extensions of typed lambdaalulusby adding rst-order logito

theequationaltheory[23,22℄. Thiswillbedisussedinthenextsetion. Finally,we


Notation: As usual, the type expression A

1 ) A


) ) A

n abbreviates A 1 ) (A 2

) (A

n 2

) (A

n 1 ) A


))) , i.e. assoiation to the right. Even if there

are no produt types, we sometimes abbreviate A

1 ) A


) ) A


by the Curried

expression (A



n 1

) ) A


but we still write terms in the usual way without

pairing. The reader an easily add pairing to terms if there are genuine produt types.

The term expression a

1 a

2 a


abbreviates (((a

1 `a

2 )`a

3 )`a

n 1 )`a


, i.e. assoiation

tothe left.

3. Uniqueness of Reursors

3.1. Natural Numbers Objets. In ategorial logi [20℄, a natural numbers objet (=

NNO) in a artesian losed ategory (= ) C is an objet N together with arrows

1 0

!N S

!Nwhihis initialamongalldiagramsofthe shape 1 a

!A g

!A. This means:

forallarrowsa:1!Aandg :A !AthereisauniqueiterationarrowIt



satisfying: (i) It

A (a;g)


0=a and (ii) It

A (a;g)


S =g o



(a;g). A weak naturalnumbers

objet N in a C merely postulates the existene, but not uniqueness, of the iterator

arrowabove. Inthe typed lambdaalulusassoiatedtoC,a weak NNOis equivalent to

having aniterator I


:A(A)A)N)A inthe language (f. [20℄, p. 70).

3.2. Lambek'sUniquenessConditions. We nowonsider uniquenessof lambdaterms

de-ned by iterators or, more generally, reursors. Girard disusses the subtleties of suh

questions, and the defets of standard syntax, in[13℄, pp. 51, 91.

The use of rst-order logi to strengthen lambda alulus is familiar, for example in

disussing extensionality, lambda models, and well-pointedness of 's, f. [22℄. In a

similarmanner, uniqueness ofIt


in's an beguaranteedbythe followingonditional

rule: given arrowsa:1!A andg :A!A,if f :N!Aisany arrowsatisfyingf o


and f o

S =g o

f then f =It


(a;g). Letus translatethis intolambdaalulus.

More generally, we onsider typed lambda aluli L presented with reursors R

A;B .

Given any terms a and h of appropriate type, uniqueness of R


ah may be guaranteed

by the following uniqueness rule: for any term f : AN ) B, and variables x;y of

appropriate types:


f;h )


f =R


ah where a=x:A:fx0

Here, for any x, the initialvalue of the reursion, fx0, issimply dened to beax .

Lambek[18, 17℄proved that itispossibletoequationally represent the rst-orderrule



, provided we assume the existene of ertain Mal'ev operators. Let us reall his


Suppose all the types A in the lambda alulus L have a Mal'ev operation; i.e. a

losed term m

A :A


)A satisfying the following equations (inunurried form):


for all x;y : A . Fix a family fm


jA a type g of suh Mal'ev operations (we omit type

subsripts). ConsiderthetermH,whereHmfh=xyz:m(hxyz)(hxy(fxy))(fx(Sy))for

variablesf;h(where f hasthe sametypeasR


ah andHmfhhas the sametypeash),

and the following equationalrule:



) R



Notation. From now on, when the ontext islear, we shall omit typesubsripts.

3.3. Theorem. [Lambek([18℄)℄ The following impliations hold:

(i) M


implies U


(ii) U


0 implies M


where h 0

=Hmfh .

Proof. In this proof, we freely use ()-rule, i.e. extensionality. (i): Suppose M

f;h and

the hypotheses of U


, i.e. suppose fx(Sy)=hxy(fxy). Sine m is a Mal'ev operator,

Hmfh = h. Therefore by M


, fxy = Ra(Hmfh)xy = Rahxy, so f = Rah, by (),

whihis the onlusion of U

f;h .

(ii) Suppose U

f;h 0.

Note that the hypothesis of this rule is always true, sine it says

fx(Sy) = h 0

xy(fxy) = m(hx(fxy))(hx(fxy))(fx(Sy)) = fx(Sy): Thus, the onlusion

of the rule is true; so f =Rah 0

, i.e. M


,as required.

Thetheoremaboveexpresses thesenseinwhihweanreplaetheonditional

unique-ness rulesU


bythe equationsM


. Theproblemofequationallydening the

appropri-ate Mal'ev operatorsis addressed in setion3.2 below.






suÆesformanypurposes(e.g. inLambek'swork,itguaranteesuniquenessoftheiterator

arrow in a strong natural number objet). But it does not guarantee the uniqueness of

the term R


itself. The uniqueness of suh R is a muh stronger ondition whih we

shall not disuss here.

Oneadvantage ofassumingtheuniqueness ruleU


ispointed outin[20℄, Proposition

2.9, p. 263: in simply typed lambda alulus with the uniqueness rule (equivalently, in

thefreewithNNO)allprimitivereursivefuntionsandtheAkermann funtionmay

be dened by their usual free variable equations. But in fat more is true: in the next

propositionwe show many familiarset-theoreti equationsbeomeprovable forvariables

(not just for numerals). In what follows, +; .

; .

are terms dened (using R) by the usual

primitivereursive equations onN (f. [14℄) .

3.4. Proposition. [Goodstein[14℄, Lambek[18℄, Roman[27℄℄ In typed lambda alulus


(i) Sx Sy=x y

(ii) x .


(iii) x .

(1 .


(iv) x .

(1 .

y)=x .

(x .


(v) (x+y) .


(vi) Assoiativity of + and .

(vii) jx;yj=jy;xj, where

jx;yj=(x .

y)+(y .


(viii) Commutativity of + and .

(ix) x+(y .

x)=y+(x .


Proof. Detailed arguments are given in Goodstein [14℄ and/or Lambek[18℄ (f. also

Roman [27℄). Re (ix), whih is an important identity, either follow [14℄, 5.17 (p.108)

or alternatively, note that both sides of (ix) (as funtions of x;y) satisfy the following

double reursion formula: '(0;0) = 0;'(0;y +1) = y +1;'(x+1;0) = x+1;'(x +

1;y+1)='(x;y)+1. Hene by uniqueness the equality follows, provided we an show

'is representable intyped lambdaalulus(equivalently,in the free with NNO).We

omit the onstrution of ' exept to remark it is similar to the proof that Akermann's

funtion isrepresentable (f. [1℄, p. 570,[20℄, p. 258 ).

Notation. Weextend the arithmetialoperationsinthe set S =f0;+; .

; .

g toalltypes

by indution: (i) at type N the operations inS have their usual meanings. (ii)Suppose

we know the operations in S at types A and B. Then we extend these operations to

type A ) B by lambdaabstration, i.e. 0

A)B =


x : A:0


, and f ?

A)B g =

def x :



gx, for any operation ? 2 f+; .

; .

g. Sine all types have the form A A

1 )




n 1



b isessentiallyx

1 x n :ax 1 x n N bx 1 x n

, where x

i : A


. Finally, we may now disuss the usual dierene funtion in Goodstein

athigher types: jM;Nj=(M .

N)+(N .


If we add expliit produt types, we ould also dene the arithmetial operations



and ?


\omponentwise". We shall use the usual notation (without subsripts)

for +; .

; .

;0at alltypes when the meaningis lear.

3.5. Proposition. In typed lambda alulus with theuniqueness rule U


, thefollowing

rst-order shema holds for arbitrary terms M;N of the same type: ` jM;Nj = 0 $

M =N :

Proof. The(!)diretionistheinterestingone. Arguinginformally,weprovetheresult

for variables of type N , the other ases followingfrom appropriate lambda abstrations

and substitutions. Suppose jx;yj= 0; then by Proposition 3.4(v;vii), jx;yj .

(y .

x)= 0,

so x .

y = 0. Similarly, y .

x = 0. Hene, using equation Proposition 3.4(ix) above, we

obtain: x =x+(y .

x)=y+(x .


3.6. DenableMal'evOperations. TheruleM





are. Inthepuretypedlambdaalulus,Lambek[19℄showed

that Mal'ev operations are atually denable from ut-o subtration .


losed terms m


: A ) A, uniquely determined (by funtional ompleteness) by the

followinglauses inunurried form:

1. m


xyz =(x+z) .

y,for variablesx;y;z :N.

2. m




(ux)(vx)(wx),for variables u;v;w:A)B.

Remark. Iftypedlambdaalulusisextendedwithprodutsand terminaltype,wemay

extend m


(usingexpliit tupling)asfollows: m


hx;y;zi=,forvariablesx;y;z :1and



= hm

A o


A1 ;p

A2 ;p

A3 i;m

B o


B1 ;p

B2 ;p


ii, where p


denotes the projetion onto

the ith-fator of the A omponent, et.

To say m


xyz = (x+z) .

y gives a Mal'ev operator at type N means we must be

able to prove (x+z) .

x = z and (x+y) .

y = x for variables x;y;z. Alas, in the pure

theory these equations are onlyprovable for losednumerals0;S0;S 2

0;: to guarantee

the result for variables we must postulate it,as follows:

3.7. Theorem. Let L be pure typed lambda alulus (alltypes freely generated from N).

The indutively-dened family of terms fm


jAa typeg given above denes Mal'ev

op-erations at eah type, provided that at type N we add the axioms: (x+z) .

x = z and

(x+y) .

y=x, for variables x;y;z.

Proof. By diret alulation.

3.8. Uniqueness, Indution, and Undeidability. We now show that the uniqueness rule

isin fatequivalenttoa version of quantier-free indution. Weshall then give proofsof

the undeidabilityof L with uniqueness.

3.9. Lemma. Thefollowing are equivalent for any type B:

1. Uniqueness rule: for any losed term f :A)(N)B)


f;h )


f =R


ah where a=x:A:fx0

2. Goodstein Indution at type B: for any losed term f :A )N)B


8x8y[fx0=0 (1 .

fxy) .


f =xy:0

where x:A and y:N.

3. The indution rule : for any losed terms F;G:A)N)B


8x;y: Fx0=Gx0

[Fxy =Gxy℄






F =G


Proof. We show (1))(2))(3))(1), in eah ase by indution onthe type B.

(a). (U


) ) (Goodstein indution) : this is essentially Goodstein's argument, [14℄,

p.35, using the identities of Proposition 3.4 (this proposition assumes U


.) For

om-pleteness, we sketh the proof.

Case 1. B = N. Let f : A ) N ) N be given satisfying the hypotheses of Goodstein

Indution. Then (1 . fxy) . (1 .

fx(Sy)) = (1 . fxy) . ((1 . fxy) .

fx(Sy)) = 1 .

fxy (1)

Dene g : A ) N ) N by primitive reursion as follows (where x : A and y : N are

variables): gx0=1,gx(Sy)=gxy .

(1 .

fxy). Lethxy=gx(Sy). Then using equation (1)

hx(Sy) = gx(Sy) .

(1 .

fx(Sy)) = gxy .

(1 .

fxy)=gx(Sy) (2)

Also hx0 = 1 = gx0. An easy argument ([14℄, p.34) then shows hxy = gxy. Hene,

gx0=1andgx(Sy)=gxy. By[14℄,2.7304(p. 55), g =xy:1. Inpartiular,1 .


Hene fxy=fxy .

(1 .

fxy)=0,by Proposition3.4, (iii) .

Case 2: In general, any type has the form B = A

1 ) A


) A

n 1

) N. Thus a

losed term f : A ) N ) B means f : A ) N ) A

1 ) A


) A

n 1

) N. Thus

f = x A y N z A 1 1 z A n 1 n 1 :fxy~z i

, where fxy~z


: N. Now apply the same argument as in

Case 1 (with extra parameters z~

i ).

(b). (GoodsteinIndution) ) (Indution):

Case 1: B =N.Letbethe losedtermxy:jFxy;Gxyj. ByProposition3.5, Indution

is equivalent to saying:

8x;y: x0 =0








The proof that Goodstein Indution implies the above rule is (slightly) modied from

Goodstein [14℄, p.109. Note that Goodstein's proof assumes terms F;G : N ) N; the

same proof goes through verbatim if we assume there isanextra parameter y of typeA,

i.e. that F;G are atually of typeA )N)N.

Case 2: B = A

1 ) A


) A

n 1

) N. Hene, as above, the problem redues to the

ase B =N, with extra parameters z

i :A

i .

(). (Ind.) ) (U


): The following proof is valid for all types B. Suppose the

hypotheses of U


. Let F = xy:fxy and G =xy:Rahxy . We wish to prove F = G,

i.e. Fxy = Gxy, for all x;y. Clearly Fx0 = fx0 = ax = Rahx0 = Gx0. Now suppose

Fxy=Gxy,i.e. fxy=Rahxy. Then, using the hypothesis of U

fh ,



it follows that the rst-order presentation is undeidable. Butthere are diret proofsfor

the equational presentation aswell:

3.10. Theorem. ThetypedlambdaalulusLwithuniquenessU


isundeidable. Hene

we annot simultaneouslyhave SN and CR for any assoiated rewriting system.

Proof. Observethatwithuniquenessweanrepresentpolynomialswithpositiveinteger

oeÆients (f the remarks before Proposition 3.4). Thus, from the undeidability of

Hilbert's 10th problem, the general question of deiding if two suh lambda terms are

equalor not is undeidable. The onlusion about rewriting systems is familiar. SN and

CR implythe word problem isdeidable: to deideif two terms are equalor not, redue

themusing SNtotheirunique normalforms,thenhek ifthe normalformsare idential

(up to hange of bound variables).

Let usend this setionwith a few remarks.

(i) A related result by G. Dowek [10℄ yields the undeidability of pattern mathing in

lambdaaluli supporting indutivetypes (aswell asother theories).

(ii) Simply typed lambda aluluswith produt types and uniqueness L+U


is very

losetoTroelstra'stheoryqf--E-HA !



arith-meti in all higher types, lambda operator and produt types with surjetive pairing

[29℄, p. 46, 62(f. the formof indution inthe Lemma above.)

We an also give an indiret proof of undeidability based on Troelstra's theory;

note, in partiular, our alulus satises the -rule: s = t ) x:s = x:t. We

follow Troelstra's proof [29℄, p. 62 that S = fhdme;dnei j ` m = ng and S 0


fhdme;dneij `m6=ngare reursivelyinseparable. Note, however, thatTroelstra's

proof alsorequires ([29℄, pp. 51-59) oding various equations of primitivereursive

arithmeti,aswellassimultaneousreursion, allprovedusingindution. Ourproofs

of similar equationsin Proposition3.4used the uniqueness axiomU



4. Rewriting theory for Uniqueness: SN and CR

Let L be the typed lambda alulus with primitive reursors and Mal'ev operators,

onsidered as a rewrite system[16 , 20, 13℄. To this end we orient all basi equations as

usual,i.e. fromleft-handsidetoright-handside,abbreviatedLHSRHS.Inpartiular,

weorientinthismannerthebasi Mal'evequationsattypeN: mxxy x,mxyyy,

the equations required for dening Mal'ev operators (see Proposition 3.7), as well as

and .

4.1. Proposition. The system L of typed lambda alulus, reursors (without

unique-ness) and Mal'ev equations onsidered as a rewriting theory oriented as above satises


R a(Hmfh)



R ah

R a(Hmfh)xy



R ahxy



Figure1: Failure of CR

We nowturn tothe Mal'ev uniqueness rule. Consider the following two basi


1. Redution R a(Hmfh)f

2. Expansion f R a(Hmfh)

Let L


= the rewriting theory obtained from L with the above redution rule and



= the rewriting theory obtained fromL with the aboveexpansion rule.

4.2. Proposition. The system L


is CR but not SN.

Proof. Sine the LHS of the expansionrule is a(higher-type)variable and the original

system L is CR, any ritial pair is joinable by 1-step parallel redution, [2℄ Hene, the

system is CR. Obviously, the system L


with the expansion rule aboveis not SN,sine

the RHS expands with eahredution.

The system L


is onsiderably more interesting. In what follows we showthat L


is SN,not CR, but is groundCR (i.e. CRfor losed terms of groundtype ).

4.3. Proposition. Thesystem L


isnotCR.Indeed,it isnoteven CR foropen terms

of ground type.

Proof. Consider f =xy:0andh=xyz:0,wheref isofthetypeofthereursor Rah.

Consider the following ritialpair between the redution rule and the Mal'ev rule:

(i) R a(Hmfh)f , (ii) R a(Hmfh)R ah

Redution (i) omes from our orientation of the Mal'ev equation M


. Redution (ii)

arises as follows: sine hxy(fxy)=0=fx(Sy), then

Hmfh =xyz:m(hxyz)(hxy(fxy))(fx(Sy))xyz:0h

where f and R ah are irreduible. Note that all other ritial pairs are atually joinable.


4.4. Proposition. ThesystemL


isgroundCR,i.e. CR forlosedtermsof base type.

Proof. The only important aseis shown by diagram (ii)of Figure1,where we

substi-tute losedtermsx^:Aand y^:Nforthe variablesx;y,respetively. Assuming L

red is SN

(see below), then by anindutive argument([29℄, p. 104) oneshows `y^=S n


n 2Z +

) or`y^=0. In eitherase, wenotethat (ii)isjoinableineitherone ortwosteps,

with R ah^x^y


Strong Normalization of L


4.5. Theorem. ThesystemL


isSN,i.e. iftisanarbitraryterm,theneveryredution

path starting from t halts (at an irreduible).

The proof uses the Tait omputability method ([29℄). For tehnial reasons it does

not suÆe to diretly dene omputability for L


, but rather we must introdue an

auxiliarylanguageL 0


(see Remark 4.8below) 2


The language L 0

is L but with a kindof \parametrized" Mal'ev operatorm 0

A :A


N)A dened as follows:

1. m 0


xyzw =(x+z) .

y forvariablesx;y;z :N

2. m 0


fghw=x:Ay :N:m 0


(fx)(gx)(hx)y for variablesf;g;h:A)B, w:N.

Notethatfor everytypeA, variablesx;y;z :A,w:N,thetwodened Mal'ev operators

are indistinguishable, in the sense that: ` m 0


xyzw = m


xyz, i.e. m 0

is essentially m

with anextra dummy variable w.

In L 0

, analogouslytoL, we introdue the term

H 0

m 0

fh=xyz~p :m 0

(hxyz~p )(hxy(fxy) ~p)(fx(Sy) ~p)(fxy~p)

where ~pis a sequene of variablessuh that fxy~pis of typeN.

Wenowformthe lambdaalulusL 0




, but withM


replaed by the redution

(M 0 fh ) R A;B a(H 0 m 0


4.6. Theorem. ThesystemL 0


isSN,i.e. iftisanarbitraryterm,theneveryredution

path starting from t halts (at an irreduible).

The proof is a modiation of the well-known Tait omputability method [29℄. One

rst denes the omputable terms of type A, Comp


, by indution ontypes asin [29℄:



, t 2SN for atomi typesA: (3)



, 8a(a 2Comp


)t`a 2Comp


): (4)


KnownSN tehniquesdonotsuÆe. Forexample,in ordertoadapt Blanqui,Jouannaud,Okada[3℄

f in the Mal'ev uniqueness rule must be an aessible subterm, whih is not generallytrue if f is of


One now proves the following by indution ontypes:

CR1. If t isomputable, then t is SN.

CR2. If t isomputable and t t 0 then t 0 is omputable.

We now need toprove a lemma (by indution on terms): All terms are omputable ,

from whih the main theorem follows by CR1. In the proof of the lemma, one needs a

stronger indutive hypothesis to handle the ase of lambda abstration. This is

summa-rized by the following (f. [13℄, p. 46) :

4.7. Lemma. LetL 0



operator, as above. If t(x

1 ;:::;x


): B is any term with free variables x

i :A


, and if the


i :A



1 ;:::;a


)isitself omputable. Inpartiular, sine

variables are omputable, any term t(x

1 ;:::;x


):B is omputable.

Proof. The proof is on the omplexity of t. We onsider the substitution instane

t[ ~

d=~x℄ ~

b , where the d


are omputable, and the b


are also omputable so that t[ ~

d=~x℄ ~

b is

of type N. It suÆes to verify that this term is SN. All ases proeed as usual, exept

the ritialasewhent[ ~

d=~x℄ ~

b isR a(H 0 m 0 fh) ~ b 0

,the redexof theMal'ev redution(M 0

fh ).

We show that after (M 0 fh ), f ~ b 0

: N is SN. There are essentially two key forms of suh t

: (i) either t R^a(H 0 m 0 ^ f ^ h) (so ^ f[ ~

d=~x℄ = f (for the f in R a(H 0

m 0

fh)) ) or (ii) t is not

of the form (i); then f must be a proper subterm of some d

i or b


. Case (i) is very easy

to prove: by indution hypotheses, sine ^

f is a subterm of t, ^

f[ ~

d=~x℄ is omputable, so f

is omputable, so f ~

b is SN. For ase (ii) H 0

m 0

fh is ontained in either some d


or some



. Hene, sine these are SN, H 0

m 0

fh is SN. In partiular using the hosen formula for

H 0

in terms of m 0

the subterm fxy~p is strongly normalizable for any omputable terms

substituted for x;y;~p; in partiular f ~

b 0


4.8. Remark. The reader should note that in the proof above, the key fat that H 0

ontains the subterms fxy~p is ritial{the original Mal'ev rule, using Hmfh, will not

diretly work.

Sine the tree of redutionsof m isa subtree of that of m 0

, we obtain:

Corollary. (Theorem 4.5) L


is SN.

4.9. Remark. Although we do not assume genuine produt types here, they may be

aounted for, just as in the setting of Jouannaud-Okada [16℄. Produts use the T

ait-Girard omputability method [13℄, Chap. 6 (f. also [20℄, pp. 88-92)), along with an

auxiliary notion of \neutral term" and an extended omputability prediate satisfying

CR3 (f. [13℄). All this extends tothe setting here.


5.2. Example. The undeidability ofthe word problem(CohereneProblem)for

equal-ity of arrows in the free artesian losed ategory with (strong) NNO generated by the

empty graph.

Here, the free with strong NNO F an be presented in several ways from term


(i) FollowingPitts[25,8℄(4.2.1)wemayonstrutFfromsimplytypedlambdaalulus

withoutproduttypes(e.g. our languageLabove) asfollows: the objetsof F will

be nite lists of types; arrows will be equivalene lasses of nite lists of terms in

ontext. The Mal'ev equationsguarantee that the NNO isstrong.

(ii) Following Lambek and Sott [20℄, we may onstrut F using our language L with

produt and terminal types; here objets are types, and arrows are equivalene

lasses of termswith at mostone free variable. Again, the Mal'ev equations

guar-antee that the NNOis strong.

In either ase above we know the equational theory so generated is undeidable, so

equality of arrows is too(for the Pitts' onstrution use Theorem 3.10; for the

Lambek-Sott, we use the extension of Theorem 3.10 to produttypes (f. Remark 4.9).


1. Godel'sT (i.e. simplytyped lambdaaluluswith reursors) isknown tobe

deid-able, sine it is CR and SN. We wish to emphasize that the extended theory with

Uniqueness L


isundeidable beause of failureof Churh-Rosser, not beause of

failureof SN.

2. We should like to emphasize that simply typed lambda alulus with uniqueness

of iterators (as an equational theory) is a mathematially natural extension of T,


theoriesof arithmeti of nite types.

5.3. Example. The equational theory L


of typed lambda alulus with Mal'ev's

equations is a natural example of an SN, non-CR, ground-CR, undeidable rewriting


Natural examples of suh theories are not ommon. Suh a theory an provide a

omputationalmodel forfuntionallanguages,sineomputationoftermsofgroundtype

(by normalization) gives unique values. Moreover, L


is undeidable, unlike most SN,

CR typed lambda aluli whih only represent a proper sublass of the total reursive




an also be used for veriation of indutive properties: the uniqueness rule for

terms dened by reursion is equivalent to an indution rule, and hene ould be used

as an alternative proof tehnique to traditional indutive arguments. We would like to


5.4. ExtensiontoBrouwerOrdinals. Weshallnowskethhowtoextendthetreatmentto

alargerlassofdatatypes. Suhdatatypessatisfyadomainequation

=A ) , where

the type variable appears ovariantly; in partiular, we onsider 62 A (f. [20, 15℄).

To illustrate, we onsider the data type of Brouwer Ordinals added to the simply type

lambdaaluli L above.

5.5. Definition. The type of Brouwer ordinals Ord is a type with distinguished

on-stants: 0:Ord;S :Ord)Ord; lim:(N)Ord))Ord. The reursor R is dened on

Ordby postulatingthe followingrules:

Rahgx0 = ax (5)

Rahgx(Sy) = hxy(Rahgxy) (6)

Rahgx(lim k) = gxk(z(Rahgx(kz))) (7)

Here: a:A )Ord; h:A)N)Ord; g :A )((N)Ord))(N)Ord));and x:A

. For simpliity we are assuming Rahgx0 is of type Ord, but it ould be of any higher


We wish to remark that this denition is merely the data type of Brouwer ordinals,

and has nothingtodo with set-theoretitransnite reursion.

WeextendouranalysisofLambek'suniquenessonditionsinSetion3asfollows. The

rule U


now has two premisses:


f;h;g )

8x8y[fx(Sy)=hxy(fxy) ℄ 8xk[ fx(lim k)=gxk(z(fx(kz))) ℄

f =Rah

where a=x :A:fx0. Similarly,wehave



) Ra(Hmfh)(H



Here, Hmfh is the same as before, while

H 0

mfg =


xku[m(gxku)(gxk(z(fx(kz))))(fx(lim k))℄:

The followingis analagous toLambek'sTheorem 3.3, inSetion 3.

5.6. Theorem. The followingimpliations hold:

(i) M


implies U


(ii) U

f;h 0

;g 0

implies M


where h 0

=Hmfh and g 0

=H 0

mfg .

Proof. Re(i),assumethetwopremisesofU


. Inpartiular,fromtheseondpremise,

fx(limk)=gxk(z(fx(kz))). Therefore, by the property ofthe Mal'ev operatorm and

by the denition of H 0

mfg, we have H 0

mfg =xku(gxku) =g. In the same way, from


Re (ii),below we prove the followingtwo equations:

fx(Sy) = h 0

xy(fxy) (8)

fx(limk) = g 0

xk(z(fx(kz))): (9)

Byusingequations(8)and(9) asthetwopremisses ofU

f;h 0

;g 0

,thenby U

f;h 0

;g 0

f =R ah 0

g 0


namely,f =R a(Hmfh)(H 0

mfg),i.e., M



Sine the proof of (8) is the same as the type N ase in the original

Lam-bek theorem, we prove (9) only: g 0

xk(z(fx(kz))) =

def (H


mfg)xk(z(fx(kz))) =

m(gxk(z(fx(kz))))(gxk(z(fx(kz))))(fx(lim k))=fx(lim k), asrequired.

As fortherewriting theoryof thisOrdsystem,the analogofProposition4.1, thatthe


a reent theorem of Blanqui, Jouannaud, and Okada [3℄. Letting again L


denote this

new languagewith the redution ordering, L


is not CRbut isground CRby the same

proof asProposition 4.3. The analogof Theorem 4.5establishing SN similarlyapplies to

this extended language.

Finally,onerning thedisussion inLemma3.9onthe equivalene ofuniqueness and

various formsof indution, the situation is a littlemore omplex here. First we observe

that the Ord-indution rule is:

(Ord Ind)








[ 8z(Fx(fz)=Gx(fz) ℄





Fx(lim f)=Gx(lim f)

F =G

where y and f are eigenvariables.

In order to naturally extend the equivalene in Lemma 3.9, it is neessary to disuss

the omputations used inGoodsteinIndution inthis more general framework. Forthis,

it appears neessary to set up a primitive reursive ordinal notationsystem to represent

+; .

;m, et. in order to simulate (in our now more general system) the basi properties

used in the standard N-ase (f. also the disussion after Theorem 3.6). This appears

routine,but we omitthe detailedveriation here.

Finally, we remark that from a ategorial viewpoint, the datatype Ord makes sense

inany withnatural numbers objetN: it isanobjetOrdwith arrows 1 !Ord;S :

Ord ! Ord;lim : Ord N

! Ord satisfying the appropriate equations (analogous to a

parametrizednatural numbers objet [20, 27℄)

5.7. Remark. Conerning more general indutive data types (f. [7, 3℄) the above

re-sults an be extended under the ondition that we an dene Mal'ev operationson the

data type. In the examples we know, this involves dening some analog of .

(or, for

multipliative operations, ( ) 1

). This is not always easy to do. For example, for the

datatypeoflistsofintegers,`ist(N),thereisnoobvioushoiefor .

. Ontheother hand,

the data type of listsoflength k,`ist


(N), doeshave a Mal'ev operatorusing pointwise

subtration: (a ;;a ) .

(b ;;b )=(a .

b ;;a .


Another way to extend these results is simply to postulate a Mal'ev operator, and

the assoiated rewriting rule, ateah type.


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JohnBaez,UniversityofCalifornia,Riverside: baezmath.ur.edu

MihaelBarr,MGillUniversity: barrbarrs.org

LawreneBreen,UniversitedeParis13: breenmath.univ-paris13.fr

RonaldBrown,UniversityofNorthWales: r.brownbangor.a.uk

Jean-LuBrylinski,PennsylvaniaStateUniversity: jlbmath.psu.edu

AurelioCarboni,UniversitadellInsubria: arbonifis.unio.it

P.T.Johnstone,UniversityofCambridge: ptjpmms.am.a.uk

G.MaxKelly,UniversityofSydney: maxkmaths.usyd.edu.au

AndersKok,UniversityofAarhus: kokimf.au.dk

F.WilliamLawvere,StateUniversityofNewYorkat Bualo: wlawvereasu.buffalo.edu

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IekeMoerdijk,UniversityofUtreht: moerdijkmath.ruu.nl

SusanNieeld, UnionCollege: niefielsunion.edu

RobertPare,DalhousieUniversity: paremss.dal.a

AndrewPitts,UniversityofCambridge: apl.am.a.uk

RobertRosebrugh,MountAllisonUniversity: rrosebrughmta.a

JiriRosiky,MasarykUniversity: rosikymath.muni.z

JamesStashe, UniversityofNorthCarolina: jdsharlie.math.un.edu

RossStreet, MaquarieUniversity: streetmath.mq.edu.au

WalterTholen,YorkUniversity: tholenmathstat.yorku.a

MylesTierney,RutgersUniversity: tierneymath.rutgers.edu

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