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Handling Three To Four-Year Old Students At Tumble Tots Who Find Difficulty in Concentrating on Classroom Lesson.


Academic year: 2017

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Setiap guru pasti mengalami berbagai masalah dalam kegiatan belajar mengajarnya, apalagi guru baru yang belum mengetahui sikap dan

tingkah laku murid-muridnya. Berdasarkan apa yang saya alami saat magang di Tumble Tots, saya merasa kesulitan dalam menangani murid-murid yang sulit berkonsentrasi dalam belajar di dalam kelas.








A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper








Causes of the problem :

- Students feel tired




A.Background of the Study

Nowadays, many pre-schools have introduce English language as the

medium of instruction. Based on an article in Newsweek newspaper in

February 1996, "A child taught a second language after the age of 10 or

so is unlikely ever to speak it like a native." It means children can absorb,

understand and speak the foreign language effectively before the age of

ten. This statement is supported by linguists and has been proven in

extensive research studies. That is why many parents start sending their

kids to learn English language. However, sometimes students of three to

five-year old cannot concentrate well,because they still like to play with

anything around them instead of studying. This is supported by

ArticleBase’s statement,” Children at the early age (3-5 y.o) would prefer

playing around rather than studying lessons which definitely make them

feel bored with it, and afterwhich they cannot concentrate on it.” That is

why the students do not want to study, and they get bored with the lesson,


at Tumble Tots, I found the same problem that became my concern. The

problem is about handling children who are difficult to concentrate on

classroom lessons. Therefore, I chose the topic “Handling three to

four-year old children who find difficulty in concentrating on classroom lesson”.

I would like to know more about this problem and find some logical

solutions that might solve the problem and create a better learning

situation in classroom to make the children easy to concentrate.

In this term paper I would like to analyze the causes and the effects of

the problem. In the next chapter, I will explain about three potential

solutions to solve the problem.

B. Identification of the Problem

There are some aspects which cause the lack of the concentration of

the children. I try to figure out some questions that could analyze the main

problem. Here are some questions to analyze the problem.

1. Why did the students at Tumble Tots find it hard to concentrate on

classroom lessons?

2. How can this situation influence the students’ performance?

3. How should the teacher handle the students with difficulty in

concentrating at Tumble Tots to have better concentration on

classroom lessons?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

There are some objectives and benefits that teachers, parents and


to find the causes that make the children difficult to concentrate on

classroom lessons and the best solutions to solve that problem.

There are some benefits that teachers at Tumble Tots, me, and the

readers can have. The first benefit is that the best solutions might be

useful for me someday when I become a teacher. The second benefit is

that I hope the readers, especially the teachers at Tumbe Tots, who have

ever experienced the same problem, can use the solutions to solve the


D. Description of the Institution

Tumble Tots is a pre-school established in 1979 by Bill Cosgrave in the

United Kingdom which uses English as the mother tongue. Its name is

taken from two words which is tumble and tot, with a mission to help and

develop children’s personality through physical process to be independent,

confident, respectful, and able to work with others. Its curriculum has been

specially designed to help children to learn English.

Up till now, this institution has been expanded in several countries such

as in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Every branch has five

classes which are Gymbabes, Walking to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4 class, and Right

Steps class.

Tumble Tots in Bandung is located at Jl. Maulana Yusuf no.8 and now

it has opened a new subsidiary in Jl.Galunggung with Mrs. Fedya as the

head master. Tumble Tots has planned to open other subsidiaries in other


E. Method of the Study

There are five methods that I use to get data for this term paper. The

first one is by doing interviews with the teachers at Tumble Tots, asking

about the students’ problems, the institutions’ background and also the

characteristic of the children. The second one is by doing observation

during classroom session. I help the teachers to handle several classes

everyday and find some problems that might be interesting to be written.

The third one is by doing interview with the parents to know about the

personality of the children, their behavior and also their habits. The fourth

method is doing research to find some solutions and also theories to solve

the problem. The last method is browsing internet to find other solutions

and theories.

F. Limitation of the Study

I did my observation on seven students of 3 to 4 years of age in

Tumble Tots Pre-school classroom.This was during my internship since

July 1st 2010 until August 14th 2010. I prefered doing my observation in the

classroom because I faced the problem when I taught in the classroom.

G. Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper starts with an Abstract which resumes the whole parts

of this term paper. Declaration of Originality page comes after the Abstract

and followed by Acknowledgements and also Table of Contents. The main

part of this term paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is

designed to give information about the background of the study,


description of the institution, method of the study, limitation of the study,

and organization of the term paper. The next chapter consists of problem

analysis which analyzes the causes and effects of the problem. The third

chapter consists of potential solutions that are helpful to solve the

problem. The last chapter consists of conclusion which is the summary of




The students at Tumble Tots have difficulty in concentrating on lessons

because of three causes. The three causes are: the students feel tired

because of too many activities, the students’ concentration is distracted by

other students’ noisy sound, and the students get bored with the lesson.

These causes have some effects which are the students cannot study

well, the lesson will not progress significantly, and students’ performance

will decrease. To handle this problem there are some solutions. The first

solution is teacher gives break time. The second solution is teacher

teaches using interesting visual elements. The third solution is teacher

uses various teaching techniques to attract students’ attention. The best

solution from the three potential solutions discussed in the previous

chapter are the combination of the first potential solution, which is teacher

gives break time and the second potential solution which is teacher

teaches using interesting visual teaching aids.

By giving break time and the teacher teaches using interesting visual


because they can enjoy the learning process. When students have too

much activities, it makes them tired and they need break time to refresh

their minds. The break time can make them relax their minds. As a result,

they can continue studying by focusing and concentrating on the lesson.

The other solution is teacher teaches using interesting visual teaching

aids. It has been noted that colorful pictures and textbooks can help to

attract students’ attention. In addition, students respond much more

quickly to visual teaching aids. Basically, every child like to learn by sense

of seeing. As a result, using interesting visual teaching aids can attract

students’ attention to the lesson and also help students to understand the

lesson more easily because by seeing the real object, it can make

students focus on the lesson.

Students’ difficulty in concentrating on lessons can be a disturbing

problem to a teacher who does not really know how to handle the problem.

The three potential solutions mentioned in the previous chapter may be

useful to solve the problem. Nevertheless, the outcome of the solutions

cannot be seen in a short time. Teachers should be patient when applying

these solutions because students cannot adapt these solutions quickly.

However, once the students get their concentration back, the process of

the learning will be easier and the students will also understand the



Printed Sources

Arends, Richard I. The Courage to Teach. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003.

Deporter, Bobbi, and Hernacki Mike. Quantum Learning: Unleashing the

Genius in You. Trans. Alwiyah Abdurrahman. New York: Dell

Publishing, 1992.

Driscoll, Marcy P. Psychology of Learning for Instruction. 2nd Ed.

Massachusets: Pearson Education Company, 2000.

Fredericks, Anthony D. The omplete Idiot’s Guide to Success as a

Teacher. New York: Penguin Group Inc, 2005.

Rimm, Sylvia. Smart Parenting. Trans. Mangunhardjana. Scottsdale:

Great Potential Press, Inc., 1998.

Slattery, Marry, and Jane Willis. English for PrimaryTeachers. New York:

Oxford University Press, 2005.

Electronic Sources

“Why Children Get Bored to Study.” ArticleBase. 2006. 1 November 2010.


“Diversity in Teaching Classroom.” Barts and the London Students’

Association. 6 March 2008. 22 November 2010.



Dumont, James. “Brain and Concentration.” Sharpbrain.com. 2008. 17

September 2010.


“Eight Things Everybody Ought to Know about Concentrating”. Hubpages.

2009. 12 October 2010.


Harris, Robert. “Some Ideas for Motivatin Students.” Virtual Salt.

March 2005. 17 September 2010.


“Instructional Methods Information.” ADPRIMA Instruction System.

3 January 2010. 8 October 2010.


“Lesson Methodologies.” TeacherVision. 2010. 10 November 2010.




McCarthy, Pat. “Common Visual Aids.” East Bay Education Training



“Motivating the Unmotivated.” Tic.com. July 2007. 11 November 2010.


Rodman, Terry.”Children and their minds.” Labscience.com. 2006.

8 October 2010.


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