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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number 2101121036





Siregar, Riza Handayani. 2101121036. The Effect of Applying Think Pair Share Technique On Students’ Achievement In Writing Procedure Text. A Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. States University of Medan. 2015.

This study aims to discover the effect of applying Think Pair Share Technique on students’ writing achievement. It was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of this research was X grade students of SMA Al-Hidayah Medan. The samples of the research were two classes which consisted of experimental and control group which were chosen by using random sampling technique. Thirty four students were taken as the samples in each class. The experimental group was taught by Applying Think Pair Share Technique, while the control group was taught by Lecture Method. After analyzing the data, it was found that the value of tobserved was 3,59 with the degree of freedom (df)=66 at the level of significance (0,05) = 1,994. It means that tobserved was higher than ttable (3,59>1,994). The result of this study showed that Think Pair Share Technique was significantly affect on students’ achievement in writing procedure text.



First of all, the writer would like to thank to the Almighty Allah SWT for

His blessings, so the writer is able to accomplish her thesis as a partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S1) at the English

Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) in State University of Medan


During the process of writing, the writer realizes that she can’t accomplish

without support from many people. The writer would like to express her sincere

gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik M.Si., Rector of State University of Medan.

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., Dean Faculty of Languages and Arts. 3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English and Literature

Department; Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English department and

Literature Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., as the Head of English

Education Study Program and also as her Academic Consultant.

4. Drs. Bachtiar, M.Pd., her Thesis Advisor for the guidance and moral support during the years, so the thesis could have been accomplished.

5. All Lecturers who have taught her in this English Department, for giving knowledge, advices and amazing study experiences.

6. The writer’s never ending thankfulness is fully belong to her beloved


M.Pd, never giving up on her and for their endless love, support, motivation, and prayers during the writer’s whole life.

The writer’s special gratitude also goes to her dearest Sisters Rizka

Wahyuni Siregar, SE, Chairunnisa Siregar, Maysarah Siregar and Aminatul Munawarah Siregar., who always keep the writer on the right way and cover her with so great love, caring and support.

7. The Principal of SMA AL-Hidayah, Pardinan Lubis, S.Ag, for allowing

the writer to conduct the research and the teacher Miss Susanti S.Pd for

their supports and advices.

8. Her close friend Ryan Asri Hasibuan, And Filzah Farhana Hasibuan, who always keep the writer on right wayand give support and cover her with so great love, caring and support.

9. Her best friends Febry,Indah, Nurhaminta, Irna and Devi and Putri,

Rosa, Harnoi who always give best advice, support and help her in doing the research.

In writing this paper, rhe research realized that this thesis is far from being

perfect though the research has done her best , so the research hopes suggestion

for this thesis. Without any helps and support from all parties, this thesis would

not be completed. Finally, the research expects this thesis would be useful for the

readers in future.

Medan, Maret 2015 The Writer,



c. Characterictis Form of writing Genre ... 10

3. Procedure Text ... 10

a. The structure of Procedure Writing ... 11

b. Grammatical Features of Procedure Text ... 12

c. Example of Procedure Text ... 13

4. Think Pair Share Method (TPS) ... 13

a. The Application of Think Pair Share (TPS) Technique in Writing Procedure Text ... 16


5. Lecture Method... 18

F. The Content Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 29

1. Validity ... 29

2. Reliability ... 29

G.The Technique for Analyzing Data ... 31



C.Testing hypothesis ... 37

D.Research Findings ... 37


A.Conclusion ... 39

B.Suggestion ... 39




Table 2.1 Criteria of scoring test ... 21

Table 3.1 Research Design ... 25

Table 3.2 Teaching Procedure of Experimental Group ... 27

Table 3.3 Teaching Procedure of Control Group ... 28

Table 3.4 The Coefficient of (r) ... 31

Table 4.1 Testing Normality ... 34




Appendix A The Result of Pre-test and Post-test of The Experimental

Group ... 43

Appendix B The Calculation of The Test ... 45

Appendix C Percentage Point of Distribution ... 50

Appendix D The Reliability of The Test. ... 53

Appendix E Test for Distribution of Frequency In Experimental Group ... 55

Appendix F Test for Distribution of Frequency in Control Group ... 59

Appendix G Testing Normality ... 63

Appendix H Z Table... 68

Appendix I Table of critical values for the Liliefors test for normality ... .. 71

Appendix J Test for Homogeneity of Variance ... 72

Appendix K F Distribution Table ... 75

Appendix L Lesson Plan Experimental ... 76





A. The Background of the study

Language is one of the most important aspects of human’s life. It is used to

communicate and express idea, feelings, and desires. Language is people used not

only for communication but also for culture transfer. Language cannot be

separated from human being, because without a language we can not build a good

conversation or share ideas with others. So , it is impossible for human to do or to

know something without language.

English is one of the languages that is used internationally and it is really

important to be learned in order to improve social relation and knowledge. English has

used by many people in the world. In Indonesia, English as an international language

has been taught from the kindergarten level up to university level. It is realized

that studying English is not easy for Indonesian students because English and

Indonesian language are different.

Based on 2013 curriculum, learning English is emphasized on four

language skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The students

are expected to master these four language skills so that the students able to build

a good communication in English.

Writing as one of the four language skills, must be mastered by the

students because it is one of the forms of communication that must be developed.



and practiced because it is a kind of linguistic behavior, it presents the sounds of

language through visual symbols.

However, many students state that mastering writing skill is not easy. It

has become a common thing among students, where students are less motivation

in mastering this skill. There are many kinds of texts that should be learned by the

students of Senior High School in learning the writing skill. In grade ten of Senior

High School, students are expected to be able to express the meaning of a short

functional text and essay in the form of narrative text, descriptive text, procedure

text, recount text and etc.

Based on the explanation above, procedure text is one of genre that must

be mastered by students in learning English. Theoretically, Procedure text is the

same as a process of how to create something to be good and can be used by many

people in order to increase their ability in creating something by some steps.

Pardiyono (2007: 125) states that procedure text is a kind of text that describes the

steps to accomplish for things or jobs done. In order to write a procedure text

clearly, students need to be able to write the ideas of a text, vocabulary, word

choice, and grammatical pattern.

Based on the writers experience during observation in SMA Al-Hidayah

by interviewing the English teacher, students achievement in writing, especially in

writing procedure text is still very low. Although the theory of procedure text was

explained in several times, the students were difficult to master the theory and

eventhough the students has practiced how to make something but they were very



students could not pass the Minimal Completeness Criterion (Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal) namely 75 which is applied in the school for English subject.

There are some factors that make students have many problems in

procedure text writing. First, students are lack of vocabularies, structure and ideas

in writing. Second, students faced some difficulties in explaining the generic

structure and the language features of procedure text. Third, the technique that is

used by the teacher was not effective to be applied in teaching procedure text.

Responding these problems, it is necessary to find an appropriate

technique that will be the solution of these problems. The writer finds a teaching

technique which is able to overcome the problem of the students’ writing

achievement, namely Thing Pair Share. By applying this technique, it is expected to be useful to improve the students’ achievement in writing procedure text.

Think Pair Share is a technique that activates background knowledge and

at the same time, encourages participation. This method starts with asking

students about a topic and then given them two minutes to think of any related

words or phrases to topic. Then, pair students up with a partner to discuss and

expand their individual lists. Next, invite student to Share their ideas. The

experiment show that Think Pair Share as one of cooperative method is more

effective than teacher instruction because it courages participation. It involves more then merely placing the learners’ in-pair to work together . The Think Pair

Share is a technique that gives chance for students to help one another instructural



Based on the explanation above it can be seen that Think Pair Share is really good to be applied in order to overcome the problem of the students’

writing achievement especially in writing procedure text. Therefore, this study is

designed to identify the effect of applying Think Pair Share technique on Students’ Achievement Writing Procedure Text.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem of this study can be

formulated as follows: “ is there any significant effect of the applying think pair

share technique students’ achievement in writing procedure text ?”

C. The Objective of the Study

In line with this problem, the objective of the study is to identify the effect

of applying Think Pair Share technique on students’ achievement in writing

procedure text.

D. The Scope of the Study

There are many genres of writing. This is study is basically limited in

writing procedure text especially how to make something. This study focuses on identifying the effect of applying Think Pair Share Technique on students’



E. The Significance of The Study

Findings of the study are expected to supply beneficial input for:

1. For English teacher, this research findings can be used knowledge and

get motivation to create new ways in teaching learning English

especially in writing procedure text.

2. For students, this research practically help the students to produce good

writing achievement especially in writing procedure text.

3. For the readers, this research can to update their knowledge and

information about how to improve writing skill especially in writing





A. Conclusion

From the calculation of the data, it is found that think pair share technique

significantly affect students’ achievement in writing procedure text. The mean

score of students’ achievement taught by think pair share as technique learning

(73.59) is higher than mean score of students’ achievement taught by using lecture

as technique learning (70.21) . The tobseved (3.59) is higher than ttable (1.994) at

level of significance of 0.05 of two tailed test. It means that Ha is accepted. Thus ,

it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of using Think Pair Share as

Technique learning On Students’ Achievement on Writing Procedure Text.

B. Suggestion

Related to the conclusion, some suggestions are pointed out as the


1. Think Pair Share technique can be used as one of technique in teaching

and learning process. It can be used to teach writing, especially for

procedure text to help students improve their writing achievement.

2. By giving and accepting feedback, students can be guided to be able to do

more practices in writing especially in writing procedure text. It also help

the students who have a low understanding learn more from their groups



3. The students can apply this technique not only in learning procedure text

but also in learning another genre of text.

4. To all the readers, may this research will bring you into good

understanding how to improve the students’ procedure text writing by

using think pair share technique.




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Table 2.1 Criteria of scoring test .....................................................................
Table of critical values for the Liliefors test for normality ......  .. 71


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