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Academic year: 2022



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Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


IDA AYU MADE SONIA PURWITA Student Number: 174214110








Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


IDA AYU MADE SONIA PURWITA Student Number: 174214110





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I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the award for any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text of the undergraduate thesis.

Yogyakarta, April 8, 2021

Ida Ayu Made Sonia Purwita




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Nama : Ida Ayu Made Sonia Purwita

Nomor Mahasiswa : 174214110

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul


beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta izin kepada saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Dengan demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal 8 April 2021

Yang menyatakan,

Ida Ayu Made Sonia Purwita



For my beloved father in heaven, thank you for being the best father a girl can have.

And for all of my source of strength, This is for you.




First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, for the compassion, courage and guidance given to me so that I can finish this thesis.

My sincere gratitude goes to my thesis advisor, Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, S.S., M. Hum., for her assistance and suggestions that have helped me in completing this thesis. I thank my academic advisor, Dr. Tatang Iskarna, M. Hum., for his helpful insight and wise words during my study. I would also like to extend my gratitude to my co-advisor, Elisabeth Oseanita Pukan, S.S., M.A., for the necessary input and advice to better my thesis.

I give special thanks to my family in Sosrowijayan, whom during my study, always showered me with affection that has strengthen me all these years. For Mbah Kung, Tante Nur, Om Teguh, Tante Oki, and Om Arif who never fail to make sure I ate well and live comfortably, thank you. I am also grateful for the company of my lovely cousins. To Sabina, Nayla, Tiara, and Mahan, thank you for brightening each of my days with your silly jokes and laughter.

Last but not least, my greatest appreciation goes to several most influential people in my life. To my amazing friends Widy, Arni, Vania, Melia, Nadya, Agustini, Sudarmi, and Deby, thank you for being a part of my journey in both university and daily life and staying by my side through the highs and the lows.

God bless you. At last, thank you Ibu and Gustu, you two mean the world to me.

Ida Ayu Made Sonia Purwita













ABSTRAK ... xii


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Objectives of the Study ... 4

D. Definition of Terms ... 5


A. Review of Related Studies ... 6

B. Review of Related Theories ... 12

1. Theory of Characterization ... 12

a. Personal description ... 12

b. Characters as seen by another ... 13

c. Speech ... 13

d. Past Life ... 13

e. Conversation of other... 13

f. Reaction ... 13

g. Direct Comment ... 13

h. Thought ... 13

i. Mannerism ... 14

2. Theory of Trauma ... 14



3. Defense mechanisms ... 15

C. Theoretical Framework ... 19


A. Object of The Study ... 20

B. Approach of The Study ... 21

C. Method of The Study ... 22


A. Lily Bloom’s Attitudes That Reflect her Trauma ... 24

1. Resentful Toward a Father Figure ... 25

2. Pessimistic over the Prospect of Future Love Life ... 28

3. Anxious About Her Past Relationship with Atlas ... 32

4. Acceptance Toward Her Unhealthy Relationship ... 39

B. Lily’s Defense mechanisms to Cope with Her Trauma ... 44

1. Sublimation ... 45

2. Denial ... 47

3. Repression ... 52

4. Rationalization ... 52






PURWITA, IDA AYU MADE SONIA. (2021). Lily Bloom’s Trauma and Defense mechanisms Seen in Colleen Hoover’s It Ends with Us. Yogyakarta:

Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

The essence of life is reflected in many things and takes shape in various form. Novel is one of them. Character is one of the important element of a novel.

Characterization of a character determines how the character is viewed. Through the characteristics, what the character feels and experienced is revealed. In Colleen Hoover’s It ends with Us, the main character, Lily Bloom displays characteristics that lead to attitudes which unravels her trauma. Lily’s traumatic experience triggers her to employ defense mechanisms. As regards, this study tries to reveal Lily Bloom’s Trauma and defense mechanisms.

There are two objectives the researcher wants to achieve through this study.

The first is to identify Lily’s attitudes that reflect trauma and the second is to reveal how defense mechanisms help Lily to cope with her trauma.

This study applied psychoanalytic approach. Psychoanalytic approach is considered appropriate since it tries to evaluate literature from the perspective of the inner workings of the mind. Using the library research method, the researcher utilizes the novel It Ends with Us as the primary source and a number of theories as to the secondary sources. The researcher follows several steps to accomplish the object of the study. First is to identify and to describe Lily’s attitudes as depicted in the novel that reflect her past trauma. Second is to analyze the effect of Lily’s trauma and figure out how she copes with it. By reflecting Lily’s trauma through her attitudes, defense mechanisms that acts as a coping mechanism to protect herself can be revealed.

Trauma experienced by Lily is reflected through her characteristics. The portrayal of Lily Bloom in the novel influences the way she acts and thinks. Her attitudes presented the relation between the trauma she experienced and the employment of defense mechanisms. In regards to her attitudes she displayed four traits namely resentful, anxious, pessimistic, and acceptance. Those characteristics reflect the event of trauma she endured in her past. Being a victim of an abusive family affected Lily psychologically. The effect of the event was trauma. The result of this trauma is Lily exercising defense mechanisms upon the hardships she faced due to the trauma. It is the interconnectedness between trauma and Lily’s characteristics that help the researcher to reveal Lily’s defense mechanisms. The several defense mechanisms deploys by Lily are sublimation, denial, repression, and rationalization.

Keywords: It Ends with Us, trauma, defense mechanisms, attitude.




PURWITA, IDA AYU MADE SONIA. (2021). Lily Bloom’s Trauma and Defense mechanisms Seen in Colleen Hoover’s It Ends With us. Yogyakarta:

Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Esensi kehidupan bisa direfleksikan dalam banyak hal dan dalam berbagai bentuk. Novel adalah salah satunya. Karakter adalah salah satu elemen terpenting dalam sebuah novel. Karakterisasi dari sebuah karakter menentukan bagaimana karakter tersebut digambarkan. Melalui karakteristik sebuah karakter, perasaan karakter tersebut serta apa yang dialaminya bisa terungkap. Dalam novel Colleen Hoover berjudul It Ends with Us, karakter utama dari novel tersebut, Lily Bloom memperlihatkan karakteristik berkaitan dengan tingkah laku yang mengungkapkan trauma. Trauma yang dialami Lily membuatnya menggunakan mekanisme pertahanan. Sehubungan dengan itu, studi ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap trauma dan mekanisme pertahanan Lily.

Studi ini memiliki dua tujuan, yaitu mengidentifikasi tingkah laku Lily yang merefleksikan trauma dan mengungkapkan bagaiamana mekanisme pertahanan berperan daalm membantu Lily dalam mengatasi trauma.

Studi ini menerapkan pendekatan psikoanalitik. Pendekatan psikoanalitik dianggap layak digunakan karena bertujuan mengevaluasi karya sastra melalui sudut pandang psikologi, terutama dalam mengungkap cara kerja pikiran seeseorang. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan, peneliti memanfaatkan novel It Ends with Us sebagai sumber utama dalam penelitian dan sejumlah teori pendukung sebagai sumber kedua. Dalam mencapai tujuan studi ini, peneliti mengikuti beberapa langkah. Yang pertama adalah mengidentikasi dan menjabarkan tingkah laku Lily. Yang kedua, bertujuan menganalisa mekanisme pertahanan Lily yang digunakan untuk mengatasi trauma, teori trauma dan defense mechanisms diterapkan. Dengan merefleksikan trauma, mekanisme pertahanan yang diterapkan oleh Lily dapat diungkap.

Trauma yang dialami Lily dapat direfleksikan melalui tingkah lakunya.

Penggambaran karakter Lily Bloom di novel berpengaruh pada caranya bertingkah laku dan berpikir. Sehubungan dengan tingkah laku, Lily menamperlihatkan empat macam yakni resentful, anxious, pessimistic, dan acceptance. Tingkah laku tersebut merefleksikan kejadian traumatis yang dialami Lily di masa lalu. Menjadi korban dalam situasi kekerasan rumah tangga menimbulkan dampak psikologis bagi Lily.

Sebagai akibatnya, Lily mengalami trauma. Trauma yang dialami Lily adalah trauma kronis. Terdapat hubungan antara trauma dan tingkah laku yang bisa memicu Lily menerapkan mekanisme pertahanan. Sesuai hasil analisis, terdapat lima mekanisme pertahanan yang diterapkan oleh Lily, diantaranya adalah sublimation, denial, repression, dan rationalization.

Keywords: It Ends with Us, trauma, defense mechanisms, attitude.




A. Background of the Study

There is no single definition that encompasses what literature really is, but in general, when it comes to literature, people are dealing with something that has been very consciously constructed by an author using particular techniques and styles to express themselves (Van der Westhuizen, 2013, para. 2). To strengthen the point, Eagleton states that:

There have been various attempts to define literature. You can define it, for example, as 'imaginative' writing in the sense of fiction - writing which Is not literally true. But even the briefest reflection on what people commonly include under the heading of literature suggests that this will not do (1983, p. 12).

Literature is often regarded as a form of expression, more specifically to express thoughts, feelings and experiences. Writing a novel is one of the many ways to express those things. Novel is one of the branches of literature that fall under the category of fiction. Unlike other types of fictions, novels do not only present details nor do they simply provide information concerning the characters, various events and their personal transformations. Supported with narration and detailed description, a novel allows the reader to experience events and transformations first hand (Gilman, 1983, p. 16).

People can experience many different things in life. Getting hurt is one of them. Everyone must have things that for some reasons they wanted to avoid, from the little things like wake up early in the morning, pay taxes, to more serious things like marriage or some traumatic experience in the past. People avoid things not


necessarily because they are lazy, but sometimes simply because they are feeling threatened. The feeling may also come from something that some people cannot have due to the society’s construction that limit them from expressing themselves.

If that is the case, they have no other choice but to repress their feelings as stated by Michael Ryan:

Some thoughts are repressed or pushed permanently out of consciousness because we find them threatening. Some experiences, such as traumatic events of abuse in childhood, must also be pushed out and repressed because they are too upsetting. They evoke feelings of helplessness and harm that the conscious self cannot tolerate (2012, p. 44).

Usually, people’s personality and behavior could reveal why people repressed their feelings and in what form. In relation to behavior according to Cherry, Sigmund Freud believed that behavior and personality were derived from the constant and unique interaction of conflicting psychologies forces that operate at three different levels of awareness: the preconscious, conscious, and unconscious He believed that each of these parts of the mind play an important role in influencing behavior (Cherry, 2019, para. 1).

The concern that is discussed in this undergraduate thesis is defense mechanisms. There are many reasons why people choose to deploy defense mechanisms on themselves. For the people using defense mechanisms, unconsciously, they repress the very thought or desire that they refuse to face or relieve.

Trauma is one of the biggest causes in the suppression of one’s consciousness. In life, trauma is inevitable. It can change people in so many different ways. It changed the way one think, it changed the way one mind’s works,


and it changed the way one look at themselves. Each trauma has a different impact to different people. How trauma brings an impact to people that leads them to employ defense mechanisms can be seen in Colleen Hoover’s novel entitled It Ends with Us. The researcher is interested in analyzing the defense mechanisms deployed by the main character, Lily Bloom.

Colleen Hoover is the #1 New York Best-selling author of eleven novels and five novellas. Her works fall under the category of the new young adult and young adult fiction. Some of her works are Hopeless, Losing Hope, Ugly Love, Finding Cinderella, Maybe Someday, Confess, and many more. Although Hoover’s works has never been brought into motion picture, the amount of hype for her works shows that she is consistent in producing interesting and riveting story line in each and every one of her novels. It is proven through some of her books that becomes national best-sellers. Furthermore, the way she captures domestic violence in It Ends with Us is intriguing. For one thing, it gives the reader a new perspective related to the issue.

It Ends with Us is a heartfelt and a very touching novel. The story is of the main character, Lily’s struggle in making the biggest decision in her life and how she come to terms with it. Lily comes from an abusive family. She never thought that later in life, she would face the same decision her mother has to face but fail to make which is to leave her abusive partner. She struggles because she knows how awful her situation is yet it is not easy to break free from it. Aside from that, during her difficult times, Lily is constantly reminded of her parents’ situation which makes her circumstances harder.


With the backdrop of domestic violence, the novel brilliantly captures how Lily made life-altering decisions about her life that would not only affects her but the people around. The researcher is interested in analyzing the novel which focuses on the major character, Lily Bloom who employs defense mechanisms in dealing with her repressed feelings due to a series of traumatic events that she experienced.

Other than that, the popularity of this novel is also taken into the researcher’s consideration in analyzing this novel.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the study above, the research questions can be formulated as follows:

1. What are Lily’s attitudes that reflect her trauma?

2. How does defense mechanisms help Lily to cope with her trauma?

C. Objectives of the Study

There are two objectives to achieve. The researcher intends, first, to examine Lily Bloom’s attitude. In this part of the analysis, the researcher assesses Lily’s attitude that reflect her trauma along with the impacts. Second, to analyze the defense mechanisms used by Lily Bloom, the researcher elaborates how the defense mechanisms works and how it helps Lily to cope with her trauma. To achieve these objectives, the researcher analyzes the work with several theories, two of which are the theory of character and characteristics and theory of trauma that is related to Lily’s defense mechanisms.


D. Definition of Terms

The term used in this study needs to be clarified in order to avoid confusion.

The terms are:

Defense mechanisms are indirect ways of dealing or coping with anxiety such as explaining problems away or blaming others for problems. It protects one's psychological well-being in traumatic situations, or in any situation that produces anxiety or conflict (Sofia K Ogden & Ashley D Biebers, 2010, p. 10). About defense mechanisms, Boeree states that:

The ego deals with the demands of reality, the id, and the superego as best as it can. But when the anxiety becomes overwhelming, the ego must defend itself. It does so by unconsciously blocking the impulses or distorting them into a more acceptable, less threatening form. The techniques are called the ego defense mechanisms (2006, p. 31).

Therefore, it can be concluded that defense mechanisms are methods by which people exclude unacceptable thoughts and feelings from awareness.

Trauma means a traumatic event which involves a single event or experiences that involves feelings and emotions. For instance, psychoanlysis trauma enganges serious long-term negative consequences where past trauma and traumatic memories affect the mind of the characters (Heidarizadeh, 2014, p. 790).

Attitude in psychology refers to a set of beliefs, emotions, and behavior toward a particular thing, object, or event. Attitudes are often the result of experience or how someone is being raised which can have an influence on behavior (Cherry, 2020, para. 1).





This chapter discusses somewhat at length the studies related to study in general and defense mechanismsin specific, and the theories applied in the research.

The review of related studies identifies the similarities and differences of the researches done previously, while the review of related theories discusses the theories relevant to the research.

A. Review of Related Studies

In the first section of this chapter, the researcher reviews two journal articles and two previous undergraduate thesis related to the research. The first related study is taken from a journal article by Lestari, Setyowati & Yukesti entitled Gender- Based Violence Againsts the Female Main Character in Colleen Hoover’s It Ends with Us. This journal article examines gender-based violence as depicted through the main character of Colleen Hoover’s It ends with Us (2019).

Using feminism theory, Lestari, Setyowati & Yukesti aims to reveal impacts and forms of gender-based violence alongside efforts of the female character to overcome all the hardship she faced. The focus of the analysis lies on the main issues of the novel which is gender-based violence againsts the female chraacter, Lily Bloom. In this study, the method of descriptive analysis is utilized in order to comprehend the intrinsic stories,and extrinsic theories such as gender and feminism as the supporting elements.

In the analysis, the previous researcher elaborate Lily Bloom characteristics based on psychological and sociological dimensions. In terma of Lily’s general


characterization, the researcher started by giving details on how Lily is being described or her characteristics in the novel, whether it is through the narration or how she is percieved by others. Next, her psychological dimension is illustrated.

Based on psychological dimensions, Lily Bloom is described as a beautiful and attractive woman. She is twenty-three years old and has unruly red hair.

Not only that, Lily is also described to have seductive red lips and charming skin. She blushes easily when Ryle, her lover, praises her about her physical appearance. The tattoo is Ryle’s favorite part of Lily’s body (Lestari, Setyowati & Yukesti, 2019, p. 6).

The quotation indicates that Lily is an attractive girl. It is evident since the

`beginning of her meeting with Ryle, he feels attracted and wanted to seduced her.

Ryle proved his intention by attempting to have a one-night-stand with Lily.

However, Lily is an idealist when it comes to relationship. Her parents’s marriage taught Lily to be cautios in finding a partner. Thus, he refused Ryle’s offer of one- night-stand (Lestari, Setyowati & Yukesti, 2019, p. 8)

After analyzing Lily’s characteristics, the impact of Lily’s traumatic experience is being explained. From the characteristics elaborated previously, Lily is described as angry toward what happened with her parents, namely the domestic violence that took place in her household.

Based on the previous explanation, Lily has several character traits indicating that she is a brilliant person. Even so, like humans, there is another side of her, which is her traumatic experience of her father’s actions toward her mother. Lily is personally angry at her parents’ situation (Lestari, Setyowati & Yukesti, 2019, p. 7).


Lily views her parents’ relationship as abusive and unavoidable in their marriage. The notion implies the partriarchal domination that placed women as victims in the midst of abusive relationship where women depicted as the ones who accept all acts of violence of their male counterpart.

The second related study is taken from a journal article by Pangestu &

Sunardi entitled An Incomplete Psychological Novel: A Psychoanalytical Analysis of Hazel Grace Lancaster in John Green’s the Fault in Our Stars (2016). In their journal article, they analyzed the psychoanalytic elements of John Green's the Fault in Our Stars which functions to aim and identify the main character, Hazel Grace Lancaster's self-defense mechanisms, core issues as well as their potential causes (Pangestu & Sunardi, 2016, p. 20). In analyzing the main character, this paper has two finding results: 1) Hazel’s defense mechanisms 2) Hazel’s core issues.

The first part of the results of Hazel’s defense mechanisms mentions the types of defense mechanisms used by Hazel Grace along with the causes. In total, Hazel Grace employs seven types of defense mechanisms, namely selective perspective, denial, avoidance, displacement, fixation, identification and rasizonalization. These defense mechanisms are the result of Hazel Grace’s suppression of her anxieties.

Hazel Grace Lancester is the main character of John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars. As a round character, whose personality develops from time to time in the novel, Hazel, too consciously employs self-defense mechanisms in order to press her anxieties. So that they stay in the unconscious level (Pangestu & Sunardi, 2016, p. 22).

Meanwhile, the second part of the finding result showcases Hazel’s core issues. A total of three core issues were thoroughly elaborated in this section namely


fear of intimacy, fear of abandonment, and low self-esteem. These core issues are strongly related with anxiety because the answers can be found by analyzing it closely. In the effort of coping with anxities, Hazel employ several defense mechanisms, however, compare to defense mechanisms, core issues are more relevant because they are more deeply rooted in one’s history of life. Therefore, no matter what one does, or what one decides to do, it will be heavily influenced by his or her core issues (Pangestu & Sunardi, 2016, p. 25).

The next related study is taken from an undergraduate thesis by Fuad entitled Jilly's Defense mechanisms as Seen in Phyllis A. Whitney’s The Singing Stone (2014). In his thesis, hence the title, he analyzed and scrutinize the defense mechanisms used by the main character, Jilly in Phyllis A. Whitney's novel The Singing Stone. This novel portrays children personality problem which focus on children’s anxiety. Since Jilly feels anxious, a theory of anxiety which is introduced by Sigmund Freud is used. By using Freud’s theory, it gave Fuad the insight needed to examine Jilly’s anxiety type that led to defense mechanisms that are used to overcome the anxiety (Fuad, 2014, p. 5). In order to know Jilly’s anxiety type, first, one must recognize the symptoms. After that, the symptoms are being classified into the types of anxiety.

First, neurotic anxiety has been undergone by Jilly. She feels anxious if she reveals the truth when a tragedy has happened. She represses the memory into the unconscious mind. This is where it relates into id. Since it attacks the id, this anxiety is categorized into meurotic anxiety. The second anxiety is moral anxiety. Oriana has obsessiom toward Jilly to be like her. She forces her demand. She forces it by sending Clara as the dance teacher. The third and last type is realistic anxiety. Since the tragedy, she is afraid of being lonely. She is afraid when someone leaves the house. The cause of the factor comes from outside her personality. This symptom relates to the category of reality (Fuad, 2007, p. 56).


The main trigger of Jilly’s anxiety is her relationship with her estranged parents. Jilly was seperated from them for a certain period of time. That separation became the foundation that creates Jilly’s pattern of anxiety. She makes herself believe that her parents never cared for her. The anxiety will only get worst and lasts if she was again seperated from her parents (Fuad, 2007, p. 58).

This fourth and final related study is taken from undergraduate thesis by Simma entitled An Analysis of Defense mechanisms Used by The Main Characters in Mark Twain’s the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn and Prince and the Pauper (2019). This undergraduate thesis discusses defense mechanisms used by the main characters in Mark Twain's The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn and Prince and The Pauper.

Using Louis Kaplan’s concept of defense mechanisms, Simma aimed to revealed three things, namely the kinds of defense mechanisms used by the main characters, the reasons the characters used defense mechanisms and the effect of defense mechanisms on the characters’ self-adjustment. In his study, Simma chose to analyze two characters from two different novels of the same author. He started by naming each of the character’s characteristics that lead them to employ defense mechanisms. One of the biggest contributors of someone’s defense mechanisms is anxiety. For Huckleberry Finn and Edward Tudor, that is also the case. It can be seen in the analysis section of the study. Simma divided the analysis into two parts.

The first part is for Huckleberry Finn’s defense mechanisms and the second part is for Edward Tudors’. In relation to Huck Finn’s defense mechanisms, Simma stated:


Huck Finn is a boy of nature. He likes nature and freedom. Although Huck Finn leads a simple life, he has anxiety. In order to survive, Huck uses defense mechanisms to cope with his anxiety. In tracing Huck’s life, it was found that he has both realistic and moral anxiety. Huck’s realistic anxiety comes from his family and society while his moral anxiety comes from his moral awareness. In order to live peacefully, Huck uses several defense mechanisms to cope with undesirable feelings. Those mechanisms are repression, suppression, and rationalization (Simma, 2009, p. 42).

Furthermore, he explained the importance of Huck’s family background which is one of the crucial factors for his anxiety. Like Huck, Edward also suffered from anxiety. The difference is, Edward has the opposite of a simple life that Huck live in and has higher expectations from people around him since he was a prince whom someday will be a king. In the story, his character was depicted as a boy who faces a lot of struggles and challenges in his journey that it was necessary for him to employ defense mechanisms.

After analyzing the types of defense mechanisms and the reasons for the employment, Simma then explained the contribution of defense mechanisms on self-adjustment. He mentioned that the use of defense mechanisms leads the protagonists to have satisfactory adjustments.

Firstly, it helps Huck live peacefully and reduce his anxiety. It is clearly shown when Huck lives with his brutal father and with Widow Douglass.

Secondly, it helps Huck to have more time to find some ways to solve the problem. Huck tries to get rid of the duke and king although he is not successful. From Huck’s experiences, he makes a rationalization to himself to help Jim. Huck learns good side and bad side of people (Simma, 2009, p.


Similarly, defense mechanisms helps Edward live peacefully in the palace.

It also helps Edward to develop his sociability as well as personal relation. After the long journey, Edward is able accept other people which makes him develop emotional stability and confidence.


B. Review of Related Theories

The following reviews the theories applied in this research. Each research is elaborated and discussed in order to synthesize the theories beneficial for this study. It is imperative in a research that literature review must be done in order to provide a solid ground to solve the problems previously formulated in Chapter I.

1. Theory of Characterization

Aside from plot and setting, character is an essential part of a fiction, if not the most important. Without characters, the story would not be able to reach people’s heart in a way that the portrayal of a character may do. Characters in books are not real people, instead, they are fictional beings especially created by an author.

Calling figures in literature ‘characters’ rather than say ‘persons’ is a way of reminding ourselves that a character is a literary creation (Gill, 1995, p. 127). In order for an author to properly present the characters, he/she must gather sufficient information regarding the character’s traits, therefore the method of characterization is used (Holman & Harmon, 1986, p. 81).

M. J. Murphy in Understanding Unseens proposes nine methods to observe the characterization of the characters (1972, p. 161-173).

a. Personal description

The character is personally described based on his/her appearance (skin color, hair, eyes, nose, hands, and other parts of the body) and clothes (how he/she wears the clothes and what kind of clothes does he/she wears).


b. Characters as seen by another

This method enables the reader to see the description of a certain character through other characters’ opinion, view, attitudes, and comments regarding that certain character.

c. Speech

Information about characters that is gained through conversations (includes monologue) made by the author that allows the readers the way the characters speak or say about something.

d. Past Life

A method that invites the readers to describe the characters through their past life or experiences.

e. Conversation of other

The characteristics of a character that is described through conversations done by others.

f. Reaction

Information obtained by the readers about the character by observing his/her reactions toeward a certain occasion, incident or case.

g. Direct Comment

This method considered to be easier compare to others since the author provide descriptions of the characters directly in thed narration.

h. Thought

The characteristics of the characters is described through his or her thoughts that may occur in their speech or attitude.


i. Mannerism

By using this method, the readers are able to see how the author describes the characteristics through mannerism, habits, or idiosyncrasies.

2. Theory of Trauma

In its most general definition, trauma describes an overwhelming experience of sudden or catastrophic events in which the response to the event occurs in the often delayed, uncontrolled repetitive appearance of hallucinations and other intrusive phenomena (Caruth, 1996, p. 11).

The trauma theory is a psychological trend that was introduced by scholars like Caruth, who pioneered a psychoanalytic post structural approach that suggests trauma is an unsolvable problem of the unconscious that illuminates the inherent contradictions of experience and language (Azmi, 2018, p. 58). The thing with trauma is, people do not instantly recognize it is as it is, in a way that people try to make themselves believe that they do not have it. Usually, people who suffered from trauma is struck with the realness of it, later rather than sooner. Generally, there are three common types of trauma.

a. Acute trauma

It is the result of a single stressful or dangerous event (s).

b. Chronic trauma

It is the result of repeated and prolonged exposure to highly stressful events such as cases of child abuse or domestic violence.

c. Complex trauma

It is a result of exposure to multiple traumatic events.


Another form of trauma is called secondary trauma or vicarious trauma where a person develops trauma symptomps from close contact with someone who has experienced traumatic events. People who are at risk of vicarious trauma are usually family members, mental health proffesionals, and others who experienced a traumatic event. (Leonard, 2020, para. 5).

Leonard further explains that there are signs or symptopms of people that suffers from trauma. The symptomps range from mild to severe. Many factors determine how a traumatic event affects a person. It can be indentified from their characteristics, the presence of other mental health conditions, the type of characteristics of the events and their background and approach in handling emotions (2020, para. 7).

The use of trauma theory here is to reveal the effect of trauma. As a result of a certain traumatic experience, people might find themselves battling unfamiliar ground. It causes people to pretend it does not exist, in a way denying it. Through the study, this theory would help in discovering the defense mechanisms used by the main character, Lily Bloom that was the result of a trauma she endured in her life.

3. Defense mechanisms

According to Freud as quoted by Peter Barry, psychoanalysis is a method of treating nervous patients medically which is also a form of therapy which aims to cure mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind (as the concise of oxford dictionary put it). The method is to make the patient talk freely so the repressed feeling that causes trouble


comes up in conscious mind and can be cured (Barry, 2009, p. 98). Psychoanalysis is a theory proposed by Sigmund Freud. It is a theory which the main concern is the development of the human's mind. For there are many concepts of the psychoanalysis theories, it is decided that the focus of this research is defense mechanisms.

Defense mechanisms are a form of defense that protect one's self from hurt caused by shameful things they did or say or unwanted desire, even some kind of trauma they have in the past and any other feelings that they forced to hide, conceal and shut off from the mind. It is actually normal for humans to react to certain things or happenings that affects them, however, under excessive anxiety the mind sometimes can resort in the most extreme way to be rid of the threat. There are several types of defense mechanisms. They are; repression, rationalization, displacement, fixation, regression, projection, introjection, and sublimation.

Repression is the most basic defense mechanisms, because it is involved in each of the others. Whenever the ego is threatened by undesirable id impulses, it protects itself by repressing those impulses which forces threatening feelings into the unconscious. Anna Freud also called it as ‘motivated forgetting’ which is not being able to remember a threatening situation, person, or event. It is a part of other defenses and is equally dangerous (Boeree, 2006, p. 7).

Rationalization is a defense mechanisms proposed by Anna Freud entailing a cognitive distortion of facts in order to make an event or an impulse less threatening. It is used enough on a conscious level when people provide themselves with excuses (McLeod, 2020, para. 12).


Displacement is the redirection of an impulse onto a substitute target. For instance, if one is accepting and is okay with the impulse and the desire, but the person that is the target to the impulse and desire is too threatening, one can displace it to someone or something that can serve as a symbolic substitute. (Feist, 2006, p.


Fixation is when the prospect of taking the next step becomes too anxiety provoking and potentially overwhelming that the ego may resort to the strategy of remaining at the present, more comfortable psychological stage. Psychical growth normally proceeds in a somewhat continuous fashion through the various stages of development. The process of psychologically growing up, however, is not without stressful and anxious moments (Feist & Fest, 2006, p. 36).

Regression is a movement back in psychological time when one is faced with stress. When one is troubled or frightened, one’s behaviors often become more childish or primitive. According to Freud, the libido will revert back to the earlier stage during times of stress and anxiety once it has passed a developmental stage.

Such reversion is called regression (Feist & Fest, 2006, p. 36).

Projection is the time when the ego may reduce anxiety by channeling the unwanted impulse or desire to an external object, most commonly to another person which is caused by an internal impulse that causes too much anxiety. According to Freud, it can be defined by seeing others’ unacceptable feelings or tendencies that is actually reside in one’s own consciousness (Feist & Fest, 2006, p. 37).


Introjection is a defense mechanisms whereby people incorporate positive qualities of another person into their own ego. Freud saw the resolution of the Oedipus complex as the prototype of introjection (Feist & Fest, 2006, p. 97).

Sublimation is the repression of the genital aim of Eros by substituting a cultural or social aim. The transforming of an unacceptable impulse, whether it be sex, anger, fear, or whatever, into a socially acceptable, even productive form. Each of these defense mechanisms serves the individual by protecting the ego from anxiety (Feist & Fest, 2006, p. 38).

There is always a reason behind every action as well as decision that people made. For those who are using defense mechanisms, the reason is based on what exists in his/her unconsciousness. The unconsciousness itself is an uncontrolled part of our mind where people put away their suppressed feelings such as unwanted desires, shameful thoughts and others that they are unable to confront. Sometimes they just cannot help but defend themselves from a hurtful outcome. In knowing more about defense mechanisms and how it works, there are usually 'signs' that someone used defense mechanisms. One of the sign is denial.

Denial is a process where the subject tries to ignore or deny something. It involves blocking external events from awareness. If some situation is just too much to handle, the person just refuses to experience it. It can operate by itself or, more commonly, in combination with other, more subtle mechanisms that support it (Boeree, 2006, p. 7).


C. Theoretical Framework

To answer the research questions, some theories about related questions are needed. The first one which is the theory characterization, is used to get into the depths of Lily’s characteristics which may show certain behavior that is related to past trauma. The second theory, which is the theory of Trauma is central in analyzing the main character’s defense mechanisms. Through the characteristics, the researcher is able to observe the character’s behavior and revealed the defense mechanisms used. In the attempts to figure out Lily Bloom’s defense mechanisms, theory of trauma is then deployed. It is used to uncover traumatic events experienced by Lily Bloom that led her to deploy defense mechanisms.




This chapter consists of three parts. The first part is the explanation of the object of the study, which is Hoover’s novel called It Ends with Us. The second part is discussing the approach applied for the study. The third and the last part is the elaboration of method of the study.

A. Object of The Study

Considered as a productive writer, Colleen Hoover has published the total of twenty novels and the number keep going up along time. Hoover’s novels fall under the category of new adult and young adult contemporary as well as psychological thriller. Known to be a series writer, she also has several standalone, including her psychological thriller Verity. For her works, she has received several awards. In 2015, her novel Confess won Goodreads Choice Award for best romance. Then, it was followed by the winnings on her latest title, It Ends with Us in 2016, also winning The Choice Award for Best Romance. In 2017, she came back with Without Merit, which again won the best romance category.

This study deals with a novel by Colleen Hoover entitled It Ends with Us. It is a story of love and sacrifice. The major characters in this novel are Lily Bloom, Atlas Corrigan, and Ryle Kincaid. In a first person narrative, Lily describes the events of her life which revolved around those two other characters. From the narrative, Lily is described as this girl who is constantly haunted by her traumatic


past which affected her personal life. Atlas and Ryle were also described as troublesome with each dealing with their own demons. Lily and Ryle was brought together by sheer luck. Both are clearly attracted to one another, but unfortunately, both want different things. Lily was an idealist, especially when it comes to love while Ryle is severely realistic and afraid of commitment.

The plot of the novel go back and forth between past and present with the display of flashbacks. It shows how Lily’s past and present co-relates and how it will changed her and her life. When Lily and Ryle finally agree try and make their relationship work, suddenly, Atlas, the boy from her past, comes into the picture.

Atlas’s sudden coming back triggered a conflict that will led to Lily’s defensive act.

The conflict also brought out a different and darker side of Ryle, revealing his abusive nature. At the moment when the abuse happened, Lily refuse to believe that it was what it was:an abuse. After a series of reflection, she finally comes to her senses and made peace with her situation, which led her to leave her abusive partner.

B. Approach of The Study

In analyzing the novel, psychoanalytic approach is applied. Guerin, Labor, Morgan, Reesman & Willingham in A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature says that in the general sense of the word, there is nothing new about the psychological approach. During the twentieth century, however, psychological criticism has come to be associated with a particular school of thought, the psychoanalysis theories of Sigmund Freud and his followers (Guerin et al., 2005, p. 153).


Since the concern of this study is defense mechanisms, then psychoanalysis theory which is a part of the psychoanalytic approach is being applied. In relation to psychoanalytic theory, Peter Barry states that Freudian interpretation, then, has always been of considerable interested to literary critics. The basic reason, again, is the unconscious, like the poem, or novel, or play cannot speak directly but does so through images, symbols, emblems, and metaphors (2009, p. 98).

In analyzing literary work, psychoanalytic approach offers three ways to solve literary-related problems that Freudian critics may do as suggested by Barry:

1. Stressing the distinction between conscious and unconscious.

2. Uncovering the unconscious motives of characters.

3. Seeing in the literary work an embodiment of classic psychoanalytic conditions.

By seeing the ways Freudian critics offered, it can be concluded that the ways may help in addressing problems related to analyzing literary works using psychoanalytic approach like what this study is about.

C. Method of The Study

In conducting the study, the researcher employed library methods in which library resources relevant to the study is utilized. The two resources essential to support this study were primary source and secondary source. Colleen Hoover’s novel It Ends with Us is the primary source used in this study. Meanwhile, the secondary source is taken from several books, journals, and intrernet sources related to the topic.


There were some steps taken by the researcher to achieve the study. First, the researcher chose the object of the study which is a novel by Colleen Hoover entitled It Ends With Us. Second, the researcher exercise a close reading on the novel and identified the problems. There are two problems to solve, namely the attitude of Lily that reflect her trauma and how defense mechanisms help Lily cope with her trauma. Third, literature review was necessary in order to gained and provide sufficient theories on characterization, trauma, and defense mechanisms. In doing so, this study utilized internet and printed sources in the making of the literature review. The researcher read the novel to find unusual act exercised by the main character. By identifying it, there is a probability that her action could be related to defense mechanisms.

After conducting a close reading on the novel, an analysis of Lily Bloom’s action, what she was doing and why she was doing it, is necessary to be able to reveal the defense mechanisms through those actions. In order to determine the kind of defense mechanisms employs by Lily Bloom, the researcher need to match it with her personality with each of the defense mechanisms.

The final step taken in this section is drawing conclusion from the analysis.

The conclusion is done by summarizing the result of the analysis, namely Lily Bloom’s attitude and how Lily cope with trauma by employing defense mechanisms




This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part identifies Lily’s attitudes relating to trauma. In this section, the researcher mentions and elaborate Lily’s attitudes that reflect her trauma, and the second part discussed how defense mechanisms help Lily to cope with her trauma. The analysis involved Lily’s types of defense mechanisms, the occasions in which they occur and the reason she deploys them.

A. Lily Bloom’s Attitudes that Reflect Her Trauma

Character is one of the most crucial elements in a story, which often portrayed a certain attitude that can reveal their characteristics. In this section, the researcher wants to elaborate on the attitude shown by the main character in the story. The theory of trauma is used here in order to discover a pattern of Lily’s attitude that related to the trauma she experienced. There are several types of trauma, and this theory helps the researcher categorize Lily's trauma based on her attitude. This research is conducted through the analysis of Lily’s attitude that is described through the narration.

In analyzing the main character to reveal the character’s attitude, the researcher applied Murphy’s theory of characterization from his book Understanding Unseens. There are several methods of characterization, according to Murphy. To get the information on Lily’s attitudes, the researcher views Lily’s personal description, reaction, speech and mannerism. The trauma experience


highly influences Lily's attitudes. Lily experienced chronic trauma, which is a trauma that causes by repetitive acts of child abuse or domestic violence. In Lily's case, she is exposed to the acts of domestic violence that happened in her family.

Since Lily experienced trauma, the researcher focuses on finding Lily’s attitudes that reflect her trauma, leading her to deploy defense mechanisms.

1. Resentful toward a Father Figure

Lily Bloom is a twenty-three-year-old woman living in Boston. She is the daughter of Andrew Bloom, the adored mayor of Plethora in Maine and Jenny Bloom, the most revered teaching assistant in the same town. At a glance, Lily looks like she comes from a respected family background. No one knows that since she was a child, Lily has already estranged from her father. The estrangement is related to the way he abusively treated her wife, which is Lily's mother. As Lily grows up, she begins to resent her father, and the feeling lasts even when he passed away.

On the night right after her father's funeral, Lily takes the first flight back to Boston where she currently lives and takes her grieving self to an apartment complex rooftop. There, when she enjoys the night breeze and clear skies, she is interrupted by the presence of a stranger. The stranger introduces himself as Ryle Kincaid, a neurosurgeon resident. It does not take long for them to find comfort in each other's company. Soon, they find themselves engaged in a casual conversation.

At some point, Ryle said something that leads Lily to reveal a piece of her personal life.


“Yeah. Blossom is my mother’s maiden name and my parents thought it was fate that their last names were synonyms. So, of course when they had me, a flower was their first choice.”

“Your parents must be real assholes”

One of them is. Was. “My father died this week”

He glances at me. “Nice try. I’m not falling for that”

“I’m serious. That’s why I came up here tonight. I think I just needed a good cry” (Hoover, 2016, p. 15).

In her conversation with Ryle, Lily admits that her father is an “asshole", like Ryle said. As their conversation progresses, Ryle praises Lily for her blunt honesty. Ryle's compliment makes Lily feels at ease. She somehow knows she can trust him when she reveals her father's abusive nature. She bitterly remembers the memory of her father's abusive act and her reaction towards it.

“My father was abusive. Not to me-to my mother. He would get so angry when they fought that sometimes he would hit her. When that happened, he would spend the next week or two making up for it. He would do things like buy her flowers or take us out to a nice dinner. When I was a kid, I found myself looking forward to the nights they fight. Because I know if he hit her, the two weeks that followed would be great” (Hoover, 2016, p.17).

There are many moments in her life when her parents would fight to the point where her father would resort to violence. Lily hates the moments when she watches them fight and not being able to do anything to stop them from fighting.

At some point, her hatred towards her father becomes too overwhelming. There is one moment where Lily is overwhelmed by her rage towards her father. Watching her father choking and pinning down her mother to the floor makes Lily so mad to the point that she says, "if I had access to a gun or a knife right now, I'd kill him"

(Hoover, 2016, p. 64). At that moment, she is changed forever.

That is when she starts to cry. She just held her head in her hands, and she started to sob and all I could do was wrap my arms around her and cry with her. I'd never seen her this upset. Or this hurt. It broke my heart, Ellen.

It broke me (Hoover, 2016, p. 156).


Growing up with an abusive father, even though he is abusive only to mother, Lily is affected by the dysfunctional environment her parents created. It becomes worse with the fact that her mother refused to leave. On the day of his father funeral, Lily is assigned to deliver a eulogy for her father. Unexpectedly, she freezes for a solid two minutes after saying a few lines. Lily tells Ryle that she is supposed to say five good things about her father, but she realizes that she does not have anything good to say about him, so she does not say anything.

“Hello. My name is Lily Bloom, daughter of the late Andrew Bloom. Thank you all for joining us today as we mourn his loss. I wanted to take a moment to honor his life by sharing with you five great things about my father. The first thing…”

I look down on Ryle and shrug “That’s it” (Hoover, 2016, p. 19).

Lily indirectly gives Ryle a look at how she feels about her father by acting out how she is at her father's funeral. Before that, she says that her mother asks her to deliver the eulogy a few days before the funeral. At first, Lily refuses, telling her mother that it might be too much for her because she feels like eulogies should be delivered by those who respected the deceased, meanwhile she does not have much respect for her father. Later on, she emphasizes her hatred towards her late father when her mother calls her after the funeral and says it is fine if she freezes.

I close my eyes. Here she goes again. Covering up what she doesn’t want to see. Taking blame isn’t even hers to take. Of course, she convinced herself that I froze up yesterday, and that’s why I refused to speak. Of course, she did. I have half of a mind to tell her it wasn’t a mistake. I didn’t freeze up. I just had nothing great to say about the unremarkable man she chose to be my father” (Hoover, 2016, p. 28).

From the quotation, it can be seen how Lily does not hide, nor does she feel embarrassed about how she truly feels about her father. Whereas her mother always


looks for some way to cover up something she does not like, Lily is the complete opposite. Her resentment toward her father is justifiable due to how he treats her mother and the trauma he unknowingly inflicted on them both. When she was younger, Lily keeps a diary even though she refuses to admit that she writes a diary and insists on calling it a journal. The journal is about her childhood which is addressed to a talk show host named Ellen DeGeneres, because she begins to see Ellen’s show the day it aired in 2003 when she was a little girl.

I swore I’d never read these again, but with the passing of my father, I’ve been thinking about my childhood a lot. Maybe if I read through these journals, I’ll somehow find a little strength for forgiveness. Although I fear I’m running the risk of building up even more resentment (Hoover, 2016, p.


The quotation above displays Lily’s resentment towards her father for what he has done to her mother, and for the physical and mental wounds inflict on the both of them. It is hard for Lily to completely ignore her father's worst side, even when he is already gone. The fact that he never changed contributes to her conviction to not easily forgive him because she knows that the scars he left will last forever.

2. Pessimistic over the Prospect of Future Love Life

With a history of having a physically abusive father, Lily determines to learn from her mother's case and do better than her. That is why when it comes to love, she is such an idealistic person. Despite being an idealistic person, Lily can be pessimistic when it comes to relationship. Being born in a dysfunctional family encourages Lily to do better than her mother. Therefore, Lily is cautious in terms of relationship, especially romantic relationship.


I can’t even look at him. His statement makes me feel a multitude of things all at once.

“well, I’m not into one-night stands.”

“I figured as much,” he says. “your turn.”

He’s so nonchalant; he acts like he did not just stun me into silence (Hoover, 2016, p. 21)

Lily makes it clear that she does not want to waste her time by playing around; that is why she is not into one-night-stands. Before Ryle, the only guy in her life at that time is Atlas, the homeless guy who lives at an abandoned building near her house. The two goes to the same school and later bonds overdue to Lily's caring nature. Since things end badly with Atlas after her father caught him in their house, Lily has never had someone special, not until Ryle come along. When Ryle claims that he is way too selfish to be in a relationship and says that the idea of love does not appeal to him at all, Lily thinks otherwise. She shows her idealistic side when it comes to finding the perfect guy.

I wish I looked at love like that. It would make my life a hell lit of easier.

“I envy you. I have this idea that there’s a perfect man out there for me. I tend to become jaded easily, because no one ever meets my standard. I feel like I’m on an infinite search for the Holy Grail.” (Hoover, 2016, p. 23).

As the quote shows, Lily has this idea of ‘the perfect man’ that limits herself from finding someone outside the ‘perfect criteria’. Though she admits that it is as difficult as searching for the holy grail, she does not intend to change her mind, at least not at that time. Lily and Ryle go into separate ways that night on the rooftop.

However, that is not their last encounter. They meet again through a series of coincidences

As they have several faithful encounters, Lily begins to question if she should revise her standard and start to fight for Ryle. However, she is in a dilemma


because she remembers that Ryle is not interested in the idea of love. When one night, Ryle randomly shows up at her door, Lily's conviction begins to sway, but she cannot deny the fact that she is an idealist while Ryle is the complete opposite.

I force a smile, but I wanted to frown because I absolutely hated his number two. I actually don’t mind if he tries this again, but then I remind myself that we want two different things from life.

This is good. Rip the band-aid off and let him leave.

“Have a nice life, Ryle. I wish you all the success in the world.”

He doesn’t respond to my goodbye. He silently stares down at me with somewhat a frown, and then says, “Yeah, you too, Lily”. (Hoover, 2016, p.


For the second time, Lily and Ryle go their separate ways after ensuring each other that their relationship will not work. Even as they gotten close, since Lily befriends Ryle’s sister Allysa, Lily is still sure that Ryle have not changed his mind.

However, his actions towards her makes her assume otherwise. In the midst of her confusion, one night, at Allysa’s warming house party in which Lily was invited to, she is surprised to find out that Ryle, the one who says that he does not want a relationship other than the one in bed hangs a photograph that he took of her that night in the rooftop on the wall of the living room.

She disappears again, and the more I stare at the picture, the angrier I get.

The man has a picture of me hanging in the apartment. He bought me flowers. He’s giving me attitude because I brought a date to his sister’s party. He’s acting like there’s actually something between us, and we’ve never even kissed! (Hoover, 2016, p. 87).

The quotation above implies how Lily is upset because she felt like Ryle is unclear about his feelings towards her and that makes her frustrated. On one hand, she knows that she began to develop feelings towards Ryle, but on the other hand, an idealist that she is, she does not want to sacrifice her feelings if at the end of the day, Ryle still would not make their status clear. Feeling exasperated, Lily confronts


Ryle and ask for certainty regarding their relationship. She feels a huge amount of attraction toward Ryle, however, Ryle’s conviction to not have commited to a relationship complicate Lily’s feelings. Lily is doubtful but at the same time, she cannot pretend that he does not wish that Ryle changed his mind.

“I can’t tell what you want, Ryle! And every time I get to the point where I start not to give a shit, you show up again out of the blue! You show up at my work, you show up at my apartment door, you show up at parties, you…”

“I live here,” he says, excusing the last one. That pisses me off even more.

I clench my fists.

“Ugh! You’re driving me crazy! Do you want me or do you not?”

He stands up straight and takes a step towards me. “Oh, I want you, Lily.

Make no mistake about that. I just don’t want to want you” (Hoover, 2016, p. 89).

The conversation with Ryle, as shown above, only frustrates Lily even more. She is finally ready to commit herself to something, but Ryle’s conflicting behavior makes Lily confused. For the first time, she is ready to look for possibility for the future. The problem is, Ryle’s indecisive act makes her doubts herself again.

With the purpose of lying all her feelings out there, Lily opens herself up to Ryle in the hopes that he will do the same.

“I like you, Ryle. And knowing that you only want me for one night makes me really, really sad. And maybe if this were a few months ago, we could have had sex and it would have been fine. You would have walked away and I could have easily moved on with my life. But it’s not a few months ago. You waited too long, and too many pieces of me are invested in you now, so please. Stop flirting with me. Stop hanging pictures of me in your apartment. And stop sending me flowers. Because when you do those things, it doesn’t feel good, Ryle. It actually kind of hurts” (Hoover, 2016.

P. 90).

The quotation is another proof that due to having an abusive father, Lily is cautious in finding the right guy. That is why she needs certainty when Ryle comes into her life and made her believe that he can be the one she invests her feelings to.


All her idealism in terms of the perfect guy never get her anywhere before, but with Ryle, she can see that they have mutual feelings if only Ryle would make his intentions clear. The reason why Lily cannot stand Ryle’s ambiguous behavior is that she has seen relationship that would not work and she needs to know if hers is going to end before it even begins. Thus, Lily indicates pessimism when it comes to having a relationship.

He looks so vulnerable right now. I want to believe the genuine look in his eye, but he’s been so adamant since the day that I met him that he wants the exact opposite of what I want. And it terrifies me that I’ll give it to him and he’ll walk away (Hoover, 2016, p. 94).

Lily is scared, as can be seen from the quotation that Ryle will disappoint her. What happened to her parents in the past contributes to how she reacted in this kind of situation and it is evident that the trauma of witnessing her parents’ fail marriage due to her father’s abusive behavior has made Lily defensive. Because of that, she was scared. It can be seen in the way she indicates pessimism over the prospect of future love life.

3. Anxious About Her Past Relationship with Atlas

Lily does not only live in the present. As she re-read her journals filled with her childhood memories, she is forced to live with her past and contemplate every decision she made that got her to where she is in life today. Before Lily has Ryle in her life, there is a guy named Atlas Corrigan that fills the empty space. Atlas is a part of her past that she tries to forget, but she finds it hard to do so.

I close the journal when the pain pills start to kick in. I’ll read more tomorrow. Maybe. Reading about the things my dad kind of puts me in a bad mood. Reading about Atlas kind of puts me in a sad mood. I try to fall asleep and think about Ryle, but the whole situation with him kind of made me mad and sad (Hoover, 2016, p. 66).


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