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The true meanings of Sebastian Rodrigues` decision to convert to Buddhism as seen in Shusaku Endo`s silence


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Robert Dasa Setiarsa Student Number: 131214015











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Robert Dasa Setiarsa Student Number: 131214015




Setiarsa, Robert Dasa. (2017). The True Meanings of Sebastian Rodrigues’ Decision to Convert to Buddhism as seen in Shusaku Endo’s Silence. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This study deals with Silence, a novel written by Shusaku Endo. This novel tells about a Jesuit priest who has a mission to Japan. He tries to search his former teacher in the seminary namely Ferreira. Rodrigues and his friend, Garrpe, come to Japan and start their mission in Tomogi village. There, they must watch the persecution that happens to Christians. The government kills Garrpe and some of the villagers. They hope that the other Christians can apostate their faith. At the end of the story, Rodrigues tramples the fumie (the icon of Jesus Christ) and apostates his faith to save the Christians.

The goal of this study is to reveal the true meaning of Sebastian Rodrigues‟ decision to convert to Buddhism. There are two questions to be answered in this study. The first question is “How is Rodrigues described in the novel?” and the second one is “What are the true meanings of Rodrigues‟ decision to convert to Buddhism?”.

To answer the questions, there are theories used in this research. They are theory of motivation, theory of personality, theory of character and characterization, and psychological approach. The primary data of the research is the Shusaku Endo‟s novel Silence; while the secondary data are psychology books, library data, literary books and the internet.

After analyzing the novel, the researcher finds that Rodrigues can be described as enthusiastic, doubtful, idealistic, caring, and undetermined. The second finding is the true meanings of Rodrigues‟ decision. There are two meanings, namely the literal meaning and the deeper meaning. The first is literal meaning. Rodrigues‟ primary reason to come to Japan is only to meet his teacher Ferreira, but then he decides to minister the hiding Christians who are threatened to be persecuted. Second, the true meaning of Rodrigues‟ decision is that he wants to release the Christians from the persecution.

It is recommended that future researchers analyze more about the cross cultural aspects of the novel. It is also suggested that the novel can be used by the lecturers as the material to teach prose, literature, or Cross Cultural Understanding in English Language Education Study Program.



Setiarsa, Robert Dasa. (2017). The True Meanings of Sebastian Rodrigues’ Decision to Convert to Buddhism as seen in Shusaku Endo’s Silence.Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Studi ini berkaitan dengan novel Silence yang ditulis oleh Shusaku Endo. Novel ini menceritakan tentang seorang imam Yesuit yang memiliki sebuah misi ke Jepang. Dia mencoba untuk mencari gurunya semasa di seminari, beliau bernama Ferreira. Rodrigues dan Garrpe, temannya, datang ke Jepang dan memulai misi mereka di sebuah desa yang bernama Tomogi. Di tempat itu mereka harus menyaksikan perlakuan kejam yang dialami oleh umat Kristiani. Pemerintah membunuh Garrpe dan beberapa penduduk desa. Mereka berharap bahwa umat Kristiani akan menyangkal iman mereka. Pada akhir cerita, Rodrigues menginjak fumie (gambar wajah Yesus Kristus) dan menyangkal imannya demi menyelamatkan umat Kristiani.

Tujuan dari studi ini ialah untuk mengungkap arti yang sesungguhnya dari keputusan Sebastian Rodrigues untuk berpindah agama menjadi Buddha. Ada dua pertanyaan yang dicoba dijawab di studi ini. Yang pertama “Bagaimanakah deskripsi dari Rodrigues menurut novel tersebut?” dan yang kedua “Apakah arti sesungguhnya dari keputusan Rodrigues berpindah agama menjadi Buddha?”

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertantaan tersebut, ada beberapa teori yang akan digunakan di penelitian ini. Teori-teori tersebut adalah: teori motivasi, teori kepribadian, teori karakter dan karakterisasi, dan pendekatan psikologis. Sumber utama dari penelitian ini adalah novel berjudul Silence, karya Shusaku Endo. Sumber yang kedua adalah buku-buku psikologi, data-data dari perpustakaan, buku-buku literatur dan dari internet.

Setelah menganalisis isi novel, peneliti menemukan bahwa Rodrigues dapat dideskripsikan sebagai orang yang: bersemangat, ragu-ragu, idealistik, penuh perhatian, dan tidak pasti pendiriannya. Yang kedua tentang makna sesungguhnya dari keputusan yang Rodrigues ambil. Ada dua makna, makna tertulis dan makna sesungguhnya. Yang pertama, makna tertulis. Tujuan utama kedatangan Rodrigues ke Jepang ialah untuk bertemu dengan Ferreira, gurunya, tetapi kemudian dia memutuskan untuk melayani umat Kristiani yang bersembunyi karena terancam dengan tindakan kekerasan. Yang kedua, makna sesungguhnya dari keputusan Rodrigues ialah bahwa dia ingin membebaskan umat Kristiani dari penyiksaan.

Sangat direkomendasikan bagi para peneliti selanjutnya untuk menganalisa tentang aspek perbedaan kultur yang ada di dalam novel. Disarankan juga bagi para dosen untuk menggunakan novel ini sebaga bahan pembelajaran di dalam mata kuliah prose, literature, atau Cross Cultural Understanding di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.



In this section, I would like to express my gratitude for those who have supported me in finishing this thesis. Firstly, I would like to thank and praise the Lord, Jesus Christ for the blessing, grace, and strength that are given to me. Therefore, I can finish this thesis.

Grateful thanks go to Drs. Antonius Herujiyanto, M.A., Ph.D., my sponsor, who has given much time and patience to help me finish my thesis. I really thank him for his support, motivation and energy in giving me feedback through the process of writing this thesis.

Then, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents, Ibu Maria Agustina Sri Hariwahyuni and Bapak Valentinus Sunarto for the love, prayer, and support, both mentally and financially. Because of them I can be motivated to study well in Sanata Dharma University.

I would also like to give my deepest gratitude to Yosafat Anggun, Gde Raka Birama, and Fransiska Neny who were willing to proofread this thesis. I appreciate them for patiently helping me in finishing this thesis.



I would like to express my gratitude to my communities, Paduan Suara Cantus Firmus, Keluarga Besar Hadisiswoyo, Holy Family, Kelompok Jomblo Ceria, Mountaineers Dadakan, Elevenia Insadha 2015, Grup Dampok Insadha 2015, Angkatan Batu 96 who have taught me to be professional and developed my soft skill in Sanata Dharma University. My communities have given me a lot of knowledge and experiences so I can develop myself.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to those who have supported me in finishing this thesis. May many good returns come to them and may God always bless them.














A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Objective of Study ... 3

C. Formulated Problems ... 3

E. Definition of Terms ... 4


A. Review of Related Studies ... 6

B. Review of Related Theories ... 7

1. Theory of Motivation ... 7

2. Theory of Personality ... 9

3. Theory of Character and Characterization ... 11

4. Theory of Psychological Approach ... 14

C. Theoretical Framework ... 14




A. Object of the Study ... 17

B. Approach of the Study ... 19

C. Method of the Study ... 19


A. The Characteristics od Rodrigues ... 21

1. Enthusiastic ... 22

2. Doubtful ... 24

3. Idealistic ... 26

4. Caring ... 27

5. Undetermined ... 28

B. The Meanings of Rodrigues‟ Decisions ... 29

1. Literal Meaning ... 29

2. Deeper Meaning ... 31


A. Conclusions ... 36

B. Suggestions ... 39

1. Suggestion for Future Researchers ... 39

2. Suggestion for English Lecturers ... 40






This chapter consists of Background of the Study, Objective of the Study, Problems Formulation, and Definition of Terms. First, Background of the Study explains the reason why the researcher chooses the topic of this research. Second part is Objective of the Study. In this part, the researcher explains the true meaning of this research. Third part is Problem Formulation. This part formulates the problems which are going to be discussed. The last part is the definition of terms. It deals with the specific terms in this research in order to prevent misunderstanding.

A. Background of the Study

Cogito Ergo Sum (I think therefore I am) is an interesting Latin proverb. It is also expressed by Rene Descartes, a rationalist philosopher and a pioneer of the 17th century philosophy renewal. He used to doubt any form of things, but he stated that the ability to think can make someone exists. That is the basic foundation of his philosophy. Descartes doubted all things, including himself; he had cleared himself of any prejudice that might lead him down to the wrong path (Lewis, 1998). He was sure that by thinking he could come to the truth, but sometimes it could bring people to the error of mind. Thus, he had to be sure about the risks of his choices.

The freedom of choice is underlined in Shusaku Endo‟s Silence. Endo


result. Coleman (1990) states that individual actions lead to a purpose and that purpose, as well as the action, is determined by the value or selection. However, Coleman further states that it requires a more precise concept of the humans‟ action

that maximizes the usefulness or to satisfy their wants and needs (p.34).

Endo believes that a life is always faced with choices that contain risks. For that reason, he wrote Silence as a lesson for men to learn from a selection. Abrams (1981) stated that literature works as an imitation, reflection, or representation of the world and human life (p.36). Literature is the expression of individual, social life, and thought through language, while the subject matter and treatment must be the general of human interest. Furthermore, in literature the expression must be emotive; the form must give aesthetic pleasure and satisfaction.

Through his novel, Endo tells about the story of Jesuit missionaries named Fathers Sebastian Rodrigues and Francisco Garrpe that visited Japan to find Ferreira, their former teacher that according to the rumor apostated the faith. They arrived in Japan with the help of Japanese who lived in Macao, named Kichijiro. Kichijiro was a Christian but felt ashamed to show his belief. After arriving in Japan, they stayed in a Christian village, named Tomogi, and served the sacraments for the villagers. Almost six years the villagers had met neither priest nor brother (p.45).



was located in the different island with Tomogi (p.65). The government knew these illicit activities, they arrested some of the villagers, including the priest.

The government wanted the villagers to apostate their faith. Hence, the government intimidated them by killing Garrpe and some of the villagers. In fact, the villagers still kept their faith because they believe that Rodrigues also accompanied them to suffer together. The government tortured the villagers one by one. They offer Rodrigues to convert to Buddhism, and they will release the villagers. In the end of the story, Rodrigues to apostate his faith and the government released him and the villagers (p.259).

B. Objective of the Study

There are two research objectives formulated as follows:

1.To explain how is Rodrigues described in the novel.

2.To find the true meanings of Rodrigues decision to convert to Buddhism.

C. Problem Formulations

Considering the objective of the study above, the problems are formulated as follows:

1. How are the characteristics of Rodrigues described in the novel?


D. Definition of Terms

This part explains the terms which are frequently used in the research in order to avoid misunderstanding. There are some terms which are considered as important terms. The terms and the definitions are explained as follows:

1. Missionary

According to Hardon (1985), a missionary is a person who is sent by the Church authority to preach the gospel or help strengthen the faith already professed on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country (p.87). The main work of the missionary is to spread the good news about the Kingdom of God among the people, especially by preaching, teaching, and doing some charity works.

2. Personality

Personality is a pattern of social behavior consisting of shades of strength, encouragement, desires, opinions, and attitudes of a person (Cantor, et al. 1991). Personality refers to the differences among individual in characteristics of feeling, thinking, and behaving. Personality also can predict human reactions to other people, the stress, and the problems of life (p.65).

3. Sacrament



Church to perform and hold the sacrament. Sacrament aimed to the salvation of human, so human can be united with the body of the Christ and as the act of worship. Celebrating sacrament means that human can individually interact with Christ who comes in the form of sacrament (Heuken, 2005).

4. Seminary

Seminary is a school established for the academic and spiritual training of candidates of the priesthood. Seminary is built in every diocese. Seminary is a school in which priests are trained. A priest is the representative of Christ among men: his mission is to carry on Christ's work for the salvation of souls; in Christ's name and by His power, he teaches men what they ought to believe and what they ought to do: he forgives sins, and offers in sacrifice the Body and Blood of Christ (Heuken, 2005).

5. Martyr

Martyr derived from the Greek word, martus, which means a witness who testifies to a fact of which he has knowledge from personal observation. Based on




This chapter presents the review of literature. It contains review of the

related studies, review of the related theories, and the theoretical framework. In the

review of related theories, the researcher discusses some theories that are found, to

support the analysis of the study. The theories are theory of motivation, theory of

personality, theory of character, and psychological approach. The theoretical

framework presents some theories used in this study to find the true meaning of

Rodrigues’ decision in novel Silence.

A. Review of Related Study

In this section, the researcher wants to review previous related research. After viewing in the library thesis index, the researcher found that there is a thesis that also uses Silence as his research. The research was written by Yohanes Angie Kristiawan (2014). The title of his research is The Violence Experienced by the

Japanese Christians Portrayed in Shusaku Endo’s Silence”.



to collect the data. There were four theories to support the analysis of the study. The theories were prejudice, discrimination, violence, and typology of violence.

B. Review of Related Theories

This part reviews the theories which are employed in the study. There are some theories that will be used to solve the problems formulation. They are the theory of motivation, personality, character, and psychological approach.

1. Theory of Motivation

Maslow (1954) states that motivation is the human‟s action that is driven by a need to fulfill in order to achieve a higher purpose of life called self-actualization (p.301). He assumes human as a animal that wants to prey others for his satisfaction. When a person satisfies this one, still another clamor for satisfaction. It is the characteristic of human life that people almost always desire something. Maslow divides the motivation into five stages, which are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization.


Figure 2.1 Maslow’s five stages of motivation

a. Physiological needs

The physiological needs are the most basic human needs to sustain life in the world. The needs are food, air, drink, and sleep. Maslow states that this need is the basic need of human life, if these needs are not satisfied, the other needs cannot be achieved.

b. Safety needs

After the physiological needs are satisfied, the next human needs is to secure, in order to be free from the threat of physical and emotional harm. This needs cover security, protection from danger and the freedom of pain.

c. Social needs

These needs are related to the interaction with others such as friendship, giving and receiving love, engaging in social activities and group membership. Maslow



d. Esteem needs

One of the human desires is to be rewarded by other . Esteem needs can be categorized as external motivators and internal motivators. Internally

motivating esteem needs are those such as self-esteem, accomplishment, and self-respect. These needs include both self-respect and the esteem for others. For example, the desire for self confidence, achievement, recognition, and appreciation.

e. Self-actualization

If all needs are sufficiently satisfied, human beings still have the need of self- actualization. This is about the desire to develop and realize human real potential, to become everything that they can be. Self-actualized people tend to have motivators such as truth, justice, wisdom, and meaning.

2. Theory of Personality

Allport (1972) states that personality is the dynamic organization within

the individual of those psycho-physical systems determine his characteristics behavior and thought. According to him, a normal human being is a rational

creature governed mainly by the aim of consciousness rooted in the present and optimistic future, not the past. The basic principle of behavior is constantly

moving-flow. It is because the main concept is concerning about personality based on theories of motivation, which makes people move. The activity must have a


According to Sigmund Freud (1958), the life of the soul has three levels of

consciousness, namely the conscious, preciousness and unconscious. The concept of Freud's theory is the most famous of the existence of the unconscious that control most of the behavior. In addition, he also gives a statement that human

behavior based on sexual desire, which is initially perceived by humans as a child from his mother.

Freud proposes three specific structure of personality that is Id, Ego and Superego. All of these three structures are believed to be formed substantially at the age of seven years. This structure can be shown diagrammatically in relation

to accessibility for awareness or range of individual consciousness. These are the explanation about Freud‟s personality structure:

a) Id

Id is an original personality. Id consists of basic biological drives such

as the need to eat, drink and sex. There are two types of energy that contradictory and greatly affects the life and personality of the

individual, namely the instinct of life and death instinct. Instinctual life is called libido. Impulses in Id always wants to be satisfied and always

seek to avoid experiences that are not pleasant.

b) Ego

Ego is the energy that is pushing to follow the principle of reality and



finds a suitable object for the gratification of needs. In other words, the

function of the ego is to filter impulse that wants to be satisfied by the Id based on reality.

c) Superego

Superego is a picture of awareness of the values and morals instilled by tradition, religion, parents, teachers and others in children.

Basically superego is conscience someone who judges right or wrong someone‟s action. That means superego represents the ideals and

obtaining oriented perfection. Ideals individual is also directed to the ideal values, so that each individual has a picture of the most ideal of


3. Theory of Character and Characterization

Abrams (2005) states that character is the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work that interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and

dis positional qualities that are expressed in what they say and how they act.

Barnet (1963)says that character has two meanings: someone who appears in a play, and second is the intellectual, emotional, and moral qualities that add up to a personality.

Sartre, as cited by Webber (2006) states that an individual‟s character is person‟s collection of character traits, and these can be defined as relatively stable


characters can also use between trait and behavior patterns to emphasize their role.

In answering the question, the researcher uses Murphy‟s characterization

classification (1972). There are nine ways to characterize the characteristic of a person in a story:

1. His or her personal description

Murphy states that the author describes the character by giving personal information such as body, skin, hair, eyes,

and his or her clothes.

2. Character as seen by others

In this part, the author uses a person‟s character as it is described by another character. Rodrigues‟ character can be

seen from the other character‟s comment about him.

3. Speech of the character

The identification of the character can be seen from the speech of the character. The author describes character through the words that come out from his or her mouth and the style of his or her own speech.

4. Past life of the character



the character in the story.

5. Conversation of others

The reader can recognize the character of the story by other people say about him or her.

6. Reactions

The reactions happen when the character faces the problem. Every reaction towards problems bring the reader to the tendency how the character personality is.

7. Direct comment

In this stage, the author gives the reception and direct comment to the character that he or she creates.

8. Thought

The author gives the readers the direct knowledge about

what of characters are thinking about.

9. Mannerism


4. Psychological Approach

Psychology is a branch of science that is the object of the future is the state of the human soul. This science seeks to understand human behavior, why and how they do things and also to understand how these creatures thinking and feeling. The literary work is the result of expression of the soul of a writer in which the author depicts the psychological atmosphere, a good atmosphere and emotional pain (Asrori, 2011).

According to Hardjana (1991), the psychology approaches of literature can be interpreted as a way of analysis is based on a psychological point and proceeds from the assumption that the literary work always talks about the events of human life which is emitted in living and dealing with life. Here, the function of psychology itself is conducting exploration into the inner soul made to the figures contained in literary works and to learn more about the activities of human actions and responses to other acts (p.60)

Jung (1978) states that personality or psyche covers all the thoughts, feelings and behavior, consciousness and unconsciousness. Personality guides people to adjust to the social environment and the physical environment. In the early life, personality is potential to form a unity or oneness. When developing the personality, people should try to maintain unity and harmony among all elements of personality.

C. Theoretical Framework



problems, the researcher uses some experts’ theories to support the findings.

Those theories are theory of motivation, theory of personality, theory of character,

and psychological approach. To solve the first problem, the researcher uses the

theory of characteristics by Murphy and theory of personality by Gordon Willard

Allport. These two theories are use to answer the characteristics of Rodrigues as

seen in the novel. Next, to solve the second problem, the researcher uses psychological approach by Jean-Paul Sartre and theory of motivation by Abraham

Maslow to reveal the meaning of Rodrigues’ decision to convert to Buddhism.

D. Context of the Novel

In this part, the researcher will give information about the historical

biographical background of the writer and the setting of the novel.

Shusaku Endo was a Japanese writer. He has been known for his novels

about the relationship and comparison between the West and the East. Endo was

born in Tokyo, on March 27, 1923. Although he was born in Japan, but mostly

grew up in China. After his parents divorced, he came back to Kobe, Japan with

his mother. At the age 11, Endo became a Catholic with the encourage of his

mother and his aunt. He attended Keio University in Tokyo. In there he

experienced persecuted by his Japanese fellows because of his faith. Later he went

to study French’ Catholic style writing in University of Lyons, France.

His novel Silence (Taplinger, 1969) is a fictional novel about seventeenth

century young Portuguese priest namely Sebastian Rodrigues. Rodrigues comes to


Ferreira, has renounced his faith. In Japan he must face with religious persecution,

and he is forced to renounce his faith to save the Christians. Silence is a tale of

faith and faithlessness among Western’s believe and Eastern’s believe.

Silence takes place in Japan during the 1600s. They banned all Catholic priest from the island. The government had a method of apostasy. They forced people to trample on fumie, a bronze picture of Christ and Virgin Mary. If they would not renounce their faith, they will be executed. Christians who kept practicing their faith were called “underground Christians”. From that moment,




This chapter consists of three parts. The first part is the object of the study which is related to the novel. In this part, the researcher gives the summary of the novel. The second part is the approach of the study. In this part, the researcher explains the psychological approach that is used to analyze the problem formulations. The third part is the method of the study. This part contains the method and gives the readers information about the steps that are conducted in order to accomplish this research

A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a novel entitled Silence by Shusaku Endo. Shusaku Endo is a Catholic Japanese author. Silence was published in Japan in 1966. Following, in 1969 it was published in England and translated by William Johnston under Taplinger Publishing Company.

Endo became the recipients of Tanizaki Prize in 1966 because of this novel. Silencecalled “Endo‟s Supreme Achievement” and a good classic novel at

that time. Following of the publication of the novel, this make a controversy in 1967.


Kichijiro, a Christian Japanese person, who is afraid to act his faith publicly.

Rodrigues and Garrpe are ambitious men who desire to find their teacher, Ferreira, who commit to apostate when the persecution happened in Japan. They also want to spread the gospel, especially to Japan, the country that still adores and worships sun.

They successfully arrived in Japan and stayed in the small village. The inhabitants of this village are Catholic. They hide their faith because they are afraid of the government that banned Christianity. Rodrigues and Garrpe serve in the village and minister sacraments among the inhabitants.

Unfortunately, the government was suspicious with the activity of the village. They sent a spy to observe the village and they found that there was a prohibited activity in the village. The punishment came. Some of the villagers are arrested, and some of them were died because of the persecution include Garrpe.

In the end of the story, while facing his martyrdom, Rodrigues feels sad and pity with the condition of Christian faithful. The government attempts him to renounce his faith and the villagers will be saved. Rodrigues must trample a picture of Christ called fumie, that‟s the evidence that he renounces his faith.



B. Approach of the Study

The study uses psychological approach to answer the first and the second formulated problems. The psychological approach is used to help the researcher analyze the surface meaning of the song. This approach insists that all the elements necessary for understanding the work are contained within the work itself.

In general, psychology tries to examine and study the attitudes and behavior of human beings as a description of psychiatric symptoms behind him. Because the soul itself is essentially abstract, then to study human mental life it is only likely to be seen from the symptoms appear. In conclusion, psychology is the study of a person's soul through behavioral symptoms can be observed.

Psychological approach is the psychological perspective on various phenomena and other dimensions of good behavior viewed individually, socially, and education. By using psychological approach, the researcher can analyze the deeper meaning and understanding of Rodrigues‟ decision to apostate his faith

and convert to Buddhism. This approach also has a purpose which is to answer the formulated problems.

C. Method of the Study


the primary data and also some books related to the study to find out the data and support the researcher statements. In this study, the researcher used Shusaku Endo‟s work entitled Silence as the primary source while the

secondary source was information from internet, journals, articles or book that were related to the study to be used in answering the problem formulations.

There were several steps used by the researcher to analyze the novel. The first step, the researcher read the novel several times in order to get better understanding. The researcher also took note for some difficult vocabularies and then found the meaning in the dictionary. This action helps the researcher understood and knew the context of the novel that was used for his research.

The second step was formulating the problems and found the best title for the research. In this step, the researcher consulted the title to the advisor. Besides, the researcher also arranged the problems formulation based on the novel. The researcher chose to analyze the true meaning of Rodrigues‟ decision to convert to


Third, the researcher gathered the data references and found the related theories. In writing this research, references were needed to support the data. The researcher collected the data references from the internet and library. These references helped the researcher to answer the problems formulation.




In this chapter, the researcher analyzes the problems formulated in the Chapter I. This chapter is divided into two parts. First, it analyzes Rodrigues‟

character. In the second part, it discusses the true meaning of Rodrigues‟ decision

to convert to Buddhism. The researcher wants to analyze the formulated problems by using the theories that presented in Chapter II.

A. The characteristic of Sebastian Rodrigues

In revealing the characteristic of Rodrigues, the researcher applies the previous theories that have been mentioned. Literally, a character can be defined as a person in the story that can make the story become alive. Abrams (1981) states that characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, which are interpreted by the reader and enriched dispositional, morality and emotion qualities which are expressed in the dialogue or in action .


Abram, on his explanation, explains how the person or character in the

novel can be judged by their speech and actions. From this point of view, the readers can get the main aspects or moral qualities from the character in the novel.

In short, the character has dis positional aspect in the inside of their action.

Rodrigues possesses many characteristics, they are; doubtful, stubborn, enthusiasm, caring, and realistic. In this novel, Rodrigues is described as a man that always expresses the doubt in him. It is found in many sentences of the novel about what he does and says. Rodrigues becomes more doubtful and uncertainty because of the persecution that happened to him and his followers.

Murphy (1972) states that there are nine methods used to analyze the

character. Those methods are a personal description, character as seen as by another, speech, past life, a conversation between other characters, reaction, direct

comment, mannerism, and thought. In this research, the researcher only use four methods from nine, they are speech, past life, direct comment and thought. By

using these methods, the character of Sebastian Rodrigues can be analyzed as:

1. Enthusiastic

The characteristic of the character in the novel is seen by the character‟s

actions in the story. It can be the actions or reactions from the character to face the problems that happened. From the novel, Rodrigues is such an enthusiastic

person. It can be seen from the beginning of the novel, when he and his friends



Actually, Rodrigues‟ desire going to Japan is not about to convert Japanese

people into Catholic, but his main mission is to find his former teacher in the Seminary, Cristovao Ferreira, who is rumoured, apostatize after enduring the

torture. This mission becomes the most important goal on his “mission” trip to


Although “evangelism” is not the main mission of Rodrigues‟ check list,

he remembered the story of Francis Xavier who came to Japan and brought the gospel to the island. This great apostle to the East brought him an imagination to

follow his path and to spread the good news. As a priest, he remembered that he

has a duty to baptize all the world.

Go into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature....What did the face of Christ look like?...Yet tonight for me the face is that of the picture preserved in Borgo San Sepulchro. There still remains fresh in my memory the time when I saw this picture as a seminarian for the first time. Christ has one foot on the sepulchre and in his right hand he holds a crucifix. He is facing straight out and his face bears the expression of encouragement it had when he commanded his disciples three times, „Feed my lambs, feed my lambs, feed my lambs..‟. It is a face filled with vigor and strength. I feel great love for that face. I am always fascinated by the face of Christ just like a man fascinated by the face of his beloved. (p.35)


his friend in the suffering‟s time.

Although there are many obstacles that might be faced, Rodrigues still

wants to go around the villages to find the hidden Christians. He believes that

there are other Christians who lived in the rural villages outside Tomogi. Garrpe did not allow Rodrigues to go around, because it may overcome the danger from the government. But, Rodrigues‟ desire was overflow, he convinced Garrpe about

his mission.

It is not impossible that there are still Christians in the villages and islands west of Tomogi, but under the circumstances we cannot so much stir outside our hut during the day. And yet I am determined, come what may, to seek out and find the lonely and abandoned flock. (p.47)

2. Doubtful

Sebastian Rodrigues ia a Catholic priest, in the ideal way he must be a

good model for the faithful. However, Rodrigues has doubt in himself and his

mission. In his mind if Ferreira, as his teacher can apostate his faith, how he as a students can deal with the faith and his status as a priest. In Portugal, which is

Christianity is a major religion; there is no compromise with the Church, faith, and government. In there, these three aspects are balancing each other. There is no big problem that must make the Church dwell in fear. Equivalent with Portugal‟s



Within the space of one short letter I don‟t know how to speak about the innumerable events that have crowded in to my life in the past two months. Moreover, in my present state I do not even know if this letter will ever reach you. But my mood is such that I just cannot keep from writing. (p.37)

In his journey, Rodrigues often sent letter to his order provincial, not only for the order in Portugal but also in the order‟s general house in Rome. The

function of the letter is to inform his order about the trip and situation of the mission. In the past, Ferreira as a Japan‟s Jesuit provincial also sent some letters to

his order, until he disappeared after his apostatize. In the letter above, Rodrigues felt uncertainty about his mission trip.

Rodrigues began to doubt the existence of God after he saw the

persecution that had to be faced by his followers. He forced God to answer his

questions: Why the Christians must face the persecution? Why do the innocent people must die because their faith? And why does God keep silent with these all?

There is no proof of the existence of God in the persecution that the must faced.

I supposed I should simply cast from my mind these meaningless words of the coward; yet why does his plaintive voice pierce my breast with all the pain of a sharp needle? Why has Our Lord imposed this torture and this persecution on poor Japanese peasants? (p.96)

It is analyzed through Murphy‟s methods of characterization (1972). In


so many sufferings that must be burdened by Christians. They kept their faith and if the government knew, the punishments were waited. Rodrigues still did not understand why God still kept silent in that situation.

3. Idealistic

In the novel, Shusaku Endo described Rodrigues as an “emotionally

unformed” man. Since he graduated from the Seminary and ordained as a priest, he has a high expectation about the dreams of become a “holy” priest. This

expectation comes in Rodrigues‟ mind because of the teaching of his teacher,

Ferreira, in the Seminary.

Ferreira : „The Japanese are not able to think of God completely divorced from man; the Japanese cannot think of an existence that transcends the human.‟

Rodrigues:„Christianity and the Church are truths that transcend all countries and teritories. If not, what meaning is there in our missionary work?‟ (p. 241)

The quotation above is Rodrigues‟ answer, taken from the conversation

between Rodrigues and Ferreira, when they met in Japan. Ferreira had changed his name as Sawano Chuan, and became the Buddha follower. Since in the seminary, Ferreira had taught Rodrigues to be a great missionary, but then Ferreira made Rodrigues doubt about his missionary activity in Japan can be successful.



consider the risk and the consequences that he must face. He believes that God

always brought the good result for his actions.

4. Caring

In the Seminary, Rodrigues had taught the qualifications to be a priest. The person who wants to be a priest must give his whole life and energy to take care the needs of people. In Latin it is called “cura animarum” or the cure of the

souls. Rowdon, in Church Leaders Handbook, said that shepherding involves protection, tending to needs, strengthening the weak, encouragement, feeding the

flock, making provision, shielding, refreshing, restoring, leading by example to

move people on in their pursuit of holiness, comforting guiding (Pss 78:52; 23)

I have been told that the rain falls continuously for more than a month. With the coming of the rain the officials will probably relax their vigilance, so I intend to make use of this opportunity to travel around the neighborhood and search out the remaining Christians. I want to let them know as quickly as possible that they are not utterly abandoned and alone. (p.48)

The incident above shows that Rodrigues is a kind pastor. According to his

job, he must take care the souls of his shepherds, especially for faith matters. This character can be seen by Sebastian‟s direct comment. It is based on Murphy‟s

theory of characterization (1972). In the other part, he also shows his spirit to

meet the faithful.


As a young priest, Rodrigues still had a fresh memory about becoming a

good priest as Jesus did in the previous time. In the Seminary, Rodrigues character seemingly rose from himself, to make connection with people and being presence

in the center of faithful life. The presence of a priest, can bring the dynamic

energy and lift the spirits to those who need encouragement.

5. Undetermined

At the end of this novel, Rodrigues‟ character can be interpreted as undetermined man. The persecution and temptation that Rodrigues faced made him felt unsure about his life. As a priest, the capability to hear God‟s voice

become the important roles to make a movement or disposition. In the novel, Kichijiro‟s treachery made Rodrigues questioned about his faith.

Men are born into two categories: the strong and the weak, the saints and the commonplace, the heroes and those who respect them. In time of persecution the strong are burnt in the flames and drowned in the sea; but the weak, like Kichijiro, lead a vagabond life in the mountains. As for you (I now spoke to myself) which category do you belong to? Were it not for consciousness of your priesthood and your pride, perhaps you like Kichijiro would trample on the fumie. (pp.77-78)

The quotation above is Rodrigues‟ thoughts about Kichijiro. It is analyzed using Murphy‟s theory (1972), derived from thoughts. Rodrigues compares

Kichijiro as Judas that betray Jesus in the Gethsemane garden. By kissing Jesus, Judas sells Jesus to the Jews. The examination of Kichijiro leads Rodrigues to

wonder whether apostate his faith, by trampling the icon of Christ (fumie), or keep his faith and be a martyr, like the other Christian martyrs that lived in the



In the end of the novel when Rodrigues was arrested in the prison, he compares himself compare to the traitor, Kichijiro. There is no different between him and Kichijiro, both of them chose to apostate their faith. Allport (1970) says “cultural ways, social situation, and individual‟s role within social systems plays

role in individual‟s development personality” (p. 194). The situation in Japan at that time was difficult to the missionary activity, especially to the Christians. Because of that, Rodrigues chose to save his life and the other Christians, although he must apostatize the Catholic faith.

B. The meaning of Father Sebastian Rodrigues’ decision

In this part, the meaning of Sebastian Rodrigues is divided into two parts. First part is about literal meaning or the surface meaning of the Rodrigues‟

decision to convert to Buddhism. The literal meaning can be found after the

researcher elaborates the events that happened in Rodrigues` journey. Second part is the deeper meaning that the researcher found after reading the whole of the

novel. The researcher interprets the deeper meaning by using the theory of

psychoanalysis by Freud.

1. Literal Meaning of Sebastian Rodrigues’ Decision (Ego)

In this part, the literal meaning of Sebastian Rodrigues‟ decision to

convert to Buddhism can be found explicitly in the novel. To analyze this part, the researcher used Freud psychological approach theory (1958). Freud (1958) states that personality has three parts, namely the id, the ego, and the superego.


the basic instinct that needs to be fulfilled by human without considering the reality. While the ego helps human fulfill his or her needs through the reality and it operates according to the reality principles. In Rodrigues‟' case, the ego works well because the ego works through the environment and reality that happened in the Rodrigues‟ life. He wants to save Christians from persecution

and from punishment, by making himself as a traitor of faith.

How his foot aches! And then the Christ in bronze speaks to the priest: „Trample! Trample! I more than anyone know of the pain in your foot. Trample! It was to be trampled on by men that I was born into this world. It was to share men‟s pain that I carried my cross!‟(p.98)

Rodrigues knew that as a religious leader he must give a good example for the people. This makes sense for him because he must face the reality and the idealism of faith. Rodrigues plays himself as Jesus, what Jesus will do if He faces the event like him. In the other hand, Rodrigues remembers about hundreds of Christian martyrs who sacrifice their life to keep the faith.

Rodrigues, as a young priest has a good perception about his mission. He is very sure that his trip will be blessed by God, and that God will protect them from any difficulties. Rodrigues‟ thought that martyrdom is a kind of

privilege for those who want to be a warrior for Catholic faith. Actually, in the seminary Rodrigues also had taught about this how glorious to be a martyr by his teacher, Ferreira. Unfortunately, Rodrigues also disappointed because Ferreiara had apostate his faith.



his faith when he has seen suffering and persecution toward the Christians by Japanese government. They also force to apostasy their faith. What he has seen made him doubt about the existence of God, The Almighty. It can be seen in page 96:

I supposed I should simply cast from my mind these meaningless words of the coward; yet why does his plaintive voice pierce my breast with all the pain of a sharp needle? Why has Our Lord imposed this torture and this persecution on poor Japanese peasants? No, Kichijiro was trying to express something different, something even more sickening. The silence of God. Already twenty years have passed since the persecution broke out; the black soil of Japan has been filled with the lament of so many Christians; the red blood of priests has flowed profusely; and in the face of this terrible and merciless sacrifice offered up to Him, God has remained silent. This was the problem that lay behind the plaintive question of Kichijiro.

2. True Meaning (Id)

The deeper meaning of Sebastian Rodrigues’ decision to convert to

Buddhism can be seen after the readers read the novel completely. It means that

the decision of Rodrigues can be explained not only by showing the meaning of

what the character says, but also it can be explained from the motivation of the

character. In explaining the deeper meaning of Rodrigues‟ decision, we can analyze from the character’s do and say.

In order to reveal the true meaning, the researcher used motivation theory

from Freud (1958) and Jung (1978).In the beginning of the story, we must know first that Rodrigues‟ mission come to Japan is not to baptize people or spreading


former teacher in the Seminary. He is father Ferreira who lost contact with the Jesuit order and the Holy See.

Actually, in Rodrigues‟ mind there is no dream to become in the difficult

situation, especially in the year of Japan‟s persecution. His mission is so simple,

to find the truth about his teacher, Ferreira, whether he is apostates his Catholic faith or not. Furthermore, if Ferreira has been found, they will take him to go back to Portugal with him and Garrpe. Rodrigues has a great confidence that his teacher did not apostate his faith.

Rodrigues‟ idealistic minds fall into doubt when he meets Inoue, the

governor of Chikugo a former Catholic and an old samurai. He has a good reputation in the Kingdom of Japan about torturing Christians and he forces them to apostate the Catholic faith. Inoue has a good idea to kill some of Christians include father Garrpe, Rodrigues‟ best friend.

There are three Christians, and Garrpe, that are rolled out in the sea. The way to save the Christian is if Garrpe apostate his faith. In Rodrigues‟ mind, he wants Garrpe to apostate his faith, but he still remembers about his image as a priest, in the other hand he wants to save the life of the people. Finally, they are all dead drowns among the waves. Rodrigues‟ feel disappointed about that event,

especially when the interpreter mocked him as a weak-willed and not proper to be called “father”.



of those who ignorant people is flowing again. ‟At least Garrpe was clean. But you..you.. You are the most weak willed. You don‟t deserve the name of “father”.‟ (p.206)

In this part, the novel shows that Rodrigues must choose whether or not he makes a sin against God, by apostate his faith, or against human morality. He wants to escape the Christians by making himself as a traitor, but in the deep of his heart he can do that because he is a priest. A priest must be the representation to preserve the faith despite must sentence to death. But in this case, the government also persecuted the peasant, who did not any mistakes. This situation makes Rodrigues feels confused to decide which resolution that he will choose.

Furthermore, Rodrigues feels dilemma after he had been tortured and jailed under Inoue‟s order. In the jail, the interpreter begs Rodrigues to apostate

his faith and save the life of Japanese Christians. The interpreter feels that his brother and sister must die in vain just to keep their “stupid” faith. The interpreter tried to convince Rodrigues to forget his dreams and becoming a Buddhist.

“Well father. How is it? Does no one come to help you? To your right and left are there nothing but voices of derision? And to thing that you came to this country for them; and yet not a single one feels that he needs you. You‟re useless fellow--useless.” (p.239)


Ferreira, who taught the ideality of a Catholic priest precisely leave his glorious faith.

In the propaganda that was arranged by Inoue, Ferreira came to the front of Rodrigues and tells him about the situation. He tries to assure Rodrigues that a priest must watch and release people from sufferings, especially in persecution issue. Ferreira told Rodriguess that prayer does nothing to alleviate the sufferings, but actions do. He begs Rodrigues not to selfish but to think the people‟s life too. This is the quotes that Ferreira told to Rodrigues:

“Certainly Christ would apostatized for them.... Christ would certainly apostatized to help men.” ( p. 257)

Ferreira reminds Rodrigues that a priest must imitate Christ as a role of his life. In the persecution time, when the peasant will be the victims, Christ will forgive them who apostate Him, because the most important things is charity action, rather than the idealistic of faith. Ferreira said that he eventually apostatizes because of the silence of God, he always prays and begs to God to release him and the Christians, but there is no answer, so he decides to save the Chriatians by trample the fumie.

In the day when Rodrigues was put to the jail, there are three unfortunate Christians are hanged and suspended in the pit. Behind their ears a small incision has been made, so the blood can slowly drip through the incision. They were moaning every night, and Rodrigues supposes that the sound is person‟s snoring. The official granted that if Rodrigues



The day after the conversation with Ferreira, the fumie was brought in the front of Rodrigues. Rodrigues thinks the significance of Christ figure in his life, especially when he still young. In the other hand he remembered the Christians who are moaning in the pit. When he looked at the bronze Christ face, he hears the revelation

„Trample! Trample! I more than anyone know the pain in your foot. Trample! It was to be trampled on by men that I was born into this world. It was to share men‟s pain that I carried my cross.‟ ( p.259) In the end of Chapter 8, Rodrigues put his foot on the fumie, and the officials release the three Christians from the pit. After Rodrigues has apostatized his faith, Inoue give her a privilege to take over the land in Kobinatacho, Edo. Inoue also gives Rodrigues a house and wife of a recently deceased man. He will take over the dead man‟s name; Okada

Sanemon (p.283)

Rodrigues action shows that he has a difficult choice to choose. In the deep of his heart, he still wants to be a priest. Apostasy is a shame for him, because of his decision Rodrigues automatically being expelled from the Catholic Church, the dearest institution in his life. Harjana (1991) states that human action is dealing with life and social conditions (p.85). By this action, Rodrigues choose to save the human‟s life rather than stand on the




This chapter consists of two parts. They are the conclusions and the

suggestions. The conclusions focus on the characterization of Sebastian Rodrigues. The characterization contains of literal and the true meaning of

Sebastian Rodrigues' decision to convert to Buddhism, which are analyzed in

Chapter IV. The suggestions consist of the suggestions for the future writers and

English teachers.

A. Conclusions

The conclusions part deal with the problems formulation that have been discussed in Chapter IV. First, it is about Sebastian Rodrigues character as seen in Shusaku Endo‟s Silence. Second, it deals with the true meaning of Sebastian

Rodrigues decision to convert to Buddhism. The researcher used the theory of character and characterization to answer the first question and theory of motivation to answer the second question.

The first finding is how Sebastian Rodrigues is described in Shusaku Endo‟s Silence. In the novel, Rodrigues is categorized as a major character. He



The character of Sebastian Rodrigues in the Silence is described as a young Catholic priest who craves as the witness of Christ to spread the gospel among infidel. With the enthusiastic he chooses to go to Japan with his friends. Japan has known as a mission island for the missionary activity. But, the mission to Japan actually is not to spread the gospel, but to find his former teacher in the seminary, Ferreira.

The process of searching for his teacher makes him feel awesome with the faith of the hidden Christians in Japan. They can survive almost six years, since the government issues decree about the prohibition of Christian faith and the missionary activity. The government‟s decree makes Christians fall in the difficult

situation; they must be punished if they are proved practice the Christian faith. The struggle of Japanese Christian makes Rodrigues realizes himself as a good shepherd who finds the lost sheep.

Rodrigues tries the best what he can do to serve the Christians; his mind is full of caring of the flock. Although Garrpe had reminded him about the risks when the government know their activities. He dedicates himself to ministering the sacraments among the Christians. He chooses to trust strange Christians who come from other island, despite they can be the spies from government. Because of his trust, he can meet another hidden Christians who need the presence of a priest.

The bad side of Rodrigues‟ character is; he is easy to become a doubtful


supposes the priest to be the role model for the Christians to keep their faith in God and believe that God will provide what the needs of the people.

Rodrigues began his doubt when he has seen so many sufferings since Christians to be persecuted and tortured because of the faith. Since he has left Portugal, Rodrigues has not yet seen the sufferings that must be face by people because of religion. He questions about the silence of God. Although he still believes in God, but he thinks how Christians‟ suffering and death can be

meaningful, if God does not exist and religion just the the creation of man.

The second finding is about the true meaning of Sebastian Rodrigues‟

decision. the researcher divided the meaning into two, literal meaning and deeper meaning. The first literary meaning, Rodrigues realizes himself as a Catholic priest. Since come to Japan, he was grappling with his faith and he cannot able to understand the burden and sufferings that must face by Japanese Christians. It means that, his decision is influenced by the people around him, especially the Christians.

Next, the deeper meaning of Rodrigues‟ decision can be seen from his motivation to come to Japan. His motivation is to find his apostate teacher Ferreira. So, the mission is not about to spread the Gospel, but just to find one person only. However, Rodrigues has a strong desire to be a good pastor for the Christians. He is care about Christians, especially about their life. Because of that, after he has met his teacher, he chooses to apostatize his faith and follow his teacher‟s step to save the peasant by leaving the Catholic faith and trample the



Silence is a literary work that containing reflective values. In this novel, the readers are invited to explore the notion of the existence of God. Sometimes people only remember God when they are happy. But in times of suffering, they begin to berate God and do not believe in His existence. Through his novel, Endo plays with human feelings. Endo raised the figure of a priest as a form of holiness that is often seen by humans. Nevertheless, the priest; as a holy person, choose to save his life and refuses his faith

If the readers view from the religious standpoint, Rodrigues action is a great insult to God. Rodrigues is a coward who will not die for the sake of faith. On the other hand, when the readers look at the terms of humanism, what Rodrigues does is solely to save the lives of innocent Christians. He is more concerned with humanity than to save the holiness of his religion.

B. Suggestions

This part proposes suggestions for future researchers who are interested in

Shusaku Endo’s novel, Silence, and suggestions for English teachers and lecturers

in using this novel as a learning material to teach English.

1. Suggestion for Future Researchers

In this research, the researcher only limits to the characteristics and the true meaning of Sebastian Rodrigues‟ decision to convert to Buddhism. There are


some of metaphor to make his novel becomes alive. Because of that, the researcher suggests the future researchers to analyze about the using of metaphor in Silence novel

2. Suggestion for English Lecturers

Silence is a great masterpiece of Shusaku Endo. It is about the European

Catholic priest who came to Japan. It is very interesting because the readers can

see the different culture and standard between Europe and Japan. A lecturer can

use this novel to teach the students how the cross cultural understanding can

influence the man’s perspective about something that is important, like faith.

Silence is also good for the students who have interest in literature field. The metaphor, symbolism and characteristic that contain in the novel can be analyzed by students, especially for those whose want to know about the deeper

meaning of the excellence novel. This novel can be the material to teach Prose or




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Appendix 1

Summary of Silence

Silence tells the story of Sebastian Rodrigues, a young Jesuit priest in Portugal. In 1637, he sets out for Japan alongside two priest companions. They plan to go to Japan both to do missionary work and to find out the truth about their teacher, Christovao Ferreira, a well-respected missionary and theologian in Japan who has recently been shamed because of his apostasy. In Japan, the Christians live under heavy persecution and are often tortured into apostasy.

In Macao, Rodrigues and his companion Garrpe make the acquaintance of Kichijiro, a Japanese man who knows Christians that practice their faith in secret. He is shifty and an alcoholic, but the best choice for a guide that Garrpe and Rodrigues have. They arrive in Japan in a small town called Tomogi, near Nagasaki. Here Rodrigues and Garrpe administer their faith from a secret hut high up a hill. Things go tolerably well, if cold and hungry, for a while. But soon Rodrigues's faith is test: two Christians from the village, when asked to apostatize, refuse. They are then left in the ocean on stakes to die of exhaustion. Rodrigues begins to question why God is silent in the face of this horrible suffering of his followers.



the two Japanese Christians by apostatizing. He begs for forgiveness for his weakness, which Rodrigues reluctantly grants. Soon thereafter he betrays Rodrigues by turning him over the Christian-hunting officials. Rodrigues is jailed along with several Japanese Christians. He meets with an interpreter who urges him to apostatize, but Rodrigues refuses. Rodrigues is taken to another prison.

There he meets Inoue, the local magistrate, who is much feared for his gruesome torture methods. Inoue appears to be a kindly old man who tries to convince Rodrigues to apostatize because the Christianity of Japan can never put down solid roots; he claims that the land is fundamentally inhospitable to the religion. Still Rodrigues will not apostatize. When one of the Christians is murdered for not apostatizing, Rodrigues again questions why God has not stepped forward.

The remaining Christians in the village are taken out to sea and drowned for not apostatizing. Garrpe, who has reappeared, tries to save them but drowns. In his head, Rodrigues contemplates telling Garrpe to apostatize to save them, but cannot bring himself to say it. He is once more horrified by God's silence at this massacre. Rodrigues falls into a deep depression, and eventually is taken to meet Ferreira. Ferreira has apostatized and is in fact writing a book refuting Christianity. He too tells Rodrigues to apostatize.


Figure 2.1 Maslow’s five stages of motivation


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