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HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN DENGAN SIKAP RELATIONSHIP KNOWLEDGE WITH ATTITUDE IN THE PREVENTION Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dengan Sikap Dalam Pencegahan Komplikasi Penderita Hipertensi Di RSUD DR. Moewardi Surakarta.


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN DENGAN SIKAP RELATIONSHIP KNOWLEDGE WITH ATTITUDE IN THE PREVENTION Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dengan Sikap Dalam Pencegahan Komplikasi Penderita Hipertensi Di RSUD DR. Moewardi Surakarta."


Teks penuh






Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

of Bachelor Degree of Nursing


NUREESA DOLOH J 210.112.006






By: Nureesa Doloh

Complications of hypertension, for example, stroke, kidney failure and hypertrophy is a condition that worsens the health status of patients with hypertension can cause disability and even death. The attitude of hypertensive patients in the prevention of complications is a major factor in preventive measures complications of hypertension. This study aims to determine the relationship between the levels of knowledge with attitude in the prevention of complications in patients with hypertension. This research is descriptive correlative with cross sectional approach. Sample study was 76 hypertensive outpatients at Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta with accidental sampling technique. Collecting data using questionnaires were analyzed using Chi Square

test. Results of the analysis of Chi Square decided H0 (p = 0.0001) which means

there is a correlation between knowledge with attitude prevention of complications of hypertension. The research conclusion that patient’s hypertensions have less knowledge levels and negative attitudes. There was a relationship between knowledge and attitudes prevention of complications of hypertension. Prevention of complications can be done by increasing the knowledge of hypertension patients through information provided nurses to patients with hypertension

Keywords: knowledge, attitude, prevention, complications, hypertension. .



World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that the number of patients with hypertension continues to increase. Data of patients with hypertension in the world around one billion people and is increasing every year. The number of hypertensive patients in Indonesia as much as 32 % between the ages of 25 years and above with number more men (42.7 %) than women (39.2 %). The prevalence of 6-15 % in adults, 50 % of them do not realize as hypertensive patients so they tend to be severe hypertension because it does not avoid and do not know resikinya factor, and 90 % is an essential hypertension (Armilawaty, 2009).

Hypertension is a state of increased blood pressure that lead to various complications, such as stroke, kidney failure, and right ventricular hypertrophy (Bustan, 2007). American Society of Hypertension (ASH) defines hypertension as a progressive cardiovascular syndrome as a result of other conditions that are complex and interconnected.

Knowledge or cognitive is very important in shaping a person's actions (over behavior). Behavior based on knowledge will be more lasting than behavior that is not based on knowledge (Mubarak and Iqbal, 2006). According Mustaida (2000) there is a relationship between the level of knowledge of hypertensive patients with uncontrolled blood pressure. Hypertensive patients increased knowledge about the disease will lead to the advancement of thinking about better health behaviors that

will affect the uncontrolled blood pressure.

The number of hypertensive patients at Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta showed fluctuations from year to year, but in high quantities. Data of patients with hypertension in 2012 as many as 1438 patients (667

outpatients and 358 hospitalizations), increased to 2483

patients (1151 outpatient and 617 inpatient) in 2013, and falling back to 1950 patients (904 outpatients and 485 hospitalizations) in 2014. Meanwhile, in January 2015 the number of hypertensive patients who went to the Hospital Dr. Moerwardi Surakarta total of 103 outpatients.

One of the factors associated with the incidence of complications in patients with hypertension is the attitude of patients to complications. Lifestyle owned by hypertensive patients, such as smoking and consuming coffee and so on. The tendency of people to ignore prevention of complications of hypertension can also be caused by lack of patient him to influence their lifestyle against the complications of hypertension.


people said not to take actions to prevent complications. Five people said that they eat foods containing salt eg salted fish, salted eggs and others, while one person still has not quit smoking.

The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between knowledge with attitude in the prevention of complications in patients with hypertension in hospitals. Dr. Moewardi Surakarta.


Design of Study

This study is a descriptive method that is correlative studies to examine the relationship between symptoms with other symptoms, or variables with other variables (Notoatmojo, 2007). In this study is to look for the analysis of correlation between knowledge and attitudes prevention of complications in patients with hypertension in hospitals. Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, the approach used was a cross sectional study design which is to perform measurements or observations at the same time (one time) (Arikunto, 2010).

Population and sample

The population for this study were all patients with hypertension outpatient Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta. Data hypertensive patients in 2014 amounted to 904 outpatients. The samples were 76 patients with the determination of accidental sampling technique.

Measuring of study

This study uses a measuring instrument in the form of a questionnaire prevention compli-cation of hipertension.

The Data Analyzed

Analysis of the data in this study is bivariate. To be able to test and analyze the data used Chi Square technique.


Univariate Analysis

Frequency Distribution of Knowledge

Table 1 Frequency Distribution of Knowledge

No Knowledge F %

1 2 3

Less Moderate


36 29 11

47% 38% 15%

Total 76 100%

Category Distribution of Attitude

Table 2 Category Distribution of Attitude

No Attitude F %

1 2

Negative Positive

39 37

51% 49%


Relationship knowledge with attitude to prevention

complication of hipertension

Table 3. Relationship knowledge with attitude to prevention complication of hipertension significance value (p - value) of 0.0001. Value research significance (p - value) is less than 0.05

(0.0001χResults of chi square

analyzes the relationship of knowledge about the complications with the attitude obtained prevention of complications < 0.0) so that the decision is H0 is rejected, it was concluded there is a relationship between the level of knowledge with attitude in the prevention of complications in patients with hypertension in hospitals. Dr.Moewardi Surakarta.

Further cross-tabulation relationship between the levels of knowledge with attitude in the prevention of complications in patients with hypertension in hospitals. Dr. Moewardi Surakarta showed that the higher the knowledge of the respondent, the more positive attitude.


Knowledge about prevention of Hypertention

The frequency distribution of knowledge about the prevention of complications of hypertension showed the highest distribution is less knowledge as many as 36 respondents (47 %). Based on the results of the analysis of the respondents' knowledge about the prevention of complications is less

good. Respondents' knowledge about the complications of hypertension includes the extent to which the respondents know the ways to prevent the onset of complications. Ways of preventing hypertension understood by respondents include what is meant by the complications of hypertension, the behavior of what should be done to prevent complications of hypertension and how treatment of hypertension.

Knowledge of hypertensive patients about the prevention of complications of hypertension as expressed in the research Jie Gu et al (2014) who studied hypertensive patients' knowledge about the prevention of hypertension in Shanghai China. This study describes the knowledge about the prevention of hypertension patients with hypertension include restriction of salt intake, receive health information on a regular basis, and visited communities’ hypertensive patients to get blood pressure control services.


The level of knowledge is influenced by several factors including the level of education and experience. The education level of respondents are mostly elementary ie a total of 33 respondents (38 %). The education level of respondents is relatively low causing the respondent 's ability to understand information about the complications of hypertension becomes less. Sadiman (2002) revealed that the level of education relates to a person's ability to understand and analyze the information into knowledge, it is because the person's education is taught about understanding the information into knowledge.

Another factor is the experience possessed by people with hypertension associated with hypertension treatment patterns were done over the years. The actions carried out by people with hypertension and provide a certain effect on his health to be a source of knowledge about hypertension. These experiences such as when patients consume food that is diet and hypertension, for example, salt meat, so when they eat both these foods in excess and subsequently cause an increase in their blood pressure. The experience that consumes salt and meat causes increased blood pressure would be a source of knowledge of hypertensive patients in particular on foods that should be avoided for patients with hypertension.

Cateqory of Attitude

Category distribution attitude of prevention of complications of hypertension showed the highest distribution is the negative attitude that is 39 respondents (51 %). Negative attitude has a tendency to

ignore the respondents are efforts to prevent complications. The negative attitude shown by the behavior of the respondents in a blood pressure measurement is not routinely performed. Most respondents never avoid foods high berkolestrol and contain high salt, not taking antihypertensive medication regularly, although the work piling

rest, exercise regularly, control your emotions when you're angry.

The results are consistent with research Awotidebe et al (2013), which examined the relationship of knowledge, attitude toward the behavior of blood pressure control in hypertensive patients in Nigeria. The study concluded that the attitude of the pressure control in hypertensive patients is negative.


Relationship knowledge with attitude to prevention

complication of hipertension χ2obs 18.018 with a significance value (p-value) of 0.0001. the conclusion of the study is the relationship between the level of knowledge with attitude in the prevention of complications in patients with hypertension in hospitals. Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, where the higher the knowledge of the respondent, the more positive attitude.χResults of chi square analyzes the relationship of knowledge about the complications with the attitude obtained prevention of complications

Attitudes are generally associated with a healthy attitude that has the sense of an attitude that is based on the principles of health where it is obtained from the learning process. Learning is a process for obtaining the knowledge, views and skills needed to produce a certain attitude or demeanor (Machfoedz, 2005).

Attitude change in people's lives according to Bloom 's theory in Notoatmodjo (2003) occurs in three stages. The first stage is the knowledge which is the result of someone doing out after sensing to a particular object. Knowledge is a very important factor in shaping a person's actions. The several factors that influence an individual's level of knowledge factors include education, experience, information, the environment and cultural and socio-economic conditions of a person (Notoatmodjo, 2007). The second stage is an attitude that is a reaction or response is still closed from a person against a stimulus that can not be directly seen. Attitude is a readiness to act but not an action (Notoatmodjo, 2007). The third stage is the implementation of what was

addressed someone, manifested in tangible actions which are a form of attitude.

This study shows that there is a relationship between the level of knowledge about the complications of hypertension with an attitude of prevention of complications of hypertension in patients with hypertension in the village Batuwarno Batuwarno Wonogiri districts turned out to support the results of previous research. The first study conducted by Berlinda (2013) on "Relationships level of knowledge about the prevention of complications of hypertension with the attitude of hypertension in patients with hypertension in Panti Wredha Pangesti Lawang Malang". The study concluded that there is a correlation level of knowledge about the prevention of complications of hypertension with the attitude of hypertension (p-value = 0.002). Another study conducted by Hae-ra (2007), which examined the relationship of knowledge, beliefs customs control blood pressure in the Korean American community adulthood. This study shows that there is a relationship of knowledge to the habits of blood pressure control, where the higher the better knowledge of the habit.

Conclussion and Suggestion



hypertension in patients with hypertension in hospitals. Dr. Moewardi Surakarta largely negative in which patients pay less attention to the prevention of complications of hypertension. The study also shows there is a correlation between knowledge with attitude in the prevention of complications of hypertension in patients with hypertension in Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, ie the higher the patient's level of knowledge in the prevention of complications of hypertension attitude more positive.


The study was conducted at the time the respondent waiting in a hospital waiting room as well as researchers wait for filling out the questionnaire. These conditions allow respondents uncomfortable and rush into filling out the questionnaire, so there is a possibility that the information provided is less describes the patient's actual condition.


Results of this study hopefully can be a reference for the development of further research, among other researchers seeking questionnaires by respondents really describe the condition of the respondents, for example by providing a longer time in filling out the questionnaire, as well as the observations to several respondents as a crosscheck against the respondents in questionnaire.


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*Nureesa Doloh: S1 Nursing Student FIK UMS. Jln A Yani Tromol Post 1 Kartasura

** Agus Sudaryanto, S.Kep, Ns., M.Kes: Lecturer of Nursing FIK UMS. Jln A Yani Tromol Post 1 Kartasura.

** Enita Dewi, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.N:


Table 3. Relationship knowledge with attitude to prevention complication of hipertension


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