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Method and Design of The Research In this research, the researcher uses quantitative research method


Academic year: 2023

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CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Place and Time of the Research

1. Place

The Research take place at MAS Al-wutsqo, it is located in Kp.

Panembong Desa Tenjolaya Kecamatan Kasomalang, Kab.Subang, Province West java.

2. Time

The research conducted in the Tenth Grade of Academic year 2022/2023, and Organize in August - September 2022. This research conducted for 6 meetings. The first meeting is used for pre-test, the second meeting until fifth meeting are used for treathment, and the last meeting used for post-test. On the other hands, the activity of research as follow table:

Table 3.1



W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4

Reseach Proposal

Intrument preparation

Permission of the Reseach



Post Test

Data Analysis

Reseach Presentation


Schedule of the Research

B. Method and Design of The Research

In this research, the researcher uses quantitative research method.

According to Aliaga and Gunderson (2002) quantitative research is an inquiry into a social problem, explain phenomena by gathering numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based methods e.g. in particular statistics. There are multiple types of quantitative research one of theme is experimental research design which is use in this research.

Experimental Research design is a research a research which has the purpose to find the cause-effect relationship among variables in a controlled condition (Sugiyono, 2006:80).

There are three types of experimental design:

1) Pre-experimental research design 2) True experimental research design 3) Quasi-experimental research design

Since uses one control group and random sample then this research indicate pre experiment research design. Pre-experiments are the simplest form of research design. In a pre-experiment either a single group or multiple groups are observed subsequent to some treatment presumed to cause change (Sugiyono: 2006).


This study classified in to experimental research that use one group pre test and post test design. In the one group pre-test and post-test design, a single group is measured or observed not only after being exposed to a treatment of some sort, but also before it by applying pre-test. A pre-test provides a measure on some attribute or characteristic that the researcher asses for participants in an experiment before the group receive a treatment, while a post-test measure on some attribute or characteristic that is assessed for participants in an experiment after a treatment (Creswell, 2008:301).

C. Population and Sample of the Research 1. Population

Fraenkel and Wallen (1993:79) stated that a population is the group to which the results of the study are intended to apply. The population in this research is the tenth grade students consist 20 students of MAS Al-Wutsqo in Panembong Kasomalang in the academic year of 2022/2023

2. Sample

Sample is the group of Participant whom the Research actually examines in an empirical investigation (Dornyei, p.96, 2007). The Researcher take one class of MAS Al-Wutsqo consist 20 Students.

D. Technique of Data Collection

This research has two variables to the measured, which are variable‟

influence enrolling English Club program‟ and „student speaking skill‟. Both


variables measured from each individual of the sample by employing two different data techniques.

In order, to find out students speaking ability. The researcher give speaking test to the students in this study. The researcher give the topic to be material of discussion. And the students have to speak up about introduction. In measuring influence enrolling English Club program‟. The researcher interview face to face to students and distributed 15 questions in questionnaire.

E. Research Instrument

One of most important activities in doing research is how to get and collect the data needed: the researcher has tried to apply some appropriate research instrument. According to Wilkinson and Birmingham (2003: 3) Research Instrument are simply devices for obtaining information relevant to research project and there are many alternatives from which to choose.

Instruments are tools used in scientific or non-scientific research to determine the results of a study. And in this research, the researcher chooses instrument in collecting all the data that are test and interview.

1. Speaking Test

Speaking test is an instrument which is to know the ability of students‟

speaking skill both before pre-test and after post-test the learning proses. Both tests are given the student's individual ability a pre-test is to see the student's initial ability, and the posttest is to look at the student's speaking ability in the group. The five criteria are the components of speaking skill. In this Reseach, the


students are scored based on five components of speaking skill by using the scale rating scores of Brown (2004: 172). The Speaking Assesment are pronounciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension.

In order to case computation, the researcher adopted the small score of J.B Heaton cited from Azzahroh (2015) to the scale of 100 as follows:

5 = 85-100 4 = 75-84 3 = 65-75 2 = 55-64 1= Below 55

Valid and reliable are the criteria of good instrument. The instruments are valid if it measures what it supposes to be measured.

a. Validity

According to Zohrabi, M. (2013, p. 258) Validity is concerned with weather our research is believable and true and weather it is evaluating what it is supposed or purports to evaluate. The technique for determining the validity is using the type of product-moment correlation statistics by Pearson cited on Arifin (2009). The product-moment correlation formula as follows:


( )( )

√* ( ) +* ( ) + (Arifin, Z. 2009, p. 254)




: Coefficient correlation N : Total of participant

: Score Students x

: Score Students y

After counting the data, the researcher does interpret the coefficient score (r) to know the classification of coefficient validity in getting. Arifin, (2009) stated the classification of coefficient validity can see in the table 3.2:

Table 3.2 Validity Clasification

No. Interpretation

1. 0,81 - 1,00 Very strong

2. 0,61 - 0,80 Strong

3. 0,41 - 0,60 Enough

4. 0,21 - 0,40 Low

5. 0,00- 0,20 Very low

b. Reliability

Reliability to measure the extent to which procedures in experimental studies interpreted thoroughly and reliability may also be subject to multiple sources of random error in measurement, including problems related to


context, data collection procedures, instrument characteristics, analytical procedures, and participant idiosyncrasies .

In this study, the researcher used the equivalent coefficient according to the calculation of Pearson's product-moment which was taken from Arifin (2009). In this research to analysis, the consistency of question in the instrument used Formula Spearman Brown:


( ) ) (Arifin, 2009) Description:

:Reliability instrument

: The length of the test which is always equal to 2 for the whole test

=2 x

:Number of Validity

After calculation and interpretation of coefficient ( ). To know the classification of the obtained reliability. As Arifin (2009) stated, classification of reliability coefficients can be seen in the following table:

Table 3.3 Realibility clasification

No. Interpretation

1. 0,81 - 1,00 Very strong

2. 0,61 - 0,80 Strong

3. 0,41 - 0,60 Enough


4. 0,21 - 0,40 Low

5. 0,00- 0,20 Very low

The data from speaking Test were gathered through several steps:

1. The researcher give a topics about introduction, and the students speak it up one by one in front of class.

2. The researcher listened and evaluate students‟ speaking skill based on 5 indicator speaking skill as mention earlier.

2. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is use to get the information from the students related to their perspective of enrolling English Club , the questionnaire was given to the student in last meeting of this reseach. The questionnaire was adopted by wahyuni et al (2019). It is consist of 15 question‟s that related to students‟

perceptions enrolling English Club.

Table 3.4 Questionnaire

No Statement Strongly


Agree Strongly Disagree

Disagreee 1 Speaking environment club is

important for me (Lingkungan English Club penting bagi saya) 2 Speaking club affects my fluency in

speaking. (Klub English mempengaruhi kelancaran dalam berbicara bahasa inggris)

3 Speaking club improves my pronunciation in speaking. (Klub English memperbaiki pengucapan dalam berbicara dalam bahasa



4 Speaking club affects my accuracy in speaking. (Klub English mempengaruhi ketepatan saya dalam berbicara bahasa inggris).

5 Speaking club improves my grammar understanding (club English meningkatkan pemahaman tata bahasa ingris saya)

6 English club increases my vocabulary mastery (Club English meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata)

7 English club reduce my

misunderstanding in speaking ( Club English mengurangi kesalahpahaman saya dalam berbicara bahasa inggris).

8 English club activities increases my confidence ( Aktivitas dalam english Club meningkatkan kepercayaan diri saya)

9 English club impacts my ability to exchange the relevant idea ( Club English mempengaruhi kemampuan saya untuk bertukar ide yang relevan)

10 Speaking club gives efficient speaking exercise.(English Club memberikan latihan berbicara yang efisien).

11 English Club can make you comfortable in learning ( klub english dapat membuat nyaman dalam belaja

12 English Club provides a new experience in learning speaking ( Club English memberikan pengalaman baru dalam belajar berbicara bahasa inggris)

13 English club provides sufficienct facilities inpractice speaking ( Klub English memberikan facilitas yang cukup dalam praktek berbicara) 14 I enjoy the English environment

Club ( Saya menikmati lingkungan dalam Club English)

15 I am not afraid of making mistakes in this club.(saya tidak takut melakukan kesalahan dalam


berbicara di Club English)

3. Interview

Interview is a conversation with a specific purpose, that are made by the two parties, namely the interviewer who asked questions and interviews that provide an answer to that question (Moleong,2006: 186). The researcher use interview to analyze students‟ perceptions and use indicators in every question when interview are: the students‟ purpose to enrolling English Club Program, the benefit of English Club Program, the influence of English Club Program, the student opinion before and after enrolling English Club.

The data from interview are gathered through steps that is the researcher choose interview with face to face. So, the researcher ask the students one by one of the student that enrolling English Club Program, it aimed to get clear information from the students.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In quantitative data analysis, the researcher uses the pretest and posttest to see the effect of enrolling English Club Program. Than to analyze students‟ perceptions the researcher uses questionnaire and interview. As for the explanation of quantitative data analysis as follows:

1. Pretest and Posttest


A pretest and post-test use to determine the extent to which students master the material before and after the treatment given. But before doing the calculations using the t-test, the authors first tested the data using the normality test and homogeneity test. To analyze pre-test and post-test the test can be done with the following steps:

1. Input Data

2. Analyze → Descriptive Statistic → Descriptive

3. In the column descriptive enter all variable into the box

4. Click option → Check Std. Division, variance, Min, Max → Continue 5. Ok

a) Normality Test

Normality test tests to measure whether our data was normal distribution or not. In determining the normality of the test the writer used the Shapiro Wilk test. According to Ghasemi, and Zahediasl (2012) for small sample sizes, normality tests have little power to reject the null hypothesis and therefore small samples most often pass normality tests.

And the Shapiro Wilk normality test and recommended these test only for a sample size of less than 50.

In normality test, by hypothesis in testing is:

H0 : Data in normal distribution H1 : Data in un normal distribution With test criteria is:

(a) If significance ≥ 0.50, then H0 is accepted


(b) If significance < 0.50, then H0 is rejected

The step to normality test on calculation data are with software SPSS version 24:

1. Analyze → Description Statistic → Explore 2. Input variable data to dependent List, Click Plots 3. Check Normality Plots with test → Continue 4. Ok

b) Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test used to investigate whether the data obtained is Homogeneous or not, the homogeneity test obtained from pre-test and post-test result. The author use Levene's test to find out that a test is homogeneous or not and the standard signification in homogeneity test is 0.50. Hypothesis and testing is:

H0 : Second variant Homogeneity class H1 : Second variant not Homogeneity class With test criteria is:

(a) If significance ≥ 0.50, then H0 in accepted (b) If significance < 0.50, then H0 I rejected

The step to homogeneity test on calculation data are with software SPSS version 20.0:

1. Analyze → Compare Mean → One-way ANOVA 2. Options → Check homogeneity of variance test 3. Click continue


4. Ok

c) T-test

According to Kim (2015) a T-test is type of statistical test that use to compare the means and t-tests are type of parametric method: they can be use when the samples satisfy the condition of normality, equal variance, and independence. So the researcher use this technique to know the different students‟ speaking skill both of class that to be the classification of the research. Researchers use two different tests for the average of simple linear regression, so that certainty is carried out on the two mean difference test, such as:

1. Both data normal and homogeny distribution, so that T-test done.

2. Both data normal distribution but no homogeny, so that the test of two average with t-test done

3. If one of both data normal distribution, then there is performed a test of homogeneity, the different test two average with statistic non parametric test done.

In two averaging test, the hypothesis tasted is as follows:

1) Statistical hypothesis for the data pretest and posttest.

H0 : μ1 = μ2 (nothing the different of average in the initial ability and ability end of the student experiment class with control class).


H1 : μ1 = μ2 ( there is different of average in the initial ability and ability end of the students experiment class with control class).

2) Statistical hypothesis for the data simple linear regression

H0 : μ1 = μ2 (there is not influence between Board Game model toward students‟ speaking skill)

H1 : μ1 = μ2 (there is influence between Board Game towards students speaking skill).

As for the criteria of tasting are as follows:

If significant value > 0,05 so that H0 is accepted If significant value > 0,05 so that H0 is rejected

The step to homogeneity test on calculation data are with software SPSS version 20.0:

1. Analyze → compare means→ one-sample T- Test 2. Data value move to test variable

3. Fill the Test Value 4. Ok

2. Interview

Analyzing interview use several steps:

- The researcher make transcriptions of the result of interview - The researcher conclude the result of interview.

3. Questionnaire

The writer provided a questionnaire that consists of 20 items in the form of a Likert scale. For positive items the SS (Strongly Agree) is given


a score 5, the S (Agree) is given score 4, the N (Neutral) is given score 3, the D (Disagree) is given score 2 and the SD (Strongly Disagree) is given score 1 (Masda, 2018: 32). In analyzing the students‟ response, the writer uses formula:

P = the percentage

F = frequency of the percentage is being calculated N = number of cases

After tabulating all answers, the writer calculate the percentage of the strength of response by using formula as follow: (Hidayati, 2015: 45)

Percentage (P) =

This data was analyzed with the criteria guidelines from Riduwan in Hidayati (2015: 46) as follows:

Table 3.5

Criteria of Percentage Rubric

Percentage Category

80% < P ≤100% Very Strong

65% < P ≤ 80% Strong

55% < P ≤ 65% Moderate

40% < P ≤ 55% Low

0% < P ≤ 40% Very Low


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