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Euis Umi Kulsum, 2013




A Case Study of One International School in Tangerang

Research Paper

Submitted as fullfilment of the requirement

to obtain the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in International Program on Science


Prepared by:

Euis Umi Kulsum 0902165






A Case Study of one International School in Tangerang


Euis Umi Kulsum

Registration Number: 0902165

Approved and authorized by:

First Supervisor

Dr. Agus Setiabudi, M.Si. NIP: 196808031992031002

Second Supervisor

Dr. Yayan Sanjaya, M.Si. NIP: 197112312001121001

Head of Study Program of International Program on Science Education


Euis Umi Kulsum, 2013


I, the undersigned, hereby declare that this research paper which entitled “








entirely the result of my own work where all

sources have been properly acknowledged and the research paper contains no plagiarism. Accordingly, I shall be solely responsible for taking penalty as the case of any action against this statement.

Bandung, August 2013





This study was conducted in an attempt to provide a description in relation to the strategies of teaching which is conducted while running Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) curriculum. The investigation was carried out in one international school which applies Cambridge curriculum located in Tangerang. This study involved physics teacher at IGCSE level who are teaching Cambridge IGCSE syllabus, as a source of information research. Case study as one of qualitative method is undertaken in order to examine and describe the issues concerning whether the teaching strategies used by teacher who is teaching the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus in latent heat topic reflect efforts in achieving compliance of the goals contained in the curriculum. In an effort to get the picture, all the five instruments constructed were deployed as a tool in capturing the data needed to answer those four research questions. The research findings shows that in practice, although Cambridge has set a goal topic that is written in a syllabus, but it is allowable for teacher to develop the objectives of lesson which still refers to the objectives written in the syllabus. Direct instructions and hands-on activities which were used in the classroom as teaching strategies reflect efforts in achieving compliance of the goals contained in the curriculum. It can be seen by the simple demonstration shown at the beginning of lesson to equip students to acquire skills and competencies which are emphasized in the curriculum.

Keywords: Curriculum Implementation, Cambridge IGCSE, Teaching Strategies.





Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam upaya memberikan gambaran yang terkait dengan strategi pengajaran yang dilakukan saat menjalankan kurikulum Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education). Penyelidikan dilakukan di salah satu sekolah internasional yang menerapkan kurikulum Cambridge sebagai kurikulum sekolahnya. Penelitian ini melibatkan guru fisika yang sedang mengajar Cambridge IGCSE silabus, sebagai sumber informasi penelitian. Studi kasus sebagai salah satu metode kualitatif dilakukan dalam upaya mempelajari dan mendeskripsikan isu-isu mengenai apakah strategi pengajaran yang digunakan oleh guru yang mengajar Cambridge IGCSE silabus dalam topik panas laten mencerminkan adanya upaya dalam mencapai kesesuaian tujuan yang terkandung dalam kurikulum. Dalam upaya mendapatkan gambaran informasi, kelima instrumen dikerahkan sebagai alat dalam menggarap data yang diperlukan untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam prakteknya, meskipun Cambridge telah menetapkan tujuan pada setiap topik yang tertulis dalam silabus, guru diperkenankan untuk mengembangkan tujuan pembelajaran namun masih mengacu pada tujuan yang tercantum dalam silabus. Direct instructions and hands-on activities yang digunakan di dalam kelas sebagai strategi pengajaran merefleksikan upaya dalam mencapai kesesuaian tujuan yang terkandung dalam kurikulum. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada demonstrasi sederhana yang ditunjukkan pada awal pelajaran dalam membekali para siswa untuk memperoleh keterampilan dan kompetensi yang ditekankan dalam kurikulum.



D. Limitation of Research... 4

E. Significance of Study... 5

1. Prospective Teacher... 5




G. Data Collection Technique... 28

H. Instruments... 29

1. Video Recording... 29

2. Interview Guide and Recording Devices... 29

3. Questionnaires... 30

4. Documents... 30

I. Research Procedures... 31

1. Preliminary Stage... 31

a. Doing literature study... 31

b. Discussing idea of research... 31

c. Constructing research proposal... 31

d. Managing permission... 31

e. Determining subject of study... 32

f. Constructing and justifying instruments... 32

g. Test validity and reliability... 32

1) Construct validity... 32

2) Internal validity... 33

3) External validity... 33

4) Reliability... 34

h. Analyze the results of testing... 34

i. Consult with lecturer or expert... 34

j. Make revision... 34

2. Data Collection Stage... 35

a. Analyzing documents... 35

b. Implementing research instruments... 36

1) Recording video of lesson... 36

2) Conducting interview... 36

J. Data Analysis Technique... 39


A. Goals Contained in Cambridge IGCSE Curriculum... 40

B. Skills and Competencies Should Learners Acquire in Cambridge IGCSE Curriculum... 46

C. Description on Topic Organization in Latent Heat Topic... 51


a. Lesson Objective... 51

b. Topic Involved... 52

c. Learning Procedure... 53

D. Teaching Strategies Used in Latent Heat Topic... 54

1. The Familiarity of the Respondent to Teaching Strategies... 54

2. Typical Teaching Strategies Performed by Respondent... 55

3. Reasons towards Teaching Strategies Taken... 56

4. Objectives in Cambridge Syllabus and Objectives in Instructional Process in Classroom... 57

5. Objectives in Cambridge Syllabus and the Instructional Process in Classroom... 59

6. Description on Factors Influence Teaching Strategies... 63

a. Teacher philosophy... 66

b. Teachers’ Background and Experience... 67

c. Students’ Characteristics... 69

d. School Demands or Environment... 71

e. Teacher collegiality... 71

f. Students' Needs... 72


A. Conclusions... 74

B. Recommendations... 75

References... 76


Euis Umi Kulsum, 2013



A. Background

Currently the appearances of schools which are labeled as an international school become its own phenomenon in Indonesia. An international school was initially organized to meet the needs of education for foreign children who live in Indonesia. It was provided to serve the children of expatriate business people, diplomatic families and the wealthy parents who wanted to prepare their children for overseas college education (Vietnam news, 2012). International schools were typically identical with the use of curriculum and language of instruction that has been recognized globally. Usually the adopted curriculum is the curriculum that was accredited abroad or has gained worldwide recognition, such as International Baccalaureate (IB) and Cambridge curriculum (CIE).

Curriculum is one of the important aspects in education which determines the direction and become the benchmark of educational objectives. This is probably the reason why many people state that curriculum has a central position in any educational efforts. Meanwhile, regarding the function of curriculum, Kartika (2010) has her own opinion that it may depend on the school. Each school has their stated objectives and those are listed in the curriculum.

As we all know there are two strikingly different types of schools i.e. national


Each curriculum contains a number of objectives to be achieved which basically it is purposed to prepare students to have capabilities for their life. Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) is the world’s largest provider of international education programs. It provides four stages of qualifications for 5– 19 year olds. And Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) is one of curriculums in the qualification Cambridge Secondary 2 for learners aged 14-16 years. There are many goals which have been established in the Cambridge curriculum in order to equip Cambridge learners to

confident, innovative, and responsible and engaged. The curiosity to investigate on which goals and skills in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum are promoted in learning latent heat topic become point to discuss in this research. In the curriculum, the skills should be achieved has been listed. In an attempt to be accordance with what expected in the curriculum, teachers should have a strategy for teaching in order to lead their students to acquire those skills expected in the curriculum. The next point in this research which is interesting to examine is about the teaching strategy used.

Teaching strategy is a tactic, strategy or plan to use in teaching to allow students to have access to the information being taught. It is one of the most effective means of helping students in learning (McNamara, 2009). The following is brief descriptions of the instructional strategies which are classified into four categories, i.e. direct instruction, indirect instruction, interactive instruction and individual instruction.

According to McGrawHill Education Website, direct Instruction is a teacher-directed instructional method where everything is taught until it is fully understood. It is highly teacher centered which involving large amounts of teacher talk, questions and answers. Pearson (2010) states that teacher conducts



Euis Umi Kulsum, 2013

highly involved in learning process and it presses responsibility for learning on the student (Jahr and Dr. Wysocki, 2011). However, it does not mean in this instruction the role of teacher is negligible. The role of teacher is still being required, but it shifts from lecturer / director to facilitator, supporter, and resource person.

Interactive instruction is instruction strategies which employs groups of learners. It relies on discussion and sharing among participants. Students are invited to participate in the conversation during discussion. Students can learn

from peers and teachers. In this framework, both students and teachers are central to process. Teachers are responsible for planning, teaching, and facilitating sequences integrated with technology, meanwhile students are responsible for constructing and demonstrating knowledge as well as collaborating with peers to create knowledge (Sessoms, 2008). Other category is individual instruction. Individual instruction is instructional methods that refer to independent learning. It encourages students to take responsibility for planning and pacing their own learning. The instructional process is conducted to foster the development of individual student initiative, self-reliance, and self-improvement which has purpose to enhance individual potential.

According to information described above, this research will examine whether the teaching strategies used by teachers who are teaching the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus in latent heat topic reflect efforts in achieving compliance of the goals contained in the curriculum. Using the case study method, it will examine how the curriculum objectives reflected in the learning process at one international school in Tangerang that applies Cambridge IGCSE as the school curriculum.

B. Research Problem

Based on the background described in advance, the question represents an overview of the research issues is: “does teaching strategies used in latent heat


1. Research Questions

The research problem focuses on three specific aspects as the following research questions:

a. Which goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum are promoted in learning latent heat topic?

b. Which skills and competencies should learners acquire through Cambridge IGCSE curriculum in learning latent heat topic?

c. How does the teacher organize content of latent heat topic?

d. What kind of strategies used while teaching latent heat topic in an effort to achieve compliance of the goals contained in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum?

C. Aims of Study

This study has three objectives as follows:

a. To analyze which goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum are promoted in learning latent heat topic?

b. To analyze which skills and competencies should learners acquire through Cambridge IGCSE curriculum.

c. To analyze how the teacher organize content of latent heat topic.

d. To analyze kind of strategies used while teaching latent heat topic in an effort to achieve compliance of the goals contained in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum

D. Limitation of Research

The limitations of this research are:

a. This research is limited to physics a teacher who are teaching Cambridge IGCSE at one international school in Tangerang that implements Cambridge IGCSE curriculum.



Euis Umi Kulsum, 2013

c. The students’ characteristic (lower, medium or high achiever) is not specified.

E. Significance of Study

This research will yield useful information for: 1. Prospective Teacher

Prospective teachers (physics teachers in particular) who want to apply to school-based Cambridge curriculum; this research will be helpful in

terms of seeking information regarding teaching strategies used in learning. So it would be easier to adapt in conducting appropriate teaching which is demanded by the schools.

2. Teachers in General

This research is useful for teachers in general to know what teaching-strategy supports are provided by CIE. Through this research, teachers also can take advantages to know the physics teaching strategies are implemented by using Cambridge curriculum.

3. Researcher

This research can also be used as a reference for future research in area of investigating the gap between intention and its implementation of Cambridge IGCSE curriculum. Furthermore it is also aimed for contributing to theory in the domain of educational research.

4. Policy Makers




A. Conceptual Framework

In this study, the research was undergone in order to examine and describe the issues concerning whether the teaching strategies used by teacher who is teaching the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus in latent heat topic reflect efforts in achieving compliance of the goals contained in the curriculum is discussed in this

research. In an effort to get the picture, all instruments were deployed as a tool to get the data. In this study each instrument was made to be used in capturing the data needed to answer the three research questions.

B. Operational Definition

Operational definition is a definition which gives meaning to a term related research, thus leads to a common perception. The followings are descriptions of terms included in this research. This is intended to avoid misperception in interpreting some terms related to the title of research, The Implementation of Physics Teaching Strategies which Refers to Cambridge IGCSE Curriculum in Latent Heat Topic: A Case Study of an International School in Tangerang.

1. Teaching Strategies

Teacher plays an important role as a figure in which students is depending on them in establishing the learning process in classroom. There are a lot of interpretations of teaching. One of them is like proposed by Gurney (2007) which states that teaching is far more than simply transferring information. It is the engaging of minds to seek out answers. Meanwhile, Gray (2009) conveys idea that strategy is about directing and using something to achieve a selected purpose. From that definition, in this study the meaning of teaching strategies is more concerned on planning how physics teachers deal with teaching and learning in physics lesson (latent heat topic) and how they draw



Euis Umi Kulsum, 2013

2. Implementation

Implementation is attempts to translate the intended into practice (Diepenbroek, 2007). Refers to that definition, the implementation in this research concerns to the realization of idea or process in applying strategies and plans which are written in IGCSE curriculum in order to accomplish the objectives and goals.

3. IGCSE Curriculum

IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) curriculum

in school is designed by the school itself with the help of Cambridge IGCSE to build a relevant curriculum for individual needs. The curriculum can be focused on Cambridge IGCSE physics syllabus code 0625.

4. Case Study

Yin (Rowley, 2002: 18) states that a case study is empirical inquiries that investigate contemporary phenomena within its real life. In other word case study is one of research that examines phenomena in order to try and understand what happened and why. In this research it refers to identification and description an actual situation regarding is the selected teaching strategies used reflect efforts in achieving compliance of the goals contained in the curriculum.

5. International School

International school is loosely defined as a school that promotes interbational


C. Subject of Study

This research involved physics teacher who is teaching the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus in one international school located in Tangerang, as a source of information research.

D. Sampling Technique

Concerning to the research explanations which have been described in the previous, this research will require information regarding whether the teaching

strategies used by teachers who are teaching or the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus in latent heat topic reflect efforts in achieving compliance of the goals contained in the curriculum. The technique used in the appointment of research sample is purposive sampling technique. According to Rizkya, Rudiyanti, and Muskananfola (2012), it is a technique in which the samples were taken with an intention or a certain purpose i.e. to get information directly from physics teacher about the undertaken teaching strategies in latent heat topic while implementing the Cambridge IGCSE.

E. Research Method

The research method used is qualitative method. Musfiqon (2012) stated the characteristic of qualitative is having non-numbers data. The type of data can be in form of sentence, statement, document, etc. which are analyzed qualitatively. And it does not utilize the statistics in analyzing research data.

F. Research Design

A qualitative research design used in this study is Case Study. Case study design is an approach that more appropriate to be used to examine the single fact that has not been much going on in the community (Musfiqon, 2012). The case being studied in this research is physics teaching strategies in the implementation of the Cambridge IGCSE. The data is only based on the facts that occurred and not be manipulated. It is also accordance to Jennifer Rowley (2002) that case


28 research is all information regarding goals contained in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum, skills and competencies should learners acquire through it, how teacher organizes content and kind of strategies used in delivering topic.

Those are collected by doing video recording of lesson in topic latent heat,

interview (conducting interviews according to the interview guidelines), analyzing document (examining some documents to acquire information and strengthen the existing data) and also distributing questionnaires. Those activities are used as data collection techniques in this study to obtain the data of research. The procedure while collecting data research will be described further in the Research Procedure point Data Collection Stage.

Table 3.1 below presents the techniques used in obtaining information to answer the four research questions.

Table 3.1Techniques Used to Answer the Research Questions in the Study.


Aspects Studied research problem is called as research instruments. In developing instruments certainly it should be related to the type of data desired (M. Musfiqon, 2012). In this study, the instruments were made to be used in capturing the data needed to answer the four research questions and used to gain the required information for answering those research questions. Those instruments are:

1. Video Recording

Yin (2003) stated observation can be so valuable if considering photographs. In this research, video recording of instructional process in latent heat topic is used to obtain information about goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum which are promoted in learning latent heat, organizing content by teacher, kind of strategies used in delivering latent heat concept. Concerning not every school allows recording during the lesson, so the use of video recording should be based on permission from the school.

2. Interview Guide and Recording Devices



Euis Umi Kulsum, 2013

any interviews than any other methods. These instruments are intended to obtain information for answering research question 1, 2, and 4 regarding goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum which are promoted, skills and competencies should learners acquire and kind of strategies used.

3. Questionnaires

According to Musfiqon (2012) questionnaires are a number of questions which are arranged systematically to be responded by the source of research data (respondent). This instrument was intended to obtain information including

goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum which are promoted in learning latent heat, skills and competencies should learners acquire through Cambridge IGCSE curriculum, content organized by teacher and kind of strategies used. This information was proposed to answer those four research questions.

4. Documents

The documentary information is likely to be relevant to every case study topic. It plays an explicit role in any data collection in doing case studies (Yin, 2003). Yin also stated that document corroborates and augments evidence from other sources. It can be used to acquire information and strengthen the existing data. The document which was examined in this research is any documents in case can provide the information to answer the research question 1, 2, 3 and 4. In particular it is purposed to identify goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum which are promoted in learning, and skills and competencies should learners acquire through the curriculum. And other documents can also be used to identify how teacher organizes the content as well as the teaching strategies used in order to be in line with what expected in the curriculum.

Instruments which have been developed are not directly usable. So it is necessary to test the validity and reliability to determine whether an instrument is


testing the instruments will be described further in the Research Procedure point Test Validity and Reliability.

I. Research Procedures

The following is the explanation on how the steps were taken when undergoing the research. And these steps are divided into three stages as described below. Diagram 3.1 presents the flow of steps taken during undergoing research.

1. Preliminary Stage

In this stage, the activity was focusing on determining topic, arranging proposal, managing permission, determining subject of study and designing instruments. The followings are descriptions on how the activities done in this stage:

a. Doing literature study

It was done to develop the basic theory used in doing research such as gaining the accurate theory behind the research, looking for the appropriate method and any related information of the research. That information was obtained from latest journals, books, articles, CIE website and other resources.

b. Discussing idea of research

It is done by consulting with lectures, discussing with teachers and peers, as well as realizing the circumstances which influences the possibility of research to carry out. It discusses the topics and issues that will be raised in the study, as well as formulating of research problems.

c. Constructing research proposal

It is as an initial step in proposing the research plan and as an early attempt to convince idea to get a study permit.

d. Managing permission

This is done by submitting a proposal which has been presented previously, to one international school located in Tangerang as a request for permission to



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e. Determining subject of study

It is done by conducting field survey to obtain prior information related to research, then discussing with the parties concerned. It is purposed to have description regarding subject of study as an information resource in this research. f. Constructing and justifying instruments

As it has been mentioned, an instrument needs to be tested before using. In this research, the instruments construction was adjusted to the type of data required to facilitate in the process of analyzing data. Meanwhile for instruments

justification several steps were performed, and the descriptions are presented below.

g. Test validity and reliability

Judging the quality of instrument can be done according to certain logical test. There are four tests considered to be relevant to case studies; those are construct validity, internal validity, external validity, and reliability (Yin, 2003).

1) Construct validity

According to Kidder & Judd (Yin, 2003: 34) construct validity is establishing the correct operational measures for the concepts being studied. There are two steps that must be completely done to meet the test of construct validity (Yin, 2003), firts is select the specific types of subjects to be studied and relate them to the original objectives of the study. In this study there are four specific subjects to be studied; those are goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum which are promoted in learning latent heat, skills and competencies should learners acquire through Cambridge IGCSE curriculum, content organized by teacher and kind of strategies used. Second, demonstrate that the selected measures of the subjects under study indeed reflect the specific subjects that have been selected. The selected measures which are convinced to reflect it are

doing recording the video of lesson, analyzing document, conducting interview and distributing questionnaires.


collection. This step is also done in this research. It can be seen again in Table 3.1, where each component of research questions uses the four instruments to answer. A second tactic is to establish a chain of evidence, allowing external observer to follow the derivation of any evidence – ranging either from initial questions to conclusion, or from conclusions back to initial research questions. And the third tactic is to have the draft case study report reviewed by key informants; the draft report is reviewed not just by peers but also by the participants and informants in the case. The two steps of construct validity test

are met in this study. This contributes positive to the validity.

2) Internal validity

According to Yin (2003) internal validity is only concern for causal case studies, in which an investigator is trying to determine whether even x led to even y. He also stated that this logic is inapplicable to case studies, which are not

concerned with making causal claims. In case studies the interference is made from some earlier occurrence, based on interview or documentary evidence collected as part of case study. Nevertheless a research design that has anticipations towards questions in making interferences has begun to deal with internal validity. Four tactics in conducting internal study according to Yin (2003) are pattern matching, explanation building, addressing rival explanations, and using logic models.

3) External validity



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4) Reliability

Kidder & Judd (Yin, 2003) states reliability is demonstrating that the operations of a study such as the procedure of data collection can be repeated and produce the same result. The instrument should be repeatable to ensure it deals with the reliability. The purpose of reliability is to minimize the errors and biases in study (Yin, 2003). In this study, the reliability is probably low because the poor timing and duration of this research in repeating the instrument. The remarks of the four tests for quality of instruments in this research are given in table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Remarks of the Quality of Research Instruments

Test validity Degree

Construct validity High

Internal validity Low

External validity Low

Reliability Low

h. Analyze the results of testing

After the instruments are tested for its validity and reliability, the result of testing is analyzed based on certain criteria. And then it is sorted to obtain set of

instruments that fulfill the criteria only. According to U.S. General Accounting Office (Yin, 2003), there are four criteria which are commonly used to establish the quality of research i.e. trustworthiness, credibility, conformability and data dependability.

i. Consult with lecturer or expert

Consult with lecturer or expert is very important to help us in constructing an appropriate instrument of research.


2. Data Collection Stage

Data collection stage is the stage at which the data collecting process began. The activity focuses on conducting the data collection techniques through implementing the instruments as well as analyzing documents. These all are done in purpose to collect data which can be used as evidences to answer the research problem. The activities done in this stage are:

a. Analyzing documents

Analyzing documents is done because it has values in any data collections

in doing case studies (Yin, 2003). First, it is helpful in verifying the correct information that might have mentioned in an interview. In this study the information that will be verified is regarding goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum which are promoted in learning, and skills and competencies should learners acquire through the curriculum, how teacher organizes the content as well as the teaching strategies used in order to be in line with what expected in the curriculum. Second, documents can provide other specific detail to justify information which was obtained from interview, questionnaire or observation. And the third, an inference can be drawn from/based on documents. Yin (2003) stated that in analyzing documents, it is needed to identify research objectives, so that the analysis will be more appropriate in interpreting the contents of the evidence.

Substantively, analyzing documents have been done in the preliminary stage in point of doing literature study. But in this stage it is done more specifically by exploring the content of Cambridge IGCSE Physics syllabus code 0625 to have identification and verification regarding goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum which are promoted in learning, and skills and competencies should learners acquire through the curriculum. And other documents is used to



Euis Umi Kulsum, 2013

b. Implementing research instruments

The research instruments are implemented in this stage. The implementation techniques of instrument depend on techniques of collecting data. The further descriptions are discussed below:

1) Recording video of lesson

It was done by recording the performance of the physics teachers in latent heat topic. It is intended to describe in details the description of goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum which are promoted in learning latent heat,

organizing content by teacher, kind of strategies used in delivering latent heat concept.

2) Conducting interview

Interviews are essential sources of case study information; it is helping to identify other relevant sources of evidence (Yin, 2003). According to Musfiqon (2012) the use of interview technique is intended to construct thoughts, events, perceptions, experiences and opinions about the issue of research. This is done through interactive communication with the subject of research to get information desired. There are three types of interview according to Yin (2003), i.e. open-ended nature, focused interview, structure questions. The type of interview which has been conducted in this study is open-ended nature. The respondent was asked regarding goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum which are promoted, skills and competencies should learners acquire and kind of strategies used. In open-ended nature the respondent can be asked to propose his or her own insights into certain occurrences. The respondent also can suggest other persons to interview. It was done by the help of the interview guide and recording devices. This is intended for answering research question 1, 2, 3 and 4.

3) Distributing questionnaire


opportunity to answer with alternative answers they want. Distributing the questionnaire is intended to obtain information regarding goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum which are promoted in learning latent heat, skills and competencies should learners acquire through Cambridge IGCSE curriculum, content organized by teacher and kind of strategies used. This is proposed to answer research question 1, 2, 3 and 4.

3. Final Stage

This is the last stage of this research. Meanwhile the activities carried out in

this stage are as follows: a. Analyzing data

After data collection stage had conducted, all data gained from the instruments was collected, classified then analyzed qualitatively. It is done to find out information required to answer the research problem.

b. Drawing conclusion

Once all the data has been discussed and the three research questions were answered, the conclusion was obtained.

c. Constructing report



Euis Umi Kulsum, 2013

Preliminary Step

Discussing Idea

Literature Study

 Finding research issue

 Deriving research problem

 Arranging research plan

 Constructing theory base

Field Survey

Determining Subject of Study


Validation Constructing



Collecting Data

Anallysing documents Implementing Instruments

Data Collection Stage

Analysing Data


J. Data Analysis Technique

The data gained from this study is qualitative data. Qualitative data represents non number data. It can be text, video, statements and documents. Process of data analyzing also uses qualitative analysis techniques which is different from the quantitative data that using the help of statistical software in the process. Qualitative analysis have researcher as an analytical tool (human as instrument). The researcher is required to systematically link among the existing data in order to get 'meaning' to address the research problem.


Euis Umi Kulsum, 2013



This chapter provides the answer to the research problem and and the three research questions. Besides answering the research question, this chapter also gives suggestions for further research.

A. Conclusions

According to the findings and discussion in chapter 4, it can be concluded that:

1. According to the result of the result which is obtained by analysing the documents the goals in Cambridge IGCSE curriculum are promoted in learning latent heat topic are developing abilities and skills in describing and conducting experiment to measure specific latent heat, developing attitudes relevant to physics such as concern for accuracy and precision, objectivity, integrity, enquiry, initiative and inventiveness, demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific phenomena, facts, laws, definitions, and concepts of latent heat.

2. According to transcript and lesson plan analysis, in learning latent heat topics the skills and competencies learners should acquire through Cambridge IGCSE curriculum in learning are a concern for accuracy and precision, an understanding of how scientific theories and methods have developed, and an excellent foundation for advanced study in pure sciences, in applied science or in science-dependent vocational courses.

3. In organizing content of latent heat topic in the process of learning, teacher develops the objectives of lesson which still refers to the objectives written in the syllabus, possess previous topics as topic involved while learning latent heat, such as changing phase, kinetics models of atomic, molecular structure,

and energy conservation.


instruction which is included into direct instructions and more emphasizes on hands-on activities. It can be seen by the simple demonstration shown at the beginning of lesson to equip students to acquire skills and competencies which are emphasized in the curriculum.

B. Recommendations

For further studies related to team games tournament with reading infusion implementation, the following suggestion can be considered:

1. It is found that the teaching strategies used in latent heat topic reflect efforts in achieving compliance of the goals contained in the curriculum, however the research was taken in the firts meeting of latent heat topic. Therefore it is recommended to take sample more than one meeting so that the generalization is not limited to one teacher in specific topic.



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Table 3.1 below presents the techniques used in obtaining information to
Table 3.2 Remarks of the Quality of Research Instruments


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perusahaan, tanpa adanya perencanaan (Rudianto, 2009:6) akan mengakibatkan kurangnya sasaran atau strategi yang akan dicapai berkaitan dengan segala sesuatu yang ingin dihasilkan