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Improving Seventh Graders’ Reading Ability on Descriptive Text By Using Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Technique at MTs Misriu Al -Hasan Kraton - Institutional Repository of IAIN Tulungagung


Academic year: 2017

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This chapter discusses the research methodology which is used in

conducting this research. It is divided into three parts namely research design,

subject and setting of the study, and procedures of the research.

A. Research Design

The research design of this research was Classroom Action

Research. According to Pelton (2010) an Action Research which is

conducted in the school setting, is a systematic approach which the goal is

to improve teaching practices. The design was used because the purpose of

the research was to improve teaching practices, specifically to improve

reading ability on Descriptive text.

Classroom Action Research design is usually done in collaborative

between the researcher and the teacher (if the researcher is already a

teacher, she/he can conduct CAR alone). The research was also done in

collaboration between the researcher and the teacher. The teacher was the

English teacher of MTs Misriu Al-Hasan Kraton, Mojo, Kediri. The

teacher as collaborator, whom involved in the process of the research. The

collaborator completed an observation sheet which is given by the


The method of this Classroom Action Research (CAR) is

derived from the terms of Action Research itself . Based on Carr and



method is a self-reflective spiral of cycles: planning, acting, observing

and reflecting. In line with it, Kemmis and McTaggat in Ary (2010)

suggests that an Action Research process is presented as spiral, where

the researcher reflects, plans, acts, and observes. Therefore, by

Classroom Action Research (CAR) a teacher can improve his/her

teaching practices.

In the Classroom Action Research (CAR), the researcher applied

the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique. The researcher acted as

English teacher that implemented Numbered Heads Together (NHT)

technique in the class while observed the students’ performance in the

teaching and learning process. In observing the students’ activities, the

researcher was helped by the English teacher of the school. This research

was intended to improve students’ reading ability on Descriptive text by

using Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique.

B. Subjects and Setting of the Study

This research was conducted in the seventh grade of MTs Misriu

Al-Hasan, Kraton, Mojo, Kediri on the 7th January up to 31rd January in

the 2016/2017 academic year. There were 29 students that consist of 13

male students and 16 female students. The researcher chose this class

because she had some points that became her considerations. They are:

1.) According to the English teacher is HS. She is 33 years old with

experience around 10 years in teaching English for seven until nine grades



reading. 2). Because reading is the basis of learning it would

be better if the problem should be found solution as early as

possible since the students still stay at the seventh grade, in

order to avoid the worse effect about it in the next grade.


Procedures of the Study

In this Classroom Action Research (CAR), the

researcher had some steps in how this research was conducted.

Stringer (2007) states that the basic Action Research are: look,

think, and act. Meanwhile, according to Kemmis and

McTaggart cited in Ary ( 2010) model of Action Research are

presented as plans, acts, observes, and reflects.

In this research, the procedure of this Classroom Action

Research was adapted from Kemmis and McTaggart’s Action

Research model which the procedure of the research trough

plans, acts, observes, and reflects. The plans, acts, observes,


30 a. Preliminary Study (Reconnaissance)

To know the condition of the students at MTs Misriu Al-Hasan, the

researcher did preliminary study before doing Action Research in the

classroom. Preliminary study was done to find out the practical problems Reconnaissance

 Doing observation in the seventh graders’ class

 Giving pretest to know the student’s reading ability

Analysis and Finding

 Many of students got difficulty in comprehending Descriptive text because, in the reading, they seemed not serious in gaining comprehension. Even, they tended to make noisy and seem less interested if they were asked to read and answer questions about the text. Reading English text and answer questions about the text individually might be easy by high ability students. But average and low ability students might get difficulty in doing it. Whereas, the amount of students that have high abilities over there are more lower than the amount of students that have average and low abilities.

 The result of the pretest showed that they were 19 students got scores 30-60 (low ability), there were 6 students got scores 70 (average ability), and there were 3 students got scores 80-100 (High ability).




in the classroom before the researcher makes a plan. If the basis of

practical problems were found, then the researcher can make a plan.

In the preliminary study, the researcher interviewed the English

teacher, did observation, and administered pretest. The researcher

interviewed the English teacher who teaches English from first grade until

ninth grade students on Saturday November 26th, 2016. It was done after

the researcher some minutes met the head master of MTs Misriu Al-Hasan

Kraton to ask permission for conducting a research. In the interview

between the researcher and the English teacher. The researcher asked some

questions to the English teacher about the school. From the interview,

the researcher knew that only one English teacher that always handles

English subject in the school. The teacher stated that she only used to

teach by using conventional method and never uses any kind of teaching

media such as LCD projector, because of the lack facility in the school.

And she also stated that most of the students in MTs Misriu Al-Hasan

Kraton feel that English is difficult and they are less interested to read

English taxt. Therefore, the teacher suggested the researcher to propose

another technique to teach English, especially in teaching reading.

Based on the researcher’s observation when the researcher

administered pretest on January 16th, 2017. The researcher found that girls

students were calm. They did not much talk, but directly did what has been

asked by the researcher. But, they boys students were talkative and tended

to make noisy and could not engage with the teaching and learning



less interested to read English text. It was proved by the result of pretest

that showed most of the seventh graders got scores under the minimum

score/ KKM (75). According to the scores of pretest result, they were 19

students got scores 30-60 (low ability), there were 6 students got scores 70

(average ability), and there were 3 students got scores 80-100 (High


b. Planning

Planning is developing plan to take action or to gather data in order

to get the experience or to monitor practice (Ary, 2006). Planning could be

divided into five parts, namely socializing the research program, providing

a suitable strategy or technique, designing a lesson plan, preparing the

criteria of success, and training the collaborator teacher.

1. Socializing the Research Program

Before conducting the research in the class, the researcher met

with the head master of MTs Misriu Al-Hasan Kraton. She asked

permission to the headmaster for conducting the research in the

school. After getting permission, the researcher met the English

teacher of MTs Misriu Al-Hasan Kraton. Then the researcher asked


33 2. Providing a Suitable Technique

To overcome the problem in the seventh grade students at

MTs Misriu Al-Hasan Kraton, the researcher applied an innovative

teaching technique. The chosen technique was based on the problem

which was found through interviewed with the English teacher and

observation toward students’ activities in the teaching learning

processs. The chosen innovative teaching technique namely

Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique.

NHT is a technique which comes from Cooperative Learning

approach that makes students work cooperatively in groups. This

technique was used by Sprencer Kagan in the 1992 year, in his

teaching on an ESL/EFL reading class (Jacobs and Hall, 2002). NHT

technique can encourage all members to know and to be ready to

explain their group’s answer (s) by allowing the members to help each

other, and when students help their group mates, they help themselves

and their whole group, because the answer given by one of the

members belong to the whole group, not just to the group member

who gives it (Hall and Jacobs, 2002).

3. Designing Lesson Plans

In this step, the researcher made lesson plan to the seventh

grade students at MTs Misriu Al-Hasan Kraton. The lesson plan

consisted of identity of subject, name of the school, grade, material of

teaching, time allocation, objectives of teaching, procedures of



In designing the lesson plan, the researcher asked some helps

from the teacher. The researcher brought the English module from the

teacher and the most materials were taken from the module. After the

researcher had finished in designing lesson plan, the researcher asked

the teacher to look and correct if there were materials that should not

be taught . The more the detail description of the lesson plan could be

seen in appendices 4 and 9.

4. Preparing Criteria of Success

Preparing criteria of success was done before the researcher

conducted the research. The criteria of success was a limitation for the

researcher to continue or to stop the research if the criteria has been

achieved. This research was sussess if all of the criterias of success

have been accived.

The first criteria was a student was called success if he or she

could pass the minimum score (KKM) that was 75. While to determine

the success of the whole students it can be seen from the formula

(Depdiknas cited in Priscanita, Susanto, and Hobri, 2013) below:

Pk = n x 100%


Pk = the percentage of the whole

students’ success

n = the amount of students’ success



If the result of Pk is 75% or more than that, it means that the whole

students are success.

The second criteria was from the observation sheet. At least

80% of students should have good performance in the teaching and

learning process. If both of the criterias above could be achieved, it

meant that the research was successful.

5. Training the Collaborator Teacher

If the researcher is not a teacher yet ( a student), Classroom

Action Research (CAR) usually done in collaborative between the

researcher and the collaborative teacher. But if the researcher is

already a teacher, she or he can conduct CAR alone. In this research

the researcher is a student, so the research was done with collaborative


In this research, the teacher who asked the researcher as an

English teacher who applied NHT technique in the class. But before

the researcher applied the technique, the researcher has showed about

the technique and how to apply it to the teacher. And the teacher as a

collaborative teacher who accompanied the researcher in the class

while observed and filled the observation sheet.



The implementing or acting stage in this research was the



that must be taught, which the technique used, and what are the steps in

doing the technique, etc.

Acting in this cycle 1 was begun on January 17th, 2017

(8:20-9:30). In this time, the researcher started to teach the class. Before the

researcher begun to ask students to discuss, the researcher introduced and

explained about the technique that was going to be used in the class, the

technique was Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique. Second, the

researcher would like to make 9 groups. Then the researcher asked the

students to count from number 1 until 9. It was begun from a students that

was sat on front chair in the right side. Next, a student with number 1 was

asked to sit down nearly with other students that also got number 1. A

student with number 2 was asked to sit down nearly with other students

that also got number 2 and so on. So, in each groups consisted around 3

until 4 students. After that, the researcher gave number 1 until 4 to each

members in each groups.

After the students have sat down with their group mates, the

researcher asked the students to observe a monkey picture on page 46.

Second, the researcher asked to the students: ‘’ could you describe the

special character of this monkey by using English language?’’. Most of the

students said that they could not do it. After that, the researcher said that if

they want to be able to describe animal, person, place, or thing they should

understand well about Descriptive text. Then, the researcher wrote down

the definition, the social function, the generic structure, and the tense that



write them in their book notes and explained about them after everybody

has finished writing. In the researcher’s explanation, the researcher also

asked about the difference of generic structure between Descriptive text

and Procedural text. And no one remembered that, whereas their teacher

has been explained about Procedural text.

Meanwhile, to invite the students to present their understanding

about the material, the researcher tried to ask the students about the

definition, the social function, the generic structure, and the tense that is

used by Descriptive text and there were some girl students that could


In the second meeting, on 23rd January 2017 (10:40-12 a.m.),

before beginning discussion the researcher asked the students to sit down

with the their groups bas on the groups that were made from previous

meeting. After they were sitting with their group mates. Thee researcher

asked the students to observe rabbit picture on page 47. Then, the

researcher asked the student ‘’ Could you describe the picture by using

English language?’’ There was no one braved to answer the question.

Because there was no one can do it, the researcher asked the students to

learn more about text organization/ generic structure and language

features of Descriptive text on page 48. To invite the students to present

their understanding about the material, the researcher gave a text under the

title ‘’School Bazaar’’ which was completed with some written questions

to each students in groups. Then, the researcher gave time to students to



students to ‘’put their heads together’’ to show their answers, to discuss,

and to teach each other. Next, the researcher called number 1-4 and

students with that number answer simultaneously on white board. The

last, the researcher gave feedback toward the answers.

In the third meeting as the end of cycle 1, on 24th January 2017

(10:40-12 a.m.), the researcher reviewed the material that have been

explained before. Then the researcher gave cycle 1 test in the end of cycle

1. The test consisted of 10 questions in the form of multiple choices. It was

done to know the improvement of students reading ability by using NHT


d. Observing

Observations enable researchers to record important details that

become the basis to formulating descriptions from which stake holding

groups produce their accounts (Stringer, 2007). Thus, observation takes an

important role in gathering data. Because in Action Research , observation

as one kind of instruments that is often used by researchers.

The focus of the observation is the students’ performance in

teaching learning process. Observing is doing when the researcher

implements the technique in the class room. The objectives of observing

now the result of the implementation of the technique and to find out the

improvement of the weakness.

To observe the students’ performance in the process of teaching



the researcher made an observation sheet to make the observer became

more easy in observing. The researcher also made field note format to help

observe students and to help the researcher in reflecting the action that has

been applied.

The obsecrvation of this cycle 1 was done on January 23th 2017

and the description of the students’ performance could be seen in

observation sheet, see appendix 8.

e. Reflecting

Reflection is stage where the researcher analyzes large amounts of

data to reduce the quantity of information and to obtain a clearer

understanding of what is happening and how it is happening for each

stakeholder in relation to the problem or issue being investigated (Stringer,

2007). It is is done after observation. The purpose of this phase is to reflect

the result of the observing phase. Through this phase the researcher can

find out whether the research problem has been solved or not and whether

there is a new problem appears during the acting phase or not. Beside that,

the researcher can make a decision whether the Action Research would


Figure 3.1: ( Adapted from Kemmis &


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