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S ING 0902336 AppendixA


Academic year: 2017

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Wina Anggraeni Lestari, 2014


Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

APPENDIX A Dialogue 1

Johan is meeting his new friends, David and Melanie, two students exchange from Sidney Australia, for the first time at The Language Center. They are in his campus to learn Bahasa Indonesia.

Johan: Hello everyone! My name is Johan and I am here to welcome and give you a campus tour.

David: Hello johan my name is David and this is my friend Melanie.

Melanie: hello Johan. Nice to meet you.

Johan: Nice to meet you too, Melanie, David. So, when did you arrive here in Bandung?

Melanie: Oh, we went from Jakarta and arrived in Bandung two days ago.

David: We stayed in Jakarta for three days before we came here because we need to take care of some important matters at the embassy first.

Johan: I see, how was your trip from Jakarta to Bandung, Did you have a good trip?

David: I suppose, I slept along the way and did not wake up until Melanie told me we had arrived at our hotel. I was too tired.

Melanie: It was okay. I enjoyed the scenery along the way. It was fantastic I think. I never knew that you have beautiful places here.

Johan: Well, we do. We have great places. You’ll find out more about those places later. Anyway, is this your first visit to Indonesia, Melanie?

Melanie: Yup, but not for Dave. He’s been to Indonesia before, holidaying in Bali, right Dave?

Dave: Yup. This is actually the third times I have been to Indonesia. I’ve been to Bali and Lombok before but this is my first time to Bandung.

Johan: Oh okay, where do you stay here, Melanie, Dave?

David: we are staying at setiabudhi hotel at the moment but we’re going to move to the house we have rent at Ciumbuleuit tomorrow.


Wina Anggraeni Lestari, 2014


Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Melanie: Yes, we share the house together so the rent is not too expensive for both of us.

Johan: Sounds like a good idea to me. Well then, shall we start our tour? Let me

see... Mmhhh, I’ll first take you to the library and the internet center. The building

is not far from here. As a matter of fact you can see it from here. Shall we go factories and originally for export. In fact, some of those factory outlets sell used stuff imported from overseas; clothes, suits, sweaters, pants, etc, which are no longer used or needed by the people in the countries they are from. Melanie and David have asked Johan to accompany them. They are in Riau Street where fancy factory outlets fill in most of space there. They are entering the summit, one of the filled-by-shoppers factory outlets, after they visited Cascade, another fancy factory outlets, a five minutes walk from The Summit.

Melanie: Wow, I don’t have any idea that here we can get cheap but good quality stuff, eh, Dave?

David: You can say that again Melanie. I’ve got this nice scarf. I can’t believe I bought a scarf in Indonesia. There is no winter here, eh?

Melanie: It is beautiful scarf Dave. It really is. How much does it cost, if you

don’t mind telling me?

David: Oh, it’s just 100 thousand, that’s around 15 dollars. It’s really a bargain for a scarf like this.

Johan: What did you buy, Melanie? I saw you looking at some blouses and T-shirts. Did you buy some?

Melanie: No, I did not. They don’t have my size. The T-shirts are a bit too small for me. What a shame! Perhaps here I can find T-shirts which are not too tight.


Wina Anggraeni Lestari, 2014


Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

David: Maybe, not sure. I’ll look around first. There are few other things I want to buy. Let’s look around shall we?

Melanie & Johan: Okay

Johan: I’ll go up stair and see if I can find what I need.

Melanie: What do you need Johan?

Johan: Nice and cute boxer, hehehe..

David: Well, I am sure you’ll find some Johan. I’ll see you later here then. I am going to look around and lose myself in those piles of clothes. See you guys!

Melanie & Johan: See you

Melanie: I’ll go over there Johan. I’ll look for some T-shirt and other stuff. I see some nice accessories over there.

Johan: Okay, just make sure that you don’t shop till you drop.

Dialogue 3

Johan is talking with his classmates after a class. Being in the last semester they are a bit worried with their future. They know that it is getting more competitive to get a job once they complete their study. Johan and his friends are sharing their future plans and ambitions.

Johan: That was an interesting elaboration on Psychoanalysis, don’t you thing guys?

Yusuf: It was. I think the most interesting part is when our lecturer talked about the human psyche. You know Id, Ego and superego and how they can manifest in literary works. That was really new for me.

Nissa: Talking about literary works, have you guys finished reading the novels our lecturer wanted us to read and study? We are supposed to write responses to them. They are due to next week.

Johan: Oh shoot! You’ve just reminded me of that. I haven’t started reading those novels. I have been busy with assignments for cultural studies. They are

also due to next weekend, aren’t they? Darn! Our hands are tight up ya.


Wina Anggraeni Lestari, 2014


Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Say... we’re now in the last semester and will graduate soon. What’s your

plan after graduating guys?

Johan: Hhmmm... I want to get a job first. I hope I can work as a Translator or... I

don’t mind working at Foreign Affairs Department. I can be posted overseas

and travel in a foreign country. I’d love to see what happens at the others side of the globe. I think it will be cool. Then perhaps after one or two years I will continue my study to post graduate. What’s your plan Nissa?

Nissa: I am continuing my study, for sure. But I am not really sure whether I will take English again or other courses.

Yusuf: Communication sounds interesting, Nis. I am taking Communication for my post graduate, for sure. I want to learn more about how people make meaning of what they say when conversing with and among themselves. However, I am not sure where I will continue my post graduate. I hope I can get a scholarship to study overseas. That would be great, don’t you think guys?

Johan: I reckon so!

Nissa: It would be awesome if we all could get our dream. Anyway, I need to have this article copied guys. I’ll see you around. Oh, what are you going to do this afternoon?

Johan: I don’t have any plan yet, but I may go the book store. There are some new

books I’d like to buy. What are you going to do, Sup, Nis?

Yusuf: I don’t know. Any idea?

Nissa: Why don’t you guys go with me to CCF? There is a contemporary arts exhibition there. I’d like to check it out.

Johan: Sounds interesting. I’ll go with you.

Yusuf: Yeah, let’s go there then!

Nissa: Cool.. I’ll see you guys after class then. Bye!

Johan & Yusuf: Bye!

Dialogue 4

Johan and Nissa have been invited by the foundation that fund David and

Melanie’s Student Exchange Program, to come to Sidney. On their second day in


Wina Anggraeni Lestari, 2014


Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Mr. Philip: Right, here are maps of Sidney for our visitors and copies of the program for today.

Johan: Thank you Philip! Nis, do you think you can guess where we are on the map?

Nissa: That’s easy! We are here next to the bridge. This building on the map is that building over there.

Johan: You are good at reading map, aren’t you Nis? That building, wow! It’s

really old, isn’t it?

Nissa: You’re right.I think it’s 900 years old.

Johan: 900 years old?!! Are you kidding me. I don’t think it is that old. I want to see Opera House. Do you know how to get there?

Nissa: I don’t know. You’d better ask the tour guide. Hey Philip, do you know what over there is?

Mr. Philip: That’s the rock, a place we are going to visit later. Now, listen everyone, lunch is at half past twelve and the first place we are going to is The Opera House.

Nissa: Great! I can’t wait to see the famous Opera House.

Johan: Yeah, me too. Excuse me Mr. Philip, where is the Opera House on the map?

Mr. Philip: It’s near the bridge.Oh, don’t worry we’ll see it in a minute.

Johan: Oh, okay.

Mr. Philip: Okay everyone, would you all please follow me? We are heading toward the Opera House.

Dialogue 5

Johan and Nissa have arrived back from their short trip to Sidney. They had a

good time there. Now they are having dinner out at D’cost, a seafood restaurant

on Setiabudhi Street, with their best friends Yusuf, Ikhsan and Rani. They are talking about an embarrassing moment that their best friend, Ikhsan experienced.


Wina Anggraeni Lestari, 2014


Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Ikhsan: I’ve never been so embarrassed in all my life. Hesti was really annoyed.

I’ve never seen anyone so angry before. She heard everything I said about

her. Have you ever felt really stupid guys? Because I do now

Johan: I don’t think you need to feel stupid. It’s not a stupid thing to express how

you feel about someone, don’t you think guys?

Nissa: No, I don’t think so.

Ihksan: Ya, but Hesti has all this time taken me as her good friend only. A friend she can confide in. She trusts me with deep secrets and now I am betraying her by making her know how I really feel for her. Oh, I feel so stupid!!

Rani: Oh, please Ihksan, grow up! Now that she knows how you really feels about her, it’s then up to her to decide. If she share the same feeling as you then

it’s good. If not, then you can still be friend, end of the story!

Yusuf & Nissa: Yes!

Yusuf: I think Rani has a point. Have you ever had a girlfriend?

Ihksan: No, I haven’t!

Nissa: Don’t worry too much Ihksan. Oh, here is our dinner coming. Let’s eat and

we’ll discuss your issue again later.

Johan: Great, I am starving.

Yusuf: Ya, me too!

Dialogue 6

Nissa is having a small party in her boarding house. She has invited her girl friends, Rani, Laras and Indy to come to the party. She needs some glasses and plates for the party and has asked her landlady (Mrs. Harris) for a help.

Nissa: Excuse me, Mr. Harris, could I borrow some glasses and plates for my party, please?

Mrs. Harris: Oh, you’re having a party? What’s the occasion Nissa? Is it your birthday?

Nissa: It is. And I am just celebrating it with my closest friends and I need some

glasses and plates, if you don’t mind lending them to me?

Mrs. Harris: Not at all. How many do you want?


Wina Anggraeni Lestari, 2014


Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Mrs. Harris: That’s fine. Do you need anything else?

Nissa: Oh yes, some knives, forks, please. I also would like to invite you to the party. Please pop in at my birthday party, Mrs. Harris.

Mrs. Harris: Oh thanks. I’ll pop in later. Enjoy the party!

Dialogue 7

As part of their project, Johan, Nissa and Yusuf have planned to make another visit to a TV studio to see how the television crews carry out their job. However thing comes up and Yusuf has decided that he will not go.

Johan: Ok, everyone. As we planned, today we are going to visit STV again for our project. This time, we’re going to see how the TV crews make special effects for TV programs and films. You know, like in the Matrix.

Yusuf: Do we really have to go? Last time we went there, we have to stay there for ages.

Johan: What do you mean do we really have to go? Are you into the project or not?

Yusuf: I am. It’s just that I don’t want to wait for ages again like the last time we went there. It was so boring and I hate waiting!

Nissa: You don’t have to go to the studio if you don’t want to. But you’ll miss

something really exciting if you don’t go with us.

Yusuf: I don’t care. Anyway, I have to take care of my mom today. She’s ill.

Johan: But we have planned the visit, Suf. I can’t believe you will just drop the plan.

Yusuf: Look, I am sorry. You don’t have to put my name on the project report. I

can’t leave my mom.

Nissa: Sorry to hear about your mom. We don’t have to go today. We still have time to make our project report anyway. Let’s plan the visit another day.

Johan: All right. But you have to go with us, Suf.

Yusuf: Sure, I hope my mom will get better soon so I can go with you guys. Thank, Niss!


Wina Anggraeni Lestari, 2014



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