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identification of seven


Academic year: 2017

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Identification of Seven Types of Meaning in Jakarta

Post’s Editorial Ne




English Department



This study deals with the Identification of Seven Types of Meanings in Jakarta Post’s Editorial Newspaper. The description aims at finding the meaning. Meaning plays a vital role in understanding what is communicated. There are seven of meaning and they are contributed much to the field of semantic. Category classification has been applied as the theoretical framework of this study. It covered the the editors how to write the meaning. The writer limits his analysis in the meaning of the semantics which is used by the editors such as : denotative meaning, connotive meaning , social meaning , affective meaning , reflective meaning , colloca cative meaning , and thematic meaning . This study is helpful to the development of sciences particularly , and linguistics in general.



1.1Background of The Study

To understand what is communicated through language the meaning is the most vital part without which no communication can be called a communication. So, the study of meaning becomes a very important aspect of linguistic and semantic.

Since meaning is important, it becomes inevitably to study it deeply. The study of meaning, one of the major areas of linguistic study. Linguistic have approached it in a variety of ways. In linguistic semantics is the subfield that is devoted to the study of meaning, as borne on the syntactic levels of words, phrases, sentences, and even larger units of discourse (referred to as texts): as with any empirical science, semantic involves the interplay of concrete data with theoretical concepts. Traditionally, semantics has included the study of conditions, argument structure, thematic roles, discourse analysis, and the linkage of all these to syntax.


Almost all the students who enter the university are literate in English, that is they are able to read in English but many of them are not in the habit of actually using this ability t practice reading outside the demands of the classroom. While they are in the public school system, these students rarely practiced ability to read in English outside the English classroom. This description is the result of classroom experience in which English language newspaper were used among the students. At the same time, the students were also provided with the necessary experience to improve their reading skills, enhance then knowledge of current issues and improve then writing skills.

Enriching classroom activity can be done an on going basic using any of the local English newspaper. The goal is to encourage the students to read of these local English dailies. At the same time, students are provided with the opportunity to improve then reading skills as well as enhances their knowledge of current issues. Get the students to buy at least one copy of the newspaper per week-usually the Sunday edition of the English daily of out choice.


The editorial page of a newspaper is an opinion on any certain topic. Articles appearing on a newspaper’s editorial pages represent the views of the newspaper’s edition or it’s editorial board. Many print publications feature an editorial or letter from the editor, which is followed by “letters to the editor” section where members of

the public write in with comments on the editorials in that publication.

Most editorial pieces take the form of an essay or thesis, using arguments to promote a point a view. Newspaper often publish as editorial pieces that are in line with their publication’s editorial Slants. However, dissenting opinions are often given

space specifically to promote balance and discussion.

Editorials are the most pages which criticized by government and society how far they react for the issue’s public. At this point they (the editorials) still do not

use the good English. Negatively, this will influence the implementation of the use of good English.


The topic of this discussions is “identification of seven types of meaning in Jakarta Post’s editorial Newspaper,” In this discussion, the writer describes the

factual data. The data she analyzed is the use of English which is written by the editors from Ougust-October in 2010. to make this analysis easily the writer uses the linguistic Category Classification, this study covers the seven types of meaning.

1.2The Problem of The Study

This study deals with the use seven types of meaning in Jakarta Post`s editorials newspaper. The study aims at finding the seven types of meaning in English. The data analyzed in the study are the text of the editorials which are used by the editors. Linguistic Category Classification has been applied as the theoritical framework of this study. The study covered the editors how to write seven types of meaning.

1.3 The Objective of The Study

The objective of the study should be beneficial to the writer herself and the readers. Some of the objectives of this thesis are to try the writer’s ability in writing a


1.4 The Scope of The Study

The study describes seven types of meaning in semantic which is written by the editors in Jakarta Post newspaper. The analyses focuses the way in which the meaning of words can be expressed. The writer will limit his analysis on seven types or ingredients giving primacy to conceptual meaning, that is used by editor such as; denotative meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning , affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, and thematic meaning.

1.5 The Significance of The Study



2.1 Learning Vocabulary Deals with Meaning

There two aspects of meaning to consider , when learning vocabulary: 2.1.1 The type of meaning

The various types of meaning that needs to be learned are :  propositional meaning

 register

 metaphorical meaning  connotational meaning

2.2 The representation of meaning

There are many ways in which the meaning of words can be expressed :  translation

 definition  relationship


- collocation - webs of meaning - diagram / picture - in context

3. The type of meaning 3.1Proposional meaning

This is the basic meaning of a word given in simple dictionaries.

For example,”good” is general description for things that are of high quality,

positive, approved of or generally appreciated/ however, when we use “good” to describe things, it takes additional meanings.

3.2 Register

Part of the meaning of a word is its register. Which types of languages is the word used in : letters or report, spoken or written, biology or business etc? For example :

“put up with” is an informal word, typically used in speech; tolerate is the


“integer” and magnitude are typically used in mathematics, whereas “debtor” and “creditworthiness” are used in business, and “biospheric and

emissions” are related to environmental science.

3.3 Metaphorical meaning

Metaphorical meaning is the meaning that a word has when it is used in a new situation. When new ideas or products are made, very often old words are used for theses new ideas and products. In some cases the old meaning disappears or becomes less well known. Computer science and business use many metaphors.

For example :

A “head” is part of the body of an animal, but it is now commonly used for the highest person in a company or organization.

“Approval of exception to this policy may only be made by the Head of the

Department”. “Green” is a colour but it is connected with protecting the environment.

“This is managed by the environtmental research unit which analyses

company for JTM`s green funds”.


“Most often this two-way communication is carried out through a keyboard,

used to enter data into the computer, and a display monitor”.

3.4 Connotational meaning

Apart from the basic, dictionary, meaning, words have other meanings. For example, a word may be a positive or negative word? These are different in different languages so it is important to know the association that a word may have in English. For example :

a social sciemce student, writing about people without permanent homes needs to remember that “vagrant” has negative connotations, compared with “homeless”.

4. The repsentation of meaning



For example :

broker : mediatore

4.2 Definition

Some words can be easily defined in English. This is usually what monolingual dictionaries do.

For example :

explosion : loud noise caused by a sudden and violent bursting

“Oil” : liquid which does not mix with water, obtained from plants or

animals or found in rock underground.

4.3 Relationship’s

Words are often defined by their relationship with other words for example, it is impossible to understand the meaning of “hot” without some understanding of the meaning of “cold”- so this is often a useful way to record meaning.

The following relationships may be useful in explaining word meanings :  synonymy


 meronymy  collocation  webs of meaning

similar meaning (synonyms) : “increase”= “rise”, “rich” = “wealthy” opposites (antonyms) :“increase” ≠ “decrease”, “pass” ≠ “fail” General / specific (hyponyms) : “fruit / apple; “vehicle”/car” Part / whole (meronyms) : “wheels” / “bicycle”, “engine” / “car”

Collocation (typical occurrences) : “competitive market”; “unskilled labour”

Webs of meaning : “car” is associated with “petrol”, “driver”, “wheel” “oil”

5. Our Languages Resources


To communicate effectively, we must develop some skills in studying, in observing, in reading and in writing. We must be able to study, not merely to sit and look at the book. We must be able to read, to understand, not merely to read words. We must be able to speak and to write correctly. It is through our study of English that we become skilled in communication. These communication skills must be acquired. There is no other way. No one is born with them.

6. Study English

The study if English is important to us now. In school and out of school, we are talking, listening, reading, writing. How well we succeed in any school subject depends to a great extent upon our ability to get information through reading and listening and upon our ability to communicate this information through talking and writing. Out of school, whether on the football field listening to the quarter back call signals for the next play, or at a class party talking excitedly about a movie we have recently seen, we are using out language resources to advantages.


7. Newspaper

A newspaper is a publication containing news, information, and advertising. General-interest newspaper often feature articles on political events, crime, business art/entertainment, society and sport. Most traditional papers also feature an editorial page containing columns that express the personal opinions of writers. Supplementary sections may contain advertising, comics, and coupons.

Newspapers are most often published on a daily or weekly basic, and they usually focus on one particular geographic area where most of their readers live. Despite recent setbacks in circulation and profits, newspapers are still most iconic outlet for news and other types of written journalism.

8. The Editorial Page


Many print publications feature an editorial or “letter from the editor”, which is

followed by letters to the editor where members of the public write in with comments on the editorials or articles in that publication. Readers write in from all over the world, sending their comments on the piece.

9. The Jakarta Post History

The Jakarta Post is a daily English newspaper in Indonesia with an average circulation of around 80.000 copies, it is the largest English language newspaper in Indonesia. The paper is owned by PT Bina Media Tenggara and the head office is in the nation’s capital, Jakarta. Newspaper was launched on 25 April 1983.



3.1 Methods of The Study

The sample used in this study is taken from Jakarta Post Editorials which published in Jakarta. The data are taken from Ougust to October 2010. They are chosen randomly that based on assumption that Jakarta Post has a big circulation in Indonesia and it read not only by the local people but also the foreigners who stay in Jakarta. After collecting the data, the are classified into the topic which are being analysed that related to the seven types of meaning in English used in the newspaper editorials.

3.2 The Collected Data


3.3 Analysing The Data



4.1 The Systematic Study of Meaning

We are all necessarily interested in meaning. We wonder about the meaning of a new word. Sometimes we are not sure about the message we should get from something we read or hear, and we are concerned above getting our own messages across to other. We find pleasure in jokes, which often depend for their humor on double meaning of words or ambiguities in sentences. Commercial organizations spend a lot of efford and money on naming products, devising slogans, and creating messages that will be meaningful to the buying public.

Three disciplines are concerned with the systematic study of meaning in itself: psychology, philosophy and linguistics. Their particular interest and approaches are different, yet each borrows from and contributes to the others.


Philosophers of language are concerned with how we know, how any particular fact that we know or accept as true as true as related to other possible facts-what must be antecedent (a presupposition) to the fact and what is a likely consequence, or entailment of it; what statements are mutually contradictory, which sentences express the same meaning in different words, and which are unrelated.

Linguistic want to understand how language works. Just what common knowledge do two people possess when they share a language-English or whatever-that makes it possible for them to give and get information, to express their feeling and their intention to one another, and to be understood with a fair degree of success? Linguistics is concerned with identifying the meaningful elements of specific languages, for example, English words like paint and happy and affixes like the-er of painter and the un-of unhappy. It is concerned with describing how such elements go together to express more complex meanings-in phrases like the unhappy painter and the sentences like the painter is unhappy-and telling how these are related to each other.

4.2 Seven Types of Meaning


word when it has two meanings and meaning because of habit occurrence Broadly speaking, “meaning” means the sum total of communicated through language. Words,

phrases and sentences have meanings which are studied in semantics.

4.2.1 Conceptual or Denotative Meaning

Conceptual meaning is also called logical or cognitive meaning. It’s the basic

propositional meaning which corresponds to the primary dictionary definition. Such a meaning is stylistically neutral and objectives as opposed to other kinds of

Everyone should do his bit

for the good of the


2. World (JP/8/8/2010) 1. the earth.

2. the universe.

Space travel will teach us

more of the world.

3. Frayed (JP/8/8/2010) 1. fight.

2. context

The world have been


4. Mistrust (JP/9/8/2010) 1. feel no confidence She had a strong mistrust

of anything new and


5. Suspicion (JP/9/8/2010) 1.a believing that

something is wrong

with little or no


He had a suspicion that he

was being followed.

6. Volcanic (JP/10/8/2010) 1.a break in the earth’s

crust which throws

out melted rock,

asked, and steam.

2.like a volcano,

violent explosive.

He was forced to leave

Indonesia a little earlier

8. Tolerant (JP/12/8/2010) 1. willingness to allow

other people to hold

opinion or follow

customs which differ

from one’s own.

The world’s most populous

Muslim nation, as a fast of

developing democracy and


No. Words Meaning Sentence

9. Audience (JP/12/8/2010) 1.a group of people

gathered to hear or

audiences in June 2009 in


10. Innocent (JP/12/8/2010) 1.free from guilt or

wrong doing..

extremism are still an ever

present problem.

11. Apartments (JP/13/8/2010) 1. room or group of

rooms for a single

household and

generally located in a

large building.

Commenting on Israel

plans to build 1.300 new

apartments in East

Jerusalem the President


12. Conflict (JP/13/8/2010) 1.a battle, fight,


in to try to resolve their


13. neighboring(JP/15/8/2010) 1.near, nearby.

14. Administration (JP/15/8/2010) Part of the government

which directs the

business of nation, state,

or city.

The Obama administration

worked to bring about the

resumption of direct talks

between Israeli and

Palestinian leaders in

early September.

15. Peace (JP/16/8/2010) 1. calm, tranquility.

2. freedom from war.

The United States will

continue its efforts to get

the two sides to resume

peace negotiations.

4.2.2 Connotative Meaning


For example :

No. Connotative Meaning Examples

1. catch one’s eye attract one’s attention The president tried to catch

the student’s eyes but they

didn’t notice.


2. behind the times old fashioned She is a little behind the



3. change (one`s) mind change one`s


he changed his mind and said

that he won’t go to he movie



4. come across find something he came across an interesting

story in the newspaper.


5. crocodile tears a show of sorrow that

is not really felt.

He said that he was very sorry

but his tears just crocodile



No. Connotative Meaning Examples

6. got up raise suddenly the student got up

from his seat.


7. To catch the wind difficult Waiting for one student was

like to catch the wind.


8. upto you free decision the work is upto you.


9. look over inspect the boss looked over the boy.


10. went up rise he went up to reach parent.


11. calm down because quiet His father was trying hard to

calm him down.


12. go on continue he went on the tell her.


13. catch up find/see they caught up him in the



No. Connotative Meaning Examples

14. fill out write other are filling out the form.


15. drop out leave he had to drop out.


16. absent minded forgetful my friend is very absent

minded and forgets his key.


17. all ears eager to listen to


okay, I am all ears, please tell

me about the party.


4.2.3 Social Meaning


Stylistic variation represents the social variation. This is because styles show the geographical region social class of the speaker. Style helps us to know about the period, field and status of the discourse. Some words are similar to others as far as their conceptual meaning is concerned, but they have different stylistic meaning.

If we understand synonymy as complete equivalence of communicative effect, it is indeed hard to find an example that will disprove this statements.

For example :

1. queer, strange, miraculous, unique /(JP/24/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context 1.








- coming doubt or suspicion.

-not previously known, seen, felt on heard of : )for this reason) surprising.

-act or event which does not follow the known laws of nature.


2. pretty, attractive, beautiful, smart, handsome, sturdy /JP/24/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context 1.












- pleasing

-giving pleasure or delight to the mind or senses.

-good – looking (of men).

- charming.

- well - dressed


3. village, countryside, kampong /JP/25/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context


-A place smaller them town, where there are houses and shops church, mosque, and school.

-In Malaysia enclosed space.

4.holy, secret, vigorously /JP/25/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context


5. intellect, through, sense, logic /JP/25/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context


- power of the mind to reason (contrasted with feeling and instruct).

- way to thinking characteristic of particular period, class, nation.

- Any one of special powers of the body by which person is conscious of things (sight, hearing, smell, taste.

- science, method, of reasoning, (person’s ability to argue and


6. obedient, surrender, conquer, loyal /JP/25/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context


- defeat or overcome enemies. - true and faithful


7. shore, border, beach bay /JP/26/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context


- live dividing two states or countries. - stretch of land bordering on the sea or

a large body of water.

8. week, market, bazaar /JP/26/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context


- public place where people meet to buy and sell goods,


9. moment, period, season, time /JP/26/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context


- point or very brief period of time. - Length or portion of time.

- according to the weather, eg spring, summer.

- the passing of all the days, months, and the years, taken as a whole.

10. conscious, realize, recover /JP/27/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context

1. the bodily senses and mental power.

- be fully conscious of .


11.thief, pickpocket, snatcher, theater, robber /JP/27/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context


- put out the hand suddenly and take. - steals one’s belonging quietly. - the person who steals.

- sign or warning of coming trouble, danger.

12.promise, confers, swear /JP/27/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context


13.ally, colleage, friend, mate /JP/27/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context


14.capable, smart, intelligent, clever, adroit, active /JP/27/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context


- person who his power, or ability. - power of perceiving, learning,

understanding and knowing.

- quick in learning or understanding things.


15.calm, peaceful, safe, welfare /JP/27/8/2010/

No. Word Sentence in different context


- state of freedom from war. - free from.

- condition of having good health, comfortable, living and working condition.

4.2.4 Affective or Emotive Meaning


For Example :

No. Words For

1. university /JP/28/8/2010/ - the highest instruction of learning, usually divided into schools of law, medicine language, art, music, etc. 2. palace /JP/28/8/2010/ - official home of a ruler.

3. democracy /JP/28/8/2010/ - the treating of others as equal. 4. summit /JP/29/8/2010/ - highest point.

5. significant /JP/29/8/2010/ - important. 6. government /JP/29/8/2010/ - management 7. security /JP/29/8/2010/ - a feeling of safety

8. setback /JP/29/8/2010/ - a stop; check to progress or advancement.

9. solution /JP/29/8/2010/ - act of solving

10. apartments /JP/29/8/2010/ - room or group of rooms for a single household and generally located in a large building.


No. Words For 12. construction /JP/29/8/2010/ - way of building.

13. sovereign /JP/29/8/2010/ - having independent power. 14. resolution /JP/29/8/2010/ - formal statement.

15. balanced /JP/29/8/2010/ - equality or proportion in weight 16. global /JP/29/8/2010/ - the earth.

17. crisis /JP/29/8/2010/ - time of Unusual difficulty or danger. 18. surpluses /JP/29/8/2010/ - excess.

19. deficits /JP/29/8/2010/ - a shortage. 20. protectionist /JP/29/8/2010/ - safekeeping.

21. policy /JP/29/8/2010/ - way or principle of doing things.

22. consumer /JP/29/8/2010/ - person who buys and uses food, clothing, services, etc.

23. stabilized /JP/29/8/2010/ - firmness.

24. banking /JP/29/8/2010/ - place of business which receives money for safekeeping and which exchanges and lends money.

25. growth /JP/29/8/2010/ - increase in quality.


27. advantage /JP/29/8/2010/ - beneficial

28. progress /JP/29/8/2010/ - to more forward. 29. invested /JP/29/8/2010/ - to put money into

30. childhood /JP/29/8/2010/ - the time when a person is child 31. mall /JP/29/8/2010/ - a market where goods are sold. 32. hawkers /JP/29/8/2010/ - cry out goods for sale.

33. community /JP/29/8/2010/ - all the people who live in out place. 34 anticipate /JP/29/8/2010/ - to look forward.

35. lecture /JP/29/8/2010/ - a talk or address before an audience or class.

36. mosque /JP/29/8/2010/ - Moslem place for prayer.

37. helicopter /JP/29/8/2010/ - a kind of airplane supported and driven by horizontal rotating wings above it. 38. schedule /JP/29/8/2010/ - written or printed list of times for

certain events. 39. cemetery /JP/29/8/2010/ - burial ground 40. demonstration


- a meeting, parade, or the like to show public feelings.

41. References /JP/29/8/2010/ - source of information as an encyclopedia.


43. appreciation /JP/29/8/2010/ - to value properly.

44. perspective /JP/29/8/2010/ - in a picture, the impression of distance given by the relative size and district ness of the objects or parts shown. 45. scope /JP/29/8/2010/ - ability to understand.

46. concept /JP/29/8/2010/ - a mental image or general idea. 47. disciplines /JP/29/8/2010/ - obey orders.

48. pragmatics /JP/29/8/2010/ - concerned with practical results and value.

49. basic /JP/29/8/2010/ - the lowest part of anything. 50. illustrative /JP/29/8/2010/ - explain by example, picture.

4.2.5 Reflected Meaning


In such type cases of multiple meaning, one meaning of the word pushes the other meaning to the background. The dominants suggestive power that word prevails. This may happen because of the relative frequency or familiarity of the dominant meaning. This dominated meaning which pushes the other meaning at the background is called the reflective meaning.

For example : insertion of the penis into the vagina). 2. best seller



(novel that is sold in very large numbers)

3. print



(copying the book, picture, letter).

4. plagiarism



(one takes and uses else`s idea)

5. impeach


7. couple /JP/2/9/2010/


(two person like man and woman united together)

8. concert



(the performance is held at night) 9. fever /JP/30/8/2010/



(high temperature of the human body in) 10. accommodation

(the contract by which such an agreement)

15. Dong




4.2.6 Collocative Meaning

Collocative meaning is the meaning which a word acquires in the company of certain words. Words collocative or co-occur with certain words. Collocative meaning refers to associations of a word because of its usual or habitual co-occurrence with certain types of words.

Collocative meanings need to be invoked only when other categories of meaning don’t apply. Generalization can be made in case of other meanings while

collocative meaning is simply on idiosyncratic property of individual words. Collocative meaning has its importance and it is a marginal kind of category.

For example :

No. Word Company of certain words Meaning

1. abbey


Westmister Abbey -church that was one part of monastery.

2. port


airport -a place for taking off, landing, loading, feeling, repairing of.

3. mail



10. day

fire engine -a truck equipped to fight fires.

homework -school lesson to be done at home.


done through focus, theme (topic) or emotive emphasis. Thematic meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

For example :

1. President Obama ate bakso quietly. /JP/22/10/2010/

President Obama is an argent = Agent deliberately performs the action 2. Kiki reads the book loudly. /JP/22/10/2010/

Kiki is an agent = Agent deliberately performs the action 3. They kicked the ball slowly. /JP/23/10/2010/

They stand for an agent = Agent deliberately performs the action Patient

1. The falling rocks crushed the car. /JP/23/10/2010/

The car is the patient of the action = Patient undergoes the action and changes its state.

2. He kills the boy. /JP/23/10/2010/


3. She plants the flower. /JP/23/10/2010/

The flower is the patient of the action = Patient undergoes the action and changes its state Instrument

1. Jane cut the ribbon with a pair of scissors. /JP/24/10/2010/

A pair of scissors stands for the instrument = Instrument used to carry out the action.

2. They cut the bread with the knife. /JP/24/10/2010/

With the knife stands for the instrument = Instrument used to carry out the action.

3. She hit the boy with the stick. /JP/24/10/2010/

With the stick stands for the instrument = Instrument used to carry out the action. Location

1. He was caught in the train. /JP/24/10/2010/

In the train stands for location = Location : where the action occurred. 2. They plated in the park. /JP/24/10/2010/

In the park stands for location = Location : where the action occurred. 3. She studied in the class. /JP/24/10/2010/

(48) Direction

1.He walked to school. /JP/25/10/2010/

To school stands for the direction = Direction :where the action is directed towards.

2. She went to the market. /JP/25/10/2010/

To the market stands for the direction = Direction: where the action is directed towards.

3. He drove to the town. /JP/25/10/2010/

To the town stands for the direction = Direction : where the action is directed towards. Recipient

1. He sent Jane the letter. /JP/26/10/2010/

Jane is said to be recipient = Recipient a special kind of goal associated with verbs expressing a change in ownership, possession.

2. He gave her the book. /JP/26/10/2010/


3. She received him this answer. /JP/26/10/2010/

Him is said to be recipient = Recipient a special kind of goal associated with verbs expressing in change in ownership, possession.

1. The book was given yesterday. /JP/26/10/2010/

Yesterday is used as time = Time in which the action occurs. 2. They played the football last week. /JP/26/10/2010/

Last week is used as time = Time in which the action occurs. 3. The cake was made two days ago. /JP/26/10/2010/

Two days ago is used as time = Time in which the action occurs. Beneficiary

1. She baked John a cake. /JP/27/10/2010/

John said to be beneficiary = Beneficiary, the entity for whose benefit for the action occurs.

2. She made the boy the kites. /JP/27/10/2010/

The boy said to be beneficiary = Beneficiary, the entity for whose benefit for the action occurs.

3. Mother gave the guest coffee. /JP/27/10/2010/


1. With great urgency, the girl phoned the police. /JP/29/10/2010/

With great urgency said to be manner = Manner ; the way in which an action carried out.

2. With the knife, he cuts the bread. /JP/29/10/2010/

With the knife said to be manner = Manner ; the way in which an action carried out.

3. With the helps of the dog, he saved her life. /JP/29/10/2010/

With the helps of the dog said to be manner = Manner ; the way in which an action carried out. Purpose

1. She studied English seriously I order to get job. /JP/29/10/2010/

In order to get job said to be purpose. = Purpose ; the reason for which an action is performed.

2. Tuty phoned the police right way in order to get some help. /JP/29/10/2010/


3. He came earlier to the test in order to get the seat. /JP/29/10/2010/ In order to get the test said to be purpose. = Purpose ; the reason for

which an action is performed. Cause

1. Because of the rain, he didn’t come to the party. /JP/30/10/2010/

Because of the rain said to be cause. = Cause :what caused the action to occur in the first place.

2. Since he was hungry, he ate the cake. /JP/30/10/2010/

Since he was hungry said to be cause. = Cause :what caused the action to occur in the first place.

3. What he hoped necessarily, he tried to do his best. /JP/30/10/2010/



5.1 Conclusion

After having studied identification of seven types of meaning in English Newspaper “Jakarta Post’s Editorial”, the write will conclude his conclusions.

Semantics is the study of meaning. It typically focuses on the relation between signifiers, such as words, phrases, sign and symbols, and what they stand for, their denotata.

Linguistics semantics is the study of meanings that humans use language to express. Other forms of semantics include the semantics of programming languages, formal logics, and semiotics.

The word “semantics” itself denote a range of ideas, from the popular to the


language, progenies have semantic (meaningful) content, and each several branches of study.

In linguistics, semantics is the subfield that is devoted to the study of meaning, as inherent at the levels of words, phrases, sentences, and larger units of discourse (referred to as texts). The basic area of study is the meaning of signs, and the study of relation between different linguistic unit; homonymy, synonymy, antonymy, polysemy, hyponymy, meronymy, metonymy. They concern is how meaning attaches to larger chunks of text, possibly as result of the composition from smaller units of meaning. Traditionally, semantics has included the study of sense and denotations references, truth conditions, argument structure, thematic roles, discourse analysis, and the linkage of all of these to syntax.


A piece of language conveys its dictionary meaning, connotation beyond the dictionary meaning, information about the social context of language use, speaker’s

feeling and attitudes rubbing off of one meaning on the another meaning of the some word it has two meanings and meaning because of habit occurrence. Broadly speaking, ‘meaning’ means the sum total communicated through language. Words,

phrases and sentences have meanings which are studied in sentences.

5.2 Suggestion



Halliday, M.A.K.1999. Functional Grammar. London : Edward Arnold. Kempson, R. 1997. Semantic Theory. London : Cambridge University Press. Leech, G.N. 1981. Semantic. Harsworth : Penguin.

Lyons, J. 1981. Language and Linguistic. London : Cambridge University Press. Watts.N. 1989. Languge and Communication. Palmerston North : Dumore Press.


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