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(A Study of the Third Semester Students of English Department at IAIN Batusangkar Registered in 2018/2019 Academic Year)


Submitted to English Teaching Department of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty to Fulfill One of the Requirements to Obtain Bachelor Degree

in English Teaching Department

NOVRIZAL Reg. No: 13 104 063






NOVRIZAL, Reg. No. 13 104 063, judul skripsi “ANALYSIS OF

MODAL AUXILIARY VERB ERROR FOUND ON STUDENTS’ ESSAY (A Study of the Third Semester Students of English Department at IAIN Batusangkar Registered in 2018/2019 Academic Years)”. Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Batusangkar.

Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah belum diketahuinya jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dalam membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan modal auxiliary verb pada hasil tugas akhir mahasiswa semester ketiga Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Batusangkar Tahun Akademik 2018/2019 pada mata kuliah Genre Based Writing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan mahasiswa dalam membuat kalimat menggunakan modal auxiliary verb.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian qualitatif dengan menggunakan desain

content analysis. Data penelitian ini adalah modal auxiliary verb yang ditemukan

dalam essay hasil ujian akhir mahasiswa semester tiga, tahun Akademik 2018/2019. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah 71 essay hasil ujian akhir mata kuliah Genre

Based Learning, namun dari 71 dokumen hanya 31 dokumen yang ditemukan

kesalahan. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri sekaligus sebagai instrumen kunci. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan teory Chelimsky (1989). Ada enam langkah dalam menganalisa data yaitu: deciding to

use content analysis, determaining what material should be included in content analysis, selecting unit analysis, developing the coding categories, coding material, and analyzing and interpreting the result.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tujuh kesalahan penggunaan

modal auxiliary verb yang ditemukan dalam essay yang dibuat mahasiswa yaitu

modal “can”, “could”, “will”, “would”, “should”, “must” dan “might”. Kesalahan terbanyak adalah kalimat yang menggunakan modal “can” (32 item) dan modal “will” (11 item) dan modal “must” (7 item) karena memang ketiga modal tersebut yang paling banyak digunakan mahasiswa dalam dokumen tersebut. Macam-macam kesalahan yang dibuat dalam menggunakan modal adalah mahasiswa menggunakan verb 2 setelah modal, mahasiswa menggunakan verb –

ing setelah modal, mahasiswa menggunakan verb + s setelah modal, mahasiswa

menggunakan dua modal bersamaan, dan mahasiswa tidak menambahkan verb setelah modal.




COVER ... i





ABSTRAK ... vii





A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Research Focuc and Question ... 4

C. Definition of the Key Terms ... 4

D. Purpose of the Research ... 5

E. Significance of the Research ... 5


A. Review of Related Theories ... 6

1. Writing ... 6

a. Definition of Writing ... 6

b. Purpose of Writing ... 7

c. Components of Good Writing ... 8

d. Kinds of Writing ... 9 e. Writing Process ... 10 2. Essay ... 14 a. Definition of Essay ... 14 b. Part of Essay ... 15 3. Grammar ... 17 a. Definition of Grammar ... 17


vii b. Part of Speech ... 18 4. Verb ... 20 a. Definition of Verb ... 20 b. Function of Verb ... 21 5. Modal auxiliaries ... 22

a. Definition of Auxiliary verb ... 22

b. Kinds of Auxiliary Verb ... 23

c. Sentence Patterns of Modal ... 26

d. Possible Error in the Form of Modal ... 27

6. Errors ... 27

a. Definition of Errors ... 28

b. Types f Errors ... 29

B. Review of Relevant Studies ... 30


A. Research Design ... 33

B. Data and Source of Data ... 33

C. Technique of Data Collection ... 34

1. Research Instrument ... 34

2. Research procedure ... 34

D. Technique of Data Analysis ... 35

E. Checking Data Trustworthiness ... 37


A. Research Findings ... 39

B. Discussion ... 48


A. Conclusion ... 49

B. Suggestions ... 49





Table 2.1 : Parts of Speech ... 20

Table 2.2 : Primary Auxiliary Verbs ... 26

Table 2.3 : Possible Errors in the Form of Modal ... 29

Table 3.1 : Error Coding ... 39

Table 4.1 : Samples of Error of Modal Auxiliary “can” ... 42

Table 4.2 : Samples of Error of Modal Auxiliary “could” ... 45

Table 4.3 : Samples of Error of Modal Auxiliary “will” ... 46

Table 4.4 : Sample of Error of Modal Auxiliary “would” ... 47

Table 4.5 : Sample of Error of Modal Auxiliary “should” ... 48

Table 4.6 : Samples of Error of Modal Auxiliary “must” ... 48




Appendix 1 : Syllabus ...56

Appendix 2 : Students’ Essay...62

Appendix 3 : Errors Analysis in the Form of Modal Auxiliary Verbs ...75


1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem

Writing is one of the four skills that is important to be mastered by students. In writing, the writer can do interaction, give information and share the feeling for one another. By writing, the writer can improve her/his intellectuality and creativity in sharing ideas. Writing also allows the writer to bring together and connect new or old ideas.

Meyer (2005: 2) states that writing is speaking to others on paper or on a computer screen. By writing, people can express or share their ideas, give information, and create communication well. Writing is party a talent, but it is mostly a skill. Writing is also an action or process of discovering the writer ideas and putting them on paper. Therefore, writing is a communication between the writer and the reader on a paper or computer media.

Linse (2005: 98) states that writing is a combination of process and product. The process refers to the act of gathering ideas and working with them until they are presented in a manner that is polished and comprehensible to readers. Process and product mean that the writer can be imagines, organizes, drafts, edits, reads, and rereads their writing.

In addition, Javed (2013:130) says that writing is the one of the basic skills of the English language. It is generally considered one of the most difficult that other skills for foreign language students. Even native speakers feel difficulty in showing a good command of writing.

However, writing is considered as a difficult skill. In writing, the writer tries to express her or his idea in written expression that comes from her or his emotions, thought, and desires. Therefore, it requires skill rather than knowledge. So, in good writing, the writer must explain her or his idea as clear as possible to make the readers understand. In fact, sometimes in writing process, the writer cannot write clearly and cannot use correct grammar, and punctuation. Consequently, he or she


2 gets difficulties in writing.

In English Teaching Department of IAIN Batusangkar, writing is one of compulsory subjects. Hopefully, through this subject the students can improve their writing skill. So, they have good ability in writing. In English Department, writing is one of important subjects that the students should follow. Because, in writing subject the students will learn how to be a good writer. It is because as the teacher next time and to graduate in this college they should make a thesis as requirement to finish his/her studies. Sometimes, writing is difficult to learn by the students. When they write, they should have good knowledge, vocabulary, and others. If they lack of knowledge, they will be difficult to write what they want to write.

In academic writing, there are some aspects that should be considered by the students to produce good quality of writing. According to Brown (2003:244), there are several aspects in producing good quality of writing, they are organization, logical development ideas, grammar, mechanics, style, and quality of expression. One of the aspects of good quality of writing is grammar. Correct grammar allows the writer effectively expresses his though, ideas with good organization. Grammar is important component of writing. Grammar is needed to ovoid misunderstanding of the reader. But, if the writer delivers some errors in writing, it will make reader confuse. According to Wibowo (2011:12) if the language is not grammatical, it is never been spoken because people not only be able to get ear of meaning but also get communication about meaning.

Henry and Roseberry in Thing et al in Maulani (2018:5) define grammar error as one in which there is violation of productive rule of language. It means that grammatical error is structure of word that is not appropriate or unstructured. Besides, grammatical errors can be happened such as: omission, addition, misinformation, and misordering.

As the preliminary research at third semester students of English Department of IAIN Batusangkar, the researcher found some errors in their essay. The data is



their final examination. After checking the data, the researcher found some problems in students’ essay, such as punctuation, paragraph organization, and also grammatical errors. In this case, the researcher focused on grammatical errors. The researcher found many errors of grammar, such as in using pronoun, verb-agreement, modal auxiliary and others. Dealing with the result of the preliminary research, the researcher focused on modal auxiliary verb, the researcher analyzed error in form of modal auxiliary verb found on students’ essay.

Quirk and Greenboum in Nartey (2014:22) states Modal Auxiliary sometimes called ‘helping verbs’, modal auxiliary verbs are ‘little’ words that precede the main verb of a sentence, and are largely used (across registers) to express a speaker's or writer's "opinion or attitude towards the proposition that the sentence expresses or the situation that the proposition describes. For this reason, modal auxiliary verbs may be involved in the expression of time, necessity, possibility, permission and obligation as well as such grammatical phenomena as negation, affirmation and questioning.

Modal auxiliary verb is important to show necessity, possibility, permission and obligation. Modal auxiliary verb looks simple but students still make errors in constructing it into a sentence. Here are examples of error sentences that are made by students in the forms of modals: It is your live, you must can do it. My mom can

calls me 15 times in one day. I can felt my mother very care with me.

The first example is incorrect, because the student used double modal auxiliary verb “must” and “can”. The student does not need to use “must’ and “can” at the same time. The correct form is “It is your live, you can do it”. The second example is incorrect because the student added “s” in the end of verb. Modals do not take a final-s, even when the subject is he, she, or it. So, the correct one is “My mom can call me 15 times in one day”. The third example is incorrect, because the student used verb two after modal auxiliary. After modal auxiliary, the verb should be verb one and also do not take final-s even when the subject is he, she, or it. So, the correct sentence is “I can feel my mother very care with me”.



Based on the examples above, there are some errors in forms of modal auxiliary made by students. It means the students still have problems in using modal auxiliary.

Based on the phenomenon above, the researcher is interested to conduct the research about Error analysis of Modal Auxiliary Verb Found on Students’ Essay (A Study of the Third Semester Students of English Department of IAIN Batusangkar Registered in 2018/2019).

B. Research Focus and Question

Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher focused on analyzing of modal auxiliary verb error found on students’ essay by the third semester students of English department of IAIN Batusangkar registered in 2018/2019 academic year.

Based on the focus of the research above, the researcher stated the research question to: what are grammatical errors in the form of modal auxiliary verb found on students’ essay?

C. Definition of the Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding in this research, the researcher divided the key terms of this research as follow:

1. Essay is one way to express someone’s idea in writing that contains more than one paragraph. Essay in this research are made by the Third Semester Students of English Department of IAIN Batusangkar Registered in 2018/2019 Academic Years as their final examination.

2. Modal auxiliary verb is the word that help the other words to make function of grammatical. In addition, help the word to have a meaning. Modal auxiliary verbs in this research are made by the students on their essay in genre based writing subject.


5 D. Purposes of the Research

The purpose of this research is to describe errors in the form of modal auxiliary verb found on students’ essay of the third semester students of English Department at IAIN Batusangkar in 2018/2019 academic year.

E. Significance of the Research

The research is hoped to give contribution for: 1. Students

This research hopefully can give the information to the students about their capabality in using modal auxiliary verb on their essay.

2. Lecturers

This research hopefully can give information to the lecturer about students’ capability in using modal auxiliary verb on their essay.

3. Researcher

This research hopefully will give the valuable experience to researcher, and also as one of the requirements for the researcher to get academic degree (S1) at IAIN Batusangkar.



REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Theories

1. Writing

a. Definition of Writing

According to Nunan (2003:880), writing is the physical act of committing words or ideas to some medium, whether it is hieroglyphics inked onto parchment or an e-mail message typed into a computer. On the other hand, writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader.

Linse (2005: 98) states that writing is a combination of process and product. The process refers to the act of gathering ideas and working with them until they are presented in a manner that is polished and comprehensible to readers. Process and product mean that the writer can be imagines, organizes, drafts, edits, reads, and rereads their writing. Meanwhile, Harmer (2004:33) writing is frequently useful as preparation for some other activity, in particular when students write sentences as a preamble to discussion activities.

Writing is way of expressing ideas and communication with others. According to Meyer (2004: 2), writing is speaking to others on paper or a computer screen. It means that the media used in writing are paper or computer. Writing is also an action or a process in discovering and organizing the writers’ idea and putting them on paper, reshaping, and revising them.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that writing is a process of transferring ideas, thought, and feeling from the writer to the reader through words. It is a complex cognitive activity because it needs some considerations since the readers are not present at the same time and the writer does not know the readers’ response toward his/her writing.


7 b. Purpose of Writing

The purpose of writing is not only to give information and message to the reader, but also is the way for writer to communicate with the readers. by writing, the writers can express and share their ideas to the readers. For example, someone write a book. It may wish to give information or knowledge to the readers. So, before writers write something they should know what their writing for.

According to Grenville (2001:10) There seem to be so many different kinds of writing: novels, poems, short stories, scripts, letters, essays, reports, reviews, instructions...all quite different. But they’re all writing. They all have the basic aim of getting ideas from one brain into another. Any piece of writing will be trying to do at least one of the following things:

1. Writing to entertain

Entertain does not mean always to make readers laughing. Think what it’s like to be a reader—you can be entertained (emotionally gripped) by something very serious, even sad, as well as by something funny. An exciting plot can involve your emotions, too, by creating feelings of suspense. Writing that involves emotions can also be reflective and contemplative. Writing to entertain generally takes the form of so-called ‘imaginative writing’ or ‘creative writing’ (of course, all writing requires some imagination and creativity). Examples of imaginative writing are novels, stories, poems, song lyrics, plays and screenplays. Sometimes imaginative writing disguises itself as a ‘true story’ for added effect. 2. Writing to inform

These kinds of writing can also be ‘entertaining’ in the sense that they’re a good read. But entertaining the reader isn’t their main purpose—that’s just a bonus. Examples of writing to inform are newspaper articles, scientific or business reports, instructions or procedures, and essays for school and



university. It means writing to inform tells the readers about something important.

3. Writing to persuade

Writing for persuade convinces the readers to do or not to do something. This includes advertisements, some newspaper and magazine articles, and some types of essay. This type of writing might include your opinion, but as part of a logical case backed up with evidence, rather than just as an expression of your feelings. I mentioned above that imaginative writing occasionally pretends to be a true story, but if you’re writing to inform or persuade, you shouldn’t make things up.

In addition, Rozakis in Nurya (2013: 13), states that there are four purposes in writing. There are: to explain: manuals, term papers, textbooks, articles, news stories. To persuade: critical, reviews, resumes, job evaluations speeches. To describe: poems, journals. To tell a story: autobiographies, anecdotes, short stories, novels.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that any piece of wring will be trying to do at least one thing. The purposes of writing are to explain or to inform, to entertain, and to persuade the readers.

c. Components of Good Writing

In writing, the writer needs to consider the components of writing. By considering the components, the writer will write well. According to Brown (1994: 342), writing has six categories as the basic for writing ability which can be used to evaluate students writing. They are:

1. Content/Ideas

It consists of topic sentence and supporting ideas. Good content will give good contribution to the writing itself.

2. Organization


9 3. Discourse

It consists of a topic, a topic sentence, supporting sentences, unity, and coherence.

4. Syntax

It is related to the form used based on the types of paragraph. 5. Vocabulary/Word Choice

It is related to the words used suitable to kind of paragraph. 6. Mechanics

Mechanic consists of spelling, punctuation, citation of reference, neatness, and appearance.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that there are some components that should the writer know and pay attention when his/ her write something. There are contents/ideas, organization, discourse, syntax, vocabulary/word choices, and mechanic.

d. Kinds of Writing

Brown (2004: 220) explains that writing can be divided into four kinds. The first one is imitative. Imitative is to produce written language, in the fundamental, basic tasks of writing letters, words, punctuation, and very brief sentences. The second one is intensive. Intensive is producing appropriate vocabulary within a context, collocations and idioms, and correct grammatical features up to the length of a sentence. The third one is responsive. Responsive is to perform at a limited discourse level, connecting sentences into a paragraph and creating a logically connected sequence of two or three paragraph. The last one is extensive. Extensive is imply successful management of all the processes and strategies of writing for all purposes, up to the length of an essay, a term paper, a major research project report, or even a thesis. So, there are several kinds of written performance that capture the range of written production are imitative, intensive, responsive, and extensive.



Kane (2000: 6) categorizes four kinds of writing. The first one is exposition. Exposition is constructed logically. It organizes around cause or effect, true or false, less or more, positive or negative, general or particular, assertion or denial. The second one is description. Description deals with perceptions most commonly visual perceptions. Its central problem is to arrange what we see into a significant pattern. The third one is narration. Narration is a series of related events a story. Its problem is twofold: to arrange the events in a sequence of time and to reveal their significance. The last one is persuasion. Persuasion seeks to alter how readers think or believe. It is usually about controversial topics and often appeals to reason in the form of argument, offering evidence or logical proof.

In conclusion, there are several kinds of writing based on various effects the writer may wish to have on his or her readers. They are exposition, description, narration, and persuasion.

Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that there are many kinds of writing. Kane categorizes based on the various effects the writer may wish to have on his or her readers. They are imitative, intensive, responsive, and extensive. In other side, Brown categorizes based on written performance that capture the range of written production. They are exposition, description, narration, and persuasion.

e. Writing Process

Oshima and Hogue (2007:15) state the process of writing has roughly four steps. In the first step, create ides, in the second step, organize the ideas. In the third step, write a rough draft. In the final step, polish your rough draft by editing it and making revisions.

According to Harmer (2007:4) writing is a never one-step action. Writing as one of productive skills needs a process. This process sues writer to write in sequence stages. The writing process is the stages that a writer goes



through in order to produce something (a written text) before to be a final draft. There are four process of writing:

1. Planning

At this stage, writers must think about three main issues, those are the purpose, the audience (the reader), and the content structure. The purpose of writing will influence not only the type of text which writers wants to produce. the language which writers use, but also the information which writers choose to include. Secondly, the writer must think of the audience will influence not only the shape of the writing (how it is laid out or how the paragraph is structured). Thirdly, writers have to consider the content structure of the piece. It means that the writers have to consider how best to sequence the fact, ideas, or argument in their writing.

2. Drafting

The drafting stage is where the writer really begins writing. The most important thing here is to get words onto paper. After you have finished in planning, you can continue to the next step (drafting). The first draft on your paragraph, the students have to use the ideas from planning as a guide as you write, remember to:

a) Begin with a topic sentence that states the main ideas, include several sentences that support the main idea.

b) Stick the topic does not include information that does not directly support the main idea.

c) Arrange the sentences so that the other ideas make sense

d) Use signal words to help the reader understand how the ideas in your paragraph connected.

3. Editing (revising)

It is almost impossible to write a perfect paragraph on the first draft. Perhaps the order of information is not clear or the discourse marker is wrong. The way to revise and improve the first draft is called editing. Writers edit their own or



their peer’s work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, diction, sentence structure, and accuracy of supportive textual material such as questions, examples and the like in this case. The writer can consider some steps for editing, those are follows:

a) Add new ideas to support the topic.

b) Cross out sentence that do not support the topic. c) Change the order of the sentences.

4. Final Version

In this stage, writer has produced the final version from his/her writing result to his/her teacher. The final step of the writing process is publishing. This means different things depending on the piece you are working on.

Tyner (2016:5) also states there are some writing process that is similar for most writers, both amateur and professional, that includes prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. While all writers don’t follow the process in exactly the same way, and may combine and configure parts of the process differently, there are enough similarities about how people write to conclude that writing, at its best, is a process-oriented task that includes these steps: 1. Prewriting: anything the writer do to prepare to write his/her paper:

thinking about the topic, jotting down some ideas, considering the essay’s organization, deciding the writing purpose.

In each “prewriting” section, the writer prepares to write the first draft of his/her paper by selecting a topic to write on and giving some thought to what the writer may want to include in his/her essay. In the prewriting sections of the text, the writer will use a variety of prewriting strategies that writer may find useful for different writing tasks.

2. Drafting: writing essay for the first time – getting ideas on paper - keeping in mind the prewriting thoughts.

After complete prewriting work, writer is ready move on to the drafting process, putting his/her experience into words. The first draft will be



followed by a second revised draft and additional drafts if necessary. Drafting is a part of the writing process for most writers.

Why do writers write drafts of an essay? Writing is a complex task, and seldom can any writer create a final, polished essay in one writing. The complexities of writing include choosing the best words to express your thoughts, organizing thoughts in the most effective manner, including the best details and examples to develop your thoughts, adding new ideas as you write that you hadn’t previously considered, assessing the impact of your writing on readers, and making sure that your paper is free of spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors.

Even the most experienced writers can’t accomplish everything they want in a single draft. The drafting process is the natural way that most people improve a piece of writing. Writers create and revise drafts because that is how they write best. We have learned that through years of analyzing how writers write, including student writers.

3. Revising: making any changes in the draft that will improve it: adding some detail, rewording some sentences.

The writer can read it over to see what his/her might improve. In each unit, writer is given some specific guidelines for revising his/her drafts based on the type of writing his/her is doing and the revision emphasis for that unit. Revising essays in different units will help writer develops a mental checklist for revising any writing his/her may do.

The purpose of revision is simple: to make the writing better. Improving a draft seldom means a major overhaul of what you’ve written. Instead, it might include adding a detail here or an example there to develop a thought, rewording some sentences to make them clearer or smoother, dividing an overly long paragraph into two, moving a particular sentence to a more effective location, or strengthening the opening or conclusion of the paper to make a greater impact on readers.



In this first “Revision” section, writer works on improving your sentence wording. This consideration is common to all writers, something you will focus on throughout the course.

4. Editing: proofreading the paper for errors involving grammar, punctuation, or spelling and making any needed corrections.

The writer may has noticed that during all of the writing and revising instruction, not a word has been written about grammar, punctuation, or spelling. The reason is that editing the essay – finding and correcting any errors in grammar usage, punctuation, or spelling – is generally the final step in the writing process.

Based on the theories above, the researcher can conclude that there are some processes of writing. Even the experts mention different of processes but the point is the same. The processes are pre-writing, drafting, revising and editing.

2. Essay

a. Definition of Essay

Essay is one way to express someone’s idea in writing that contains more than one paragraph. Oshima and Hague (1999:100) state that an essay is a piece of writing several paragraphs long instead of just one or two paragraphs. The topic of an essay is too complex to discuss in one paragraph. Therefore, we must divide the topic into several paragraphs.

In Addison, Meyer (2005:38) states definition of essay as follow:

An essay is an organized discussion of a subject in a series paragraph. A paragraph and essay actually share many traits. Essay explorers a broader topic, which it introduces in a thesis statement and supports in separate paragraph. The thesis statement helps determine and shape the content of the entire essay. An essay is not simply a longer version of paragraph. The content of an essay is more complex and needs more development. However, the essay is similar to the paragraph in



structure, for it contains three parts: introductory paragraph, body, and concluding paragraph.

Mayers (2005:38) state that essay is an organized discussion of a subject in a series of paragraphs. A paragraph and an essay actually share many traits. In an essay is not simply a longer version of a paragraph. The content of the essay in more complex and needs more development.

In short, an essay is complex. It has more than one paragraph consists of introductory, body and concluding paragraph in single idea. The topic of an essay is too complex to explain or disscuss in one paragraph.

b. Components of Essay

Oshima and Hogue (1999:101) state that there are three main components of essay. The first component is introductory paragraph. Introductory paragraph is consisted of two parts. They are general statement and thesis statement. A few general statement about subject aim to attract reader’s attention. While thesis statement aims to state the specific subdivisions of the topic and/or the “plan” of writer’s paper. A thesis statement for an essay is just like a topic sentence for paragraph. It names the specific topic and the controlling ideas or major subdivisions of the topic.

The second component of essay is body paragraph. It consists of one or more paragraphs. In body paragraph, there are topic sentence, supporting sentence and concluding sentence. The last component of essay is concluding paragraph. The conclusion in an essay, like the concluding sentence in paragraph, is a summary or review of the main point discussed in the body. Based on the explanation above, it can conclude that the components of essay are introductory, body, and concluding paragraph.

In addition, Mayers (2005:38), Oshima and Hogue (2006:57), and Boardman and Frydenberg (2002:87) agrees about an essay consists of three



main parts, namely introductory paragraph, body paragraph and concluding paragraph. They are as follow:

1. Introductory Paragraph

Introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of the essay attracts the readers’ interest make the primary claim of the essay in a thesis statement, and may introduce the ideas of the body paragraph. Introductory paragraph consists of two parts: First, a few general statements about subject to attract readers’ attention. Second, thesis statement to state the main topic and the specific subdivision of the topic and usually the last sentence in the introductory paragraph.

2. Body of Paragraph

Body paragraph consists of one or more paragraphs. In bode paragraph there are topic sentence, supporting sentence, and conclusion. There are three important points to remember about the topic sentence such as; the first, a topic sentence contains a subject, and a verb usually complement. The second, a topic sentence contains both a topic and a controlling idea. The third, a topic sentence gives only the main idea; therefore, it is the most general statement in the paragraph.

3. Concluding Paragraph

Concluding paragraph is the last paragraph of the essay-ties all the essay’s ideas together and includes are strong ending and usually restates the thesis and summarizes the main idea. The concluding in an essay, like the conclude sentence and paragraph or summary or review of the main points discussed in the body. The concluding sentence as a signal in the end of paragraph, there are some signals that usually used in ending paragraph, such as: finally, in conclusion, in summary, therefore, thus, as a result,

indeed and in brief. It should never introduce new information about the

topic of the essay. It means that the concluding paragraph didn’t have another explanation about the topic that have discuss.



Based on the theories above, there are three parts of writing an essay. They are, introductory, body, and concluding paragraph. Introductory paragraph has two parts. They are general statement and thesis statement. Its purpose is to capture the reader’s interest to provide background information, to state the main idea of the essay in thesis statement next is body paragraph. In body paragraph, each of paragraphs develops a subdivision of the topic. It develops and supports the thesis by breaking it down into smaller ideas. The is concluding paragraph. It states the summary of the main ideas, or a restatement of the thesis and the final comment on the topic. In concluding paragraph, it never introduces new information about the topic of the essay.

3. Grammar

a. Definition of grammar

In communicating, one needs appropriate structure of words to become an understandable sentence. It is not only about what to say but how to say it. It is influence by number of factors. Those factors can be caused by someone’s mastery of vocabulary items, correctness of pronunciation, and understanding the grammar. Brown (1978:362) states that grammar is the system of rules governing the conventional arrangement and relationship of words in a sentence. Furthermore, he explains that grammatical competence occupies a prominent position as a major component of communicative competence. Without the structure of organizational constraints impose of someone’s communicative attempts, his/her language would simply be chaotic.

According to Harmer (2004:12), grammar of a language is the description of the ways in which words can change their forms and can be combined into sentences in that language. If grammar rules are too carelessly violated, communication may suffer. Although creating a good grammar rule is extremely difficult.



Thornbury (1999:1) sates grammar is partly the study of what form (or structures) are possible in a language. Traditionally grammar has been concerned almost exclusively with analysis at the level of the sentence. Thus a grammar is a description of the rules that govern how a language’s sentences are formed.

Grammar is the state that science that teaches learner how to read, speak, and write English well and properly (Suryadi in Wibowo, 2011:3). Grammar is the study of science of rules for the combination of words into a sentence (syntax) and the form and words (morphology).

According to Biber et al. (2005:2) most grammars have focused on structure, describing the form, and sometimes meaning of grammatical instructions out of context. Penny Ur in Emmaryana (2010:17) states that grammar is sometimes defined as the way words are put together to make correct sentences.

In conclusion, grammar is partly the study of form or structure and also appropriate roles of combining the words become understandable sentence. Without grammar, it would be hard to understand what people says or writes.

b. Part of Speech

According to Suswati and Yuliana (2009-1-2-3) state that part of speech are the basic types of words that English has. Most grammar books say there are eight parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections.

It important to be able to recognize and identify the different types of words in English. So that grammar explanation can be understood and used correctly. This is a summary of the eight of parts of speech.


19 Table 2.1 Parts of Speech Parts of speech Function or “job”

Example words Example sentences Verb Action or state (to) be, have, do,

like, work, sing, can, must.

EnglishClube.com is a website. I like EnglishClube.com Noun Thing or person Pen, dog, work,

music, town, London, teacher, john. This is my dog. He lives in my house. We live in London. Adjective Describes a noun a/an, the, 69, some, good, big,

red, well, interesting.

My dog is big. I like big dog. Adverb Describes a verb, adjective or adverb Quickly, silently, well, badly, very, really,

My dog eats quickly. When he is very hungry. He eats really quickly.

Pronoun Replaces a noun I, you, he, she, some

Tara is indian. She is beautiful.

Preposition Links a noun to another word

To, at, after, on, but,

We went to school on Monday.

Conjunction Joins clauses or sentences or


And, but, when I like dogs and I like cats. I like cats and dogs. I like dogs but I don’t like cats.

Interjection Short exclamation,

sometimes inserted into a


Oh!, ouch!, hi!, well

Ouch! That hurts! Hi! How are you? Well, I don’t know.

Learning about the parts of speech is the first step in grammar study just as learning the letters of the alphabet is the first step to being able to read and write. From learning the parts of speech, we begin to understand the use or



function of the words and how words are joined together to make meaningful communication.

When we look up a word in a dictionary, we will find not only the meaning of the word but also what parts of speech it is. This information is very helpful in understanding the full meaning of the word and knowing how to use it.

4. Verb

a. Definition of Verb

Suswati and Yuliana (2009:54) state the verb is king in English. The shortest sentence contains a verb. You can make one-word sentence with a verb, for example: “Stop!”. You cannot make one-word sentence with any another type of word.

Verbs are sometimes described as “action verbs”. This is partly true. Many verbs give the idea of action, of “doing” something. For example, words like run, fight, do and work all convey action. But some words do not give the idea of action; they give the idea of existence, of state. Or of “being”. For example, verbs like be, exist, seem, and belong all convey state.

A verb always has a subject. (in the sentence “John speaks English”,

John is the subject and speaks is the verb). In simple terms, therefore, it can be

said that verbs are word that tell us what a subject does or is.

In addition, McDouall (2008:106) states verbs are commonly known as

‘doing words’. They refer to an action, an event, or a state of being. Here are

examples of verbs:

1) Examples of verbs referring to an action are: bring, read, and run. 2) Examples of verbs referring to an event are: decompose, glitter, and melt. 3) Examples of verbs referring to a state of being are: exist, stand, and recline.

In English, verbs can be divided into two groups, regular verbs and



past, for example, simply add the suffix –ed to the root of the word. Unfortunately, irregular verbs do not follow such a neat pattern, and their conjugated forms must be learned through memorization.

In short, verbs are very important. Verbs are described as action or existence (for example: fight, run, seem, belong). you can make a one-word sentence with verb. you cannot make sentence without using a verb.

b. Function of Verb

According to Suswati and Yuliana (2009:54) verbs usually describe: 1. Action (Ram plays football).

2. State (Anthony seems kind).

There is something very special about verbs in English. Most other words (adjectives, adverbs, preposition etc) do not change in form (although nouns can have singular and plural forms). But almost all verbs change in form. For example, the verb to work has five forms: to work, work, works, worked,


According to Berry (2012:28) verbs are an open word class. In terms of grammar (rather than lexis) they are the most important word class because they are the central element in clauses; each full clause must have a verb, and they determine what other elements will be present.

Traditionally, verbs are said typically to denote actions. There are two problems with this. First, nouns such as running, singing, fight or laughter also denote or imply actions. Second, many verbs are not to do with actions. They can also be to do with events, processes, states, relationships, and so on: 1) The building collapsed.

2) It snowed yesterday. 3) I want some chocolate. 4) I have three sisters



According to (358) there are three major classes of verbs: lexical verbs (also called full verbs, e.g. run, eat), primary verb (be, have, and do), and modal

verbs (e.g. can, will, might etc). These classes are distinguished by their roles

as main verbs and auxiliary verbs. Lexical verbs comprise an open class of words that function anly as main verbs: the three primary verbs can function as either main verbs or auxiliary verbs; and modal verbs can function only as auxiliary verbs.

Based on explanation above, the researcher can conclude that verbs are special in English because verbs can change in form. verb have three types, they are lexical verb, primary verb, modal verb. Verbs usually describe action and


5. Modal Auxiliaries

a. Definition of Auxiliaries

Manaf in Mukandan (2011:79) says Modal Auxiliary verbs have always formed an important part of the grammar and semantics of most languages, including English because they are not only auxiliaries in the prescriptive grammarian sense but they also appear to contribute to the semantics of communication. Gueron and Lecarme (2008) support the fact that grammar devotes a lot of space to modality, and that modal sentences containing modal verbs occupy a unique position within this grammatical space.

Modal auxiliary or called modal verbs may sound difficult but in fact they are easy. They are invariable (no conjunction). And the main verb is always the “bare ifinitive” (without “to”). Modal auxiliaries generally express a speakers’ attitudes, or “mood”. For example, modal can express that a speaker feels something necessary, advisable, permissible, possible, or probable; and in addition, they can convey the strength of these attitudes.These are the modal verb can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should, ought, and need.



They are different from the other three auxiliary verbs (do, be and have) in two ways.

Firstly, they have special grammatical features (for instance, they have no infinitive and the third person singular has no s). And secondly, most modal verbs have not only a grammatical function, but also a “dictionary meaning”: for instance, must can mean „be obliged to‟ (do, be and have do not really have “meaning”) of this kind when they are used as auxiliary verbs).

Biber et al (2005:103) states that auxiliary verbs occur before main verb and qualify the meaning of main the verb. English auxiliary verbs, as the name implies, are simply called helping verbs or supporting verbs (Oxford Advanced Learners of Current English 1995).

In addition, Alfiyani (2013:41) argues that a helping verb assists the main verb in sentence. In interrogative sentence, the helping verb usually separated with the main verb.

In conclusion, modal auxiliaries are words that helps main verb to help meaning in the sentence. Modal auxiliaries occur before main verb and qualify meaning of main verb. In interrogative sentence, the helping verb usually separated with the main verb.

b. Kinds of Auxiliaries verb

According to Alagbe (2009:56) English auxiliary verbs are two kinds, they are:

1. Primary Auxiliary Verbs

Alagbe (2009:58) states that each of grammarians identified ‘Be’, ‘Have’, and ‘Do’ as the English primary auxiliary verbs which function both as auxiliary and lexical verbs. Ann is learning English and they had two children. There are three primary auxiliary verbs: be, have, and do. They have inflections like lexical verbs, but are normally unstressed. The same verbs be, have, and do can also act as main verbs.



Table 2.2

Primary Auxiliary Verbs Base Present


Past tense Ing-participle

Ed-participal Be Is, am, are Was, were Being Been

Have Have, has Had Having Had

Do Do, does Did Doing Done

(a) The auxiliary be is used for progressive aspect or continuous: she was

thinking about you

(b) The auxiliary be is also used for passive voice: it was sent over there. (c) The auxiliary do is used for negative statement and in question, this

is known as do insertion: did he sell it?, this does not make sense. 2. Modal Auxiliary verbs

According to Suswati and Yuliana (2009:56) state that modal auxiliary verbs are used to modify the meaning of main verb in some way. A modal helping verb expresses necessity or possibility, and changes the main verb in sentence. These are the modal auxiliary verb: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to.

In English, such verbs have largely replaced the subjunctive mood, and three kinds of modality can be distinguished for them: (1) epistemic modality, which expresses a judgment about the truth of a proposition (whether it is possible, probable, or necessarily true): John may be in his

office. (2) Deontic modality, which involves the giving of directives (in

terms of such notions as permission and obligation): You must leave

immediately. (3) Dynamic modality, which describes such properties as

ability and volition to the subject of the sentence: I can come. Often the same modal verb is used for more than one kind of modality: may for possibility (It may rain tomorrow) and permission (You may smoke now);



must for necessity (The plane must have landed by now) an obligation (I must go).

Azhar (2002:151) states modal auxiliaries generally express speakers’ attitudes. For example, modals can express that a speaker feels something is necessary, advisable, permissible, possible, or probable; and, in addition, can convey the strength of those attitudes.

According to Azhar (1989:68) states that the types of Modal Auxiliaries can be divided into two kinds. First, modal auxiliaries with different meaning such as: can, could, had better, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, and would. Second, modal auxiliaries with similar expression such as: be able to, be going to be supposed to, be to, have to, have got to, used to. Modal and semi modals can be grouped into three major categories according to their main meaning (excluding used to, which relates to past time).

(a) Permission/possibility/ability: can, could, may, might

(b) Obligation/ necessity: must, should, had better, have (got)to, need to,

ought to, be supposed to

(c) Volition/prediction: will, would, shall, be going to.

Berry (2012:106) states Modality is to do with the way statements are qualified by speakers to show that they are not facts, either because there is some personal element involved in their realization, or because they are seen as lacking certainty. You must do it. It might rain.

Sentences without modality are presented as facts: I saw him yesterday.

It’s raining.

There are nine ‘central’ modals: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must. They are easy to identify as they all possess the following formal features:



1) they have only one form; unlike verbs (and the primary auxiliaries) there is no infinitive, past tense, third-person -s form, -ed or -ing participle.

2) they are followed by the bare infinitive of verbs: I can see. 3) they form negatives directly with not: I may not come. 4) they invert to form questions: Can I come?

In these last two respects they are like the primary auxiliaries. But unlike the primary auxiliaries they do not combine with one another; only one modal is possible, as the first element in the verb phrase.

c. Sentence Patterns of Modal

According to Oshima and Oaline in Sudirman (2007:9) sentence is a group of word that contains at least object and one verb. A sentence expresses a complete thought:

1. Positive Sentence

The pattern of modal auxiliary in the positive sentence is: S + Modal Auxiliary + V ( infinitive without ‘to’ + o/c)

E,g: Rifah can speak English well 2. Negative Sentence

The pattern of modal auxiliary in the negative sentence is: S + Modal Auxiliary + not + V (infinitive without ‘to + o/c)

E,g: Rifah cannot speak English 3. Introgative Sentence

The pattern of modal auxiliary in the negative sentence is: Modal Auxiliary + S + V (infinitive without ‘to’ + o/c)

E,g: Can she speak English well?

Azhar (2002:151) says modal do not take a final –s, even when the subject is she, he, or it. Modal are follow immediately by the simple form of



verb. For example: she can do it. The only exception is ou ght, which is followed by an infinitive (to + the simple form of a verb). For example: he ought to go to the meeting.

d. Possible Errors in the form of Modal

according to Azar (1989:68), possible errors in the forms of modal auxiliary verbs are:

table 2.3

Possible Errors in the Form of Modal

No Incorrect Correct

1 She can to see it. She can see it.

2 She cans see it. She can see it.

3 She can sees it. She can see it.

4 She can saw it She can see it.

5 Can you please to pass the rice?. Can you please pass the rice?.

6 Do you can see it?. Can you see it?.

7 They don’t can go there. They cannot go there. 6. Nature of Errors

Writing is not easy for the students. Students have the difficulties in choosing an appropriate words, phrases, preposition, pronoun, etc. Consequently, errors cannot be ignored by the students in writing. Dulay in Nina (2005:13) states that errors are the flawed side of learner speech or writing. Making errors is an inevitable part of learning. People cannot learn language without first systematically commiting errors. It’s commonly happened in a learning process, because the people or the students still learn the target language step by step.

Then, Brown (2000:217) states that a mistake refers to a performance error that either a random guess or a “slip”, in that it is a failure to use system correctly, while an error is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker, reflecting the inter language competence of the learner.



Next, Corder in Freeman and Long (1991:59) defines a mistake is a random performance slip caused by fatigue, excitiment, etc, and therefore can be readily self-corrected. An error is a systematic deviation made by learners who have not yet mastered the rules of the L2. A learner cannot self-correct an error because it is a product reflective of his or her current stage of L2 development, or underlying competence.

Furthermore, Harmer (2007:96) devides mistake into three categories. Slips are mistakes which students can correct themselves, once the mistake has been pointed out to them. Errors are mistakes which they cannot correct themselves and which, therefore, need explanation. And attempts are mistake that students make when they try to say something but do not know how to say it yet.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that an error is a systematic deviation made by learners who have not mastered the rules of the L2 yet. A learner cannot self-correct an error because it is a product reflective of his or her current stage of L2 development, or underlying competence.

a. Types of Errors

There are several types of errors. Thornbury (1999:114) states that there are three types of errors. They are as follows:

1. Lexical Errors

a) Learners make mistakes when they have chosen the wrong word for the meaning that wants to express.

b) Learners have chosen the wrong form of the word.

c) The lexical errors also include mistakes in the words are combined. 2. Grammatical Errors

3. Discourse Errors

Thornbury (2004:114) explains there are three types of errors. They are lexical errors, grammar errors, and discourse errors. Lexical Errors are the



errors are concerned with errors in word choice to make one meaning correctly. For example: “the Sunday night past” the correct one is “last Sunday night”. Grammatical Errors are the errors can be in choosing verb form and tense. For example: “the doorbell rangs” the correct one is the “bell rang”. Dicourse Errors are concerned with organize and to connect sentences in the text. For example: “at last suggests” the solution to this problem is “eventually” would have been better in this context.

Based on the explanation above, it can be summed up the types of errors can be classified into several categories, they are: lexical errors, grammatical errors, and discourse errors.

b. Analysis of Errors

According to Brown (2000:218) there are several procedures of error analysis. They are as follows:

1. Identifying Errors

The first procedure that should be followed by the researcher in analyzing learners’ errors is to identify them. In identifying errors, the researcher has to compare learners’ sentence procedure with what seem the correct sentences in the target language which correspond with them. 2. Describing Errors

After all of the errors have been identified, they can be described and classified into types. One of the examples of classifying the errors is classifying into grammatical categories. The advantages of classify errors in these ways can help the researcher to diagnose learners’ learning problem and to plot how changes errors pattern occur over time.

3. Explaining Errors

In explaining errors, the researcher has to explain what kinds of errors that have been made by the learners. Because some errors are common only to learners who share mother tongues manifest the same linguistic property.



The errors are classisfied into categories like the following: errors in using past tense, errors in using past continious tense, errors in using simple future tense, errors in using verb to-infinitive, errors in using direct speech, errors in using articles, errors in using plural singular, errors in using passive voice, and error in using pronoun.

It is supported by The in Zubir (2013:25) error analyses are identification, description and explanation of errors either in its spoken and written form. In identification, the researcher will underline, the students' errors. Then, in description, the students’ errors by will classify by the researcher into the table. Next, in explanation, the students’ errors will explain by the researcher about errors that found in students’ essay.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that errors of analysis can be defined as identification, explanation and description of errors in spoken or written form.

B. Review of Relevant Studies

Based on the literature that researcher read, the researcher found the relevant studies for this research. First, Sudirman (2010) had research about

Analysis on Students’ Difficulties in Learning Modal Auxiliaries ‘Can’ and ‘Could’. He found that the students’ difficulties in learning modal auxiliaries

were came from the internal factor, that most interview facing the difficulties caused by the interest, they do not attention to the teacher explanation, beside that the cause of difficulties are caused by their motivation in learning English subject. This research has similarity and difference with the research that conducts with the researcher. The similarity is the same topic that discusses about modal auxiliary verb. the difference is the research that conducted by Sudirman was focused about students’ difficulties but this research is focused in errors made by students in form of modal auxiliary verb.



Second, Mariana Ezra Mutter (2014) had research about Modal dalam

Novel the Swiss Family Robinson oleh Johan Rudolf Wyss. She found that

modal forms are used namely will, shall, can, may, would, should, could, might, ought to, have to, be able to, and need. This research also has similarity and difference with the research that conducts with the researcher. The similarity is the same topic that discusses about modal auxiliary verb. the difference is the research that conducted by Mariana Ezra Mutter was focused about modal auxiliary verb found on Novel the Swiss Family Robinson oleh Johan Rudolf

Wyss but this research is focused in errors made by students in form of modal

auxiliary verb on their essay.

Then, Nursyamsi had research Entitled An Analysis of Must and Should

Usage of Modal Auxiliary in Writing Hortatory Exposition (A Study of The Second Year Students at Senior High School 1 Sitiung). She found that the

students of SMA N 1 SITIUNG class XI IPS3 were able to analyze must and should usage and determine the function of must and should in writing hortatory exposition. Most of the students get good score in writing hortatory exposition test. It was supported by the fact that there were only 4 (13, 33%) students who had problems in analyze of using must and should in text or the students that have low score, it can put on fair rank. And there were 21 (70%) students who had good score in writing hortatory exposition test. Then 5 (16,66%) students who had excellent score in the test. It means that second year students of SMA N 1 Sitiung have good understanding about must and should usage and the function of must and should in writing hortatory exposition text. The similarity is the same topic that discusses about modal auxiliary verb. the difference is the research that conducted by Nursyamsi was focused about modal auxiliary verb

must and should usage in writing hortatory exposition but this research is

focused in errors made by students in form of modal auxiliary verb on their essay.




This research was a qualitative research by using content analysis. According to Gay (2012:7), qualitative research is the collection, analysis and interpretation of comprehensive narative and visual (i.e., non-numerical) data to gain insights into a particular phenomenon of interest. In this research, the researcher would like to analyze error in the form of modal auxiliary verb found on students’ essay.

According to Weber in Stemler (2001:1) content analysis has been defined as a systematic, replicable technique for compressing many words of texts into fewer content categories based on explicit rules of coding. It means content analysis is a technique to make inference from many words/message to become specified characteristic of message.

Dealing with these theories, the research concerned to analyze error in the form of modal auxiliary verb found on students’ essay of the third semester students of English Teaching Department of IAIN Batusangkar registered in 2018/2019.

B. Data and Source of Data 1. Data

According to White and Marsh (2006:27) the most important is the data that provide useful evidence for testing hypotheses or answering research question. So the data of this research were errors in form of modal auxiliary verbs: can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must and ought to that found on students’ essay of the third semester English Department at IAIN Batusangkar registered in 2018/2019 academic years.



As Sugiyono (2012:82) states that document is an event that happened in the past. Document can be from written, recording, picture, film, biography, etc. In this research, the researcher did not conduct any test to collect the data. The data sources of this research was taken from students’ essay. The data was gotten from genre based writing lecturer. This research was document checking because the researcher described the data from the essay that was written by the students. the source of the data was 71 documents but the researcher only used 31 documents because only 31 documents contained form of modal auxiliary verb errors.

C. Technique of Data Collection 1. Research Instrument

The research instrument in this research was the researcher himself. The researcher collected the documents. And then, the researcher analyzed the documents and classify modal auxiliary verb found from the documents. The researcher entered the setting to get the data, copied, studied the data, and interpreted the data by himself. In this research, the researcher conducted the documentary study because document was the only thing that would be analyzed.

2. Research Procedures

This research was conducted by applying the following steps. They were pre-operation, whilst-operation, and post-operation.

1) Pre-operation

a. Finding the problem b. Doing observation

c. Finding the theories that related to the research problem d. Preparing and writing the research proposal

e. Consulting with the advisors f. Revising the research proposal


34 g. Having proposal seminar h. Revising proposal 2) Whilst-operation

a. Asking to English Writing Lecturer to get documents from students’ original writing.

b. Collecting the students’ writing. 3) Post-operation

a. Analyzing the data b. Drawing conclusion c. Doing thesis agenda

D. Technique of Data Analysis

After colecting data, the researcher analyzed the data by using descriptive qualitative analysis which applied content analysis. In analyzing the data, the researcher analyzed modal auxiliary verb found on students’ essay. Before analyzing the data, the researcher gave the number for each documents from 1 to 31. Then the researcher write the list of modal auxiliary to help the researcher in analyzing the data. The researcher just transcribed the phrase that contain error in the form modal auxiliary verb.

In analyzing the document, the researcher used Chelimsky (1989:8) points out six steps in conducting content analysis. Those steps are:

1. Deciding to use the content analysis

To begin the research that used content analysis, the researcher will formulate the question first. The question must be clear understanding of project needs and available data. Chelimsky (1989:8) states that the content analysis can be used to answer the question “what”. This research is formulated by usisng the question of “what” as states in the research question that is “ what is grammatical error in the



form of modal auxiliary verb found on students’ essay. It means that the content analysis was appropriated to be used in this research.

2. Determining what material should be included in content analysis The next step of content analysis is about choosing the material. Material of the research must be done and it can be use appropriate sample technique. In this research researcher used total sampling to choosing- the data should be analyzed. Therefore, the researcher used all of the document to analyze grammatical error of modal auxiliary verb found on students’ essay.

3. Selecting unit analysis

In content analysis, there are two unit analyses such as content unit and recording unit. The content unit is a unit set limits of written material that is to be examined. While recording unit is the specific part of the content unit in the written material that is placed in category. In this research the content analysis unit was students’ essay. Then, the recording unit was modal auxiliary form errors that contain in the text. 4. Developing the coding categories

According to Chelimsky (1989:11), categories provide the structure for grouping document unit. It means the researcher determined the codification to all of the documents like D1,D2,D3. Then the researcher grouped modal auxiliary form errors in every types of modal auxiliary verb, like modal auxiliary verb “can”, “will” and so on. The researcher also coded the paragraph, like P1, P2 and also lined in that paragraph, like L1, L2, L3.

5. Coding the material

In this step, researcher coded all of the document that was made by the third semester students who had taken writing III subject. The researcher also underlined the position all of modal auxiliary form errors that are found in the target text as the document also. It is used to


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