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vol10_pp155-162. 115KB Jun 04 2011 12:05:50 AM


Academic year: 2017

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by studying the Perron vector of G , it is shown that type-I-a graphs and type-I-b (resp. type-II-a).. graphs with some specified properties are not λ 1

It is shown in this paper that if one only considers the family of graphs without isolated vertex, then a disjoint union of complete graphs is determined by its Laplacian

Let Q be a pattern that has weakly sign symmetric P -completion, where for any partial weakly sign symmetric P -matrix specifying Q , there is a weakly sign symmetric P -completion

A square complex or real matrix A is called an H-matrix if there exists a square positive diagonal matrix X such that AX is strictly diagonally dominant (SDD)[5].. We denote by ρ (

We note that each of the graphs with structures described above can be obtained from certain simple corona graphs by deleting two specific pendant vertices with distance 3..

The above strategy was adopted earlier by one of the authors for branching random walk in random environment [ 10 ]. There, the Markov chain alluded to above is simply the product

In this note we connect this result with properties of a certain set of extreme points of the unit Poisson process in the positive quadrant..

In this section, we use Corollary 2 to determine whether the Λ-coalescent comes down from infinity for particular families of measures Λ. We begin with the