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Silabus Teori Dan Hubungan Internasional


Academic year: 2018

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Silabus Mata-Kuliah THI

Oleh: Hizkia Yosie Polimpungp

Part I

1. Historiography of IR Theorization: Two Approach—Debates and Turns

2. Contemporary Classic I: Realism and its evolution

3. Contemporary Classic II: Liberalism and its evolution

4. Rational Choice & Game Theory

5. Critical Turn: Critical Theory, Feminism, and Green Theory

6. Normative & Ethical turn: Citizenship between Cosmopolitanism & Communitarianism

7. Constructivist & Linguistic Turn: Constructivism and Postmodernism

8. UTS

Part II

9. Global Turn/Order I: International to World Society [English School Theory]


Global Turn/Order II: Globalization to Governance [Liberal]


Global Turn/Order III: Governmentality to Empire [Postmarxism]


Political Turn: Bringing the political back in




Postmodern /Aesthetic Turn: Photographic, Cinematic & Poetic IR theorizing


Cultural & Religious Turn: Religious, Cultural & Pop IR theories


Non-Western IR Theory; Beyond IR Theory?




1 Pengantar: Historiograf THI: Pendekatan Debat Paradigma dan Peralihan Baca



Ole Wæver, “Figures of international thought: introducing persons instead of paradigms” dalam I.B.Neumann and O. Wæver, peny., The Future of

International Relations: Masters in the Making (London, NY: Routledge, 1997)

Brian C. Schmidt, “On the History and Historiography of International Relations,” dalam W. Carlsnaes et.al., peny., Handbook of International Relations (London: SAGE, 2002)

Steve Smith, “The Self-Images of a Discipline: A

Genealogy of International Relations Theory,” dalam K. Booth & S. Smith, International Relations Theory Today (Pennsylvania: Penn. State Uni Press, 1995)

 Memahami evolusi studi HI dari perdebatan antar teorisasi di dalamnya  Penulisan sejarah Teori


 Empat The Great Debates  Pendekatan peralihan

dalam memahami evolusi teorisasi HI

 Selayang pandang perkuliahan


Brian Schmidt, “International Relations Theory:

Hegemony or Pluralism?” dan Steve Smith, “Debating Schmidt: Theoretical Pluralism in IR” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 36, 2, 2007.

Ken Booth, “Master-Debating in International Relations” dan Iver B. Neumann and Ole Wrever, “A Rejoinder to Ken Booth,” Millennium: Journal of lnternational Studies, 27, 1, 1998.

Alexander Astrov, “Who’s Afraid of Deconstruction? Post-debatism and Beyond,” Cooperation and Confiit, 38, 2, 2003, hal. 149–158.

Peter Wilson, “The myth of the ‘First Great Debate’” Review of International Studies, 1998.


of International Studies (2001), 27, 611–625


Contemporary Classic I: Realism and its evolution

Baca an


 Robert Jervis, “Realism in the Study of World Politics,” International Organization, 52, 4, (Autumn, 1998), hal. 971-991.

 Kenneth N. Waltz, “Structural Realism after the Cold War,” International Seiurity, 25 (1) (Summer, 2000), hal. 5-41

 Joseph M. Grieco, “Anarchy and the Limits of

Cooperation: A Realist Critique of the Newest Liberal Institutionalism,” International Organization, 42, 3, (Summer, 1988), pp. 485-507.

 William Wohlforth, “Realism and the End of the Cold War,” International Seiurity 19, 3 (Winter 1994/95), hal. 91-129.

 Asumsi dan proposisi teoretik (neo)realism  Teori Perimbangan


 Keuntungan relatif  Defensive vs. offensive


 Kritik realisme neoklasik  Implikasi realisme bagi

studi HI dan kebijakan luar negeri


 Hans Morgenthau, Politiis Among Nations, Part 1.  Kenneth Waltz, Theory of International Politiis (Mass:

Addison-Waesley, 1979), Ch. 5 & 6

 John Vasquez, The Power of Power Politiis: From Classiial Realism to Neotraditionalism (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni Press, 1999)

 Caverley, J. D., “Power and Democratic Weakness:

Neoconservatism and Neoclassical Realism,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 38 (3), 2010, h. 593-614

3 Contemporary Classic II: Liberalism and its evolution Baca

an Wajib Michael W. Doyle, “Liberalism and World Politics,” The Ameriian Politiial Siienie Review, 80, 4 (Dec., 1986),


pp. 1151-1169

Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Jr., “Power and Interdependence revisited,” International Organization, 41, 4 (Autumn, 1987), pp. 725-753

Andrew Moravcsik, “Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics,” International Organization, 51, 4. (Autumn, 1997), pp. 513-553.

James N. Rosenau, Distant Proximities: Dynamiis Beyond Globalization (Princeton: Princeton Uni Press, 2003), Ch. 1 & 2.

 Regime Theory/Neoliberal Institutionalism

 Varian Neoliberalism (Sociological, commercial dan republican liberalism)  Persamaan dan

perbedaan Neoliberalism dan Neorealism

 Kritik New liberalism Moravscik

 Reformulasi ilmiah atas teori liberalisme


Robert O. Keohane, Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World (London & NY: Routledge, 2002)

James N. Rosenau, The Study of World Politiis. Volume 1: theoretiial and methodologiial ihallenges (London & NY: Routledge, 2006)

Benjamin Miller, “Democracy Promotion: Offensive Liberalism versus the Rest (of IR Theory),” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 38, 3, 2010, pp. 561–591 Beate Jahn, “Liberal internationalism: from ideology to

empirical theory—and back again,” International Theory, 1, 3, 2009, hal. 409–438

4 Rational Choice & Game Theory Baca



 Rudolf Avenhaus & I. William Zartman, "Introduction: Formal Models of, in, and for International

Negotiations,"dalam R. Avenhaus & I.W. Zartman, peny., Diplomaiy Games: Formal Models and International Negotiations (Berlin: Springer, 2007)

 Stephen M. Walt, “Rigor or Rigor Mortis?: Rational Choice and Security Studies,” International Seiurity, Vol.

 Latar belakang

kemunculan teori rasional dalm teorisasi HI

 Kontekstualisasi teorisasi rasional dan permainan HI


23, No. 4. (Spring, 1999), pp. 5-48.

 Scott Gates and Brian D. Humes, Games, Information, and Politiis: Applying Game Theoretii Models to Politiial Siienie (Ann Arbor: Uni of Michigan Press, 1997), Ch. 2.  George Ehrhardt, “Beyond the Prisoners’ Dilemma:

Making Game Theory a Useful Part of Undergraduate International Relations Classes,” International Studies Perspeitives, 9, 2008, hal. 57–74

pada proliferasi teori pilihan rasional

 Model-model teori permainan


 Miles Kahler, “Rationality in International Relations,” International Organization, Vol. 52, No. 4, (Autumn, 1998), pp. 919-941.

 Robert Jervis, “Realism, Game Theory, and Cooperation,” World Politiis, Vol. 40, No. 3. (Apr., 1988), pp. 317-349.  Lisa L. Martin, “The Contributions of Rational Choice: A

Defense of Pluralism,” dalam Michael E. Brown dkk., peny., Rational Choiie and Seiurity Studies: Stephen Walt and His Critiis (Camb. Mass.: MIT Press, 2000)

5 Critical Turn: Critical Theory, Feminisme, dan Green Theory Baca

an Wajib  Yosef Lapid, “The Third Debate: On the Prospects of International Theory in a Post-Positivist Era,”

International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 3. (Sep., 1989), pp. 235-254.

 Mark Rupert, “Globalising common sense: a Marxian-Gramscian (re-) vision of the politics of

governance/resistance,” Review of International Studies (2003), 29, 181–198

 J Ann Tickner, “Gendering a Discipline: Some Feminist Methodological Contributions to International Relations,” Signs, 30, 4 (Summer, 2005)

 Robyn Eckersley, “Green Theory,” dalam T. Dunne, M.

 Latar belakang peralihan kritis dalam HI

 Asumsi dasar & proposisi teoritik peralihan kritis.  Debat Besar ketiga dalam

teorisasi HI  Kritik idiologi

(kapitalisme dan


Kurki, S. Smith, peny., International Relations Theories: Disiipline and Diversity (Oxford: OUP, 2006)


 Nicholas Rengger & Ben Thirkell-White, “Introduction: Still critical after all these years? The past, present and future of Critical Theory in International Relations,” Review of International Studies (2007), 33, 3–24  Steven C. Roach, “Critical International Theory and

Meta-Dialectics”, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 35, 2, 2007, pp. 321-342

 Richard Wyn Jones, Critiial Theory and World Politiis (Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 2001)

 Marysia Zalewski, Ann Tickner, Christine Sylvester, dkk. “Roundtable Discussion: Refections on the Past,

Prospects for the Future in Gender and International Relations,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 37, 1, 2008, pp. 153–179

 Jane L. Parpart & Marysia Zalewski, peny., Rethinking the Man Question: Sex, Gender and Violenie in

International Relations (London, NY: Zed Books, 2008)  Robyn Eckersley, The Green State: Rethinking

Demoiraiy and Sovereignty (Mass.: MIT Press, 2004)  Thom Kuehls, “Theories of Ecopolitics: Machines,

Organisms, Cyborgs,” dalam Beyond Sovereign Territory: The Spaie of Eiopolitiis (Minneapolis: Uni of Minnesota Press, 1996)

6 Constructivist & Linguistic Turn: Constructivism, Postmodernism, Postcolonialism Baca

an Wajib  Alexander Wendt, “Anarchy is what States Make of it: The Social Construction of Power Politics,” International Organization, Vol. 46, No. 2. (Spring, 1992), pp. 391-425.


 Richard Devetak, “Theories, practices and

postmodernism in international relations,” Cambridge Review of International Afairs, 12: 2, hal. 61-76.

 Karin M. Fierke, “Links across the Abyss: Language and Logic in International Relations,” International Studies Quarterly, 46, 3 (Sep., 2002), pp. 331-354

 Geeta Chowdhry, “Edward Said and Contrapuntal Reading: Implications for Critical Interventions in International Relations,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 36, 1, 2007, pp. 101-116.  Emanuel Adler, “Seizing the Middle Ground:

Constructivism in World Politics,” European Journal of International Relations, 3(3), 1997, hal. 319-363.

 Asumsi dasar & proposisi teoretik peralihan


 Asal-usul konstruktivisme  Asumsi-asumsi dasar

konstruktivisme dan proposisi teoretiknya  Strategi tekstual dan



 Stefano Guzzini and Anna Leander, peny.,

Construitivism and International Relations: Alexander Wendt and his iritiis (London, NY: Routledge, 2006)  Jeffrey T. Checkel, “The Constructivist Turn in

International Relations Theory,” World Politiis, 50, 2 (Jan., 1998), pp. 324-348

 James Der Derian, "The (S)pace of International

Relations: Simulation, Surveillance, and Speed," dalam idem., Critiial Praitiies in International Theory:

Seleited essays (London, NY: Routledge, 2009)  Jim George, Disiourses of Global Politiis: A Critiial

(Re)Introduition to International Relations (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 1994), Ch. 1 & 8.


7 Ethical & Normative Turn: Globalization, Cosmopolitanism & Communitarianism

Baca an


 Molly Cochran, “Cosmopolitanism: Rawlsian Approaches to International Distributive Justice,” dalam Normative Theory in International Relations: A Pragmatii Approaih (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni Press, 1999)

 Molly Cochran, “Communitarianism: Michael Walzer and International Justice,” dalam Normative Theory in

International Relations: A Pragmatii Approaih (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni Press, 1999)

 James Brassett, “Cosmopolitanism vs. Terrorism? Discourses of Ethical Possibility Before and After 7/7,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 36, 2, 2008, pp. 311-337

 Arjun Appadurai, “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy,” Publii Culture, 2, 2 (Spring, 1990)

 Asumsi dasar & proposisi teoretik

Kosmopolitanisme dan Komunitariannisme.  Perdebatan etik &

normativitas dalam HI.  Identitas/Perbedaan

dalam globalisasi.


 Mervyn Frost, “A turn not taken: Ethics in IR at the Millennium,” Review of International Studies, 1998  Nicholas J. Rengger, “A City Which Sustains All Things?

Communitarianism and International Society,” Millennium - Journal of International Studies, 21, 3, 1992, 353

 Andrew Linklater, Critiial Theory and World Politiis: Citizenship, sovereignty and humanity (London, NY: Routledge, 2007), ch. 7 & 8.


(Cambridge: Cambridge Uni Press, 1999).

 Farid Abdel-Nour, “An International Ethics of Evil?” International Relations, 18, 4, 2004, hal. 425–439.

8 Ujian Tengah Semester

9 Global Turn/Order I: International to World Society [English School Theory] Baca



 Hedley Bull, The Anarihiial Soiiety: A Study of Order in World Politiis, edisi ketiga (NY: Palgrave, 2002), Ch. 1.  Barry Buzan, From International to World Soiiety?

English Sihool Theory and the Soiial Struiture of Globalisation (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni Press, 2004), Ch. 1 & 2

 Yale H. Ferguson and Richard W. Mansbach, “Post-internationalism and IR Theory,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 35, 3, 2007, pp. 529-549

 Mengembalikan studi HI ke studi tatanan dunia  Dunia pasca-Westphalia:


 Anarki, kedaulatan dan tata-dunia

 Tantangan terhadap sistem negara-bangsa  Negara-bangsa di era



 Edward Keene, Beyond the Anarihiial Soiiety: Grotius, Colonialism and Order in World Politiis (Cambridge: Cambrisge Uni Press, 2002), Ch. 5.

 Nicholas J. Rengger, IR, Politiial Theory and the Problem of Order: Beyond IR Theory (London: Routledge, 2000), Ch. Introduction

 Barry Buzan, “The English School: an underexploited resource in IR,” Review of International Studies, 27, (2001), hal. 471–488

 Hendrik Spruyt, “Institutional Selection in International Relations: State Anarchy as Order,” International

Organization, 48, 4 (Autumn, 1994), pp. 527-557.  Jenny Edkins & Maja Zehfuss, “Generalising the



Global Turn/Order II: Globalization to Governance [Liberal]

Baca an


 Samuel Huntington , The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1996), Ch. 1.

 Francis Fukuyama, “End of History?” The National Interest (Summer 1989).

 Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Globalization: What's New? What's Not? (And So What?), Foreign Policy, No. 118 (Spring, 2000), pp. 104-119

 James N. Rosenau, “Governance, order, and change in world politics,” dalam J.N. Rosenau & E-O Czempiel, Governanie without Government: Order and Change in World Politiis, (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni Press, 1992)

 Tantangan era globalisasi kepada negara-bangsa  Proliferasi aktor-aktor

non- & anti-negara  Proliferasi entitas sub


 Sistem tata-dunia “poliarki”

 Pengaruh kapitalisme global pada global governanie


 G. John Ikenberry, “The Liberal International Order and its Discontents,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 38, 3, 2010, pp. 509–521

 David Held, “Restructuring Global Governance: Cosmopolitanism, Democracy and the Global Order,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 37, 3, 2009, pp. 535–547

 James N. Rosenau, The Study of World Politiis, Vol. 2: Globalization and Governanie (London, NY: Routledge, 2006), Part I, III, IV.

 Rodney Bruce Hall and Thomas J. Biersteker, peny., The Emergenie of Private Authority in Global Governanie (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni Press, 2002), Ch. 1, 2, 6, 10.


Baca an


 Robert W. Cox, “Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 10, 2, 1981, hal. 126-155.

 Wendy Larner and William Walters, peny., Global Governmentality: Governing International Spaies (London: Routledge, 2004), Ch. Intro.

 Suhail Malik, “Global Sovereignty,” Theory, Culture & Soiiety 23(2–3), 2006, hal. 512-17.

 Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri, Empire (Mass.: Harvard Uni Press, 2000), Preface-Part 1.

 Philip G. Cerny, Rethinking World Politiis: A Theory of Transnational Neopluralismax (Oxford: Oxord Uni Press, 2010), Ch. 1 & 9.

 Latar belakang perlaihan global: kapitalisme & unilateralisme AS.  Rasionalitas politik

tatanan dunia kontemporer: governmentality

 Penataan seluruh aspek kehidupan dan keseharian  Konstelasi aktor/kekuatan dalam tatanan imperium global


 David Chandler, “The Global Ideology: Rethinking the Politics of the ‘Global Turn’ in IR,” International Relations, 23(4), 2009, hal. 530–547

 Stephen Gill, Power and Resistanie in the New World Order, edisi kedua & revisi (NY: Palgrave, 2008), Ch. 7.  Ole Jacob Sending and Iver B. Neumann, “Governance to

Governmentality; Analyzing NGOs, States, and Power,” International Studies Quarterly, 50, 2006, hal. 651–672  Ronnie D.Lipschutz with James K.Rowe, Globalization,

Governmentality and Global Politiis: Regulation for the rest of us (London, NY: Routledge, 2005),Ch 1.

 Robert A. Denemark , World System History: Frank, Arrighi and the Way Forward. Paper for presentation at the annual meeting of the International Studies



Political Turn: Bringing the political back in

Baca an


 Jenny Edkins, Poststruituralism and International

Relations: Bringing the Politiial Baik In (London: Lynne Rienner, 1999), ch. 1.

 Giorgio Agamben, Homo Saier: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, terj. Daniel Heller-Roazer (California: Stanford Uni Press, 1998), part 3.

 Michael Hard & Antonio Negri, Commonwealth (Mass.: Harvard Uni Press, 2009), Preface-Part 1.

 Ronnie Lipschutz, with James K. Rowe, Globalization, Governmentality and Global Politiis. Regulation for the rest of us (NY: Routledge, 2005), ch 1 & 8.

 Latar belakang dan konteks peralihan politis dalam teorisasi HI

 Kritik praktik kedaulatan dalam kuliah-kuliah Michel Foucault  Unilateralisme &

eksepsionalisme AS  Politik vs. Yang-Politis  Biopolitik,

Governmentality, dan the Common


 Jenny Edkins, Trauma and Memory of Politiis (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni Press, 2003), ch. 1.  Michael Dillon & Julian Reid, “Global Liberal

Governance: Biopolitics, Security and War,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 30, 1, 2001, hal. 41-66.  Jodi Dean, “The Networked Empire: Communicative

Capitalism and the Hope for Politics,” dalam P. A. Passavant & J. Dean, peny., Empire's New Clothes: Reading Hardt & Negri (NY: Routledge, 2004), ch 13  Michel Foucault, Soiiety Must Be Defended: Leitures at

the College de Franie, 1975-1976, terj. David Macey (NY: Picador, 2003), ch 2.

13 2nd Postmodern /Aesthetic Turn: Photographic, Cinematic & Poetic IR theorizing

Baca an


 Roland Bleiker, “The Aesthetic Turn in International Political Theory,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 30, 3, 2001, pp. 509-533


 Michael J. Shapiro, “The New Violent Cartography,” Seiurity Dialogue, 38, 3, 2007, hal. 291–313

 Mark J. Lacy, “War, Cinema, and Moral Anxiety,”

Alternatives: Global, Loial, Politiial, 28, 2003, hal. 611-36.

 Prem Kumar Rajaram, “Disruptive writing and a critique of territoriality,” Review of International Studies (2004), 30, 201–228

 Gerard Holden, “Cinematic IR, the Sublime, and the Indistinctness of Art,” Millennium: Journal of

International Studies, 34, 3, 2006, pp. 793-818

abstraksi THI: mimetis dan estetis.

 Gaya analisis dan aesthetiial sourie  Teorisasi HI melalui

artifak kultural (foto, flm, puisi, sastra, dst)

 Kebaruan dan dimensi politis teori-teori estetis HI.


 Roland Bleiker, “Poetic World Politics,” dalam Aesthetii and World Politiis (London: Palgrave, 2009), Ch. 4-7.  Gerard Holden, “World Literature and World Politics: In

Search of a Research Agenda,” Global Soiiety, Vol. 17, No. 3, July, 2003

 Heather Johnson, Let us start from that: Aesthetiis in International Relations. Makalah pada Konferensi International Studies Association, San Fransisco, 2008.  Emma Hutchison, “Trauma and the Politics of Emotions:

Constituting Identity, Security and Community after the Bali Bombing,” International Relations, 24(1), 2010, hal. 65–86

 Neta C. Crawford, “The Passion of World Politics: Propositions on Emotion and Emotional Relationships,” International Seiurity, Vol. 24, No. 4. (Spring, 2000), pp. 116-156.

14 Cultural & Religious Turn: Religious, Cultural & Pop IR theories Baca

an Wajib  Stephen Chan, “Writing Sacral IR: An Excavation Involving Küng, Eliade, and Illiterate Buddhism,”


Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 29, 3, 2000, pp. 565-589

 Mika Luoma-aho, “Political Theology,

Anthropomorphism, and Person-hood of the State: The Religion of IR,” International Politiial Soiiology, 3, 2009, hal. 293–309

 Morten Valbjørn, Culture and IR – Culture in IR: Ignoring, introduiing, up-dating or forgetting the ioniept of iulture in International Relations. Paper prepared for 45th Annual ISA Convention Montreal, Quebec, Canada March 2004

 Iver B. Neumann and Daniel H. Nexon, “Introduction: Harry Potter and the Study of World Politics,” dalam idem, peny., Harry Potter & International Relations (Maryland: Lowman & Littlefeld, 2006)

 Konteks peralihan

kultural & relijius dalam teorisasi HI.

 Identitas/perbedaan: keliyanan (otherness) dalam konstruksi identitas.

 Kontribusi pemikiran kebudayaan dan agama dalam teorisasi HI


 Vendulka Kubálková, “Towards an International Political Theology,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 29, 3, 2000, pp. 675-704

 Pavlos Hatzopoulos and Fabio Petito, Religion in International Relations: The Return from Exile (NY: Palgrave, 2003)

 Angela Bee McCracken, Being diferent: Contesting gendered norms through globalizing youth

iounteriultures? Paper Presented International Studies Annual Convention, New York, 2009

 Jutta Weldes, peny., To Seek Out New Worlds: Siienie Fiition and World Politiis (London: Palgrave, 2003), Ch. 1.


15 Non-Western IR Theory; Beyond IR Theory? Baca



 Amitav Acharya and Barry Buzan, peny., Non-Western International Relations Theory: Perspeitives on and beyond Asia (London, NY: Routledge, 2010), ch. 1.

 Jeremy Paltiel, “Mencius and World Order Theories,” The Chinese Journal of International Politiis, 3, 2010, 37–54  See Seng Tan, “Can Asians Theorize?” Refeitions on the

Debate over the Plaie of Theory in Asian International Relations. Makalah pada Konferensi International Studies Association 2006.

 John M. Hobson, “Is critical theory always for the white West and for Western imperialism? Beyond Westphilian towards a post-racist critical IR,” Review of International Studies, 33, 2007, 91–116\

 Douglas A. Van Belle, “Dinosaurs and the Democratic Peace: Paleontological Lessons for Avoiding the

Extinction of Theory in Political Science,” International Studies Perspeitives, 7, 2006, 287–306.

 Refeksi teorisasi-teorisasi HI dalam konteks ke-Indonesia-an.

 THI non-Barat (ada kah?)  Prospek teorisasi HI di



 Edward Said, Orientalism (NY: Vintage Books, 1978), Ch. Intro.

 Stephen Chan, “Beyond the north-west: Africa and the east,” dalam A.J.R. Groom & Margot Light, peny.,

Contemporary International Relations: A Guide to Theory

(London, NY: Pinter, 1994)

 Ole Waever, “The Sociology of a Not So International Discipline: American and European Developments in International Relations,” International Organization, 52, 4, (Autumn, 1998), pp. 687-727.




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