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TEACHING READING TO THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF SMPN I NOGOSARI IN 2012/2013 ACADEMIC YEAR Teaching Reading to the First Year Students of SMPN 1 Nogosari in 2012/2013 Academic Year.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

in Department of English











Approved to be Examined by

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Arif Widhi Nugroho A 320 080 107

Aryati Prasetyarini, S.Pd,. M.Pd. Dr. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum

English Department, School of Teaching Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta


This research aims at describe the teaching reading to junior high school students of the first year at SMPN 1 Nogosari Boyolali. It is conducted to know the materials of teaching reading comprehension, the techniques applied by the teacher in teaching reading comprehension, the teacher way to evaluate the students reading comprehension, and the problems faced by the teacher in teaching reading at the first year of SMPN 1 Nogosari Boyolali. The writer gets the data of this research from event, informant, and document. The techniques of collecting data are the observation, interview and documentation in teaching learning process especially in teaching reading comprehension to describe the materials of teaching reading comprehension, the technique used by the teacher in teaching reading comprehension, the teacher way to evaluate the students reading comprehension, and the problems faced by the teacher in implementing the method at the first year of SMPN 1 Nogosari Boyolali. The result of the analysis shows that: 1). the materials of the teacher taken from the students workbook. 2). the technique used by the teacher in teaching reading comprehension at SMPN 1 Nogosari are lecturing, reading aloud, and questioning but the most dominant technique applied by the teacher is lecturing. It consists of three stages namely; pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading. 3). the teacher evaluates the students by reading aloud in front of the class and closing with some questions about the text. 4. the problems faced by the teacher implementing the methods are lack of teaching media, limited of time and class management.




In teaching learning process, reading has become the major skills since

students who have good capability in reading will be able to expand their

knowledge more easily. Reading can be said as a primary avenue to access to all

knowledge and information of the surrounding world. Through reading students

can expand their view of the things, people and events. For students who are

setting in the higher, education their success in learning is mostly influenced by

their success in reading since many textbooks and reference are written in English.

Here their reading ability does not focus on the level of recognizing the words but

also comprehending the meaning and the message of the text.

Teaching reading is one of language skills are learned in junior high

school to understand and not only the content of it, but also the pronunciation and

intonation. Reading comprehension is fundamental for English foreign learner in

observing new information and knowledge. Since many source books for the

student especially for higher students are in English, they to be able to

comprehend their book well. According to the Fauziati, (2010:40-42) that’s

teaching reading divide into three steps, pre-reading, while-reading and


In Indonesia, the model of curriculum always change follow the

modernization of this world. The newest curriculum that used by the every school

in Indonesia is KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat SatuanPendidikan), this model is made

by the school it self, and used for the school it self also. This curriculum suggests

for the teacher to use creative method that can make the student more innovative

and creative. The technique used by the teacher in this curriculum is lecturing


In this research, the writer observes in SMPN 1 Nogosari at the first

grade in 2012/2013 academic years. The writer reason observes this school

because in the school he can found some technique in teaching reading. And the

teachers have interesting way to teach reading in English lesson according the




In this research is qualitative method. The writer does not include the

statistical analysis in this paper. He describes the teaching and learning process to

know the result of implementation of reading comprehension at the first year of

SMPN 1 NogosariBoyolali. That is why the writer needs to do a qualitative

method. The object of the study in this research is the teaching reading in the class

at the first grade of SMPN 1 NogosariBoyolali. It is because the writer wants to

know about the teaching reading comprehension which implemented in this

school. The subject of the research is limited to teacher and the first grade of

SMPN 1 NogosariBoyolali. It is because the object in this research will be

conducted in SMPN 1 NogosariBoyolali.

The data of this research are the information of the activities of the

students-teacher of the writer takes field note from observation. The data sources

at event of teaching reading are process and activities the students in the

classroom. The second data sources are 4 Informant, AgustinaDwiRahayu, Putra

Ardivianto, AjiLukman and Mr. Mulyanto. The informants above are the English

teacher and the first year students of SMPN 1 Nogosari. They are asked some

questions about English teaching learning process. The last data source is

document in the form of lesson plan, field note, result of interview and teaching


The data are collected is observation, interview, documentation. Document

is method of collecting data using observation to the research object. The

object will be observed is using collaborative writing that is used in writing

subject. The data analyzed are written text. Interview is one of the techniques

to collect data by having conversation between interviewer and respondent

with the purpose of getting certain information from respondent. The writer

collected the data by having conversation. The respondent is the teacher. The

writer prepared some questions for interview, in order to get the information

related research problem. The result of the interview is to know the student’s



Documentary analysis can be extremely valuable source of data because

document is general term of an impression left by human being on physical

object. Document is also used to provide information, which is relevant with

the research. In this research, the writer uses curriculum, methods of teaching,

and pictures during the observation.

The data are analyzing using interview model based on Miles and

Huberman (1987:170). It is devided into four steps, namely data reduction, data

display, conclusion and verification.


Based on the writer’s observation in teaching reading at the first

year of SMPN 1 Nogosari, he finds some research findings as follows;

1. The materials of teaching reading comprehension just taken from the

students textbook and workbook or we called with LKS. At SMPN 1 Nogosari

the teacher only have materials from the textbook. It condition, the teacher

must be understood about the material have delivered by him. Although the

materials only take from textbook, the students have seen not boring about it.

2. Reading process the teaching reading comprehension the teacher using some

procedure at first year of SMPN 1 NogosariBoyolali. The classroom activity

consists of three stages; pre-reading, while- reading and post reading. The

teacher only used a source like as student’s textbook and workbook.

a. First stage, the teacher introduces about the material to read as

information for students.

b. And then while-reading, the purposes of these steps are the teacher help

the students understand about content of the text and helping the students

to find main idea from the text.

c.The last step is post–reading, the teacher closing the reading material with

give explanation about the content of the text.

3. The teacher evaluates the students with reading aloud in front of the class and



teacher asking the students reading aloud and try to find the title and topic of

the text. If the students get it, then the teacher ask to the students for doing the

assignment in the LKS. The purpose of the teacher evaluated the students are

make sure that students understood about the material have delivered by the

teacher and also to check pronunciation of the students. Beside that, the teacher

give conclusions about the materials have delivered by him. Moreover,

students demand to creative during the teaching reading process.

4. Problem faced by the teacher in teaching reading comprehension is class

management, limited time and lack of teaching media. First, in class

management, the teacher found difficulties to control of the students classroom

activities. For example, He asks one of the students to a read text in front of the

class but the others students was very busy do something and didn’t give

attention to their friends in front of the class. The students very busy chatting

and gossiping. This condition makes the teacher difficult to explain the

material to the students. Second, limited of time. For example, when the

teacher asked the students to read text in the front of the class, not all students

can present their ability in reading a text because of the limited time. Third,

lack of teaching media. In this school, the writer did not find more teaching

media used to teaching. The facility this classroom only white board to teach of

the students. It also influence to the students, because they confuse to

understand about the material was delivered about the teacher. Beside that the

teacher also difficult to add material because the students have the material

from the textbook and workbook only.

Based on the research finding above, the writer knew that the teacher

implements the conventional method in teaching reading. The steps in teaching

reading are pre-reading, while reading and post reading. Teaching reading

comprehension method was used by the teacher in classroom activities. In pre-

reading are used to prepare students for reading. From sample at SMP N 1

Nogosarialso applied many strategies to prepare the reading text. Mr. Mulyanto as

the teacher asked to the students about the past material and try to reminded



material, he gave questions to the students. If the students clearly about the past

material, he continue to learn the next material.

In while reading activities, Mr. Mulyanto as the teacher orders all

students reading text on LembarKerjaSiswa (LKS) together. After that, he says to

students reading alone with skimming method to find the title of the text. Then he

invites them to read in front of the class. To know the main idea from the reading

text, the teacher order students reading with scanning method. From the skimming

and scanning methods, the students get more information from the reading text.

Sometimes they are guessing the title and the main idea from the text. The teacher

also guided the students in reading become true and understand about content of

the text was their read. He also checking pronunciations of the students from the

every word in the text was their read. So, the purposes of these steps are the

teacher help the students understand about content of the text and helping the

students to find main idea from the text. And also the teacher guided the students

reading text comprehensively without guessing of the title and the main idea from

the text.

And the last in post-reading was used to give conclusion by the

teacher and also give opportunity to the students ask questions about the material

was delivered. If the students understood with the material, then he gives many

questions to the students from the material. Usually forms of the question are

multiple choice and true or false questions. Although the material only from

textkbook and workbook they look enthusiastic answer the questions. Somehow

teaching media and more time were needed by the teacher and the students. The

finally the teacher close the meeting with say “Hamdalah and

Wassalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.

From the observation at classroom of SMPN 1 Nogosari about reading

comprehension method, the writer finds the way of the teacher evaluate the

students, strength and weakness. The way of the teacher evaluate the students are



gives some questions. With he ask to the students reading text aloud, he know

about false or true the pronunciation of the students. After the students read the

text reading completely, the teacher corrects pronunciation of the students. If the

students read of reading text fluently, the teacher gives some questions to the


The writer also finds many problem faced by the teacher in teaching

reading comprehension. The problem is the teacher must be patiently encounter

the reality that not only the lack of media and limited time but also he have to

controlling classroom activity becomes a conducive class. Why the writer say that,

because in the classroom the teacher difficult to arrange the students. Sometime

the students were very noisy until the teacher voice does not hear by the others



Beside of the result above, the writer concludes that the teaching

reading comprehension was needed by the students. It makes students initiative

and creative in exploring their knowledge to get information from the text details.

Although more problem faced by the teacher but it was able to improve the ability

in reading. Reading comprehensions can help the students mastery speaking,

writing, listening, and also increasing vocabulary. So, the three method of

teaching reading comprehension that’s are pre-reading, while-text, and

post-reading was prove very effective to help the students understood and mastery of

reading text also improving vocabulary of the students.


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