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Interferensi sistem bahasa ibu ke bahasa


Academic year: 2018

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As we know everyone has mother tongue from their respective region, be it Bugis language, Konjo , Mandar, Ternate, Ambon, and etc. All certainly have their respective accent of each language so that sometimes affect to the Indonesian language or even to the English language being studied. The mother tongue (the native language, the first language) is the first language learned by a person. And the person is called the native speaker of that language. Usually a child learns the basics of their first language from their family. Skill in the native language is very important for the next learning process, because the mother tongue is considered the basis of the way of thinking.

The carrying habits in the mother tongue of the recipient language that is in use, generally occurs due to lack of language control and lack of mastery of the recipient language. This can happen to individuals who are learning a second language, both national and foreign languages. In the use of a second language, language users sometimes lack control. Because of their bilingualism that sometimes at the time of speaking or writing in the second language that emerges is the vocabulary of the mother tongue which had already been known and mastered.

In the Interference event the use of other language elements in using a language, which is regarded as an error because it deviates from the rules or rules of language used. If traced the cause of this interference is left to the speaker's ability to use a particular language so that he is influenced by other languages. Usually this interference takes place in the use of a second language (B2), and which is denoted into a second language it is the first language or mother tongue.


The acquisition of a first language in contrast to second language learning. Language acquisition is a process that takes place in a child's brain when they gets first language (mother tongue)... Language learning deals with the processes that occur when a child learns a second language after they gets first language. " Thus, language acquisition is related to the first language, while language learning is related to a second language (Syafriandi, 2009). Charles Fries and Robert Lado developed a hypothesis called the Contructive Hypothesis that discusses the differences between B1 and B2 ( Mother tongue is B1 and second language is B2 ). The difference can provide the easy and difficulty in obtaining B2. The existence of easy in learning B2 because there are some similarities between B1 and B2. Conversely, difficulties arise in learning B2 because of differences between the two languages, which can even lead to errors (Chaer, 2009: 247).

So according to the experts, language is very influential in learning a new language because it can cause errors because the mother tongue that we carry from small brought to the language being studied because of the habit of pronounce accent from the first language. The further the difference between the two languages is the more difficult it is to understand the language being studied, for examples Koreans who want to learn English will find it difficult because the accent of these two countries is too much different, another case with Germany that have in similar accent with English it will be easy to learn.

From these opinions then the question arises in our minds, what should we do, and can the interruption of B1 in the learning process B2 be eliminated ?, or at least can be reduced ? There are two theories that can be a study or answer to the above questions, namely :

Chaer (2009: 256) describes a stimulus-response theory proposed by behaviorists who say " language is the result of stimulus-response action, so as a learner wants to multiply the use of speech, he must multiply stimulus receipts ". Therefore, the role of the environment as a source of the coming stimulus is very important in helping the process of second language learning. Hamid (Chaer, 2009: 256-257) explains the behaviorists also argue that the process of acquiring language is a process of habituation, which means that the more a person responds to the coming stimulus, the greater the probability of obtaining the language. Conversely, if the learner can not fully receive the stimulus from the outside, then he has not been able to perform response activities.


learner has previously mastered ".In line with that opinion, Izzo (Ghazali, 2010: 126) states that one of the factors influencing learning B2 is linguistic aspect, that is related to the difference between B1 and B2 in terms of pronunciation, grammar, discourse pattern. Bananthy (Chaer, 2009: 257) concludes that according to this theory " the greater the difference between the linguistic state of language that has been mastered and the linguistic language to be studied, the greater the difficulties faced by the learner in attempting to master a second language ". Bananthy reinforces his opinion by stating a solution that in learning B2, knowing the linguistic element of B1 is very important for determining the learning strategy of B2, since learning B2 is no different than transferring a new language over an existing language ( previously owned ).

So according to experts, the role of the environment is very supportive in the second language learning process because of the emergence of stimulus environment that can stimulate the process of understanding the language being studied. Therefore, to learn a language the necessity of habituation of the environment itself. For example, if you want to learn English we have to live in the environment where the majority of people use English so that the habituation of self but the individual must surely respond to the stimulus that came to well. It's just like transferring a new language to an existing or already owned language.

Due to the strong mastery of the first language or the mother tongue, a student often transfers the mother tongue system to the language he is studying. According to Robert Lado in his book Linguistics Across Cultures (1957), which is transferred by students not only the language system (which consists of vocabulary, grammar, and pronounciation) but also the cultural system he possesses. The process of transferring this language system is often called interferences (linguistics interfence) or interlanguage (Selinker, 1972) or "approximative system" (Nemser, 1971) or "language transfer" (Richard, 1975). Interference occurs because of the strong influence of the first language so if he communicates actively will produce errors. Mistakes of speech are the main attraction for linguists and language teachers. In psycholinguistics, anticipatory activities are discussed in constructive analysis, and therapeutic activities are discussed in error analysis that continues into the remedial program. However, Nabatan (Chaer, 2009: 261) suggests "theoretically no one has a second language ability as well as the first language ". What might happen is that a person is able to speak a second language in some area of activity or science only.


but also the diversity of its vocabulary. The symptoms themselves occur as a result of recognizing or identifying speakers of certain elements of the source language, then using them in the target language. In addition, any language is never in a single state. It always changes with the changing times.

The usual thing that causes interference is that the speaker's habits use the local language as the first language, the speaker wants to show the regional nuance to his conversation, the loyalty of the recipient language user, the inadequacy of the recipient's language, the disappearance of rarely used words, and the carrying habits in the mother tongue.


Lutfiana Mawarni, N. “ Bahasa Ibu: Kearifan Lokal yang Mulai Terpinggirkan ”. ( 22 Juli 2014 ). https://www.kompasiana.com/nadialutfiana/bahasa-ibu-kearifan-lokal-yang-mulai-terpinggirkan_54f69946a33311f3158b5034. 11 November 2017

Affan, G. “ Pengaruh Bahasa Pertama terhadap Bahasa Kedua ”. ( 2 Februari 2014 ). http://ghozaliaffan.blogspot.co.id/2014/02/pengaruh-bahasa-pertama-terhadap-bahasa.html. 11 November 2017

Ahmadi, F. “ Memahami "PSYCHOLINGUISTICS" “. ( 2 Mei 2012 ).

https://www.kompasiana.com/ceritakita/memahamipsycholinguistics_55102db4813311b62cb c6a3f. 11 November 2017. 11 November 2017

Susanto, H. “ Interferensi dan Integrasi Bahasa “. ( 14 Agustus 2016 ).


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