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Home Design when to call in the professionals


Academic year: 2017

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Home-Design - when to call in the professionals Word Count:

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When you´re redesigning your home, the first question you need to ask yourself is whether you´re going to hire a professional or do it yourself. T


home, design, DIY

Article Body:

When you´re redesigning your home, the first question you need to ask yourself is whether you´re going to hire a professional or do it yourself. The answer depends on what you´re planning on doing.

There are plenty of things that you can do yourself quickly and easily: painting, putting up shelves and cupboards, all that kind of thing. Anything you can find in the DIY shop will come with instructions that should let anyone who is reasonably experienced in DIY put it up. However, if you want to do something more complicated ˘ converting a room into a bathroom or a kitchen, or building an extension, for example ˘ then you´re going to need a professional.

When it comes to home design, however, it can be tough to know exactly who to hire. For basic things, you need a handyman, but for more complex projects you might need a builder. To do anything in the bathroom, you probably need a plumber. If you´re giving your whole house a makeover, you might even want to hire a professional designer, who will look at the overall picture and come up with ideas to make your house a better place to live in.

While pro designers can be expensive, they are usually worth the money ˘ you wouldn´t think it from the amateur jobs you see on some TV makeover shows, but they really do know what they´re doing. There are some cowboys out there, though, so make sure the person you´re used has all the relevant qualifications: it´s best to ask for references, as that means you can go and see for yourself houses that they have worked on previously, and see if you like them. Be careful on judging them simply because they´re not your taste, however ˘ remember that a good designer will reflect what the people asked for, not just force their own tastes on people.

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