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Daisy's oppression in F.Scott Fitzgerald's the Great Gatsby.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree

of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Nadya Putri Heriantanti

Reg. Number: A33213068






Heriantanti, Nadya.P. 2017. “Daisy’s Oppression in F.Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby”. Thesis, English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor: Abu Fanani, M.Pd.

This thesis entitled Daisy’s Oppression in F.Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby has an objective to analyze about oppression which is experienced by Daisy Fay Buchanan as the minor character. The writer uses descriptive

qualitative method to explain more details about the analysis. The researcher also uses theory of feminism especially liberal feminism and new criticism to answer the statement of problem.

The result of analysis shows Daisy gets some oppressions in her

household, which are Tom has love affair with some other women, Tom does not care over Daisy’s reproduction, Tom limits Daisy for taking a mother role, and Tom limits Daisy in society. To respond her oppression, Daisy becomes brave, stubborn, and even changes from inconsistent woman. The oppression of Daisy comes into her life after she got married with an arrogant man, Tom Buchanan.



Heriantanti, Nadya.P. 2017. “Daisy’s Oppression in F.Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby”. Skripsi, Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Dosen Pembimbing: Abu Fanani, M.Pd.

Skripsi ini berjudul Daisy’s Oppression in F.Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis tentang penindasan yang di alami Daisy Fay Buchanan sebagai karakter pendukung. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menjelaskan lebih detail tentang analisis. Penulis juga menggunakan teori feminisme khususnya feminisme liberal dan kritik baru untuk menjawab rumusan masalah.

Hasil analisa menunjukkan Daisy mendapat beberapa penindasan dalam rumah tangganya, yang mana Tom memiliki hubungan cinta dengan beberapa wanita, Tom tidak peduli atas reproduksi Daisy, Tom membatasi Daisy atas pengambilan peran ibu, dan Tom membatasi Daisy dalam lingkungan masyarakat. Untuk menanggapi penindasan nya, Daisy menjadi wanita yang berani, keras kepala, dan bahkan berubah dari wanita yang tidak konsisten. Penindasan Daisy datang ke kehidupannya setelah dia menikah dengan seorang pria angkuh, Tom Buchanan.



Inside Cover Page... i

Inside Title Page... ii

Declaration... iii

Advisor’s Approval Sheet... iv

Examiner’s Approval Sheet...... v

Motto... vi

Dedication Page... vii

Acknowledgment... viii

Table of Content... x

Abstract... xiii

Intisari... xiv


1.1 Background of the Study... 1

1.2 Statement of Problem... 4


1.4 Significance of Study... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation... 6

1.6 Method of Study... 6

1.7 Definition of Keyterm... 7


2.1 Theoretical Framework... 9

2.1.1 Feminism... 9 Feminism... 11

2.1.2 New Criticism... 15 Character... 16 Characterization... 17

2.2 Review of Related Studies... 18


3.1 Daisy’s Oppressions... 21

3.1.1 Tom has love affair with other women behind Daisy... 22

3.1.2 Tom does not care over Daisy’s reproduction... 25


3.1.4 Tom limits Daisy from society... 28

3.2 Daisy’s responses toward her oppression... 29

3.2.1 Daisy becomes a brave woman... 30

3.2.2 Daisy becomes a stubborn woman... 35

3.2.3 Daisy becomes a inconsistent woman... 39


Conclusion... 43



Synopsis... 48




1.1 Background of Study

There has been many definition about literature itself. According to Simon and

Delyse Ryan in Hussain, most attempted definitions of literature are broad and

vague, and they inevitably change over time. In fact, the only thing that is certain

about defining literature is that the definition will change. Concepts of what is

literature change over time as well (29).

Cuddon also speculates that literature is a vague term wich usuallly denotes

works which belong to major genres; prose, drama, novel, short story. if we

describe something as “literature”, the term carries with it qualitative connotations

which imply that the work relates to written work (472).

In literary work, there are two types, which is fiction and non-fiction. Fiction

is written by author’s imagination usually. While non-fiction is written by true

event. In fiction especially, it relates to novel and short story. Fictitious novel can

be also written based on the fact events or history such as condition of the people

or society (Abrams 94-95). Someone can never be free from society. No one in

society is free from social structures. They are part of group that is defined on the


lives with structure of oppression if they get denomination from other one in their

life (Hinson and Bradley 01).

Barker in Wormer states oppression as the social act of placing severe

restrictions on an individual, group or institution. The oppressed individual or

group is devalued, exploited and deprived of privileges by the individual or group

which has more power (03). Johnson argues that “concept of oppression points to social forces that tend to press upon people and hold them down, to prevent them

and block their pursuits of a good life. Just as privilege tends to open doors of

opportunity, oppression tends to slam them shut” (39).

The existence of character in the novel that reveals the oppression is not

viewed from one side. Although the character’s role is single role but it has an

essential meaning of its existence. Aristotle states that the character is secondary

essential in literary work. Yet, the he argues that the existence character has

important role. Hence, if the existence is absent the story will be loosen (Bannet

and Royle 60).

By reading the novel, the readers not only understand from its language, but

also other elements of the novel such as character, characterization, plot, theme

and so on. In this study, the writer analyzes The Great Gatsby as the subject of the

study. The Great Gatsby is a novel which takes the character’s name as the same as the title. It was written by F.S Fitzgerald in 1925. The Great Gatsby is one of


through the characterization in The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald explores the human

condition as it is reflected by social life of American at that time.

The Great Gatsby is the story of millionaire Jay Gatsby who is told by Nick Carraway who lives in Long Island and also Gatsby’s neighbor. Nick soon finds the past story from Jordan Baker, Daisy’s friend that Gatsby and Daisy used to

have special relationship before Daisy married with Tom. Daisy feels unhappy to

live with Tom Buchanan actually. Since from the start Daisy is forced to marry

with Tom. Tom is an ambitious and arrogant man. Beside that, she actually knows

that Tom has love affair with another woman. From Daisy’s marriage with Tom,

she has a daughter namely Pammy. Yet in fact, not everyone knows that Daisy has

a daughter. Someday Gatsby asks Nick to invite Daisy in Nick’s house and see

her again. Day by day after they see each other Daisy has fallen in love again with

Gatsby but she can not avoid that she has married with Tom Buchanan. Gatsby

and Daisy begin to see each other secretly with some frequency. When Tom

knows love affair between Gatsby and Daisy, he confronts them. The two of them,

Tom and Gatsby argue about who Daisy loves. Daisy claims that she loves both

Tom and Gatsby and she can not deny that she ever loved Tom once. At the end

of the story, regardless of her complicated life, Daisy still chooses to stay with

Tom than Gatsby.

The researcher is interested in analyzing The Great Gatsby since it presents

the character that experiences the oppression. In addition, the researcher focuses

on the secondary character, Daisy Fay. Yet, the existence of Daisy is dominated


is described and how her responses to the oppression. The oppression in this case

grows from the household. Tom Buchanan is the agent of the oppression and

Daisy Fay is the victim of the oppression.

Some reviews sometimes focus on Gatsby as the major character rather than

the secondary characters. But, the other attention should be paid to Daisy

Buchanan, a woman who causes Gatsby dies tragically. Some critics write about

Daisy’s existence and judge her in a bad manner. Marius Bewley calls Daisy is “Vicious emptiness” and “monstrous moral indifference” (Person 250). Then Robert Omstein writes that Daisy is “criminally amoral” (Person 250). In

addition, Leslie Fiedler states Daisy as a “Dark Destroyer”, a purveyor of

“corrruption and death” (Person 250). Houck also claims in his review that Daisy is the selfish one and should be the one who takes the responsibility for Gatsby’s

death (01). None of them writes about Daisy’s importance in the novel. Those critics do not write about Daisy’s role in the novel.

Therefore, the researcher concludes that actually Daisy is just controlled by

Tom. Daisy’s personality is not always bad. In fact, Daisy hides Tom’s bad treatment towards her. It can be seen by hiding all of Tom’s treatment, such as Tom’s violence and dishonesty. Those things must be considered in analyzing Daisy’s oppression.

1.2 Statements of Problem

This research focuses on Daisy in The Great Gatsby novel. Thus the


1. How are the oppressions experienced by Daisy in her household?

2.. How are Daisy’s responses toward her oppressions?

1.3 Objective of Study

From the statement of problem above, the objective of studies are:

1. To describe the oppressions which are experienced by Daisy

2. To reveal Daisy’s responses to her oppressions 1.4 Significance of Study

This study has both theoretical and practical significance of study.

Theoretically, this study is important to understand woman’s oppression

represented in literary works because the readers can know the oppressions and

the responses of woman’s oppression through representation of Daisy for woman’s development in the gender aspect. Furthermore, this study offers the other source of woman’s oppression study through liberal feminist thought and

new criticism as supporting theory.

Practically, this study aims to reveal woman’s oppresion. And this study aims to enlarge knowledge and understanding the oppressison especially in The Great

Gatsby novel which is experienced by Daisy.

The writer hopes that this study can contribute as a reference for the reader


1.5 Scope and Limitation

The main scope of this study is to analyze about Daisy in her household where

she experiences oppression. In this part, the researcher also intends to describe

Daisy’s oppression in her household. Whereas the limitation of this study is about Daisy’s responses toward her oppression which is experienced by her. In this part, The writer also intends to reveal Daisy’s response to the oppression that she gets.

1.6Method of Study

a. Type of Study

In this research, the researcher uses qualitative method. A

qualitative method is a method which does not use numerical form in

gathering and interpreting the data. McKay in Zacharias also states

qualitative studies start with the assumption that the research topic must be

understood (09). In addition, Kothari argues a qualitative method is

concerned with the qualitative phenomenon. For instance, when we are

interested in investigating the reasons for human behaviour. It means the

aims of qualitative research are to understand some phenomena (03). This

research presents the oppression as the phenomenon and the response

towards it.

b. Data Source

The researcher uses The Great Gatsby novel, then the writer uses


c. Data Collection

The researcher uses an objective approach, in which the researcher

uses the data based on the instinsic elements of The Great Gatsby novel.

Below is the writer’s steps to analyze of data:

1. The researcher begins to find the data needed.

2. After all of data needed is found, then the researcher develops

the data needed since not all the data is directly related to the

writer’s statement of problem.

3. The researcher attempts to categorize all the necessary data

and to eliminate some of unnecessary data.

4. The researcher leaves out the data which do not relate to the

statement of problem and the theory of this study.

d. Data Analysis

After conducting the data, the researcher will produce the data and

divide the date into some steps. The first step, the researcher chooses one

problem in the story that want to be analyzed. Second steps, the researcher

will choose the theories that related to problem of the data. Third step, the

researcher will analyze the data based on theory.

1.7Definition of Keyterms

To avoid misunderstanding between the writer and the reader in

understanding this study, then the writer gives some of definition of keyterms


A. Oppression

Oppression is unjust activity of somebody’s power towards somebody

else that has purpose to pressing down




2.1 Theoretical Framework

This chapter presents about the related theories and the related previous

studies. This chapter also gives explanation about the theories to analyze the

statements of problem of this study. This research will use two theories which is

Feminism as main theory and New Criticism as supporting theory. The researcher

chooses liberal feminism to analyze Daisy’s oppression in her household as wife and new criticism focusing on Daisy’s responses toward her oppression.

2.1.1 Feminism

Feminism was originally a French word. It refers to “woman’s

movement”. Feminism was introduced in United States in early 20th century. It was used to refer only to one particular group of women’s right advocates, namely

the group which asserted the uniqueness fof women, the mystical experience of

motherhood and women’s special purity (Jaggar 05).

The women’s liberation movement is the major version of feminism in

western society. The movement reflects the political context from which it

emerged and provides a clue to some ways in which differ from earlier forms of


The etymology origin of the word “oppression” lies in Latin for “Press down”. This root suggests that people who are oppressed suffer some kind of restrictions on their freedom. Not all of restrictions on people’s freedom are

oppressive. People are not oppressed by simple natural phenomena instead

oppression is the result of human agency imposed restrictions on people freedom

(Jaggar 10).

Jaggar states that liberation is the correlate of oppression. It is release from

oppressive constraints. Thus, there are conceptual connections between

oppression and liberation; politcal of freedom and justice. While the concepts of

oppression and liberation are linked to the familiar philosophical concepts of

freedom, justice and equality, they can not be reduced without loss to those

concepts (12).

Women’s liberation engages in political philosophy. Feminist political

philosophers uses traditional and non-traditional categories in attempting to

describe and evaluate women’s experience. They often raise the issues such as

conception of love, friendship, or sexuality. They challenge views about the

naturalness of sexual intercourse and chilbearing (Jaggar 14).

Contemporary feminists share certain concerns that distinguish them both

from non feminists and from earlier feminists. Some feminists work in

universities, some are active in left groups. The variety of work and life

experience results in a variety of perceptions of social reality and of women’s


certain aspects of women’s oppression with particular sharpness while others are affected by other aspects. The difference perceptions of women’s oppression is used in developing systematic analyses of women’s oppression which differ from

each other (Jaggar 17).

According to Jaggar, Women movement in Europe and North America is

divided into two waves, begun at 18th and 19th century and begun at 1960s. The

second wave is the more complex movement which many feminists has used

difference approaches and divided into some big categories. These categories

include marxist-socialist feminism, radical feminism, liberal feminism, and

post-modern feminism (20). But this research will tend to focus on liberal feminism. Liberal Feminism

This kind of feminism is based on the liberalism. Liberalism suggests all

human (men or women) is created in the equal position, harmonious, and having

the same potency of rationality. Women must be independent to struggle so that

they are equal with men. Liberal feminism frequently criticizes the family

institution which place women in the domestic area, so emotional aspect of

women is bigger than the rational aspect. Liberal political theory is grounded on

the conception of human beings as essentially rational agents. The overriding goal

of liberal feminism always has been the application of liberal principles to women

as well as to men. This means that laws should not grant to women fewer rights


In the 18th century, liberal feminism is emphasizing to the education. The

magnate of the time is Mary Wollstonecraft says that both man and woman have

the same quality of logical reasoning. The form of nurture is more determinate in

shaping character of a person than the form of nature. If the society gives

education toward women like the way society give toward men, so the logical

quality of women can be parallelized with men. Educated woman will become the

main contributor toward the prosperity of society. Woman will construct her

family especially her children in the more proper way than pull her appearance up

(Tong 18).

In the 20th century, liberal feminism offers the alternative for women to be

equal with men. Betty Freidan offers an elegant advice for women to combine

between good values of masculine such as rational, wisdom, courage and good

values of feminine such as affection, gentleness, patience so women can complete

a personhood. In this condition, women will be improving herself to provide a

good contribution for society (Tong 22).

Rosmarie Putnam Tong quotes Wendell opinion in A (Qualified) Defende

of Liberal Feminism saying the general purpose of liberal feminism is to create society which is equitable and careful of the freedom for the self development so

that women and men can improve themselves. But their general pursuit is

dynamic; depended on the symptom of the time (18).

Alison Jaggar states that liberal feminists believe that the treatment of


justice. Their most frequent complaint is that women in contemporary society

suffer discrimination on the basis of sex. By this, they mean that certain

restrictions are placed on women as a group without regard to their individual

wishes, interests, abilities, or merits (176).

Liberal feminists believe that sex descrimination is unjust because it

deprives women of equal rights to pursue their own self-interest. Women as a

group are not allowed to get same freedoms or opportinities as men. In a

discriminatory situation, an individual woman does not receive the same

consideration as individual man. Whereas man is judged on his actual interests

and abilities, a women’s interests and abilities are assumed to be limited in certain

ways because of her sex. Liberal feminists believe that justice requires equal

opportunities and equal consideration for every individual regardless of sex. This

view is obviously connected with the liberal conception of human beings as

essentially rational agents. On this conception, sex is purely “accidental” or non

-essential feature of human nature. The sex of individual should be considered

when it is relevant to the individual’s ability to perform a specific task or to take

advantage of a certain opportunity (Jaggar 177).

Liberal feminists believe that most descrimination against women is not

mandated by legal system but informal custom. Informal discrimination is

manifested not only in assumption that women are not suited to certain sorts of

work. Within contemporary society, there are strong expectations, often shared by

women themselves, that women should take primary responsibility for the work


provide sexual satisfaction for their husband or their male partners. Within their

labor, they are expected to provide sexual titillation if not satisfaction to men and

nurturing services to men, women, and children (Jaggar 177).

Alison Jaggar also states that women’s lack of equality in public life is the

major focus of liberal feminism. But liberal feminists also perceive women as

oppressed in other ways. In particular, like all feminists,they believe that

contemporary standards of sexuality are oppressive to women. Naturally, they

formulate their critique of contemporary sexual norms in terms of their

characteristic values of equality, liberty, and justice (178).

Liberal feminsts want to eliminate sex-based descrimination in all areas of

life and to guarantee women equal opportunities with men to define and pursue

their own interests. They believe that the effect of present discrimination permit

no firm conclusions about the natural potentials of women and men. Beseides,

they assume that increased freedom of choice would issue in a sexually integrated

or androgynous society where individual’s occupation, sexual choices, were largely unrelated to their sex (Jaggar 181).

Thus, from explanation above, it can be considered that liberal feminism is

a women’s movement which focuses on women’s abilit y to show and maintain

their equality through their own actions and choices. The important issues on

liberal feminism include reproductive and abortion rights, sexual harassment,

voting, education, equality of wage, affordable childcare, affordable health care,


feminists believe that personal „ rights’ should predominate over concerns for the social good. And women’s problem in liberal feminism are related to Daisy’s

oppression in her household.

1.1.2 New Criticism

The term “New Criticism” is set by the publication of John Crowe Ransom’s The New Criticism in 1941. It comes to be applied to a theory and

practice that is prominent in American literary criticism until late 1960s (Abrams

180). Some of new critics are John Crowe, David Daiches, I.A. Richards, Renne

Wellek and Austin Warren, Alan Tate, T.S Eliot, and Cleant Brook.

New criticism emerges as a reaction to give refusal toward previous

criticism that focuses on external material of literary works, such as biography of

the author. New criticism focuses on analysis of literary text. Literary text is

related to authors’s background of life sometimes. The readers in using new

criticism to interpret literary work background, will give the assumption about

literary text when they get emotional feeling with the text (Tyson 136-137).

In addition, New Critics believe the structure and meaning of the text were

intimately connected and should not be analyzed separately. In order to bring the

focus of literary studies back to analysis of the texts, they aim to exclude the

reader's response, the author's intention, historical and cultural contexts, and

moralistic from their analysis.It can be called as “close reading” methods (Tyson


their work by refusing to apply an outside context to the work, but looking at the

work as invention that directly connects with the author’s mind.

Moreover, Abrams also explains that New Criticism opposes the interest

of critics, the social context of literature, and literary history by insisting that the

proper concern of literary criticism is not with the external circumtances or

historical position of a work, but with a detailed consideration of the work itself as

an independent thing (180).

Tyson states that New criticism is a theory that emphasize on analysis of

text meaning through its images, symbols, metaphors, rhyme, point of view,

setting, characterization, plot, and so on (137). It can be assumed that New

Criticism relates to the text. For New Criticism, a literary work is timeless, which

means readers and readings may change, but the literary text stays same. Character

Character is an important thing in a story. Judith in Wahyuni’s thesis entitled The Main Female Character Struggle Against Taliban Law and

Patriarchal System To Get Happiness in Kaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid

Suns states thath character is the most important thing in instrinsic elements of the story. A character is an imagined person in the story. Character is drawn as

fictional people that take action in some part (scene) of literary work . In order

more interest, a character needs to be real as possible. Hence the authors create

some kind of characters with different name and personalities in literary work. It


Therefore, the role of character in bulding a storyline is definitely something

because it is impossible in a story without a character that makes up the story.

Kennedy and Gioia explain that the characters are divided into two

categories. They are flat character and round character. Flat character is simple

and has one trait usually. It means this character is same from the beginning to

the end of story (static). While round character is complex and has several traits.

This character changes as the story progress (dynamic). Besides, for the role case,

characters are also divided into two kinds; major character and minor character.

Major character is vital to development and resolution of the conflict. Whereas

minor character serves to complement the major character (74-75).

Maryam states that characters are divided into two; protagonist and

antagonist. Protagonist is the character who is faced with a conflict that must be

resolved. Meanwhile Antagonist is the character who represents the opposition

against which the protagonist must contend. In other words, the antagonist is an

obstacle that protagonist must overcome (11). Characterization

Character and characterization can not be separated each other.

Characterization is a technique of an author to help the readers in understanding

the behaviour, personality, attitude of the character by the characterization of the

author.Basically there are two ways in characterizing the character. They are

direct and indirect characterization. Direct characterization is used by the author


the character’s name in the story. While indirect characterization is used by the

author to describe through how the character looks, what the character does, what

the character says, and what the character thinks (Baldick 37).

Besides, according to Holman in Riski (14), there are three fundamental

methods of characterization in fiction:

 Author gives the explicit presentation of the character through direct


 Author gives the presentation of character in action and expects that the

reader will be able to interpret the traits of the actors from the action.

 Author gives the representation of a character without comment on the

character, the impact of actions and emotions toward the character’s inner

self and expects that the reader will understand the traits of the character.

This research also analyzes the characterization of Daisy through her

speaking, her action, and her thought to describe her responses towards the

oppressions. Therefore, the researcher will use New Criticism theory especially on

character and characterization.

1.2 Review of Related Studies

The researcher has found some studies which are related to this study.

There are some studies that also concern about significant issues in The Great


The first thesis entitled A Study of How Jay Gatsby obtains his idea of

wealth and shifts it into a tool to gain self-esteem in his social and love life as seen in Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby by Irmaya Haryuni from Petra University

2005. In her thesis, she analyzes about Gatsby’s process in obtaining the idea of

materialism. She uses psychological theory namely self-esteem to analyze

Gatsby’s inferiority upon his past life that leads him to lies and materialistic


The second thesis entitled Hedonism as reflected on Daisy in F.Scott

Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby by Martha Karlina from Gunadarma University

2013. In her study, she uses psychoanalysis to describe the personality of Daisy

Fay and she also uses new criticism to describe the characteristic of hedonism

reflected in Daisy’s personality.

The third thesis entitled Love and Belonginess Need Reflected in F.Scott

Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby Novel: A Humanistic Approach by Iqbal

Muhammad from University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta 2015. In his study, he

uses humanitic perspective. This thesis is done by establishing objective,

analyzing the novel based on its structural elements and analyzing the novel based

on humanistic analysis.

The fourth, Brianna Randall discusses A “Jaunty Salute”: Jordan Baker’s

role as the Modern Woman of the 1920s in F.Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Randall focuses on Jordan Baker who presents as a modern woman. Randall


Randall concludes the characteristic of modern woman is the same as Jordan’s character.

From those four previous studies, they have chosen Jay Gatsby, Daisy Fay

and Jordan Baker as the object of the study with different theories. Furtheremore,

the similarity between this study and those previous studies especially in the

second previous study is the writer will also focus on Daisy as the object of the

study yet with different theory. If in the second previous study the researcher uses

pschoanalysis and new criticism then in this research the researcher will use




This chapter contains the analysis about Daisy Fay Buchanan and her

oppressions. In the analysis process, the researcher uses liberal feminism as main

theory for analyzing Daisy’s oppression in her household and new criticism for

analyzing Daisy’s responses.

Therefore in this chapter, the researcher will discuss about the answers of

research questions. Since there are two statements of problem for this study, then

in this chapter will be divided into two parts. In the first part, the researcher will

reveal about oppressions that are experienced by Daisy in her household. And in

the last part, the researcher will describe Daisy’s responses toward her


3.1 Daisy’s oppressions

Oppression is an act from someone to to press upon people and hold them

down, besides prevent them and block their pursuits of a good life (Johnson 39).

In this case, Daisy Fay Buchanan gets some oppresions from Tom Buchanan right

after she got married with Tom.

Daisy thinks that probably she will get such a happy family with her

husband, Tom and their children after her marriage but instead she feels oppressed


names Pammy. Tom Buchanan is typically arrogant, ambitious, and powerful

man. Tom Buchanan as Daisy’s husband has given unfair treats to Daisy. Tom

also takes control over Daisy’s whole life right after he got married her. Tom does

not give freedom for Daisy in which Tom always limits Daisy’s activities as

wife/mother inside house as well outside house. Not only that, Daisy also knows

about love affair between her husband and woman else. From those treat that is

given by Tom toward Daisy, it causes some oppresions in Daisy’s personal life.

Thus, in this part, the writer will reveal about Daisy’s oppressions in her


3.1.1 Tom has love affair with women behind Daisy

In this story, Daisy comes from rich family in Louisville. One day after

she has broken up her relationship with a soldier names Gatsby, her parents is

setting up her into engagement with a man from New Orleans names Tom

Buchanan. Tom gives the string of pearls as the brightness of engagement. At the

first place, Daisy is getting pressure and hesitate for that engagement but at the

end she can not do anything but accept Tom’s proposal.

Three months after their engagement, they are holding of wedding

ceremony in Chicago. Right after wedding ceremony, they went to Santa Barbara

for having honeymoon. In spite from Daisy’s feeling, they are trying to act like

newly married couple commonly and enjoy each of the moment.


From that quotation, it implies that since there is marriage law that allows

a husband for having a kind of sexual relationship, then Daisy can not avoid from

that thing. Besides, she also realizes that sexual relationship is something that

legitimated in marriage life.

In the first period of her marriage, Daisy thinks that probably Tom is a

good man for her but instead she finds the fact that Tom has cheated on her by

having other woman behind her after their honeymoon. It can be proved by

Jordan’s statement below

A week after I left Santa Barbara Tom ran into a wagon on the Ventura road one night and ripped a front wheel off his car. The girl who was with him got into the papers too because her arm was broken—she was one of the chambermaids in the Santa Barbara Hotel. (83)

From the statement above. It can be implied that as long as their marriage

life is going on, Tom is often cheating on Daisy in which he often sees his

mistress and spends time together with her mistress behind Daisy. In this case,

Tom does not have love affair with one woman only but more than one and Daisy

knows it all.

Nick Carraway comes to visit his cousin, Daisy in East Egg. Daisy is so

happy to hear that Nick is coming to visit her since they have not seen each other

for a few years. Daisy even invites Nick to have a dinner together with her, Tom,

and Jordan. The evidence that related to Tom’s love affair can be seen when Daisy


house. The issue about Tom’s affair is also spoken out out by Jordan Baker

‘Tom’s got some woman in New York’ (18).

The butler came back and murmured something close to Tom’s ear whereupon Tom frowned, pushed back his chair and without a word went inside. As if his absence quickened something within her Daisy leaned forward again, her voice glowing and singing.

‘I love to see you at my table, Nick. You remind me of a— of a

rose, an absolute rose. Doesn’t he?’ She turned to Miss Baker for confirmation. ‘An absolute rose?’

This was untrue. I am not even faintly like a rose. She was only extemporizing but a stirring warmth flowed from her as if her heart was trying to come out to you concealed in one of those breathless, thrilling words. Then suddenly she threw her napkin on the table and excused herself and went into the house. (17)

From the quotation above, it implies that Tom excuses himself to hang on

the phone from his mistress but Daisy has known about Tom’s affair. She is still

trying to hide her wounds from anyone else especially to Nick by changing the

topic of conversation but still Jordan and Nick can see the sorrowful of Daisy’s

life even though Daisy keep trying to act as if nothing happened.

Nonetheless, in doing love affair, Tom tends to ignore about Daisy’s

feeling even though he has known that Daisy realizes of his affair. Instead he even

asks Nick to come along with him to meet his mistress, Myrtle Wilson.

Moreover, Tom also invites Nick to have a kind of sex party in New York with

Myrtle and the fellows. Tom’s love affair can be seen clearly when they arrive in

a apartment, they have drink together until they are getting drunk. Tom and

Myrtle Wilson are having fun and enjoying the moment together. When Nick

comes back to living room, he sees no one and speculates that Tom and Myrtle


Sitting on Tom’s lap Mrs. Wilson called up several people on the telephone; then there were no cigarettes and I went out to buy some at the drug store on the corner. When I came back they had

disappeared so I sat down discreetly in the living room and read a chapter of ‘Simon Called Peter’ (33)

From the evidences on paragraphs above, it implies that basically Tom

sees a woman as his object only which is he looks at the woman as the facility to

seek his pleasure especially in sexual desire. He marries Daisy not for the love or

sincerity, but there is an intention behind it. From their honeymoon, Tom has

taken over Daisy’s sexuality automatically but it does not stop him for having

love affair with other woman behind Daisy. Daisy who believes that Tom is the

right man for her at first, instantly changes her perspective about Tom right after

she found out the facts about Tom’s affair. Daisy can not hold for the situation

that she faces actually but she can not do anything regarding that Tom has a

power to control her life as a husband.

3.1.2 Tom does not care over Daisy’s reproduction

In marriage life, Daisy must accept the fact that Tom as her husband has

taken over her virginity. Not a long after their honeymoon, Daisy found her self

that she has been pregnant. Yet unfortunately in this case, Daisy does not feel the

happiness same as women who bear the child accompanied by their husband who

is always be beside them commonly.

As long as Daisy is bearing their children, Tom does not give full concern

over Daisy and his children soon to be. He often leaves Daisy at home, let Daisy


clearly. Despite of Tom treats Daisy arbitrarily, Daisy still carries on the baby

until her due date. Tom does not really care about Daisy’s reproduction can be

proved when Daisy is delivering her first children by her self alone without Tom

accompanies her. Even Tom demands the nurse to give a kind of anesthetic over

Daisy’s body so that she becomes unconscious.

‘It’ll show you how I’ve gotten to feel about—things.

Well, she was less than an hour old and Tom was God knows where. I woke up out of the ether with an utterly abandoned feeling and asked the nurse right away if it was a boy or a girl. She told me it was a girl, and so I turned my head away and wept. ‘All right,’ I said, ‘I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool—that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.’ (20)

From all of those evidences, it shows that how Tom treats Daisy abitrarily

and tends to ignore about Daisy’s feeling by leaving her alone. Furthermore, the

pressure that Daisy gets also adds when she realizes about the sex of her children

which is a girl. Daisy feels a bit unsatisfied to hear the fact that she has a

daughter but she pretends to be glad. Daisy loves her daughter but she also

speculates that becomes a woman or girl as if is something pity. In this case, as

if Daisy sees the reflection of her own self toward her daughter. She considers

that in the future, her daughter will end up just like her and also from Daisy’s

statement above, it implies that she recognizes of some obstacle, and a sense of

surrender. Daisy seems to consider that she and her daughter have been the victim

of the world which means women are always be under position of men so they


3.1.3 Tom limits Daisy for taking a mother role

The pressure that Daisy gets from Tom does not stop by giving birth only

but also becoming a mother for her daughter. In this story, Daisy who has been a

mother can not take her role as a mother for her daughter completely. She can not

feel the delight as a mother such as another mothers who always take care of their

children’s growth day by day commonly. Tom who has taken control all over

Daisy’s life is hiding their daughter and Daisy identity as a mother from their


The evidence that shows Tom limits Daisy for being a mother is when

Nick comes to visit Daisy in her house, Nick is telling Daisy about her friends in

Chicago and then Daisy actually want to show her daughter’s look and introduce

more about her daughter over Nick yet Tom interrupt their conversation and

forbid them.

‘Howgorgeous! Let’s go back, Tom. Tomorrow!’ Then she added

irrelevantly, ‘You ought to see the baby.’ ‘I’d like to.’

‘She’s asleep. She’s two years old. Haven’t you ever seen her?’ ‘Never.’

‘Well, you ought to see her. She’s——'

Tom Buchanan who had been hovering restlessly about the room stopped and rested his hand on my shoulder. (12)

From that conversation, it implies that Daisy actually want to introduce her

daughter to Nick, regarding that Nick is her family. But when Tom realizes of

Daisy’s intention, then he is trying to forbid them. Because of Tom’s authority

over Daisy that never show up their daughter in public, it gives impact about


that Daisy has had a daughter. They think that a children has never been exist in

Tom and Daisy’s marriage life. As a mother, Daisy should be free to show up her

daughter in public yet in her case, she can not do a kind of that things since she

realizes that she is in under control of her husband.

3.1.4 Tom limits Daisy from society

Before she got married with Tom, Daisy loved to hang out with some

friends, make a friends with new people and socialize with many people. But after

she has married already, Daisy can not feel the freedom like she used to be. It is

including the way she socializes.

Almost in everyday, Daisy just spends her time in the house with her one

of best friend, Jordan Baker. Daisy and Jordan has been friends since Daisy has

not met Tom. Daisy can only go outside if she has Tom’s permission or even go

outside with Tom. It can be seen when Gatsby is holding a party and inviting Tom

and Daisy. Tom was evidently perturbed at Daisy’s running around alone, for on

the following Saturday night he came with her to Gatsby’s party. Perhaps his

presence gave the evening its peculiar quality of oppressiveness (111). In her case, once Daisy goes outside with Tom, but still Tom’s eyes can not stop for

watching over Daisy so she does not feel pleasant at all.

‘Look around,’ suggested Gatsby.

‘I’m looking around. I’m having a marvelous——‘

‘You must see the faces of many people you’ve heard about.’ Tom’s arrogant eyes roamed the crowd.


From those quotations above, it implies that Daisy loves a kind of party

actually. That is the place where she can meet some of new people and socialize

with them. Yet it is different with somewhat which Daisy gets through. Gatsby

want to introduce Daisy to some famous people but Daisy does not enjoy the party

since Tom keeps glancing at her all times and forbid Daisy to acquaint with a new

one. So it can be depicted that Tom is trying to limit Daisy from society.

From Daisy’s oppressions that are revealed above, after Tom married

Daisy, he often acts arbitrarily over Daisy. Tom has taken control over Daisy’s

sexuality just for his pleasure aside that Tom is also having sexuality with some

other women behind her. Furthermore, Tom also has taken control over Daisy’s

reproduction by demanding nurse to make Daisy is unconscious when she is

delivering her baby. Not only that, Tom also limits Daisy for becoming a mother

to their own daughter. And also Tom limits Daisy from society. Therefore, it can

be said that after she got married with Tom Buchanan, Daisy does not feel the

freedom and does not get the equal rights as a woman and wife.

3.2 Daisy’s responses toward her oppression

Daisy is the representation of woman who believes that she gets unequal

rights from her husband. Daisy is the depiction of victim from Tom’s dishonesity

and authority. Tom treats Daisy like he just utilize her only as his wife. Daisy

keeps silent in her way about oppressions that she gets. She is trying to hide it and

she does not tell anyone about her problem. But the situation changes when Daisy


oppression. Thus, in this part, the writer will reveal about Daisy’s response

toward her oppression.

3.2.1 Daisy becomes a brave woman

A brave person can be related to someone who bravely acts for anything

without regarding the risk or impact from their action. The depiction of brave

person is described when Daisy expresses her response toward her oppression. As

long as Daisy experiences the oppressions from Tom, she tends to just accept all

Tom’s negative treats toward her. But when Daisy sees back with Gatsby who has

transformed him self becomes rich man, there is a kind of something that makes

Daisy becomes brave to respond her oppressions.

One night Gatsby who is also known as Jay Gatsby is organizing a rousing

party in his luxury house. It is not Gatsby’s first party since according to people

around his house who say that he often holds a party in all night. Gatsby is

pleasing everybody who come to his party including Nick whom is also Gatsby’s

neighbour. Nick comes to Gatsby’s party alone but there he meets Jordan Baker

accidentally. Almost all of people in the party do not know about who Gatsby is

and how Gatsby looks. That thing makes Nick is more curious until he bumps a

man who introduces himself as Gatsby. ‘I’m Gatsby,’ he said suddenly. (52)

Nick is startled and he still does not believe that he just bumped to Gatsby,

a man who steals his curiousity. When Gatsby excuses himself, Nick keep asking

more about Gatsby toward Jordan until one of Gatsby’s butler comes over Jordan


suddenly standing beside us. ‘Miss Baker?’ he inquired. ‘I beg your pardon but

Mr. Gatsby would like to speak to you alone’ (55).

Gatsby is asking Nick to ride around the city with him by his car. Along

their way, Gatsby is telling his background of life over Nick. Nick is actually

thinking that there is something between Gatsby and Jordan and he is also curious

about the issue that is talked between Gatsby and Jordan in other day. Gatsby

understands of Nick’s curiosity so Gatsby informs Nick that Jordan will tell him

everything as soon.

Jordan is telling everything about Gatsby toward Nick. And there he

finally finds the fact that Gatsby is Daisy’s past lover. Through Jordan either,

Gatsby also asks Nick to set up his appoinment with Daisy in Nick’s house. ‘He

wants to know—‘ continued Jordan ‘—if you’ll invite Daisy to your house some

afternoon and then let him come over.’ (85)

Nick is calling Daisy by the phone and asking if she can go to his house to

have a tea time together. Daisy says that she can go to Nick’s house. Gatsby is

getting nervous so he demands his butlers to clean up Nick’s house. Gatsby just

want to impress Daisy by his perfection that he has had now. The first evidence

that shows Daisy’s bravery is when Daisy finally can share her bitter story to

Gatsby in Nick’s house.


From quotation above, it shows that since Daisy and Gatsby has not seen

each other for a long time so there must be many stories that is left behind

between them surely. Besides even though they are surrounded by awkward

moment, it seems like Daisy has shared bravely her wounded stories toward

someone else especially to Gatsby until she drops her tears. And for Gatsby, it

seems like he knows the matter that makes Daisy sad.

After their short reunion, Gatsby then asks Daisy and Nick to look around

inside his house. Daisy feels delight about Gatsby’s big time. She likes everything

inside Gatsby’s house. She expresess her happines by dancing and singing. It is

such a pleasure for Gatsby even Nick to see Daisy’s cheerful. The next evidence

that implies Daisy’s courage is when Daisy is dancing with Gatsby, Nick sees

Daisy is whispering something on Gatsby’s ear.

As I watched him he adjusted himself a little, visibly. His hand took hold of hers and as she said something low in his ear he turned toward her with a rush of emotion. I think that voice held him most with its fluctuating, feverish warmth because it couldn’t be over-dreamed—that voice was a deathless song.

They had forgotten me, but Daisy glanced up and held out her

hand; Gatsby didn’t know me now at all. I looked once more at

them and they looked back at me, remotely, possessed by intense life. Then I went out of the room and down the marble steps into the rain, leaving them there together. (103)

From that evidences, Daisy is whispering Gatsby then she gives implicit

glance over Nick as if she want to more spend times with Gatsby and also want to


is trying to gain her courage for having something intimate. This thing is done by

Daisy because of she has known the fact that Tom as her husband only took her

sexual relationship just for his pleasure without a sencerity or love so instead she

bravely asks Gatsby for having more intimate time together with the same

emotion and feeling.

The depiction of Daisy’s courage does not stop only on that day. On the

next days, when Nick is coming to Gatsby’s house, He does not see Gatsby in his

house. His house looks quiet only Gatsby’s butlers are seen. Nick is also trying to

reach Gatsby by the phone but still there is no answer. Until one day Gatsby calls

Nick and tells that Daisy is often coming to his house.

Next day Gatsby called me on the phone. ‘Going away?’ I inquired.

‘No, old sport.’

‘I hear you fired all your servants.’

‘I wanted somebody who wouldn’t gossip. Daisy comes over quite often—in the afternoons.’ (121)

The conversation between Nick and Gatsby above, it reveals of Daisy’s

courage by how often she comes to Gatsby’s house and meets him secretly

without Tom’s acknowledge. It also implies that Daisy is trying to get a freedom

even though for a while and she does not care about Tom’s authority anymore.

Gatsby and Nick meets accidentally with Tom. Tom never met Gatsby

before but he is little bit curious about Gatsby’s identity and his wealth comes

from. Therefore, Tom plans to do investigation about Gatsby’s life secretly. On

the next day, since Gatsby and Tom have met each other, Daisy invites Gatsby to


she never invited someone else to her house before. As they arrive at Daisy’s

house, Daisy and Jordan are sitting on the couch meanwhile Tom is hanging on

the phone from his mistress. After Tom called off the phone, he is trying to be

nice for welcoming Gatsby in his house. Another depiction of Daisy’s bravery is

when Tom excuses himself for a while then Daisy suddenly goes over Gatsby and

kisses him.

Tom flung open the door, blocked out its space for a moment with his thick body, and hurried into the room.

‘Mr. Gatsby!’ He put out his broad, flat hand with wellconcealed dislike. ‘I’m glad to see you, sir…. Nick….’

‘Make us a cold drink,’ cried Daisy.

As he left the room again she got up and went over to Gatsby and pulled his face down kissing him on the mouth.

‘You know I love you,’ she murmured. (123)

From the quotation above, it implies that Daisy bravely invites Gatsby to

her house. Besides, she also can not hold her feeling toward Gatsby anymore so

when Tom leaves the room, she encourages her own self and does not hesitate to

show her true feeling by kissing Gatsby and confessing that she loves him without

regarding the circumtance and the place.

Furthermore, before they have a lunch together and Tom is not coming

back to the room yet, a nurse with a litle girl whom is Daisy and Tom’s daughter

comes into the room. Daisy’s bravery can be depicted when she takes a chance to

show her daughter for the first time especially toward Gatsby and Nick.

A freshly laundered nurse leading a little girl came into the room.

‘Bles-sed pre-cious,’ she crooned, holding out her arms.

‘Come to your own mother that loves you.’

The child, relinquished by the nurse, rushed across the room and rooted shyly into her mother’s dress.

‘The Bles-sed pre-cious! Did mother get powder on your


‘I got dressed before luncheon,’ said the child, turning eagerly to Daisy.

‘That’s because your mother wanted to show you off.’ Her face bent into the single wrinkle of the small white neck.

‘You dream, you. You absolute little dream.’

‘Yes,’ admitted the child calmly. ‘Aunt Jordan’s got on a white dress too.’

‘How do you like mother’s friends?’

Daisy turned her around so that she faced Gatsby. (124)

As long as Daisy becomes a mother, she has never shown and introduced

her own biological daughter to anyone else. Besides she also can not take concern

directly in the growth of her daughter day by day because of Tom’s ban. So from

the coversation between Daisy and her daughter above, it shows Daisy’s bravery

for introducing her daughter for the first time. In spite from the risk that she will

get if Tom knows her action, Daisy seems to think that she needs to introduce her

daughter to someone else at least for once in her life especially to Gatsby and she

does not want to miss the chance.

From all of the paragraphs above, it is the sequences of moments about

Daisy’s responses by showing her bravery for all oppressions that she gets. She is

just doing whatever that can not be done before. It also implies that Daisy is also

trying to ignore about Tom’s authority and she tends to ignore about the risks of

the matters since she has known that Gatsby who has a power as same as Tom can

protect her from any Tom’s traits.

3.2.2 Daisy becomes a stubborn woman

A stubborn person can be related to someone who rejects something even


also described when Daisy shows her response toward the oppressions from Tom.

As long as Daisy experiences the oppressions, she tends to do everything based on

what Tom said to her. But in responding her oppressions, Daisy has been no

longer submissive toward Tom’s words.

Right after Daisy, Jordan, Gatsby, Nick, and Tom just finished their lunch

in Buchanan’s house, suddenly Daisy asks everyone about the thing that they will

do next. Since there is no comment from Jordan, Gatsby, Nick and Tom, then

Daisy suggests to go to town.When Daisy’s eyes meets Gatsby, they stare together

each other. From there, Tom realizes something intimate between Daisy and

Gatsby. It makes him a little bit annoyed and breaks their stare. All right,’ broke

in Tom quickly, ‘I’m perfectly willing to go to town. Come on—we’re all going

to town.’ (127)

When Daisy has changed her clothes and they are ready to go, Gatsby

offers if they are going to go by his car. Tom hesitates of the standarization of

Gatsby’s car and asks Gatsby with irritated question. But at the end, Tom agrees

to take Gatsby’s car while Gatsby takes Tom’s coupe. The evidence that shows

Daisy becomes stubborn can be seen when Tom asks Daisy to jump into the car,

suddenly she refuses it. Instead she jumps into another car with Gatsby.

‘Shall we all go in my car?’ suggested Gatsby. He felt the hot,

green leather of the seat. ‘I ought to have left it in then shade.’

‘Is it standard shift?’ demanded Tom. ‘Yes.’


He opened the door but she moved out from the circle of his arm. ‘You take Nick and Jordan. We’ll follow you in the coupé.’

She walked close to Gatsby, touching his coat with her hand. (129)

From the quotation above, it implies about Daisy’s rebellion. When Tom

presses her back to get in the car, she rejects it by moving Tom’s arm around and

she is also demanding Tom to take Nick and Jordan instead. Meanwhile Daisy

initiates to jump into tho coupe with Gatsby.

Seeing that thing, Tom becomes more irritate toward Daisy and Gatsby.

He even tells Nick and Jordan that he will find the secret between Daisy and

Gatsby. As long as their way to town, Tom stops the car in Wilson’s garage for a

while. Wilson tells Tom that he and his wife, Myrtle who is also Tom’s mistress

are going to move to west. Tom is startled about the news. Seems like there is a

glimpse of mind that changes his mind so he does not concern about his mistress

anymore and he want to get back Daisy from Gatsby. ‘Instinct made him step on

the accelerator with the double purpose of overtaking Daisy.’ (133)

Tom with Jordan and Nick continue their way to the next place. Then the

coupe that is driven by Gatsby stops them. Daisy’s rebelion can be proved when

Daisy is asking Tom where they should go. Tom suggest to go watch the movie.

Yet Daisy complains his suggestion directly and instead asks Gatsby to ride

around with her.

The coupé came to a stop and Daisy signalled us to draw up alongside.

‘Where are we going?’ she cried. ‘How about the movies?’

‘It’s so hot,’ she complained. ‘You go. We’ll ride around and meet you after.’ With an effort her wit rose faintly, ‘We’ll meet you on


The quotation above implies Daisy who becomes stubborn by rejecting for

Tom’s suggestion directly and also she tends to talk back for everything that burst

out from Tom’s mouth. Tom offers the idea of watching movies, yet instead Daisy

demands Tom to go first while she goes around with Gatsby only.

The rebelion of Daisy is also depicted when Daisy, Gatsby, Tom, Jordan

and Nick arrive in a room at Plaza Hotel. There, Tom initiates to confront Daisy

and Gatsby impatiently. Tom is trying to know information about the background

of Gatsby’s wealth. Before Gatsby can explain to Tom, Daisy suddenly talks back

to Tom.

‘That’s a great expression of yours, isn’t it?’ said Tom sharply. ‘What is?’

‘All this ‘old sport’ business. Where’d you pick that up?’

‘Now see here, Tom,’ said Daisy, turning around from the mirror,

‘if you’re going to make personal remarks I won’t stay here a minute. Call up and order some ice for the mint julep.’ (135)

The conversation above shows how Tom is darely asking about Gatsby’s

business. Daisy who hears the convesation between Tom and Gatsby feels

annoyed so she is trying to object the conversation and change the topic.

Although the conversation between Tom and Gatsby has been cut off by

Daisy, it does not stop him to ask more questions about Gatsby. Tom then is

asking Gatsby if he ever went to school in Oxford University. Gatsby then tells

about his education over Tom in detail. But another Daisy becomes stubborn can

be seen when Daisy interrupt their coversation again.

‘By the way, Mr. Gatsby, I understand you’re an Oxford man.’ ‘Not exactly.’


‘I told you I went there,’ said Gatsby. ‘I heard you, but I’d like to know when.’

‘It was in nineteen-nineteen, I only stayed five months. That’s why

I can’t really callmyself an Oxford man.’

‘Open the whiskey, Tom,’ she ordered. ‘And I’ll make you a mint julep. Then you won’t seem so stupid to yourself….

Look at the mint!’ (137-138)

From the conversation above, it implies that Tom keep trying to

interrogate of Gatsby’s life. Daisy does not want Tom for knowing more about

Gatsby so she tries to keep talk back over Tom so that he stops for asking about

Gatsby’s personal life anymore.

The sequence of paragraphs above describes about Daisy’s responses by

showing her stubborn toward Tom. From the way she rejects Tom’s intention and

she talks back over each of Tom’s words, it is kind of her response for all unfair

treatments that is given by Tom toward her for long times. Therefore, it can be

said that Daisy becomes stubborn woman since she has been no longer submissive

toward Tom’s word.

3.2.3 Daisy becomes a inconsistent woman

Someone who becomes consistent to inconsistent can be related to the one

who is faced by complicated situation or choice. That kind of situation is faced by

Daisy when she is trying to respond of her oppression. As long as she gets some

oppressions from Tom in her life, Daisy believes that she does not love Tom

anymore even she never loved him. Daisy also want to leave Tom at the first

place, but her consistency is unsteady when Tom admits his mistakes and reveals


In the Plaza hotel, after Tom asked about Gatsby’s background of life and

education, he starts to confronts Daisy and Gatsby about their relationship. Gatsby

finally speaks out about the truth toward Tom even though Daisy prevents him.

Gatsby tells Tom that Daisy had never loved Tom. Gatsby also tells that Daisy

married Tom because at that time he was just poor and Daisy was tired of wating

for Gatsby. ‘She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of

waiting for me. It was a terrible mistake, but in her heart she never loved any one

except me!’ (139).

Right at that time, Tom is frozen but he is trying to be calm. He does not

believe about Gatsby’s words until he hears the fact from Daisy’s words. Tom still

insists that Daisy loves him when they got married. Gatsby who can not stand

anymore also object every Tom’s words. Since Gatsby can not stop for objecting

Tom’s words, Tom implicitly confesses about his mistake and his feeling toward

Daisy. ‘I love Daisy too. Once in a while I go off on a spree and make a fool of

myself, but I always come back, and in my heart I love her all the time.’ (140).

Daisy does not believe him and instead says the harsh lines to Tom ‘You’re

revolting,’ said Daisy. (140).

The depiction of Daisy’s consistency can be seen when Gatsby walks over

and stands beside Daisy and he also reassures Daisy to say that she never loved


Gatsby walked over and stood beside her.

‘Daisy, that’s all over now,’ he said earnestly. ‘It doesn’t matter any more. Just tell him the truth—that you never loved him—and it’s all wiped out forever.’

She looked at him blindly. ‘Why,—how could I love him—


‘You never loved him.’

‘I never loved him,’ she said, with perceptible reluctance. (141)

According to evidence above, it shows how Daisy feels anger if she

reminds about all of Tom’s treatment toward her and she still assures her ownself

that she never loved Tom.

But when Tom is trying to remind Daisy about the sweet memories that

they ever had once, people in there including Nick and jordan can see Daisy’s

inconsistency. It can be seen when Daisy just said that she never loved Tom but

she also confessed that she ever loved Tom once in her life time but she also loves


‘Not at Kapiolani?’ demanded Tom suddenly. ‘No.’

‘Not that day I carried you down from the Punch Bowl to keep

your shoes dry?’ There was a husky tenderness in his tone. ‘… Daisy?’

‘Please don’t.’ Her voice was cold, but the rancour was gone from

it. She looked at Gatsby. ‘There, Jay,’ she said— but her hand as

she tried to light a cigarette was trembling. Suddenly she threw the cigarette and the burning match on the carpet.

‘Oh, you want too much!’ she cried to Gatsby. ‘I love you now— isn’t that enough? I can’t help what’s past.’ She began to sob

helplessly. ‘I did love him once—but I loved you too. (141-142)

From the evidences above, it implies about Daisy becomes consistent to

inconsistent woman. It is proved when she says that that she never loved Tom at

first but later after Tom reminds Daisy of the sweet memories between them, as if

there is in doubt in her heart so she decides to say that she loves Tom and Gatsby


Furthermore, Daisy’s inconsistency is also can be seen when Gatsby is


reveals about Gatsby’s secret of crime, Daisy hesitates for her decision. At the end

of the day, as they come back to East egg Daisy chooses over Tom than Gatsby

instead and leaves Gatsby behind.

Daisy and Tom were sitting opposite each other at the kitchen table with a plate of cold fried chicken between them and two bottles of ale. He was talking intently across the table at her and in his

earnestness his hand had fallen upon and covered her own. Once in a while she looked up at him and nodded in agreement. (155)

Based on the quotation above, it implies that Tom is trying to clear out the

issue between them both and he also apologizes for his all of mistakes to Daisy.

Daisy is confuse for the facts that she faces especially related to Gatsby’s criminal

record case. When she knows about the truth, she considers that Gatsby also lies

on her so she changes her mind and choose to stay with Tom, her husband and

starts a new life with him and their daughter.

All of the paragraphs above, it describes of the moments from the way

Daisy confesses of her feeling toward two different men and the ways she takes

decision to choose over Tom or Gatsby, it is kind of the situation where she feels

uncertain so she can say something now but later she says another thing again.

Thus, it can be argued that Daisy becomes consistent to inconsistent woman.

From all of Daisy’s responses that is described above, it can be said that

Daisy has an intention to make her own self get free from her oppression or to

make her oppression is little bit decrease. Furthermore, by showing her responses,

Daisy also want to make Tom realizes about his mistakes and stops the oppression




This chapter concludes the discussion in the previous chapters. The

researcher will give the conclusion in this study that was written from the

beginning until ending. The researcher chooses a novel The Great Gatsby by F.

Scott. Fitzgerald as the subject of the study entitled Daisy’s Oppression in F. Scott

Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Even though Daisy is not the main character in

this novel but her existence is important enough in the story.

The researcher concludes that there are some oppressions that happened in

Daisy’s life as minor character. Daisy experiences oppressions after she got

married with Tom Buchanan. Tom always dominates all ways to control Daisy.

He tends to act arbitrarily toward Daisy and ignore about Daisy’s feeling.

Oppressions that Daisy gets in her household such as Tom has love affair behind

Daisy, Tom does not care over Daisy’s reproduction, Tom limits Daisy as a

mother, and Tom also limits Daisy from society. From those oppressions which

are experienced by Daisy, it is related to liberal feminism that focuses on

woman’s sexuality, woman’s reproduction, and woman’s mobility are under

control by man.

The researcher concludes that Daisy starts to respond her oppressions after

she meets again with Gatsby, her past lover who has become a rich man and still

in love with Daisy. In her responses toward her oppressions, Daisy starts to show

her bravery such as by having love affair


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Pengembangan proses yang lebih ramah lingkungan, reaksi menggunakan katalis heterogen lebih disukai dalam hal kemudahan penanganan, perlakuan produk yang lebih

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa/i SMA Negeri 6 Sendawar Kalimantan Timur Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014 mempunyai kebiasan minum tuak yang tergolong sedang

- Pasien dapat mengatakan secara akurat tentang diagnosis dan pengobatan pada tingkatan siap - Mengikuti prosedur dengan baik dan menjelaskan tentang alasan mengikuti prosedur

This research will provide a conceptual contribution to the accounting standard regulators to be able to take a firm decision on the adoption of the appropriate


(1) Setiap orang yang menguntungkan diri sendiri, orang lain dan/atau korporasi dengan mengaku atau memakai nama Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah sehingga mendapatkan

Logika fuzzy dengan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai sistem pendukung keputusan untuk menentukan tingkat kepuasan pada sarana dan

berkat dan karuniaNya penulis dapat menyelesaikan skripsi berjudul Pengaruh Pemberian Air Rebusan Daun Alpukat ( Persea americana Mill. ) Terhadap Tekanan Darah