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Index of /papers/Arts_Entertainment Free Birthday Cards


Academic year: 2017

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Where Can You Find Free Birthday Cards?

What is better than sending out birthday cards to friends, family and loved ones? Sending a free birthday cards, of course! Yet where can you find these goodies that have a price tag attached them that everyone can love? Here are some tried and true ideas that will help you to pinch pennies and still encourage others: * Electronic cards are the ultimate free birthday cards. The selections are endless and run the gambit from the to...


birthday card, gift, present, suprise

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Where Can You Find Free Birthday Cards?

What is better than sending out birthday cards to friends, family and loved ones? Sending a free birthday cards, of course! Yet where can you find these goodies that have a price tag attached them that everyone can love? Here are some tried and true ideas that will help you to pinch pennies and still encourage others:

* Electronic cards are the ultimate free birthday cards. The selections are endless and run the gambit from the tongue in cheek funny, to the preposterous and oblique. You may choose to add a variety of sounds to your graphic selections, as well as the opportunity to add as much or as little personalization as you choose. For those with a talent for words, this is the perfect vehicle for a birthday poem to send to the happy celebrant. Of course, an added feature is the fact that you not only save money because you are not purchasing cards themselves, but you also save because you do not have to pay for postage! In addition to the foregoing, if you are truly in a pinch for time, these cards can be sent before midnight and still arrive on time for someone´s birthday! Truly a procrastinator´s dreams come true. * If you don´t mind the postage, or if the birthday celebrants live close by, yet you still do not want to go the expense of actually buying a card, you may wish to consider finding one of the websites that will allow you to print any one of thousands free printable pages. Many can be colored in, which is a always a favorite with children, while others are all ready to go, and just need you to handwrite in a little something to the birthday boy or girl. Several of these printable cards can be made to look like your standard birthday card by simply folding the paper as instructed.

* Did you know that you probably have a host of free birthday cards sitting in a shoebox somewhere? It is true! A new trend in birthday greeting is the sending of a photo. Sometimes it can be a snapshot of the celebrant, the sender, and mutually adored child or pet, or perhaps a beautiful scene or some artwork that you have photographed and know that the celebrant will enjoy it. The sentimental value of the photo as well as your happy birthday wishes on the back will ensure that the celebrant will truly feel loved and thought of.

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