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Paper of European Economic Crisis 2008


Academic year: 2018

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European Study

Lecturer: Aswin Ariyanto Azis, S.IP., M.Devst

Group 3:

HI English Class 1-5

Arif Dwijatmiko


Muyassarotul Hasanah 135120407121027

Valiant Gandys Sukamto 135120407121045

Department of International Relations

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences


A. Dynamic and History of Europe economic

1. World war 1

The dynamics of the modern European economy starts since the world war. Where in the world war severe shocks that hit the European . First World War made the European should replace their economic system on a large scale and after the second world war Europe find a

clarity about what changes they did and what they will get when it replace their economic system. Although the future of Europe will have a major crisis. 1

World war seems bring about change in Europe. Particularly in the financial system and the pattern of trade relations. World War. Especially the first world war seems bring benefits to the United States. Economic Growth in the United States became very fast so it becomes the center of the economic circulation across the Atlantic Ocean..2

Post-war problems experienced by Europe as the war that passed, the financial system is not yet stable. And a debt that must be repaid, while the state budget are unable to sustain the country's needs and pay off the domestic debt. But, in 1920, countries in Western Europe prefer to do the stabilization of the financial system of governance. Until the year 1922-1924, the countries of Europe are looking for an institution that is capable bail out their financial needs to carry out the reconstruction of the economic system and development.3

2. World war 2

At the end of 1920, the United States expand their investments in Europe. But, the investment made by the United States seems is not much help Europe. This is because the investment made by the United States is not much profitable for Europe. This situation continued until the end of 1930 and there was a large-scale crisis (the Great Depression).4Which causes the


James, Harold. The history and dynamic of Europe economy. Source : T.C.W Blanning, The Oxford History of Modern Europe, Oxford University Press, 2000, p 186 - 211.


real economic sector disturbed with financial systems that are not accordance. It is characterized by declining asset prices of banks in Europe and lead to bankruptcy.5

Various efforts were made so that this global crisis does not happen again. Until John Maynard Keynes 6, a British economist convey ideas through books he wrote "national self-sufficiency". In his book, he said that, the cost of tariffs implemented in economy will make the to minimize the occurrence of deflation.7 While those countries are also advised does not need gold as an instrument to standardize the country's economy8. Until the year 1935 - 1936, the countries of Europe do some economic policies, especially in the real sector.

In the second world war, the destruction of the whole infrastructure make European countries should improve the economic system back in it .. moreover, the economic system that has been stabilized damaged because of inflation during the war and lack of price control. To anticipate continuous damage, the united states ever to invest in Europe re-invest in the UK bilaterally. In the end, American issued a policy marshall plan to restore stability in the construction of Europe.9

3. Cold war

Entering the period of the cold war, two great powers that the Soviet Union and the United States compete to attract the attention of the international community by spreading ideology. One of the United States attempts to draw the attention of the European community by providing foreign aid. Foreign aid is known as the "Marshall plan". Marshal plan contained in the program launched by the secretary of state of the United States that is George C. Marshall.10 The program is held to reconstruct Europe devastated by war.

As long as time goes, the cooperation with economic development in Europe growing in several specific fields. For the examples bellow :


Insolvent European bank. Source : http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/the-germans-have-learned-nothing-from-history-a-838429.html. Accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 02 : 17 )

6 John maynard Keynes. Source : http://www.britannica.com/biography/John-Maynard-Keynes. Accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 02 : 44 )


Tarrif to minimize deflation. Source : http://www.bankrate.com/finance/investing/5-ways-to-outlast-deflation-1.aspx. accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 03 : 01 ).

8Key es reje ted gold sta dard. Sour e : Meltzer, alla H. Key es’s Mo etary Theory,a differe t i terpretatio , Cambridge university press, 1990. p 48 – 49.


Marshall plan foreign aid. Source : https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/marshall-plan. Accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 03 : 24 )



1) ECSC ( European Coal and Steel Community )

The French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, in his famous declaration of 9th May 1950, proposed the establishment of the Common Market treaty Coal and Steel Europe or the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) by the six countries, including France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Italy. Six countries furthermore called The Six State. The success of ECSC encourage countries The Six State form a common market that includes economic sectors.11

2) EEC ( European Economic Commmunity )

The European Economic Commmunity Treaty, also known as the Treaty of Rome, was signed on 25th March 1957. The EU states brings together France, Germany, Italy

and the Benelux countries in a community whose aim is to achieve integration via trade with a view to economic expansion. 12 In 1981 Greece joined the EEC which is then followed by Spain and Portugal. Thus the EEC membership by 12 countries.

3) Euratom ( European Atomic Energy Community )

European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), international organization established by one of the Treaties of Rome in 1958 to form a common market for the development of the peaceful uses of atomic energy. The original members were Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. It subsequently came to include all members of the European Union. 13

Europe Great Depression

Europe union cooperation 1. Source : http://www.gurusejarah.com/2015/01/masyarakat-ekonomi-eropa-mee-atau-uni.html. accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 17 : 13 )


Europe union cooperation 2. Source : http://www.cfr.org/eu/treaty-establishing-european-economic-community-treaty-rome/p19864. Accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 18 : 02 )


French economy from shock-resistant Great Depression but in 1931 France fell in the Great Depression that lasted until World War 2. 14

John Maynard Keynes is an economist from the UK proved to be later known as Keynesianism. Keynes argued that the government's role in a liberal economic system is important to provide an economic model that can be predicted based on economic indicators that could be used by policy makers.15 Keynes gave new thinking to deal with the crisis by suggesting the central bank in order to develop financial reserves to give the bill so that the customer confidence back and will spend money.

Signs of the crisis started to appear since 1928 when agricultural conditions experienced declination and the countries of Asia and Europe is stuck in recession. Then the events of 'Wall Street Stock Market Crash' in 1929 became the gateway to one of the most significant depression in history. The Dow Jones Industrial Average in 1928 worth 191 increased drastically to 381.17 points in September 1929.16

In addition, profit American market in 1928 worth 900 million USD to decline to 86 million USD in 1929-1931. The stock market collapse would lead to a kind of domino effect, both in the US and in other countries. Banks have failed in the insurance, the results of industrial production decreased quantity, as well as the enactment of 'Smooth-Hawley tariff'17 as a form of policies to protect American companies in Europe are examples of major depressive impact for the United States.

Outside the United States, the economic crisis also hit other parts of the world. US aid to Europe in the context of economic reconstruction after World War I hampered due to the crisis, so that the European countries directly affected. The world unemployment rate increased during 1929-1932 and even industrialized countries like Britain and France became


Great depression of Europe. Source : http://hafizabdillah-fisip11.web.unair.ac.id/artikel_detail-78132-Ekonomi%20Politik%20InternasionalEra%20Great%20Depression:%20Kemunculan%20Keynesianisme%20dan %20Fordisme.html. Accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 06 : 12 )


Balance economic system Keynes. Source :

http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2014/09/basics.htm. Accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 06 : 37 ) 16

Signs of great depression. 17


the largest donor in the unemployment rate. We can see the increased data o unemployement in this statistic data bellow 18:

Year Population Labor

Force Unemployed

Percentage of Labor Force

1929 88,010,000 49,440,000 1,550,000 3.14

1930 89,550,000 50,080,000 4,340,000 8.67

1931 90,710,000 50,680,000 8,020,000 15.82

1932 91,810,000 51,250,000 12,060,000 23.53

1933 92,950,000 51,840,000 12,830,000 24.75

1934 94,190,000 52,490,000 11,340,000 21.60

1935 95,460,000 53,140,000 10,610,000 19.97

1936 96,700,000 53,740,000 9,030,000 16.80

1937 97,870,000 54,320,000 7,700,000 14.18

1938 99,120,000 54,950,000 10,390,000 18.91

1939 100,360,000 55,600,000 9,480,000 17.05

1940 101,560,000 56,180,000 8,120,000 14.45

1941 102,700,000 57,530,000 5,560,000 9.66

Another case, cold war together happened with great depression. As the solution for this uncertainity situation. US government cooperation together with UK encourage the holding of the Bretton Woods conference in 1944. The purposes of Bretton woods conference are

1. Encourage the reduction of tariffs and other barriers to international trade.

2. Created a global economic framework to minimize the economic conflict between state.

Inspiring from the Bretton woods conference, two financial world institutions has successful creates are, IMF ( international Monetary Fund ) and World Bank. 19



B. The Economic Crisis in Europe

The crisis in Europe in 2008, recalling the existence of an economic integration, create an instrument of the economic interdependence finally interrupted. An integration that are made, even seemed a domino effect for the countries of the European Union (EU) in particular. Starting disruption Great Depression in 1930. Then, in the 2000's, the crisis hit back in the EU, cause quite complex. The crisis was preceded by a long period of rapid credit growth, low risk premiums, abundant availability of liquidity, strong leveraging, soaring asset

prices and the development of bubbles in the real estate sector20. And this is a form of post 1930's biggest drop.

In 2009, European Union real GDP is projected to shrink by some 4%21, it experienced a significant reduction in the Eropean Union's history. Receivables that hit Greece, caused the crisis spread to countries Ireland, then Portugal. Debt guaranteed by Greece exceeds the GDP of the country, as well as the state spending deficit, and that's when the crisis began payable by European countries began to open to the public. The integrated system22, making the Eropean Union as the top circle constrained state budget deficit, and the low ratio of GDP one country alone coating, can make other countries affected. This can be caused due to the banking system of interlocking

The crisis led to a domino effect, because with the establishment of a standardization, inevitably makes the EU countries must show that the best standards are considered to have good capability among fellow members of the European Union. Domino effect is a chain of problems that occur on an object that will ultimately cause the surroundings to feel the impact23. Domino effect, just like a inflation, which, if one of the modes of goods rose, surely others will follow up the price.

19 Bretton woods system. Source : http://www.vifcorps.com/trading-education/in-brief-literatures/1107-bretton-woods-sebuah-sistem-perekonomian-dunia. Accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 20 : 12 )


Economic and Crisis in Europe: Causes, Consequeces and Responses. European Economy 7;2009. European Commission, Economic and Financial Affairs. Luxemburg. Page. 1


Economic and Crisis in Europe: Causes, Consequeces and Responses. European Economy 7;2009. European Commission, Economic and Financial Affairs. Luxemburg. Page. 1


Write on (Krisis Keuangan Eropa: Dampak terhadap perekonomian Indonesia). Tinjauan Perekonomian Triwulan IV/2011. Kementrian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional. Jakarta. Page: Ringkasan Eksekutif. 23


a. Factors causing the European’s Economic Crisis in 2008

If viewed in general, the main cause is due to the integration itself, create self-awareness of each country becomes less, and rely on the core countries in the EU, and there are several internal and external factors. The part of the euro Began when EU leaders agreed to launch an economic and monetary union (EMU), with a single currency (integrity), as part of the Maastricht Treaty signed in 1992. After Several years of preparations, involving completing the single market and establishing the European Central Bank24.

Sources: Washington Post, 2012

Picture: The Rank of European Debt in 2011

1. The existence of homogeneity currency (Euro) - Internal Factor

Integration implemented the EU since 1998, using the single currency Euro, making the European Union as the best region in the world. Committee Chairman named Jagland, who told Reuters on Friday (10/12/2012), said that this proves that the

integration of the European economy has grown, this makes the integration of the



European Union won the Nobel for the success uniting the countries in the continent25.

National interest remains a major obstacle in the process of integration. Europe's economic crisis arose as a result of a lack of transparent accounts payable reports EU countries, thus reveal the value of state expenditures on GDP makes this crisis quickly spread to other countries. Euro, as the face of the economic success. However, domestic sentiment people who already feel disappointed because of the

impact of an economic integration, affecting how the preventive policy that slow walk. Delays in aid of strong economic countries of Europe, making the country

increasingly colapsed slumped26.

2. The Real Estate Crisis in the U.S - External Factor

From the data cited by Deutsche Welle (DW), seen from the side of Germany, as the current state of the strongest economies before the crisis of 2008. The crisis of Europe, starting with the German Development Bank (KfW), providing aid to the investment bank Lehman Brothers, which went bankrupt due to crisis shares in the United States, caused by price speculation mortgage (developer) in the United States27. Granting and preventive efforts have made Germany, to avoid this crisis flows to Germany, as a result of the cooperative relationship between the German Development Bank, the Investment Bank residential mortgages in the United States. And make the German finance minister, Peer Steinbruck, must intervene and provide substantial funds to rescue the German Development Bank, around 500 Billion Euro28.

3. Germany Mastered The Central Bank in The European Union - Internal Factor


http://europa.eu/about-eu/basic-information/eu-nobel/index_en.htm accessed on 21 October 2015 26 Writed on journal by Indra Kusumawardhana. 2013.

European Union in Crisis : Menguatnya Pandangan Berbasis Kedaulatan di dalam Krisis Ekonomi Uni Eropa. Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Universitas Airlangga. Page. 4


http://www.dw.com/id/tahun-2008-tahun-sulit-bagi-perekonomian/a-3901915 accessed on 21 October 2015



Preventive measures undertaken by the EU, i s to go down his government in rescuing the economy. Protection was then carried out and to help give advice to the troubled country. But the failure to rescue banks in Europe, which is a value erosion of sovereignty over the economy, inability of a state entity to avoid and save the economy respectively. This is less than the system integration of the Euro. Germany as the strongest economy in Europe, and entered the ranks of the country's largest exporter in the world, making the country's foreign exchange reserves large enough29. Bundesbank, also The European Central Bank was held in Germany, thus making the

country has influence in the movement of the economy. The process of forming an integrated bank started in 1994 to 1998 from, the European Monetary Institute (EMI),

EMI itself aims to strengthen cooperation among banks in Europe, as well as a forerunner to the creation of EMU (Economic and Monetary Union) of Europe30, EMU as the goals of integration prospect itself, depend how it belong.

b. Advantages and Disadvantages of Economics Crisis in Europe

 Advantages

1. Economic Reformation

Economic reforms in Greece. The economic crisis that convolute the country, making the prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, create a policy for the holding of a national referendum31. For the sake of determining whether the country continue to receive emergency funding from the European

Central Bank, but with a variety of binding rules, or not to accept, but with the risk borne by the state itself, as well as the escape of the single currency Euro.

2. Strengthening economic policy rules


Germany country overview http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-17299607 accessed on 21 October 2015


http://www.bbc.com/news/business-18868704 accessed on 21 October 2015. 31


The European Union made a post-crisis policies, by creating a new financial fence, called, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM)32. Namely to provide assistance to countries of the European Union which are considered to the crisis, these funds aim to maintain the stability of the euro currency in the market. Remains conditional aid, which must ratify has not been able to compensate for the economic situation as France and Germany33. Differences in economic interests that caused the gap. Western Europe dominated by economic cooperation on banking liquidity, while central and eastern Europe, is still in the stage of completion eradication of poverty and unemployment.

2. Slow Recovery of Crisis

EU action is slow to resolve the crisis, is one proof that the integration is not always good for the region. Because of homogeneity is not forever

lasting. Political interests of each country is still different34. The countries affected by the crisis, keeping in view that help keep their hope because the country has a bond with the regulations to implement the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in the EU. But the countries of the European Union saw that the countries affected by the crisis is not an independent

http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-14-722_en.htm accessed on 21 October 2015 34


C. Case Study

1. Crisis in Portugal

Portugal is a country in the southwestern edge of Europe, located in the Iberian Peninsula. Population in Portugal in 2011 amounted to 10.7 million. Portugal is a major exporter of clothing, wood products, and electrical equipment. Portugal uses the Euro as the main currency of the country.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/country_profiles/994099.stm

Picture: Portugal at a Glance


Portugal ended the 2009 with budget deficit equal to 9.3 percent of GDP. The deficit increased when compared to 2008, which amounted to 6.6 percent of GDP. While for 2010, Portugal's budget deficit is expected to reach 8.6 percent of GDP. Far beyond the EU limit of three percent of GDP. This makes the two rating agencies, namely Moody's and Fitch gives negative outlook on Portugal. That outlook failed to improved after Portugal deemed incapable of fulfill promises to reduce the deficit. Portuguese government promises able to narrow its budget deficit to below three percent of GDP in 2013, but the rating agencies assess Portugal's budget deficit in 2013 still on 3.8 percent of GDP. Negatif rating also make

undermining confidence in the Portuguese economy.

In March, Portugal began to make austerity budget. The Government announced a package of austerity measures, including cuts in public spending and tax increases. All steps were taken to reduce the budget deficit Portugal. Worsening of financial crisis in Portugal forced the government to request financial assistance to the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). On May 2, 2010, the IMF finally approved a bailout

package of € 78 billion for Portugal. IMF aid was immediately used to cover the state deficit. Victor Gaspar, who served as finance minister said that if in 2013, Portual will raise the income tax from 9.8% to 13.2%. Moreover, Portugal make efforts to cut the state budget.

Not only Portugal, Greece and Ireland also suffered debt crisis in 2010. Together the debt crisis of the three countries marked the start of Europe's debt crisis.

2. Crisis in Ireland

Ireland is a modern small country. Ireland has a designation called Celtic Tiger35, which means the most shining light in Europe. Designation was obtained to Ireland since successfully established an advanced economy. The golden years the Irish economy started from the participation of Ireland to join the European Union. Ireland officially join the EU on 1 January 1973.36 At the beginning of joining the European Union, Ireland faced a series of systems that are not ready yet.


How Ireland Became the Celtic Tiger, www.heritage.org/research/reports/2006/06/how-ireland-became-the-celtic-tiger accessed on 20 October 2015


Ireland in the EU - Joining the European Community,


However, the golden age was changed when the economic crisis hit Europe. In 2007 Ireland enjoy relatively high economic growth in the scale of Europe, which is about 6.5%.37 But, Irish economic crisis began to be felt in 2008. Ireland has a debt which is larger than its GDP. The debt ratio reached 148 billion euros in 2011. Ireland was faced with decreasing of revenues and large budget deficits as a result of the eurozone debt crisis. Here is a table showing the economic growth rate of Ireland from 2006 until 2012:

No Year Percentage

To overcome this serious crisis, Ireland a decision to reducing the minimum wage and reducing the social welfare budget up to 2.8 billion euros.39 Not only that, the deficit was

reduced through a reduction up to 25,000 civil servants and pensioners pay cuts. But austerity is not enough. Finally, Ireland asked for help to the IMF and the European Union. The EU so far has helped Ireland by provide a bailout. Ireland has received a bailout from the EU and the IMF as much as 85 billion euros, equivalent to $ 111 billion in November 2010.40 Bailout program has several preconditions were quite heavy. The Irish government should run budget savings program by raising taxes within four years and run the spending cuts program.

The conditions of bailout proposed by the European Union is responded by Prime Minister

Enda Kenny with save 6 billion euros which earned from spending cuts, tax increases, and others

ways so that the deficit can be dropped off at the level of 7.0%. This optimism was forwarded with


Ireland Economy. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ei.html accessed on 19 October 2015


http://databank.worldbank.org/data/reports.aspx?source=2&country=IRL&series=&period accessed on 19 October 2015


Welfare to e ut y € .8 illio , www.irishtimes.com/news/welfare-to-be-cut-by-2-8-billion-1.867822 accessed on 21 October 2015

40Irela d to re ei e €85 illio ailout at 5.8% i terest rate, .irishti es. o / e s/irela d


deficit target in 2014 up to 2.8%.41 The Irish government's efforts to bring his country out from the

economic crisis seems to produce results. Although not yet fully recovered, with economy grew up

to 1.6%, is not wrong if Ireland is placed as the first rank of euro zone countries which able to

recover from pain of the debt crisis.

3. Crisis in Greece

The economic crisis in Greece in 2008 began when Greece was unable to pay a debt of 4 billion euros to the US, Germany, Britain, France, Portugal, and Italy. A lot of Debt to be paid by Greece due to the poor performance of the Greek bureaucracy such as a lot of corruption, poor tax administration, and waste of budget funds. It made Greece must go into debt to cover the needs of state spending. At the beginning, Greece's membership in the European Union and the euro zone is not easily accepted. There are several requirements that must be fulfilled by Greece to become members of the European Union. The The requirement such as stable political conditions and have the economic capacity so it will not disturb the stability of the European Union. Although Greece does not have a stable economy, but

Greece still trying to join the European Union.

At the time of going to join the euro zone, Greece does not meet the requirements specified in the Maastricht treaty. Maastricht Treaty contains the criteria for member countries of the European Union to enter the third stage of European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and adopt the euro as its currency.42 Greece is not fulfill these criteria because of inflation, budget deficits, debt, and interest rates which high and it is feared would destabilize the euro zone. However, in January 2002 Greece officially became a member of the euro zone because they meet the requirements.43

In 2000 until 2007, Greece recorded a growth of economic up to 4.2% per year and it is the highest rate in the euro zone.44 The economic growth in Greece is the result of a lot of foreign investment into the country. However, the situation turned around when the post-2008 global crisis where other countries began rise from the recession. The main economic


Irish economic forecasts: recovery to gather pace this year,

https://www.davy.ie/research/public/printPdf.htm?id=econforecast20140812_11082014.htm , accessed on


sectors of Greece, which is sectors of tourism and shipping recorded a decline in revenue up to 15%.45 Then in May 2010, Greece has caught a deficit of up to 13.6%.46 One of the main causes of the deficit is the number of tax evasion cases, which is detrimental to the country up to US $ 20 billion per year.

After a long time joined the European Union, Greece has been fudging their debt. The EU finally know the information because of the suspicion on the growth of Greek economy. Counterfeiting Greek report which has succeed in fooling the European Union for years make the international community doubted to the credibility of European Union. European Central Bank as policy makers in the euro zone faced with two difficult choices. The first option is to

let Greece go bankrupt or default and excluded from the euro zone.

In May 2010, when the Greek crisis increasingly precarious, consular of Germany said that EU need help from the IMF to overcome the crisis. With the involvement of the IMF, it can be said EU has been deadlocked and did not have any other solution to solve the Greek crisis.They agreed to provide a bailout for Greece to calm down the global investors and businessmen which have investments in other euro zone. To get the bailout, Greece must carry out its obligations as a consequence of the bailout. Greece must do the budget cuts, wage reductions and delays pension fund for three years, and a tax increase to overcome fiscal and debt problems of Greece and restore the Greek economy.47

The bailout was responded with major protests, including a major strike of civil servants accompanied by huge protests in the streets of Greece.48 Two main Greek unions also preparing a strike. Greece increasingly chaotic economic conditions when the social crisis occurred, increased unemployment, public protests, and also the Greek political situation heats up. Prime Minister of Greece, George Papandreou that comes from the Socialist Party suffered a lot of pressure from the cabinet so that on 11 November 2011, he chose to resign.49 Since that time the Greek economy becomes very fragile and weak. Greece


A Different Solution For The Greek Tragedy, deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/07/08/a-different-solution-for-the-greek-tragedy/

46Gree e’s So ereig Debt Crisis: Retrospect and Prospect, eprints.lse.ac.uk/42848/1/GreeSE%20No54.pdf 47Europe a d IMF Agree € Billio Fi a i g Pla With Gree e,

www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/survey/so/2010/car050210a.htm accessed on 18 October 2015 48

Nationwide Strike Follows Latest Round of Greek Cuts,

www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052970203388804576612261343333114 accessed on 17 October 2015 49

Eurozone crisis: Greek PM George Papandreou to resign,


D. Conclusion

The crisis in various European countries turned out for this is due to the same thing. The cause is before the crisis occurred in the United States in 2007 was named House Bubble. The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers that creditors come from countries in Europe to make impact to Europe. In addition, the amount of debt compared to income European countries make it a crisis occurs. The EU does not just sit crisis that occurred in the countries of its members. The European Union crisis management similar to the countries in Europe. Handling it as suggesting a strict policy by raising taxes to do a budget saving. The EU has also invited the IMF to provide bailouts to European countries affected by the crisis.



Harold, James. The history and dynamic of Europe economy. Source : T.C.W Blanning, The

Oxford History of Modern Europe, Oxford University Press

Meltzer, allan H. Keynes’s Monetary Theory,a different interpretation , Cambridge university press

Journal of Economic and Crisis in Europe: Causes, Consequeces and Responses. European

Economy 7;2009. European Commission, Economic and Financial Affairs. Luxemburg

Journal by Indra Kusumawardhana. 2013. European Union in Crisis : Menguatnya

Pandangan Berbasis Kedaulatan di dalam Krisis Ekonomi Uni Eropa. Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Universitas Airlangga

http://www.historytoday.com/patricia-clavin/great-depression-europe-1929-39 Accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 02 : 09 )

http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/the-germans-have-learned-nothing-from-history-a-838429.html . Accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 02 : 17 )

http://www.britannica.com/biography/John-Maynard-Keynes . Accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 02 : 44 )

http://www.bankrate.com/finance/investing/5-ways-to-outlast-deflation-1.aspx . accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 03 : 01 ).

http://marshallfoundation.org/marshall/the-marshall-plan/foreign-assistance-act-1948/ . Accessed : 22 October 2015 ( 03 : 40 )

http://europa.eu/about-eu/basic-information/eu-nobel/index_en.html accessed on 21 October 2015

http://www.bbc.com/news/business-18868704 accessed on 21 October 2015.

www.heritage.org/research/reports/2006/06/how-ireland-became-the-celtic-tiger accessed on 20 October 2015

https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ei.html accessed on 19 October 2015

http://databank.worldbank.org/data/reports.aspx?source=2&country=IRL&series=&period accessed on 19 October 2015


http://europa.eu/eu-law/decision-making/treaties/pdf/treaty_on_european_union/treaty_on_european_union_en.pdf accessed on 18 October 2015

www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/survey/so/2010/car050210a.htm accessed on 18 October 2015


Table of Irish Economic Growth (2006-2012)38


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