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Data were collected from two branches from each

whorl of nine open-grown

Abies balsamea

(L.) Miller trees to

test the hypothesis that specific leaf area (SLA, m



fresh leaf area kg


oven-dry foliage) is constant among five

foliage age classes (current-year, 1-year-old, 2-year-old,

3-year-old and 4-3-year-old-plus). Between-tree variation in SLA

was greater than within-tree variation. Differences in SLA

among the foliage age classes were small, but statistically

significant, showing a trend of decreasing SLA with increasing

foliage age. Using data from two previous biomass studies, we

found that three different methods of calculating SLA of

indi-vidual trees produced the same projected leaf area estimates.

To test the hypothesis that foliage mass increases with

foli-age foli-age as a result of secondary xylem or phloem development,

we examined the secondary vascular development of foliage

collected from five age classes and three crown sections in an


A. balsamea. The number of rows of xylem cells

was not constant among foliage age classes, but the differences

were small and showed no consistent pattern of change with

foliage age. Total number of rows of phloem cells increased,

number of living rows of phloem cells decreased, and the

number of rows of nonliving crushed phloem cells increased

with foliage age.

Keywords: balsam fir, needle shrinkage, nested analysis of

variance, projected leaf area, secondary phloem development,



The assumption of a constant specific leaf area (SLA, m


projected fresh leaf area kg


oven-dry foliage) within

individ-ual trees has been made in numerous ecophysiological studies

of gymnosperms (e.g., Gholz et al. 1976, Marchand 1984,

Dean and Long 1986, Long and Smith 1989, Shelburne et al.

1993, Smith 1993). In some studies, the assumption of a

constant SLA between trees has also been made (e.g.,

White-head 1978, Kaufmann and Troendle 1981, Marchand 1984).

Recently, Coyea and Margolis (1992) reported differences in

SLA between current-year and 1-year-old foliage of



(L.) Miller, but found no statistical difference in

SLA between 1-year-old and older foliage. Although they

sampled leaves from each of three crown sections, they did not

report any variation in SLA among crown sections. Other

investigators, however, have reported differences in SLA

val-ues that they attributed to differences in foliage age class or

within-crown position (Kellomäki and Oker-Blom 1981,

Hager and Sterba 1985, Gower and Norman 1991, van Hees

and Bartelink 1993).

Both Dean and Long (1986) and Long and Smith (1989)

suggested that SLA estimates based on an oven-dry projected

leaf area would slightly underestimate total projected surface

area when applied to an entire tree crown. However, Waring et

al. (1982) estimated that oven-dry projected leaf area would be

reduced up to 25% as a result of needle shrinkage. To our

knowledge, no studies have examined the effect of

oven-dry-ing on shrinkage of

A. balsamea


Our main objective was to test the hypothesis that a

com-mon SLA could be used for all foliar age classes of


balsamea. On rejection of this hypothesis, we performed a

histological study to detect possible differences in secondary

vascular development (defined as growth after elongation and

maturation of the primary needle tissue is completed, Ewers

1982b) within xylem and phloem tissues among foliage age

classes. A secondary objective was to quantify foliage

shrink-age after oven-drying and examine the relationship among

fo-liage age classes.

Materials and methods

Study area

This study was conducted on the University of Maine Dwight

B. Demeritt Forest (44°55

N, 68°38

W) and the Penobscot

Experimental Forest (44°50

N, 68°35

W). Both forests are

located in the Penobscot River Valley on the border of the

central and southern climatic zones of Maine (Briggs and

Lemin 1992). Soils developed on a parent material of glacial

Canopy dynamics and the morphological development of



: effects of foliage age on specific leaf area and secondary

vascular development









1 Department of Forest Ecosystem Science, College of Natural Resources, Forestry and Agriculture, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5755, USA

2 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5752, USA

Received April 12, 1994


origin (Rourke et al. 1978). Soils were variable but were

predominantly classified as coarse loamy, mixed, frigid, Aquic

or Typic Haplorthods (Soil Survey Staff 1990), or Gleyed or

Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzols (Canadian Soil Survey

Commit-tee 1978). Trees were sampled from advance regeneration

released in the mid-1980s and mixed-species, low density

conifer stands with basal area ranging from 2 to 18 m





diameter at breast height (DBH measured at 1.3 m) ranging

from 0.4 to 17.5 cm.

Specific leaf area study

Nine trees (Table 1) were randomly selected from 27 healthy,

naturally regenerated, open-grown A. balsamea. Four of these

trees were suppressed before reaching 1.3 m. Open-grown

trees from similar sites were selected to remove competitive

influences and allow us to focus on differences in SLA that

could be attributed to individual trees and foliage age.

Two one-needle samples were collected from each of five

foliage age classes (current-year, 1-year-old, 2-year-old,

3-year-old and 4-3-year-old-plus) from two randomly selected

first-order branches within each whorl from each tree. Foliage

age was determined by counting back growth increments from

the stem tip toward the tree bole (Ewers and Schmid 1981).

Foliage samples were collected in late-July and August 1992,

2 or more weeks after bud set. Samples were placed in labeled

paper envelopes, loosely arranged in a plastic bag, temporarily

stored on ice in an insulated cooler, and frozen within 4 h of

collection. After thawing, projected leaf area (fresh) was

meas-ured (to the nearest 0.001 cm


) for individual needles with the

Decagon Image Analysis System (Decagon Devices Inc.,

Pull-man, WA, USA). Needles were oven-dried at 65 °C for 2 days,

their mass measured (to the nearest 0.0001 g) and SLA (m




) values calculated. Oven-dry projected leaf areas were

determined for a subset of the needle samples that were not

damaged after oven-drying to examine the effect of foliage age

on needle shrinkage.

Histological study

On August 6, 1993, well after bud set, two, 10-needle samples

were collected from each of five foliage age classes from one

branch in each of three crown sections (upper being the sixth

whorl, middle being the fifteenth whorl, and lower being the

twenty-first whorl) from the northern portion of the crown of

an A. balsamea tree. The tree was 31 years old, naturally

regenerated with a DBH of 18.2 cm, a height of 11.3 m and a

live crown ratio of 96%. The northern exposure of this tree was

chosen because it received the least amount of shade from the

surrounding stand. One set of 10-needle samples was used to

calculate a composite SLA. The second set of needle samples

was immediately fixed in chromic acid, acetic acid and

for-malin (CRAF III, see Berlyn and Miksche 1976). Samples

were tied into five-needle bundles with thread, dehydrated in a

tertiary-butyl alcohol series, infiltrated with Paraplast

(Caro-lina Biological Supply Co., Burlington, NC, USA),

trans-versely sectioned at a 10 µm thickness near their midsection,

stained with safranin-fast green, and mounted in a Permount

resin medium (Fisher Scientific Co., Fair Lawn, NJ, USA) on

microscope slides (Berlyn and Miksche 1976). The number of

rows of xylem and phloem (both living and crushed) cells were

counted in the median radial file of cells (Ewers 1982b, Ewers

and Aloni 1987) for each of the two vascular bundles in each

individual needle under a Leitz Laborlux 20 microscope (Ernst

Leitz Wetzlar Gmblt, Wetzlar, Germany). Developing sieve

cells and cambial zone cells were included in counts of phloem

cells (Ewers 1982b).

Data analysis----specific leaf area study

One-factor ANOVAs were used to test for differences in SLA,

projected fresh leaf area (cm


), oven-dry mass (g), needle

length (cm) and needle width (cm) among the five foliage age


To examine the effect of within-crown locations on SLA,

crowns of the three trees less than 6 m in height were divided

into two sections and crowns of the three taller trees were

divided into three (upper, middle and lower) sections. Trees

less than 1.3 m in height were excluded from this analysis. For

each of the five foliage age classes, we examined the variation

in SLA with the model:












where T = tree, S = crown section, W = whorl, B = branch,

Table 1. Mensurational characteristics of the sample trees (n = 9).

Height Live crown ratio Basal diameter1 DBH2 Breast height age Total age

(m) (%) (cm) (cm) (year) (year)

0.86 91 1.0 0 0 7

0.95 92 1.3 0 0 5

1.25 96 1.7 0 0 8

4.42 90 7.2 5.7 11 20

5.01 91 9.9 7.4 16 70

5.89 84 12.4 9.2 19 62

7.30 81 15.0 13.1 18 25

8.01 89 17.8 13.3 22 46

9.19 98 18.1 15.2 23 59

1 At 15 cm above ground line.


parentheses denote nested effects, and ε = error NID~(0,σ



Nested ANOVAs had fixed effects (S and W) nested within

random effects (T) and a random effect (B) nested within fixed

effects. Model 1 was inherently unbalanced because of missing

whorls (e.g., whorls that failed to develop on every tree), the

presence of only one branch within some whorls, and the

absence of older foliage on younger branches. Although the

number of crown sections per tree was dependent on tree

height, this did not adversely affect the balanced design issue

because S was nested in T. Appropriate error terms were

calculated with PC-EMS (Dallal 1985).

The F statistic for T, S(T) and W(TS) effects were calculated

using the mean square for the B(TSW) effect. The F statistic for

B(TSW) was calculated with the model mean square error. We

partially compensated for the unbalanced nature of our design

by eliminating whorls with only one branch from our analysis

and using the General Linear Models Procedure of SAS (SAS

Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).

A two-factor ANOVA was used to examine between-tree

and between-needle age effects on needle shrinkage, as well as

the effect of their interaction.

Data analysis----secondary needle development

Two-factor, nested ANOVAs were performed with the model:

Y=Fa +S+FaS+N(S






to test the main effects of foliage age (F


) and crown section

(S), their interaction, and the nested effects of needle within

crown section N(S

) and vascular bundle within needle V



on the number of rows of xylem cells, living phloem cells and

crushed phloem cells which are designated as Y in Model 2. All

factors in this model were fixed with the exception of N. The

F statistic for S was calculated using the mean square from F



all other F statistics were calculated with mean square error

(Dallal 1985). All statistical analyses for the histological study

were done with SYSTAT (Wilkinson 1990).


Specific leaf area study

The ANOVA of the composite data revealed differences in

specific leaf area, projected fresh leaf area, oven-dry mass,

needle length, and needle width among foliage age classes

(P = 0.001 for each ANOVA). Specific leaf area declined,

projected fresh leaf area increased, oven-dry mass increased,

and needle length increased with foliage age. No consistent

change in needle width was observed with foliage age

(Fig-ure 1). Residual analyses following all ANOVA suggested no

serious departures from normality.

The null hypotheses of equal SLA values among trees [T],

among crown sections within trees [S(T)], and among their

error term, branch within crown section within tree [B(TSW)],

were rejected for all foliage age classes. Model 1 explained 86

to 96% of the variability in SLA for each of the five foliar age

classes (Table 2).

Both needle age (P = 0.005) and between-tree variation (P =

0.001) affected needle shrinkage, but no significant interaction

(P = 0.223) was detected between these two variables.

Shrink-age was relatively constant (between 8.3 and 8.9%) among the

four younger foliage age classes but decreased to 5.3% for the

4-year-old-plus foliage (Table 3); however, our shrinkage

val-ues are considerably less then the 25% estimated by Waring et

al. (1982).

Histological study

Specific leaf area decreased as foliage age increased

(Fig-ure 2). Foliage age class had a significant influence on the

number of rows of xylem, total phloem, living phloem and

number of crushed phloem cells per vascular bundle. Although

foliage age class had a significant effect on the number of rows

of xylem cells (Table 4), the differences were small and no

relationship was observed with foliage age (Figure 3A). The


total number of rows of phloem cells increased steadily in

older foliage (Figure 3A), but the number of rows of living

phloem cells decreased and the number of rows of nonliving

crushed phloem cells progressively increased (Figure 3B).

Crown section (S) did not affect the number of rows of

xylem cells or total number of rows of phloem cells, but

influenced both the number of living and crushed phloem cells.

The interaction between foliage age and crown section was

significant in all four models. Between-needle variation within

S was detected only for the living phloem. No within-needle

variation was detected for the xylem or phloem (Table 4).


We observed a trend of decreasing SLA with increasing foliage

age. Although both Marchand (1984) and Coyea and Margolis

(1992) provided foliage/sapwood area regression equations for

A. balsamea, neither paper reported SLA values for individual

needles. Our results are consistent with those for Pinus

sylvestris L. where a decrease in SLA was reported with an

increase in foliage age (van Hees and Bartelink 1993).

Secondary phloem growth occurred in the A. balsamea

needles suggesting an anatomical explanation for the increase

in foliar mass and the decrease in SLA as needles aged.

Secondary phloem growth has been observed in foliage of

other gymnosperms including Cedrus libani Barrelier.,

Cryp-tomeria japonica Don., Picea abies (L.) Karst., P. sylvestris,

Taxus baccata L. (Elliot 1937), Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.)

Nutt., Picea engelmanni (Parry) Engelm., Pinus contorta

Loud. (Stover 1944), Pinus longaeva D.K. Bailey, Pinus nigra

Arnold, Pinus strobus L., Abies concolor (Gord. and Glend.)

Lindl., Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl., Pinus

balfouri-ana var. austrina Grev. and Balf., Pinus flexilis James, Pinus

muricata D. Don (Ewers 1982b) and Pinus brutia Ten. (Ewers

and Aloni 1987).


Little or no secondary xylem growth was detected in the

studies cited above, and it is unlikely that secondary xylem

growth occurs in gymnosperm needles (Ewers 1982a, 1982b).

Random noise, perhaps caused by between-tree variation and

annual variation in growth conditions, may have caused the

small, but significant differences in the number of rows of

Table 2. P-Values and mean squares (MS) for the nested ANOVA and factors within the nested ANOVA by foliage age class for the model: SLA = T + S(T) + W(TS)+ B(TSW) + ε1, where T = tree, S = crown section, W = whorl, and B = branch.

Effect Current-year 1-Year-old 2-Year-old 3-Year-old 4-Year-old-plus

P-value MS P-value MS P-value MS P-value MS P-value MS

Model 0.001 2.66 0.001 1.27 0.001 0.86 0.001 0.64 0.001 0.47

T 0.001 21.72 0.001 10.19 0.001 8.04 0.001 5.11 0.001 2.56

S(T) 0.001 12.57 0.001 4.46 0.001 2.89 0.001 2.16 0.001 1.28

W(TS) 0.789 0.92 0.136 0.66 0.089 0.38 0.008 0.33 0.005 0.33

B(TSW) 0.001 1.13 0.001 0.49 0.001 0.25 0.001 0.25 0.001 0.13

r2 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.90 0.86

n 266 2452 222 202 1792

1 F Statistics for T, S(T) and W(TS) were calculated with MS for B(TSW).

2 One needle from one branch for each of these foliage age classes was damaged and eliminated from all analyses.

Table 3. Mean values for needle shrinkage ± 1 standard error by foliage age class.

Foliage age class n Percent shrinkage (%) Standard error

Current-year 151 8.9 ± 0.52

1-Year-old 110 8.7 ± 0.62

2-Year-old 99 8.3 ± 0.59

3-Year-old 86 8.7 ± 0.83

4-Year-old-plus 76 5.3 ± 0.56


xylem cells among foliage age classes (Table 4 and Figure 3A).

Fluctuations in annual growth conditions may also influence

the number of radial rows of xylem cells produced in a given


Gibberellic acid promotes phloem differentiation in stems of

conifers (DeMaggio 1966), and in the presence of auxin it

promotes phloem differentiation in the foliage of Pinus (Ewers

and Aloni 1985). The formation of additional phloem, but not

xylem, in the needles of A. balsamea supports the hypothesis

that, in addition to endogenous auxin and gibberellin, an

un-identified tracheid differentiation factor is produced in young,

but not old needles, that limits tracheid differentiation both in

the stem and in the needle (Ewers and Aloni 1985).

The trend of increasing projected leaf area and needle length

with increasing age of A. balsamea foliage is consistent with

the observations of Morris (1951), who suggested that primary

needle growth continues as foliage becomes older. However,

other studies have demonstrated that needle growth in

gymno-sperms is completed within one growing season (Kienholz

1934, Ewers 1982a, 1982b). Because we did not compare the

length of the same needles during two successive growing

seasons, we cannot draw any conclusions about the

continu-ation of primary needle growth in A. balsamea after the first

growing season. In contrast to our observations and those of

Morris (1951), Piene and Percy (1984) found considerable

variation in needle length among foliage age classes for A.

bal-samea, which implies differences in projected leaf area. These

differences among foliage age classes may be attributed to

growing conditions (e.g., annual precipitation, temperature)

during the time of needle formation (Morgan et al. 1983).

In addition to continued phloem development, several

physiological factors may contribute to an increase in foliage

mass as needles age. Stover (1944) found that cuticle thickness

increases with needle age in three western North American

gymnosperms. Parenchyma cells are known to accumulate

phenolic derivatives, and leaf transfusion tissue contains

in-creased concentrations of starch during certain times of the

year (Esau 1965). Oren et al. (1986a) postulated that a decrease

in SLA with age could be attributed to a reduction in the rate

of soluble carbohydrate export in relation to photosynthetic

rate in forest-grown P. abies. Loach and Little (1973) reported

that carbohydrate concentrations increase in A. balsamea as

foliage matures. Decreases in SLA with needle age may also

be caused, in part, by the absence of carbon sinks (i.e., an active

basal meristem) in the needle. This would keep leaf area

constant and possibly allow carbohydrates to accumulate in the

leaf and limit photosynthetic carbon fixation by feedback

inhibition (Ledig 1976). This hypothesis is consistent with the

findings of Clark (1961) and Loach and Little (1973) who

reported that photosynthesis decreases progressively as A.

bal-samea foliage ages.


Our study indirectly supports the findings of Clark (1961)

and Loach and Little (1973). The decrease in number of rows

of living phloem cells with increasing foliage age (Figure 3B)

Table 4. P-Values for the nested ANOVA and factors within the nested ANOVA by foliage age class for the model: Y = Fa + S + FaS + N(S) + Vb(N)

+ ε1, where Y = number of xylem, total phloem (TP), live phloem (LP) or crushed phloem (CP) cells, Fa = foliage age (current-year, 1-year-old,

2-year-old, 3-year-old or 4-year-old), S = upper, middle or lower crown section, N(S ) = nested needle effect within S, and Vb(N) = nested vascular

bundle effect within needle.

Variable Model P-Value of effect

P-value r2 Fa S FaS N(S) V(N)

Xylem 0.001 0.55 0.001 0.276 0.013 0.065 0.774

TP 0.001 0.92 0.001 0.063 0.001 0.166 0.317

LP 0.001 0.69 0.001 0.037 0.001 0.003 0.302

CP 0.001 0.95 0.001 0.003 0.002 0.156 0.629

1F Statistic for S was calculated with MS for F aS.


suggests that needles gradually lose their ability to export

photosynthate. In contrast, P. longaeva has a constant number

of rows of living phloem cells regardless of foliage age (Ewers

1982b). Although Ewers (1982b) did not report any statistics,

his graphical analysis is suggestive of a decrease in the number

of rows of living phloem cells in older foliage. Phenologically,

the current-year foliage of A. balsamea appeared to be more

vigorous and healthy than the older foliage (Figures 4A and

4B). The vascular bundle becomes compressed as phloem

cells are crushed and accumulate at the endodermis.

Early studies in needle morphology have shown that

gym-nosperm sun leaves are heavier because of their thicker

epider-mis and cuticle, and greater amount of palisade tissue relative

to shade leaves (Korstian 1925, Larsen 1927). Other

ecophysi-ological studies of other gymnosperms, including Picea

sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. (Lewandowska and Jarvis 1977),

Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg. (Tucker and Emmingham

1977) and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco (Del Rio and

Berg 1979), have shown that sun leaves have a lower SLA

than shade leaves. Sun leaves become lighter when they are

shaded (Drew and Ferrell 1977, Kozlowski et al. 1991) and

their SLA increases. Mutual shading of lower branches

in-creases as trees become older and taller, and may therefore

contribute to an increase in SLA with needle age. This would

account for the observed increase in SLA with depth in the tree

crown for P. sylvestris (Kellomäki and Oker-Blom 1981, van

Hees and Bartelink 1993). We minimized the effects of

be-tween-tree shading on needle development in this study by

se-lecting open-grown trees. Although we could not reduce the

effects of mutual shading, we conclude that the decrease in

leaf mass caused by mutual shading was minimal compared

with the increase in foliage mass as a result of secondary

vas-cular development.

Numerous investigators have sampled foliage from three

crown positions (Moir and Francis 1972, Oren et al. 1986a,

1986b, Keane and Weetman 1987, Gower and Norman 1991,

Coyea and Margolis 1992) to estimate SLA for each crown

section. Although this is more efficient than sampling foliage

from every whorl, a more efficient method of calculating SLA

would be to determine an average SLA for individual trees.

We used data from two biomass studies of A. balsamea

(Young 1981, Briggs 1982) and our average SLA values to

compare three methods of calculating projected leaf area

(PLA) (Table 5).

First, we applied our composite average SLA by foliage age

class to the data of Young (1981) and Briggs (1982) to

calcu-late PLA1. Because Briggs (1982) combined the 2-year-old

and 3-year-old foliage, we used an unweighted, arithmetic

mean calculated from the 2-year and 3-year SLAs to calculate

PLA for these foliage age classes. We calculated a second PLA

(PLA2) by using the unweighted, arithmetic mean SLA for our

composite data (Marchand 1984). A third PLA (PLA3) was

calculated with the current-year SLA and an unweighted,

arithmetic SLA of the older age classes for the older foliage

(Coyea and Margolis 1992). We then used two paired t-tests to

make comparisons between PLA1 and PLA2, and between

PLA1 and PLA3 for the combined data in Table 5. We did not

compare PLA2 and PLA3.

No differences were detected between PLA1 and PLA2

(P = 0.819), or between PLA1 and PLA3 (P = 0.359),

suggest-ing that it may be possible to obtain reliable PLA estimates

based on an average SLA for each tree provided that foliage

samples are collected from at least the five youngest foliage

age classes. Previous biomass studies have shown that 86

(Clark 1961) to 91% (Baskerville 1965) of the foliage of

forest-grown A. balsamea is in the five youngest foliage age

classes. The combined data of Young (1981) and Briggs

(1982) (Table 5) showed an average of 76% (range 54–98%)

of the foliage being in the five youngest foliage age classes.

The effects of crown section on SLA were significant, but

data to test the influence of crown section on individual tree

PLA estimates were unavailable. We conclude that, to

deter-mine PLA, foliage samples should be collected from two to

three crown sections, with the number of crown sections being

dependent on tree height, and at least the five youngest foliage

age classes from each tree. Our results indicate that it is more

prudent to sample foliage extensively from many trees rather

than to sample foliage intensively from a few trees.



Financial support for this project was provided by a grant from the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station to R.S. Seymour and by the University of Maine Cooperative Forestry Research Unit. Appreciation is extended to K.A. Brackley, N.A. Brackley, D.S.


Campbell, M.E. Day, D.G. Ray and P.S. Sawyer, II for field and laboratory assistance. We gratefully acknowledge presubmission re-views by R.D. Briggs, R.C. Lemin, Jr., D.A. Maguire and A.S. White. Publication 1846 of the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station.

Table 5. Comparison of three methods to calculate projected leaf area using biomass data for Abies balsamea from Briggs (1982) and Young (1981)1.

Briggs study

DBH Total needle Percent Percent Percent Percent PLA1 PLA2 Percent PLA3 Percent (cm) mass (kg) current-year 1-year-old 2- + 3-year-old 4-year-old-plus (m2) (m2) DIF22 (m2) DIF33,4

0.0 2.00 16 18 40 26 7.6 7.7 −1 7.6 0

0.0 2.49 19 21 39 21 9.6 9.6 0 9.6 0

0.0 2.38 25 28 32 16 9.3 9.2 1 9.2 1

0.0 0.82 27 37 35 2 3.3 3.2 3 3.2 3

0.0 1.01 24 32 38 6 4.0 3.9 2 3.9 2

0.6 3.32 7 20 36 37 12.3 12.8 −4 12.5 −1

0.7 2.52 18 24 41 17 9.7 9.7 0 9.7 0

0.7 5.64 18 21 34 27 21.5 21.7 −1 21.6 −0

1.1 8.05 14 19 40 26 30.5 31.0 −1 30.7 −1

1.2 5.06 18 28 41 13 19.7 19.5 1 19.4 1

1.3 2.84 18 23 43 16 11.0 11.0 0 10.9 1

1.6 3.90 30 25 32 13 15.4 15.0 2 15.2 1

1.9 6.90 9 19 36 35 25.8 26.6 −3 26.1 −1

2.1 6.56 15 29 37 20 25.3 25.3 0 25.1 1

2.2 6.61 19 23 33 24 25.4 25.5 −0 25.4 0

2.3 5.96 17 26 38 19 22.9 22.9 0 22.8 1

2.4 7.44 19 21 33 27 28.4 28.6 −1 28.6 --1

2.4 7.58 15 23 38 24 28.9 29.2 −1 29.0 −0

2.7 13.72 16 24 32 27 52.3 52.8 −1 52.4 −0

2.8 8.90 21 19 36 24 34.1 34.3 −0 34.3 −0

3.6 17.78 15 27 38 20 68.2 68.4 −0 67.8 1

4.1 15.06 14 24 38 25 57.3 58.0 −1 57.4 −0

4.2 26.06 15 19 32 33 98.4 100.3 −2 99.6 −1

4.3 15.94 11 21 38 30 60.1 61.3 −2 60.5 −1

Young study

DBH Total needle Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent PLA1 PLA2 Percent PLA3 Percent (cm) mass (kg) current-year 1-year-old 2-year-old 3-year-old 4-year-old-plus (m2) (m2) DIF22 (m2) DIF33,4

4.6 14.70 21 34 22 14 10 57.9 56.6 2 56.6 2

5.1 18.08 18 14 24 19 25 68.9 69.6 −1 69.4 −1

5.1 15.11 24 22 15 12 27 58.3 58.2 0 58.5 −0

9.1 35.33 21 19 16 12 32 134.7 136.0 −1 136.1 −1

9.4 38.01 11 15 16 13 45 140.8 146.3 −4 144.2 −2

11.4 113.24 24 19 20 15 21 438.9 436.0 1 438.6 1

15.3 101.14 14 16 19 14 37 379.6 389.4 −3 385.9 −2

15.7 67.72 14 15 13 18 39 252.9 260.7 −3 258.4 −2

16.0 193.75 37 23 18 8 15 771.6 745.9 3 764.5 1

20.1 187.30 29 19 21 7 23 732.1 721.1 1 731.0 0

20.3 230.71 24 17 20 21 18 893.3 888.2 1 893.6 −0

23.1 184.10 26 17 12 9 36 704.2 708.8 −1 714.8 −1

23.4 304.46 22 12 9 11 46 1141.5 1172.2 −3 1175.8 −3

24.4 275.41 29 22 16 14 19 1077.7 1060.3 2 1074.7 0

25.4 380.68 21 29 17 13 20 1480.2 1465.6 1 1466.7 1

1 SLA by foliage age class: current-year = 4.32, 1-year-old = 4.04, 2-year-old = 3.85, 3-year-old = 3.63, 4-year-old-plus = 3.41, average = 3.85

m2k−1. Details of calculations are provided in text.

2 DIF2 = PLA1 PLA2, ns. 3 DIF3 = PLA1 PLA3, ns.



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Table 1. Mensurational characteristics of the sample trees (n = 9).
Figure 1. (A) Mean SLAs, (B) mean projected leaf areas and oven-drymass, and (C) mean needle lengths and needle widths (n301 for 1-year-old, foliage age class for the composite data (± 1 SE) byn = 308 for current-year, n =n = 265 for 2-year-old, n = 232 for 3-year-old, and = 193 for 4-year-old-plus foliage).
Table 2. P-Values and mean squares (MS) for the nested ANOVA and factors within the nested ANOVA by foliage age class for the model: SLA =T + S(T) + W(TS) + B(TSW) + ε1, where T = tree, S = crown section, W = whorl, and B = branch.
Table 4. P-Values for the nested ANOVA and factors within the nested ANOVA by foliage age class for the model: Y = Fa + S + FaS + N(S) + Vb(N)+ ε1, where Y = number of xylem, total phloem (TP), live phloem (LP) or crushed phloem (CP) cells, Fa = foliage age (current-year, 1-year-old,2-year-old, 3-year-old or 4-year-old), S = upper, middle or lower crown section, N(S) = nested needle effect within S, and Vb(N) = nested vascularbundle effect within needle.


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