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Easy Money During Your Free Time


Academic year: 2017

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323 Summary:

Living in NY can make you crazy sometimes. If your living situation, job, and life partner are all exactly as you wanted, that´s a more than exceptional life in the city.

Keywords: paid surveys

Article Body:

Living in NY can make you crazy sometimes. If your living situation, job, and life partner are all exactly as you wanted, that´s a more than exceptional life in the city. Most of us spend our time on Craigslist looking for the perfect apartment, love, and job to appear before our very eyes. If it´s not on Craigslist we resort to a Google search and punch in whatever it is that crosses our minds.

Whenever you do a job search the web is saturated with these ads that create the illusion of getting rich by simply giving your opinion. If only! I´d be a millionaire. And if we could somehow rid ourselves the task of going through the mundane daily prerequisites of 9 to 5, we´d all sign up. But alas, the many tempting ads that assure extra cash do indeed mean it to be simply extra; don´t quit your day job in hopes of climbing the survey ladder to executive status, because it´s not going to happen. At most you can win some great prizes from washer/dryer combos to weekend get a ways.

If you have the patience to fill out a survey and start the madness you can begin earning that little extra bit of money immediately. Otherwise, you could win prizes rather than cash, and be entered to win even bigger prizes simply for your participation in the survey. It then becomes more like a virtual raffle that you have agreed to be a part of. But I strongly suggest opening a new email account specifically made for your survey activities. Upon filling out the information form the surveys will begin to be emailed out to you. And if you decide this is for you, separating your normal mail from survey mail may simplify your life. It´s not a full time gig, but it will earn you a little extra for whatever you require.

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