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Academic year: 2023



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Why the students in English department IAIN Metro use google translate to translate words or sentences. To know how the grammatical errors using google translate among students of English department IAIN Metro in the academic year 2016/2017.

The Concept of Grammatical Errors 1. The Definition of Grammar

  • The Definition of Error
  • The Definition of Grammatical Error
  • The Kinds of Grammatical Error
  • The Causes of Error
  • The Differences Between Error and Mistake

An error is a noticeable deviation from the mature grammar of a native speaker, which reflects the competence of the learner. While an error is deviation from the language system, which reflects the interlanguage competence of the learner.


The Definition of Translation

If additional information is needed, in the form of the exact location and a hint as to the nature of the anomaly, then we have a second-order error. One of the most prominent definitions of translation is Newmark's, which defines translation as "representing the meaning of a text in another language in the way the author intended it to be".18 This definition emphasizes rendering of the meaning of the source language text into the target language text as intended by the author.

Process of Translation

Once the translator understands the meaning and structure of the source language text, they can capture the message of the content. The next step is to transfer the content, meaning and message of the source.

Procedures of Translation

Continuous re-evaluation of the experiment performed; comparing with existing available translations of the same text made by other translators and testing the communicative effectiveness of the text by asking target language readers to rate its accuracy and effectiveness and studying their reactions.23. Word-for-word translation: in which the word order of the source language is preserved and the words are translated individually with the most common meanings, out of context. Literal translation: in which the grammatical constructions of the source language are converted into their closest equivalents in the target language, and the lexical words are retranslated individually, out of context.

Faithful Translation: It attempts to produce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the target language's grammatical structures. Semantic translation: it differs from 'faithful translation' only in that greater consideration must be given to the aesthetic value of the proto-language text. Free Translation: It produces the target language text without the style, form or content of the original.

Idiomatic translation: it reproduces the 'message' of the original but tends to distort the nuances of meaning by favoring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original. Communicative translation: it tries to give the correct contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both the content and the language are easily acceptable and understandable to the readers.

Google Translate

The Definition of Google Translate

It was in the mid-eighties when the software giant IBM developed translation software tools. This means the internet users do not need to become a member or pay the cost to get a full service of google translate. It is also possible to enter searches in a source language that are first translated into a destination language, allowing the user to browse and interpret results from the selected destination language in the source language.

Most Indonesians who use google translate include the students, they have a reason why students use it because it is easy and faster to translate with google translate than using dictionary. Google Translator tends to produce grammatical errors because it only translates based on word for word. The existence of differences between grammar rules in English and those in Indonesian often makes grammatical mistakes when some sentences are translated word for word.

The Characteristics of Google Translate

Advantages And Disadvantages Using Google Translate

Research Design

Data Source

Data Collection Technique

Observation is when the researcher takes field notes on the behavior and activities of individuals at the research site. Typically, these observations are open-ended in that the researchers ask participants general questions while allowing the participants to give their views freely. The writer will directly observe the participants and then record what they do, say and act.

These interviews involve unstructured and generally open-ended questions that are few in number and are intended to elicit views and opinions from the participants. The writer used the in-depth interview on the grounds that the participants are not the same as the interviewee. In the open questions, the writer will vary some questions in the form of 5WH/1H.

Documentation is a tool for collecting some information in the form of a written source or documentation, such as books, journals, daily notes, etc.4 So it is clear that documentation is a record of information in the form of documentation. The writer used this method to obtain data on the student English department of IAIN Metro.

Data Analysis Technique

Data collection is the step where the author gathers all the data used to complete the research.

Research Approach

Because the writer used qualitative field research, the writer applied step-by-step procedures to obtain the research result. The writer focuses on collecting the data obtained from the test in the translation using google translate. The writer plans to define the data collection instrument, format and document the data.

Research Setting

  • The Historical Background of IAIN Metro
  • The Profile of English Department
  • The Location Sketch of IAIN Metro
  • Facilities at IAIN Metro
  • The Condition of Lecturer and Official Employees in IAIN Metro The number of lecturer and official employee atIAIN Metro in
  • Organization Structure of IAIN Metro

In 1993, based on the change of the name of the capital of Lampung province from Tanjung Karang to Bandar Lampung, IAIN Raden Intan Tanjung Karang was also changed to IAIN Raden Intan Bandar Lampung. Tarbiyah Department has four study programs which are: Islamic Education Study Program (PAI), Arabic Education Study Program (PBA), English Education Study Program (TBI), Islamic Elementary School Education Study Program (PGMI. In implementing education, English Education Study Program insists on its vision as follows: to establish professional students in English education who can integrate Islamic values ​​and academic dimensions.

This is the vision and missions that include all the students in the English Education Study Program in IAIN Metro. In accordance with the above statement, the English study program always seeks to develop the quality in the teaching and learning process. Indeed, it will be a dynamic, open and polite relationship between the stakeholders in TBI IAIN Metro.

To support the lecturers and students in carrying out the learning process, there are several facilities in IAIN Metro namely: Lecture Room, Computer Lab Unit & Baitul Mal wa Tamwil, Library Unit, Language Lab Unit, Micro Teaching Lab, Islamic Development Unit, Classroom , mosque, football pitch, basketball court, climbing wall, volleyball court, tennis court, auditorium, Student Activities Unit (USU) room, Student Council office. Conditions of lecturers and clerical workers at IAIN Metro Number of lecturers and clerical workers at IAIN Metro in The number of lecturers and clerical workers at IAIN Metro in the academic year 2015/2016 is 152.

Translation Result of Abstract from the Student’s of English Department In this research, an analysis of grammatical errors in using google

In collecting data, the writer uses tests which are pre-test and post-test, documentation, observation and interview. The purpose of pre-test and post-test is to know the student's vocabulary mastery before and before. While the mean of the pre- and post-test shows that there is an increase over the pre- and post-test.

It is clear that based on the result pre-test and post-test, it can be said that the image has a positive increase in learning. In the first table improved change with increasing, error of omission in article "the" must use "the" to complete the vocabulary, media picture change with picture and the students change with that of the student because the sentence shows that it possesses . The test is used to measure the results of English learning students and is twice the pre-test and post-test.

The author implements True Experimental Design (Pure Research) by using a pre-test and post-test as an instrument. The purpose of the pre- and post-test is to know how far the students' reading comprehension is before and after the treatment. The test results indicate that there is an increase in the results of the pre-test and post-test.

The results of the pre-test and post-test show that there is an increase from the pre- and post-test.

Table 1. Translation Result of the Abstract from AK the Student of English Department
Table 1. Translation Result of the Abstract from AK the Student of English Department


The highest pre-test price for 5.54 post-exam points and 8.79 post-exam points. The increase that occurred from pre-test to post-test first at 5:54 points, then from the first post-test to the second at 8.79 points. There was an increase of approximately 5.54 points from pretest to posttest cycle I, and an increase of approximately 8.79 points from posttest cycle I to posttest cycle II.

From the table above, based on the result of the translation of abstractis, use the google translate, the amount of grammatical errors performed by google translate, that is, omission, substitution, and misinformation in another structure. The sentences of google translate often do not follow the grammatical rules, such as the use of articles, tenses and substitutions. It can be viewed from the summary of the student's English department. The described data that the students have prepared in writing or abstract using Google Translate.

In this context, the use of the google translate is a habit of the student's English department. Finally, since the translation using Google Translate is not always accurate, so it needs to be edited. To do this, the translation is easy to understand.



  • Grammar : The set of language rules that you use, most of the time unconsciously, to create phrases and sentences that
  • Idiom : A group of words whose meaning considered as a unit is
  • Punctuation : The set of marks used to regulate texts and clarify their meanings, principally by separating or linking words, phrases, and clauses
  • Translation : The communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text

The researcher suggests that the teacher should consider the students' base use of the google translate in the translation process. Anas Muhammad Wibowo, Grammatical Error Analysis Speaking Subject Used by English Department Students of Stain Salatiga in the Academic Year of Dissertation, STAIN: Salatiga. Bena Florita Krisetyawati, 2010, An Error Analysis on the Translation of English Noun Phrases into Indonesian of the Fifth Semester Students of the English Department, Dissertation, Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University.

Ermira Kthupi Hoxha, 2015, Errors in the process of learning foreign languages, Aleksander Moisiu University: Albania. Volume II. Sunardi Hasyim, “Error Analysis in English Teaching”, Surabaya: Universitas Kristen Petra, no. 1/June 2002. Suprihatin Yeni, 2011, An Analysis Of Self-Concept Writing Performance Found In The Students' Journal Of English Department Of Stain Jurai Siwo Metro, Skripsi, Metro: STIN Jurai Siwo.

Nevertheless, IAIN Metro has become her next direction to go for her study in the academic year 2012. She has been in the English Education Study Program since the academic year 2012 until now.


Figure I. Analysis Components of Miles and Huberman Model 5
Table 1. Translation Result of the Abstract from AK the Student of English Department
Table 2. Translation Result of the Abstract From AS The Students’ of English Department
Table 3. Translation result from abstract of AP the student’s English Department.


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