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Allan Hancock Foundation Monograph No. 11


Academic year: 2023

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The relative lengths of the antennae vary, as does the development of the postsetal lobes and the number of pairs of branches. The only other member of the genus (see Fauchald, 1972a for a review) with fewer than 20 pairs of branches is A. The only other species in this group that has the tentacle inserted behind setiger 3 isC. The present type has both lymphatic and capillary layers; in addition, all capillary groups are distally pilose.


The shape of the modified setae of setiger 5 is consistent with the illustration by Hartman (1969). Comments: Prionospio anuncata was separated from similar species that also have four pairs of gills, the first and last bipinnate and the second and third smooth, at the late first appearance of the hood hooks in the neuropodia. Examination of the type material and additional material from Southern California has shown that hooks are consistently absent in this species.


Notomastus (Notomastns) mai^nns: Hartman, 1969, p. N.) magnus in the structure of the anterior end and in the details of the uncini. Remarks: Travisia brevis can be distinguished from the other species of the genus foiuid off central Oregon on the basis of setigers nimilies. The neck organs are deeply embedded in the first setiger and are attached to the prostomy by two epidermal ridges.

FAMILY SCALIBREGMIDAE MALMGREN, 1867 Mucibrcgma, new genus

Each is subulate and is about as long as the width of the prostomy; the ventral pair is longer than the dorsal pair. Normal parapodia (Fig. c) have long, conical acicular lobes: the ventral cirri are digitate on segment 4; .. the cirri are cla\aie or distally embedded on all other segments. ^enusC/iarto fin lia is known for only one species only,C. The |)resent s])ecies agrees with the genus in that it has the first two setae completely fused with prostomium and the first lew setae have motlified setae.

FAMILY HESIONIDAE SARS, 1862 (iyf)tis hians, new species

Remarks: The present specimens agree with Ancistrosyllis groenlandica sensu Pettibone (1966) in most characters; however, the integument is smooth or wrinkled instead of papillo.se, and the first hooks are present on segnients 3 to 7, depending on the si/.e of the specimen, and not 4 to 6 as in A. NAD-15 (1). Remarks: Sigamhra setosa belongs to a group of s|)ecies that have hooks jiresent from the anterior setigers; it differs from other members of this group in that the notosetae are jjieseni on all setigers and the median antenna is distinctly larger than the lateral one. Fhe piesenl specimen lacks notosetae; hooks are present from .seliger 4; and the median anemia is significantly longer than the lateral one.

Remarks: The present specimen resembles Sphaerosyllis ralifnmiensis; however, the eyes are less developed and lack lenses, and the toothed anterior falcigers are significantly thinner and less toothed than in S. Remarks: The specimen belongs to the species stein, rather than the subspecies/?rtrí/ írrt Hartman, 1960, in that the jaws have 11 teeth and the furcate abdominal circuit is absent at least in the first setiger. Remarks Glycera robusta has two postsetal lobes; the piiaryngeal organs have transverse ridges, and the bronchials, which are not attractive, form small vesicles at the parapodial bases.

Notosetes are all fine capillaries. l) by having large and foliaceous instead of small and finger-like ventral cirrus and the postsetal lobes being longer than the presetal mBs. The number of micrognaths varies, as stated by Hartman, and the size also varies. This specimen matches A. eugeniae in the structure of the parapodia and in the absence of notopodial cirri on setiger 1.

The shape of the prostomy is somewhat variable in Nephthyids, but usually not as variable as shown here.

FAMILY AMPHINOMIDAE SAVIGNY, I8I8 F ara m t>h i name ¡¡ac'ifica new species

Distal tooth of coinposit hooks distinctly longer than the other teeth; branchiae from setiger 5 Nothria geophiliformis b. Distal tooth of compound hooks about as long as the other teeth; branchiae from setiger 4 J\'othria pallidn 9a. Remarks: The present specimens agree with Nothria lepta in the structure of the anterior end, the first occurrence of the subacicular hooks, and the construction of the first setigers.

The front part of the body is cylindrical; body very strongly flattened posteriorly by seliger 6. Subacicnlar hooks (Fig. e) are present by setiger 12 in all specimens; each hook is distally bidentate, with the subdistal tooth at a near right angle to the axis of the seta. Of the species listed by Faiichald (1968), none are bi- and iridenlale hooks in anierioi-seligers.

In A', wixla subaci« hooks are present from setiger 12, and each hook has its teeth at right angles to the axis. Remarks: Nothria ¡mllida has branchiae f lom setiger 4; it has hooded irideiitate hooks and the abdominal circles are cushion-shaped from setiger 5. The compound hooded anterior hooks are iridenal and the abdominal circle is cushion-shaped from setiger 8. Occurrence: Slope dei) off western Mexico.

Branchiae first present from setiger 5; subacial hooks present from setiger 50 in fully grown specimens; ventral cirrus are pad-shaped from setiger 8 or 9.



The setae are very long compared to the width of the bodv. nhyssicola in that the latter lias kaphake present from one of the first setigers. The degree of prolotigation of the pre- and postsetal lobes in posterior setigers could not be fully assessed, as both speciiuens were incomjilete |)osterior. Above a certain size level, the number of setae bundles appears to vary independently of the size of the specimen, as noted by Fauchald (1972a, p. 238).

Remarks: In the present specimen the noto- and neurosetae are siinilar throughout the body, with the exception of the elongated setae of the cephalic cage. Far posterior parapodia are very low and essentially characterized only by the emergence of the setae. The front part of the body is covered with sand covering short ]iapilles; such encrustations and papillae are also present on the parapodial bases in the rest of the body and on the entire posterior tip.

Notojjodial bursetae are short and conical and form a spreading fascicle over the posterior part of the peristomiiuri. The neuropodial bursetae are about half as thick as the notopodial ones and at least three times as long, forming a dense fa.scicle on either side of the anterior end. The rest of the notopodia contain these sinooth, straight, capillary setae in decreasing numbers, so that in the last few segments only one or two setae are present.

Uncnpherusa bijida differs from other members of the family, as noted above for the genus.


Each of the first 30 parapodia has a single curved spine and a single capillary set in each shoulder. Notes: Amelinna abyssalis has the anterior structure of a member of the Melinninae in that the first neinopodium contains acicular small spines. The front lip is deeply serrated; the lateral lips are small but distinct pads on either side of the mouth.

In the roof of the mouth there is a distinct transverse ridge visible that curves postoventrally at the corners of the mouth. The first two poslpaleal setigers have small reduced notopodia hidden under the bases of the branchiae on both sides. The third post[)aleal setiger has a well-developed cylindrical, distally truncate notopodium similar to that in the rest of the thorax.

Jugamphicteis paléala differs from the genotype,/, sibogae (Caullery, 1944, for full references, see above) in the structure of the anterior end./, sihogoe has the anterior margin of the posterior part of the proslomium as four crescent-shaped margins, each opening backwards in a crescent shape./, palmta has two spiral, ram's horn-like edges that form the anterior edge of the posterior part of the prostomium. Occurrence: One locality in the depths of central Oregon; full details can be found in the Staton List. Collar almost or completely covering the base of the tentacular crown on all sides Potamethus mucronatus b.

Collar deeply cut away on the dorsal side, leaving the base of the tentacular crown and a large vascular coil of Fabrisabella similis exposed. Comments: The present specimens are similar to Euchone analis in the structure of the setigers and also in the number of setigers in the abdomen. The predepression area has 17 to 19 setigers and the depressed area has approximately 10 setigers. The tentacular crown in the present specimen is very short and basally fused and resembles the condition of the originally described specimen.

Aedicira (iregnnesis, new species

Tharyx, near monüaris Hartman, 1960

Chaetoparifi careyi, new species

Gyptis hians, new species

Nothria mixta, new species

Jugamphicteis paléala, new genus, new species

Redescription of some species of Chorif Kröyer and Euchone Malmgren and three new species (Sabellidae, Polvchaeta). Notes on the Polvchaeta from the east coast of Vancouver Island and adjacent waters, with a description of a new species oiAnciden. Polychaete annelids of the families Eunicidae, Lumbrineridae, Iphitimidae, Arabel-lidae, Lysaretidac and Dorvilleidae from western Mexico.

Benthic polychaeteous annelids from deep water off western Mexico and adjacent areas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Descriptions of new species and new generic data of polychaeteous annelids from California of the families Glyceridae, Eunicidae, Stauronereidae and Opheliidae. Abyssal polychaetous annelids from the Mozambicjue Basin off the coast of southeastern Africa, with a compendium of abyssal |3olychaetoiis annelids from areas around the world.

Deep-water benthic polychaetous annelids off New England to Bermuda and other North Atlantic areas. A generic revision of the Dorvilleidae (Polychaeta), with six new species from the deep North Pacific. A review of the genera and species of Scalibregmidae (Polychaeta) with descriptions of a new genus and three new species from .Australia.. Polychaeta from the dee|)waters of the Bering Sea [in Russian].

New and rare species of the abyssal genus Fanveliopsis Mclntosh (Polychaeta, .Annelida) and the peculiarities of its distribution [in Russian, English summary].


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