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an undergraduate thesis

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Based on the statement to know in detail through the Charades game, students can increase their vocabulary mastery. In addition, students will have more interest in learning English, especially in learning vocabulary.

THEORITICAL RIVIEW 1. Definition of Vocabulary

Definition of Vocabulary Mastery

According to Webster, “mastery is skill or knowledge that causes one to master a subject.”8 Meanwhile, Porter states that mastery is to learn or understand something completely and to have no. It is supported by Lewis and Hill "vocabulary mastery is important to students more than grammar."10.

Kinds of Vocabulary 1. Function Words

Auxiliary verbs, as we have seen, are "helping" verbs to add structural meaning or semantic coloring to verbs that carry the full burden of lexical meaning. Function words belong to the closed word class in grammar in that it is very unusual for new function words to be created in the course of speech, where as in the open class of word (that is, nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs).

Conten word

It is defined as a word that describes or gives more information about a noun or pronoun. These examples of adverbs: (slowly, quickly, barely, etc.). e) Conjunction: It is defined as a word that connects words, phases, clauses or sentences.

The Importance of Vocabulary Mastery

In the rule of language use, oral vocabulary is defined as the set of words from which we know the meaning when we speak or read orally. Pikulski and Templetion state that "one reason teachers are concerned with teaching vocabulary is to facilitate comprehension of a test that students will be assigned to read."15 If students do not know the meaning of many of the words are what they are in a text, their understanding of that choice is likely to be compromised.

Concept of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary 1. Teaching Vocabulary

If the students have sufficient vocabulary, they will not be able to graphically represent any term. They should be more creative in teaching vocabulary and they should be able to know what technique should be and suit their lessons.

Learning Vocabulary

Cameron says that "the teaching of vocabulary focuses on helping students to build up knowledge of words, and this will enable the students to use the language effectively and successfully."17 This means that the teaching of vocabulary must be carefully be in the choice of the material to make students enjoy the learning and attract with the English subject with the right way to achieve the goal. Thornbury states that without vocabulary nothing can be transmitted.18 This means that in teaching vocabulary the teachers must know how to teach students to enable the students to remember the vocabulary.

Concept of Teaching and Learning by Game

Games can be media for learning vocabulary because they are fun, the pleasant relaxing atmosphere fostered by the game has been proven to be effective learning. Based on the above statement, it can be concluded that games are fun, can create a relaxing atmosphere if used in the teaching learning process.

Concept of Charades Game a. Definition of Game

But so much depends on the suitability of the games and the role of the player. 24. Wright et al have observed games and materials normally used in primary schools being accepted by businessmen due to teacher persuasion. According to Kaduson and Schaefer, “Charades is a great way to facilitate children's emotional education.

It can be used as prevention for the emotional well-being of children experiencing emotional difficulties, or remedial for children who appear to be delayed in emotional development. In addition, Teare points out that Charades is a technique that imitates the individual parts of a word.26 This means that games using mime style involving body movements and facial expressions are fun and encourage creativity to recognize the meaning of the word. From the above statement, it can be concluded that Charades is a fun and creative game that can help students in remembering the word, defining the words and matching the action with the spoken word, because these activities of this game use the mime style and engage. students in physical activity and stimulate students' curiosity to discover the word.

Procedure of Charades Games

This student must then present the word to the other members of the group as quickly as possible. Write some selected vocabulary words or phrases from the text on cards and have students take turns choosing word cards and have students take turns choosing a word card and act out (role-play) the meaning of the word on the card while holding or moving related or symbolic objects. Have students make suggestions of what the word could be until you find the correct word.

In conclusion, the teaching of vocabulary through the use of Charades can be adjusted based on the level of students, but the purpose is the same to increase students' vocabulary well. Based on three experts above, the examiner chooses one procedure from expert such as Malley and Duff, because by using the procedure, the student will easily learn vocabulary.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Charades Games

Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary through Charades

The teacher gives cards to the students one by one - The teacher asks the students if they know each of the pictures or words shown by her, the teacher will give some statements as clues related to the word or picture. The teacher gives some questions on the blackboard and asks them to answer, example: what word on the card.


In this research, the writer needs a collaborator to help her in this action research, she is Novita Sari.


Subject of The Study

Action Plan Pre-Survey

In classroom action research, the author would like to keep the research in two cycles.

Technique of collecting data

The term observation is being used here in the sense of taking regular and conscious notice of classroom actions and occurrences that are particularly relevant to the issue or topics being investigated.2. A test is any series of questions or exercises or other means of measuring the skills, knowledge, intelligence, capacity of skills or of an individual or group. A test is a set of stimuli presented to an individual in order to elicit responses on the basis of which a numerical score can be assigned.

In order to get information about how the students performed, I administered pretests before the students received more vocabulary learning. Documentation is the way that was used to get more information about the framework of the research. In this research, the researcher took data from the school about the total of the students, learning activity, the teachers and the condition of the school.

Target in Teaching

Classroom Action Research

It is the realization from the planning that the researcher has made.”8 Without the action, the planning is only fantasy that is never real. The researcher observed the students' learning activity in the classroom such as; class situation, students' response using observation sheets. The researcher calculates the students' increased test scores before and after the Classroom Action Research test.

The researcher identifies the problem and found the problem from the result of reflection in cycle I. b). In this step, the researcher observes the learning activity of the students in the classroom, such as classroom situation, learning process, activity. If in the second cycle the result is satisfied, the researcher will not continue in the third cycle.

Data Analysis

By reflecting, the researcher will recognize the strength and weakness of the action that the researcher compares the distribution of pretest and posttest scores. Data analysis will be performed by taking the average score of the pre-test and post-test. According to the Mastery Learning Criteria (LMC), a class can be successful in achieving the material if 80% of the students in that class score at least 70.

So, if 80% of the students in that class get at least 70 in the post test, it means that the guessing game technique can have a positive effect on the students' speaking achievement. In this research, I aimed for 80% of students to get a score of 70 or more in learning speaking through the guessing game.

Indicator of Success


After that, students ask and answer questions that were 50% higher than 75% in posttest II.


RESULT OF THE RESEARCH 1. Description of Research Location

Description of Research Result

This was done by a colleague in order to know the participation of students and the teacher in the learning process. So this was the reason why the writer used the game of charades to improve students' vocabulary mastery. Based on the results of the pre-test assessment, the writer identified and found problems after the students took the test.

This means that the students' performance in cycle 1 could be improved enough, but it had not yet succeeded. From the result of pre-test and post-test I, we knew that there was an improvement from the students' result score. Although there was an improvement in student performance, cycle I was not yet successful because only 4 students (20%) passed post-test 1.

Graph of Students’ Mark of Post-test II of Vocabulary Mastery
Graph of Students’ Mark of Post-test II of Vocabulary Mastery


From the result of the students' score in pre-test and post-test I, there was an improvement from the students' result score. Although there was an improvement in student performance, cycle I was not yet successful because only 4 students (20%) passed post-test I. After analyzing students' scores in the post-test of cycle I, the writer complete the next cycle because only 4 students (20%) passed the test and got a score ≤ 70.

From the results of the students' scores on post-test II, it could be concluded that their scores were improving. Based on the result of pre-test, post-test I and post-test II, it was known that there was a positive significant improvement of the students. The writer showed the graph of the result of pre-test, post-test I and post-test II as follows.

Graph the Result of Pre-test, Post-test I and Post-test II
Graph the Result of Pre-test, Post-test I and Post-test II


From the reasoning, the writer concluded that the research was successful and can be discontinued in II. cycle because the performance indicator was achieved (70% of students achieved a grade ≥ 75). We could see that the research on II. the cycle is successful and can be stopped, because it is more than an indicator of success that if 70% of the students reached the standard minimum criteria, it was 70. So, in teaching English, especially in improving vocabulary, students need to give some play to attract their attention so that they don't get bored of catching the material.

When the students were interested, automatically the material given by the teacher is easily understood by the students. One of the games that makes it easier for students to understand the subject by using the Charades game. After the students understand the meaning easily, the students automatically answer the questions easily and thus the students' grade is improved.


Graph of Students’ Mark of Post-test II of Vocabulary Mastery
Graph the Result of Pre-test, Post-test I and Post-test II


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