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View of Analysis of Additional Employee Income Implementation at The Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province


Academic year: 2023

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Analysis of Additional Employee Income Implementation at The Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province

Irvan Thamuri, Djonet Santoso & Iqbal Miftakhul Mujtahid*

Master of State Administration Study Program (Public),

Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences, Terbuka University, Indonesia

Received: October, 27 2022; Reviewed: December, 04 2022; Accepted: December, 19 2022 Diterima: 19 Januari 2020; Disetujui: 25 Maret 2020; Diterbitkan: Juli 2020.


This article aims to analyze and explore the implementation of Additional Employee Income at the Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province. The problem is focused on the implementation of Additional Employee Income at the Bengkulu Province Regional Personnel Agency with informants consisting of officials, implementers and admin operators of the Bengkulu Province Regional Personnel Agency. In order to approach this problem, the theoretical reference from Erward III is used that the policy implementation factor is needed because there are policy problems that need to be addressed and solved. The data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation and document study, and analyzed descriptively qualitatively. This study concludes that the implementation of Additional Employee Income at the Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province is seen from 4 aspects, namely from the communication aspect that has gone well but the determination of the additional value of income which is considered insufficient and unfair because it is considered not in accordance with the workload, the Resource Aspect consists of Human Resources are sufficient and meet the criteria and adequate facilities and infrastructure. The Disposition Aspect has been going well, it's just that the amount of additional income needs to be considered based on performance criteria, while from the Bureaucratic Structure Aspect the implementation of additional employee income is in accordance with the existing structure.

Keywords: Analysis; Implementation of the implementation of additional employee income; Bengkulu Province Civil Service Agency.

How to Cite: Thamuri, I. Santoso, D. & Mujtahid, I.M, (2023). Analysis of Additional Employee Income Implementation at The Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province. PERSPEKTIF, 12 (2): 397-404

*Corresponding author:

E-mail: irvanthamuri.it@gmail.com ISSN 2085-0328 (Print)

ISSN 2541-5913 (online)



Organizational development depends on human resources because to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently requires optimal performance of human resources. An organization needs to make efforts to manage what it has, including the management of human resources which illustrates that the need for high quality human resources will be even greater. The achievement of the goals set by an organization does not only depend on modern equipment, complete facilities and infrastructure, but also depends on the people who carry out the work.

The success of an organization is greatly influenced by the performance of individual employees.

Local governments can determine their own policies to develop their regions.

Improving services, empowerment and community participation in achieving regional development goals. The challenges faced by local governments in developing their regions are how to be able to utilize and empower existing resources. The spirit of reform is directed at realizing a state administration capable of supporting the smooth and integrated implementation of the tasks and functions of state administration and development in order to face the challenges of globalization. Efforts to make it happen is by practicing the principles of good governance (good governance). To realize this, it is necessary to have qualified Civil Servants of the Bureaucratic Apparatus who have competence and professionalism in carrying out their duties and positions.

Changes and reforms carried out in the context of realizing clean and authoritative governance will not be able to be carried out properly (effectively) without proper welfare from Civil Servants as executors of government tasks. The achievement of optimal employee performance can be seen from employee welfare and the factors that support employee performance.

To realize an effective and efficient government, it is necessary to manage and improve performance in carrying out tasks.

With the management of an organization utilizing its resources to achieve goals.

According to Hasibuan (2007: 56) the management elements consist of man, money, methods, materials, machines, and market

which is usually abbreviated as 6 M. The achievement of optimal employee performance can be seen from employee welfare and the factors that support employee performance.

Sutrisno (2010), concluded that employee performance is the result of employee work seen in aspects of quality, quantity, working time and cooperation to achieve goals that have been jointly set by the organization.

Based on the research of Odunlami and Matthew (2014) in their research, they said that compensation is the biggest effort in influencing the level of employee job satisfaction. Meanwhile, the payroll system for civil servants is currently still below that of the private sector, so it affects employee performance and productivity. This situation causes the desire to seek compensation other than salary. Therefore, local governments must be able to manage their human resources appropriately according to their goals. The success and failure of an organization depends heavily on the employees. Employees and organizations are two inseparable things, employees play a major role in running the wheels of organizational life (Wijaya, 2017).

At present the payroll of civil servants has not directly adjusted to the cost of living which has increased from year to year, making it increasingly difficult for civil servants to meet their basic needs. Becoming a civil servant is a choice of career profession, so it is only natural to demand a decent salary standard to meet the compensation for workload, responsibility, qualifications, work performance, period of time in office and a fairly high level of living expenses. Provision of additional employee income is a reward given to an employee who has done a good job. Incentives (in this case additional employee income) are very important for employees so that they can motivate them to work according to the expected goals.

Providing additional employee income is an important factor to boost employee performance, this is in accordance with the theory expressed by Panggabean (2002) that providing incentives can improve employee performance. Therefore, it is necessary to get serious attention from the leadership of government organizations and give it fairly so as not to cause jealousy among employees. As a form of accelerating the implementation of bureaucratic reform and in order to provide


maximum service to the community, the Bengkulu Provincial Government has implemented a policy of providing Additional Employee Income (TPP) based on Governor Regulation Number 73 of 2016 concerning Provision of Additional Income for Civil Servants within the Bengkulu Provincial Government. This policy step was taken to improve the performance of civil servants.

In Bengkulu Governor Regulation Number 73 of 2016 it is explained that performance measurement for Additional Employee Income is based on aspects of work behavior as seen from arriving late, leaving early, being absent, and receiving disciplinary punishment. Apart from being seen from the aspect of work behavior, it is also seen from the aspect of work performance, namely the implementation of tasks and the timeliness of submitting individual employee work reports.

Likewise, the Regional Personnel Agency for the Province of Bengkulu provides additional employee income based on predetermined rules, which are measured from the two aspects above.

The government hopes that through this additional employee income, income inequality between employees can be eliminated and as one of the initial strategies in efforts to eradicate KKN practices within the Bengkulu Provincial Government. Supposedly with the implementation of the Additional Employee Income program, there is an increase in the performance of employees of the Bengkulu Provincial Civil Service Agency in accordance with the stated goals. However, in reality there are still problems that occur in the application of Additional Employee Income.

Problems in the implementation of the provision of additional employee income at the Bengkulu Province Regional Personnel Agency include the difference in the amount of additional employee income given to employees. Employees compare their

workloads with each other, there are very significant TPP differences which cause jealousy between work units even though the workloads they face are not too much different or even heavier. In addition, the objective of providing additional employee income to the Bengkulu Provincial Civil Service Agency has not yet been achieved. This is evident from the results of the author's observations which show that employee performance is still lacking which can be seen from the attitude of employees towards their work, including the presence of employees who are less responsible in completing their work.

As for the things that are the focus of this writing are the Implementation of providing additional income for employees within the Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province; This research was conducted in the Regional Government of Bengkulu Province;

The informants consisted of Elementary Primary Officials, Administrative Officers, Executors and TPP Operators and Admins and the analysis used was a qualitative approach.

Thus, this writing aims to describe and analyze the implementation of the provision of additional income for employees within the Bengkulu Provincial Civil Service Agency RESEARCH METHODS

This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study approach by exploring the implementation of additional income for employees within the Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province. In qualitative research, researchers will interact directly with informants to conduct in-depth interviews in order to obtain accurate information regarding the implementation of the implementation of the provision of additional income for employees within the Regional Civil Service Agency of Bengkulu Province. The aspects in this study can be seen in Table 1.

Tabel 1.Research Aspects

Focus Aspects

Implementation of the provision of additional income for employees within the Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province

Communication Edwards III dalam

Subarsono (2006) Resource


Bureaucratic Structure


In this study the methods used in determining the selected informants with certain considerations and objectives were used to meet the informant criteria in this study. The informants in this study amounted to 10 people including the Head of the Bengkulu Province Regional Personnel Agency 1 (one)

person, the Head of the Bengkulu Province Regional Personnel Agency 2 (two) people, the Head of Subbid at the Bengkulu Province Regional Personnel Agency 3 (three) people, the Staff at the Personnel Agency Bengkulu Province Region 4 (four) people as detailed in Table 2 below:

Table 2.Research Information

No .Research Information Text Total

1. Bengkulu Provincial Civil Service Agency Head of the Regional Civil Service

Agency 1

Head of Division 2

Head of Sub Division 3

Staff/Executors 4

Jumlah 10

In the process of collecting data, researchers used assistive devices, including voice recorders, cameras, stationery, books and in-depth interview guidelines in a list of questions that had been prepared to answer the research objectives. As for the data collection technique used, namely using primary data obtained from the results of in-depth interviews that will be conducted to informants and secondary data obtained from studying documents related to the implementation of additional employee income.

This study uses the Miles and Huberman (1984) Data Analysis Technique Model in Sugiyono (2012) which suggests that the activities in qualitative data analysis are carried out interactively and continue continuously until complete so that the data is saturated.

Activities in data analysis are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.

Data was initially collected using data collection techniques. The next step after the data is obtained is to reduce the data. After the data is reduced, data presentation activities are carried out. Presentation of data is a process of rearranging complex information into a simplified form (gestalt) selectively that is easy to understand so that a level of validity can be obtained. In this study, data presentation can be in the form of charts, flowcharts, relationships between categories, explanatory tables and so on. Finally, after presenting the data, a conclusion/verification is carried out. While the validity of the data is carried out to prove whether the research being carried out is truly scientific research as well as to test the data obtained in this study, namely testing the validity of data in qualitative research including

testing, credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability (Sugiyono, 2012).


The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the provision of additional income for employees within the Regional Civil Service Agency of Bengkulu Province, is described based on the following research aspects:


One of the factors that influence the success of policy implementation is the communication that exists between leaders and organizers. In an effort to transform information in the form of policies related to the implementation of the provision of additional employee income within the Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province, the communication is carried out in the form of the method of staff meetings starting from preparatory meetings, follow-up meetings in order to evaluate the progress of the implementation of the distribution.

additional income for employees within the Bengkulu Provincial Civil Service Agency.

Apart from going through formal meetings, communication is also carried out through social media which is specially created for WhatsApp group channels to discuss and share information on things that are considered important and urgent, even information, instructions that were not conveyed during formal meetings. However, sometimes the communication that occurs is often inconsistent, the policy seems to change along with the implementation of providing


additional income for employees within the Bengkulu Province Regional Personnel Agency.

Of course the communication that occurs has an impact on the implementation of the provision of additional income for employees within the Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province.

Figure 1 Communication variables concept map The results showed that the communication that was built in the implementation of the provision of additional income for employees within the Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province was quite good. The informant also stated that clear communication in the form of instructions that must be carried out by staff/executors was carried out, but sometimes there were inconsistencies in the delivery of communication messages that were established through meetings or on a special Whatsapp Group that had been created. The goal is that all information can be conveyed quickly and clearly to all employees.

Based on Edward III's theory, that Communication plays an important role for the ongoing coordination of Policy Implementation in which there are several dimensions in it, namely: The dimensions of transformation or delivery of public policy information, clarity, and consistency of an information the better the coordination of communication between the parties involved in the Implementation then the error will be small. Vice versa, communication in this case in the implementation of providing additional employee income is communication that exists between employees and their direct superiors.

Supposedly, the communication that is established is two-way communication as is the case in communication theory that two-way communication is communication that has the nature of mutual giving or reciprocity, but in reality the communication that occurs still seems to be downward communication, namely communication from superiors to subordinates and does not pay attention to complaints from subordinates.


Human Resources and infrastructure are elements of Management in the implementation of providing additional income to employees within the Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province and are variables that influence the success or failure of the implementation observed in this study with the following results:

Human Resources. Human Resources are the spearhead in carrying out an activity, based on the results of analysis and interviews with informants, information is obtained that the resources in implementing the TPP granting policy are sufficient, they have met the established criteria. This is because the processing of additional income policies for work behavior already uses the finger print system and for work performance it has gone through daily reports on employee performance appraisal websites that already have admins or operators respectively.

The results of the study show that the resources in implementing the TPP granting policy are sufficient, where an admin operator has been appointed who has met the established criteria in the form of a Decree of the Head of the Agency.

One of the criteria for admin operators is human resources who are capable and master computer/network technology because in practice the implementation of TPP is done online through an application. Training and debriefing is the process of teaching skills and providing the necessary knowledge, as well as attitudes so that they can carry out responsibilities according to standards. Based on the theory from Silalahi in Safrawati, the success of a program is closely related to a person's abilities obtained through education and training. Admin operators who have received training/debriefing are certain to have the ability with the skills to carry out activities.

Based on the theory that human resources are the main factor that determines the success or failure of an activity, human resources with sufficient numbers and qualifications as needed will assist and support the creation of quality services.

Human Resources Management generally regulates the things needed in managing HR, including calculating the number of HR that needs to be considered carefully, the type of HR appointed must be appropriate, the quality of

Metode Kejelasan Konsistensi




Jumlah Kriteria Skill Sikap



Pemanfaatan Jenis

Sumber Budgeting Manfaat

HR must be appropriate and the placement must match the needs and workload. According to Modern management philosophy states that

"People Centered" Human resources are an important asset of the organization and the driving force of the management process. In the hands of all human resources will be processed and used to support the achievement of organizational goals.

Infrastructure. Based on the results of observations of facilities and infrastructure in support of the implementation of providing additional employee income within the Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province and based on the results of interviews, that the availability of facilities and infrastructure has not been properly fulfilled according to needs according to specifications such as server capacity and internet connection must be ensured fluent.

The results of research on facilities and infrastructure that support activities have not been fulfilled properly. Online use requires that every employee be able to use and operate an Android device or computer. The availability of computer equipment for each employee has not been fulfilled. Not to mention the problem of small bandwidth capacity resulting in errors in reporting. In line with Stephen's theory, the support of adequate facilities and infrastructure will greatly assist the smooth running of an activity, in line with Edward's theory that, limited equipment facilities needed in implementing policies lead to failure of policy implementation, also with limited facilities it is difficult to obtain accurate, timely information. , reliable.

Figure 2 Resource Variable Concept Map Disposition

Disposition variables are variables related to a person's character or characteristics, in this case High Pratama Officials, Administrators in the implementation

of providing additional employee income within the Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province.

In this study, informants were interviewed covering matters related to disposition, namely, Figures of the commitment of the leadership/direct superiors in carrying out their main tasks and functions. Almost all informants stated that they were committed to the course of the activity, but in practice there were still employees who performed poorly getting the same amount of TPP as diligent employees due to a lack of commitment and firmness by their immediate superiors.

From the results of the research, it was found that officials/superiors and employees were well committed to the provision of this TPP. They are responsible for the main tasks and other functions and tasks which are then stated in the daily work report. In terms of knowledge, the majority of employees are people whose knowledge is qualified, this they really understand in terms of provisions, but if the problem of the final result they get is no longer applying the principle of justice so that whether or not an employee is diligent or not will be the same amount of TPP that will be obtained.

Figure 3 Disposition variable concept map

Bureaucratic Structure.

In carrying out welfare payments for employees, it is given in the form of Additional Employee Income (TPP) considering the criteria for position weight by paying attention to work behavior and employee performance.

Related to the amount of additional income for employees or the TPP ceiling is calculated by multiplying the position weight by the principal amount. The amount of TPP is seen according to the level in the organizational structure, the additional income of employees between staff, sub-head and head of sub-district is of course different, depending on the rank or class and position held.

Komitmen Kejujuran Pengetahuan



The results of the study show that the value of Additional Employee Income (TPP) takes into account the criteria for position weight by paying attention to work behavior and employee performance. In providing additional employee income, it is very clear to describe one's position by paying attention to work behavior and work performance. There is a difference in the amount of additional income between echelon officials and staff.

In line with Wahab (2005), implementation will be more focused on whether the implementation of the policy actually changes their lifestyle and has a long positive impact on improving their quality of life including their income.

The amount of the additional value of employee income at the Bengkulu Provincial Civil Service Agency is as follows:

Tabel 3. The amount of the TPP value at the Regional Civil Service Agency of Bengkulu Province

No Jobs TPP Value

. 2. 3.





Primary High Leadership Officer Administrator

Supervisor Executor:


Specific Functionality:

First Young Middle IT Team

TPP Verifier /Admin/Operator

Rp. 21.000.000,- Rp. 7.300.000,- Rp. 4.500.000,- Rp. 1.050.000,- Rp. 1.100.000,- Rp. 1.150.000,- Rp. 1.200.000,- Rp. 1.400.000,- Rp. 1.500.000,- Rp. 1.700.000,- Rp. 4.000.000,- Rp. 2.000.000,-

Figure 4. Bureaucratic Structure Variable Concept Map


The implementation of the provision of additional employee income within the Regional Personnel Agency of Bengkulu Province is influenced by four (4) factors, namely Communication, Resources, Disposition and Organizational Structure. On the Communication factor, good communication has been established. Clear communication in the form of instructions that must be carried out by staff/executors is carried out, but sometimes there are inconsistencies in the delivery of communication messages that are established through meetings or on a special Whatsapp Group that has been created. The goal is that all information can be conveyed

quickly and clearly to all employees. The communication that occurs still has the impression of downward communication, namely communication from superiors to subordinates and does not pay attention to complaints from subordinates. In the Resource factor which consists of Human Resources and Facilities have been fulfilled properly, this is evidenced by the presence of TPP admin/operator staff. While the infrastructure has not been fulfilled properly. Online use requires that every employee be able to use and operate an Android device or computer. The availability of computer equipment for each employee has not been fulfilled. Not to mention the problem of small bandwidth capacity resulting in errors in reporting. The Disposition factor has been going quite well, it's just that the majority of employees are the problem that the end result they get is no longer applying the principle of justice so that whether or not an employee is diligent or not will be the same amount of TPP that will be obtained. In the Bureaucratic Structure Factor, the provision of additional employee income has considered the criteria for position weight by paying attention to work behavior and employee performance.


Ketersediaan Penerapan


In providing additional employee income, it is very clear to describe one's position by paying attention to work behavior and work performance. There is a difference in the amount of additional income between echelon officials and staff.


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