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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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Furthermore, the author chose Qania Fanani because she does code mixing and code switching in her videos. What types of code mixing and code switching are used by Qania Fanani in the video "Q and A kuliah di Amerika". What are the factors that cause code mixing and code switching used by Qania Fanani in the video "Q and A kuliah di Amerika".

To find out the factors that cause code mixing and code switching used by Qania Fanani in the video "Q and A kuliah di Amerika". This study is expected of the reader to enrich knowledge about sociolinguistics, especially about the study of code mixing and code switching. Furthermore, this research can provide the reader with information about factors that cause code mixing and code switching.

This study focuses on the mixing and switching of codes by Qania Fanani in a video. The researcher collects the data from Qania Fanani's video using theory of sociolinguistics, code mixing and code switching. The writer will apply these theories after discussing the types of code mixing and code switching.

Then, discussing the types of code-mixing and code-switching in video, the researcher will then analyze.


Code Mixing

34; With two languages, such a third, new code is created, in which elements from both languages ​​are combined into a structurally determinable pattern," is how Wibowo (2017:21) describes code mixing or a mixed code. In other words, Code mixing occurs when a speaker switches from one language to another during a dialogue. In addition, code mixing is the partial transfer of linguistic components from one language to another so that they can be combined for communicative purposes (Pardede, 2006:36) .

Communication skills are of crucial importance so that each person can adapt his style of conversation to the interlocutor depending on the circumstances. It is undeniable that people today use code mixing to make their opponents understand what they are saying. When a speaker uses two languages ​​simultaneously to indicate that they are mixing one language within the other during a single utterance, this is known as code mixing.

The existence of code mixing cannot simply be assumed that the speakers lack some vocabulary of a given language or have any unique cultural pressures because the speakers who are fluent in two codes also still tend to use the language in the conversation to mix, Muysken. According to the above definition, code mixing is defined as using a second language within a sentence that is not the dominant language. The speakers got their code mixed up due to a change in situation rather than a lack of vocabulary.

Myers-Scotton defines code switching as "the use of two or more languages ​​in the same conversation." From the explanation, it can be concluded that the mixed language is the one where the speaker when having a conversation, the speaker combines several words. Where the purpose of the speaker's language mix or can determine what the speaker's purpose is.

As has been said, communication skills are essential to sociolinguistics so that we can adapt our speech to different contexts. For example, we must speak in a polite and formal manner when speaking at a meeting where the participants are officials. Conversely, when we talk to our friends, we may combine slang to help them better understand what we are saying.

Types of Code Mixing

Insertion (word phrase)


Congruent lexicalization

Code Switching

Code switching is the use of two or more languages ​​in a single conversation where the speaker or at least understands the language. Code switching is the phenomenon that occurs when people initially use A codes (such as English) before switching to B codes (such as Indonesian). The use of more than one language, variety or style by a speaker within an utterance or discourse, or between multiple interlocutors or circumstances, is known as code-switching (Romaine 1992: 210).

This means that when there are multiple languages ​​used for communication, code switching occurs. Depending on the addresses on different occasions, the speaker uses his skills in a particular language, manner, dialect, etc. According to Holmes, code-switching occurs when the speakers shifted their language from one language to another.

A change in language that is situational does not involve a change in the matter being spoken.

Types of Code Switching

Tag Switching

Dia akan lolos, isn’t she?

Intra-Sentential Code Switching

Tadi dia pergi, do you go with her?

Inter-Sentential Code Switching

Factors That Cause Code Mixing and Code Switching

Talking About Particular Topic

When code mixing and code switching takes place, speaker factors are an important consideration in the process.

Being Emphatic about Something (Express Solidarity)

Interjection (Inserting Sentence Fillers or Sentence Connectors)

Repetition Used for Clarification

Intention of Clarifying the Speech Content for the Interlocutor

Expressing Group Identity

  • Profile of Qania Fanani
  • Previous Study
  • Conceptual Framework
  • Research Design
  • The Source of Data
  • The Instrument of the Research
  • Technique of Collecting Data
  • Technique of Analyzing Data
  • Validity (Triangulation)

The types of code-mixing and code-switching, the most common types and factors influencing code-mixing and code-switching were all examined in this study. In this study, the types of code switching and code mixing are analyzed using Suwito's theory. The results of different types of code-mixing and code-switching were then determined using Ardhana's formula.

Furthermore, similarity is the theory to analyze the factor that used code mixing and code switching. The contribution of this previous study is practically helping the writer to know how to analyze the factors of code-mixing and code-switching and to do deep research. The sociolinguistic area of ​​code-switching and code-mixing in the language of YouTube user Qania Fanani is the subject of this study.

An analysis of language code mixing and code switching used by the teacher during the learning process of teaching English at SMP Negeri 2 Kamang Magek”. This study attempts to gain insight into the reasons behind teachers' use of code-switching and code-mixing in teaching and learning English. Additionally, previous studies have focused on many types of code-switching and code-mixing and the variables that influence their use.

An analysis of code mixing and code switching used by Maudy Ayunda in Perspektif Metro TV". Moreover, the previous research was limited to certain types of code switching and code mixing. This previous study theoretically contributes to code switching and code mixing from another theory.

In this study the writer will analyze the types of code mixing and switching as well as the factors using other theory that produce an accurate analysis. The subject of this research is Qania Fanani and the object of this research is code mixing and code switching. The last step is that the researcher was to classify the data based on the factor that causes code mixing and code switching from Hoffman's theory.

After that, the researchers were classified seven factors of code-mixing and code-switching in the video, in this part the researcher was the theory of use by Hoffman. To answer the questions, the researcher was presented with all the data containing code-mixing and code-switching in the form of tables.


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