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Academic year: 2023



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This research discussed the language style found in the film La La Land and aimed to describe the types of language style, the factors that influence the character's language used through dialogue, and how the language style is embodied in the film. And the language style embodied in this film can be seen from the dialogue situations between the characters. First of all, the researcher would like to thank Allah Almighty for giving him health and the opportunity to complete this research from start to finish.

Syahruddin Saragih and Nurmaningsih who gave their love, advice, support, motivation, material and suggestions from beginning to end in completing this research. This research was conducted as a requirement for the Sarjana degree in English Education Program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. Rini Ekayati, S.S., M.A, as her supervisor who provided her with suggestions, ideas, criticisms and guidance to complete this research.

Her beloved best friends Imas Eryani, Zahro Taini, Ade Irma Siregar and Retno Aprilia, who always support her to complete this research and always motivate her. Finally, the researcher hopes that this research will be useful to those who read and study it.


  • The Background of Study
  • The Identification of Problem
  • The Scope and Limitation
  • The Formulation of Problem
  • The Objective of Study
  • The Significance of Study

In the research, they used the theory of Martin Joos in "The Five Clocks", which has five types of language style, which are frozen style, formal style, consultative style, relaxed and intimate style. In the research, they used the theory of Joos (1998) in Zulaekho (2010), they classified into five types of language style namely frozen, formal, consultative, relaxed and intimate style. They used the theory of Joos (1976), he classified five types of language style and there are four factors that affected the language style in the film.

In the research they used Joos's theory (1976), which recognizes five language styles: frozen, formal, consultative, casual and intimate. The result shows that there are thirty (30) data from the conversation in the movie to perform the language style. Where in the speech in this film there is a language style in speaking.

This research focused on the analysis of language style, the factors that influence the use of language by characters in the film, and the embodied language style in the film. For students studying English, you can add information or insight into the science of language style.


Theoretical Framework

  • Language Communication
  • Language Style
    • Types of Language Style
  • Factors Influenced Language Style
  • La La Land Movie

The researcher analyzed the data to classify the types of language style in terms of easily identifiable descriptions. In the dialog in the script, it indicates that the type of language style used is formal. And the formal style is the influence of the key, which aims to get the language style used in the delivery of the situation.

The embodiment of linguistic style in the movie La La Land from a data analysis based on linguistic style theory. The researcher in the film did not find a frozen style among the five language styles mentioned in Joos' theory of language style. Out of the 68 dialogues found in the film, there are 4 language styles, namely formal, consultative, casual and intimate.

In the use of language between the characters, the researcher can see different types of language style in the film. After analyzing the types of language style, the researcher describes the factors that influence the language style in the film.

Previous Relevant Studied

Conceptual Framework

This research aims to find the types of language style that are often used in. Researcher chose the study of stylistic aspects of Joos because this researcher has many types of language style such as this frozen style, formal style, consultative style, relaxed style and intimate style.


  • Research Design
  • Source of Data
  • Technique of Collecting Data
  • Technique of Analysis Data

In the research, the researcher analyzed the language style of the film and found that there are 4 language styles, namely formal, consultative, casual and intimate. In the script, it can be seen that the main character shows a strong tone in the content of the dialogue. The data shows that the factors influencing the language style in the film are the result of the dialogue in the cafe.

The language style contained in the movie can be seen from various conversational situations between the main character and other characters. And researcher can group each type of language style resulting from the form of conversation in the La La Land movie script. In this research, researcher analyzed the five language styles in the La La Land movie script.

In this research, the researcher found that there are 68 dialogue data contained in the film script. An analysis of the pentalingual style found in the Lean On Me movie.” University of Sumatera Utara Medan.



  • Types of Language Style
    • Formal Style
    • Consultative Style
    • Casual Style
    • Intimate Style
  • Factors Influenced Language Style
  • Embodied Language Style in La La Land Movie

In this data, 4 data that occurred in the restaurant, audition hall and theater have been collected, 1 given in the restaurant, 1 given in the audition hall and 2 data in the theater. The dialogue that Sebastian and Boss discuss about work with a serious tone, but low on dialogue. In the data, among the collected data are 6 data that occur in the cafe, apartment, party and waiting room.

This dialogue is classified as deliberative style because the dialogue between the assistant and Mia is very short as indicated in deliberative style. Mia gave a short and crisp "I'm here" answer and explained that this was a semi-formal situation and that she was in the waiting room waiting in line for her turn. According to my information, among the collected data are 10 data that take place at a party, apartment, theater, cafe, lucques and audition room.

1 dates will take place at the party, 4 dates will take place in the apartment, 2 dates will take place in the theater, 1 dates will take place in the coffee shop, 1 dates will take place in the audition room and 1 dates will take place in the theater. This means that the form of the sentence is incomplete and gives an allegro sign in the conversation above, which is a sentence form in the word. In this data, 8 data were collected that took place in the apartment, the audition building, the cafe, the car, the house and the street.

3 data occurred in the apartment, 1 given in the audition building and 1 given in the car, 1 given in the apartment and 1 given in the cafe and 1 given in the street city. In the research, the researcher must be able to identify the 8 factors contained in this film, and know classified the communication made with the speaker, what topic, what is the situation, what is the purpose and what genre is used in the film. . In the speech component, the participative factor is performed by the main character using a formal style.

In this movie, factors that affect language style are related to environmental situation, namely in the party, apartment, theater, coffee shop, lucques and audition room. From the data, factors influencing the use of language style in the quote above where the conversation held by the character takes place at the party, the participants are Alexis, Mia, Will and Gavin where in this dialogue Gavin's unpleasant work situation is told and someone who saw Mia from a distance during a party. Well, six million people saw my mistake." The dialogue action sequences are meant for the main character to tell his feelings about his work.

The setting in this film also influences the main characters that appear in the apartment and the behavior between the characters. The type of informal style is the language in which when talking with family or friends is used in informal situations and in the form of short sentences.


Now this weird pink thing is called an almond, it's a fish, you kill it in a minute. I know it sounds like nothing and it really is nothing, but at least it's better than nothing. And he's standing in front of a huge crowd, it's opening night, all the critics are there.

So he just walks around the stage and hopes to God that it will come back to him. And finally, after about ten minutes, it comes to him "Whether it's nobler blah-blah-blah". I said try something new, but I think I would have stopped myself if I thought it would replace everything else.


