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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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This study examines the adoption and teaching practice of upper secondary school teachers of the genre-based approach to teaching writing skills as part of Indonesia's new curriculum initiative. In the Indonesian model, the Genre-Based Approach is performed in two cycles; they are spoken cycle and written cycle. The above facts had aroused the researcher's interest to investigate the implementation of writing education using the Genre-Based Approach.

Identification of the Problem

Limitation of the Problem

The study was conducted to investigate the value of a genre-based approach to improving student writing. Observation of teaching revealed a variety of data on co-constructing text activities. Among these teachers, there is a limited understanding of the concept of a genre-based approach.

Figure 1: The Curriculum Cycle
Figure 1: The Curriculum Cycle

Statements of the Problem

Purposes of the Research

Importance of the Research

Definition of the Key Terms


Nature of Genre

From the description above, a conclusion that can be drawn is that genre has the strong connection with the text. The text can be classified into genre by three features, that is purpose of communication, organizational structure and language features. Organizational structure of the text or generic structure is the text organization or text arrangement.

Genre-Based Approach

To begin with, genre-based approaches begin with the whole text as the central unit rather than the sentence. Genre-based approaches emphasize that effective use of language requires consideration of this higher order. For teaching genres, proponents of a genre-based approach propose a teaching framework, which they call the curriculum cycle.

Curriculum Cycle …

When constructing a text, one must pay attention to the schematic structure, linguistic features and knowledge of the text's field. Partridge emphasizes that when constructing a text, attention must be paid to schematic structure, linguistic features, and knowledge of the text's domain. The next step is to give students experience with the content of the text.

Genre in Developing Writing skill

It means that they learned writing in the stages of joint and independent construction of the text.

Review of the Related Findings

Conceptual Framework …

  • Documentation
  • Teaching Observation


  • Application of Curriculum Cycle
  • Teacherws’ difficulties in Teaching
  • Teachers’ strategies to

This conceptualization can be seen as a concept of the Genre-Based Approach in the Indonesian context, especially in the context of teaching English in high school. When assessing the products or writing of students, the main focus is on the linguistic characteristics and the generic structure of the text. In other words, the only factor contributing to the barrier to the application of the Genre-Based Approach in the classroom comes from students.

This also means paying attention to the suitability of the Genre-Based Approach for teaching EFL students with all of their English language limitations. In the practice of the genre-based approach to teaching writing, especially in the application of the curriculum cycle, these teachers tend to use various modeling activities in the collaborative construction phase to facilitate students' initialization. Use of material processes to retell the event (in the text below many of the material processes are nominalized.

To provide the introduction to the model of the text genre that focuses on the analysis of the genre. They are able to write a good composition and present it in front of the class. Stage to discuss the idea for the text and retell the story of the text.

Assign students to write a text based on the topic as homework and then present the text in front of the class at the next meeting.



Regarding teachers' difficulties in translating the theoretical concept of each stage of the curriculum cycle into effective classroom activities, these teachers themselves should be more active in seeking more information and learning opportunities to develop their expertise in this approach. Conducting independent learning, actively participating in teacher networks or teacher centers and reflective learning from teaching practice using this approach are some examples of professional development available to teachers. Thus, teachers should not rely solely on the formal training provided by the government to develop their expertise in this approach.

A training provider like LPMP needs to focus more on designing a training program for the practical application of the genre-based approach to teaching English, especially teaching writing skills, despite the theoretical concept of the approach. In addition, training planners should consider other forms of training that are financially affordable and have a wider range of accessibility, such as online training and e-learning. As we know, for the professional learning and development of teachers, the government has provided an in-house training program for all teachers, which is conducted by LPMP as one of the government's training providers.

However, this program has some limitations, such as financial shortages and the large number of permanent teachers in Indonesia. Curriculum designers must also consider aspects such as the appropriateness and practicality of this particular approach to be implemented in the Indonesian secondary school curriculum. A genre-based approach is an approach originally designed to develop ESL students' literacy skills such as reading and writing, in this context ESL students are supported by the advantage of greater exposure to the English language itself.

Therefore, the curriculum designer should consider any difficulties that EFL teachers and students may encounter in the process of teaching and learning using this approach.


Teaching by Principles, An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Regents: United States of America. A genre-based approach to the development of oral skills in a Thai EFL context for adults, a paper presented at the Fifth Pan-Asian Conference on Language Teaching at FEELTA, Vladivostok, Russia, 20 June 2004. 2000. Research Education, Competence for Analysis and Implementation, New Jersey, Prentice Hall: United States of America.

Teaching Writing in Chinese Universities: Finding an Electric Approach, ASIAN EFL JOURNAL, bind 20. maj 2007 (Online) http://www.asian-efl-journal.com/june_05_yk&jk.php. Genre-baseret tilgang til undervisning i skrivning, (Online), web.1.hpu.edu/images/graduates studies/TESL_WPS/07.Kim-Genre- a17238.pdf. Balancing the Process and the Genre-tilgang, Asian EFL Journal(on line), http://www.asian-efl-journal.com/june_05_yk&jk.php.

Genre-Based Teaching and Vygotskian in EFL: The Case of a University Writing Course, Asian EFL Journal, (online), September 2006. 2002. Genre in Classroom: Multiple Perspective, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, (online), Vol .6, no. A review of students' and interns' EFL writing problems at Shiraz University of Medical Science, Asian EFL Journal (online), http://www.asian-efl-.

Genre-based pedagogy for teaching English academic writing in an Indonesian tertiary context: a case study".

Questions for Interview

Among the 12 types of texts to be taught in secondary school, which type of texts do you most often teach your students. What are the difficulties when teaching writing using a type of text and how do you overcome the problems. Compare with teaching writing using one type of text, which one do you think is most effective in developing students' writing skills.

Indicators of Genre-Based Approach

Instrument for Observation of Teaching Writing

Transcript of Interview

Q: When teaching English using different types of texts, are there any specific language skills that you pay more attention to and emphasize. A: No specific language skills, but the student is taught four language skills, listening, reading, writing and speaking. Because in teaching Genre-based Approach, the teacher emphasizes two activities oral and writing in four phases.

A: The student can determine the subject, topic sentence, mastery of ideas and conclusion, and is also expected to be able to create a composition using coherence and cohesion. Q: Can you give me an example of writing tasks or exercises you use in your . Then they practice making the initiating event, and so on and so forth until the entire story is executed.

Question: Among the 12 text types to be taught in high school, which type of. Question: What are the difficulties when teaching writing using a type of text and how do you do it. They often have difficulties with various social functions of genre types and grammatical features.

A : The students can write and present a good composition for the class.

The Genre at Senior High School

Focus on generic human and non-human participants, except for self-referencing speaker or author. Use of demonstratives, rhetorical questions and intensifiers (really, very, quite, etc.) to show the meaning of the events. Orientation: places the work in its general and particular context, often by comparing it with others of its kind or by analogy with a non-art object or event.

Evaluation: gives an evaluation of the work and/or its performance or production; it is usually recursive. Direct expression of options through the use of attitudinal epithets in nominal groups; qualitative attributes and affective mental processes.

Example of Teaching Material

The dwarfs said, "What is your name?" Snow White said, "My name is Snow White." Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after. In the teaching and learning process, the students are expected to understand the text type and the teacher will teach them by using two cycles in four stages.

Genre-based approach is an approach of how to teach English based on genre because each genre has different function, generic structure and language function. I believe that genre-based approach is how to teach reading by using 12 genres to find out the purpose of the text, generic structure and language characteristics. The GBA is more effective than other approaches as students show significant developmental writing when learning to write using this approach.

By asking students to identify the type of text they will write. Make an outline and plan before writing. Read the text • Students read the text, looking for the theme, main idea and difficult words. Tasking students to write a text and choose a topic for their homework and present it in the next lesson.

Teachers Background Information

Teachers Adoption of the Genre-Based Approach

The students are able to differentiate text types and master both oral and written input. It is an effective way to teach writing as it allows students to create and organize their idea when writing text. Students have difficulty mastering vocabulary, differentiating social function and grammatical characteristics of each type of text.

The Application of the Curriculum Cycle


Figure 1: The Curriculum Cycle


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