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Artificial intelligence in the workplace

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Academic year: 2023

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Abiy is the chairman of the Oromo People's Democratic Organization, which is part of the ruling coalition but has been sympathetic to anti-government protests. Moody's has downgraded the company's credit rating due to the "significant deficit" in the production of its new Model 3 electric car.


Companies can use AI to review not only employees' professional communications, but also their social media profiles. That could fuel a resurgence of unions seeking to represent workers' interests and set standards.


Mr Trump has long disparaged the deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as "the worst ever". Ever cynical, Trump accuses British and French leaders of liking the Iran deal because their countries make money by trading with Iran.

Making Satan great again

Sir. Trump half-disowned the Iran deal in January, but the sober sides in uniforms and suits driving his foreign policy at the time persuaded him to give its European parties, Britain, France and Germany, one last chance to fix it . With a hawk like Mr. Bolton at Mr. Trump's side, you can expect a lot of rhetoric about America seeking peace through strength.

The danger of the deal

On April 9, Mr. Bolton, whose walrus mustache and verbal slur belying a deft and ruthless bureaucratic fighter, becomes Trump's national security adviser. But if Mr. Trump abandons him, he will find that his aides and allies were right: nothing better will replace him.



After two decades of peace, Northern Ireland is at once transformed and unchanged (see Briefing). Accompanied by the British and Irish governments, Northern Ireland's parties had until recently kept the faith.

Identity theft

The age-old question of who Northern Ireland belonged to was carefully buried for future generations to dig up when they were ready. Now Britain's imminent departure from the European Union, nobody foreseen in 1998, has raised the question again, long before Northern Ireland has an answer.

Policy impacting business influencing government

It gets complicated

Older people could retire, young people could be sent to college, and those who had jobs could be sent back to work. Since the invasion, Iraq's leaders have made deals that guarantee most parties a share of power and loot.

Better days in Baghdad

The state is so dirty that many Iraqis have questioned the merits of democracy. Lately, parties have delighted Iraq's increasingly secular electorate by forming broad coalitions that champion issues.

But could you catch the silent


Executive Focus

The British and Irish governments have warned commemorations of the agreement will feel "hollow". The Northern Irish were given the right to citizenship of the United Kingdom, Ireland or both.

Past and future collide

The parties must declare themselves supporters of one of the "two traditions" (they can register as neither, but then lose some voting rights). After that, Northern Ireland was separated from the south, prior to the creation of the Irish Free State.

March madness

McMaster (pictured, top left) and his secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, and lost his chief economic adviser, Gary Cohn (bottom left), who resigned after failing to stop Mr Trump from imposing tariffs on aluminum and steel. As for Mr. Mueller's investigation, as it has deepened and apparently expanded (after nabbing former Trump aides such as Michael Flynn, the first national security adviser, and Paul Manafort, a former campaign chairman), Mr. Trump's temper has flared .

United States

The next phase of his presidency, therefore, could be one of identity untethered: Trump untethered. To get rid of the special counsel, Trump would have to fire Rosenstein and any successor officials who refused to enforce the order.

Abandon ship!

For the past few months, Mr. Sessions has been on the receiving end of semi-regular humiliations — the typical prelude to possible firing in the Trump administration (as Messrs. Tillerson and McMaster could attest). Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, has been nominated as Mr Sessions' replacement.

Drawing the line

You cannot lose if you do not play

In recent years, AI has become a buzzword for the government, the media, business communities and the public in China. AI has already become an important focus for the government, L]PKLUJLKI`[OLPUJS\ZPVUVM[OLJVUJLW[MVY[OLÄYZ[[PTLPU[OL.


In December 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued an action plan for the AI ​​PUK\Z[Y`MYVT[VHZHJVTWSLTLU[[V[OL4HKL PU China 2025 Strategy], the country's blueprint for upgrading manufacturing, and previously issued plans published. OLZLKL]LSVWTLU[ZYLÅLJ[H^PKLY[YLUK0U6J[VILY the White House released a report titled Preparing for the Future VM(Y[PÄJPHS0U[LSSPNLUJLL_WV\UKPUN\WVU[OLWV[LU[PHSPTWHJ] on various industries. )

Bona Fide Intelligence

Human costs account for 50 percent of the courier industry and there are 2 million couriers across the country. Now, the "delivery followers" developed by Liu's company, a pioneer in the application of self-driving technology in delivery services, have brought convenience to several closed residential and business units by providing services to customers who want instant, unscheduled deliveries.

OL(0PUK\Z[Y`PZÅV\YPZOPUNKLZWP[L obstacles along the way

Leading technology company Xiaomi introduced a smart iHealth blood pressure monitor, which automatically sends results to the smartphones of older users' children. There is a strong correlation between the suicide rate and the share of Republicans in the presidential election.


Although there has been an alarming increase among women – the number increased by 39% between 2006 and 2016 – men are still much more likely to commit suicide. Net migration to America from Mexico, the largest source of immigrants, has been negative since the end of the financial crisis.

The long adiós

Despite condemning America's invasion of Iraq earlier this month as "the worst decision ever made", he appointed one of the few people who still defends it as his national security adviser. The world would be better off, Mr Trump argued, if every recent president had ignored foreign affairs and "went to the beach".

The warrior look

I would argue that North Korea's nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, and Iran's, while we're on the subject, are the rattlesnakes of the 21st century.” Mr Trump also named one of his most hawkish advisers, Mike Pompeo, as secretary of state. The fact that Mr. That Trump appears to have come close to setting red lines on North Korea doesn't change that analysis.


When you see a rattlesnake ready to strike, you don't wait for it to strike before crushing it," Bolton said last year, paraphrasing Franklin Roosevelt. Mr. Barreiro, who has not publicly commented on the matter, is also the president of the industrial park that originally sold the land to Mr. Anaya's company.

How AMLO might win

Even if the allegations about Mr. Barreiro are true, Mr. Anaya insists he has done nothing wrong. Mr. López Obrador, often known as AMLO, and Mr. Anaya have contradictory claims that they are the candidates for a clean government.

The Americas

The investigation and its press coverage have raised questions about the honesty of the people with whom Mr. Anaya, for the size of the profit he made and for the tax he paid. He has posted a video online in which he claims it is not his legal responsibility to verify the source of the buyer's money.

Peru’s President Pedro Pablo the BriefBello

Mr Anaya's supporters fear they are seeing a repeat of the election in the state of Mexico last June. Under two FA presidents – Tabaré Vázquez, an oncologist who ruled from 2005 to 2010 and again since 2015, and José Mujica, a former guerrilla who held office between Mr Vázquez's two terms – the government created special tax regimes and economic zones established to attract investment.

The magic of Montevideo

ON MARCH 28, a sandstorm swept over Beijing like a chemical weapons attack, knocking pollution monitoring equipment off the charts and reducing visibility to a few meters. China's Xinhua news agency quoted him as saying "we are talking a lot about this visit" and referring to North Korea's "great efforts" to improve the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

More conviviality than clarity

On the same day, the Chinese government announced that Kim Jong Un, North Korea's leader, had met his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, in Beijing, sending diplomatic speculation off the charts and leaving prospects for talks over North Korea's nuclear weapons just as grim. to distinguish as always. Kim's visit was shrouded in secrecy from the moment an armored train similar to the one his father and grandfather used for foreign travel pulled into Beijing station unannounced.


The Supreme Court is obliged to act because of the inertia of the executive authority, say the judge's supporters. He threatened to "shut down" the Orange Line, the first phase of Lahore's new metro system, if the government did not improve health and education.

Justice on the loose

Crowds throng the courthouse in Lahore, the capital of Punjab state, attracted by the spectacle of a judge delivering sentences like a king. By disqualifying Nawaz Sharif, the former leader of the PML-N, as prime minister for failing to live up to the mandate in Article 62 of the constitution that politicians be "honest" and "just", it set a potentially sweeping precedent.



A palm-fringed cesspool

A prickly pair

Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist party took power in 2014, it has also taken a more muscular stance. Some of the weakness may be due not to the size of India's forces, but to their shape.

Paper elephant

Last summer it wrestled with China atop the Himalayas in the most tense standoff in decades. The government was happy to have them out of the country, assuming they could do less damage there.


In 2015, China's government asked Interpol to issue red notices to 100 of its most wanted officials. Since 2016, Interpol has been headed by Meng Hongwei, who is also China's Vice Minister of Public Security.

Nowhere to hide

Similarly, last year the Chinese embassy in Bangkok reportedly asked the Thai government to detain the wife of a civil rights lawyer after she fled over China's southwestern border. Along China's southwestern borders and across Central Asia, the Chinese government often recruits locals on both sides to report the arrival of "suspicious" individuals.


Better. Believe It


So much has now sunk in the West, which has not fully grasped the direction of travel of Mr Xi and China. Three external uncertainties are increasing, each of which Mr. Xi's leadership will test.

Chairman of Everything

Last but not least, a decentralized bureaucracy is accustomed to pursuing breakneck local growth. Mr. Xi seems to understand the challenges. They hate the mandatory ideological indoctrination under Mr. Xi that recalls the era of Mao.


At their heart, Xi's moves are intended to return the Communist Party to a center it has not enjoyed for years. Mr Xi's policy speech in early April at Bo'ao's annual meeting in Davos, China, will provide a powerful clue as to whether fears of his internal control will leave any slack in the system for reformists. .

GrAIt expectations

This is already happening in the automotive industry, with the start-up of autonomous vehicles and ride-hailing companies like Uber. In the near future, AI will reshape traditional business functions such as finance, HR and customer service, according to Michael Chui of the McKinsey Global Institute, a consultancy think tank.

In algorithms we trust

Companies are also building "digital twins" — virtual representations of assets — to run simulations of how weather and other factors affect machinery. Some companies are also using AI to suggest answers to customer questions, which a human agent can approve or tailor before sending.

Here to help

Between 2017 and 2021, the share of customer service interactions worldwide handled entirely by AI will increase fivefold, to 15%, and by 2019 at least 40% of such interactions will involve an element of AI, according to Gartner, a research firm. Surveys indicate that about 40% of US Internet users would rather use digital customer services than talk to someone on the phone.

Hire education

For example, Johnson & Johnson (J&J), a consumer goods company, receives 1.2 million applications for 25,000 positions each year. AI-enabled systems can scan applications much faster than humans and determine whether candidates are a good fit. She has recognized patterns that recruiters might not: for example, candidates who submit particularly long resumes fare less well than.

Services that make customers’ lives easier will generate more customers, who will provide more training data to

Recruiters often come across candidates who have good qualifications but are not the right fit for the specific position they are trying to fill. Bluetooth and infrared sensors to monitor where they are; and an accelerometer to record when they move.

Smile, you’re on camera

Laszlo Bock, who used to run Google's human resources department and now heads a startup focused on work, reckons that "it's going to play out in a bad way before it plays out in a good way."7 . 1 MANY TEGGENEFIRMS' offices boast luxurious perks such as naps, massages and soda fountains that offer employees a choice of exotically flavored sparkling water.

Leave it to the experts

Microsoft's interface currently has the best design, says Pedro Domingos, a professor of computer science at the University of Washington and author of "The Master Algorithm," a book on AI and business. Watson is a brand concept that manifests itself as a product,” says Tom Siebel of C3IOT, anAIstartup.


The Googles, Amazons and Microsofts of the world can take over from the McKinseys, Boston Consulting Groups and Bains,” said Roy Bahat of Bloomberg Beta, a venture capital firm. But running a business will be more challenging than ever before in the years to come.

Janus, the Roman god,

This is unlikely to happen in the near future, but if it did, it would be very worrying. More likely, it could contribute to the rise of monopolies in the coming years in industries outside of the technology sector, where dynamic markets used to exist that would eventually stifle innovation and consumer choice.

This special report found that AI-enhanced tools can help reduce headcount in departments such as customer service and human resources. The Internet has already made it possible to monitor people's digital behavior in minute detail. AI will give companies even better tools to monitor consumers and employees, both online and in the physical world.

That duality characterises

Iraq was synonymous with civil war, sectarianism and the collapse of the Arab state order established at the end of the First World War. Of the many rounds of conflict, none have compared to the ferocity of the fight against IS.

Moving forward

These days a renovated hotel with a rooftop nightclub, located in a forest that once housed the high command of the so-called Islamic State (IS), is fully booked. Revanchism by the Sunni Arab minority, which is about 15-20% of the population but has dominated Iraq since Ottoman times, was a cocktail of Saddam Hussein's brutal Baathist nationalism and even more brutal jihadism.

Middle East and Africa

To cap it all, Iraq remains a rarity – the only Arab state, apart from Tunisia, to get rid of its dictator and remain a democracy. He somehow kept the hospitals and electricity running, criminals off the streets and the country self-sufficient in rice, sugar and vegetable oil.

Homeward bound

But for the recent influx of guests at the Plaza, the motel is the first comfortable night they've had in quite a while. Those who return will receive 100,000 naira ($278) to save them for the first three months, and training to start their own businesses.

A very black market

Most paid to be smuggled to Europe, hoping to become richer than their parents. And then everyone is in the loop, no one is in the dark, and it's all time-stamped and searchable.

Sub-Saharan superheroes

On March 22, marchers led by a conservative Flemish student group, the Nationalist Student Union (NSV), entered the square of St. Bavo's Cathedral. They share common ideas: the need to stop mass immigration, the undesirability of Islam and the corrupt authoritarianism of the EU.

White, right and pretentious

It was also part of a growing movement led by young European activists aimed at reshaping identity politics, long the province of the left, into a right-wing cause. The NSV, founded in 1976 as part of the Flemish independence movement, wanted to show solidarity with them, said Bavo Janssens, one of the group's leaders.


Others, including Daniel Friberg, the Swedish CEO of Arktos, see liberalism as the "disease" that made Muslim immigration easy in the first place. America draws "a distinction between the Russian people and the actions of their government," the Trump aide said.

The defiant pariah

Even more notable is that his colleagues in the Senate voted to make Elisabetta Casellati the new Senate President. Their goal would then be to wipe Forza Italia and the PD off the map and install a new, populist two-party system.7 Italy.

Birds of a feather

Ms Casellati was the candidate of an electoral alliance including the League and Forza Italia. A coalition of the League and the M5S, which won the most votes of any party in the March 4 general election, could provide the country with stability.

It’s an Erdogan- eat-Dogan world

On March 24, Roberto Fico of the maverick Five Star Movement (M5S) was chosen for the job. The conflict has deprived Catalonia of a regional government since Mr Rajoy imposed a state of emergency by Madrid last October after declaring independence.

The long arm

It came two days after a Madrid High Court judge charged Mr Puigdemont and 24 other separatist leaders with crimes ranging from rebellion to disobedience. He jailed five (four more were already there) and ordered European arrest warrants against six, including Mr Puigdemont.

Cheers for Moldovan wine

The Dutch still want to limit risk sharing and common spending in the eurozone, and promote intra-EU trade. For many Europeans, the Dutch will just be a stalwart member of the awkward team.

Going Dutch

To explain why, Mr Rutte gleefully notes that Brexit requires the Dutch to recalibrate their four-century diplomatic balancing act between France, Germany and Britain. The EU's deal with Turkey to curb illegal immigration in 2016, which the Dutch helped build, taught Mr Rutte that there is a role for European action in fixing national problems.


Sir. Rutte hesitates a little: the Germans on migration, trade and the euro; some central European countries in the EU internal market; the French about climate change. Educators tend to do smaller research projects - the kind of studies, says Stephen Gorard of Durham University, where "academics would write three interviews with school leaders and call it research." The EEF has driven them in a more stringent direction.

The big education experiment

But the EEF has realized that "passive presentation of evidence is not enough". The EEF has teamed up with officials working with school groups, whether in academy chains, local authorities or charities, to spread the evidence-based gospel.


It has also increased its meetings with headteachers and secured extra funding for trials of promising schemes in poorer parts of the country. But an unintended side effect of the Brexit process is the distraction from all other political issues.

Did Leave cheat?

Rockerfeller [sic] destroyed Diego Viera's [Rivera's] mural because it contains a picture of Lenin." The discovery of the post proved too much for many leading British Jews, who have written to Mr Corbyn with three complaints: that Labour- the party contains pockets of antisemitism; that Mr Corbyn has repeatedly turned a blind eye to such harmful attitudes; and that previous attempts to deal with it have proved inadequate. Jewish Labor MPs such as Luciana Berger have been anti-Semitic rants and intimidation from supporters of the hard left.

Nothing to see here

Mr Corbyn issued a statement admitting that "anti-Semitism has emerged within the Labor Party", apologized for his misjudgment over the mural and offered to meet with Jewish leaders. Corbyn has spent his life moving in far-left circles since arriving in London in the early 1970s.


EVER since Donald Trump's election, he has had his eye on the "worst deal ever" - the one struck in 2015 that sought to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions. A few months before the deal was signed in July 2015, Mr Bolton boomed: "The inconvenient truth is that only military action ... can achieve what is required." Air strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities, he argued, could set the program back by "three to five years."

A kettle of hawks

After his appointment, Mr Bolton said the views he previously expressed "in private" (an unusual way of describing newspaper articles) were now "behind him". In August, Mr Bolton described talks with the hereditary Marxist dictatorship as "worse than a mere waste of time".


For a while, the threat to the agreement's survival seemed more rhetorical than real. As for the "sunset", E3 made it clear that this issue cannot be resolved quickly.

Mad men adrift

The world's advertising giants are struggling to adapt to a landscape suddenly dominated by the duopoly of Google and Facebook. Research firm MoettNathanson estimates that Google and Facebook each accounted for more than $5 billion in ad spending growth and nearly 90% of online ad growth.


It is far from clear that Google and Facebook will separate brokerage agencies in the long term. WPP, the only holding company that discloses its spending on both giants, spent about $7 billion of its clients' advertising budgets with Google and Facebook in 2017, out of a total of $46 billion in advertising sold by the two companies, which WPP treats as agency. -relevant company (ie no small business advertising).

Grabbing back

Under the terms of the deal, Uber will take a 27.5% stake in Grab, which is valued at $6 billion. The motive behind one of the world's most ambitious telecommunications projects is not national security.

Red hot

This is partly because many Mexicans are poor, but also because existing service providers do not provide coverage for large parts of the country. América Móvil, the telecommunications giant owned by Carlos Slim, a local tycoon, still controls about 70% of the mobile broadband market.

Political football

That deal sealed Mediapro's dominance of Southern European football; it already owns most of the rights to La Liga, Spain's top league, until 2019. Mr. Roures and Mr. Benet will each retain 12% of Mediapro and will remain the bosses.

Compos menses

His Chinese bosses must hope that political headwinds, not core business troubles, will be all against them.7. IN AMERICA, Big Oil remembers BP's attempt to go "Beyond Petroleum" in the 2000s as a toe-curling embarrassment.

From Mars to Venus

It does not have its own subscribers, but instead relies on subscribers. Wells Fargo is involved in a mis-selling scandal that broke in 2016, as is Uber, which collapsed in 2017.

Getting a handle on a scandal

On average, stocks recovered two-thirds of their lost value over the next 90 days. In addition to BP, the notorious eight includes another energy company, Petrobras, the Brazilian giant at the center of the "car wash" corruption scandal that broke out in 2014.


To answer that, Schumpeter looked at eight of the most notable corporate crises since 2010, including those at Uber and Wells Fargo. In the case of Facebook, 44 of the 48 Wall Street analysts who cover it still rate it a "buy," according to Bloomberg.


Such tariffs have been approved less than 15 times in WTO history, and even then WTO members have sometimes chosen not to impose them. The president can already block investment for reasons of national security through the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS).

Tumbling down

The announcement in early March of tariffs on US steel and aluminum imports was chaotic, even prompting the resignation of Gary Cohn, the head of Trump's National Economic Council. As a USTR deputy under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, he used Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 to bully Japan into restricting exports to America.

Finance and economics

The threat of tariffs on South Korean steel imports and of withdrawal from KORUS, a trade deal between America and South Korea that took effect in 2012, quickly prompted changes to that deal as desired by the Trump administration and announced by South Korea . Korean government on March 26. On March 23, it responded to steel and aluminum tariffs by announcing China's supply chains.

Collateral damage

But it made a mockery of the idea that markets, rather than bureaucrats, should determine trade flows. According to the Barclays Capital Equity-Gilt study, US stocks have risen in 64% of the years since 1926.

Buckle up

Central banks are withdrawing some of the monetary stimulus that has supported market growth since 2009. The yield on ten-year Treasury bonds has already risen from 2.4% at the start of the year to 2.79%, in part because the market expects America's tax cuts will lead to the issuance of much more debt.


India's growth has been left in the dust by China's express (see chart). Demonetisation' at the end of 2016, when most banknotes ceased to be legal tender overnight, reduced growth to 5.7% in the first half of last year.

Chugging along

Growth of 7.2% in the three months to December put it ahead of China (which grew at a relatively leisurely 6.8%) and once again made it the world's fastest-growing major economy. Renewed economic vim would be welcomed by the government in the run-up to elections in early 2019.

Home improvement

Crude gambit

This makes them particularly attractive to people who are not eligible for other life insurance products. Sellers often take advantage of people who are not very numerous, says James Daley of Fairer Finance.

Death and the salesmen

A funeral plan, known in America as a "pre-need," is purchased from a plan provider or funeral director and is paid for in a lump sum or in installments. This helped it escape the "resource curse", in which natural wealth keeps a country poor by crowding out manufacturing or imposing rapacious government.


Although vibranium is woven into Wakanda's booming economy, mining is likely now a small part of GDP, especially since its nearly inexhaustible supply has probably driven down its price, giving it less weight in the national accounts. After he gets his hands on Wakanda's sacred heart-shaped herb, which enhances strength, speed and the senses, his first thought is to find a way to market it.

Free exchange

It is as if Botswana not only mined, cut and polished diamonds, but also designed and produced the world's diamond necklaces, drills and bearings. To check the health of a colony of bees, it is usually necessary to open the hive, a procedure that involves using smoke to pacify the bees.

What’s the buzz?

The researchers use lidar, a form of radar, that they tune to the frequency of the bees. For example, an electronic map can be built up that shows where the bees fly to, and therefore where any landmines are located.

Science and technology

It has been debated for years whether most selective schools do well because they provide better education than public schools, or simply because they scavenge the brightest and most privileged schools. That is minimal compared to the advantages children enjoy from the educated and wealthy.7 Education policy.

Selective evidence

Previous research has shown that many of the traits that selective schools are looking for are partly inherited from their parents. Once they did this, the gap between schools narrowed dramatically, with school type explaining just 0.5% of the variation in average GCSE grades.

Patching broken hearts

They used these fibers to build cardiac scaffolds, and then soaked the scaffolds in suspensions of the gold particles for an hour, during which time most of the particles attached themselves to the scaffolds. As they hoped, this softened the scaffolds, which then molded to the surrounding tissue and stayed in place thereafter.

Exchange value

These can be heated up and manipulated by light from the red end of the spectrum, which passes well through tissue. His small congregation, mostly from Alabama State University, may explain the controversy.

Like a mighty stream

In a student paper, he wrote that while "man's sinfulness is often overemphasized...we must admit that many of the world's ills are due to pure sin." At Morehouse, he began to question that attitude; His insistence in 'I Have a Dream' on the 'fierce urgency of the now', his approval of 'the whirlwinds of rebellion' and disdain for 'the calming drug of gradualness' stem from this insight.

Books and arts

Worship is as natural to the human family as sunrise is to the cosmic order. One of the many things this fictional nation lacks, compared to others, is a literary canon.

Out of many, some

The next day, April 4, 1968, while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel, King was shot and killed.7. In an encomium to a pan-Hispanic supermarket in North Carolina, Ariel Dorfman rejoices in the color and variety of the "undocumented food," a benevolent invading army of burritos and taco bowls.

Rays of hope

Much of the work will be done outside of France, particularly with growth in Africa. And the best thing Mr Macron could do at home is unleash the talents of the French.

Build it and they will comeJohnson

But in the best French tradition, Mr Macron spoke with passion about France and confidence in its future. Reforms that grow the French economy as Germany has done would do more than all the shiny new French-teaching schools in the world.

Courses Publications

The Economist Newspaper Limited shall not be liable to any person for any loss or damage caused or suffered as a result of that person accepting or offering to accept an invitation contained in an advertisement published in The Economist.


Businesses For Sale


88 Economic and financial indicators The Economist March 31st 2018

So he didn't send the boys home, but told them he was going to turn them into one of the best orchestras in the world. He drove them as he drove himself, convinced of that first session in the parking lot by the spark he saw in their eyes.

Music as salvation

But he had a vision that owned him, and it wasn't just to teach music. This, the final transformation, was also the reason why he'd set up the lecterns in that underground car park that day and waited.

Long-term strategy for a

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