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Bombing suspect flees state


Academic year: 2023

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2 Sagamore 12/11/76



Ob* ^ M w i'i M X l atorttoahq M A rttarai * * to to to t*M *t tor to Now T w r'i C f * Wtotos Vm t*« toam to caacafl at 0 * Amarfct 2 0 2 - Jaty 411, • * * ia a 't atot tot tfptrtontty to party to toa Itow Vast wtto Mtoscto. A l to* H aatom to Hatocto t o n raqaasto* r*** praatitot

B PM 1:00 AM $10perpmM



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N A SSA U in the B A H A M A S M A R C H 24-31

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Bombing suspect flees state

Broad R ipple businessman Brett Kim berlin, who was questioned by p o lic e io con n ection w ith the Speedway bombings, has sold all


h it land holdings and business interests and left the state According to a source who wishes to remain anonymous, be told friends that he wouldn’ t be back for "y e a rs ."

Kimberlin, who was arrested and later released after a car containing his d river's license and several timing devices was discovered by investiga­

tors, fears be w ill be unable to get a

of publicity about the case, according to the source.

K im b e r lin had le arn ed the govern m en t was to produce two eyewitnesses who could place him at the scene of the bombings and at a store where he allegedly purchased tim ing d evices, the source said A c c o r d in g to the sa m e source.

Kim berlin had also learned he was being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Internal R ev en u e S e r v ic e , the Drug Enforcement Division and the Bureau

of Alcohol, Firearm s and Tobacco.

The Marlon County Grand Jury is c u rre n tly in the p rocess of subpoenaing witnesses in the case and is expected to return an indictment against Kimberlin.

Kim berlin's whereabouts were not re v e a le d by the sou rce, but a spokesman for the Speedway Police D epartm ent said they knew that Kim berlin had left and where he had gone. Other agencies involved in the investigation declined to comment on the matter

New policy on incompletes effected

A new policy regarding incomplete grades will take effect on all Indiana University campuses next semester.

The policy, passed last year by the F acu lty Council, states that any incompletes not changed to another grade within one year automatically w ill become F grades

An incomplete is a grade given in a course when a student's work is s a tis fa c to ry but has not been completed by the end of the semester

U n iv ersity p olicy dictates that incompletes are granted "on ly upon a showing of such hardship to a student as would render it unjust to hold the student to the time limits previously fixed for the completion of his work '

Once a student is granted an incomplete, he or she now has one year to rem ove it T o do so. the student must finish the coursework within the altoted year, and the instructor must send a Rem oval of Incom plete card to the O ffice of R e c o rd s and A d m ission s The alternative is a " W iwithdrawal), which must be authorized by the dean of the student's school

The policy change will apply only to grades earned beginning the first sem ester of the 1977-7B academic year

M ore than 10.000 gra d es of incomplete w ere received by students in the 11J system that sem ester N early 4,000 of those have been changed toa final grade, as of Oct ll

Students who do not complete their cou rsew ork. a r r a n g e for a w ithdrawal or re ceive a special extension before Feb 1. 1979, will have their incomplete changed to an


E xcep tion s to the p olicy are students who have graduated within the one-year time period and students who have been gra n te d specia l exten sions by their deans The

The Student A c tiv ity O ffice, in coo p era tio n with the Student Assembly, will sponsor its annual ail- day workshop on budget preparation This workshop will be mandatory for ah registered student organizations wishing university funding for their campus-wide student events during the 1979-60 academic year, but is open to all interested students

The Budget and Funding Workshop will be held on Saturday with the time and place to be Announced Last year, the total amount of money approved for these types of budgets

in com p le te w ill rem a in on a graduate s record, but if that student has com p leted a ll cou rsew ork necessary for the degree, the grade will appear as an I. not as an F For students who have received special time extensions, a grade of IX will be recorded to exempt the student from the F grade after the one year time penod Such a grade will appear as an I on ail records.

The new policy does not apply to those graduate, research and reading cou rses in w hich c om p letion of coursework is not required by the end of the semester

was 965.0OQ In the event a mandatory student activity fee is assessed, the information obtained at this workshop will still be necessary

Sign-up sheets for reservations w ill be available by contacting the Student Assembly Office, Cavanaugh Hall, Room 001C (204-39071, or the Student A ctivities O ffice, Cavanaugh Hall, Room 322 ( 204-3932) Lunch w ill be p ro vid ed fo r re s e rv a tio n s m ade through Jan 15 Be prepared to work by bringing your own budget for adjustments

Budget workshop Jan. 20

Cover: If you're feeling Chnstm asy.

you can go drive around the newly refurbished Circle and gape at Indiana's favorite "tr e e " < Photo by Evalds Valaims i

Those of you who misted the I C P U I documentary on Channel 6 can catch in the Harrison and P orter Rooms on the Mezzanine floor of the Union building at noon and 12 30 pm Dec 14 and 15— and it w or t cost you a cent

■ \

4 a.m


IU P U I N ew s...page 2 The Journal

of Salm on P a tli... page 3 L etters...page 4 Our V iew ... page 4 K elly it Duke... page 5 Classifieds... pages 6,7 Calendar C entral...page 6

firm# a fisher boy, fa d found a fish to carry—

Half fish.

Half giri to m arry

Catch Langston Hughes


Mayor William Mudaui n Mayor Mobile will pay a visit U lU P l’l Monday. Dec. 11 from 11 :M am until 1 :M pm. The Mayor woa*l be there. but Janr Stour, a member of his sUff. will be either in the Mayor Mobile (which will be parked on the l niveraity Library Mall) or ia the library

foyer, depending upon the weather Stowe will field questions concerning Indianapolis urbaa affairs or the mayor, take recommendations or complaints, and refer people who need help or need further information to the proper agencies.

Indianapolis investment booming: Hudnut

Mayor William H Hudnut said that investment in Indianapolis is booming in 1978. adding that figures for the first nine months of the year shqw that com m ercial and industrial invest men! totaled $291,151,918

Speaking to a dow ntown real estate

luncheon at the Murat Shrine on Nov.

22. Hudnut said, "W e have been say mg all along that Indianapolis is a growing, thriving city, but even we were somewhat surprised by the tre­

mendous growth of investment in the city this year ’

The M ayor said the growth in ex pans ion is resulting in the creation of more than 5.700 permanent jobs

"Indianapolis has been blessed with an unemployment rate well below the national average for some tim e."

Hudnut said " T h is trem endou s growth, which we have seen in the first nine months of 1978. would indi­

cate (hat our unemployment picture w ill im p ro v e even m o re in the future

The M ayor said the importance of the growth in jobs is also shown by the econom ic ifun-off effects generated by additional employment.

"M ore jobs means more people earning and spending money which creates still more jobs and more

^ c o d in g pow er." Hudnut explained

"The economic impact of these 5700 new jobs is enormous more than $40 million in additional personal income every year, nearly $20 milium in ad­

ditional retail sales each year and more than $10 million in additional hank deposits each year ”

The figures w ere based on an economic multiplier formula

The Mayor said the overall business growth figures through September show an increase of 854,265 in com mercia) and industrial square footage in the city since the beginning of the year, an increase of 18 2 percent over 1977

Metros sacked

A v e n g in g last s ea son ’ s 69-67 o ve rtim e loss, the C entral State Marauders sacked the IU P U I Metros 99-72 on Dec 4 in Xenia. Ohio

The Marauders were led by Melvin Crafter with 22 points Dary l Bryant followed with 16. and Venei G ray and Steve Love had 12 apiece

For the Metros it was Doug White scoring 22 points, Kent Van Deuson with 16, and K im King chipping in 15.

Wayne T aylor added 10

A fter the St Joe Tournament, the Metros break for finals until Dec 16, when they head fo r M a rq u e tte ( Mich ) to face Northern Michigan.

A reminder The next IU P U I home gam e w ill be on December 22 versus strong Akron. Tip-off time is 8 pm at the now defunct Wood High School.

i h t Jov)


a i m © *

b> Hugh V

"So he lives with the Sasquatch for a while. " I said to the examining psycholo­

gist. "H e and Camellia get married and the Sasquatch group begins celebrating Sam thinks they’re celebrating the marriage, which they are, you see But the celebration for the Sasquatch is more than that T hey're celebrating the arrival of the ugly, hairy man (Sam ) who w ill once again link the Sasquatch with the human race They ’ve been waiting for hundreds and even thousands of years for this guy, and he doesn’t even know it.”

"Y ou believe this?” the doctor asked

"S u re," 1 said. "T h e guy wouldn’t lie in his own journal. Anyway, he opens the letter that Ms had given him and finds that Ma and Pa were gopher worshippers, and the book she had given him was Redemption Through Gopher Worship But he finds out m ore He learns that this book as well as the man, himself, had been in the great gopher's prophecy He's the missing link and the deliverer of the word ”

"B e sure to keep those straight There are two, distinct prophecies, and Sam fulfills them both That made him even more special, more important to the Sasquatch ”

"A nd by now Sam, 1 suppose, feels sick and angry Wouldn’t you? All his life—well not all lus life, but a good portion of the early part of his life —he had suffered at the hands of tyrannical religion, and undoubtedly, that had left a very big scar on him. Probably the very reason he was abandoned in the bam by his first parents, his real parents, was religion And when the hunters found him on the river bank, they thought they were doing the right thing, no doubt, by turning him in to the orphanage The ‘right’ thing according to their religion, in all likelihood And then he became the victim of that Rev Diablos "

"A nd then after all that, ak if that weren't enough, he finds that he, Sam N.

Paddy, Salmon Patti is the fullfiller of Sasquatch prophecies He learns that they aren’t celebrating just the m arriage of the unique couple, but the culmination of years of belief in the missing link, the word-bearer. So, what's be to do?”

"Cash in on it? ” the doctor asked

"N o. In the middle of the moonless night he takes Camellia and leaves, not knowing that Camellia is pregnant, which probably wouldn't have made any difference anyw ay. "

" I t ’s not long before they realize her condition—Sasquatch gestation lasts only four months—so they swell up pretty quick once it starts. They have no nest ready, and don’t have time to make a proper one

"Soon the pains start and Camellia dies giving birth to a boy Sam is unable to care for the infant so he takes it and leaves it, as he was left by his parents He leaves it on the outskirts of an Indian camp and then becomes friends with those Indians to keep an eye on his son.”

“ H ie Indians name the boy Debbie Pink E ye It had it's mother's eyes.”


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M U C f t A « * a K M I * U J m M X ? TO MCI M M M M S M V S

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—mng* pu/clMM

"Hom o of tha Chlm tchangq . . . in Indianapolis, lnd/








4 Sogomor* 12/11/78

Our View


Unfinished business

Well, classes are finally over, and it's tim e to find out what we all learned ( or should have)

It's also time to make up any incompletes you may have left over from last year H ere's why: any incompletes not made up within one y ear will, with few exceptions, turn into Fs And take note: this policy goes into effect next semester, and w ill affect incompletes earned ( if that's the word) during the first semester of the 1977-78 academ ic year.

In other words, if you took an incomplete in a class last year at this tim e and haven't made it up yet, then it's tim e to get on the stick but quick. (Lucky for you the library has extended hours this w eek.)

Or, you could throw yourself at the m ercy of the dean of your school and see if you can get your I changed to a W. If you don’t complete the course work, arrange for a withdrawal or receive a special extension from your dean before the first of February, then you’ re out of tim e—and luck.

Oh yes—one other way out. If you graduated within the year without making up your incomplete then don’ t worry about it, because it will remain an I on your record. If you haven’ t graduated—worry.

Getting your pepers

The Student Activities Office, with help from the IU PU I- Student Assembly, is sponsoring a workshop for the student organizations on Jan. 20. Th e purpose of the m eeting is twofold—first, to show groups the proper way to draw up a budget and request money from the Student A ffa irs Advisory Com m ittee and second, to register student groups.

The second may be the most important item at the meeting. A check with the Student Activities O ffice shows that only a few —a very few —o f the student organizations on campus bothered to register their groups this fall.

M aybe the people in these groups don't think it’s important to register, but they’re wrong. Without being registered with Student A ctivities, a group cannot request funds from SAAC, advertise, or even use a room on campus for meetings.

According to the Student A ctivities Office, these groups have been notified m ore than once that they should get their organizations registered. Why they have chosen to ignore the notifications is beyond us.

Do your organization a favor and get it registered before you find that you don’t have funds, a place to meet, or even a name anymore

The Sagamore welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be limited to 309 words, be to the point and include the name and phone number and address of the writer. No letters will be printed unless they are signed. Only the name w ill be published with the letter unless the w riter requests anonymity. The editors reserve the right to edit all letters and to reject those letters they feel are objectionable. All letters should be typed and addressed o the editor, Cavanaugh Hall, Room Otl-G.

•>UHL TtffK TcoK a u j*

o u f c B i x Ox n c* f u m I

To ftt/V So.. ..*




Busing not the issue: Feeney

T o the Editor

In response to your editorial of 11/29/78 advocating no plan of busing for the Indianapolis Public Schools. 1 believe you have misunderstood the purpose of desegregation of public schools

In the ISM decision, Brown v Board of Education, Topeka,Kansas, the Su­

prem e Court said that sep arate schools are inherently unequal In your editorial you have mentioned several reasons for busii^, and re­

futed each one However, you have overlooked the fundamental issue—

the separation of whites and blacks In IMS Gumar MrydnJ described this problem in Aa American Dilemma, and m ore re ce n tly , C harles Silberman in A Crisis la Black and White in 1967 The issue is not busing The issue is that our Am erican society is in reality two societies, one black and the other white. Busing is merely an attempt to m erge these two soci­

eties And, hopefully, through an inte­

grated educational system, the melt ing pot Am erica will again be one, not via assimilation, but by synthesizing the culture of both societies

T o simply ignore the problem is not an answer The problem obviously in­

volves more than the schools, but in­

cludes housing, politics individual m orality and attitudes. H owever, total integration is essential to the

unity of our community and of our na


Furthermore, unless we begin in our schools to alter this societal polar ity, the segregation will be even more pronounced According to Justice Thurgood Marshall, “ Bringing the

T o the Editor:

In the style of The Indianapolis Star and News, you chose to answer my letter concerning “ Busing” in Indi ana polls with an editorial rebuttal Your pronouncement further legiti mises my comments of emotionalism and superficiality in your treatment of school desegregation in this area I do not know who, if anyone, has in­

structed you about the “ privileges"

guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amend ment, but in no way is any group in this country guaranteed the “ privi lege” of discriminating racially and segregating in public education

Luckily for all of us, including you, your biased interpretation of the U S.

Constitution is not shared by those who have heard and reviewed the evi­

dence in Indianapolis, namely, the Federal District Court, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, and the Su­

preme Court of the United States Sincerely yours,

JohnT Lieli

Negro into the mainstream of Am en can life should be a state interest of the highest order T o fail to do so is to ensure that Am erica will forever re­

main a divided society .”

Thomas Feeney Your letter was thoughtful and infor motive. ThonJu — Ed

We tried out our interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment on ahighly respected member of the political sci ence department, who concurred with us. —Ed

Who who, who?

T o the Editor

What's the problem with that record reviewer you guys have’ This Lan ham character has got to be a real punk Who else would downgrade one of the best groups still around (the Who) yet waste space te U ii* us how great a group called the Werewolves


If guys like Lanham and the groups he pushes are symbolic of the future of the music industry, please leave m e, (and I'm sure countless others) out of

i t

Lanham, just who the hell are you’

Floyd Knobbe

Busing rebuttal rebutted


The Sagamore is published by students of Indiana University Purdue administration or faculty of IU PU I The Sagamore is a semi weekly University at Indianapolis V i e w # expressed are those of the editorial (weekly during the summer* newsmagazine published at 925 W staff or of the individual wbosemame appears in the byline Those Michigan St.. Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 Editorial phone. 264A006 view s do not necessarily reflect those of the student body, advertisement phone. 264 3456 business phone. 2M 2SJ9

Editor la Chief L Mark Finch Managing Editor

Mike Gallaway Photo Editor Evalds Valainis

Sports Editor Ann Miller

Advertising Manager Paul Miner Business Manager

Ron Berger Production Manager

Dale Weiaer Credit Manager

Bud Gunter

Contributors Steve Cooper Shirley Couts John Em ley Charles Grigsby

Jill Lee Dan Motto John Webster

Entertainment David Edy Bob Higgins, Jr

Tom Lanham M William Luthoitz

Photography Don Gorman

Business Reginald‘Bentley

Harry Roberson Office Diane Adams Carrie Kilm er

N K Balakushna Cindy Kilm er

Aaron Nolan C h em e Steele

Tim Sullivan

Product loo Cathy Bauters

James Hale Joann Hirata Randall Redman

Kimberly Shae Karen L Wagner

Ctrcniatioo Paul Kagan

Editorial Cartoonists Jeff Zorman Tom McCain


12/11/78 Sogam or« f

b y J a t c l c M o o r *



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_______ M I D - W E E K _______

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Exotic and Rare Fish

T he R e e f w is h es you a M erry Christmas S top by and ch eck out a c o m p le te s e le c tio n of stocking-stuffers for your p ets The R e e f also carries a w id e variety of rare fish, enou gh to

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AduM spectator $3 50 Male competitor S10 00

Chid spectator * 2 50 Female compeWor J 8 00

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$ 1 0 0 0 0 cash prize

pick Black Belt sparring champion and g u e s s his winning s c o re tor mtormabon contact D«* Hedrick 257-5765 after 5 00 p m


Get Rid of It!

with a Sagamore Classified Roommates Roommates

O n * patton wanted to tha t* three bedroom house on Cottage St

* 6 7 and your share of Call R u s s or G e o rg e 2 6 4 79 27 , 2 8 3 -7 8 3 9 (M W 3 2 )

Need temate to share h o is * C a l ( * „ phone

2*9-2674 «Her 5 pas (MW32) pancy C t t 387 7003 after 5 30 Qred student seeks roommate to

For Sale Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

ST U O EN T E N G IN E E R -M u s t 2 ^ 1 6 ^ ^ 6 ^ ( M W 3 3 3|9 3 0 < X 0 0 Y O U R O N O U T O F M O N E Y

~ ...7. B E F O R E Y O U R U N O U T O F

M O N T H ? Tum the tatte* with extra « « w e pnnctp**y ue* C O B O L F t * Z T T : . r . 7 r ? . ' T ? m

^ ^ c y u s r r ’. T i i r K i i s s r r s y c s s

of m e* apartment F E M A L E R O O M M A T E W A N T E D to near Lafayette Square AvsSehta let* share furnished two bedroom house January C a l 0 3 0 3 6 2 7 days on Southwest tad* Avalabt* tor 0 2 3 0 3 0 6 evemngs. ask tor Jeff second semester must be respon __________________________ (M W 3 7 ) stole * 1 0 0 month includes a l uta and dryer C a l 1

C L A IM S A P P R O V E R - W e trtan but ____________________________________Jaspa n a n c* hatpfut Anafyrea cetcu- lalaa and aufhoruee peyment of s i Needed H«tory and system * of Pay type* of group benefit* S N v y com chotogy by W * e m Seheken Course e s p B m n c e A 3 6 * 3 4 0 C elDeboreh. 2 6 3 - 2 6 1 0 | M 3 t) c * l t o r w o £ n * , . Com R EW A R O Purse tost In Lecture H al

102 It found return personal effects

to Ann MStar at the Sagamore 0 0 1 G S U F W »pE S O C * T Y . 0 0 0 0 K e y (M W 3 2 I ,,on# H f * * « 4 6 2 4 0 -l — - ) 6 4 4 7 4 6 5 r U M r in

M O W A n ° W S A M S C O M P A N Y

* C o 1 W Washington street C e llo 4 3 0 0 w 62 n d St 2 0 6 3 4 6 6 IM W 32]

bedroom sparknant *i V*> adult com 2 4 7 - 0 7 4 3 after 6 0 0 lM W 32 l I pte> on northeast tad* M ust be re- Female student to *r sp o n sible A veilabt* immediately *4 7 SOm ondi ptoe lANae 631-1 1 3 5 Leave m essage 6 3 8 3 2 5 1 tMW 33) IM W 3 2 I_________________________

For Rent For Rent

Classified Advertising

Classified Advertising D eadline Noon M onday lor W ednesday Dubkcabon and 5 0 0 pm Thursday for M onday pubfccabon

No refund or c r * » l on Classified Advertising a given except n c ases where ir>e Sagamore « al fault Read y o u ad carefv*y when it appears

■n the paper wid noWy u s of any errors mmedtotefy The Sagamore wd not give credit lor more than one day s incorrect insertion

a s Classified Advertising requires payment in advance, except tor those university departments organizations or busin e sses which heve tiled an account credit application with the Sagamore

C L A S S IF IE D D IS P L A Y A D V E R T IS IN G R A T E S : Be gin s al $ 3 0 0 per column inch


Students * IUPUI employees 7c per word per issue tmewitum of -.■ A»0 w ords I

Non-unvarsity Dutanessaa 6 g e n e t* pupae 1 0 * per word per o m immmum of 10 words) 8 < per word per issue it ad runs two or more consecutive iss u e s with no co py change

Make check payable to Sagam ore IU PU I N o Claastoed Advertising wd be accepted by phone except m special c a sa s

Insertion ol advertisements is subtect to the approval of the advar Classified Advertitang should be addressed to Classified Ad M a n s gar Sagam ora 0 2 3 W M totsganSt mchenepok* tod 4 6 2 0 2 ADORES*____________________________________________

PHONE_______________ :__________________________

A D V E R T IS IN G D A T E S ___________________________________________

PRIN T ad clearly « grid below M ow in g one space lor each word, telephone number or price C e d e the classification deseed C L A SS IF IC A T IO N For Rent • For Sate • Help Wanted * Lost Found M tsceianeous ’ Personate * Room mates * Services * Travel * Ve

Room tor rent S t O G m o n r a* uwae*

ptad After 7 pm 6 3 8 0 6 8 0 iMW 31|

O ne bedroom apartment and o n * Near Speedway N w * dean large two room elhcwncy with new

carpehng-with ell utdtiet included O n * m4e east ol cam pus in historic Old Northtade area Furnished or un thrashed Rent and term* are nego liable Fra-- moving service Scott Keeer 8 am to 4 pm M onday through Saturday 2 5 0 1 2 3 3 . or 6 3 2 1461 anytime ____________ _ IM W 3 2 I Beautiful furnished upper rooms lor rent in restored Victorian home m OK North side downtown tndianaooks Walking distance to IUPUI Smgta or double room s avaiabie All utilities av eluded Kitchen prrvJeges C a l 6 3 2

2 1 1 6 IM W 3 1 )

Employed lemafe or references 6 3 7 1 1 6 6 (M W 3 1I On*-bedroom and efficiency apart- apartment buXckrig Ten-fool ceAng s eight toot anndowt Histone old North Side area * 1 1 0 to * 1 2 3 monthly nctudm g uSfrttal 3 3 4 5 0 6 5

(M W 3 3 1 W AN TED TO RENT 4 or 5 t-edroom house (or larger), 2 baths (or more), tor group ot monastic students Price negotiable Must be m eiceSent con Alton good neighborhood Cak 2 5 7 0 7 3 2 . 5-7 pm

^ |MW 31)

Waft to w al carpeting Garbage dlspoeal Storage area Laundry tacAbss Located «i Speedway oft 1 4 6 5 at C rsw tordsvta 10 m nu te* from campus

2 9 3 - 3 4 3 5

P re g n a n t?

Um our r k m u t a f st A counseling Highest quality medical care C lin ic F o r W o m e n , In c .

I n d p k . 545 2 2 6 6 ___

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■ f

calendar central

D ecem ber II C la s s e s R a d

Soamls • ( C bristiM S. Union Bu ildint. Dinner < 30 7:30 pm. fee t l « i tickets at the door i , Concert ■ 7 30 pm No Admission

P h y n o U g y Sem inar: Catecholam ines k R eprodu ctive Pune p on s". Dr N ira Ren-Jonathan. M edical Science Building Room 306.4 00 pm


A new organisation. known as the Union o f Baptist Students, hat been form ed for the purpose of genera ting a Christian en v iro n ment on campus that the student w ill feel com fortable in Some of the things the club would like to do include btble study, de­

votion groups ibsnpteship training, re viv a l team s, prayer groups feOuwahu*. retreats, seminars and D ecem ber i t

Fin al E ia m s Begin i through D ecem ber 11)

CoaU aalag M edical Education 'through 11/13). “ Situational Stress M an­

agem en t' . fee M0, Nursing Building

Sopervisiaa T raining "The Supervisor and the In terview in g Process , P e r ­ sonnel Departm ent. for further inform ation ca ll 2644241

D ecem ber 13

C a reer Planning Sem inars: Sponsored by The A m erican C ollege Testing P ro g ra m ( A C T ) , 9:00 am through lunch

Continuing M edical KdacaUnu (through 11/14), “ Asthm a and R elated D isea ses", Hyatt R egen cy

Anesthesia Conference: History o f Inhalation A n esth esia", 1:00 am ; 4:30 pm E xa m . School of Medicine

Herron FUm Series: "A History of the A m erican Avant-G arde C in em a", 9:00 pm. M useum Building, L ectu re Room

F ilm s (b y Indiana film -m a k ers): Documentaries, anim ation and e xp eri­

m ental pieces. 8 00 pm. Herron. Museum Building. Lectu re Room D ecem ber 14

FUm Series: “ D r Z h iv a g o ", noon, K rannert Building; 8:15 pm. Union Build­


D oram ea tary through 12/13) 'J U P U I: The W estside S to ry ", noon and 13:30 pm, Union Building, R oof Lounge

D irectin g the p rogram ing for the chib w ill be K erry Halbert In order to not in terfere with finals, the chib wiU net m eet until the new year

F o r m ore in form ation about the club, you can contact Halbert in the Student Association O ffice Tuesday through Thursday from 9 am till noon, or ca ll 344 3907 H albert can also be contacted at his home, at 8394037


"G49> Readings in G erm an far G raduate Students." which ta not listed in the Spring Schedule of C la ss es , w ill be o ffe r e d c o n cu rren tly w ith G096 G492 c a m e e gradu ate credit I f there a r e any qu estions about this c ou rs e, c o n ta c t th e G e rm a n D epartm ent at 244-3943

D ecem ber IS

F ilm S eries: " D r Z h iv a g o ". 8:15 pm, Lectu re Hall Basketball: Intram ural Tournam ent starts

B ierk em islry Sem inar: "Lip osom es as D ru g C a m e r a " . 4:00 pm. M edical Science Building. Room

D ecem ber 18

M en's Basketball: M etros at Northern M ichigan U niversity W eekend College E xa m s B egin < through 12/17)

R ecognition Cerem ony: "D e c em b e r School o f Nursing G ra du ates". 2.00 pm.

North United Methodist Church

German fun...

T h e IU P U I D e p a rtm e n t o f G erm an is hasting a Christmas party for all students of G erm an and th eir guests on Wednesday.

D e c 13. fr o m 7-10 pm in Cavanaugh Hall. R oom 307 (the Fa cu lty Lounge)

Fast money...

Campus M inister Dan M otto r e p o r t s th a t the pre- T ha nksgiving fast table raised 984 30 and that all of that sum was donated to C R O P, a w orld hunger re lief ag en cy of Christia n W orld S ervice

The table was sponsored by the M e t r o p o l i t a n I n d i a n a p o l i s Campus M inistry, an agency of severa l Christian denominations M otto said that he was v ery plea sed with the total, which m ore than doubled last spring s Ash W ednesday fast


A s p e c ia l s p rin g b rea k to Nassau in the Bahamas is being o ffered by Skyline T ra v el, 1754 E 86th St A v a ila b le to IU P U I students, faculty and staff, the Baham ian excursion w ill depart from Indianapolis on the morning o f March 24 and returns M arch 31

Skyline T r a v e l is o fferin g (his packaged vacation on a lim ited- reservation basis Those interest ed should m ake reservations soon to insure a spot.

R eservations, which requ ire a

$50 deposit per person, should be m ade through Skyline T ra v el.

F o r further inform ation, ca ll 846- 2651. o r w rite to Skyline T ra v e l Building at noon and 12:30 pm Dec 14 and 1 5 -a n d it w on 't coat you a


Dokumen terkait

1382 outcomes taught by conventional learning, 2 the average result score student learning in students who are taught with inquiry learning strategies have a significant difference in

Based on the results and discussion that have been described, there are significant differences in the average group for students who live in urban and rural areas which have been