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Building Structure Lightning Protection Calculations

Adhy Keraf

Academic year: 2024

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Building / Structure Lighting Protection Calculations

Calculations As per IS-2309 Jignesh.N.Parmar, www.electricalnotes.wordpress.com Area of Building / Structure:

Length of the Building : (L) 80.42 Meter

Width of the Building :(W) 24.40 Meter

Height of the Building: (H) 23.00 Meter

Lightning Flash Density:

Number of Thunderstorm: (N) 80.00 Days/Year

6.9 km2/Year

Application of Structure :(A) Houses & Buildings with outside aerial 0.7

Type of Constructions :(B) Reinforced concrete without Metal Roof 0.4

Conteats or Consequential Effects: (C) Power stations / Gas works 1

Degree of Isolations: (D) Structure in a large area having greater height 0.4

Type of Country: (E) Flat country at any level 0.3

Maximum Acceptable Overall Risk Factor 0.000001 >


Collection Area: (Ac) 8445.028

Probable No of Strikes to Building / Structure :(P) 0.0582706932 No's/Year

Overall Multiplying Factor : (M) 0.03360

Overall Risk Factor Calculated: (xc) 0.00195789529152

Base Area of Structure:

Base Area of Structure: ( Ab) 1962.248

Perimeter of Structure: (P) 209.64 Meter

Base Area (Ab) > 100 Meter2 Yes >


Calculated Overall Risk Factor Calculated > Maximum Acceptable Overall Risk Factor

Lightning Protection is Required.


No's of Down Conductors:

Down Conductors As per Base Area of Structure:(s) 7 No's

Down Conductors As per Parimeter of Structure: (t) 7 No's

Required No's of Down Conductors 7 No's

Lightning Flash Density : (Ng)




Referance Table As per IS:2309

Thunder Storm Days / Year 5

10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100

Application of Structure Houses & Buildings

Houses & Buildings with outside aerial Factories / workshop/ Laboratories Office blocks / Hotel

Block of Flats / Residences Building

Churches/ Hall / Theatres / Museums, Exhibitions Departmental stores / Post Offices

Stations / Airports / Stadium

Schools / Hospitals / Children's Home Others

Type of Constructions Steel framed encased without Metal Roof Reinforced concrete without Metal Roof Steel framed encased with Metal Roof Reinforced concrete with Metal Roof

Brick / Plain concrete or masonry without Metal Roof Timber framed or clad without Metal Roof

Brick / Plain concrete or masonry with Metal Roof Timber framed or clad with Metal Roof

Conteats or Consequential Effects Domestic / Office Buildings

Factories / Workshop

Industrial & Agricultural Buildings Power stations / Gas works

Telephone exchange / Radio Station Industrial key plants, Ancient monuments Historic Buildings / Museums / Art Gallaries Schools / hoapitals / Childern Homes


Structure in a large area having greater height Structure located in a area of the same height Structure completely Isolated

Type of Country Flat country at any level

Hill country

Mountain country between 300m and 900m Mountain country above 900m


Referance Table As per IS:2309

0.2 0.5 1.1 1.9 2.8 3.7 4.7 6.9 9.2

Factor 0.3 0.7 1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.2

Factor 0.2 0.4 0.8 1 1.4 1.7 2

Factor 0.3 0.3 0.8 1 1 1.3 1.3 1.7

Lightning Flash Density (Flashes to Ground /km2/year)


0.4 1 2

Factor 0.3

1 1.3 1.7


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