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Buku Angular JS Notes For Professionals

gurmel singh

Academic year: 2024

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This is an unofficial free book created for educational purposes and is not affiliated with the official AngularJS group(s) or company(s) or Stack Overflow. The information presented in this book is not guaranteed to be correct or accurate, use at your own risk.

Getting started with AngularJS

Getting Started

If you use control bars you can see the actual Hello, {{name}} as the page loads before the expression is resolved (before the data is loaded) while if you use ng-bind it will display the data only when the name is resolved.

Showcasing all common Angular constructs

As an alternative, the ng-cloak directive can be used to prevent the helm from being displayed before it is compiled.

The importance of scope

Of course, most of the time we create a controller and inject the required functionality into that controller. However, it is important to note that even with the As controller syntax, there is a local scope.

Minification in Angular

AngularJS Getting Started Video Tutorials

The Simplest Possible Angular Hello World

We tell Angular which part of our DOM to treat as the main template using the ng-app directive. We can also write our own guidelines, and these will be treated the same as the built-in guidelines.




Run Blocks: run after the injector is created and used to start the application. here you can only inject instances into configuration blocks.


Basic Components and LifeCycle Hooks

Parameters passed to the component are available in the controller's scope just before its $onInit function is called by Angular.

Components In angular JS

Built-in directives

Angular expressions - Text vs. Number

To repeat multiple DOM elements by defining a start and end point, you can use the ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end directives. To access the index of the parent ng-repeat within the child ng-repeat, you can use $parent.$index.

Built-In Directives Cheat Sheet

The example above adds a 500 millisecond debounce effect to myValue, which updates the model 500 ms after the user finishes typing the input (that is, when the myValue finishes updating).

By default, ng-list does not consider whitespace unless you set ng-trim="false". And the model of the input box is set to the array created on the scope.

You can set the limit manually by assigning ng-list a delimeter like this ng-list. There is no visual difference when using trackBy, but Angular will detect changes by id instead of reference which is always a better solution.

The ng model variable in this case will be available in your controller as $scope.myName. This way you don't have to inject $scope into your controller to reference your ng model variable; the variable will be available as this.myName in your controller's function.

As you type in the input field or change it in any way, you will immediately see the updated value in the paragraph. You will need to refer to the controller scope by pre-adding the controller alias defined in the ng-controller attribute to the ng-model variable.

In the example above, the value stored in the input will be incremented when the button is double-clicked.

Use of in-built directives

Hide/Show HTML Elements

Custom Directives

Below you will find information about what directives are, as well as basic and advanced examples of how to use them.

Creating and consuming custom directives

Directive Definition Object Template

How to create resuable component using directive

New directives can simply be added inside reusableModuleApp.js and reusableModuleApp can have its own controller, services, DDO object inside the directive to define the behavior.

Basic Directive example

Directive decorator

The directive is called myDirective, so you need to configure myDirectiveDirective. this in an angular convention [read about providers]. This example adds an onClick event to the directive element when it is clicked, this happens during the compile phase.

Basic directive with template and an isolated scope

Building a reusable component

Directive inheritance and interoperability

How data binding works

Data Binding Example

For in-depth object validation, the object // value-based validation code should be implemented here watcher.last = newValue;. Similarly, if you have a directive that sets up a DOM event listener and changes some models inside a handler function, you must call $apply() to ensure that the changes take effect.

Angular Project - Directory Structure

Directory Structure

All the layout views and controllers go in the layout folder, the admin content goes in the admin folder, and so on.


Accessing a filtered list from outside an ng-repeat

Custom filter to remove values

Custom filter to format values

Using filters in a controller or service

Performing filter in a child array

Custom filters

Use a filter in a controller, a service or a filter

Create a filter with parameters

Simple filter example

In this case, the variable we defined in the controller, sample, is being filtered by the filter we created, addZ.


Create your first constant

Use cases

Custom filters with ES6

FileSize Filter using ES6

Directives using ngModelController

A simple control: rating

Control can of course be parameterized; use '= 1.5 to 3. If you need to take action every time a parameter changes, you can use a JavaScript property (see Object.defineProperty()) to store some views.

A couple of complex controls: edit a full object

Additionally, we rebuild the watch (this_unwatch(); this._makeWatch();), to avoid prompting the watcher for changes pushed to us by the model. We just want the watch to trigger the changes made to the UI.). In addition to the above points, we implement ngModel.$render() and call ngModel.$setViewValue() as in 3.


Your First Controller

Note that the name we pass here is the same as the name you set in your HTML with the ng-app directive. Note: For anything we want to be part of the controller instance, we use the this keyword.

Creating Controllers, Minification safe

Note: Angular uses two-way data binding, which means that no matter how you update the mc.title value, it will be reflected in both the controller and the page. When injecting dependencies using the array form, make sure that the list of dependencies matches the corresponding list of arguments passed to the controller function.

Using ControllerAs in Angular JS

Intentional Bug: Injected dependencies are reversed, which will cause a problem app.controller('sampleController', ['$scope', '$http',function($http, $scope) { $http.get('sample.json' );. It promotes the use of binding to a "dotted" object in the view (eg customer.name instead of name), which is more contextual, easier to read, and avoids reference problems that can occur without "dots ".

Creating Minification-Safe Angular Controllers

NOTE: using the controllerA syntax adds the current scope reference to the current controller so that it is available as a field.

Creating Controllers

Nested Controllers

Controllers with ES6


The Self Or This Variable In A Controller

Understanding The Purpose Of The Self Variable

That's the beauty of using the "self" variable in your controllers - you can access it anywhere in your controller and you can always be sure it's referring to your controller instance.


Creating a service using angular.factory

Dierence between Service and Factory

But if you don't want to use a constructor and instead use a simple API pattern, then there isn't much flexibility in .service(). 2) Factory. Let's see an example where factory is used to return an object using a standard Revealing module pattern function StudentDetailsService($http).

How to create a Service

How to use a service

How to create a Service with dependencies using 'array syntax'

Registering a Service

Distinguishing Service vs Factory

Factory VS Service once-and-for-all

Angular promises with $q service

Wrap simple value into a promise using $q.when()

Using angular promises with $q service

The purpose of a promise object is to allow interested parties to access the result of a deferred task when it has completed. In addition, the notification callback may be called zero or more times to provide an indication of progress before the promise is resolved or rejected.

Using the $q constructor to create promises

The constructor function takes a function that is called with two arguments, resolve and reject which are functions used to resolve or reject the promise. The above code showing a promise division function, it will return a promise with the result or reject it with a reason if the computation is impossible.

Avoid the $q Deferred Anti-Pattern

There is no need to make a promise with $q.defer, because the $http service already returns a promise.

Using $q.all to handle multiple promises

Deferring operations using $q.defer

Dependency Injection

Dynamic Injections

Dynamically load AngularJS service in vanilla JavaScript


Using angular event system

The reason for cleaning the registered events is because even the controller has been destroyed, the handling of the registered event is still alive.

Always deregister $rootScope.$on listeners on the scope $destory event

Uses and significance

Sharing Data

Using ngStorage to share data

Sharing data from one controller to another using service

Here we can see that myCtrl1 is used to set the data and myCtrl2 is used to get the data.

Form Validation

Form and Input States

CSS Classes

Basic Form Validation

The ng-model directive provides two-way binding with input fields, and usually the novalidate attribute is also placed on the form element to prevent the browser from performing native validation. This is not mandatory, but it is usually used since the input variables are already available at scope and therefore available to your submit function.

Custom Form Validation

For Angular to validate input, use exactly the same syntax as a regular input element, except for the addition of the ng-model attribute to specify which variable to bind to on the scope. The final steps for basic form validation is to connect to a form submission function on the controller using ng-submit, instead of allowing the default form submission to occur.

Async validators

The validator is defined as a directive that requires ngModel, so to use the validator you simply add a custom directive to the input form control.

Nested Forms

Routing using ngRoute

Basic example

Defining custom behavior for individual routes

Route parameters example

Three types of ng-class expressions

This creates a text input field bound to the UserStyle scope variable that lets the user type one or more class names. The user can also click the checkbox that is data bound to the alert scope variable.

Iterating over object properties

Tracking and Duplicates

Use of ng-style

Registration navigation

AngularJS bindings options (`=`, `@`, `&` etc.)

Bind optional attribute

Available binding through a simple sample






The Factory recipe constructs a new service using a function with zero or more arguments (these are dependencies on other services). The constructor can take zero or more arguments, representing the dependencies needed for the instance of this type.



Decorate service, factory

Decorate directive

Decorate filter


Print Service

Basic Example

Multiple Views

Using resolve functions to load data

The resolver functions must be resolved before the $stateChangeSuccess event is fired, meaning that the UI will not load until all the resolver functions in the state have completed. But you can see that the resolve function should be fast to avoid UI hang.

Nested Views / States

Built-in helper Functions

This ng iteration binds 5 elements to 5 variables, called number, with a different value for each of them. But as we saw, the context (or scope) of variables within ng-repeat is different from the context above it.

Each scope contains properties, which are the variables bound to the DOM, and the $digest and $watch functions are implemented as methods of the scope. This way - after the input is changed - $digest is called for the div's scope, which then runs the $digest for its 5 children - which will update its contents.

Angular $scopes

A function available in the entire app

Avoid inheriting primitive values

Using only non-primitive values ​​as scope properties will keep you on the safe side (unless you need a property to not inherit, or other cases where you are aware of scope inheritance).

Basic Example of $scope inheritance

How can you limit the scope on a directive and why would you do this?

Guidelines with the new isolated scope: When we create a new isolated scope, it will not be inherited from the parent scope. This new scope is called an Isolated scope because it is completely detached from its parent scope.

Using $scope functions

Of course, you can use ngMouseover for the same thing, but what's special about directives is that you can customize them however you want.

Creating custom $scope events

The above example fires all event listeners for my-event at the parent scope and continues down the scope tree to $rootScope unless a listener calls stopPropagation on the event. The inverse of $emit is $broadcast, which fires event listeners on all child scopes in the scope tree that are children of the scope that called $broadcast.

Using AngularJS with TypeScript

Using Bundling / Minification

Angular Controllers in Typescript

After creating the controller class, make the angular js module about the controller simple by using the class.

Using the Controller with ControllerAs Syntax

Why ControllerAs Syntax?

ControllerAs syntax makes it much clearer where objects are manipulated. With oneCtrl.name and. Hide the $scope and expose the members of the controller to the view via an intermediary object.

Timing of an $http request

Using $http inside a controller

Using $http request in a service

Prepare for Production - Grunt

View preloading

To use this way of concatenation, you need to make 2 changes: In your index.html file, you need to refer to the concatenated view file. In the file, where you declare your application, you should inject the dependency angular.module('app', ['app.templates']).

Script optimisation

If you are using popular routers like ui-router, there is no change in how templates are referenced.

Grunt tasks

Run application locally

To get your application up and running from scratch, store the above files in your project's root directory (any empty folder will do). There is only index.html template, angular code in app.js and few styles in app.css.

Lazy loading

Preparing your project for lazy loading


Usage with router

Using dependency injection

Using the directive

HTTP Interceptor

Generic httpInterceptor step by step

Getting Started

Flash message on response using http interceptor

Since only providers can be injected in the configure method of an angular module (that is httpProvider and not the rootscope), declare the method attached to rootscope inside the run method of angular module. Try to inject $rootScope or any other services inside the configuration method of angular module, the lifecycle of angular application does not allow it and unknown provider error will be thrown.

Session storage

Handling session storage through service using angularjs

Angular MVC

The Static View with controller

Controller Function Definition

Adding information to the model

SignalR with AngularJS

SignalR and AngularJS [ ChatProject ]

Go to your "/Application/Factories" directory and add the [SignalR-factory.js] file SignalR-factory.js.

Migration to Angular 2+

Converting your AngularJS app into a componend-oriented structure

Notice how we now reference the variable myUserList, which belongs to the controller, using . That's because, as you probably discovered after reading the documentation, $ctrl in the template now points to the controller function.

Introducing Webpack and ES6 modules

Now that you have a component that contains your application (whether it contains the entire application or a part of it, such as a view), you now need to start dividing your component into several nested components, wrapping parts of it in sub-components young people, and so on. After reading the Component documentation, you should already know how to use all those component features, but if you need a concrete example of a real simple application, you can check this out.

AngularJS with data filter, pagination etc

AngularJS display data with filter, pagination

Profiling and Performance

7 Simple Performance Improvements

With more viewers, the summary loop takes longer and the user interface becomes slower. If the observer detects change, the summary loop is started and the display is displayed again.

Bind Once

PROTIP: If you're looking for the best performance approach, go with the $inject property annotation approach. Note: However, this removes the two-way data binding for my.data, so whenever this field changes in your application, the same will not automatically be reflected in the view.


If an observer detects changes, it will start the digest loop (recalculation across the screen). You can count watchers with this script (credit @Words Like Jared - How to count total hours on a page.

Always deregister listeners registered on other scopes other than the current scope

If you don't want to create your own script, there's an open source utility called ng-stats that uses a real-time graph embedded in the page to give you insight into the number of watches Angular manages, as well as the .

Scope functions and filters

Debounce Your Model

Not only can you delay in time, but you can also delay when the action is triggered. If you don't want to update your ng model on every keystroke, you can also update it in blur.

Performance Profiling

All About Profiling

With this you can perform a free website speed test from many countries around the globe using real browsers (IE and Chrome) and with real consumer connection speeds. You can run simple tests or run advanced tests including multi-step transactions, video capture, content blocking and much more.


Using ng-inspect chrome extension

Application performance can be monitored by counting the number of scopes, isolateScopes, watchers, and listeners on the application.

Getting the Scope of element

Basic debugging in markup

An output of the model in a pre-tag is useful to see the current data for your model. The pre tag is used because inside that tag any newline character \n will be displayed correctly.

Unit tests

Unit test a component (1.5+)

Unit test a filter

Note: In the inject call in the test, your filter must be specified with the name + Filter. The reason for this is that whenever you register a filter for your module, Angular registers it with a filter added to the name.

Unit test a service

In the injection call in the test, your filter must be specified by its name + Filter.

Unit test a controller

Unit test a directive

AngularJS gotchas and traps

Things to do when using html5Mode

Two-way data binding stops working

7 Deadly Sins of AngularJS

Here the include creates a child scope and you can get a name variable, right, but any change to that variable will stay there. You can then access this variable in the include via the 'data' object and see that the two-way binding works perfectly.


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