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Buku Narrative text compilation of Islamic Stories

Devi Zhafira

Academic year: 2023

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Buku ini merupakan buku ringkasan yang ditulis oleh 15 siswa angkatan 2017 sebagai bentuk kepedulian penulis terhadap pengembangan keterampilan membaca siswa kelas tujuh sekolah menengah. Sebagai rangkuman hasil karya siswa, kami selaku guru yang mengajar mata kuliah Membaca Dasar mengucapkan terima kasih dan apresiasi atas hasil karya siswa dengan diterbitkannya buku ini dan sebagai bentuk sumbangsih kami berharap buku ini dapat dimanfaatkan. semakin baik dan dapat memberi warna baru. pada kelas Membaca VII saat ini.

حص ةب

After Rasulullah said this, I do it and in the name of Allah nothing of what I heard is forgotten." He answered the people who asked him. He was Mu'adh bin Jabal ra; He was included in the first group of 'Eshshabiqul Evvalun' (the first group to enter Islam). His name is Mu'adh bin Jabal." He mastered Al-Qur'an and the rules of all Islam.

And he answers: “I am free to do anything for the good of my daughter.” He just didn't want that if his daughter married a wrong person, she would lose her Iman. However, he was much loved by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam because of the piety he had towards him. The citizen was very surprised, he did not know whether that man was Salman Al-Farisis. “Please forgive me Amir, I don't know if you are the governor of Madain,” he said, “This job has no relation to my position.


Umar asked: "What makes you laugh Rasulullah?" Then Rasulullah replied: "I wonder about these women standing right next to me. He was one of the friends of Rasulullah who became the influential leader at that time, he pioneered many things and made the people prosperous.He was originally non-Muslim and converted to Islam the way he found his hidayah.

He was known as the well-organized leader and people placed faith and full respect in him. During his youth he was also known as the one who was really strong and respected. When he was jahiliyyah, he was just very harsh and criticized on Islam, especially Rasulullah.

He was an educated man and it was also proven in his family education system that he entered. He was also an integrated person who could not deal with any kind of cheating like corruption and other things.



Once Abu Bakar was walking with Ali while carrying Hasan on the back, he looked at Hasan and said, "he was so similar to Rosulullah, not to Ali". She had her son, Abdullah, in Madinah, and he was the first boy born there from the migrants.


And your Lord revealed to the bees: "Make nests in the hills, in the trees and in the places which. nest before bringing the extract of the flowers. Finally, every day Apin and his friends put the honey to the owner and take the extract of flowers in the garden.

Narrative Texts Summary ISLAMIC STORIES 146. The army of termites realized that they were sleeping in a palace without permission, they called him a little bird, he was a hud-hud bird. The bird said: "King Suleiman was in the middle of the palace, what do you want?". After a few minutes, the bird took the jacket to the place where King Suleiman was praying.

One day she met another camel and asked them. friends, do you know where my family is?" she asked. And who birthed me from stone?" she asked curiously. calm down dear, we'll explain it to you right away.". He wanted to kill Salam because he did not believe in the miracle of Prophet Sholiha.

Gundar and Mushada were happy and said "where is the disaster that Prophet Sholih promised. He took Sara back to the forest because he thought she must miss her people. Then Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta'ala sent them a kind person, which would change to the right path (worship of Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta'ala).

Many times Prophet Yunus, peace be upon him, spread the message of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to the villagers.


O shepherd, the king has asked you to face him!” said the guard, “Yes sir, Arraqim wait for me a little,” he replied. Don't lie to me, the palace guard doesn't eat mutton," said King Dikyanus. "But his family eats mutton," explained the shepherd. Assalamualaikum, I have bad news, King Dikyanus knew about our religion, and if he finds us, they will keep us alive burned," the shepherd told the teenagers. "So what should we do, Ya Allah, please save us," said the teenagers.

Yes sir” The seller replied: “I'm sorry sir, this is old money, where do you get it from, and your clothes are old, who are you?” The seller asked the shepherd. I am a shepherd, every day I took my sheep to the pasture and every now and then I go to the palace of King Dikyanus to sell a few pieces of mutton,” the shepherd explained. Please tell me, what happened to you?” Then the shepherd told everything to the seller, including the end of the day.


He said, "Well, I'm afraid to face them because they have enough power and we have nothing to do with it". But one animal called a horse was really brave and fearless to fight against humans because they believe that as long as we fight against the unfairness that comes from humans, Allah SWT will always be with us. The horse said, "As long as we have Allah SWT and unite, we can win the war and be stronger than ever before."

In the statement, all the animals felt confident and ready for the war ahead. Horses were known to be able to fight because the horses had burning feet if they stepped on a stone and whatnot. Directly, the army of animals led by horses is currently brave and has a new spirit to preserve their land.

Man deliberately wanted to attack the earth because he did not feel enough of the earth. A fearless animal army fought for the human army and attacked everyone. Horses as a leader believed that as long as you fight for justice and resist the greed of people, we will win the war.

The spirit of the beast's army was really great, so they were able to fall back on the human army. Besides, Allah also said that man is ungrateful, this is stated in ayat number 6 by the translation "Undoubtedly, man is very ungrateful to his Lord". Through this we can also conclude that the invasion done by man was due to their greed and that they did not feel enough of what they got.

As time went on, the animal army led by horses attacked the human army and.


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