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View of Bureaucrat-Distributor Relations of Agricultural Products in Maintaining Food Availability in Samarinda City


Academic year: 2023

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Bureaucrat-Distributor Relations of Agricultural Products in Maintaining Food Availability in Samarinda City

Galang Raga Sitandang* & Tri Sulistyaningsih

Department of Government Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia

Received: 2 May 2023; Reviewed: 18 June 2023; Accepted: 24 June 2023


This article aims to examine how the relationship between bureaucrats and distributors of agricultural products in maintaining food availability in the city of Samarinda. The problem is focused on the process of relations that occur between the government and distributors of agricultural products which include training and guidance on proper food processing and storage techniques as well as on the requirements and regulations that must be met in the trade of food ingredients, product promotion and cooperation with food grocery stores. InTopproach this problem, strategy theory from Marrus is used which is then dissected to answer the problem of food availability in the city of Samarinda. The data were collected through field observations, documentation, and literature review and were analyzed qualitatively. This study concludes that the relationship between bureaucrats and distributors of agricultural products implements government programs carried out by the food and agriculture security service to maintain food security in the city of Samarinda. Collaboration occurs between bureaucrats and distributors of agricultural products in maintaining food security by always processing and storing food ingredients effectively. In addition, strengthening regulations also needs to be done so that there are clear regulations regarding the requirements that must be met in the trade of food ingredients and product promotion as well as cooperation with grocery stores. Collaboration occurs bn bureaucrats and distributors of agricultural products in maintaining food security by always processing and storing food ingredients effectively. In addition, strengthening regulations also needs to be done so that there are clear regulations regarding the requirements that must be met in the trade of food ingredients and product promotion as well as cooperation with grocery stores. Collaboration occurs between bureaucrats and distributors of agricultural products in maintaining food security by always processing and storing food ingredients effectively. In addition, strengthening regulations also needs to be done so that there are clear regulations regarding the requirements that must be met in the trade of food ingredients and product promotion as well as cooperation with grocery stores.

Keywords: Relationship; Food availability; Bureaucrats; Distributor; Samarinda.

How to Cite: Sitandang, G.R., & Sulistyaningsih, T., (2023), Bureaucrat-Distributor Relations of Agricultural Products in Maintaining Food Availability in Samarinda City, PERSPEKTIF, 12 (3): 904-911

*Corresponding authors:

E-mail: galangragasitandang@gmail.com ISSN2549-1660 (Print)

ISSN 2550-1305 (Online)



The relationship between bureaucrats and distributors of food products is very important in maintaining food availability in an area. Bureaucrats are responsible for designing policies that regulate the agricultural sector, as well as providing technical guidance and supervision in the implementation of these policies. Meanwhile, distributors of food products are responsible for marketing agricultural products from farmers to consumers. The bureaucrats referred to here are the government and Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) for Food Security and Agriculture which specifically regulate issues that are the main topic of discussion this time.

These two parties complement each other to maintain food availability. Bureaucrats provide support in terms of permits and permits, as well as provide technical guidance and supervision to distributors of agricultural products.

Meanwhile (Issn & Tsani, 2022).

The Samarinda City Food and Agriculture Security Service is a local government agency responsible for developing the agricultural sector and food security in the Samarinda City area, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The duties of the Samarinda City Food and Agriculture Security Service include planning, developing, coordinating, implementing, evaluating, and controlling policies and programs in agriculture and food security. The relationship between the Food Security and Agriculture Office of Samarinda City and food distributors here is reflected in one of the main programs run by the Food Security and Agriculture Service of Samarinda City, namely the Development of food security (Widuri, 2019).

The Food Security and Agriculture Service of Samarinda City must be responsible for ensuring the availability of sufficient food for the people of Samarinda City by developing various types of local food and encouraging the development of processed food businesses.

Because, in realizing this program, the agency cannot work alone, so there must be cooperation with food distributors who are tasked with marketing agricultural products from farmers to consumers.

Cooperation between the Samarinda City Food and Agriculture Security Service and food distributors can take place in the form of training and guidance, the Samarinda City Food and Agriculture Security Service can provide training and guidance to distributors of agricultural products regarding good food

processing and storage techniques as well as the requirements and regulations that must be complied with in the trading of foodstuffs.

Apart from that, another form of cooperation that can be carried out is in the marketing process. Distributors of agricultural products can cooperate with the agency in marketing local agricultural products to the people of Samarinda City. This can be done through product promotion and cooperation with grocery stores in the City of Samarinda.

In carrying out cooperation with distributors, the government must have a clear goal, namely to maintain food availability in the city of Samarinda. According to Thomas R. Dye (Mazli, 2012), government policy is " whatever governments choose to do or not to do" and is whatever the government chooses, whether to do something or not to do something. Dye said that if the government chooses to do something then there must be a purpose and that public policy covers all government actions, so it is not merely a statement of the will of the government or government officials.

In the last 4 (four) years the percentage of rice availability in 2015 was 11.70% with a large deficiency percentage of -88.30% and experienced a decrease in the percentage of supply in 2016 of only 9.97% with an increase in the percentage deficit of 1 .73% to -90.03%

and in 2017 there was an increase in the percentage of supply of 17.38% with a decrease in the percentage of deficit of 7.41% to -82.62%

and also in 2018 again experienced an increase in the percentage of availability of rice by 19 .23% with a decrease in the percentage deficit needed for rice by 1.86% to -80.76% in other words that rice production in Samarinda City is not sufficient to meet the rice needs of the people of Samarinda City every year (Primary, 2020).

The Samarinda City Government together with the Food Security and Agriculture Office have implemented various programs and activities to increase food production and food availability in this region. Programs and activities carried out by the Samarinda City Government together with the Food Security and Agriculture Service are developing the agricultural sector, the Samarinda City government has developed the agricultural sector in this area by providing technical and capital assistance to farmers, as well as introducing modern agricultural technology.

This is expected to increase local food production. Holding a food assistance program,


the City Government of Samarinda has also implemented a food assistance program for underprivileged people in this region. This program aims to increase people's access to adequate and nutritious food. To provide modern markets, the government of Samarinda City has also built modern markets in this area, so that people can get easier access to food. To develop livestock, the government of Samarinda City is also developing the livestock sector in this area, such as the development of chicken and beef farms. This is expected to increase meat and milk production which can meet the food needs of the community.

In this analysis, the focus is on Pasar Segiri which is in the city of Samarinda. Segiri Market is one of the famous markets in the city of Samarinda and is a busy place visited by local people to buy their daily needs (Rahayu &

Sukmono, 2013). Even though the Segiri market is a traditional market, the quality and safety of the food sold in this market are still considered.

The Samarinda City Food and Agriculture Security Service and distributors play a role in ensuring the availability and quality of food sold at the Segiri market.

Seeing from previous research conducted by(Ja et al., 2022)has provided a broad understanding of regulation and food security in the city of Samarinda. Additional information was also provided by (Sandy & Partha, 2022) who researched the strategies of flood-affected farmers in Lempake Village, Samarinda.

Valuable information was also provided by (Widuri, 2019) which provides an understanding of the level of food security of rice farming households in Tani Aman Village, Loa Janan Ilir District, Samarinda City.

However, what many people don't know is how food security is created, assisted in terms of the relationship that occurs between bureaucrats and distributors of agricultural products. For this reason, an explanation of the relationship between bureaucrats and distributors of agricultural products will be presented in this research article.

This study aims to analyze the relationship that occurs between bureaucrats and distributors of agricultural products in maintaining the availability of food in the city of Samarinda. So that comprehensive research can provide an understanding of these problems.


The research method is the procedure for how research will be carried out. The research method used in this study is qualitative. Qualitative research, according to (Sugiyono, 2016) is a research method used to examine the condition of natural objects and to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects (such as behavior, perceptions, actions, etc.) thoroughly and descriptively by using various natural methods in natural contexts.

Descriptive research according to (Sugiyono, 2017) is a research method used to determine the value of an independent variable, either one variable or more, or an independent variable. The descriptive research model helps analyze data in writing using qualitative research methods.

This model provides an in-depth explanation of the problem of the Bureaucrat-Distributor Relations of Agricultural Products in Maintaining Food Availability in Samarinda City and analyzes the related variables.

Data Collection Techniques, according to (Creswell, 2012) data collection is a process to identify limitations in data search so that researchers can focus on data that is relevant to the research topic. Sources of data can come from researchers' observations, interviews with informants, documents from related agencies, or results of related literature.

Data collection was carried out in this study

as follows: Observation. Observation is the

process of collecting data by recording and

reporting problems that are the subject of

research. The focus of observation is to

increase the researcher's sensitivity to

interesting phenomena about data related

to the problem under study. Therefore,

researchers must be sensitive and analyze

data carefully. To apply the observation

strategy, problems related to the

relationship between bureaucrats and

distributors of agricultural products in

maintaining food availability in Samarinda

City were observed directly.


Documentation, according (Sugiyono, 2017) documentation is a technique used to obtain data and information in the form of written numbers, pictures, books, archives, documents, and reports that can support research. It is hoped that documentation that is accountable, clear, and accurate together with the data collected can increase the validity of the research.

Data analysis technique. Data analysis is a method of processing data collected from documentation, interviews, or literature studies. The purpose of analyzing or interpreting this data is to find out how the results were obtained and then relate them to the case or research problem. Data collection techniques according to (Matthew B. Miles, 1992) include 3 processes, namely: a) Data reduction. The required data will be processed through data reduction by the substance requirements related to the problems to be discussed in the research analysis. This includes data obtained from observation of the problem, interviewing informants, and documentation of the three required data collection methods. b) Data presentation, after the data that has been collected is reduced or through the filtering stage, then it is compiled by way of narration or description of the data.

It aims to make it easy for readers to understand the results and essence of the research. c) Drawing Conclusions. Conclusion drawing is the final stage of the interactive data analysis process. The results of the reduced data and then restated as part of the research report.


Strategies to Maintain Food Security

(Marrus, 2002) explains that strategy is a process carried out by top leaders to establish plans to achieve long-term organizational goals, along with making plans or actions to achieve them.

Food security is the ability of a country, region, or community to meet the food needs of its population in a sustainable manner (Chaireni et al., 2020). The concept of food security involves accessibility, availability, stability,y and utilization of sufficient, safe, nutritious, ous and highly nutritious food.

The concept of food security becomes relevant in the context of sustainable food supply for residents of the city of Samarinda.

Samarinda City is one of the major cities in East

Kalimantan, Indonesia, with a significant population. In facing the challenges of food security, the City of Samarinda needs to ensure that the food needs of its population are met sustainably.

One important aspect in securing food security in Samarinda City is through the development of the local agricultural sector.

Samarinda City has potential natural resources and agricultural land that can be used to produce food locally. By developing sustainable local agriculture, Samarinda City can reduce dependence on food supplies from outside the city or the region.

The Samarinda City Food Security Agency has a strategy to ensure adequate food availability in the city. This strategy needs to be implemented as an effort to meet food needs, especially rice, considering that the population in Samarinda continues to increase every year.

Efforts to maintain food availability are carried out by producing in the region and importing rice from other regions. Only in this way can the food needs of the people be met. The agency has made efforts to provide basic foodstuffs, especially rice, and in 2018 the capacity to provide staple foods, especially rice, and soybeans, is still lacking by 2%, but increased by 5% in 2019. This shows that the agency has succeeded in maintaining good food availability. Although food distribution is still limited, the availability of food in Samarinda this year is sufficient compared to previous years. However, the availability of rice still depends on assistance from other cities such as Balikpapan, Bontang and several other cities because the ratio of dependence on rice from other regions, especially imports from outside the city, is still quite high. Food production capacity in the Samarinda region is still lacking, so food availability needs to be supported by imports of food ingredients. The agency is trying to increase food production, both for food crops, horticultural plantations, and livestock, because all of these ingredients are needed for food availability. and several other cities because the ratio of dependence on rice from other regions, especially imports from outside the city, is still quite high. Food production capacity in the Samarinda region is still lacking, so food availability needs to be supported by imports of food ingredients. The agency is trying to increase food production, both for food crops, horticultural plantations, and livestock, because all of these ingredients are needed for food availability. and several


other cities because the ratio of dependence on rice from other regions, especially imports from outside the city, is still quite high. Food production capacity in the Samarinda region is still lacking, so food availability needs to be supported by imports of food ingredients. The agency is trying to increase food production, both for food crops, horticultural plantations, and livestock, because all of these ingredients are needed for food availability.

Forms of Relations Bureaucrats-Distributors of Agricultural Products in the City of Samarinda

The relationship between bureaucrats and agricultural product distributors in Samarinda City involves strengthening regulations that aim to ensure the continuity and sustainability of the distribution of agricultural products efficiently and safely (Listi, 2015). Bureaucrats work closely with distributors in developing and implementing policies and regulations governing aspects related to the distribution of agricultural products, such as quality standards, sanitation, certification and business permits.

Through this collaboration, bureaucrats provide direction and guidelines to distributors regarding the requirements that must be met in the distribution of agricultural products. They also carry out regular monitoring and evaluation to ensure that distributors comply with the regulations. This helps maintain public trust in agricultural products sold by distributors, as well as encourages product quality and safety improvements. The form of the relationship between bureaucrats and distributors of agricultural products can be explained as follows:

a) Training and Guidance on Food Processing and Storage Techniques in Samarinda City

As stakeholders, bureaucrats are required to fulfill their responsibilities towards society. One way is to always ensure the availability of food. This is very important in building public trust in government performance. What can be done is to conduct training and guidance to actors in the distribution of agricultural products from farmers to consumers (Wibowo, 2020). In this case the action that can be taken by the government is to socialize to distributors in caring for food or agricultural products so that their quality is maintained. The geographical condition of the East Kalimantan region which is not yet fully suitable for distributors must be

a concern of the Samarinda City Food Security Service as a related bureaucrat. This is because distributors often experience obstacles in the process of delivering food or agricultural products, so they have to stay on the side of the road. Therefore, training and coaching is needed for distributors so that the things that are feared do not happen.

b) Strengthening Food Security Regulations in Samarinda City

Food security is very important for the survival of the people in Samarinda City.

Therefore, the government needs to strengthen regulations related to the production, distribution and import of food so that food availability can be guaranteed (Sulisyanto et al., 2023). Strong regulations can guarantee food production to meet people's needs, as well as guarantee the quality and safety of food consumed. In addition, strong regulations can also encourage local farmers and producers to increase food production and quality so as to reduce dependence on food imports from other regions. In addition, the government also needs to pay attention to adequate infrastructure to support food production and distribution. In strengthening regulations, the government can work with various parties, such as farmers, food producers, and the public to maintain food security. Thus, food security in Samarinda City can be guaranteed, and people can obtain sufficient, quality, and safe food for consumption.

c) Product Promotion and Cooperation with Grocery Stores in Samarinda City

Product promotion and cooperation with grocery stores are very important for the government in maintaining food security in Samarinda City. Through product promotion, people will be more familiar with food products produced in their area and have a higher awareness in choosing local products.

Meanwhile, cooperation with grocery stores allows local food products to be more easily available on the market, thus strengthening regional food availability (Hardjanto et al., 2022).

In this collaboration, the government can facilitate meetings between farmers and grocery stores, thereby facilitating the transaction process between the two parties and also strengthening the relationship between the two. The government can also facilitate training for farmers on more effective production and marketing techniques, so that


food products produced can be of higher quality and are in demand by grocery stores. In addition, the government can provide incentives for grocery stores that are committed to selling local food products, thereby encouraging more grocery stores to participate in efforts to maintain food security in Samarinda City.

Factors Constraining Food Availability.

(1) Climate change and extreme weather Climate change and extreme weather can be a limiting factor in food availability. Climate changes such as global warming can affect weather patterns, including droughts, floods and tropical storms. In some cases, prolonged droughts can reduce crop production or even stop production on some farms. On the other hand, floods and tropical storms can damage crops and agricultural infrastructure needed to produce and transport food. In addition, extreme weather can affect the quality and quantity of production so that it can reduce the availability of existing food supplies (Apriyana et al., 2016).

Climate change and extreme weather can also affect the availability of water which is very important for agriculture. In some cases, an increase in temperature can increase the demand for water for plants, while a decrease in rainfall can reduce the available water supply. This can reduce agricultural productivity and affect food supply.

Therefore, it is important for us to pay attention to climate change and extreme weather in an effort to increase food availability. This can be done by increasing the resilience of agriculture, such as developing drought-resistant crop varieties or improving agricultural infrastructure to deal with extreme weather. In addition, climate change mitigation efforts are also important to reduce the impact of climate change on food availability in the future.

(2) Poverty

Poverty can be a factor that hinders food availability. People living in poverty tend to have limited access to adequate and nutritious food. Food needs are not met due to limited resources, such as lack of access to food markets and access to agricultural supporting infrastructure. In addition, they may not be able to buy enough food to meet their nutritional needs because the price is too high.

Poverty can also affect the quality of food available (Susanto & Pangesti, 2021). They may

only be able to buy cheap and less nutritious foods such as high-calorie but low-nutrient foods or fast food. This can affect their health and increase their risk of nutrition related diseases.

To overcome this problem, it is necessary to make efforts to reduce poverty, increase access to food, and improve the quality of food available. One solution that can be done is to provide access to basic food assistance programs and cheap nutritious food. In addition, the government and non- governmental organizations can provide support to the agricultural sector and improve agricultural supporting infrastructure to increase food production, so that food can be available at affordable prices for people in need.

(3) Dependence on One Type of Plant

Dependence on one type of plant can be a factor inhibiting food availability. When a country or region depends on a single type of crop to meet their food needs, production instability can occur due to an imbalance between demand and supply. For example, if a country only relies on rice as its main source of carbohydrates, if there is damage to rice crops due to natural disasters or disease outbreaks, this will have a negative impact on the food supply in that country (Adriana et al., 2019).

In addition, dependence on one type of plant can also affect the balance of nutrients in one's diet. Each type of plant has a different nutritional profile, and if a person eats only one type of plant, then they may be deficient in essential nutrients. This can have a negative impact on health and increase the risk of developing nutrition-related diseases.

To overcome this problem, it is important for us to widen the variety of types of plants consumed and reduce dependence on one type of plant. This can be done by supporting diverse agriculture and cultivating different varieties of crops. In addition, it is also necessary to increase awareness of the importance of obtaining balanced nutrition and providing access to various types of food for the community. This can help ensure the availability of healthy and nutritious food for everyone.

(4) Conflict and War

Even though Samarinda is an area with minimal conflict and war, conflict and war can be a limiting factor in the availability of food in this region. Conflict and war can affect agricultural infrastructure, food supply and food prices. This condition occurs due to


damage to agricultural infrastructure due to conflict and war. In addition, war and conflict can result in the displacement or displacement of people from their homes, which deprives them of access to agricultural and food resources that they previously had.

Conflicts and wars can also affect food prices. This condition occurs because conflict and war can affect access to food supply and distribution, resulting in an increase in food prices. This can make it difficult for people to buy enough and nutritious food.

To solve this problem, it is important for the government and non-governmental organizations to work together to build agricultural infrastructure and provide access to agricultural resources for the community (Syarief et al., 2017). In addition, it is also necessary to make efforts to reduce conflict and war in the region through dialogue and diplomacy. This can help ensure the availability of sufficient and affordable food for the people of Samarinda.

(5) Infrastructure and Transportation Limitations

Limited infrastructure and transportation can be a factor that hinders food availability. This condition occurs because poor and inadequate infrastructure can hinder access to agricultural resources and the distribution of food to markets and other needs (Amri, 2014). Damaged and potholed roads and damaged bridges can hinder the transportation of agricultural goods and food from farmers to markets, which in turn affects the availability of food for the community.

In addition, poor infrastructure and ineffective transportation can affect food prices. This condition occurs because high costs for food transportation and distribution will result in higher food prices. As a result, people who are less well off will find it difficult to buy sufficient and nutritious food.

To overcome this problem, the government needs to develop adequate and effective infrastructure and increase access to affordable transportation for farmers and food distributors. This can help facilitate access to agricultural resources and the distribution of food to markets and other needs. In addition, efforts should also be made to develop effective food preservation technologies and build efficient food storage and distribution networks. This can help ensure the availability

of sufficient and affordable food for the community.


Good synergy between the bureaucracy and distributors is very important in maintaining the availability of sufficient and quality food in Indonesia. Some of the obstacles faced by distributors in food distribution include unclear regulations, complicated and expensive permits, and bureaucracy that slows down the distribution process. On the other hand, the bureaucracy also faces problems in quality control and food safety as well as stricter enforcement of regulations. Therefore, there needs to be good synergy between the bureaucracy and distributors in overcoming these obstacles.

Bureaucratic efforts such as quality control and food safety and the implementation of training programs for small and medium distributors need to be continuously improved and encouraged. In addition, the implementation of a more modern traditional market development program also needs to be realized. Thus, it is expected to increase the availability of quality and safe food for the people of Indonesia, especially in areas that are less accessible to modern markets. The existence of a good synergy between the bureaucracy and distributors will speed up the distribution of food and improve the quality and safety of food provided to the public.


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