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Chapter I. Introduction


Academic year: 2023

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Chapter I. Introduction

a. Background of research

Starting with the issue of climate change that happen around the world, the idea of this thesis come. Climate change has been the world’s enemy for a long time. In big cities, small villages, and even near the coast, humans will continuously develop. There will be new buildings every month, new open plantations that will erode rainforest areas, new technologies, and new products. With this development, a lot of pollution and gas emissions are created resulting in the impact of climate change getting bigger. It is getting more and more worrying every year. We already experience some difficulties like water volume increases due to melting ice, and dry water sources, and that is the impact of what we do. We are too much utilizing the environment and not caring enough to take care of it. There are of course some people or organizations who have been involved in the movement to protect the environment from climate change impact. We can’t stop it immediately because it has been running for years and we already starting to feel the impact. The things we can do is to make it lighter and reduce it little by little with the hope that in the next few years a dying environment can be saved.

Indonesia, as a part of the earth that globally experiences the impact of climate change, also experiences environmental problems that also affect human life. Due to the large natural environment that Indonesia has, the people who already understand the importance of having a healthy natural environment must protect it for the future. We have so many animals, plants, so many natural resources that still need to be known and enjoyed by the next generation. But even right now, we already lost some of our endemic animals and plants that have lost their habitat due to land clearing. If we keep endangering our environment, the effect will not only be felt by animals and plants but also by humans. The lives of humans are also threatened. For example, if the state of the soil has deteriorated due to loss of microorganisms from the wrong chemical use, farmers often experience corps failure, their corps are not producing as they should and their sales are down; or on some small islands, the sea boundaries have started to creep up and forced the residents on the coast to retreat to their dwellings, some places have increased temperature that can affect the health, hail that suddenly appear that caused by land- use change, indiscriminate dumping which can contribute to gas emission and, once again, affect the health, and rampant deforestation that can reduce groundwater supplies. This symptom will destroy the environment and is the only one that can improve the situation for humans. To better Indonesia in the future and to do that people need to understand how dire


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our situation is and what can we do.

There are a lot of little things we can do to help the government program related to environmental health. Many people underestimate waste, they think as long as we throw waste into the trash bin it will be alright. But in fact, as simple as throwing waste into the right trash bin can save us a little. We can separate organic and non-organic waste to reduce gas emissions so that waste can be processed properly. Food waste is one of the factors that can endanger environmental safety. If there is a fulfillment of food needs, the land required will be even greater. Rampant deforestation to open the plantation sounds like a great idea but has a very bad impact on the environment. It would be better to use the existing land as much as possible rather than having to open new land and displace the surrounding forest. Agricultural development needs to be considered. In some cases, our farmers produce fine quality rice but people choose to buy rice from another country, which makes the rice we produce become waste and end up in the landfill. If this case keeps continuing this will make emitting gas take part in supplying greenhouse gas emissions that can create more after-effect that is worse for all aspects of life.

Many human actions contribute to the shape and state of the environment in the future.

The research focuses on the relationship between human habits and the natural environment case. To tell how everything we do, and everything we act can affect other aspects such as plants, animals, the environment, and of course human life itself. And also to tell what can we do to help the environment slowly recover. The place is focused on the areas in Kopeng Village where you can see the closest interactions between nature and humans, especially in the agricultural sector to see how farmers’ habits in taking care of their plants can affect plant growth and even have an impact on the surrounding environment.

b. Research questions

Thia research takes place in the agricultural sector in Kopeng Village and covers this question:

1. How do farmers’ habits in Kopeng village affect the growth of crops?


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c. Objectives of the research

The research is aim to show that farmers have an important role in the agriculture section. They have an influence on their farm and their surrounding environment too. Their habit is one factor that can lead them to successful harvest or crop failure based on how they grow their plants. This is also to become an example to the reader about the impact that our behavior has on the development of the natural environment.

d. Literature review

An article, “Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Tomat Kultivar Intan dan Mutiara pada Berbagai Jenis Tanah” contains the results of trials of two superior cultivars in four different soils to determine which soils are compatible with these cultivars. Based on the article, plant growth and yield were strongly influenced by cultivar type. The results showed that there was an interaction between cultivar and soil type on fruit weight per plant. While cultivar significantly affected plant height, branch number, stem diameter, cluster number, flower number, fruit weight, and fruit number per plant. (Sutapraja) Other than soil and cultivars, the quality of tomatoes and what underlies their health is also determined by fertilizers and how to care for them. This article does not discuss the importance of using fertilizers and medicine which are needed by tomatoes to avoid pests and maintain their nutrition. Although it comes from superior cultivars and is said to be more resistant to pests than other cultivars.

“BUDIDAYA TANAMAN TOMAT” discusses how to grow tomatoes. This article discusses cultivation techniques for post-harvest in a short and easy-to-understand discussion.

It turns out that besides the highlands, tomatoes can also grow in the medium and lowlands.

There are several factors that affect the color of tomatoes, and one of them is temperature. Pada temperatur tinggi (di atas 32°C) warna buah tomat cenderung kuning, sedangkan pada temperatur tidak tetap warna buah cenderung tidak merata. Temperatur ideal dan berpengaruh baik terhadap warna buah tomat adalah antara 24°C - 28°C yang umumnya merah merata. (Ir. Sri Mustika) In the discussion about maintenance, the emphasis in the article is watering. According to the data obtained from the field, the maintenance of tomato plants does not only include watering but also the way to take care of pests and how diligent is the farmers to cut any rotting leaves and rotting branches. The field study also stated that once the leaves or branches rot, there’s no other way to cure it other than cutting. Medicine just to make sure that other parts don't get affected. (Slamet) The focus topic in the article and the field data


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gathered are similar but there is information from the data that is not included in the article.

The article explains about tomato cultivation in general while the field data tells about the deeper care of tomato farming.

“Heat Unit Approach for Determining Growth and Development Phases of Tomato Plants in Greenhouse” discusses the results of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse. All data from temperature to solar radiation intensity were recorded neatly to find the impact of using greenhouses on tomato plant growth. There are many things to consider when growing tomato plants in a greenhouse. Temperature, humidity, and the intensity of solar radiation must also be considered carefully. Radiation solar transmitted into the house plants will cause the air temperature in the plant house is larger than the air temperature outside the plant house. If the air temperature in the greenhouse is too dry it will cause damage to the tomato flower buds.


In “Pengaruh Kondisi Tanah pada Tanaman” it is said that soil is one of the factors that determine plant growth. And indeed soil plays the most important function in the agricultural sector. Soil that supports plant fertility is soil that contains organic, inorganic, water, and air substances in sufficient condition and is available in accordance with plant growth. (Rina) This article, in addition to mentioning and explaining why soil is very important for plant growth, also mentions the structure of the soil from the lumps of its constituent particles, such as loose soil, clay, and sandy soil. The author of this article also discusses soil that is experiencing a decline in fertility and how to deal with it.

In this article, “Mengenal Hama Pada Tanaman Tomat Dan Cara Pengendaliannya”

(Administrator) we discuss several types of pests and how to deal with each of them if they attack tomato plants. This article also describes the characteristics of plants affected by pests and their prevention before they are actually attacked. There are several methods mentioned and they are very helpful for farmers to be more aware of their crops. Raising tomato plants requires a lot of energy and extra care because these plants are very susceptible to pests and diseases.

e. Significance of the research

Human actions are one of the factors that can affect the state of the environment around them and can increase the impact that has already occurred. With the industrial era, we already


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emit a lot of gas into the atmosphere, and waste is also not handled properly so it is detrimental to the environment. This project analyzed how human behavior, in this case, farmers, can affect the condition of their plantation and the feedback to farmers themselves.

f. Research methodology

The project is conducted with data collected first. The data was gathered through library research about climate and nature development, some webinars on an environmental topic, and interviews with local villagers, especially farmers to find out what problems that happening in their fields and their habits in caring for crops. A field data gatherer to see the real situation on the field has also been done. After the data was gathered, the data was sorted to see which data was used for the project writing.

i. Theoretical framework

I use ecocriticism with a focus on a human and natural environmental relationship.

Ecocriticism is the study of the relationship between human and non-human, cultural history and entails a critical analysis of the term ‘human’ itself (Gerrad, 2004). This theory is suited to criticize people’s behavior and put it into the story with the hope that we can find a way to take action against the destruction of natural habitats. Ecocriticism investigates the relationship between humans and the natural world with a focus on how individuals react concerning the natural aspect. According to Buell (2005), ecocriticism is divided into two waves. In the first waves of ecocriticism ‘environment’ is referring to the ‘natural environment, the realism of both ‘natural’ and ‘human’ seems to be more detached as both attributes are regarded as recent environmental crises. Environment refers to anything that can give impact an organism during its lifetime. While the second wave of ecocriticism is about environmental science which stated that the line of biological thought is indispensable for the emergence of ecocritical thinking and the study of literature and the environment. Biologically verified evidence of environmental destruction and was the natural connection point, as emphasized, which can claim a permanent and important relationship to human life. (Glen A. Love 1999)

This project used the first wave of ecocriticism because the main focus here is to investigate that humans may have the ability to affect the environment, both positively and negatively. Meanwhile, the second wave of ecocriticism is more directed to dig deeper into


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environmental damage which is mainly caused by human action ii. Research methods

(a) Data and data gathering methods

The data for this research is in form of observation notes from field study activities with records of interviews with the farmers in the village named Kopeng village, records of land conditions and yields, and also compiled data collected from library research such as books on the same topic related to the research, articles, journals, websites, etc.

The data gathering has been done with qualitative research methods including field notes, observations, interviews, and secondary research in form of images, audio recordings, or text. Other resources like library research and internet-based research (journals, articles, websites, etc) are also carried out.

(b) Instrument (interview questions, observation protocol, etc.)

Several questions were asked to assist in data collection, including 1) Why choose to grow tomatoes? 2) Apart from the weather, what other factors affect the growth of tomatoes? 3) How many months does it take for tomatoes to harvest? 4) What fertilizers are used more often in the fields? 5) What is good soil care? Maybe in terms of fertilizer application and post-harvest care.

(c) Data analysis

The data was analyzed using qualitative analysis, more specifically narrative analysis, to answer the question of what, why, and how. Narrative analysis is used to analyze the observed data or interviews result gather in the field. These methods use a person’s experience and stories to help to answer the research question.

g. Outline of the thesis

The first chapter of the thesis contains an explanation of what is the research about and how will the research be conducted. Introducing the plan and explaining the ideas, and what background behind it. The first chapter also mentions the method and theory used to gather the data for the next chapter.


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The second chapter contains the result from the previous chapter. The output for the final project is in form of a short story with around 4000 words. In this chapter, the data that has been collected during the field research is used here to produce the scenes in the story.

The third chapter of the thesisis about the responsibility for every scene of the story. In this chapter explain and show where the scene came from and why it was made so. A more detailed explanation of the characters that appear in the story and how the theory is applied.

The fourth chapter is the conclusion of the thesis. Include brief explanation about what is the thesis about and what is the contribution of the thesis to the field.


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