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chapter ii

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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8 A. Theoretical Background

1. Speaking

Speaking is one of the skills in English. So, it plays important rules in studying the subject, because as we know that English is an international language. Most of books are written in English, so Indonesians student have opportunity to practice this language in the class. In this case, the teachers must be able to help them to master the language in the limited time. Beside that the students themselves should study hard in order to be able to understand it well. There are the definitions of some words of theme.

a. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one of the language skills demands the students to master since the mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many foreign-language learners. The definition of speaking is explained in many ways: In Webster New World Dictionary, speaking is to utter words orally, talk; to communicate as by talking; to make a request; to make a speech.1 When people communicate each other, speaking has

1 David Nunan, Guralnik, Language Teaching Methodology a Textbook for Teachers,(NY:

Phoenix Ltd., 1995), 593


important role in this context. A good speech can make people understood well.

Speaking is a skill which need attention every bit as much as literary skills, in both first and second language. To most people, mastering the speaking skill is the single most important aspect of learning a second or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language.2According to Hornby, speaking is making use of language in ordinary voice; uttering words; knowing and being able to use a language; expressing oneself in words; making a speech.3 For good expressing, people need basics of speaking for example: tone, stretch, etc.

In short we can define speaking as the way to carry out our feeling through words, even conversation with others. It means that we use words A and phrases fluently in an interactive process of constructing meaning of speaking.

The mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second-language or foreign-language learners. Consequently, learners often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how much they feel

2 David Nunan, Guralnik, Language Teaching Methodology a Textbook for Teachers (NY:

Phoenix Ltd., 1995) 393

S Hornby,Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English(NY: Oxford University Press, 1987), 827


they have improved in their spoken language proficiency.4 However, mastery of speaking is the key how build communication each other. If we have good speaking communication will delivered as well as our communication.

b. The Components of Speaking

Speaking has the components. It can be classified into four components; there are fluency, accuracy, grammar, and pronunciation.

1. Fluency

Fluency is the capacity to speak fluidly, confidently and at rate consistent with the norms of the relevant native speech community.5 And also fluency is an important dimension of communication. It means that we don t have very ignored quality of speaking, but we have to speak quite and possible.

2. Accuracy

Accuracy is the ability to speak properly that is selecting the correct words and expressions to convey the intended meaning.

Accuracy involves over the linguistic code.6

4Jack C. Richards, Teaching Listening and Speaking from Theory to Practice (New York : Cambridge university press , 2008) 195

Kathleen M. Bailey,Practical Language Teaching: Speaking (NY: Phoenix Ltd., 1995),5.



3. Grammar

Grammar is set of language or norms of language and rules must be follow when learn about language rightly. This component is the step of language that fulfills in order to receive.

4. Pronunciation

Pronunciation refers to the way a word or language in spoken, or the manner in which someone utters a word. Pronunciation is the way to talk some word of language.7

Based on the explanation above, the components are important for learners to support their study in teaching speaking. So, students must master all components to improve their speaking.

c. The Importance of Speaking

The spoken language is the focus of classroom activity there are often other aims which the teacher might here. For instance, helping students to gain awareness of or to practice some aspect of linguistic knowledge (whether a grammatical rule, or application of a phonemic regularity to which they have been introduced), or to develop production skills.8Students always get difficult thing in their lesson, the teacher must give clear instruction so the student understand well. The importance of

7Kasihani, English for Young Learners(Jakarta : Bumi jagakarsa, 2007), 43.

8Rebecca Hughes,Teaching and Researching Speaking( United Kingdom: Logman, 2002). 6


speaking is here, how teacher build good communication with their students.

Students acquire pronunciation and intonation naturally by listening teacher. When teacher talk they absorb the sound of the language. But this does not mean that they will produce perfect word or phrase when they begin to speak English. It is means that speaking establishes and maintains social relations, and transactional functions, which focus on the exchange of information. By speaking, human beings can express their ideas and mind toward something.9 Besides focus on the exchange of information, speaking can make different between one people to the others. The idea that delivered can influence a several person depend on the ability its people.

An important dimension of conversation is using a style of speaking that is appropriate to the particular circumstances. Different styles of speaking reflect the roles, ages, sex, and status of participants in interactions and also reflect the expression of politeness.10 It s one of many aspects that are very important in speaking. Conversation is a tool of people to communicate with other. To understand well communication, conversation as element of speaking must be a priority.

9 Mary Slattery and Jane Willis, English for Primary Teacher, Handbook of Activities and Classroom Language10 (New York: Oxford University, 2004) 52

Jack C. Richards, Teaching Listening and Speaking from Theory to Practice (New York : Cambridge university press , 2008) 21


Numerous attempts have been made to classify the functions of speaking in human interaction. Brown and George Yule made a useful distinction between the interactional functions of speaking, in which it serves to establish and maintain social relations, and the transactional functions, which focus on the exchange of information.11 The importance of speaking is how we exchange of information to the other, Included in classroom when teacher gives materials to the student. Good Interaction in learning process can give different result, which is one of part the function of speaking.

Three core issues need to be addressed in planning speaking activities for an English class. The first is to determine what kinds of speaking skills the class will focus on. Is it all three of the genres described in the preceding section, or will some receive greater attention than others? Informal needs analysis is the starting point here. Procedures for determining needs include observation of learners carrying out different kinds of communicative tasks, questionnaires, interviews, and diagnostic testing. The second issue is to identifying teaching strategies to teach (i.e., provide opportunities for learners to acquire) each kind of talk.12 There are some implications of speaking in the learning process.


12Jack C. Richards, Teaching , Listening and Speaking from Theory to Practice(New York : Cambridge university press , 2008) 1st 29


The implication of speaking basically to create student more understand about the materials.

Many students find it difficult to respond if the teacher asks them to say something in a foreign language. They may have little idea about what to say, they may not know the words to use, or they may not be sure how to use the grammar. When students write, they have time to sit and think about what they will write, and how they will write it. But in speaking, they have to respond more quickly.13 The differences between speech and write, brings consequent the teacher give more time when students using speech in learning process.

Speaking English well also helps students to access up-to-date information in fields including science, technology and health. By learning to speak English well, students gain a valuable skill which can be useful in their lives and contribute to their community ad country. There are also very good educational reasons to practice speaking during a lesson:

1) Speaking activities can reinforce the learning of new vocabulary grammar or functional languages

2) Speaking activities give students the chance to use the new language they are learning

13Joanna Baker Heater Westrup, Essential Speaking Skill(London : British Library,2003) 16


3) Speaking activities give more advanced students the chance to experiment with the language they already know in different situations and on different topics.14

There are so many importance of speaking in learning process. For that reason, not only teacher but also students must open their mind when learn about speaking.

d. The Nature of Speaking

According to Baker and Westrup speaking is common way to express their thought.15 People commonly use their spoken language when they communicate to each other. Finnochiarro in Sherly All normal people in the world could speak well although they cannot read and write16.

Moreover, speaking is one of basic skill that should be acquired by second or foreign language learners. A second or foreign language learner is considered success in learning speaking if they are able to communicate orally with native speaker, although there is no expectation that they will speak like a native.

14Joanna Baker, Heather WestrupEssential Speaking Skill(London : British Library, 2003)5


16Sherly Purbaningrum, The Influence of Teaching Speaking Report Text Toward News Reperting Video in the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 12Surabaya. Unpublished thesis. 11


e. The Characteristics of Successful Speaking.

The characteristics of successful speaking activity as stated by Penny Ur are:17

1) Learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the period of time allotted to the activity is in fact occupied by the learner talk,

2) Participation is event. Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of talk active participants: all get chance to speak, and contributions are fairly evenly distributed.

3) Motivation is high. Learners are eager to speak because they are interested in the topic and have something new to say about it.

4) Language is of an acceptable level. Learners express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easily comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable level of language accuracy.

In order to success students speaking ability, students need to have ability to talk a lot, participation to talk, motivation, and language acceptable level.

2. Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking seems so difficult and challenging for English teacher, many activities implementation order to increase the students ability in spoken English language. So that s why does the English teacher

17Penny Ur,A Course in Language Teaching, Practice and Theory(Cambrige University Press:

Britain; 1995), 120.


has to teach speaking in the classroom? For this question there are some reasons, there are; firstly, speaking activities provide rehearsal opportunity, chance to practice real life speaking in the safety of classroom. 18 Furthermore, getting students to have a free discussion give them a chance discussion outside the classroom. As the result, the students will feel as if talk in the real situation.

Secondly, the speaking activities provide feedback both the teacher and the students.19 It is known that giving feedback to the students not only motivate them to do their best in their classroom and to help the teacher to know how well the students get lesson, but also to know the students problems during the learning process.

Thirdly, speaking activities help students to activate the various language elements they have learned and stored up to their brain, the more students practice the target language, the autonomous learner will be. As the result, the students will be able to speak without very much thought. Finally, the use of good activities is intrinsically enjoyable that it will stimulate the students to do the task in the classroom.

18Jerremy harmer.How to Teach English,(England: Longman, 2001) 87



a. Techniques in Teaching Speaking

Many of classroom speaking activities which are currently used are:

1) Acting from script

This activity encourages students to act out scenes from plays or their course books, sometimes filming the result. Students will often act out dialogues they have written themselves.20This frequently involves them in coming out to the front of the class.

2) Communication games

Speaking activities based on games are often useful way of giving students valuable practice, where younger learners are involved. Games based activities can involve practice of oral strategies such as describing, predicting, simplifying, and asking for feedback.21

3) Discussion

One of the reasons that discussion fail is that students are reluctant to give an opinion in front of the whole class, particularly if they cannot think of anything to say and are not confident of the language they might use to say it. Many students feel extremely expose in discussion situations.22

20Jaremy Harmer, 271

21Jo Mcdonough and Christopher Shaw, Materials and Methods in EL : A Teacher s Guide, (UK:Blackwell Publishing,2003), 144.

22Jaremy harmer, 272


4) Prepared talks

A popular kind of activity is the prepared talk where students make a presentation on a topic of their own choice. Students should speak from notes rather than from a script. Prepared talks represent a defined and useful speaking genre, and if properly organized, can be extremely interesting for both speaker and listener.23

5) Questionnaires

Questionnaires are useful because by being pre planed they ensure that both questioner and respondent have something to say each other. Depending on how tightly design they are, they may well encourage the natural use of certain receptive language pattern and thus be situated in the middle of our communication continuum.

Students can design questionnaires on any topic that is appropriate.

As they do so the teacher can act as a resource, helping them in the design process.24

6) Simulation and role-play

Many students derive greet benefit from simulation and role play. Students simulate a real life encounter as if they were doing so in the real world. A simulation and role-play can be used to

23Ibid., 274.



encourage general oral fluency to train students for specific situation.25

7) Debate

Debate is an activity in which opposite points of view are presented and argued. Debate can present opportunities for students to engage in using extended chunks of language for a purpose: to convincingly defend one side of an issue.26

All speaking activities above encourage students to practice speaking in classroom. Teacher should choose appropriate activities above based on the level of the students. Every teaching and learning process can be enjoyable if teacher gives the appropriate activity based on students levels. Beside it the process of transferring knowledge can be done easily.

b. Assessing Speaking

There are three approach in testing speaking there are direct test, indirect-test, and semi-direct test.27

1) Direct Test

A direct test of speaking involves a procedure in which the learners actually speak the target language, interacting with the test


26 J. Michael O Mallay and Lorraine Valdez Pierce, Assessment for English Language Learners, (Addison-Wesley company inc :1996),27 p.87.

David Nunan, Kathlen M Bailey, Practical English Language Teaching Speaking, (Newyork:

Mc Graw Hill, 2005) 23


administrator or with other students and generating novel utterances.

For instance, an oral proficiency interview, a conversational, or an unscripted role-play can be considered direct test of speaking.

2) Indirect Test

An indirect test is one in which the test-taker do not speak. The example of indirect test of speaking is the phoneme discrimination task, in which the test-taker hear the single word spoken and must select the appropriate picture in the booklet. These may seem like strange and perhaps even invalid way to test speaking. However, the students may feel that their speaking skills have not been adequately or fairly assessed. In addition, using indirect procedures may send the message to students that it is not important for them to practice speaking in English since they won t be evaluated on their speaking.

3) Semi-Direct Test

This term has been applied in contexts where students speak, but they don t interact in a conversation, interview, or a role play. In other words, the test-taker s listen the prompts and task delivered by a recorded voice, and also respond by taking to a recording device.

The semi-direct tests have the advantages that they (teachers) are easy to administer to several students at once. Also, students know they will have to speak during the procedure, so semi-direct tests may generate positive wash back.


c. Method For Scoring Speaking

There are three main methods for scoring students speaking skills:

objective scoring, analytic scoring, and holistic scoring. 28Which approach use depends in a part on what skill or knowledge which is trying to assess and partly on the tasks the learners do. The choice is also influenced by the wash back message wish to send to the students.

1) Objective Scoring

This scoring does not involve any judgment during the scoring process. Truly objective scoring can be done by an untrained person using a scoring key. In many cases, objective scoring can be done by a computer. Typically there is one and only one correct answer to each objectively scored test item.

2) Holistic Scoring

In holistic scoring, a speech sample (such as: an interview, a recorded conversation, or passage that the learner reads aloud) is given one overall evaluation, which may be a rating (a six or ten point scale) or a designation (pass versus not pass, intermediate, advance, or supervisor categories).

28David Nunan, Kathlen M Bailey, Practical English Language Teaching Speaking, (Newyork:

Mc Graw Hill, 2005) 24


3) Analytic Scoring

This scoring involves rating system in which the abilities underlying the speaking skill have been analyzed and the test-takers are evaluated on how they perform the various sub skill.

3. Definition of Approach, Method and Technique

Approach is theoretically well-informed positions and beliefs about the nature of language, the nature of language learning, and tje applicability of both to pedagogical settings.29

Method is a generalized set of classroom specifications for acomplishing linguistic objectives. Methods tend to be concerned primarily with teacher and student roles and behaviors and secondarily with such features as linguistic and subject matter objectives, sequencing, and materials. They are almost always thought of as being broadly appicable to variety of audiences in a variety of context.

Technique(also commonly referred to by the other) is any of wide a variety of excercise, activities, or task used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives.

4. Definiton of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning refers to instructional methods in which teachers organize students into small groups, which then work together to help one

29H. Douglas Brown,Teching by Principles: An interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, second Edition(Addision Wesley Longman, Inc: San Fransisco State University,2OOO),16.


another learn academic content. Cooperative learning methods are extensively researched and under certain well-specified conditions they are known to substantially improve student achievement in most subjects and grade levels, yet the structured forms of cooperative learning that have proven to be effective are not used as often as more informal forms. Further, there remains considerable debate about the theoretical basis for achievement outcomes of cooperative learning. This chapter reviews and integrates evidence on the theoretical mechanisms relating to learning outcomes of cooperative learning, and presents evidence on the most widely used practical applications of cooperative methods.

Cooperative learning methods vary widely in their details. Group sizes may be from two to several. Group members may have individual roles or tasks, or they may all have the same task. Groups may be evaluated or rewarded based on group performance or the average of individual performances, or they may simply be asked to work together.30

5. Definition of Game

Hadfield defines a game is an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun. 31 Game is some activities that the people who are join in there feel fun. The game makes use of a variety of techniques in learning process.

30Robert E. Slavin,Instruction on Based Cooperative Learning(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University:1995),1

31Jill hadfield.Intermediate Communication Games. (England: Longman, 1996) ,5


Game is a simplfied, opration model of a real life situation that provides students with vicarious participation in a variety of roles and events32. Games are highly motivating since they are amusing and the same time time challenging. Furthermore, they employ meaningful and useful language in real contexts.33

From preceding statements, it show that game is an activity that is used by students to encourage them to keep interested in learning process.

Game encourage learners to interact, cooperate, to be creative and spontaneous in using the language in meaningful way.

6. Team Game Tournament (TGT)

Commonly Team Game Tournament (TGT) similar with STAD except in Team Game Tournament (TGT) use academic tornament, and use quiz, and use ystem score individuality.There are 5 main components of TGT, they are:

a. Presentation class

First, teacher delivers the material in class, it is usually done by direct teaching and the discussion is led by teachers. At the time of the presentation of this class, student should pay attention and understand the material which is delivered by teachers, because it will help students work

32Fazat Bahresi Farqi, Chardes game in teaching vocabulary to the seventh grade students of MTs N Sewulan Dagangan Madiun in academic year 2013/2014 (Thesis, STAIN,Ponorogo,2014).

33Elinda Ratnasari, The effectiveness of running game toward writing skill for the eighth grade students of MTs Darul Huda Mayak Tonatan Ponorogo in academic year 2013/2014 (Thesis, STAIN,Ponorogo,2014).


better in group and in the game, as the score of the game will determine the score of the group.

b. Group (team)

The group usually consists of 4 to 5 persons and it is devided based on academic achievement, gender and race or ethnic. The function of the group is to understand the material deeply with friends in the group and specifically to prepare the members of groups to work properly and optimally at the time of the game.

c. Game

Game consists of questions which are designed to test students' knowledge that they got from study groups. Most games consist of questions numbered. Students choose a numbered card and try to answer the questions based on the number. Students who answer that question correctly will get a score.

d. Tournament

Tournament is usually held on weekends or on each unit after doing presentations in class and the groups has done the work sheets. The first tournament, teachers divide students in to multiple table tournaments.

Three students of the highest achievement are grouped in table 1, the next three of the students are in table 2, and so on.


e. Team Recognize

Teachers announce the winner; each team will receive a certificate or a gift if the score is based on the criterion which has pointed by teachers.34

7. Advantages of Game

The positive influence of the games on learning language skills is well documented. The advantage of the game is that it can focus on more than one aspect of language. Games can focus either on grammar, speaking, listening, and pronunciation, vocabulary, etc. or complex of them.

In Carrier stated the advantages of game in classroom:35

a. Game is gives a variety of tools to facilitate the teaching-learning process . In other word the teacher can make the game as they are one of complementary tasks of a syllabus and with which students can better develop their learning strategies.

b. Games are flexible it means that they can use for teaching any aspect of the language. One game can be even be used to teach two or three language features at the same time. It just a matter of adaptation considering the students level and objective of class.

34Robert E. Slavin, Cooperative Learning : Theory, Research, and Practice. Terj.Narulita Yusron.(London:Allymand Bacon:2005, 16335

Maritza Maribel Matyinez Sanchez, et al. Interactive Games in the Teaching-Learning Process of a Foreign Language. Education 4 (2007), 50


c. Game makes the lesson less monotonous as they provide a great variety of class activities with help to maintain students attention and interest in the language without getting bored.

d. Game raises the students produce language subconsciously. It means that the students learn any aspect or ability of the language at the same time their focus attention or whether they succeed in playing. In other word, they concentrate on the excitement of winning. Students produce the language without worrying if they are doing right or wrong; they just produce it and achieve it.

e. Game stimulate students participation and give them confidence.

This is when the students free themselves in order to participate to get the best score or even to be the best in the class. They usually feel much more confident with their performance and this makes them learn and practice new structure, learn from their mistakes, and fulfill the goals of the class, indeed.

f. Game transforms the teacher s role from that of formal instructor to that of an organizer or moderator of the class. In other word, games reduce the domination of the classroom done by the teacher.

8. Teaching Speaking by Team Game Tournament a. Formulating the object

Objectives are definite statements of what are to be learned in the lesson. They may be expressed either from point of view of the the


teacher or students. However, facilitate evaluation of reilts, formulating objectives from the point of view of student expressed as learning outcomes or in behavioral terms is generally recommended.

Formulating instructional objectives in behavioral terms, the teacher has to use verbs of action words indicating observable behavior. In this object the students can express the information in descriptive text, the students can describe the someone, picture, places or animals.

b. Selecting the material

Here the teacher indicates subject mater that belives will help attain his objectives. This may be ndicated as generalizations in outline form.

Sometimes it can be part of procedure or it can be written o a seperate of paper if the teacher wants more details in outline. In this lesson plan the teacher use descriptive text.

c. Selecting strategy

the teacher write down in the order of occurrence the activities that he and his student are going to during the period. In this strategy the teacher using cooperative learning that is team game tournamnent in teaching speaking.

d. Using media

Media is intermediary or introductiory message from the sender to the recipient of the message. The techer use picture as the media. The teacher give animals picture, place, etc.


e. Evaluation

Evaluation is the process of delinating, obstaining, and providing useful information for judging in decision alternative.36 The teacher has always been expected to prepare the students to become useful, upright, ansd active citizen in community. The students to be equal to the task, he need to develop and certain competenceies and skills. The teacher and the students share responsibility for classroom climate. For example: the students may participate in developing class rule.

B. Previous Research Finding

They were some previous studies that were closely related the implementation on the use of team game tournament in teaching reading. The research that was presented by Suci Ari Salasa tried implementation the The Effectiveness of Team Game Tournament (TGT) To Improve Students Reading Skill In Report Text on The Second Grade at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Purworejo In The Academic Year 2012/2013. This research focused on effectiveness the students reading skill. The result of the comparison of control group and experimental group is quite significant. There is no change of score increase in control group, while the experimental group who received treatment, there is a change for the better. We can see from the comparison between the posttest of control group and experimental group. It shows that the mean of post-test in the

36 Francis P. Hunkins, Curriculum Development: Program Improvement (Ohio: Charles E.

Merril publising co:1980),293


control group (67.81) was lower than the mean of post test in experimental group (76.56). It means that it is effective of using Team Game Tournament as a strategy in teaching reading to improve students reading skill of the second grade students of MAN Purworejo.

Other research was presented byRamadhayani Fitri Nasution under the title Improving The Students Achievement In Speaking through Teams-Games- Tournament Technique. The result was After analyzing the data, it was found that the students speaking scores increased from the test I to the test II and the test III. It means that there was an improvement on the students achievement in speaking by applying Teams-Games-Tournament Technique. The analysis of quantitative data stated that the scores improved from the test I until the test III.

Moreover, it was also proved through the diary note and observation sheet which indicate that there was an improvement in learning result after applying Teams- Games-Tournament Technique in the class. Therefore, Teams-Games- Tournament Technique significantly can improve the students achievement in speaking.

Other research was presented byAna Herawati under the title Effectiveness of

The Implementation of Cooperative Teaching Method of Teams Game Tournament (Tgt) For Chemistry Subject of Grade VIII at Semester 1 Of Smp Negeri 14 Yogyakarta in The academic Year Of 2008/2009. The results of Covariance research showed that there were significant differences in students learning achievement of chemistry from the experiment class and the control


class when the chemistry initial knowledge of the students were statistically controlled (to = 6.857; p = 0.011). The analysis results of the t-test of different subjects showed no significant difference in motivation to learn chemistry between the students taking the lesson using the cooperative teaching method of TGT type and the students taking the class using varied presentation methods (to

= 1.498: p = 0.139). The results of the t-test analysis of similar subjects showed that there were significant differences in the chemistry learning motivation of students before and after following the teaching using the cooperative teaching method of the TGT type (to = -3.827; p = 0.001). The results of this study showed that the cooperative teaching method of TGT type was more effective in improving students learning achievement, increasing motivation to learn chemistry and improving the students activities in the teaching process.

C. Theoretical Framework

Speaking is one of the important skill which the learned should be able to mastered because it is a productive skill meaning that product of learning language.

The technique which may apply in teaching speaking because is Team Game Tournament as one of technique in teaching learning activity is an interesting way to learn English. Team Game Tournament can change the dynamic of class and rejuvenate students and help them to learn more effective, fun, and enjoyable.


The writer assumes that speaking lesson is more effective and interest with discussion technique, because the students who using team game tournament game get more significant in improving in speaking comprehension.

In this research, the researcher concludes this proposal consist of two variables:

Variable X= team game tournament Variable Y= speaking skill

D. Hypothesis

In studying the topic, there are two hypotheses. The two hypotheses are as follows:

1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): there is difference between student s speaking who are using Team Game Tournament at eight grade of MTs. Nurul Mujtahidin Mlarak in academic year 2014/2015.

2. The Null Hypothesis (Ho): there is no difference between student s speaking who are using Team Game Tournament at eight grade of MTs. Nurul Mujtahidin Mlarak in academic year 2014/2015.


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