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chapter iv findings and discussion

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Clark reminded the students of the rules he had established: 'this is a family and families treat each other with respect. Clark gave the class rules so that the students could be more controlled and disciplined. Context: (in front of the class) The students lined up for lunch.

Clark planned to meet the students' parents before his day of classes to get to know his students better. Clark communicated with his students' families so that they could help each other if there were difficulties during the learning process. Not only did he want to teach, but he also wanted to get to know his students well, so that he understood what it really took to make his students better at everything.

Clark was very outgoing and really paid attention to his students' progress both inside and outside the classroom, making sure his students understood and performed their duties well. Clark's statement showed that there is an educational value in it, namely a social one, this was proven by his desire to help his students when they are in trouble or if they have problems. He wanted to prove that he was a teacher that students could rely on in any situation.

Clark was a teacher who had a good attitude and behavior to help his students when they were in trouble.

Table 4.2  Discipline (1)
Table 4.2 Discipline (1)


Clark thought of a way to get his students to pay attention during class by drinking a chocolate milk every 15 seconds if the students could be quiet and focus on listening to the lesson. His creativity in teaching made him successful in attracting the attention of his students and at the same time his students also began to open up to Mr.

Hard Working

Clark looked bad but he was still there to teach his class because the exam was in 4 weeks so Mr. Clark also told his students even though they didn't have much time left to at least prepare for the exam you could still do your best if you were willing to work hard. Line 4 said, "I know this doesn't seem like a lot of time, but if we work hard, I know we will do great on this exam."


Clark worried that he wouldn't have time to catch up with his subject if he chose to rest at home. This saying showed the educational value of "working hard", to get something good also required hard work, there was no limit to when or where, just try your best as much as possible. Clark intended to visit his parents one by one to get to know his students well.

Clark intended to establish a good relationship with his students' families for a good learning process with the support of his students' families. Clark stood in front of the class to greet the students who had just arrived, the teacher was also there who was also standing in front of her class doing the same, both of them were busy greeting their students. The educational value in this dialogue was shown in the form of the teacher's kindness to his students by greeting/welcoming them to school, which is shown in lines 1,3,5.

Turner as principal in line 4 “Morning, Principal Turner.”, it also showed a form of respect.

Table 4.11  Hospitality (1)
Table 4.11 Hospitality (1)


Clark to stop Tayshawn who was speeding to leave the school, on the other hand Tayshawn already had 2 strikes, and if he left the school again now then he would be expelled by the principal. Clark to forgive Tayshawn's mistakes and give him a chance to come to terms with himself by trying to give himself a second chance to be better than before and trying not to repeat his mistakes.


Appreciating Achievement

When appreciating the achievements of others, a person can take action in the form of praise and encouragement so that the achieved achievements can be maintained (Hakim, 2019). Well, folks, it's not quite the end of the year we expected, but let's take a moment to thank our own Mr. Clark whose fifth grade tested number one in Beaufort Country for the fourth year in a row.

Clark, whose fifth grade tested number one in Beaufort Country for the fourth year in a row!" this utterance showed appreciative achievement because the principal congratulated Mr. The next line also showed appreciative achievement utterance: "We have a surprise that we put together for you. “ You have worked so hard for the past 3 months on this test and whatever the results are, I want you to know that I am proud to be your teacher.

I'm so proud that I asked your parents to let me take you to a special place, and they said yes. I'm so proud that I asked my parents to let me take you to a special place and they said yes!” in this statement it was very clear that Mr. Clark had another surprise for their appreciation, he gave his students Phantom of the Opera tickets inside the envelopes they received.

In this date there were many appreciative values ​​because it was a special moment, namely the end party of the students' award.

Table 4.15  Appreciating Achievement (1)
Table 4.15 Appreciating Achievement (1)

For highest achievement in science, Badriyah Santhanam. [give a trophy]

For most outstanding achievement in mathematics, Julio Vazquez. [give a trophy]

For exceptional artistic achievement Tayshawn Mitchell

Shameika Wallace, you earned perfect scores in English and Math. [give a trophy]


  • Honesty
  • Discipline
  • Sociality
  • Creativity
  • Hard Working
  • Hospitality
  • Tolerance
  • Democracy
  • Appreciating Achievement

In the movie "The Ron Clark Story", 9 educational values ​​were found, namely honesty, discipline, sociability, creativity, diligence, hospitality, tolerance, democracy and appreciation of achievements. It can also be defined as an attitude or behavior that arises and originates from our deep heart. Discipline comes from the term "disciple". The Latin word "discipline" is defined as teaching students or scholars.

Clark announced new rules in the classroom and every student was required to abide by these rules. Helping was a habit that led to the kindness of an individual that arose from self-awareness as a creature created by God to be obliged to help others, especially those experiencing difficulties (Aisah, 2015). Humans could not live alone, even for the smallest business, humans needed other humans or other creatures to help them.

Clark was always ready to help whenever and wherever they needed him, he also always tried to give the best help to his students, such as giving them advice, helping them understand the lesson, even when he helped Tayshawn who was was abused by his adoptive. sheep. Creativity is the ability to create or produce something new or something that had not existed before, could be in the form of ideas or works. Creativity is the ability to find and establish new connections between existing knowledge and information.

Clark found a way to drink chocolate milk every 15 seconds if his students would listen and concentrate during the lesson. Clark was sick, but he still taught and encouraged his students to work hard and try their best to achieve good results. Clark told him to get his students more excited for the upcoming exams and got a good result to make his teacher proud of them.

Clark decided to meet his students' parents so that he could get to know his students better. Second, Table 4.12 shows Mr. Clark greeting the arrival of his students at school and greeting a teacher standing next to him. The only table that showed the form of tolerance was in Table 4.13, it happened when Mr.

Clark was also ready to help him solve the problem and keep it a secret from Mr. Valuing achievements is not only judged by how we praise or uphold the achievements of others, but producing something useful for others is also a form of appreciating achievements.

Sociality was shown in table 4.4, table 4.5, table 4.6, table 4.7, and table  4.8.  In  the  tables  it  was  shown  that  Mr
Sociality was shown in table 4.4, table 4.5, table 4.6, table 4.7, and table 4.8. In the tables it was shown that Mr


Table 4.1  Honesty
Table 4.2  Discipline (1)
Table 4.3  Discipline (2)
Table 4.4  Sociality


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