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Conference Proceedings


Academic year: 2023

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Judul karya ilmiah (paper) : Land tenure system and utilization of Bengkok land in Indrokilo sub-village, Lerep Village, Semarang Regency

Jumlah Penulis : 3 orang

Status Pengusul : Zaflis Zaim, Imam Buchori, Iwan Rudiarto

Identitas prosiding : a. Judul Prosiding : AIP Conference Proceedings

b. ISBN/ISSN : 978-0-7354-1850-9

c. Tahun Terbit/tempat pelaksanaan : 2019

d. Penerbit/organiser : AIP Publishing e. Alamat repository PT/web : https://aip.scitation.org


f. Terindeks di (jika ada) : SJR (2019) 0,190 &

SNIP (2019) 0,373

Kategori Publikasi Makalah : Prosiding Forum Ilmiah Internasional (beri pada kategori yang tepat) Prosiding Forum Ilmiah Nasional

Hasil Penilaian Peer Review : Komponen Yang Dinilai

Nilai Maksimal Prosiding

Nilai Akhir Yang Diperoleh Internasional Nasional

a. Kelengkapan unsur isi paper (10%) 3 3,0

b. Ruang lingkup dan kedalaman pembahasan (30%)

9 7,0

c. Kecukupan dan kemutahiran data/informasi dan metodologi (30%)

9 7,0

d. Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas terbitan/prosiding (30%)

9 9,0

Total = (100%) 30 26,0

Nilai = (40% x 26 : 2) 5,2

Catatan Penilaian paper oleh Reviewer:

a. Kelengkapan unsur sudah lengkap dan sudah sesuai dengan petunjuk penulisan artikel yang disediakan. Pembahasan dalam IMRaD sudah sesuai dengan judul artikel yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan lahan bengkok beserta pola pengelolaannya.

b. Substansi artikel sesuai bidang ilmu penulis terutama dalam konteks pengelolaan lahan komunal pedesaan secara berkelanjutan dan berdaya guna dalam rangka mendukung perekonomian masyarakat desa. Pembahasan di dalam makalah menggunakan 2 referensi (11%) dari total 18 referensi yang digunakan.

c. Kedalaman pembahasan cukup dan didukung oleh 18 sumber pustaka dimana 33% diantaranya merupakan terbitan ≤ 10 tahun terakhir. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan dan pengolahan data cukup terbarukan melalui survei primer sehingga hasil yag didapatkan merupakan hasil primer lapangan.



d. Prosiding diterbitkan oleh AIP Conference Proceedings dan terindeks scopus dengan SJR 0,18 dan ber-ISBN. Prosiding internasional dan tersedia online dengan system open access yang dilengkapi dengan tautan DOI.

Semarang, 09-03-2020 Reviewer 1,

Prof. Dr. Ir. Nany Yuliastuti, MSP NIP. 195407171982032001 Departemen PWK, FT. Undip




Judul karya ilmiah (paper) : Land tenure system and utilization of Bengkok land in Indrokilo sub-village, Lerep Village, Semarang Regency

Jumlah Penulis : 3 orang

Status Pengusul : Zaflis Zaim, Imam Buchori, Iwan Rudiarto

Identitas prosiding : a. Judul Prosiding : AIP Conference Proceedings

b. ISBN/ISSN : 978-0-7354-1850-9

c. Tahun Terbit/tempat pelaksanaan : 2019

d. Penerbit/organiser : AIP Publishing e. Alamat repository PT/web : https://aip.scitation.org


f. Terindeks di (jika ada) : SJR (2019) 0,190 &

SNIP (2019) 0,373

Kategori Publikasi Makalah : Prosiding Forum Ilmiah Internasional (beri pada kategori yang tepat) Prosiding Forum Ilmiah Nasional

Hasil Penilaian Peer Review : Komponen Yang Dinilai

Nilai Maksimal Prosiding

Nilai Akhir Yang Diperoleh Internasional Nasional

a. Kelengkapan unsur isi paper (10%) 3 3,0

b. Ruang lingkup dan kedalaman pembahasan (30%)

9 8,0

c. Kecukupan dan kemutahiran data/informasi dan metodologi (30%)

9 8,0

d. Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas terbitan/prosiding (30%)

9 9,0

Total = (100%) 30 28,0

Nilai = (40% x 28 : 2) 5,6

Catatan Penilaian paper oleh Reviewer:

a. Unsur isi lengkap dan penulisan komponen sudah mengacu kepada petunjuk penulisan makalah yang disediakan. Benang merah antara judul dan IMRad sudah sesuai pada pembahasan pegelolaan lahan komunal berupa tanah bengkok di wilayah pedesaan.

b. Kedalaman pembahasan cukup dimana makalah menampilkan bentuk-bentuk pengelolaanl ahan komunal pedesaan dalam rangka mendukung keberlanjutan kegiatan perekonomian desa dan sesuai dengan bidang ilmu penulis. Pembahasan dalam makalah menggunakan 11% sumber pustaka dari total pusaka yang dipakai.

a. Referensi cukup terbarukan dimana sebagian besar (33%) merupakan terbitan dalam 10 tahun terakhir. Metodologi cukup up to date dengan menggunakan data primer dari hasil kuesioner dan wawancara untuk merumuskan bentuk pengelolaan lahan yang ada sehingg hasilnya termasuk terbarukan.



b. Prosiding terindeks Scopus dan mempunyai author guidelines diterbitkan oleh AIP Conference Proceedings dengan SJR 0,18 dan ber-ISBN. Prosiding internasional dan tersedia online dengan system open access yang dilengkapi dengan tautan DOI.

Semarang, 11-02-2020 Reviewer 2,

Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D NIP. 195906281985031006

Departemen Arsitektur dan Perencanaan, FT. UGM




Judul karya ilmiah (paper) : Land tenure system and utilization of Bengkok land in Indrokilo sub-village, Lerep Village, Semarang Regency

Jumlah Penulis : 3 orang

Status Pengusul : Zaflis Zaim, Imam Buchori, Iwan Rudiarto

Identitas prosiding : a. Judul Prosiding : AIP Conference Proceedings

b. ISBN/ISSN : 978-0-7354-1850-9

c. Tahun Terbit/tempat pelaksanaan : 2019

d. Penerbit/organiser : AIP Publishing e. Alamat repository PT/web : https://aip.scitation.org


f. Terindeks di (jika ada) : SJR (2019) 0,190 &

SNIP (2019) 0,373

Kategori Publikasi Makalah : Prosiding Forum Ilmiah Internasional (beri pada kategori yang tepat) Prosiding Forum Ilmiah Nasional

Hasil Penilaian Peer Review :

Komponen Yang Dinilai

Nilai Reviewer

Nilai Rata-rata Reviewer I Reviewer II

a.Kelengkapan unsur isi paper (10%) 3,0 3,0 3,0

b.Ruang lingkup dan kedalaman pembahasan (30%) 7,0 8,0 7,5

c.Kecukupan dan kemutahiran data/informasi dan metodologi (30%)

7,0 8,0 7,5

d.Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas terbitan/prosiding (30%)

9,0 9,0 9,0

Total = (100%) 26,0 28,0 27,0

Nilai = (40% x 27 : 2) 5,4

Semarang, 13-03-2020

Reviewer 1, Reviewer 2,

Prof. Dr. Ir. Nany Yuliastuti, MSP Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D

NIP. 195407171982032001 NIP. 195906281985031006

Departemen PWK FT.Undip Departemen Arsitektur & Perencanaan, FT. UGM


AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 010001 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112384 2114, 010001

© 2019 Author(s).

Preface: Exploring Resources, Process and Design for Sustainable Urban Development

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 010001 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112384 Published Online: 26 June 2019


Multi-response optimization of cutting force and surface roughness in carbon fiber reinforced polymer end milling using back propagation neural network and genetic algorithm

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020001 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112385

Preface: Human-Dedicated Sustainable Product and Process Design: Materials, Resources, and Energy

AIP Conference Proceedings 1977, 010001 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5042855 Development of road condition database based on geographical information system and pavement condition index method

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020004 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112388


Preface: Exploring Resources, Process and Design for Sustainable Urban Development

International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Industrial Application (ICETIA) has been successfully held annually by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS), Indonesia for 5 years. More than 300 participants attended the 5th ICETIA that conducted on 12-13 December 2018 at Alila Hotel, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.

The annual event was addressed jointly to academics and practitioners and provided a forum for a number of perspectives, based on either theoretical analyses or empirical case studies that foster the dialogue and the exchange of ideas. The theme of the 5th ICETIA 2018 is all about Exploring Resources, Process and Design for Sustainable Urban Development with a focus on the latest research and trends, as well as the future outlook of the field of green process, material, and energy to gear up a global sustainable solution for global warming and climate change. This International Conference provided an excellent international forum for knowledge sharing and research outcomes in theoretical and practical aspects of the green process, material, and energy as well as their industrial applications.

More than 240 papers submitted to this recent conference and finally 126 papers were selected and hosted in parallel session presentation, after a double blinded peer review process. The papers were selected based on five sub-themes that have been organized into the proceedings namely: (i) Sustainable Industrial Process and System Optimization, (ii) Product Design, Material and Building Engineering, (iii) Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment, (iv) Preservation, Conservation and Water Management, (v) Green Energy and Computing. It is expected that materials presented in these proceedings contribute constructively to create sustainable product and process beneficial to humans.

Surakarta, Indonesia 22 March 2019

Editorial Board

Anto Budi Listyawan, MSc Dr. Nurul Hidayati

Dr. Wisnu Setiawan

Dr. Tri Widodo Besar Riyadi Dr. Hari Prasetyo

Dr. Munajat Tri Nugroho Dr. Nur Hidayati

Exploring Resources, Process and Design for Sustainable Urban Development AIP Conf. Proc. 2114, 010001-1–010001-1; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112384

Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1850-9/$30.00



The 5th ICETIA 2018 Faculty of Engineering UMS


COMMITTEE OF 5th ICETIA 2018 AND RAPI XVII 2018 Penanggung Jawab Dr. Sri Sunarjono (Dekan FT) Panitia Pengarah / Steering Comitee Dr. Dhani Mutiari (WD 1)

Dr. Herry Purnama (WD 2) Dr. Mochammad Solikin Ir. Subroto, MT

Dr. Eko Setiawan Dr. W. Nurjayanti Ir. Umar, MT Rois Fatoni, PhD Kepanitian RAPI-ICETIA:

Ketua Anto Budi Listyawan, ST, MSc

Wakil Ketua Dr. Agus Dwi Anggono

Sekretariat Yayi Arsandrie, ST, MT

Alfia Magfirona, ST, MT Hartini, ST

Saidah, ST

Bendahara/Dana Ika Setiyaningsih, ST, MT Agustin


Publikasi/dokumentasi dan web Ujianto, ST, MT Efendi Yusuf, ST


The 5th ICETIA 2018 Faculty of Engineering UMS


Usman, ST

Prosiding Kuswartomo, ST, MT

Ir. Abdul Rochman, MT Jaji Abdurrosyid, ST, MT Dana dan Sponshorship Budi Setiawan, ST, MT

Ir. Achmad Karim Fatchan, MT Ir. M. Nursahid, MT

Hasyim Asyari, ST, MT Perlengkapan dan Transportasi Ir. Aliem Sudjatmiko, MT

Joko, ST Amanuni Adi Warsono

Acara Qunik Wiqoyah, ST, MT

Indrawati, ST, MT Agus Susanto, St, MT

Konsumsi Ir. Renaningsih, ST, MT

Ismokoweni, SE Utami, ST

Koordinator Paper Yenny Nurchasanah, ST, MT Reviewer dan Makalah RAPI:

T. Sipil Gurawan Djati W, ST, MEng


The 5th ICETIA 2018 Faculty of Engineering UMS


T. Mesin Dr. Marwan Effendi

T. Industri Dr. Suranto

T. Elektro Dr. Ratnasari Nur Rohmah

T. Kimia Dr. Kun Harismah

T. Arsitektur Dr. Rini Hidayati

Koordinator Paper Dr. Nurul Hidayati Reviewer dan Makalah ICETIA

T. Sipil Purwanti Sri P, ST, MT dan

Dr. Iswandaru

T. Mesin Dr. Tri Widodo Besar dan

Dr. Waluyo Adi S.

T. Elektro Dr. Fajar Suryawan dan

Dr. Agus Ulinuha

T. Industri Dr. Munajat dan Dr. Indah

T. Kimia Prof. Dr. Kusmiyati dan

Dr. Agung

T. Arsitektur Dr. Wisnu Setiawan dan

Dr. Qomarun Scientific & Publication Committee Dr. Hari Prasetyo

Dr. Tri Widayatno


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Conference Proceedings


. Table of Contents


Conference date: 12–13 December 2018 Location: Surakarta, Indonesia

ISBN: 978-0-7354-1850-9

Editors: Anto Budi Listyawan, Nurul Hidayati, Wisnu Setiawan, Tri Widodo Besar Riyadi, Hari Prasetyo, Munajat Tri Nugroho and Nur Hidayati

Volume number: 2114 Published: Jun 26, 2019

DISPLAY : 20 50 100 all



Free . June 2019


URBAN DEVELOPMENT: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Industrial Application (ICETIA) 2018



Preface: Exploring Resources, Process and Design for Sustainable Urban Development

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 010001 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112384



Free . June 2019

Multi-response optimization of cutting force and surface roughness in carbon fiber reinforced polymer end milling

using back propagation neural network and genetic algorithm

Philipus Andreas Lega Laot, Suhardjono, Sutikno and Sampurno

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020001 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112385


Free . June 2019

The effect of white soil as stabilizer for expansive soil in index and engineering properties of soil

Undayani Cita Sari, Sri Prabandiyani Retno Wardani and Muhrozi

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020002 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112386


Free . June 2019





Multi response optimization in vulcanization process using backpropagation neural network-genetic algorithm method for reducing quality loss cost

Zain Amarta, Bobby Oedy Pramoedyo Soepangkat, Sutikno and Rachmadi Norcahyo AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020003 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112387


Free . June 2019

Development of road condition database based on

geographical information system and pavement condition index method

Sumarwan, Sri Sunarjono, Agus Riyanto and Nurul Hidayati

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020004 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112388


Free . June 2019

Mixed method in acoustic comfort measurement to reveal component of acoustics preservation

Nur Rahmawati Syamsiyah, Atyanto Dharoko and Sentagi Sesotya Utami

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020005 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112389


Free . June 2019 SHOW ABSTRACT 





Design of kaffir lime peel extract tablets by direct

compression: Effects of filler-binder on rheological properties

Wenny Irawaty, Lannie Hadisoewignyo, Jenifer Wijaya, Shindy Saera Sababalat and Andy Sebastian Tanjaya

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020006 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112390


Free . June 2019

Digital automatic livestock weighing system using single beam load cell

Novy Hapsari, Tris Dewi Indraswati, Mohamad Haifan and Denny Maulana

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020007 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112391


Free . June 2019

Pin-fin shape and orientation effects on wall heat transfer predictions of gas turbine blade

Marwan Effendy, Yufeng Yao, Jun Yao and Denis R. Marchant

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020008 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112392


Free . June 2019

An example of a digital product design in Russian industry

Elizaveta Gromova SHOW ABSTRACT 





Pin-fin Shape and Orientation Effects on Wall Heat Transfer Predictions of Gas Turbine Blade

Marwan Effendy

1, a)

, Yufeng Yao


, Jun Yao


and Denis R Marchant


1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta, Indonesia.

2Department of Engineering Design and Mathematics, University of the West of England, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY, United Kingdom.

3School of Engineering, University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln LN6 7TS, UK

4Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing, Kingston University London, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2EE, United Kingdom.

a) Corresponding author: Marwan.Effendy@ums.ac.id

Abstract. Turbine blades are often exposed to the ‘hot’ gas environment and thus it is essential to apply effective cooling technique to extend the blade lifetime. In the present work, wall heat transfer characteristics inside a blade trailing-edge coolant passage were investigated by analyzing two baseline configurations experimentally studied by previous researchers. In addition, three new configurations were proposed by varying shape and orientation against an incoming airflow. All these five configurations adopted similar layout with five-row elliptic pin-fins in the main coolant region and one-row fillet circular pin-fin in the exit region. Validation study was started by two baseline configurations by comparing CFD predictions with experimental measurements, followed by wall heat transfer predictions of three newly proposed configurations. It was found that pin-fin shape and its orientation have considerable effects on the wall heat transfer characteristics, and that by rotating the pin-fin against incoming flow, some compromises could be achieved, such as higher heat transfer coefficient and lower pressure loss.


The performance of a gas turbine engine, e.g. the power output and thermal efficiency, could be increased significantly with the increase of mixture gases temperature at the inlet. This results in a turbine operating at temperatures in excess of the melting point of the material that made a blade. To avoid blade deformation or damage and to extend its lifetime, blade cooling techniques need to be used, such as internal and film cooling systems via convection, conduction and transpiration among other approaches. A common practice to enhance heat transfer performance of a blade internal coolant passage is to insert small obstacles, i.e., pin-fins, ribs or other objectives in order to increase surface areas as well as to promote the near-wall turbulence intensity level. In the past, blade coolant passage performance has been studied experimentally and numerically for various configurations of staggered and/or in-line arrangements with cylindrical pin-fins [1][3], elliptical pin-fins [4][5], streamwise elliptical pin-fins [6][7], spanwise elliptical pin-fin [8][9], double in-line ribs array [10][11]. Han and Rallabandi [12]

reviewed the latest developments on the turbine blade cooling techniques. A patent proposed by Martinet al. [13]

also demonstrated a turbine blade design with novel multiple trailing-edge cooling holes, aiming for an effective cooling system solution that can keep the blade metal temperature below the critical value during normal and over- loading operation conditions.

There are wide ranges of pin-fin geometries, such as elliptic, circular, square, aerofoil, drop form, and lancet, which can be used for internal coolant passage. Moreover, some have been investigated numerically and experimentally in term of total pressure drop (friction loss) and wall heat transfer coefficient. It was found that to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness of a blade internal cooling system, it is important to improve the coolant

Exploring Resources, Process and Design for Sustainable Urban Development AIP Conf. Proc. 2114, 020008-1–020008-8; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112392

Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1850-9/$30.00



An Example of A Digital Product Design in Russian Industry

Elizaveta Gromova

1, a)

1Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

a)Corresponding author: lizaveta-90@yandex.ru

Abstract.The Fourth Industrial Revolution is not the near future, but a reality that introduces strong changes, especially evident in the development of the economy. The creation of a digital economy is a preference for the modern level of Russian industrial development. The purpose of the study is to dissect the current state of Russian industry regarding the development of the digital economy. The methodology of "digital twins" as a new product design paradigm for national industry is offered. Theoretical aspects of this methodology are learned and practical sides are analyzed. The pioneer example of using the concept of "digital twins" in product design - the project "Cortege" in automotive industry is described in detail. The implementation of digital product design is one of the most promising optimization directions provided by the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Russian industry. The value of the present study lies in the collaboration of the fundamentals of the digital industry and the diagnosis of the current state of the level of digitalization in Russia.


The Digital Revolution is a definitely new era in the development of mankind, characterized by the blurring of boundaries between digital, physical and biological technologies. The Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to the global changes. From the opinion of author [1]: "The nature of the changes taking place is so fundamental that world history did not yet know such an epoch - the time of both great opportunities and potential dangers". They will affect all spheres of economy, society, business, and politics, and will require new forms of organizing the work of the government and the private sector, in particular, new forms of production organization. Author [2] believes that the contemporary production model can be viewed as a structure that is supported by three main resources: innovative management structures and organizations, a base of skills of experienced and authorized people, as well as accessible and intelligent technologies. Agile manufacturing [3-9] becomes peculiarly relevant regarding the formation of the Digital Revolution. This model can solve the most urgent contemporary problems, which consist of uncertainty and rapid changes in business environment. Agile manufacturing is a strategy for achieving a sustainable development through adaptation to all challenges of the environment. One of the key enablers of the model is rapid prototyping [10-12] which is comparatively new class of technology used for building physical models and prototype parts from 3D computer aided design data by the concurrent engineering team. Today, in the age of high technology, the emphasis in global industrial competition begins to relate to the design stage.

The theoretical aspects and practical sides of the new product design paradigm in the context of agile manufacturing have been examined by many scientists. The creation of the digital economy requires the use of advanced manufacturing technologies. Based on the studies carried out by these scholars, it can be argued that this concept has been widely used, both at the theoretical and practical levels. In contrast to the developed countries, it

Exploring Resources, Process and Design for Sustainable Urban Development AIP Conf. Proc. 2114, 020009-1–020009-6; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112393

Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1850-9/$30.00



AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020009 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112393


Free . June 2019

Borassus flabellifer L. waste for Kraft paper production with Kraft methods

Azmi Alvian Gabriel and Yunita Siti Mardhiyyah

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020010 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112394


Free . June 2019

Chitosan modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles as a versatile drug carrier with pH dependent properties

Angela Vionna Santoso, Alex Susanto, Wenny Irawaty, Lannie Hadisoewignyo and Sandy Budi Hartono

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020011 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112395


Free . June 2019

Multi objective optimization of vulcanization process

parameters for reducing quality loss cost based on BPNN-PSO method

Hardimuko Seto Aji, Bobby Oedy Pramoedyo Soepangkat, Budi Santosa and Rachmadi Norcahyo






AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020012 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112396


Free . June 2019

Effect of cooling in the injection molding process of acetabular cup of hip joint prosthesis

Agung Setyo Darmawan, Bambang Waluyo Febriantoko, Pramuko Ilmu Purboputro, Masyrukan, Abdul Hamid and Alfan Amri

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020013 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112397


Free . June 2019

Determination of optimum vulcanization process parameters using Taguchi GRA for reducing quality loss cost

Fajar Alam Yudha, Bobby Oedy Pramoedyo Soepangkat, Vita Ratnasari, Mokhamad Suef and Rachmadi Norcahyo

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020014 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112398


Free . June 2019

Comparative studies of coffee processing methods for

decision making in appropriate technology implementation

Mirwan Ardiansyah Karim, Febtri Wijayanti and Arie Sudaryanto

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020015 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112399 SHOW ABSTRACT 






Free . June 2019

Optimization of centrifugal pump performance with various blade number

Subroto and Marwan Effendy

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020016 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112400


Free . June 2019

Vehicle routing problem model and simulation with probabilistic demand and sequential insertion

Ary Arvianto, Singgih Saptadi, Wiwik Budiawan and Rizal Luthfi Nartadhi

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020017 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112401


Free . June 2019

The effect of 5% ethanol in 88, 92, and 98 RON gasoline on motorcycle engine performance

Fransiskus Adian, Bambang Sugiarto, Cahyo Setyo Wibowo, Ardi Zikra and Try Mulya AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 020018 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112402 SHOW ABSTRACT 






Modal choice analysis between cycling and walking of tourist areas in Surakarta

Dewi Handayani, Susi Purwaningsih and Amirotul Musthofiah Hidayah Mahmudah AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 040008 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112437


Free . June 2019

Anticipation of solar radiation through the building C envelope of campus a Universitas Trisakti

Lili Kusumawati Machdijar, Erni Setyowati and Agus Budi Purnomo

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 040009 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112438


Free . June 2019

Land tenure system and utilization of Bengkok land in Indrokilo sub-village, Lerep Village, Semarang Regency

Zaflis Zaim, Imam Buchori and Iwan Rudiarto

AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 040010 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112439


Free . June 2019

Different impact of side friction condition on traffic flow along Yosodipuro Street Surakarta

Nurul Hidayati, Sri Sunarjono, Saud Amjad Awad and Alfia Magfirona SHOW ABSTRACT 





Land Tenure System and Utilization of Bengkok Land in Indrokilo Sub-Village, Lerep Village,

Semarang Regency

Zaflis Zaim

1, 3, a)

Imam Buchori

2, 3)

and Iwan Rudiarto

2, 3)

1Urban & Regional Planning Department, Universitas Islam Riau, Indonesia

2Urban & Regional Planning, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

3Doctoral Program of Architecture and Urbanism, Universitas Diponegoro,Indonesia

a)Corresponding author: zaflis@eng.uir.ac.id

Abstract.Indrokilo sub-village in Central Java, Indonesia, has some assets includingBengkokland. As a customary land, it is also called as adatland and managed by village government of Lerep Village. The objective of the present study is to know the planning process in land utilization and the actors in the land tenure system. This research used an exploratory and descriptive method with time series approach. Furthermore, the result of this study showed that the on-going land utilization process uses the deliberation process. The agriculture program has been operated using Wanatani or agro- forestry concept where the multi-level concept is mutually beneficial among farmers. Community participation is promoted with the spirit of gotong-royong where the farmers contribute their time, materials and money to build communal shed based on collective effort during the constructions process. The seeds are obtained from Non- Government Organization. The secondary crops are cultivated by organic farming concept using feces of cattle as material or fertilizer and Biogas that is streamed to farmers’ houses. The result revealed that the tenure system of customary land provides mutual benefits to the local government and farmers. Customary tenure has been recognized by the government as one of the land tenure systems and has been stipulated in the Law No. 5 of 1960.


Indrokilo is located in the administrative area of Lerep Village, Semarang Regency. It has an area of 95.75 ha [1]. This sub-village still implement the concept ofBengkokas village assets, a concept that has been existed since the pre-independence. In golden era of the Mataram Kingdom around 1588-1681, it united Java and the surrounding areas up to Madura Island. Based on the history of traditional government in Java, the king was the owner of all lands in the kingdom. Moreover, supported by the Ordonnantie in the Dutch colonialism era, the uncultivated lands were also the king’s possession. Meanwhile, agricultural lands, grazing lands and yards were owned communally by the village with permanent parts of them [2].

Bengkok land is still recognized by today’s legislation, especially the Agrarian Law. Land utilization system of the village is managed by village officials and local community. The Basic Agrarian Law states that the habitual land rights are converted from the right of ownership in customary law into usage right. Bengkokland rights are given by the community to village chief and officials. However, the right must be returned to the village once the

Exploring Resources, Process and Design for Sustainable Urban Development AIP Conf. Proc. 2114, 040010-1–040010-9; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112439

Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1850-9/$30.00



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Bisindo Information System as Potential Daily Sign Language Learning

Umi Fadlilah


, Decky Wismoyohadi


, Abd Kadir Mahamad


, and Bana Handaga


1Electronic Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia

2Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia

3Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electrical and Electronic, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,, Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia

a)Corresponding author:umi.fadlilah@ums.ac.id




Abstract. Bisindo or Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia is one of sign language methods in Indonesia, besides SIBI or Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia. Generally, Bisindo is used by deaf people in their daily communication. Deaf people tend to have barriers to communicate with others. Yet, in the educational realm, some of them still have high spirit to continue their education until university. So, they must improve their abilities or competences in communicating with others and try to get information from around the world, for example using sophisticated technology with sign language. Information system of sign language learning is important to help deaf and heard people who want to understand the deaf conversation meaning. Bisindo information system is in website form that is built by PHP, MySQL, and sublime text 3. Based on the black box method, the Bisindo information system can run well. The results of the trial to the user describe that the maximum percentage for each level of testing is above 50% except for testing of conformity with the needs of deaf only at maximum of 42%. The Bisindo information system still has weakness, but it already gives benefits especially for deaf people in Indonesia.


Bisindo uses conceptual cues, which is very different from SIBI Dictionary that uses structural cues. However, the users can use and develop both forms of cues, because they have the same goal, which is an attempt to educate life, elevate dignity and improve the standard of living and human resources of Indonesian deaf people [1]. One of the difficulties of deaf people is how to inform sign language learning that is used and can be understood by hearing people so they can communicate each other, make friends, and support their live. However, the readiness of schools and the lack of teacher competency to recognize children with special needs become problem that is often encountered in some schools [2]. Deaf observers should urge the government to provide access in terms of communication through sign language as one of the access to understand public facilities [1]. People with deafness are often present around us. They always socialize with the surrounding community. Hearing impaired is a general term that indicates any hearing difficulties from mild to severe, classified as deaf and less hearing [3]. Deaf usually uses sign language to communicate every day. Sign language is a natural language that delivers expressions by simultaneously combining hand shapes, palm orientation, movement, and position of hands, arms, or body.

Different languages have different sign languages based on their alphabets and regional expression [4]. Using sign language is a step taken by those who have a lack of speech or hearing to be able to interact with the general public [5]. Bisindo originates from the mother tongue of deaf people, which is then used in communicating in general [6].

Children with special needs are those who require specific services in attending school, in contrast to children in

Exploring Resources, Process and Design for Sustainable Urban Development AIP Conf. Proc. 2114, 060021-1–060021-9; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112492

Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1850-9/$30.00




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